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Form 1 & 2 Writing Part 1

Scale Content Communicative Organisation Language

achievement (Vocabulary &
Text is connected Uses basic
All content is Produces a text using basic, high vocabulary
relevant to the that frequency reasonably.
task. communicates connectors and Uses simple
simple ideas in reference grammatical forms
Target reader is simple ways. pronouns with a good
fully informed. appropriately. degree of control.
5 #[Begin to use While errors are
A2 appropriate Punctuate written noticeable,
register to the work with meaning can still
target audience in moderate be determined.
familiar situations accuracy
(B1 L-F3)] #Has enough
language to get by
but lexical
limitations cause
repetition and
even difficulty with

4 Performance shares features of Band 3 and 5

Minor irrelevances Produces a series Production Produces basic
and/or omissions of isolated short unlikely to be vocabulary of
may be present. units about simple connected, though isolated words
3 and concrete punctuation and and phrases.
A2 Target reader is matters, not simple connectors
low on the whole always (i.e and) may be Uses simple
informed. communicating used on occasion. grammatical forms
successfully. with some degree
#Produces a text of control.
in simple ways. Errors may
impede meaning
at times.

2 Performance shares features of Band 1 and 3

Irrelevances Produces simple Hardly shows any Limited control of

and/or isolated words ability to organise lexis and
misinterpretation and phrases. ideas coherently. grammatical
of task may be forms.
1 present. Hardly punctuate
A1 appropriately. Produces few
Target reader is simple
minimally grammatical forms
informed. with only limited

@Bahagian Pendidikan Menengah MARA


Form1 & 2 Writing Part 2

Scale Content Communicative Organisation Language

Achievement (Vocabulary &

Uses basic
Produces a text
All content is that communicates
Uses simple Uses simple
relevant to the straightforward
connectors and grammatical forms
task. ideas using the
5 limited number of with a good
convention of the
Target reader is cohesive devices degree of control.
fully informed. appropriately. While errors are
task reasonably
meaning can still
be determined.

4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5

Uses basic
Minor irrelevances reasonably.
and/or omissions Produces a text Text is connected Uses simple
may be present. that communicates using basic, high grammatical forms
Target reader is simple ideas in frequency with some degree
on the whole simple ways. connectors. of control.
informed. Errors may
impede meaning
at times.

2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3

Irrelevances Produces basic

and/or Produces isolated Production vocabulary of
misinterpretation short units about unlikely to be isolated words
of task may be simple and connected, though and phrases.
1 present. concrete matters, punctuation and Produces few
not always simple connectors simple
Target reader is communicating (i.e. and) may be grammatical forms
minimally successfully. used on occasion. with only limited
informed. control.

Content is totally
0 Performance below than 1
Target reader is
not informed.

FORM / QUESTION Part 1 Part 2

F3 B1 B2
F1 & F2 A2 B1

@Bahagian Pendidikan Menengah MARA

The following definitions and notes are provided in order to support interpretation of
the scale content. It is not exhaustive and if you are ever unsure of any assessment-
specific terminology you should consult your Team Leader in the first instance.
a good degree of control able to use the correct forms and structures
a limited number of minimal usage. (e.g. words/phrases are
repeated or used only once or twice).
a range of everyday vocabulary able to use common words and phrases in the
relevant context (i.e. usage of high frequency
vocabulary and absence of less common lexis)
a variety of cohesive devices a wide range of or no overuse of sophisticated
words and phrases (i.e. able to use different
cohesive devices in each paragraph).
appropriately suits the context.
basic vocabulary words used for daily purposes.
basic, high frequency linking words/ simple connectors (e.g. and,
connectors but, or, because, so, first of all, finally, etc.).
cohesive devices more sophisticated linking words and
phrases. (e.g. for example, in conclusion,
however, moreover, subsequently,
furthermore, in other words, as a result, for
that matter, etc.).
communicates simple ideas in able to convey relevant ideas with minimum
simple ways development.
communicating successfully able to convey the intended message in the
most appropriate manner.
complex grammatical forms complex items (i.e. complex tenses other
than the simple tenses (e.g. the perfect
tense, the progressive tense), passive
forms, adverbs clauses, etc. )
conventions of the the way of writing a particular genre (the
communicative task format, the tone, the register and function).
For example, a message should have a
friendly tone, an introduction and a closure.
errors mistakes that occur repeatedly.
fully informed content elements and/or task requirements are
completely addressed (covered) and
appropriately developed.
generally not in every case but most cases/ almost
hold the target reader’s attention the quality of a text that keeps a reader
interested and not easily distracted.
impede meaning reading is hampered and effort is required
from the reader to re-read and understand.
irrelevances and/or the candidate has misunderstood the task
misinterpretation of task requirement and included non-related
content elements.
isolated short units about disconnected patches of words, phrases or
simple and concrete matters very short sentences that communicate
basic ideas.
@Bahagian Pendidikan Menengah MARA
isolated words and phrases disconnected patches of words and phrases
less common lexis . lower frequency words that most students
would not think of using in their writing (i.e. use
of above-level lexis)
limited control frequent grammatical errors.
meaning can still be determined idea comes through despite errors.

minimally informed content elements and/or task requirements are

inadequately addressed (covered) and
occasionally developed.
minor irrelevances and/or some misunderstanding of task
omissions requirement and/or incomplete content

Examiners should be careful not to penalise a

candidate who has included extra information
which adds to the response, such as a personal
anecdote, even though this may not be required
in the task.
not informed inappropriate development of ideas and
inappropriate expansion of required elements.
noticeable errors that are clear which may or may not
impede meaning.
on occasion sometimes used but not often.
on the whole informed target reader is able to understand despite
minor irrelevances.
punctuation the use of capitalisation, full stop, exclamation
mark and apostrophe, etc.
reasonably moderately/in a satisfactory way.
reasonably appropriately ideas are communicated fairly well using the
correct genre/format.
relevant ideas are related to the task.
simple connectors use of simple linking words (e.g. simple
connectors - and, or, but, so, because).

simple grammatical forms words, phrases and basic forms of tenses.

some degree of control generally able to use the correct forms and
straightforward ideas ideas connected to the topic are communicated
in an appropriate way.
target reader intended audience
totally irrelevant the content produced by the candidate has no
link to the task
well-organised and coherent good flow of ideas
communicative task types of essays/text (e.g. letter, message,
report, etc.)
content the points/ideas provided by the candidates
simple ideas concrete ideas
simple way ideas are conveyed directly

@Bahagian Pendidikan Menengah MARA

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