Amazon Elastic Block Store

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Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is a block storage service provided by Amazon

Web Services (AWS). It offers high-performance, scalable, and durable storage that can
be attached to Amazon EC2 instances. EBS volumes are used for storing data that
requires persistent storage, such as operating system files, application data, and

Key features and concepts of Amazon EBS:

1. Volume Types:
 Amazon EBS offers different volume types optimized for various use cases and
performance needs:
 General Purpose SSD (gp2): Suitable for a wide range of workloads,
including boot volumes and low-latency applications.
 Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1): Provides high-performance storage with
configurable IOPS (input/output operations per second).
 Cold HDD (sc1): Offers low-cost storage for infrequent access workloads.
 Throughput Optimized HDD (st1): Designed for frequently accessed,
throughput-intensive workloads.
 Magnetic (standard): Provides the lowest cost per gigabyte for
infrequently accessed data.
2. Volume Snapshots:
 EBS volumes can be backed up using snapshots, which are point-in-time copies
of the volume's data. Snapshots are stored in Amazon S3 and are incremental,
meaning only changes since the last snapshot are saved.
3. Volume Encryption:
 EBS volumes can be encrypted using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) keys
to protect data at rest. Encryption is available for all volume types.
4. Volume Resizing:
 EBS volumes can be resized without detaching them from instances. This allows
you to adapt to changing storage needs without disrupting your applications.
5. Elastic Volumes:
 Some EBS volume types support Elastic Volumes, which allows you to modify
volume size, performance, and type on-the-fly without disrupting applications.
6. Multi-Attach (io1 volumes):
 Certain EBS volumes, such as io1 volumes, support multi-attach functionality,
allowing you to attach a single volume to multiple EC2 instances simultaneously.
This can be useful for shared data sets or clustered applications.
7. Instance Store vs. EBS:
 Amazon EC2 instances can also have instance store volumes (ephemeral storage),
which provides temporary block-level storage directly on the host. EBS volumes,
on the other hand, offer persistent and durable storage.
8. Use Cases:
 EBS volumes are used for various scenarios, including storing operating system
images, running databases, hosting application files, and more.
9. Integration with EC2:
 EBS volumes are attached to Amazon EC2 instances and can be mounted as
devices to provide storage for applications and data.
10. High Availability and Durability:
 EBS volumes are replicated within an Availability Zone (AZ) for high availability.
You can also create snapshots to back up data to Amazon S3, providing data
durability across AZs.

Amazon EBS provides reliable and scalable block storage that complements Amazon
EC2 instances. It enables you to store data persistently and to configure storage
according to your application's performance and capacity requirements.

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