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Marc Aian Calangi

(1972) President Marcos declared Martial Law in the Philippines. (1)

Strong opposition to martial law at the time led to the creation of People Power. The reason why
Marcos was despised by those who favored democracy was that he used one of its terms to
impose martial law across the country and establish himself as the only dictator. They are,
however, on one side because they have no trustworthy sources of information because Marcos
closed all media outlets that opposed his rule.

(February 1986) EDSA Revolution (3)

People made the decision to stand up for their rights because they want freedom. In order to fight
electoral and system violence, they want a strong public resistance movement. The nonviolent
revolution resulted in the end of Ferdinand Marcos' 20-year dictatorship and the restoration of
democracy in the Philippines.

(February 25, 1986) Political repression and economic deterioration during the Martial
Law Years resulted in the historic "People Power" Revolution. (4)

People Power emerged due to opposition to martial law in the Philippines, with Marcos imposing
martial law and establishing himself as dictator. After his removal, many believed that Filipinos
would address economic and social inequities that has gotten worse during Marcos' dictatorship.

(January 17, 1981) Lifting Martial Law in the Philippines (5)

When Martial Law was lifted, I think that freedom was felt by Filipinos at that time. The whole
time they were controlled by the military. With the lifting of Martial Law, the voice of the
community has returned and people started voicing out their opinions without any consequences.

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