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Experiment No

Expeniment Naune-biont-type: joining

elechical Conducton

Him Make Rottail Joint, Tee join Britannia

Tee joiny wesern uhion jonlht, Plin tep jojK4
Scartedjoint, Dould cnoss fappjont.
At the end ot this exercise you shallL
be able to

Mapk the Length of the iau insulakian to be

Skin the insulation
Prepane simple tuist jint
Prepane Tee joint in multistranded concduckayz
ePrepane western union joint in bane çonduckor

Elecnicians knite with two kalding etcel blades
q5mm and 00 mm
Syainless Steel rule 300 m, with qpadua4ions o
eithen edqe cmmm and inches.
PDiaqonal cutingpliers(B0mm with c6o volts.
gnade insulated' hande suttable tor cOtting hand
Ale ioes.

Combinaion pliens 200 m with GG0 vats qrade

insulated handles uith pipe qeip, sside cten and
two ioin CHers.

Tosk-4:_ Make pat -tail joint.

4Callecs 2.pieces af 4l.2 mm PvC capen cable of

2. Stnaighten the cables.

3. Skin both the cable ends on 50 mm
4.Clegn the condckon ends with the helh of cotton.
6.Cnoss the bane wines at of HF and at diskahe
o 45mm rom the cable end.
Tighly twist the en
horrc Siongture
Fold the pemnaining wine back on the twists.

B. Pness the ends o the wire with the help o

combination pliees to avoid chonp end, and cuA 4he
excesS wipe.

Task-2: Baepape Tee joint in multi-stpande.


1 Callec+ two pieces of PVC insulated stnanded

COpper coble z/0.94. lndicate one piece as.
cable and the olher one as tap cable.
2. Mank the paint a tap in the thaough cable and
mank 60 mm on ethen side ot the tape point
on the in suation to be yoemaved

3. Remoe 60mm insulation om eithen side otthe

theough cable nom the point of fap.

4Open the stnnds of the tap cable and clean

t Use smaoth 00' sandpapen, if necessany

5. Untuist the the thnough cable to pnavide

Opening at the pain4 a) kap
Golnsert the centre Cmidle) stnandot the
tope cable in the opening O} the thpoug cable.
7.Wrap 3 s4nands of the top cable anound he
theough cable on eithen side of the tap paint 40
toms shoulden on through cable.
&. Round the ends with the combination pliers
0n mallet to avoid shanp edges ot the sfpands

lask-3: Make baitannia Teeoint

1.Callect teopie ces of 4Mm diameten Hazc
Drawn Pae cOPper O.2m
B2. S4raighten the conductors using a malley and
clean itwth ine sandpapen and oton clah
3. Bend and shape of one af the
aCeonding the size with the help atombinatio
n plierS

4.B4paighten the biagingwine.

5. Hold the to cOppen
conductons to

with the help o a hand wice..
G. Sipr binding the wine tightly gven the joint
rom position "A and coninue till the posit|on'B'

Inser the fee end of fhe wine inside the

8. Woeap fhe nee end and the loose end oven

the conductops.

9. Press the ends at the binding wine to

conductorS with pliers.
10. Smooth the shanp edges of khe
ends. wih atlat ile hinding wir
Task-4: Prepne western unionaint in bane
Colle Ct 4o pieces of bape copper
4mm diamete and 30 cm conduc4on af

2Seaighten the conductor with a mallet.

3. Mank the conductor
4.Clean bogh the conduckons with 00geade
Sandpapen to alength of 250 mm from'one end
5. Bend both the pieces_ot conductors ate dis
fance o 410 mm nom endto H5

6e Hold 4he condu ctops in the hand ice

4Wieap one conducon aer the other conduc fer

0Sing combinaBion pliens. Make ot least 54o Guens
&. cut the syrpl Conducon ends wih a diagonal

9. Use a mallet to nmesh the ends withthe

Straight cohducar

10,Smoohen the ends ot the conductons witha

lot ile to aveid sharp edges.
lask-5: Make Plain tap jonit

4.CollecA 4wo pieces otof pae bane coppen

COppen con
ductor ot 4mmdi meter and 30 Cm
2. stnlighten the conductan with ahalles
3. Mank the conducan.
4. clean both the conductans with 00' geade
sandpapen to a Length f 250 nm trom one end!
5, Bend hoth the pieces of ConduCtor at a
distance of 140 mm rom end 45
6, Hold the conductor s in the handvice
ZWrap one Conductor overn the ofhen con
ductorusing combinakion pliers Make t lenst
5to 6 Huns

&. Eut he çunp conductar ends witha dia

onal cutter,
9.Jse o malle f to mesh the ends with
Teacher's Signature ...


thesinaight conductan.
10. Smoath en the endsot the Ccondoctons.
with a at file to ai avoid shanp edeS.

Task-6: Pnepane Scarted joint im bane

. Tap joints in single siranded conductans ot
dimete 2 mm 0p Less

2.Straiahten the conducton with a mallet

Mank the conducten,an d clean Hhe
both conductan with tine sandpanen and

4.Stant binding the uine tightly Qver the

Boint trom poaitian 44 Qnd
Position'B' cantine iLthe
5.Jnsert fhe tnee end of the
wine inside
the loop
bfness the ends of the binding uine to
the conductan uith pliers.

Smooth the shanp edges of fhe binding

uine ende with o lat tile

lask-: Make Double Cnass tap jaint

(Uses This oint is sinply a Camkination
ot to plain tap

4. Collect t o pieces ot PVC insulated stxa
hede copper cable. adicate one pjece as
though cable and the ofhen on as tap Cable the snOnds ot the tep cable
and cleon it lse smaoth O0 s qndpepee t
osk-Aemial kop joint
) when you joing {he wine, then always a
4he elecnicine

Alays Se a mat 6 selky shoe

3) The ppapen rule ton Apial Jap soint

Task -9
Dplex cross tap joint
use bad Conditian st wie.

Donit se blade lor ctting {he wine,

the ine, fhen aty

Cunhen+ nomAhe main Suifc

Knoted tap joint

Shoe OAlauays
when you joiny joining the winethen.
powexn ot fae cuSentyaom Mein Switch
9 Don vse blade as cutkig tiae ine
)Avoid nicks in the conductons.
2 Use smooth sandpapep if neçessanyto
clean the conductor

S Shouldening khe joint and insulating if wuith

ape shauld completad hefone puttin the jointed
cable in use

(4) Plierps canbe used to just grip the Co0SSed

Each side should contain about bunns.

OEach ur) of the condu cton shauld closely

Et to fhe ndiocent tunh,
G) Capeully aemove ehe in sulatin, Da not nick
O shave the conductan.

9 The dinectian of twist to torm the shoulden

shauldbe the same as that of the caale
G) Do mot nickoe shave the Conducfor while
nemoving nsulation
((6 To Avoide nicks oh fhe cnductsns wlale
qipping in a hand vice always use so4
natenal like aluminum sheets beween the
() Use the mallet to make the wines sArea
ight. The two pieces Should betnee Anom
Hwists aven the entine length of the joint

(2) Aten completion the joint must be soldened

befoneputting t ko se

3) The joints need to he soldened hetone

puttingthem in fo use.
((4) The twist on the uuine should be ynit orm and

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