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Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR)


Brgy. Don Galo, Marina, Paranaque City

MONITORING PERIOD COVERED: January - June 2021 (1st Semester 2021)

I. Basic Project Information

ECC Reference No. ECC-OL-NCR-2020-0051
Project Title Residential Building
Project Type Infrastructure Projects, Buildings including Housing, Storage Facilities and Other Structures,
Commercial, [Business centers with residential units (mixed use), malls, supermarkets, public
markets], Commercial Establishments (i.e. Showrooms)
Location Brgy. Don Galo, Marina, Parañaque, Metro Manila, NCR
Project Stage/Phase Construction
Contact Person Engr. Paula Cacabelos - Pollution Control Officer
Contact Number/Email 09614334287/
EMP Approval [X] During ECC Application Stage
[ ] Updated after ECC Issuance, Approved on

Project Description in ECC:

The project is a 18-Storey Mixed-Use Building having a gross floor area of 15,378.69 square meters (1.537869 Hectares). It consists of offices,
commercial area and 150 parking slots.

Changes in Project Design (if any):


a. Project Area Geo-Coordinates

Area Latitude Longitude

Project Area 1 14.5142777777778 120.990533333333

14.5135833333333 120.990833333333

14.513 120.87653

14.51322 120.76542

14.513217 120.1651426

b. Project Buffer Zone

Area Latitude Longitude

c. Carbon Sink/GHG Program Area Coordinates

Area Latitude Longitude

II. Executive Summary

a. Summary of Major Findings for the Monitoring Period

Condition / Requirement / Compliance Status &Summary Commitment for the Next
Commitment of Actions taken Reporting Period

Compliance with ECC The proponent shall ensure that Strict implementation of the EMP Strict implementation of the EMP
all commitment appropriate and EMMoP to comply with the and EMMoP.
mitigating/enhancement measure ECC conditions.
and monitoring requirements
especially those contained in the
EMMoP in the EIA Report, its
modifications and additional
information as approved by the
EMB during the EIA Review shall
be instituted and strictly
implemented throughout the
project implementation.

Compliance with EMP Continuous and strict Continuous and strict Strict implementation of the EMP.
implementation of the EMP. implementation of the EMP. In
case of exceedances, EMP will be
revised accordingly.

Implementation of appropriate Remedial actions will be taken as

&effective env’tal impact remedial the need arises.
actions in case of exceedances

Complaints Management No external complaints have been Continue the implementation of Include complaints and
recorded on environmental IEC plan to address concerns by resolutions of complaints, if any.
impacts. specific stakeholders.

Realistic and sufficient budget for There is a budget allocated for the Continue allocating budget for
conducting the environmental project to ensure that monitoring succeeding environmental
monitoring and audit activities activities are implemented to management and monitoring
ensure compliance with the ECC, activities.
EMP and EMMoP.

Accountability - qualified A Pollution Control Officer is Continuous training and updating

personnel are charged with the already appointed. The PCO with the different environmental
routine monitoring of the project strictly implements the laws and technologies.
activities in terms of education, commitments in the EMP
training, knowledge and submitted and strictly submit SMR
experience of the environmental and CMR to the EMB-NCR on
team time. The personnel in charge of
monitoring activities have
appropriate education, skills and
training in air &water quality
monitoring and waste
management. Continuing
education and development of
environment personnel is part of
the company's learning and
development program.

III. Results and Discussions

A. Compliance Monitoring

I. Status of Compliance to Project Description

Status of
Requirement Description Remarks

Project coverage/limits The project is a 18-Storey Mixed-Use Complied

Building having a gross floor area of
15,378.69 square meters (1.537869

Components It consists of offices, commercial area Complied

and 150 parking slots.

II. Status of Compliance to ECC Conditions

Status of
Condition No. Description Remarks
1 Conduct an effective Information, Complied Consultations with various stakeholders
Education and Communication (IEC) were conducted prior to project
Program to inform and educate all implementation.
stakeholders, especially its contractors,
workers and local residents about the
mitigating measures embodied in its
IEEC, the conditions stipulated in this
Certificate and the environmental and
human safety features of the project for
greater awareness, understanding and
sustained acceptance of the project. The
program shall be submitted to EMBNCR
on an annual basis.

2 Implement a Comprehensive Social Complied Coordinate with the Contractors for

Development Program (SDP) and submit prioritization of hiring of local residents.
a separate report together with the
Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR) to
the EMB-NCR on a semi-annual basis.

3 Implement a tree planting activity and Complied Trees and other ornamental plants will be
carbon sink program using planted at the project site to help reduce
endemic/indigenous species to mitigate GHG emissions.
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the
project in line with the DENR’s thrust for
GHG emissions reduction programs and
National Greening Program.

4 Submit an Abandonment Plan to the Complied No plans of abandoning the project by

EMB-NCR at least 30 days prior to the the proponent.
project’s abandonment. The plan shall
include rehabilitation measures/cleanup,
remediation of areas affected by the
project and proposed alternative projects
in the area

5 That a billboard containing this message: Complied Installed billboard at the project site
“Notice to the Public, This Project, 18- indicating the project name and ECC
HOLDINGS, INC., has been issued an
Environmental Compliance Certificate
bythe Environmental Management
Bureau – National Capital Region of the
Department of Environment and Natural
Resources” must be installed at the
project site

6 The operations shall conform to the Complied Strict compliance with the listed
applicable provisions of the following Environmental Laws.
environmental laws, and other relevant
policies, rules and regulations:
a. RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control
Act of 1990);
b. RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act of
c. RA 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000); and;
d. RA 9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act
of 2004);

7 That the Environmental Unit (EU) shall Complied Regular submission of compliance
competently handle the environment monitoring reports.
related aspects of the project. In addition
to the monitoring requirements as
specified in the Environmental
Management Plan/ Environmental
Monitoring Plan, the EU shall have the
following responsibilities:
a. Monitor actual project impacts vis-à-vis
the predicted impacts and
management measures in the IEEC;
b. Recommend revisions to the
EMP/EMoP, whenever necessary subject
to the approval of EMB-NCR;
c. Ensure that data gathered during
monitoring activities are properly
documented, assessed, evaluated and
reported to EMB-NCR in accordance with
the standard formats; and,
d. Ensure that monitoring and
submissions of reports to EMB-NCR are
carried out as required;

8 That the project proponent shall allow Complied

EMB-NCR personnel with mission/travel
order to monitor compliance with
conditions and restrictions stated herein

9 No activities shall be undertaken other Complied All activities are confined within the
than what were stipulated in the IEEC. project coverage.
Should there be any expansion of the
project beyond the project description or
any change in the activity or transfer of
location shall be subject to a new
Environmental Impact Assessment.

10 In case of transfer of ownership of this Complied Not applicable at the moment.

project, the new owner shall within thirty
(30) days from such change apply for the
amendment of the ECC.

III. Status of Compliance to EMP Conditions

Status of
Impacts Mitigating Measures Remarks

Air Pollution Regular maintenance and use of low Complied Strict implementation of the EMP.
sulfur fuel for the standby generator set.

Wastewater Generation Wastewater is channeled to the Sewage Complied Strict monitoring of wastewater
Treatment Plant. discharge.

Solid Waste Generation Solid wastes are segregated according Complied Strict compliance with RA 9003.
the type and class. Residual wastes are
regularly collected by the LGU accredited
waste hauler.

Recyclable wastes are sold to

prospective buyers.

Hazardous Wastes Generation Hazardous wastes are segregated Complied Strict compliance with RA 6969.
according the type and class. Said
wastes are treated and transported by
DENR accredited service providers.

IV. Status of Compliance to Annex B of ECC

Status of
Condition/Requirement Description Remarks

Ensure that a public consultation Ensure that a public consultation is Complied Conducted public consultation with LGU
is undertaken with the local undertaken with prior to project implementation.
government units and the local government units and
stakeholders prior to project stakeholders prior to
implementation. project implementation

Land Use Secure Locational Clearance prior to Complied Secured Locational Clearance for the
project implementation. proposed project.

Gea-Hazard Assessment Coordinate with the concerned Complied Prepared Geo-Hazard Report and its
Government agencies regarding the conclusion were included in the design of
Geo-Hazard Assessment of the project the project.
V. Status of Compliance to Socia Development Plan (SDP)
Status of
Condition/Requirement Description Remarks

Social Development Plan Implement a Comprehensive Social Complied Coordinate with the Contractors for
Development Program (SDP) and submit prioritization of hiring of local residents.
a separate report together with the
Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR) to
the EMB-NCR on a semi-annual basis.

VI. Status of Compliance to Information Education Communication (IEC)

Status of
Condition/Requirement Description Remarks

Information, Education and Conduct an effective Information, Complied Consultations with various stakeholders
Communication (IEC) Program Education and Communication (IEC) were done prior to project
Program to inform and educate all implementation. Issues and concerns
stakeholders, especially its contractors, raised were resolved during the ECC
workers and local residents about the application stage.
mitigating measures embodied in its
IEEC, the conditions stipulated in this
Certificate and the environmental and
human safety features of the project for
greater awareness, understanding and
sustained acceptance of the project. The
program shall be submitted to EMBNCR
on an annual basis.

VII. Status of Compliance to Contingency/Emergency Response Plan or Equivalent Risk Management

Status of
Condition/Requirement Description Remarks

Emergency Response Plan Implement emergency response plan Complied An emergency response team was
and disaster preparedness program in formed to coordinate and implement
case of emergencies. emergency response programs and

B. Impact Monitoring

I. Summary of Previous Monitoring

Findings/Issues Recommendations Action Plan

Based on the monitoring of wastewater Strict implementation of the EMP. Regular maintenance of the STP and regular
discharge, all parameters were within the monitoring of wastewater discharge.
DENR Standards.

II. Current Monitoring and Findings

Table 2. Summary Status of Environmental Impact Management and Monitoring Plan Implementation

A. Ambient Water Quality Monitoring

Station: Quezon Bridge Quiapo Geo-Coordinate- Lat:14.5142777777778, Long:120.990533333333

Monitoring Objective: Environmental Aspect: Environmental Impact:
Determine Ambient Water Quality Water Water Pollution

Parameter Period Baseline Result Standard Within Standard EQPL

Total Suspended Solids mg/L Q1 2021 120 100.0000 50 No

Station: 400 meters from the shoreline Geo-Coordinate- Lat:14.5142777777778, Long:120.990533333333

Monitoring Objective: Environmental Aspect: Environmental Impact:
Determine Marine Water Quality Ambient Marine Water Water Pollution

Parameter Period Baseline Result Standard Within Standard EQPL

Total Coliform MPN/100ml Q1 2021 4500 4000.0000 100 No

Total Coliform MPN/100ml Q2 2021 4000 4897.0000 100 No

Total Suspended Solids mg/L Q2 2021 100 105.0000 50 No

B. Effluent Water Quality Monitoring

Station: Discharge pipe connecting to the public sewer. Geo-Coordinate- Lat:14.5142777777778, Long:120.990533333333
Monitoring Objective: Environmental Aspect: Environmental Impact:
Wastewater Generation Water Pollution Water Pollution

Parameter Period Baseline Result Standard Within Standard EQPL

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) mg/L Q1 2021 55 33.0000 50 Yes

Oil &Grease mg/L Q1 2021 3 2.6000 5 Yes

Overall Remarks on Water Quality Monitoring

Wastewater and ambient water quality monitoring results were within the DENR Standards.

C. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

Station: Marina Road Geo-Coordinate- Lat:14.5142777777778, Long:120.990533333333
Monitoring Objective: Environmental Aspect: Environmental Impact:
Ambient Air Quality Ambient Air Air Pollution

Parameter Period Baseline Result Standard Within Standard EQPL

NOX Q1 2021 15 1.2400 260 Yes

PM10 Q1 2021 40 45.0000 200 Yes

SOX ug/NCM Q1 2021 36 2.1900 340 Yes

D. Effluent Air Quality Monitoring

Station: 1 MW Standby Diesel Fired Generator Set Geo-Coordinate- Lat:14.5142777777778, Long:120.990533333333
Monitoring Objective: Environmental Aspect: Environmental Impact:
Air Emission Air Pollution Air Pollution

Parameter Period Baseline Result Standard Within Standard EQPL

NOX ug/NCM Q2 2021 45 20.0000 2000 Yes

SOX ug/NCM Q2 2021 67 33.0000 700 Yes

TSP ug/NCM Q2 2021 50 10.0000 150 Yes

Overall Remarks on Air Quality Monitoring

Based on the result of the emission testing, all parameters are within the DENR Emission Standard.

E. Noise Level Monitoring

Overall Remarks on Noise Level Monitoring

Not applicable.

Table 3. Report on Status of Environmental Budget Allocations and Expenses

Budget Actual Expenses
Expense Item
Direct from Co. Budget for MMT Direct Co. Expense MMT Expense
A. Implementation of Management Plans &Programs
1. Environmental Impact Mitigation Plan 50000.00 0.00 50000.00 0.00

2. Social Development Plan

3. IEC Plan

4. Enhancement Program (if any)

B. Implementation of Monitoring Plans

1. Self-Monitoring 50000.00 0.00 50000.00 0.00

2. Environmental Monitoring Fund (with MMT)

3. Environmental Guarantee Fund

TOTAL 100000.00 0.00 100000.00 0.00

IV. Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Compliance Status

Based on the result of monitoring, all parameters are within the DENR standards.

B. Environmental Quality Status (applicable only if EQPLs have been set by the Proponent as its commitment or if opted to be mutually
agreed upon by Proponent with the EMB and other members of the MMT)


C. Environmental Management Plan Status

Strict implementation of the Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Management &Monitoring Plan.

D. Environmental Risk Categorization


E. Work Plan for Next Monitoring Period

Continuous monitoring of the as prescribed in the Permit to Operate Air Pollution Source Installation and Wastewater Discharge Permit. Also,
monitoring for air and water will be in accordance with our approved Environmental Monitoring Plan.

V. Attachments
2. Sworn Accountability Statement (for the submitted CMR)
3. Laboratory Results of Analysis from DENR-EMB recognized laboratory

This document was generated on 12/15/2022 2:03:33 PM

CMR Reference No. d8c4892c-c9ba-4864-ada7-3e2f413fd2df

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