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Remember the vocabulary of the last class

Headache toothache- cavity – cough- diarrea – aches and pains – cold – shortness of
breath – runny nose – rush – diatebes – flu – mumps – fever – chest pain – chills –
infection – kneeache – heart attack – allergic reaction – cáncer, tuberculosis

Examples: I´ve got a terrible backache

For more content check English Grammar in Use, page 17
CONVERSATION: Visiting the doctor
Let´s build a conversation using the grammar and the vocabulary above

Doctor: Good afternoon. What is the problem?

Patient: I haven’t been feeling well for a few days/ I don’t feel well. I´ve got a
terrible ... (Explain your symptoms)
Doctor: Are you taking anything for… ? (Ask as many question as you can, here
some examples: Do you have a headache? When did it start?” Have you taken your
temperature? …etc)
Patient: Yes. I am taking paracetamol and pain killers… (Answer the questions)
Doctor: Ok. According to your symptoms It seems to be … (give some
recomendations and a medicine prescriptions)

What do you understand about traditional medicine and alternative medicine. What are the

Listening for justify

Listen one more time. Mark the statements T (True) or F (False) in the next statements.
Give a short explanation
1. Integrative medicine is a combination of traditional medicine and
complementary and alternative medicine.

2. At medical school, professors show you some alternative and

complementary medical practice.

3. Dr. McCAnn thinks a doctor needs to treat patients with either

conventional or alternative medicine.
4. According to alternative medicine, the human being can heal himself

5. Patients of integrative medicine are willing to take an active role in their

healing process.

6. Some patients of integrative medicine are not ill at all.

7. Dr. McCAnn believes integrative medicine is here to stay.

Bibliography references
Blog de Cristina

A. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.T

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