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S y s t e m i c D i s e a s e an d

B l e e d i n g Di s o rd e r s fo r
t h e Or a l an d M a x i l l o f a c i a l
Arman G. Haghighi, DDSa,*,
Rebecca G. Finder, PharmD, BCPSb, Jeffrey D. Bennett, DMDc

 Cirrhosis  Kidney disease  Coagulation  Hemostasis  Oral and maxillofacial surgery

 There are multiple systemic diseases that have an impact on coagulation of which oral and maxil-
lofacial surgeons must be cognizant.
 Recent evidence has supported the potential for both hypocoagulable and hypercoagulable states
in patients with liver and kidney disease with an even less understood impact on prolonged
bleeding in the oral cavity.
 These systemic diseases are not limited to diseases affecting the liver, kidney, and bone marrow;
however, these diseases are common among the patient population and surgeons must be capable
of making appropriate judgment and modifying care appropriately.

Current treatment of patients with systemic dis- LIVER

eases, such as liver and kidney disorders, often
have the understanding that these patients are The liver is a vital player in coagulation and hemo-
inherently at risk for impaired hemostasis and, stasis. With the production of clotting factors, in-
therefore, altered bleeding. Currently, standard hibitors, and proteins involved in the coagulation
treatments are often based solely on expert cascade as well as the ability to clear these
opinion and are not evidence based. Recent evi- products from circulation, hepatic diseases may
dence has supported the potential for both hypo- significantly alter hemostasis. In liver disease pro-
coagulable and hypercoagulable states in cesses, decreased production of clotting factors,
patients with liver and kidney disease, with an thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, and
even less understood impact on prolonged increased circulating fibrinolysis activity based
bleeding in the oral cavity. It is, therefore, prudent on hepatocellular destruction are evident. It is,
to understand the impact that these diseases have therefore, judicious to understand some of the
on patients and the potential effect on hemostasis more common hepatic disease processes and
when choosing treatment options. their role in coagulation.

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA; b Critical Care Phar-
macy, Indiana University Health, 1701 N. Senate Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA; c Division of Oral and Maxil-
lofacial Surgery, Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 550 University Boulevard, Indianapo-
lis, IN 46202.
E-mail address:

Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 28 (2016) 461–471
1042-3699/16/$ – see front matter Published by Elsevier Inc.
462 Haghighi et al

Cirrhosis Cirrhosis and Coagulation

Cirrhosis is a chronic condition in which fibrous tis- Recent studies of coagulation and cirrhotic pa-
sue replaces damaged hepatocytes. This results in tients reveal that these patients may not be in a
a disruption of blood flow through the liver and he- state of hypocoagulation even though bleeding is
patocellular failure. Blood flow disruption may lead prolonged by up to 40% of all patients with
to portal hypertension subsequently causing asci- cirrhosis.1 Cirrhosis patients may have hypercoa-
tes, peripheral edema, splenomegaly, and varices gulation or hypocoagulation. This is due to the
in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Hepatocellular fail- nondiscrimination in the reduction of both procoa-
ure also results in decreased albumin and clotting gulants and anticoagulants that are synthesized in
factor synthesis. the liver. These patients typically have elevated
The most common classification scheme for levels of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII
determining prognosis and bleeding risk in hepatic whereas protein C and antithrombin are reduced.
disease patients is the Child-Pugh classification In such cases of hypercoagulation, anticoagulant
with an updated modified Child-Pugh classification therapy may be necessary to prevent a hyperco-
now in place. The classification assesses ascites, agulable state. Current evidence also suggests
encephalopathy, bilirubin level, albumin level, and that hypercoagulation contributes to hepatic fibro-
prothrombin time (PT) values as markers with genesis, where an association of hypercoagulation
different numeric scores given to each category and increased progression of hepatic fibrosis has
based on disease progression. These values are been made. It is theorized that microinfarcts from
added up and ranked as a Child-Pugh class A, B, thrombi cause ischemia and hepatic parenchymal
or C, with class A patients having a better prognosis death that is eventually replaced with fibrotic tis-
(estimated 100% 1-year survival) and class C pa- sue.2,3 Coagulation as a therapeutic option in
tients having a worse prognosis (predicted 45% cirrhotic patients has been largely unexplored
1-year survival). A correlation between Child-Pugh and therefore management recommendations
class and increased bleeding time (BT) has not have not yet been made.4
been identified, but it seems likely that higher When measuring coagulation capacity in
Child-Pugh score relates to altered coagulopathy. cirrhotic patients, clinicians often use PT testing
Another common scoring system used to in making their assessment. The inherent problem
assess liver disease is the Model for End-Stage with this test is that it may not be accurate in vivo.
Liver Disease (MELD) score, initially used to deter- PT primarily measures factor VII, the first factor to
mine mortality rates in chronic liver disease pa- be depleted during episodes of bleeding (shortest
tients but later found useful in prioritizing half-life); therefore, the correct assessment of clot-
candidates for liver transplants rather than using ting time cannot be obtained through PT because
the Child-Pugh score. It is based on a patient’s it only primarily depicts a small portion of the
serum bilirubin, creatinine, and international coagulation cascade. There is a potential that de-
normalized ratio (INR) values to determine surviv- creases in coagulation factors and anticoagulation
ability. These components are combined into a factors balance each other; therefore, PT may be
formula to develop a score that predicts the 3- reactive to decreased coagulants but not the
month mortality in hospitalized patients. decreased anticoagulants. Protein C, for instance,
Cirrhosis may be caused by multiple disease decreases thrombin formation by inhibiting factor
processes, including alcoholic liver disease (most V and VIII.5 A deficiency in protein C makes pa-
common), viral hepatitis, drug induced (eg, acet- tients hypercoagulable. It is hypothesized that
aminophen toxicity and chronic methotrexate the ratio of factor VIII to protein C is one of the
therapy), autoimmune, dysfunction inherited determinants for hypercoagulability in cirrhotic pa-
metabolic diseases, and hepatic congestion. tients. PT testing should be taken into consider-
Vitamin K is an essential cofactor in the produc- ation; however, a more appropriate in vivo test is
tion of factors II, VII, IX, and X and proteins C, S, necessary to obtain a correct depiction of the
and Z, enabling the binding of calcium to these coagulation status of a patient. Testing, such as
proteins. Diet (green leafy vegetables) is a large thromboelastography (TEG), is becoming increas-
source of vitamin K that is absorbed in the small ingly popular in the determination of coagulation
bowel with the aid of bacteria. In some cases of status. This is due to TEG’s ability to determine
coagulopathy, vitamin K can be used to increase platelet function, fibrinolysis, and clot strength.
the number of active coagulation factors. This coa- Unfortunately, TEG is only available in a few large
gulopathy is due to the decreased synthesis of institutions and is not readily available.
clotting factors (I, II, V, VII, IX, X, XII, and XIII), Platelet counts in cirrhotic patients are also
resulting in increased PT/INR values. severely affected. Many cirrhotic patients have
Systemic Disease and Bleeding Disorders 463

decreased platelet counts. The theory behind the Kidney Disease and Coagulation
pathophysiology is that the resultant portal hyper-
Patients with kidney disease are susceptible to
tension causes pooling and sequestration of the
increased bleeding and at times increased thrombi
corpuscle elements of the blood (thrombocyte
formation. Bleeding disorders are a result of the
sequestration in the spleen). New research is un-
insufficient function of platelets, the coagulation
der way with the discovery of cytokine thrombo-
cascade, and/or activation of the fibrinolysis sys-
poietin and its effect in cirrhotic patients.
tem. Hypercoagulability is a result of disorders of
Thrombopoietin is largely produced by the liver
the coagulation regulatory factors as well as
and results in thrombocyte production in the
platelet hyperactivity.6
bone marrow cells.
In renal-impaired patients, decreased renal
Multiple methods are available for patients when
function has an increased effect on prescribed an-
concerned for a hypocoagulable state. In patients
ticoagulants due to reduced clearance, thereby
with platelet counts below 50,000/uL, platelet trans-
increasing hemostasis time. Renal-impaired pa-
fusion is commonly initiated prior to surgery, and it
tients on hemodialysis are also regularly adminis-
has been shown that multiple units of platelets prior
tered anticoagulants, such as heparin, during
to surgery are necessary to make any significant
treatments, resulting in antithrombin III and factor
improvement in platelet counts. Desmopressin
Xa inactivation and reducing hemostasis.
(DDAVP) has also shown to shorten the BT in
Platelet function is reduced in patients with renal
cirrhotic patients and can be used as a helpful
disease. This is due to the altered platelet alpha
adjunct for hemostasis in cirrhotic patients.
granules with an increased ATP/ADP ratio,
reduced serotonin content, and increased calcium
KIDNEY DISEASE content.7 Uremic patients platelets demonstrate
degranulated arachidonic acid and prostaglandin
Systemic disease processes that decrease kidney metabolism with impaired synthesis/release of
function have the potential for decreased hemo- thromboxane A2.7 This leads to reduced adhe-
stasis and increased BTs. Some of the more com- sions and aggregation of platelets. Uremic pa-
mon kidney diseases encountered by an oral and tients have also been shown to decrease the
maxillofacial surgeon include acute kidney injury amount of glycoprotein (GP) Ib on platelets due
(AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) and, there- to probable high proteolysis, impeding the ability
fore, are the focus of this discussion. of platelets to bind to vessel walls.8
AKI is defined as a rapid decline in renal function Drug interactions with hemostasis are highly
and increase in serum creatinine of 50% or 0.5 to modified in uremic patients. b-Lactam antibiotics
1.0 mg/dL. The risk injury failure loss ESRD (RIFLE) and third-generation cephalosporins potentially
criteria state that patients are at risk for acute kid- interfere with ADP receptors and interfere with
ney injuries when they have a 1.5-fold increase in the function of platelet membranes depending on
serum creatinine, a glomerular filtration rate dose and duration. Aspirin, a commonly used irre-
(GFR) decrease of 25%, or urine output less than versible antiplatelet, has been shown to have an
0.5 mL/kg/h for 6 hours. Failure is defined as a 2- increased effect in uremic patients when
fold increase in serum creatinine, GFR decrease compared with patients with normal kidney func-
of 50%, or urine output below 0.5 mL/kg/h for tion, causing increased BTs.9 Many commonly
12 hours. Patients with AKI often gain weight and used anticoagulants are eliminated through the
experience edema due to positive water retention kidney, and these medications can accumulate in
characterized by azotemia. A large portion of uremic patients. Anticoagulants with potential for
acute renal injuries ends with complete resolution. accumulation include low-molecular-weight hepa-
CKD is defined as kidney damage for over rins, direct factor Xa inhibitors, and direct thrombin
3 months or a decreased GFR that is below inhibitors.
60 mL/min regardless of cause. Diabetes and hy- Patients with renal failure also have the potential
pertension are the most common causes of for thromboembolism10 with an increased risk of
CKD, with other causes including chronic glomer- pulmonary embolism11 and a 2-fold increased
ulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, obstruc- risk of thromboembolism.12 An increased risk of
tive uropathy, and interstitial nephritis. Chronic thromboembolism is associated with a GFR below
renal disease is associated with various systemic 75 mL/min/1.73 m2 and can be due to albumin-
effects, including hypertention, congestive heart uria.13 This hypercoagulable potential is multifac-
failure, pericarditis, nausea, vomiting, loss of torial in etiology. Increased levels of fibrinogen in
appetite, lethargy, somnolence, confusion, periph- CKD patients are attributed to proinflammatory
eral neuropathy, and uremic seizures. markers interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein,14
464 Haghighi et al

elevated plasma tissue factor (TF),15 and proin- and transporters. It is, therefore, important to
flammation transcription factors nuclear factor assess hepatic and renal function when prescrib-
kB and protease-activated receptor-1.16 Some ing most medications.20
studies also show decreased levels of coagulation
factors XIIa/VIIa, protein c complex, and thrombin-
New Oral Anticoagulants
antithrombin complexes.17
Chronic renal insufficiency, like cirrhotic livers, Consideration of the new oral anticoagulants
possess the potential for the hypercoagulable (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, edoxaban, and apixa-
state as well as increased difficulty in obtaining he- ban) and their effects on hemostasis in patients
mostasis. When evaluating these patients, other with hepatic or renal dysfunction is essential. The
comorbidities of patients that can be contributory new oral anticoagulants and their alterations due
as well as medications that patients may be taking to renal and hepatic dysfunction are briefly
should be taken into consideration. Hemodialysis reviewed. Recommendations for dosing, discon-
patients with fistulas and centrally placed lines tinuation, and reversal of oral anticoagulants and
should be considered a higher risk for thrombus antiplatelets are found in Table 1.21–35
formation. Great care should be taken with these Dabigatran (PradaxaÒ) is a direct factor II inhib-
patients, and appropriate work-up and testing itor, with its impact on coagulation assays at rec-
can aid in a clinician’s assessment. ommended therapeutic doses, and displays an
increase in median peak activated partial throm-
BONE MARROW FAILURE boplastin time (aPTT) by 2 times control, with rela-
tively no elevation in INR.36 Dabigatran must be
Multiple causes exist for the loss of hematopoietic renally adjusted because 80% of the medication
bone marrow cells. The most notable etiologies undergoes renal elimination. Therefore, it is not
that damage bone marrow cells are malignancy an optimal choice in patients with ESRD or a
(eg, leukemia) and chemotherapy medications creatinine clearance less than 15 mL/min.36 Dabi-
that target these cells. The resultant loss of he- gatran, in comparison to warfarin, has a lower
matopoietic bone marrow cells possesses the po- bleeding risk, including intracranial, in patients
tential to affect hemostasis and increase BTs by less than 75 years of age; however, the incidence
having an impact on megakaryocytes, the progen- of GI bleeding is higher. Although no dosing
itor cells for platelets.18 An oral health care pro- recommendation exists in patients with hepatic
vider may be the first to recognize the early impairment, the mechanism of action of dabiga-
stages of bone marrow failure, because oral tran, as a prodrug needing in vivo hepatic conver-
bleeding that is plaque-free is often the first sign sion to its active form, warrants additional
of bone marrow failure or damage.19 thought.36,37 The effect of dabigatran on dental
treatment includes bleeding caused by specific,
DISEASES AFFECTING DRUG METABOLISM reversible prevention of thrombin-mediated ef-
fects and inhibition of platelet aggregation. Hem-
Several factors can affect the normal hemostatic orrhage may occur depending on multiple
balance – long-term drug therapy, vascular vol- variables, including intensity of anticoagulation
ume expansion, surgical blood loss, and preexist- and patient susceptibility; therefore, medical con-
ing coagulopathies and systemic diseases. Acute sult is suggested.
or chronic diseases that affect liver and kidney The commonly used oral anti-Xa inhibitors (rivar-
function markedly affect metabolism and excre- oxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban) were designed
tion of medications. Drug-metabolizing enzymes to have predictable pharmacokinetics negating
may be impaired and significantly alter elimination, the need for routine laboratory monitoring. Coagu-
which could lead to significant adverse drug reac- lation assays, such as PT/INR, aPTT, and anti-Xa
tions in patients with liver disease.20 activity, are variably affected by these new oral an-
Impaired renal function in CKD patients has con- ticoagulants. Edoxaban (Savaysa), rivaroxaban
sequences for medications not only excreted by (Xarelto), and apixaban (Eliquis) have approxi-
the kidneys but also cleared nonrenally. Renal mately 50%, 33%, and 25% renal elimination,
impairment leads to changes in absorption, respectively; therefore, it is recommended to avoid
plasma protein binding, drug transport, and/or tis- the use of these agents in CKD stage 4 and stage 5
sue distribution and may even affect hepatic and patients.37–40 Use of the oral anti-Xa inhibitors is
GI metabolism. Uremic toxins accumulated in not recommended in patients with hepatic
CKD and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) cause dysfunction equal to a Child-Pugh class B or
down-regulation of drug-metabolizing enzymes C.38–40 There are circumstances in which moni-
(CYP3A4/F, CYP2C9, CYP2D6, and CYP2C19) toring of anticoagulant effect may be indicated,
Table 1
Common anticoagulants and antiplatelets adjustments in the hepatic and renal impaired

Dabigatran Warfarin Rivaroxaban Apixiban Edoxaban Clopidogrel Prasugrel Ticagrelor

Characteristic (PradaxaÒ)21 (CoumadinÒ)22 Aspirin23 (XareltoÒ)24 (EliquisÒ)25 (SavaysaÒ)26 (PlavixÒ)27 (EffientÒ)28 (BrilintaÒ)29,30
Mechanism of Direct Vitamin K Antithrombin Direct factor Xa inhibitor
action thrombin antagonist; III activator
(factor II) inhibits
inhibitor factors II, VII, Inhibits P2Y12 of ADP receptors
IX, X and
proteins C
and S
Approach for No dosage No dosage Avoid use in Avoid in Avoid in severe Mild impairment Caution; No dosage Avoid in severe
hepatic adjustment; adjustment; severe liver moderate or impairment no dosage prolonged adjustment impairment
dysfunction prodrug monitor INR disease severe adjustment; platelet
closely in impairment avoid in aggregation
obstructive moderate to and mean BT
jaundice, severe with severe
hepatitis, impairment impairment
and cirrhosis
Approach for No dosage No dosage Avoid use if Renal Renal adjustment Dose reduction
renal adjustment adjustment; CrCl adjustment required; avoid if CrCl
dysfunction31 unless CrCl increased <10 mL/min required if CrCl 15–50 mL/min
<50 mL/min risk of <25 mL/min Avoid if CrCl No dosage adjustment
and on bleeding >95 mL/min
concomitant or <15 mL/min
Reversal Idarucizumab Vitamin K, FFP, Platelet Andexanet alfa (Andexanet); PCC Aminocaproic
agents32–35 (Praxbind) PCC transfusion; Platelet transfusion; DDAVP acid,
DDAVP tranexamic

Abbreviations: ADP, adenosine diphosphate; CrCl, creatinine clearance; DDAVP, desmopressin; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; PCC, prothombin complex concentrate; P-gp, P-glycoprotein.
Data from Refs.21–35

466 Haghighi et al

such as treatment failure, bleeding, renal or hepat- thiopurine S-methyltransferase deficiency may be
ic dysfunction, and perioperative monitoring. The at risk of life-threatening myelotoxicity on initiation
clinical relevance of these agents’ serum levels of 6-mercaptopurine therapy.48 Additional toxic-
warrants further study. ities seen with 6-mercaptopurine include fatal hep-
atotoxicity featuring intrahepatic cholestasis and
Antibiotics parenchymal cell necrosis. Hepatotoxicity risk is
increased with elevated doses greater than
Rare reports suggest certain antibiotics may poten-
2.5 mg/kg daily; however, hepatic injury may occur
tiate bleeding. The most common culprits are the
with any dose.47
second-generation and third-generation cephalo-
Commonly prescribed immunosuppressants
sporins and antifungal drugs.41 Hypothesized
(methotrexate, sirolimus, and tacrolimus) are all
mechanisms for antibiotic-induced coagulopathy
associated with thrombocytopenia that may lead
consist of myelosuppression, immune-mediated
to prolonged BT. In addition to thrombocytopenia,
destruction of thrombocytes and coagulation fac-
sirolimus case reports suggested defective fibrin
tors; suppression of vitamin K epoxide reductase
formation and decreased fibrinolysis.48 Tacrolimus
may inhibit biosynthesis of factors II, VII, IX, and
may cause decrease PT and increased INR; how-
X. It is unclear if the antibiotics are the cause of coa-
ever, tacrolimus is more likely to cause renal func-
gulopathy or the severity of illness, hepatic or renal
tion abnormalities (acute renal failure and
function, nutritional status, or oncologic/hemato-
increased serum creatinine) than thrombocyto-
logic diseases; concomitant use of additional coa-
penia; therefore, caution in CKD patients is
gulopathy pharmacotherapy may influence the
coagulation system as well.41,42
Antimicrobial drug interactions with warfarin are
well known. Most prominent interactions affecting COAGULATION TESTING
bleeding risk include concomitant use of azole an- Multiple tests are currently available and in com-
tifungals, even single doses, cephalosporins (sec- mon use. The correlation of these tests to oral he-
ond-generation and third-generation), isoniazid, mostasis is still regarded as controversial, but
macrolides, metronidazole, rifampin, and sulfon- regardless, these tests can help clinicians assess
amides. These antimicrobials significantly in- patients’ overall status and potential for prolonged
crease INR by inhibiting warfarin metabolism and bleeding.
warrant close monitoring or empiric decrease in
warfarin therapy.43 Bleeding Time
Chemotherapy and Immunosuppressants BT test involves the use of a blood pressure cuff
(40 mm Hg) on a selected arm and a standardized
Chemotherapy known to cause bone marrow sup-
incision on the forearm with a scalpel. The incision
pression includes methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil,
site is blotted at a specific time schedule and the
and 6-mercaptopurine. Low platelet counts and
time the wound takes to stop bleeding is recorded.
low white blood cell counts are of equal concern
A normal BT is typically between 3 minutes and
in chemotherapy patients because decreased
10 minutes and is largely dependent on the
platelets may prolong clotting time and decreased
method used for BT. This test is referred to as
white blood cell counts leaves patients at risk for
the standard test to determine platelet function.
infection. Hematologic effects of methotrexate
Increased BT can result from abnormal skin and
consist of suppressed hematopoiesis, anemia,
vascular tone; thrombocytopenia; acquired
pancytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, and
platelet dysfunction, such as aspirin, fibrinolysis,
thrombocytopenia.44 In addition to myelosuppres-
anemia, uremia, liver disease, and von Willebrand
sion, methotrexate may cause acute and chronic
factor deficiency; and testing errors.18 This
hepatotoxicity after prolonged use or a cumulative
method is no longer commonly administered due
dose greater than 1.5 g.45,46 5-Fluorouracil alters
to its invasiveness and lack of reliability.
hematologic function via agranulocytosis, anemia,
leukopenia, pancytopenia, and thrombocytopenia
Prothrombin Time
approximately 9 to 14 days after therapy, with ex-
pected recovery by 30 days postdose.47 PT is one of the most commonly used laboratory
6-Mercaptopurine myelosuppression manifests test used to evaluate patients with hepatic dis-
as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia ease. PT measures the extrinsic pathway factors
approximately 1 week after therapy in greater I, II, V, VII, and X by mixing thromboplastin and cal-
than 20% of patients, with the nadir at approxi- cium with citrated plasma. The time it takes to
mately 14 days post-treatment. Patients with coagulate is then measured with normalized
Systemic Disease and Bleeding Disorders 467

comparisons available (INR). This is a useful test in therefore, the first to become abnormal in hepatic
measuring the level of liver damage and potential dysfunction.
for hemostasis. The PT values do not follow a
linear relationship to liver function. Studies have Thromboelastography
shown that 30% to 50% of the liver must be
damaged before any appreciable change in PT/ TEG is a viscoelastic hemostatic assay measuring
INR values. properties of whole blood clot formation under
shear stress. TEG displays the interaction of plate-
Platelet Count lets with the coagulation cascade measuring ag-
gregation, clot strength, fibrin cross-linking, and
The platelet count measures the number of plate- fibrinolysis; however, it does not correlate with
lets in circulation. Low platelet counts can be due standard coagulation assays (PT/INR, aPTT, and
to platelet destruction (alcohol poisoning, liver dis- anti-Xa).49 Typically, TEG is indicated in trauma,
ease, or sequestration) or decreased production liver transplantation, cardiac surgery and to guide
(drugs or leukemia). Normal ranges for platelet transfusions. Specific parameters of TEG repre-
counts are 150,000 cells/mm3 to 450,000 per sent 3 phases of hemostasis: initiation, amplifica-
cells/mm3. It is generally accepted that platelet tion, and propagation. The initiation phase
counts above 50,000 per cells/mm3 have a low includes the reaction time (R-value), which corre-
risk of increased bleeding and, therefore, are a lates to the time to initial fibrin formation. Amplifi-
minimal value for elective procedures. Platelet cation is represented by kinetics (K), indicating
counts between 25,000 per cells/mm3 and the time taken to achieve clot strength. The angle
50,000 per cells/mm3 have increased risk for post- between the R-value and K (alpha) measures the
operative bleeding and elective procedures should speed of fibrin cross-linking and clot formation. Af-
be deferred. Only emergent procedures should be ter formation, the overall stability of the clot is
performed on patients with platelet counts below measured by the maximum amplitude (MA) fol-
25,000 per cells/mm3 because they have the po- lowed by degree of fibrinolysis at 30 minutes
tential to be life threatening.18 (LY30).49 These TEG values are then used to guide
treatment, for example, and increased R-value
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
could indicate use of fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
Activated partial thromboplastin time measures whereas a decreased MA might imply platelets
the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation, are needed. Patients with acute liver dysfunction
including factors II, V, and X. It is particularly useful and typically cirrhosis maintain normal TEG
in evaluating heparin treatment, liver disease, he- values. Cirrhotic patients have displayed
mophilia, and disseminated intravascular coagula- decreased MA and alpha values, whereas acute
tion.19 In assessing hepatic dysfunction, the PT is liver failure patients may have an increase in
more sensitive than the PTT. This is because PT MA.49 End-stage renal disease patients have
is primarily based on fewer coagulation factors TEG values suggesting hypercoagulability, as
and is particularly dependent on factor VII. Factor seen with an increase in R-value.50,51 Table 2 dis-
VII is of particular relevance because it is the coag- plays commonly altered TEG values in patients
ulation factor with the shortest half-life and, with renal and hepatic dysfunction.

Table 2
Alterations of thromboelastography values in patients with hepatic and renal dysfunction

Impairment R-value K Alpha MA LY30

None 5–10 min 1–3 min 53 –72 50–70 mm 0%–3%
Acute liver injury/failure WNL WNL [ [ WNL
Cirrhosis WNL [ WNL Y [
End-stage renal disease [ WNL WNL WNL WNL

Abbreviation: WNL, within normal limits.

Data from Stravitz RT. Potential applications of thromboelastography in patients with acute and chronic liver disease.
Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2012;8(8):513–20; and Darlington A, Ferreiro JK, Ueno M, et al. Haemostatic profiles assessed
by thromboelastography in patients with end-stage renal disease. Thromb Haemost 2011;106(1):67–74.
468 Haghighi et al

IMPLICATIONS FOR ORAL AND in improved BT and places patients at increased

MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY risk for comorbidities, such as thromboembolism.
Many clinicians choose to bridge patients who
Patients with systemic diseases pose a risk for are taking anticoagulants in the inpatient setting
increased bleeding as well as hypercoagulation with heparin or similar medications. This practice
and thrombi formation. A thorough clinical exami- also has no sound evidence depicting any benefit
nation with aids from laboratory tests should aid but rather the potential for harm. Patients who are
the clinician in determining the coagulation status bridged from their regular anticoagulant have
of a patient. Patients with multiple comorbidities, proved to show an increased risk of major
such as cardiac disease, may be on adjunctive an- bleeding without any significant reduction in
ticoagulants and antiplatelet medications that thromboembolism. These practices should be
make the management of these patients more discouraged unless more evidence depicts any
complicated. It has been common practice in the advantage in doing thus.
past to alter these anticoagulation and antiplatelet Preoperative assessment and management of
medications by stopping these drugs a set amount hypocoagulable patients are crucial in avoiding
of days prior to any elective procedure. There has increased bleeding events (Fig. 1). Most proce-
been no definitive evidence that this practice aids dures in these patient populations can be

Fig. 1. Preoperative assessment and management of the hypercoagulable patient.

Systemic Disease and Bleeding Disorders 469

performed safely when properly managed. In cases elective procedure. Patients with platelet counts
of a patient with a single coagulopathy, local mea- below 50,000/mL should be given multiple units
sures are often sufficient to form hemostasis. These of platelets, addressing both quantitative and
include hemostatic agents, such as oxidized cellu- qualitative dysfunction.
lose, tranexamic acid rinses, microfibrillar collogen, After proper assessment and preoperative
astringents, thrombin-soaked gauze, electrocau- optimization, attention should be directed at periop-
tery, absorbable gelatin sponges, aminocaproic erative and postoperative considerations. In hypo-
acid, the use of local anesthetics with epinephrine, coagulable patients, local measures to obtain
and primary closure of wounds. hemostasis should be performed perioperatively
Patients with more advanced single coagulopa- and postoperatively. Postoperative observation is
thies, multiple coagulopathies, platelet counts vital in ensuring appropriate hemostasis, including
below 50,000 cells/mm3, advanced uremia without outpatient observation as well as potential hospital
dialysis, pre–liver transplant status, or aplastic admission depending on the severity of the underly-
anemia and patients undergoing high-dose ing coagulopathy. Medication administration should
chemotherapy (myelosuppressive) are at be carefully considered and dosing may need to be
increased risk for bleeding and require more altered, as indicated previously. Medications, such
extensive work-ups for presurgical optimization. as analgesics and sedatives, have increased dura-
Patients with kidney disease are often optimized tion of action due to the decreased hepatic and renal
for bleeding when their underlying renal disease is clearance and should be tailored accordingly.
properly treated. In management of chronic renal
failure, patients are often heparinized for dialysis
and therefore are best treated the day after dial- SUMMARY
ysis. It is crucial that these patients are treated in
Increased BTs and hemostasis is an increasingly
a time appropriate manner because the more
complicated and multifactorial process that ne-
time that has passed from patients’ last dialysis,
cessities surgeons who are well informed and up
the more likely they are to be coagulopathic from
to date on these contributory factors. It is, there-
their uremia. Baseline laboratory tests are consid-
fore, prudent that surgeons properly work up pa-
ered beneficial in assessing renal dysfunction sta-
tients and obtain all information available prior to
tus, such as creatinine, GFR, and serum urea
any elective procedures. Signs of increased
bleeding, such as bruises, family history, systemic
Liver failure patients are often evaluated with a
diseases, bleeding disorders, surgical history with
PT test. When evaluating PT results, a small in-
outcome, and medications, can all alert the sur-
crease in PT time due to liver disease represents
geon towards potential hemostasis impairment.19
a substantial damage to the hepatic system (up
Consultation with a patient’s primary care physi-
to 50%) and does not depict a linear relationship
cian or hematologist is essential, and laboratory
to liver disease.19 Testing these liver failure pa-
testing may be needed for optimal outcomes.
tients (complete blood cell count, basic metabolic
With proper work-up and experience, these pa-
panel, liver function tests, and PT/INR) preopera-
tients can be cared for effectively and safely.
tively allows a clinician to determine the underlying
cause and potential risk associated with their dis-
ease, enabling proper optimization of a patient. REFERENCES
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