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THE TOPIC: Having a healthy lifestyle

2. THE AFFIRMATIVE AND THE NEGATIVE: of course, there are two sides to any debate. Naturally,
one will argue for and another against the topic. Students will be grouped into teams to research
and argue the issue.
3. TIME TO RESEARCH THE ISSUE: you will have to look for information on the topic and the specific
vocabulary that may be necessary. You will need arguments to defend your points of view or to
refute the other team's proposals.
✓ The Affirmative Team (AT) presents the topic – 4 minutes
✓ The Negative Team (NT) presents its position on the topic – 4 minutes
✓ The AT defends its position – 4 minutes
✓ The NT refutes the AT arguments – 4 minutes
✓ The AT gives a summary and add extra ideas – 4 minutes
✓ The NT gives a summary and add extra ideas – 4 minutes

1. DATE: last week of September

2. TIME TO RESEARCH: 2 weeks
3. THE TEAMS: each student must choose a team (AT or NT) – the teams must have the same
number of students – each team must organize the research and assign its members the tasks
4. TOPIC: students must agree on what issue related to Healthy Lifestyle they want to debate.
5. THE DEBATE: it will be in the double hour (module), and everyone must be ready to participate
that day.

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