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The Stars Guide Me To You (Again and Again)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death
Category: F/F, Gen
Fandom: 機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女 | Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from
Mercury (Anime), Gundam & Related Fandoms
Relationship: Suletta Mercury/Miorine Rembran
Character: Suletta Mercury, Miorine Rembran, Prospera Mercury, Nika Nanaura,
Chuatury "Chuchu" Panlunch, Guel Jeturk, Felsi Rollo, Petra Itta, Ojelo
Gabel, Nuno Kargan, Elan Ceres, Lilique Kadoka Lipati, Delling
Rembran, Shaddiq Zenelli, Vim Jeturk, Sarius Zenelli, Kamil Kaysink,
Notrette Rembran, Yushura Mirzakhani, Sabina Fardin
Additional Tags: Childhood Friends, Alternate Universe, Other Additional Tags to Be
Added, Will Cover Full Series, Pining, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn,
Action/Adventure, Corporate Espionage, Alternate Universe - Canon
Divergence, Eventual Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-11-09 Updated: 2023-06-03 Words: 93,769 Chapters:

The Stars Guide Me To You (Again and Again)

by Wesakechak


Giving into pressure, Prospera Mercury decides to take her nine year old daughter Suletta
on a vacation, away from Mercury and into her work. Merely for a week, merely so Suletta
will stop bothering her about it.
She should have expected Suletta to wander off on her own when her back was turned for a

In which Suletta becomes friends with Miorine, are pulled apart and thrust back together
again in a most unexpected manner. And in which they try to handle their reunion despite
the years apart, and their own contrary goals in life.


See the end of the work for notes

The First Meeting, and Seperation, and Meeting Again

Suletta Mercury, nine years old and full of energy, is on vacation. Her mom had finally, finally
after years of pleading, let her go with her on one of her trips. And even though her mom had told
her to behave and stay in her office, the station they were on was far more interesting than
Mercury, and Suletta was far too curious to stay inside one little room. Everything was small and
dirty and the lights flickered on Mercury. Everything was sharp, cold, and above all harsh on
Mercury. Everything from sight to sound to touch to taste to smell, all were harsh. The sight of the
lights was harsh, the sound of the big machines the people used were harsh, the clothes she wore
were harsh on her skin, the food she ate was harsh on her tongue, and the smell of oil and sweat
was harsh on her nose.

In contrast, this new station was all soft. Warm lights that weren’t too harsh on her eyes, a pleasant,
clean, smell. The food she had tried was sweet and delicious unlike anything she’s had before.
Even the clothes her mom had bought for her were soft. And the sound, the current object of her
attention, was most interesting of them all. A soft twinkling that she followed as she made her way
through the halls. It was music, she knew that, though on the old speakers of Mercury music
always sounded harsh, even Aerial could not properly replicate those sounds with her own
speakers. But this, this sounded like the night sky should. So she follows the sound, as it gets
louder and louder, but not loud enough to hurt.

There’s a big door in front of her, and as she passes it she can hear the direction of the sounds
change. So, the music must be behind the door she thinks. For a brief moment, she considers going
back to her mom’s office. After all, her mother had told her to behave. Yet, if she moves forward,
she’ll gain two. Experience, learning where the music is coming from. Pride, from being a girl who
can choose to go where she wants. And if she manages to talk to the person playing the music, and
behave for them, then she’ll gain Trust from her mother for being able to do so. Puffing out her
cheeks, she pushes the door open, the music spilling out still louder than before, before it stops

Suletta blinks, looking at the room. There are two people there, one on a comfortable chair, the
other, someone small like her, sits on a bench in front of something Suletta had never seen before,
all black, glossy wood with black and white keys on one end.

“Oh, hello there.” The woman on the chair stands up, walking over to Suletta as the door swings
shut behind her. “Who might you be?” She has silver hair that falls down past her waist, a cascade
of starlight.

“I-I’m Suletta Mercury.” Suletta says, smiling. “I c-came here with my mom for a v-v-vacation, she
works here.”

“I see.” The woman smiles, bending down to talk to Suletta better. “My name is Notrette Rembran,
and this is my daughter.” The woman looks over at the girl on the bench. “Mio, please introduce
yourself to our guest.”

The girl hops off the and walks over to Suletta with a stride Suletta would only be able to describe
as elegant. She has the same hair as her mother, though shorter and done up in a small braid that
fell over her shoulder.

“Yes mother.” The girl bobs her head. “I am Miorine Rembran.” The girl bows, and, knowing that
she should do whatever the other person did to show respect, Suletta bows as well. The result is
their foreheads bumping together, and both stumble back. Notrette is there in a moment, laughing
lightly and helping first her daughter up, then Suletta. Suletta studies Miorine, who stares back with
a slightly sour expression on her face.

“S-sorry.” Suletta gulps, knowing that she had done something to mess up again. “Sorry Miss
Miorine.” She bows again, this time not hitting Miorine. “I-I just came in here, there was this
pretty music. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” She starts to back away, but Notrette puts a gentle hand
on her back. Suletta is transfixed on Miorine though, who’s expression softens after the
compliment to her music.

“Please, don’t worry about it, little Miss Suletta. My Mio forgives you, don’t you Mio?”

“Yes, it was an accident.” Miorine says. Suletta smiles, and looks between her and the wonderful
instrument she had been playing. Notrette dips down, whispering something in Miorine’s ear, and
Miorine’s eyes light up. “Would you… like to hear me play?” She asks.

“Mhm!” Suletta nods, and Notrette leads the two of them back to the thing that Miorine had been
using to make music before. Miorine goes back to the bench, while Notrette lets Suletta sit on her
lap next to it. Suletta’s focus continues to dart between the thing and Miorine herself, who takes in
a deep breath and places her fingers on the keys. If the night sky had a face, she would think it
would look like Miorine’s, silver hair and silver eyes, regal like the kings and queens that would be
in the shows that Aerial would watch with her.

Then like a solar flare, Miorine begins to make music again. Suletta sways back and forth with
every little beat, hearing the music swell and fade, rise and fall, as Miorine focuses entirely on a
sheet of paper in front of her, swaying with it as well. The music, and the spell it casts on Suletta,
lasts for two minutes before it ends in a flourish, and Miorine pulls her hands back, taking a deep
breath. Suletta claps happily, amazed by what she had just heard. She jumps up off of Notrette’s
lap, and skips around the room.

“T-that was amazing, Miomio.” Suletta says.

“Eh!” Miorine sits up straight, turning to Suletta. “Miomio?” She asks, and Suletta gulps
nervously, once more wondering if she did something wrong. Notrette sits back in her chair,
laughing again, and the two girls look over at her.

“Look, my Mio, you’ve made your first friend, after all, friends do call people by nicknames all the
time.” Notrette says, as the laughing dies in a small cough.

“Mhm! There aren’t a lot of people my age on Mercury.” Suletta explains. “In-in fact, I’m the only
one there who’s as old as me. So… if Miomio is my friend, she’ll be my first friend.” Suletta’s
eyes light up happily and she runs over to the other girl.

“W-well…” Miorine looks over at her mother, who nods at her daughter’s hesitation.

“Of course, little Miss Suletta, friends tell other friends about each other, and you know my Mio
likes to play the piano.” Suletta nods. That must be what she was making music with, a piano. “But
what about you, what do you do?”

“Well,” Suletta smiles, and out of the corner of her eyes she sees the door swing open. “I pilot my
little sister Aerial, she’s a… mobile suit I think is what mama calls her. And people on Mercury
need help sometimes so I help them. They all say that I’m the best pilot that Mercury has.”

“It’s true, she was beating me in simulations when she was six. My Suletta is very skilled for her
age.” Suletta turns at her mom’s voice as she enters the room. Prospera Mercury is all smiles as
Suletta runs up to her, and she places her hands on her daughter’s shoulders.

“You must be her mother.” Notrette rises, stretching out a hand for Prospera to shake.

“Indeed, pardon my darling daughter if she interrupted anything, music practice it seems.” Prospera
grasps her hand, shaking it firmly.

“No, not at all. Miorine doesn’t have many children her age, and Suletta said that Mercury was just
as lonely. It's good for girls their age to have a friend. Will she be around often?”

“Perhaps, at least for a few weeks a year, though even she doesn’t want to leave Mercury for long.
Unfortunately since the deposits of Permat were discovered on the moon, Mercury has been left
behind by most of the solar system, and it needs all the help it can get, even from my little Suletta.”

“Ah… I understand, I come from Earth so you can imagine how it feels like to see… well see my
husband and others in the group approve of taking drastic measures against us.” Notrette scowls
slightly, then coughs. "Pardon if I spoke too frankly."

“Not at all. Are you Notrette Rembran, by any chance?” Prospera asks, sounding surprised.

“I am, and that’s my daughter, Miorine.” Notrette nods over to Miorine, who is hanging back,
slightly nervous at the odd woman in the strange helmet.

“I see, such a beautiful little girl.” Prospera smiles, and reaches up to take off her helmet, blinking
at the light. “I can see that she’s nervous, most likely about this.” She holds up the helmet. “Don’t
worry, it’s just to help me see.” Prospera bends down to Miorine’s level. Miorine steps forward,
now that she can see the woman’s eyes. They seem kind enough, like her own mother’s. “Perhaps
we could talk more, Miss Notrette.” She adds, looking up at the other mother.

“I would appreciate the company, Miorine isn’t the only one who feels a little lonely from time to
time. My husband is so focused on his meetings all the time, I practically raised my dear Mio
alone.” Notrette nods, laughing lightly. “Miorine, could you take Suletta to our little secret place?
You can show her around there.”

“Of course, mom.” Miorine walks over to Suletta, formally offering a hand for her to take. Prospera
lets go of Suletta’s shoulders, and Suletta seizes the hand eagerly, much to Miorine’s surprise.

“Treat her kindly, Suletta, and don’t get too excited.” Prospera tells her, giving her head a few pats
and ruffling her hair. Suletta nods, then lets Miorine lead her out of the room into the hallways.
Suletta has only ever held her mother’s hand, but Miorine was so short, she had to reach up a bit
and Suletta had to stoop forward a bit.

“S-so, you have a secret place too? I have places like that on Mercury, th-there’s some vents that
only I c-can fit into so I sometimes sn-sneak through them, and Aerial, she lets me sleep in her
cockpit sometimes.” Suletta explains excitedly. Miorine perks up at this. Though the girl had
barged in, and hadn’t even been considerate enough to knock, she was treating her like they were
best friends. And the stories she told so far were interesting to Miorine, who only knew the station
and the cold relationship between her parents that she knew was wrong in some way. She did not
like her father, that was certain. She liked her mother, that was also certain. She could go either
way right now about this Suletta Mercury.

“Well, it isn’t as fun as crawling through vents…” Miorine leads her onto a patch of greenery, a
park, and to a small building sitting on the grass. Suletta seems to be marveled by even the simple
“It’s amazing.” Suletta gapes at the expanse before her. “Just like in the shows I watch with Aerial,
all green, and blue skies, like Earth.”

“Yes, mama is from Earth, and one day, both her and I will go there, that’s what she promised.”
Miorine leads her up the stairs of the tiny building, then taps in a code on a number pad set into the

The door opens, and Miorine leads her into the most wondrous place Suletta had seen yet, walls
covered with plants, clambering to the roof, spreading across the floor. Miorine walks over to a
table in the center of the room, pulls on a drawer and pulls out something red about the size of her

“Here, you remind me of my mom’s tomatoes.” Miorine explains, holding it up to Suletta. Suletta
takes it reverently, staring at it with wide eyes. “I mean your hair…” she pokes at the tuff that
sticks up from the rest of Suletta’s hair. “Go on, bite into it.”

Suletta takes a bite, and discovers what love tastes like.

Suletta’s trip lasts a week, and even afterwards she keeps in contact with Miorine, chatting with
each other by video or text messages, it is slow communication but Suletta accepts the few minutes
it takes for each message to pass to Miorine, and MIorine to reply. Suletta is allowed to stay for
two weeks the next year, and the year after that. Miorine becomes an important part of Suletta’s
life, floating at the same level of importance as Aerial and her mom do. She was her friend, her
only friend her own age who she ever had. She could imagine seeing Miorine all her life, even if
she knows Miorine wants to go to Earth, and she increasingly wants to help Mercury as she
becomes aware of how bad things are for the people around her. She helps them by saving them,
but every rescue is another mobile craft they can hardly afford to replace damaged or lost, more
pressure on the remaining craft and thus more craft breaking faster. Suletta resolves to do
something permanent to help them. And... if she does, perhaps she could go to Earth then and see it
with Miorine. At the very least, she can't imagine the vacations ending any time soon.

It’s two months before her next vacation to Miorine, when Suletta is twelve, that her life changes.
She’s sitting in Aerial, watching an anime, a high school drama, when Aerial tells her she’s getting
a call. The caller ID reads Miomio, and Suletta straightens up in her seat, smoothing out any
wrinkles in her shirt before hitting the accept button. She forgets that given the distances between
them, the message would be recorded, and take a few minutes to reach Suletta.

Miorine looks haggard, bags under her eyes, her usually meticulously combed hair disheveled,
paler than usual, and her eyes themselves are rimmed with red.

“Suletta.” Miorine sniffles, and Suletta realizes that Miorine was crying. Suletta wishes she could
reach through the screen, comfort her friend. “Tell your mom to come quickly, and y-you too, m-
mom…” Miorine looks away. Suletta can hear something bang against the door behind Miorine.
“Mom died, and dad… dad said I can’t go to the funeral, and I won’t be allowed to see you
anymore.” Her voice shakes as she stares at the camera, at Suletta, and Suletta feels her heart drop
and tears spring up in her eyes. Miorine’s mother had been nothing but kind to her, as kind as her
own mother had been. The banging grows louder, and then suddenly stops as the door groans,
being opened by brute strength. Suletta sees a man in a black suit enter, a pair of glasses obscuring
his eyes. With giant strides, he walks towards Miorine, who tries to put herself in front of the
computer. The man simply picks her up and puts her behind him before walking over to the
The video cuts off, and the despair Suletta felt is replaced by a burning determination. She’s saved
people before, certainly it was always from mining accidents, but this was her best friend, her first
friend, her only friend. And she was in trouble. So she begins powering up Aerial fully. She doesn’t
even remember flipping any switches, she just needs Aerial to start up, and she does.

Never mind that it would take her weeks to get there in Aerial. Suletta’s mind is racing, she needs
to call her mom, and Aerial helpfully calls her before she can even say outloud what she wants.

“Suletta, what’s… why are you powering up Aerial?” Prospera asks, frowning and putting her hair
in its headband.

“I-I-I-I need to h-help Miomio. Her mom died an-and-and her dad, she’s in tr-trouble. I need to

“Oh… silly girl.” Her mother shakes her head. “Aerial, shut off before your sister hurts herself. I’ll
be down in a few minutes, and then you can explain everything.” Then she ends the call.

And just like that, Aerial powers down, only her cockpit lights active.

“Aerial…” Suletta sniffles. “Please.”

One flash. No. Suletta pulls the controls fruitlessly.

Suletta curls up in a ball, and waits for her mother. She comes in under two minutes, sprinting, and
Aerial opens the cockpit. Suletta looks up to see Prospera approach, and then she embraces Suletta

“My dear, silly girl, what happened?” Suletta only points at the view screen where Miorine’s
message had been, and Aerial replays it, and Suletta pulls herself closer to her mother’s embrace.
“Ah… you would fight for her, wouldn’t you, my little Suletta?” Prospera asks softly.

“Yes… she’s like you, and Aerial. Important to me.” Suletta shivers, sniffles, turning away from
the screen.

“I’ll see what I can do then. You can’t go off with Aerial, we need you here. But, I’ll try to help, I
promise.” Prospera coos, and rocks Suletta back and forth until she stops crying and falls asleep.
Unfortunately, as Suletta would find out, there was not much they could do, legally or illegally,
with the power that Delling Rembran had. And so, she lost one third of the most important people
in her life.

Suletta is seventeen when she scrambles to activate Aerial, the person floating out in space doesn’t
have time for the ship to maneuver to rescue them, this is a moment of life and death, one that she
is all too familiar with. Seconds matter in these situations, and those seconds are lost by inaction.
The school she is going to, Asticassia, hangs in front of her like a flower. Aerial hums at her touch,
and she sees groups of people scrambling to get out of the way as she takes a slow, cautious step
forward. The braces holding Aerial in place groan, then snap, and she winces at the damage. Still,
the doors to the bay open and she steps out, jumping off the side of the ship gracefully and keeping
the person in Aerial’s visual field of view, centring in on them.

The person waves their arms desperately as Aerial approaches, and Suletta hurriedly envelopes
them in Aerial’s hand, pulling them to her cockpit and opening it. Once inside, she can refill the
space with air in a few seconds and let them breathe. The person continues to wave their arms as
they approach, and Suletta pushes herself out of the cockpit, disengaging their depleted oxygen
tank and pulling them both inside. Then she closes Aerial’s cockpit, watching the person pulled
into her lap.

“Are-Are you okay.” There’s no response. “Hello, can you hear-” The person slams their helmet
into Suletta, and she recoils back.

“Don’t interfere!” The person has a woman’s voice. One that sounds strangely familiar. “I’d
almost made my…” Suletta finally manages to pull her head forward enough to see the woman
again, and the woman raises her visor. “escape…” Miorine gawks at Suletta, and Suletta gawks
back, taking off her helmet despite the risks that posed. “Suletta!” In a complete reversal of her
previous behaviour, Miorine throws her arms around Suletta, hugging her tightly. “Suletta.” She
repeats as if she can’t believe it herself, clinging to her like she’ll disappear at any moment.

“Miomio.” Suletta smiles, laughs and returns her friend’s hug as tight as she can. “I-I tried to come
after your message, but…” She adds sadly before trailing off, slowly turning Aerial around to
return to the ship with one hand while the other continues to grasp at her long lost friend.

“And you still have that lame ass nickname for me.” Miorine laughs quietly. “I just… didn’t expect
you to be here, now.” She mumbles, sighing and letting the embrace slip loose. Instead, she sits
naturally on Suletta’s lap.

“Y-yeah…" Suletta shakes her head. "Y-your nickname, if you want it to be… to be something
else… I didn’t realize you thought it was lame,” Suletta rubs the back of her head awkwardly.
“How about… Mio.” She remembers Notrette always called her that. Miorine stiffens slightly,
shuffling a bit to get into a more comfortable position.

“Sure… it’s… it’s been a while since anyone called me that.” Miorine admits, sniffling, letting her
emotional wall to the outside world drop, or rather being unable to keep it up in the face of Suletta.
“But it’s you.” Suletta can tell that even though she’s happy to see her, there’s a sadness that lingers
around Miorine. Miorine rests her head on Suletta’s shoulder, looking out the side of Aerial’s

“A-and about what you said… your escape. Did you mean-” Suletta had seen it before, sometimes
with space suits, sometimes without. A final escape.

“No, there was a ship that was supposed to pick me up.” Miorine frowns, seeing the concern in
Suletta’s eyes. “I messed up on the amount of oxygen I had, that is all. I’ve been trying to get to
Earth ever since mom died, and then… you never came and I thought… well I know my father
isolated me, hired new people to teach me that he controlled, but at the time…” she had been angry
with Suletta, she thought that her one friend, the person she was closest to outside her mom, had
abandoned her. “I am sorry for headbutting you.” It’s a concrete thing she can apologize for, one
that doesn’t require stripping down years of her own thoughts and the anger that came with them.
Suletta came back for her, in the most dramatic way she possibly could have.

“It-it’s alright.” Suletta shakes her head. “It wasn’t that painful. But… you mentioned going to
Earth so… so… I’ll, I’ll take responsibility for that, I’ll hel-help you get to Earth.” she promises,
wrapping one arm around Miorine’s shoulders. “I’m just glad you’re alright, and…” Suletta
pauses, taking a deep breath. “I’ve missed you, Mio.”

“I have too, Suletta.” Miorine replies quietly. Miorine turns to look at her, and feels her sadness
melt away. She is not alone anymore. She won’t be alone again, she decides to herself. So she pulls
herself just a bit closer to the rambunctious comet that seems to fly into her life at the most
unexpected times.
The Witch's Bride
Chapter Summary

In which Suletta goes through orientation, gains a fiance, and gets arrested

Suletta sees two people in black suits waiting at the dock, and frowns. She glances over at Miorine,
who is idly looking out the window of the ship, her hand on her chin and her face knitted in a
scowl. Suletta can’t help but marvel at her despite that, and reaches out to touch her cheek. Miorine
glances at her, frowning but more curious at the touch than hostile.

“I-I just saw a loose hair, I thought it was annoying you.” Suletta mumbles, looking away and
hiding the fact that her cheeks were heating up. Miorine lets out a breathy laugh, then hums.

“No, it’s fine. Anyway, you’ll have to get registered, and I’ll have to be under watch by my father’s
goons until I’m somewhere I can’t run away easily. I’ll meet you at training range one at two in the
afternoon. Don’t be late.”

“I-it’s a date, Mio.” Suletta smiles at her, feeling her cheeks heat up again. “O-oh, I’ll need to tell
you about my list once we’re free.”

“Your list?” Miorine asks, as the two of them make their way down onto the hanger floor. Suletta
keeps one of her hands intertwined with Miorine’s, and watches as Aerial is put into a container
that disappears down some tracks, presumably to some Mobile Suit holding area. It was stupid of
her to assume that she could just walk around in Aerial, she thinks. Still, she’ll be back with her
soon enough, she was supposed to be a pilot.

“Y-yeah, my l-list.” Suletta rubs the back of her head, embarrassed. Only Aerial knew about
everything on the list. “Ever since I h-heard that I’d b-be going t-to school, I c-came up with a…
with a list of things. Things I wanted to do.” She looks around nervously as the two men in suits
approach. Miorine had called them her father’s goons, and Suletta suddenly feels defensive,
wanting to pull Miorine behind her. Yet, she trusts Miorine, and Miorine said that they’d see each
other later in the afternoon. So, she just gives Miorine’s hand a squeeze. Miorine looks over at her,
returning it and nodding.

“I’ll be alright Suletta. They do need to keep me alive and healthy, after all.” She says as the two
men walk up to them. Suletta thinks that it’s more directed at them than at her, and she stays frozen
once Miorine detangles their hands, and walks away with the two men. She watches them until
they pass through a door, and then Suletta flexes her hand, still feeling the lingering warmth of

The training range was easy enough for Suletta to find, the sounds of the Demi-Trainers moving
around draw her to it, and with her new uniform on, she smiles. This wasn’t so bad, she had found
Mio, and Mio had missed her as well, so they were still friends after all this time. That made things
less scary. And the school, she had decided, truly was amazing. It was bigger than anywhere she
had ever been, and the little Haros were polite enough to guide her when she asked for directions.
She looks down at her notebook, it was 13:50, ten minutes until Mio had told her to meet up, and
then scans the crowd. There are mechanics in vests, pilots in pilot suits, and even more students
milling around in uniforms like hers. A few instructors stand at the center of groups of students, or
else on small auxiliary craft. Still, she can’t see Miorine’s distinct silver hair, though she has to
remind herself that Miorine was still quite short, so it would be easy to lose her in a crowd.

“Miss Suletta Mercury.” A voice calls from behind her, and Suletta jumps, turning around. A girl in
a mechanics uniform smiles warmly at her, and Suletta smiles back, slightly nervous at someone
knowing her name. Despite that, the girl’s electric blue eyes seem invitingly friendly. It's an honest
face, and Suletta is easy to trust someone who looks honest.

“Y-yes.” Suletta bobs her head.

“You’re here to observe the drills, yes?” The mechanic asks.

“A-and to meet up with a friend.” Suletta looks around again. “M-Miss Miorine Rembran.”

“The princess?” The girl asks, her eyes opening wide in surprise. Suletta bobs her head again.
“Hmm… I don’t think I’ve seen her around yet. You should register her in your contacts if you
haven’t already.” She pulls out her notebook from a pocket, and Suletta fumbles for her own.

“A-alright.” Suletta turns it on, looking at the ID number. LP-041.

“I’m Nika Nanaura. Second year, mechanics. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I've
been assigned to chaperone you for your orientation.”

“Th-thank you.” Suletta bows, dropping her notebook and scrambling to pick it up. When she
looks up, she sees that Nika had been replaced by three other girls, who smile down on her less
fondly than Nika had. She sinks down to her knees, nervous at being suddenly surrounded. She
sees that Nika has backed up a little, and one of the girls also shoots the mechanic a glance.

“I’ll find you later Miss Suletta.” Nika waves nervously, backing away from the girls.

“Really, it isn’t a good move to be hanging around Earthians on your first day.” One of the girls,
the one in the middle with straight black hair, giggles. The two girls flanking her giggle as well.

“Well, she is from Mercury so perhaps she relates to them more. That’s where you’re from, isn't
it?” The girl on the left, with curly brown hair, asks her.

“Y-yes. A-and well, it-it doesn’t matter where people are fr-from, right?” Suletta asks. The three
girls look at each other, then burst out into even louder laughter. Suletta looks down, nervous and
not knowing if she should be laughing with them.

“I haven’t heard of anyone from Mercury coming here, what’s your major?” The blonde girl on the
right continues to question her after the laughing dies down.

“P-piloting.” Suletta squirms nervously, looking around for a way out of the conversation.

“Oh, really? One of the elite? How did you get in? Did your dad send you?” The black haired girl

“N-no, my mom…” Suletta reaches up, touching her hairband.

“And she gave you that old fashioned headband too?” The blonde snickers.

“Of course.” Suletta declares proudly. The three girls stop laughing, looking between each other in
“Suletta, what are you doing?” Miorine steps up behind the girls, and the three of them turn
around, focusing on her. Suletta’s face lights up at seeing her. “Get up before your knees get dirty.”
Miorine continues, ignoring the three girls that seem to be silently debating something amongst

“A-alright, Mio.” She stands up to her full height, looking over the girl’s heads at Miorine.

“Mio?” The black haired girl smirks, and Miorine grimaces, looking at Suletta slightly annoyed.
“Aww, isn’t that cute. The princess is friends with a bumpkin from Mercury.” The three girls
laugh, and then walk off. Suletta realizes, dishearteningly, that the three girls had been laughing at

“T-thank you, Mio.” Suletta lowers her head, not meeting Miorine’s gaze.

“Suletta. If we’re around other students, please call me Miorine.” Miorine tsks, then steps closer to
Suletta. “Not everyone here is going to be nice to you. Those girls were teasing you, though I
suppose your earnestness was useful.” She advises.

“Oh, the runaway bride has found a friend.” Suletta looks around, hearing the voice coming from
someone in a pilot suit, a girl with her hair done up in a topknot next to a mechanic with brown

“Yes, you’d better watch out, or Mister Guel is going to get jealous, and she is a pilot.” The
mechanic says, and both girls burst into laughter. Suletta frowns, opening and closing her mouth,
then looks at Miorine.

“Miss Miorine Rembran, I heard what happened, please rejoin the class.” An instructor calls out.
Miorine looks at him, sighing and nodding.

“Come on, Suletta.” Miorine begins to walk towards the instructor, Suletta following her.

“Umm… Mio-Miorine, what did those girls mean, about this Mister Guel… he isn’t…d-d” Suletta
stops as Miorine whips around, genuine anger on her face that softens when she looks at Suletta.

“If you must know, Suletta, I am unfortunately forced to be engaged to an arrogant ass of a man
named Guel Jeturk.” Miorine looks away.

“E-engaged‽” Suletta asks, wide eyed. “A-and forced?” She adds, clenching and unclenching her
fists anxiously.

“We’ll talk about it later. Right now, just listen to what the instructor says, you’re observing for
today, but soon you’ll become a part of the class.” Miorine explains. Suletta gulps, but takes a deep
breath to calm herself. Then the sky suddenly turns from a blue Earth sky to a simulated asteroid
field, a number of planets looming in the background. Two names appear on the sky, in gold, ‘Guel
Jeturk’ and in green, ‘Parker Eastcott’. Below them Suletta can see the name of their mobile suits,
and then below that, their win records.

Guel has twenty six wins, and was undefeated. Parker Eastcott had two wins, a loss, and a tie.

“Oh that’s just perfect.” Miorine huffs, the sarcasm obvious to even Suletta. Two mobile suits jump
onto the range, the smaller one being pushed by the bigger one, the latter is a dark pink with a
feathered plume on its head. “The pink one is Guel Jeturk. Watch and see why I’m not happy about

Suletta inches closer to Miorine, as the other Demi-Trainers all try to get out of the way.
“Apologies for interrupting your drills.” A friendly voice comes from the intercom. “This is an
official duel approved by the dueling committee. I, Shaddiq Zenelli, will be the witness. I ask that
no one interfere.”

“I guess now is a good time to talk about it as well. The most talented mobile suit pilot, or rather
the one who can defeat them, becomes the Holder. My father has also decreed that the Holder will
be engaged to me.” Miorine explains. Suletta nods, gulping again, still trying to wrap her head
around so much information, while also watching the duel play out. Guel throws his mobile suit
against his opponent, and Suletta realizes that the two of them are beginning to move this way. Or
rather that Guel is pushing them both towards her and Miorine.

Both suits retreat from each other, and Guel powers up a lance, three green energy prongs coming
off of it. In his other hand, he wields a beam sword, and Suletta frowns. She would have expected
at least some ranged weapons from someone claiming to be the top duelist, though perhaps Guel
thinks he doesn’t need them. As if to demonstrate that point, Guel charges despite Parker Escott
carrying a beam rifle with a bayonet. Suletta finds herself taking mental note of the thrusters on the
feet being a bit slow to get the suit up to speed. Still, it manages to take the beam rifle shots
without slowing down. Guel impales the spear into the head of the other mobile suit, and lifts it off
the ground he carries it right towards her and Miorine. She’s transfixed as the suits grow closer,
bigger, and she suddenly thinks that she should run.

“Miss Suletta!” She hears someone, Miss Nika from earlier, yell.

“Suletta, don’t just stand there, get out of the way!” Miorine takes her hand, pulling her to the side
as Guel slices the antenna off the other mobile suit. It crashes close to where she had been a
moment ago, and the rest of the suit follows a second after that.

Miorine throws herself on top of Suletta defensively, putting her arms around Suletta’s head to
shield her, and ducking her own head in so that the two of them stare at each other as the ground
shakes beneath them. Eventually, the rumbling stops, and Suletta can see the sky turn blue again.
Slowly, Miorine pulls back, still shielding Suletta but watching the pink mobile suit take a step
towards them. Suletta’s eyes darted to the two names, where there is only one now. It declares
Guel Jeturk the winner of the fight.

“Did you see that, Miorine? How Guel Jeturk fights!” The mobile suit extends a hand just below
the cockpit, and Suletta watches a man step out in a white and gold suit. He pulls out his helmet,
showing a mop of black hair with a pink clump in the front. “Both you and the company will be
mine soon.” There’s a pause, and then Guel looks down, seeming to notice something for the first
time. To notice her, Suletta realizes. “Oh, I heard that there was a new girl from Mercury, you must
be her. Let me tell you something. This bastard thought he could call me then man with the
runaway bride, and now he’s going to have to grovel at my feet for an apology. Why don’t you
stay and watch what happens when you challenge Guel Jeturk?” He laughs, and Suletta stares at

She doesn’t like him. Not one bit.

“Come on, Suletta.” Miorine gets to her feet, and pulls Suletta up after her. “I’m going to make sure
that she isn’t injured.” She tells the instructor. Then holding her hand very tightly, enough that it’s
slightly painful and Suletta winces, she leads Suletta away from the training range. Suletta notices
the two men in suits, the goons, following a short distance behind them. They hadn’t tried to do
anything while Miorine had nearly been crushed by that mobile suit before.

Miorine doesn’t lead Suletta to the infirmary, instead walking onto the greens and to a building that
Suletta thought she would never see again.

“Ah… you still have it.” Suletta says, glad to see the greenhouse that she remembers fondly. She
wonders if Miorine still has those tomatoes that she loves as well.

“Yes… mom left it to me.” Miorine explains, “It’s mine, so my father can’t touch it.” There’s a bit
of pride in her voice at that. She climbs to the top of the steps, and then bends down. Suletta can
hear her punching in numbers on the keypad on the top step, the same code that she used before
and then the door opens.

“I’m home.” Miorine mumbles.

“Welcome back.” Suletta adds, and she sees Miorine stiffen slightly, her breath hitching. It had
upset Miorine for some reason. “S-sorry, it’s just what they always say in the anime I watch… M-
may I come in?” She asks.

“Suletta Mercury, you are always welcome here.” Miorine replies with a sigh, taking a deep breath
to recover her composure. “Do you remember the code?”

“Y-yes.” Suletta knew it by heart, and had used it as her own lock code when she needed it. In fact,
it was the code she had set on her notebook.

“Good. That saves me the trouble of reminding you.” Miorine steps inside, and Suletta follows her.
Suletta looks around, refamiliarizing herself with the various plants that Miorine and before that
her mother had kept. Miorine moves towards the central table, and opens a drawer, pulling out the
silently desired tomato. Suletta feels her mouth water at just the thought of tasting it again.

“Here, I doubt you remembered to eat at lunch if you’re anything like you were before.” Miorine
says. Suletta’s stomach rumbles, and she blushes.

“N-no, I suppose I am.” She squirms nervously, and Miorine lets a smile grace her face. The two
of them hold each other’s gaze for a moment, and then they break out in a giggle.

“Suletta, you’re always like this, getting overly excited, forgetting to take care of yourself.”
Miorine hands her the tomato, their hands touching and feeling like electricity on Suletta’s skin.
She really had missed Miorine, she thinks suddenly. “So eat up.” Miorine demands.

Suletta nods, biting into the tomato happily, then swallowing her bite and nearly breaking into
tears, once more eating the

“Ah… I’ve missed this taste. Thank you Miss Notrette.” She says to the sky, then looks at Miorine,
saddened. Miorine has stopped smiling as well, and looks down. “S-s-s-sorry. I n-never got to-to
say I’m sorry a-about your mom, sh-she was nice to me, a-and… well me and my mom… we
mourned for her.”

“Thank you.” Miorine looks down and picks up another tomato from a drawer, placing it on top of
the table. Suletta always would ask for a second one. “It’s not your fault, she was just… she had a
hard life. I think we were both too young to understand just how hard it was.” Miorine sits down
against the wall, reaching over to the bottom drawer of the table and opening it. Suletta sits next to
her, taking another, smaller bite of the tomato, and watches to see what she pulls out.

It’s a picture, and when Suletta sees it she remembers the day fondly. Miorine and her sit cross
legged beside each other, Suletta smiling wide despite a missing front tooth and Miorine giggling
at something Suletta had said moments ago. Behind them, their mothers sit on wicker chairs, lifting
up tea cups in cheers with dignified smiles. Prospera’s mask rests in the background on a table.
Miorine passes it to her so she can see it more clearly.

“Ah…” Suletta smiles sadly. It was the last day they saw each other before Notrette’s death.

“It’s the last picture I have of her, you know. Of… of her, and you, and your mom.”

“W-what about everything else?” Suletta asks. Miorine just slumps her shoulders, looking at the
ground and shaking her head.

“How did the tomatoes grow?” Miorine asks. Notrette and Miorine had given Suletta a few dozen
tomato seeds to try and grow on her own that day as well, to test how they grew in orbit of

“They… they didn’t last. I-I tried.” Suletta replies. “S-sorry. I’m not g-good at gardening like y-
you or your m-mom were.”

“It’s alright.” Miorine shakes her head. “Speaking of Mercury… have you figured out what you
wanted to do for them yet?”

“Oh!” Suletta’s eyes light up. “Y-you remembered.”

“Of course.” Miorine scoffs. As if Suletta hadn’t been someone she thought of daily all these

“W-well, I…” she looks down at her notebook. “Ah, my list. B-before I forget. C-can I a-add you,
as a con-con-contact.” She holds up her notebook towards Miorine, who once more can only smile
at her friend’s actions. “It’s the first thing on my list.”

“Right, you mentioned that. What else is on there?” Miorine takes the notebook, and pulls out her
own, opening the contact list.

She only has one saved contact herself, and that person is elsewhere in the vastness of space, likely
putting finishing touches on a Haro, and their last message exchanged had been before Miorine
came to Asticassia.

“Playing gardener again?” Suletta feels Miorine tense up beside her just as she’s about to read off
her list, and looks at the entrance to the greenhouse. Guel is there, and behind him she can see
three other people in the school’s uniform. Two she recognizes from before, the pilot and the
mechanic who had said that Guel might be jealous, but the fourth, a boy with purple hair that he
twists with one of his fingers, is unfamiliar. “Really, thinking you can get to Earth.” He shakes his
head, and then steps into the greenhouse.

“Guel…” Miorine stands up, and Suletta does so as well. She still clutches the picture of her and
Miorine and their parents in her hand, though her other hand reaches out to touch Miorine’s wrist.
“You aren’t allowed to barge in here. Get out.”

“I have a better idea.” Guel says. “How about you stay with us in Jeturk House. That way you
won’t be able to run away so easily.”

“I don’t agree.” Miorine informs him. She steps around Suletta, putting one hand behind her to
gently push Suletta back away from Guel. Suletta hadn’t known Miorine to be a confrontational
person, but perhaps all those years apart… all those years when Miorine only had herself to rely
on, it would naturally develop.

“It’s your father who makes the rules, and the rules say that you have to listen to what I tell you to
do.” Guel jerks a thumb into his chest. “So I don’t care if you don’t agree.”

“Well, we don’t need to follow our parents' rules all the time, or are you just your daddy’s little lap
dog.” Miorine quips. Suletta sees Guel’s expression twist in anger, and then he swipes at one of the
pots hanging on the walls. Suletta sees it go flying past her and Miorine’s heads, Suletta ducking as
it passes close enough for her to feel a breeze. The pot hits the ground and spills its contents over
the floor. He grabs another pot, flipping it over and slamming it into the ground with a shout.

Then Miorine leaps forward, trying to stop Guel. Suletta gulps, hoping that he will back away,
though she also clenches her fist, just in case she needs to fight. “Stop that!” Miorine yells,
grabbing him around an arm.

Instead, he effortlessly throws Miorine off him, and she stumbles back, losing her footing on one of
the pots he had knocked over. Guel steps towards her, raising a hand flat, with his fingers together.
Ready to hit her.

Suletta drops the picture and catches Miorine before she falls and her head bashes against the floor,
and Miorine looks up at Suletta, who stares at Guel with enough determination and anger to get
him to stop breaking things for the moment. He stands frozen in the air, a twisted scowl on his

“My my, your princess has got a knight, Guel.” The pilot with the topknot laughs along with the
mechanic she had been with, and then the pilot falls into the mechanic’s arms, pretending to swoon
“How dashing, how heroic. She’s a pilot, you know.” She adds with a smirk.

“Oh, the Mercurian bumpkin from before, I thought I recognized that hair” Guel says to the pilot.
“I remember now. I guess you don’t understand how things-” he looks down, and Suletta realizes
that the picture has landed right in front of his feet. Miorine grimaces, seemingly ready to fight him
again, but Suletta keeps her in her arms. “Oi, what’s this…” he scoops down, picking up the picture
and looking between it and Suletta. “Is this you?”

“I-I-I’m Suletta Mercury. M-M-Miorine’s f-friend.” Suletta declares, though still feels nervous.
She doesn’t want to fight. “Please g-give her her pic-picture back.”

“Hmm. You mustn’t know a thing then.” He laughs. “I am Guel Jeturk, heir of one of the three
branches of the Benerit Group. I don’t listen to the mewing of some idiot from that dead-end
planet.” Guel pinches the top of the picture with both his hands, preparing to tear it. “You say
you’re a pilot, yeah? In that case, we can settle this in a duel. Accept, and I’ll give Miorine her
stupid picture back.” He stares at Suletta, waving the picture in one hand. “If I win though, then
you can pack your bags and leave after groveling at my feet for a bit, so I can teach her a lesson.”

“A-and if I win, y-you apologize to M-Miorine for everything you did to h-hurt her, and, and,
repair her greenhouse.” Suletta replies. She looks down at Miorine, who has a terrified expression
on her face and is shaking her head.

“Suletta, it’s alright. Don’t throw your dream away…” Miorine whispers harshly.

“Please, trust me Miorine.” Suletta asks her. She knows she can fight, she’s been practicing
piloting in Aerial as long as she can remember, and this is for Mio’s sake, so she refuses to lose. “I-
I accept… please Mister Guel, it-it’s the only picture she h-has left of her m-mom.” She adds,
holding one arm outstretched. Guel bites his lip, looking down at the picture again, then flicks it
towards the two of them. Suletta lets Miorine go, and Miorine catches the photo as Guel turns to
leave. His posse follows him, and Suletta waits until they’re out of sight before sinking to the floor,
her legs shaking too much to stand.
“A-are you alright?” Suletta asks Miorine.

“You idiot!” Miorine turns on her, and Suletta flinches. Miorine closes her eyes, knitting her brow
together. “You’ve always been such an idiot jumping into things that aren’t your concern. You saw
his winning record, he’s undefeated. He is the best pilot in the school. And you will be expelled if
he wins, these duels are sanctioned by my father, so the staff have to fulfill whatever wager is
made.” She explains, and Suletta lowers her head.

“S-sorry. I’ll...”

“We just found each other again, and now if Guel has his way…” Miorine trails off, her voice
softening. She looks down at the two notebooks that she has in her hand, then fiddles with them.
Suletta can hear a ding, and Miorine presses a button. “There, now you’re in my contacts.”

“At least… If I lose, I’ll have crossed one thing off my list.” Suletta smiles, trying to lighten the
mood, though it comes off as sad. Miorine merely looks heartbroken, then hands her one of the
notebooks and walks out of the greenhouse.

“Close up behind yourself.” Miorine tells her, already storming off.

“Miss Suletta! There you are!” Suletta had been studying a map when she heard a voice call her
name. She looks around, seeing Nika waving over at her. She walks through the crowd, standing
next to Suletta and looking at the map. “I’m sorry about earlier, it would have been worse if I tried
to confront those Spacian girls, nothing you should have seen on your first day. At least you found
Miss Miorine.”

“Y-yeah, it was f-fine, just… w-well then Mio, well-well we were friends f-from when we-we
were young.” Suletta explains, rambling and looking at the map again. “Except h-her father to-told
her to- after her m-mom died we c-couldn’t see each other. Th-then I found out she’s en-engaged to
that Guel person, and she to-took me to her greenhouse, but Guel c-came in, and, and he tr-tried to
destroy it, but now… now I’m supposed to duel him.”

“Oh, I see, a duel with Guel, I don’t envy you.” Nika nods. Suletta doesn’t know why she’s saying
all of it, exactly, but Miss Nika did offer to help her, so… she couldn’t be that bad., “Do you
already have your own mobile suit? Or do you need to borrow one?”

“I-I have one, her name is Aerial.”

Nika frowns, putting a hand on her chin.

“Add me to your contacts, I’ll be able to check what bay she’s in then.” Nika pulls out her student
notebook. Suletta nods, opening her own notebook and preparing to add a new contact.

“Okay, you’ll be my second, after Miss Miorine.” Suletta says, momentarily cheerful. A moment
later she hears Nika’s notebook ding as she accepts the request.

“That can’t be right…” Nika frowns, looking up at Suletta. “Can I see your notebook for a

“S-sure, what’s wrong?” Had she messed up already, she worries. Nika looks at the notebook,
switching to the main screen.

“LS001… Miorine Rembran. It seems that Miss Miorine messed up what notebook she gave you,
this is hers.” Nika tells her, handing back Miorine’s notebook to Suletta. “I think you should…”
Nika’s attention suddenly turns to the map as it’s replaced by a view of a cratered gray surface. The
camera shifts to the view of two mobile suits. One Suletta recognizes as Guel’s Dilanza, the giant
plume and pink paint unmistakable. And on the other part of the screen…

“Hey, that’s Aerial.” Suletta exclaims, confused. But the duel hadn’t started yet, even though they
looked ready to be in position. She thinks, for a moment, that Aerial herself had decided to do

“How good is Miss Miorine, as a pilot?” Nika asks, suddenly grabbing Suletta’s arm and dragging
her away from the screen.

“Sh-she’s never done it… un-unless it was after her m-mom died. Why?”

“Come with me, I know where they are. Let’s go before your princess gets herself hurt.” Nika
breaks into a full sprint, and Suletta follows her. She glances at the screens, which are now
showing the two pilots.

“M-M-M-Mio!” Suletta’s eyes go wide, seeing her in a piloting suit on the screens. She thinks she
can hear the people they’re passing by mumbling something, pointing at their screens. A few are
laughing even. Still, she follows, dragged along by Nika. She tries to ignore looking at what’s
happening on the various notebooks and monitors, though she can hear snippets of it.

“Victory is never decided by mobile suit performance alone.” Guel states.

“Nor by the skill of the pilot, alone.” Miorine answers.

“The result itself is the only truth.” Guel and Miorine chorus together. Suletta feels her lungs
burning by how fast they’re running, and then sees someone running beside them. Impossibly large
pink hair tufts run at her side and angry pink eyes spare her an angry glance before looking at

“Chuchu, just who I needed right now, run ahead and get a pilot suit ready at the dueling range,”
Nika explains, pointing at the screens. “I’ll explain later.” Nika seems to pre-empt a question from
the girl. The pink haired girl, Chuchu, somehow manages to outpace the two of them, and the
groups of students seem wise enough not to get in her way.

They quickly make their way to a small maintenance bay, and Suletta can see that Chuchu had
already thrown a pilot suit out onto the floor. Chuchu has her arms crossed, looking at Nika.

“Open Miss Miorine’s notebook and let me have it again.” Nika puts out her hand, her other one
resting on her leg, winded. Suletta nods, fumbling for it and passing it to Nika. Nika runs over to a
small rack of vehicles, and Suletta goes over to the pilot suit, starting to put it on.

“Hmm…” Chuchu nods slightly. Suletta gulps, unable to get any sort of read on the girl. “You’re
from Mercury, right?” She asks finally.

“Y-y-yes.” Suletta stammers. It seems that everyone wanted to know that.

“Working in mining?” Chuchu points vaguely at the way Suletta was fitting her boots on.

“R-rescue. I re-rescue people wh-who get tr-trapped.” Suletta explains as she pulls the suit over her
uniform, zipping it up. Chuchu picks up the helmet and tosses it to her.

“Not the worst thing a Spacian could do, and not the worst place they could come from I guess.”
Chuchu declares, even though Suletta has no idea if she means it in a good way or a bad way. Then
Chuchu looks at her own notebook. “But really, has that princess ever been in a mobile suit before?
It is yours after all, at this rate she’s going to wreck it.”

Suletta spares a moment to look at the notebook, seeing that Miorine and Aerial were at least still
on their feet, though giving ground. Then Guel charges, slamming the butt of his spear into Aerial
and throwing her off her feet. Suletta gasps in horror, and pushes the helmet onto her head.

“Miss Suletta, over here!” Nika waves, holding up a small scooter with a Haro on it. Suletta runs
towards Nika as fast as she can in the somewhat bulky pilot suit.

“Th-th-th-thank you Miss Chuchu, Miss Nika!” Suletta calls back and gives a quick double bow as
she hops onto the scooter. Nika opens a nearby door, and Suletta pulls out onto the dueling field.

“So, what is that about, she’s just a Spacian.” Chuchu asks as Suletta leaves out the door.

“It’s good to help people out when they need it. Also Aliya told me yesterday that I would meet
someone soon who would help us out. Then I got randomly assigned to chaperone a transfer
student from Mercury. You’ll learn to trust her about these things.” Nika smiles, and Chuchu sighs,
shaking her head. “Plus, you didn’t immediately hate her, which is a sign in on itself.” She adds.

“Well, fine. Go Mercury Spacian, or whatever. But what’s her connection to the princess anyway,
she doesn’t seem the type to know the head turd’s daughter.”

“Childhood friends apparently. Lilique will probably go crazy about it.”

“Of course she would.” Chuchu groans. Nika has already made a decision, and she can't say no to

Suletta drove as fast as the scooter would take her, feeling every bump and pothole in the uneven
surface, but managing to stay upright. “Oi, is that you Mercurian girl? ” She hears Guel call, the
helmet joining the ongoing call. A safety procedure, better than having someone wandering around
mobile suits without being able to communicate with them, Suletta thinks.

“Suletta, what are you doing?” Miorine asks. Suletta still remains quiet, jumping off the scooter as
she reaches Aerial and scrambling onto the cockpit, hitting the emergency button.

She stares down at Miorine. She can see some vomit on her helmet’s visor.

Miorine stares up at her. She can see some tears in Suletta’s eyes.

Then Suletta dives down and headbutts her.

“Ow!” Miorine grabs her head, and Suletta huffs, crossing her arms. “Suletta, I-”

“I asked you to trust me, Miorine.” Suletta yells, though she sounds more wounded by the betrayal
than anything. “Not steal my notebook, and… and try to fight in Aerial all by yourself.” She stares
accusingly at Miorine, and Miorine looks away as well, her cheeks heating up with a bit of shame.

“This way, maybe you could stay, even if I do lose. And I’m sick of being told what to do, so let
me fight.” Miorine retorts.

“I will stay when I win. Just please trust us, Aerial and me both. Both of us won’t stand for failing
you, or losing to the likes of him. So… fight with us.” Suletta clasps Miorine’s hand, and Miorine
lets herself look at Suletta, even though she knows it will make her agree. A determined expression
radiates through her face, infectious and enough to make her feel more confident. She looks over at
Guel’s Dilanza, standing on a nearby cliff. At least he was good enough to give them time to set
up. Miorine nods then, detaching her pilot suit from the seat and letting Suletta sit in her place. As
they had earlier that day, Miorine slides into Suletta’s lap, putting an arm around Suletta’s
shoulders to brace herself.

“The likes of him…” Guel growls, and his Dilanza begins to approach again. They were out of
time. “Coming from you, a country bumpkin and a trophy. Shaddiq, I’m fighting against the
Mercurian girl again, switch opponents.” Suletta starts to stand Aerial back up, and watches as the
screen switches from Miorine’s name to her own. The Dilanza accelerates, keeping its massive
spear over its head with one hand and ready to cleave down on Aerial. Suletta flexes her hands,
feeling Aerial’s controls, hearing her. Miorine had already lost the beam rifle, leaving her bits and
her sword to work with. They would be enough.

“Straight ahead. He’s arrogant, cruel, but sees fighting in close range as honourable rather than
shooting.” Miorine says. “So he’ll disregard any ranged option for the kill.” Guel fires a beam rifle
wildly, the shots going wide around Aerial. Either he was that bad of a shot, Suletta thinks, or he’s
trying to pin Aerial down so he can get closer.

“I understand.” Suletta says. She holds her ground, letting Guel come in closer and closer. He still
isn’t close enough for the simple plan rapidly developing in her mind.

“Are you sure we’ll win?” Miorine asks, tightening her grip on Suletta ever so slightly. We, Suletta
finds herself momentarily distracted. They were back to 'we', her and Miorine.

“Do you remember what I said mom taught me?” Suletta continues to stare at the approaching

“If you run, you gain one?” Miorine recites questioningly, starting to recall the somewhat odd
philosophy Suletta had sworn herself to.

“Yes, you gain one by not losing.” Suletta says.

“But if you move forward, you gain two, you win.” Miorine finds herself smiling, the words
inspiring her even from her own mouth.

“Even if you don’t win, you still gain two things. Experience and pride, and not to mention trust.”
Suletta explains, looking pointedly at Miorine. Still, like Miorine she is smiling, a determined
smile. Miorine can feel Aerial hum, more screens coming online, systems she had no idea what to
make of. Both of them give a nod at each other.

“I will then.” Miorine promises.

Suletta closes her eyes then, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly. Guel had gotten close
enough. Even if he was cautious about the bit staves, Suletta could act before he had any time to
move back.

“Everyone, let’s win.” She says quietly. One of Guel’s shots finally goes right towards them, and
Suletta makes Aerial form a shield with her bits. The viewscreen is filled with sparking green light
as the beam breaks on the shield, a wonderful ringing of the beam and shield on each other filling
the cockpit.

Then, just as Miorine predicted, Guel throws the rifle away, lowering his spear like a lance and
drawing his sword with his other hand. He gets within fifty meters of Aerial, and Suletta springs
her trap, letting the bits split apart and circle around the Dilanza, firing off beams that cut through
the heavy pink armour effortlessly. The lance is split in half, the arm carrying the sword falls off,
and then a leg is pierced at the knee, bringing the Dilanza into a kneel. Its other arm is cut off, and
Suletta recalls her bits, attaching them to Aerial once again.

She thinks she hears Miorine gasp, and glances over at her to see her staring wide eyed at the
destruction Aerial brought down upon the Dilanza.

Suletta pulls out her own beam sword, and then charges, ending it in a single slash. The plume of
feathers explodes as the beam passes through it, just as the clouds in the simulated sky break into
light, and Suletta lets out a small sigh as she relaxes. She sees her own name appear more
prominently as Guel’s disappears entirely. She has one win, and no losses or ties. Letting Aerial
kneel down, she puts one of her palms underneath the cockpit, letting her and Miorine exit and
stretch. Plus, despite everything he did, it was still in her nature to make sure everyone was alright.

Miorine steps out first, staring at the remains of Guel’s Dilanza. Suletta follows her slowly, and
pulls out her own notebook from its slot in Aerial’s cockpit. Feathers fall all around them, and
Miorine practically glows in the light. Suletta had never seen something so breathtaking as Miorine
at that moment.

“H-here you go.” Suletta hands Miorine’s notebook back to her, and Miorine looks down.

“Right. I’m… sorry for deceiving you Suletta. May I have yours once again?” She asks. Suletta
nods, and Miorine taps a few buttons before putting it against Suletta’s breast, right above the
school’s logo. Suletta watches the pilot suit change from gray to a white and black, with gold
trimming. Then, she hands the notebook back.

“H-huh?” Suletta asks. Miorine rolls her eyes, and coughs politely.

“The attire is the emblem of victory, the Holder. Since you defeated Guel, you’ve taken that
position from him.” Miorine looks down then, and continues in a softer voice. “It's also the
emblem of my fiance.”

Suletta, for her part, lowers herself to her knees, her eyes wide. She’s Miorine’s fiance, even
though…“We’re both women.” She says the thought out loud. Miorine scowls, and Suletta lowers
her head to look at the ground.

“I forgot that Mercury was… conservative about those things.” Miorine scoffs. Then she bends
down, touching Suletta’s shoulder. Suletta meets her gaze, and they stare at each other. “It’s
actually quite common, men marrying men, and women marrying women.” She explains.

“O-oh, well… s-since it is y-you, Miorine.” Suletta feels her cheeks heat up. “I-I… I accept.” She
holds out a hand to Miorine.

“You don’t have much choice… neither do I.” Miorine sighs, but takes Suletta’s hand. “Despite
that, I can genuinely say that it is nice to meet you, my Groom.” Miorine pulls Suletta to her feet,
their hands still clasping each other, and Miorine has to tilt her head back slightly to meet Suletta’s
eyes. They sparkle like the ocean Miorine had often dreamed about.

Suletta cannot say why she feels so overwhelmingly happy at the thought of being Miorine’s
groom as she stares into Miorine’s eyes that make her think of starlight.

Miorine doesn’t say that, of all the people in the solar system, Suletta would be her choice if that
choice was hers to make.

Then the sky goes dark, warning lights flashing on the walls and the ceiling, and they find
themselves surrounded by a number of mobile suits.

“Cease dueling and power down the mobile suits.” The pilot of one of the intervening mobile suits
says through a speaker.

“The front management company…” Miorine mumbles. “Why are they here?” The four mobile
suits point beam rifles at the two of them, and Miorine steps between Suletta and the barrel. At the
very least, they won’t shoot their CEO’s daughter. At least she hopes they won't.

“Student ID LP041, Suletta Mercury. You and your mobile suit are being placed into custody on
suspicion of operating a Gundam.” The voice declares.

Miorine glances back at Suletta, and is thankful to see her looking utterly baffled.

“B-but Aerial isn’t… she’s Aerial, not a Gundam.” Suletta looks at Miorine desperately for help.

“Lower your weapons. Your job is to manage the fronts, and this is a school! I will personally
vouch for this mobile suit, and its pilot.” Miorine yells, clenching her fists.

“The rules put in place by the president take precedent. Appeal to him.” The pilot says. They do
not, as Miorine had asked, lower their weapons.

“M-Miorine.” Suletta mumbles, her voice cracking. Miorine looks back at her, seeing that Suletta
is putting on a brave face. “I-I, I trust you. I know you c-can… you can help, you can, right?”
Suletta asks. Suletta is terrified, her heart pounding, knowing that this is bad by the mere fact that
she has no idea what these people mean by Aerial being a Gundam.

“I will.” Miorine says, tears threatening to spill over, her voice threatening to crack. Tears of rage
at her father, and of sorrow for herself, that just when she thought that the most important person in
her world was safe, her father would once again try to rip them apart.
Chapter Summary

As Suletta languishes alone in a detention cell, Miorine races for a way to help her.
Elan investigates the witch himself.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Suletta grunts as a large security guard shoves her into a detention cell, her interrogation over for
now. She had lost track of time, ever since being put in here. She thinks it’s deliberate, both that
and the fact that these cells are in a part of the school without gravity. The people who interrogated
her accused her of being a witch, accused Aerial of being a Gundam, asked her about things she
didn’t know. Why didn’t she die from piloting Aerial for so long? Why didn’t Aerial produce a
datastorm? How did her bits function? Why had she come to this school? Never mind the
accusations that she was a part of the Vanadis Institute, whatever that was. Asks if anyone else
from Ochs Earth survived. It was too much, and she had stuttered too much, and couldn’t answer
those questions, so they had asked them again until she had broken down in tears. So she pulls
herself against the zero-g bed, the only thing in the room aside from herself, and closes her eyes,
sniffling. They were going to scrap Aerial, take her apart. Take her sister apart. They were going to
expel her, or worse. They had been just as interested in her as they had been in Aerial, so maybe the
expulsion was just a cover for something worse. Who would care if she disappeared? Her mom,
and Miorine, but that was all.

She hopes that Miorine was simply busy with trying to help her, and that was why she hadn’t
visited. Surely they would let her visit, it wasn’t as if she was a danger or could escape with
Suletta. Maybe because Miorine would help her feel better is why they don't let her come, just like
when Miorine's father kept them apart, it was a way to make Miorine feel worse. She wishes
they’d let anyone visit, the guards just sent a plate with her meal in it through a slot on the door,
and her interrogator was there to interrogate her. To be harsh with her. It was maddening, after one
day of school, one day with Miorine again, she was now alone, isolated from the outside world.
Not even with Aerial, or her mother, she would even take the old grouch Ergo for company. But
instead, she was alone, truly alone, for what feels like the first time in her life. She starts to cry
again, pressing her face against the bed's pillow. Why did she think that she could start a school on
Mercury, when she can hardly form a cohesive sentence outside of Aerial? Why would she expect
people to be nice to her, even though she had done nothing to them to warrant any hate from them?
Why couldn't she just have a normal life at school?

Miorine floats in a large room in a zero-g area of the school, windows covering one entire wall so
she could see the field of stars that stretched out infinitely. To put it simply, she was angry. It had
been two days, two days since Suletta had been taken away from her once again, and despite all her
efforts, she hadn’t been able to even see Suletta. The bastards at the detention center had told her
that she was not allowed to visit Suletta, even though she was her fiance. Her father's orders
specifically denied her access. She doubted that they were letting her see anyone, and who knows
what they were doing to her. They thought she was a witch, someone who used a Gundam.
Gundams, she knew, were supposed to kill the pilots. Yet she knew for a fact that Suletta had been
piloting the Aerial for years, since she was a child. And she was still alive, so Aerial couldn’t be a
Gundam. So she had tried calling her father, thinking that surely that would get a response. Of
course not, so she tried calling anyone at the Headquarters who might listen to her. That was when
she learned from Prospera’s office, not the woman herself, that they were busy with preparing for a
Witch Trial, as they called it. An inquiry about how the Aerial was developed, if it was a Gundam.
Her father would crush not just Suletta, but Prospera as well.

It was just a cover for her hypocrite of a father. He probably heard that Suletta had somehow come
back into her life, and scrambled to find something that would force her out again. And not just her
this time, but her mother as well, probably because she had treated Miorine with a bit of kindness in
the past. She imagines that he thinks that he needs to be thorough this time. She grits her teeth, and
hears a polite cough behind her.

“Miss Rembran, you’re going to want to read this.” One of her handlers says, passing her his
notebook. Miorine looks to see what it is, a message from her father. Too much of a coward to tell
her himself, she thinks. And she begins to read the message, her fist slowly clenching tighter and
tighter around the notebook, her hand trembling with rage.

She was going to be withdrawn from the school. Her father would set up a match for her himself.
Someone ‘reputable’.

It was always like that with him. He would stack the deck in his favour, make sure the only
outcome was best for him. As soon as he had gotten control of her, he had done everything in her
power to keep it. Not letting her grieve for her mother at her funeral. Forcing her out of contact
with Suletta. Choosing what tutors she had, all private, all separate. They had taught her, and left.
None tried to form a connection with her. He took her away from her piano, any piano, and she had
been unable to keep it up even though playing it brought her so much joy. She often wondered if he
enjoyed making her suffer, if he blamed her for something like his poor relationship with his wife.
She doubts she would get an answer even if she asks. And now… Now this is happening. She was
going to be isolated again, because she somehow had scored one minor victory against her father.

With a shout, she hurls the handler’s notebook against the window of the room, and then expertly
kicks off the railing she had been holding on to. Her handlers don’t have the momentum to catch
up with her, and she loses them, ducking into a bathroom. She prepares to swipe to a game, to
something, to let her release a bit of that anger.

It’s then when her notebook rings, telling her she has a call. Suletta was the only one she had added
to her contacts, so she answers without looking at the ID.

It isn’t Suletta that answers, but someone she doesn’t recognize, a girl with electric blue eyes and
black and blue hair.

“Hello, Miss Miorine?” The girl asks. Miorine frowns, looking at the ID. “Can you hear me?
Hello?” Nika Nanaura, her Student ID code tells her that she’s a second year mechanic.

“How did you get in my contacts?” Miorine asks indignantly. She answers her own question
instantly in her mind.

“Oh, Miss Suletta added me when she thought that she was using her own notebook. I was
assigned to chaperone her on her first day, and then I helped her get to your duel.” Nika says,
confirming Miorine’s suspicions “I just wanted to know if you know what happened to her, the
video feed went down after the proposal, and she hasn’t been around.”

“Pro-” Right, that was probably how it was seen by the rest of the students. That didn’t matter right
now. “She… she was arrested, because my father thinks she’s using a Gundam. Which she isn’t,
it’s just my father being a hypocrite.” Miorine tells Nika.

“Oh… that isn’t good.” Nika frowns. “Is there somewhere we could meet up, you look like you
need some support yourself.” She adds with genuine concern. Miorine glances up at the mirror that
hangs on the door. She hadn’t been sleeping well for the past two days, and she was showing it in
her face, the dark circles that surrounded her eyes. She should just tell her that it’s none of her
concern, but as worn down as she is from the past few days, she would rather not push away some
concern for her wellbeing.

“Yes, do you know the greenhouse near the woods? Small, prefabricated building.” Miorine

“Oh yes, is that yours? We always wondered about that.” Nika hums. “A friend and I will meet you
down there in a few minutes, we’d also like to try and help Miss Suletta.”

“I… I’ll meet you down there then.” Miorine nods at Nika, then ends the call and leaves the
bathroom stall. Her handlers hadn’t found her yet, which made things easier.

As promised, Nika is down there sitting in front of the greenhouse, while someone else with two
outrageously, almost comically large pink hair puffs sticking out the side of her head squats on the
steps. Nika stands up as Miorine approaches, and then offers her a hand to shake. Miorine takes it,
the grasp soft but not fleeting.

“Hello there Miss Miorine. My friend here is Chuchu, she was also helping Miss Suletta out at the
duel.” Nika explains. Miorine nods, putting her hand out to shake Chuchu’s, but the pink haired girl
just sticks them in her jacket’s pockets. She scowls at Miorine, and Miorine frowns, wondering
what she had done to piss her off. “Don’t mind her, she just isn’t a fan of Spacians. Both of us are
from Earth House.” Nika excuses her friend, pointing between the two of them.

“Ah, I see. I do admit that I’ve been curious about your own farming setup.” She looks at the
greenhouse, still closed because she knows it will just make her angrier to see the destruction Guel
brought upon. Yet, anger was easy for her, easier to deal with than the worry over Suletta and her
family, and now her own future.

“Maybe we could work out an agreement then.” Nika suggests. “We produce a lot of eggs, and we
usually have some to spare.” She says as Miorine climbs the stairs and punches in the code to enter
the greenhouse.

The door slides open, and Miorine lets a bit of anger reignite the fire in her gut. The broken pots,
spilled dirt, still untouched. She enters the building, the two Earthians hovering at the entrance.

“Oooh.” Nika exclaims, eyes wide as she takes it in. “You're quite dedicated, Miss Miorine.”

“Thank you, I took it over from my mother after she passed.” Perhaps it had been the genuine
concern and interest that Nika had expressed, and even then only because her usual armour of
indifference was already compromised by Suletta’s involvement, albeit indirect, for this meeting.
“She was from Earth, and I’ve wanted nothing more than to get there eventually.” She sighs
deeply, leaning on a workbench and staring down at the picture which had been left out.

Four pairs of eyes stare back at her, frozen in a moment of happiness.

“Come in if you wish.” Miorine says to Chuchu and Nika as she picks up the photograph, putting it
in her pocket.
“Thank you.” Nika enters first, followed by Chuchu. “So, what’s bothering you, Miss Miorine.”

“The situation with Suletta, and now my own situation.”

“Ah, she mentioned that you were close when you were younger.” Nika nods. “She seems to
ramble when she’s stressed.”

“She was always like that.” Miorine scoffs, but a smile forces itself onto her face. “Then she’d
become self conscious and try to apologize for it.” She shakes her head, and grips the edge of the
workbench. She misses Suletta. The taste of one day together had seemed to rekindle five years of
dried pain at being apart from her.

“You said she got arrested, you see her after that?” Chuchu asks. Miorine glances over and sees
Nika pause from her exploration to look at Chuchu, who was walking towards Miorine.

“No, they didn’t let me see her. And I’m her fiance!” Miorine huffs with indignation.

“What princess, couldn’t wave your hand as the Head Spacian Turd’s daughter to get them to let
you in?” Chuchu remarks.

A cork pops in Miorine’s mind at the comment, and she lets rage boil over, turning around and
stepping up to Chuchu. She grabsthe girl’s oversized jacket by both its shoulders. Chuchu grabs her
arms defensively, and Miorine can hear Nika give a sharp scolding shout of “Chuchu!”

“No, I could not!” Miorine yells in Chuchu's face. “And you are bold to assume that I ever could
do that. I’m nothing but a powerless… thing to most of the people here. Some trophy that can rage
all she wants because they all know that she’s powerless to actually do anything, that they can just
ignore and laugh at. And being related to that bastard? It just made it personal! He takes the one
person who treats me with any sort of love and respect from me, right after my mother dies and I
need her more than ever, and the day that we finally find each other again she risks being forced to
leave because she accepted a duel with Guel to help me.

But I betrayed her trust by trying to fight on my own and steal her mobile suit. Even then she’s still
kind enough to run onto an active battlefield in a little scooter for me. She has the gall after that to
ask me to fight with her, and how could I say no to that? And after we win against the best duelist
in the school? That fucking bastard who I have the misfortune of being related to has her arrested!
Now he’s withdrawing me from school because I dare find a shred of happiness here!” Her voice
cracks at the end, her pent up anger released, and slowly she loosens her grip on Chuchu. She
doesn’t cry, refuses to show that much weakness in front of someone not named Suletta Mercury,
but still her stomach twists.

“Feeling better now, that cleared your head?” Chuchu asks, putting a hand lightly on her shoulder
and staring Miorine in the eyes. Miorine blinks in confusion, though she realizes Chuchu is right.
She did feel better after lashing out like that, so much anger she had no outlet for finally finding

“Chuchu, one day doing that is going to just make things worse.” Nika shakes her head, and moves
over to the two of them.

“Hasn’t yet.” Chuchu grins. Nika sighs, and gives Miorine some pats on her back. Miorine closes
her eyes and takes a deep breath to center herself.

“So, what do you need to do?” Nika asks her once she's calmed herself.

“I need to confront my father. There’s an inquiry into Aerial’s development going on, but I don’t
know when-“

“Five hours.” A new voice cuts in, and Miorine glances over at the entrance of the greenhouse.
Her eyes narrow as she sees Felsi, Petra, and Lauda standing at the entrance. Felsi is the one who
spoke, and Petra scowls sourly at her. "It's in five hours, my papa told me." Five hours, Miorine
thinks, her mind racing for a plan. She looks around again, and then notices something else.

“What, Guel didn’t want to come himself?” Miorine asks, looking between the three of them and
noting the conspicuous absence. “I thought the results were void anyway, so what are you doing

“Guel’s away, father wanted to see him, he sent us to help you fix the greenhouse since he was off
the school.” Lauda says. Miorine nods, then stoops down to lift the toolbox that rests under the
workbench up. She’s aware of Chuchu whispering something to Nika, and the mechanic’s face
lights up.

“Miss Miorine, I have a way to get you there, to the headquarters.” Nika smiles. Miorine’s eyes go
wide, her heart suddenly soaring. She can save Suletta. Pushing the toolbox into Petra’s hands, she
glares at the three of them.

“I expect this place to be perfect once I get back. Touch my tomatoes and I’ll kill you.”

“Do your tomatoes include the Mercury girl?” Petra asks, smirking. Miorine feels her cheeks heat
up, and she simply shoots daggers with her eyes at Petra.

“Try it and you’ll find out, just like my father will.” She retorts. “Come on then, Miss Nika, we
don’t have time to waste.”

“Right.” Miorine sees Nika grab the tomato that Miorine had been prepared to give to Suletta,
forgotten after Guel’s interference, and tosses it to Chuchu.

“Chuchu, talk to Ojelo about getting this to Miss Suletta. Tell him that I’m asking him to make
sure it happens. And that she should know Miss Miorine is fighting for her at her inquiry.” Nika
smiles, and Chuchu scoffs but nods. The three sprint down the footpath through the greens,
Miorine mentally noting that Nika is leading them towards the docks. Chuchu glances over her
shoulder, then scowls.

“Hey, those your father’s goons, princess?” She asks.

Miorine looks over her shoulder as well, seeing her two handlers at the greenhouse, talking to
Guel’s posse. Petra points towards the direction they went, and the handlers start to jog their way.
Miorine hopes that they hadn’t actually seen them, though she also looks around for some way to
pick up the pace.

There’s a rack of scooters a couple dozen meters ahead of them. Miorine knows what to do.

“Get on with me, Miss Nika-” Miorine points at the rack, “-and tell me where to go.” Miorine says,
diverting to the rack of scooters and checking one out with her notebook. Nika hops on behind her,
putting her hands around her waist. She thinks she catches a jealous glance from Chuchu, but she
ignores it.

“Hanger 34-D.” Nika tells her, and gives a wave to Chuchu before Miorine speeds off. Chuchu
watches them go, and checks out her own scooter, slowly walking out to the center of the road with
The two goons reach her in about a minute, and they look around.

“Hey you, where’d she go? We saw you with Miss Rembran.”

“Who?” Chuchu shrugs, getting on her scooter and driving between the two of them, making them
hop to the side.

Hanger 34-D contains a small pot bellied freighter, and a woman in a pilot suit looking at a
notebook as she paces back and forth in front of the loading ramp.

“There, she’ll help you.” Nika tells Miorine, pointing at her. The woman is suddenly alerted by the
sound of the scooter, and she looks around for it. Miorine skids it to a stop in front of her, staring at
her and suddenly not knowing what to say. She notices that she has the same electric blue eyes that
Nika has, and the woman smiles at them.

“Oh, Nika, couldn’t resist giving your favourite auntie a farewell?” The woman asks, looking at

“Well-” Nika starts to say.

“Oi, we only have a few minutes before we have to go.” Miorine hears someone call from inside
the ship. “Hi Nika!”

“Hi uncle!” Nika waves. “But well, it’s not for me, this is-”

“Miss Miorine Rembran. Designated Colony Coordinate XY72Z53.” Nika’s aunt recites, her smile
growing with recognition. Miorine’s eyes go wide, and she hears Nika let out a slightly confused
sound behind her.

“You’re the ones who I was supposed to meet.” Miorine realizes. Nika glances between Miorine
and her aunt, a smile creeping onto her face as well.

“Ah, this saves me a lot of trouble.” Nika says, and pats Miorine on the back.

“Yes, after you didn’t show we decided to stick around for a bit, after all you did pay us.” Nika’s
aunt extends a hand for her to shake. “I’m glad to finally meet you in person.”

“As am I.” Miorine replies, taking the hand and giving it a firm shake. “However, I need to ask you
something. I understand that I paid you to get me to Earth, but… I need to get to the Beneritt
Group’s Headquarters. A friend of mine is in danger because of my pathetic louse of a father, and I
need to get to him to try and save her.” Miorine clenches her free hand into a fist.

“Yes, I’ve also been helping this friend of hers, it would be a shame if she was expelled.” Nika

“I see.” Nika’s aunt nods, then puts both her hands on Miorine’s shoulders. “Miss Miorine, I
remember you saying that you wanted more than anything to get to Earth. I can still take you there,
and you might not get another opportunity like this for a long time. Are you certain you want to
give that up for someone?”

“I do. She’s the most important person in my life, and I’ve already lost her once before, so I won’t
do so again.” Miorine blushes slightly when she says it, for the first time beginning to realize just
how important Suletta is to her if she so instantly gave up her chance to go to Earth. Her guaranteed
escape, in fact. Had it been three days ago, she would have been overjoyed at being here. Yet, now
the thought only makes her heart ache.

“Ah,” Nika’s aunt places a hand over her heart. “If you hadn’t paid already, I think I would let you
come along for free. Come on, let’s get you suited up. And Nika, say hi to Miss Chuatury for me,
is she keeping you out of trouble.”
“I will, and it’s more the other way around with Chuchu.” Nika laughs. “Thank you auntie. Bye
uncle!” Nika waves as her aunt ushers Miorine onto the ship.

Elan Ceres can hear the commotion from outside of the detention area’s office, two voices
shouting, even though he can’t make out what they’re saying yet. The Board wanted to know if
Suletta Mercury is a Witch, while He wants to know if she’s a threat that will interfere with His
plans for the bride, and he himself is harbouring the small hope that she’s someone like him.
Belmeria had seemed particularly shocked when she first saw an image of Suletta Mercury, and
had whispered under her breath a name. “Elnora.”

Was that the name of the face that Suletta Mercury had? He knew better than to ask Belmeria
where prying ears could reach them. And perhaps, Suletta Mercury herself could give him a clue.

By now, he can hear what the commotion is. Two boys in the school’s uniform stand on the
opposite side of the guard’s desk. One had rich dark skin and frizzy black hair, and the other one
wore a grayish green tuque on his head.

“Under Article Five, Section Three subsection E of the United Earth’s Declaration of Rights of All
Peoples , ‘Any person detained must have free access to legal counsel’ and any failure to meet this
or any of the other rights in Section Three is legal grounds for an unaffiliated observer to ensure
that the detained person is not having their rights as a person violated, according to Article Five,
Section Four.” The person with the frizzy hair explains to the annoyed looking guard, reading off
of his notebook.

“Yeah, and we believe that Suletta Mercury has been denied access to that legal counsel. We’re
coming for you Miss Suletta Mercury, stay strong!” The boy in the tuque yells. “Remember, say
nothing unless your legal counsel is present!”

Elan, for his part, is utterly baffled. Had Suletta Mercury somehow developed a following after a
single duel? Or perhaps these two were indicators that there was someone else backing her. If it
was, then they needed to find better agents than these two.

“Oh, fuck off you two. You’ve been going at it for an hour.” The guard growls at them.

“We won’t rest until the Spacian boot is lifted from all it oppresses!” Frizzy hair yells. The guard
stands up, preparing to shout something before seeing Elan and frowning and straightening his

“Hello, my name is Elan Ceres, with Piel Technologies. I see that you’re busy with some… other
people, but I wished to speak with Miss Suletta Mercury. I also believe it’s around feeding time for
her.” He adds, glancing at the covered tray of food that was sitting on a table behind the guard.

“Peil, huh?” The guard says, looking at Elan’s notebook when he produces it. “Fine, it will let me
keep an eye on these two Earthies.” Earth House then, Elan notes. Why would they be interfering
with a Mercurian then? Or perhaps there was something deeper underneath the surface, someone
behind Earth House.

But figuring that out wasn’t his job, so he pushes those thoughts aside.
“Oh, of course the Ice Prince gets in.” Tuque says. “Spacians helping Spacians, what did Peil bribe
you with?” He points a finger at the guard accusingly.

“That’s enough out of you two, I said scram!” The guard steps around his desk. Then, Elan notes
another new face entering through the door. A small plump girl with two long braids falling off her
back, carrying something spherical in a white cloth. She does not seem at all surprised by the
presence of the two boys, her eyes are more focused on Elan.

“Hello.” The girl bows politely, stepping around the boys and approaching the security guard. “I’m
here to deliver something for Miss Suletta Mercury.”

“Oh, isn’t she just popular?” The guard huffs. “What is it?”

“A tomato, it’s from a secret admirer.” The girl giggles sweetly.

The boy with frizzy hair launches into another cry of the injustice perpetrated by the Spacians, and
the legal codes that had been set up over the millenia. Elan pities him for thinking that any of that
matters to something like the Beneritt Group.

“Put it through the scanner.” The guard jerks a finger at the girl, pointing to a small discoloured
plate on the guard’s desk. The girl walks past him, and places the wrapped object, a tomato if she
was to be believed, on it. Elan surmises that it’s used to detect metal, or anything else that might be
dangerous for someone detained to have. The girl does so, and a moment later the plate turns green.
The guard nods, then turns back to keep an eye on the two boys. Elan then sees the girl meet their
eyes, and give them a wink.

It wasn’t his business if the guards here were idiots.

“Hey, you two have got to help us.” The boy with the tuque says, reaching for Elan and the girl.
“Tell Suletta Mercury that she needs legal counsel, and that she has rights!” He yells.

“That’s enough!” The guard grabs the boy with the tuque by the arms, lifting him up and starting
to walk towards the entrance of the room.

“Witness the violence inherent in the system!” The boy in the tuque yells as he’s pushed out by the
guard, the other boy following him and the guard closing the door to keep them out. Elan continues
walking through the cells as gravity starts to decrease, the detention center is on one of the central
areas of the station, where the spin gravity zero’s out. The girl skips along, gliding forward as
gravity decreases in bigger leaps and bounds, humming a song to herself.

“An interesting misdirect, using them to make the guard preoccupied, he didn’t ask for your ID.”
He compliments her, and the girl smiles at him, though doesn’t offer him a reply other than that.
The two float in silence towards the cell where Suletta Mercury is in, Elan on edge. The girl seems
almost too friendly, the sort of friendliness that he only knows is hiding something far more
sinister. Perhaps these people weren’t Earth House at all, and were something else entirely.

That isn’t his business though. He simply needs to serve as a surrogate for Him. What matters is
Suletta Mercury and the Gundam she has, because if he can defeat her, he can get a life of his own.

The two silently reach the cell which Suletta Mercury is in, and Elan enters first, opening the door
and letting light from the hallway spill into the darkened room. There she is, the Mercurian Witch,
curled up in a small ball. When she sees the light on her face change she looks up, suddenly trying
to straighten up her wrinkled shirt.

“H-hello?” Suletta Mercury asks.

“My name is Elan Ceres, are you hungry?” He asks, lifting the covered tray.

“And I’m Lilique Kadoka Lipati.” The girl with the tomato introduces herself, gliding in front of
Elan. “I’m not sure what he wants, but I’m a friend of Miss Nika.”

“N-Nika? Miss Nika sent you?” Suletta asks, perking up slightly. Elan decides to remain silent for
now, gathering information. This girl, Lilique, seems more than willing to talk with Suletta, though
she just introduced herself so they must not know each other.

So Earth House was conspiring to do… something with Suletta Mercury. He needed more
information. Why would they be going to all this trouble for a Mercurian. Did they also know she
was a Witch, and were trying to sway her to their side? What were they planning afterwards

“Yes, and Miss Miorine wanted to give you this.” Lilique pulls out the tomato, passing it to Suletta
across the room. Suletta catches it, holding it close to her heart. So Miorine Rembran was
important to her, more than just the idea of food. That it came from Miorine was just as important,
if not more. “She’s on her way to confront her dad about getting you out, apparently there’s an
inquiry into your mobile suit.”

“Ah, m-mom must be there. Her and Miorine together… they can do this.” Suletta reaches up,
taking a bite of the tomato and starts to cry. “Th-thank you M-miss Lilique. Th-thank you so
much.” She takes another bite, starting to devour it messily, bits of juice floating and bumping into
her tears.
“Lili is fine.” Lilique waves her hand dismissively. “Aww, don’t cry Miss Suletta, there, there.”
She crosses the room, giving Suletta small little shoulder pats as her sobbing grows louder. “Mister
Ceres, is there some water with the tray?”

Elan glances down at the tray, and nods.

“Yes, there is.” He crosses the room as well, bracing a hand on the wall next to Suletta to stop his
momentum, and hands her the tray. Suletta takes it, hurriedly eating the other food while still
crying. It’s an annoying sound that reminds him of some of his earliest memories. The boy in the
bunk above him sobbing, unable to deal with his new face. Despite that, he still has to learn more
about Suletta Mercury.

“Good, there, there Miss Suletta.” Lilique is patting her again, though it seems to Elan to hardly be
working. “Have some water.” She suggests, and Suletta drowns the whole pack in one long chug.

“T-thank you, thank y-you both.” Suletta looks between the two of them, sniffling and wiping the
tears out of her eyes. Elan watches her, as her eyes eventually settle onto him. “M-Mister Elan…
why di-did you come h-here any-anyway?”

“I’m interested in you, Suletta Mercury.” Elan replies evenly. Suletta looks at him in surprise,
while he sees Lilique covers her mouth to hide a smile. “I wish to know more about you.”

“I-I’m… already…M-Miss Miorine is m-” Suletta starts to mumble. Elan blinks in confusion, then
realizes what she means.

“While that technically is not true, since the results of the duel are in limbo, I do not mean it in that
sense. Falling in love is something that I’ll never do.” He states bluntly.

He thinks that Lilique is the most disappointed among the three of them.

“W-why is t-that, Mister Elan?” Suletta asks him, and Elan closes his eyes, thinking of what he
could say that would not give away anything that might be sensitive to his identity.

“It… isn’t something that I want.” Elan says, trying to leave it as ambiguous as he could. Love was
out of the question, when his face was His, as was his life.

“O-oh, s-sorry for assuming you m-m-meant it l-like that, b-but you just mean as-as a friend,
right?” Suletta mumbles quickly.

She was far too trusting, Elan realizes. That would be advantageous.

“Oi, you’ve delivered the food, now get out.” The guard comes in, glaring at him and Lilique.
Lilique sighs, then gives Suletta’s hand a quick squeeze.

“Well, good luck. I’m sure you’ll get out of here soon Miss Suletta.” Lilique says.

“Y-yeah. Bye, Miss Lilique, th-thank you for telling me ab-about what’s happening. A-and M-
mister Elan. M-maybe i-if I’m not expelled I-we can t-talk if you still w-want to become friends.”
Suletta waves at him as the guard escorts him and Lilique out. As expected, the two rabble rousers
from earlier were waiting outside the entrance to the detention area, both of them celebrating with
Lilique over their deception.

How ridiculous.

Chapter End Notes

This and the next chapter were originally going to be one long one, but it would also
be ten thousand words, so I decided to split it in half.
...and Tribulations
Chapter Summary

Prospera muses during the Witch Trial, Miorine decides to fight how she can. Guel
weighs his father's approval against his own beliefs.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Are you a Witch?” Delling asks Prospera Mercury, as she stands in the middle of her enemies and
those she could manipulate. No, as hard as she had tried, she was not. Her daughter was a witch,

“No.” Prospera remains calm, thinking of how she could kill Delling at this moment. There was too
much distance between them though. She’d like to crush his windpipe.

“Do you have ties to the Vanadis Institute?” Her name, her real name, was on many many papers
published by the Institute. Usually the one right after Cardo Nabo, the woman who raised her. And
the man sitting in front of her was the one to kill her and everyone else she loved. Everyone but her
dear daughters.


“Then how did you build a Gundam?” Your attack dog was unable to finish it off because her
husband had sacrificed himself to let his family escape.

“The Aerial is not a Gundam. It’s a product of Shin-Sei’s newly developed drone technology.” She

That got reactions out of the various CEOs, mumblings and questions. Vim is staying calm, she
sees. Good, she’ll need him to lend credibility to the excuse with Jeturk’s own drone technology.

“Shaddiq.” Sarius says to his son. He was even handed, though it also made him prone to flipping
from one side of the debate to the other. At the very least, he was more antagonistic towards
Delling, disapproving of his extremism.

“Yes Father.” Shaddiq types something out onto the keyboard in front of him. “During the duel,
the machine’s Permet influx values exceeded the standards. This is a unique characteristic of the
GUND-Format, the core system of all Gundams.” Yes, Suletta had perfected it. It had been so
simple in the end, but it was out of reach of everyone in this room. They didn’t know that,
however. If they knew, would it comfort them, or would it make them fruitlessly scramble to
replicate Suletta’s success?

“If that machine is equipped with the GUND-Format, you should also have detected a data storm.”
The One Big Problem with GUND-Format, solved thanks to her dear daughters and the bond they
share. “Well?”

“There were none detected.” Shaddiq shakes his head.

“Its control system is based on a conventional Permet link.” It could be operated like a standard
mobile suit, if someone who was not registered, who Aerial didn’t like, piloted it. “I’m confident
that it complies with all the Group’s technology provisions.” A lie, though only really due to
Aerial’s AI. And that was hidden away in what was labeled as subsystems or backups. Not on any
design documents.

“That alone doesn’t prove that it’s not a Gundam.” One of the four crones of Peil speaks up. No
maidens or mothers amongst the four of them. There are no inroads with them either, and if the
rumours she had heard were true, she was competition to them and their own little project.

“You can’t prove that it is, either.” She retorts, though it is a dangerous game she plays.

“Lady Prospera…” and there was Sarius again. She would need to wait to sway him, appeal with
something important to him. It is telling that Shaddiq is present, she thinks. The only child of these
people here, while they all had at least one heir at Asticassia. It meant that Sarius cares for the boy.
That was it. If he knew Suletta was her daughter, then he would imagine Shaddiq in the same
situation, understand her better. Still, it would be jarring for her to bring that up now. She needs to
stick to the script. Be the humble petitioner in the king’s court. “You are merely using the lack of
evidence as an excuse. Are you trying to tell us that black is white?”

“We’re one of the smallest-” because Mercury had been left behind by everyone, it left those also
left behind to band together, “but still a member of the Beneritt Group.” Like rats that fled from a
sinking ship, and now hide in the very ship that sunk it. “We are, of course, aware of the Cathedra
Agreement.” She had been partially responsible for its creation before becoming Prospera Mercury,
after all. “I ask for your trust.”

“I can’t help doubting when you come dressed like that.” Vim comes in just as planned. He will
likely be a problem in the future, but he has simple ambitions that she can use to lead him along.
Then, she takes off her gray suit jacket, letting it drop to the floor. And with practiced ease, she
pulls back her sleeve to show the artificial nature of her arm. Detaching it, she throws it at Vim.

“This arm, as well as the face beneath this mask, were both claimed by Mercury’s magnetic field.”
A partial lie, she lost the arm in her youth, along with her parents. The helmet was a glorified pair
of sunglasses. Useful to hide her face from those who may recognize her. She points the detached
stump of her arm at Delling. “Environmental conditions on Mercury are severe. However, utilizing
our drone technology, we’ll be able to mine for Permet without putting anyone in danger. Please
allow us to continue the Aerial’s development.” Perhaps the promise of Permat mining will lure
some of them in, an appeal to the suffering to swing Sarius to her side of the fence as well. “We are
in need of the Group’s support.” Let them think that Shin-Sei is weak, that it can be used for their
own ambitions.

“No, that thing is a Gundam.” Prospera remembers that Notrette once told her that if there was one
thing that Delling had given Miorine, it was his stubbornness. Still, if he makes an unreasonable
claim, then perhaps he will overstep his bounds.

“Why is that?” She asks, waiting for the inevitable reply.

“Because I said so.” He was an entitled child, being told ‘no’ for the first time. “Any objections.”

Prospera waits for Sarius to speak up, and tries not to look at Vim. If he gets cold feet at a time like
this, then it would require a miracle for her to survive.

“Then it’s settled.” Only now does Prospera see Vim start to object, the indecisive snake, but
Delling continues regardless. “The mobile suit will be disposed of.” She has contingencies in place
for situations like this, and she has trained for years to remain calm under pressure. Still, it would
require her to scrap some plans, accelerate others. “We’ll get rid of the student pilot.” Extracting
Suletta in time would be difficult, but doable. Aerial was still at the school, and she could still rely
on her once she learned Suletta was in immediate danger. Still, her careful planning being ruined
by Delling’s stubborn refusal to change his opinions, she should have seen it coming.

Prospera thanks the stars for shining on her with good fortune as the door swings open, and
Miorine Rembran storms into the room with more force than the solar winds that wash over

“What are you doing here?” Delling asks, as the board members all mumble amongst each other.
Miorine looks around the room, spotting Prospera staring at her from the center of it, a smile
crossing the older woman’s face. Both of them nod at each other, acknowledging that they have
the same goal. At least she has an ally amongst a sea of mutual enemies. Her prosthetic arm is
missing, and Miorine spots it being carried by none other than Vim Jeturk, who looks between it
and Prospera in confusion. She also spots Shaddiq next to his father, and he smiles bemusingly at
her. She remains quiet, dignified, as she walks past Prospera and stares up at her father.

“I’ve come to give you a piece of my mind, you lying hypocrite ass of a father.” The room falls
silent, everyone in it holding their breath.

“Oh, what is this?” Delling stirs in his seat, leaning forward. “The only people who are allowed to
stand in this room are the powers-that-be from the top companies in the Beneritt Group. But you
are merely a student with no authority to speak of.” Dismiss, diminish, belittle her. It’s what she
expected from his opening salvo. Suletta had fought for her in the way that she knew how, in a
mobile suit. Now, she would fight for Suletta in the way that she knew how. With words, with a

“What is this? What is this ?” She gestures around the room, prepared to launch into her argument.

“An explanation is not necessary for you, nor your consultation.” Her father cuts her off. Perhaps
he’s smart enough to see what she’s trying to do, and she gulps, trying to keep herself calm. “I
decide. You obey. You have forgotten that, it would seem.” He nods, and Rajan Zahi, his right
hand man who he would send in his stead when he needed to tell Miorine something, stepped

“You decree like some king-” She tries.

“I am the King.” Delling yells. She thinks she hears Prospera let out a small chuckle next to her. “I
am vested with power, and you have none. The powerless shut their mouths and obey.” Zahi steps
closer to her, and there’s a hum from Lady Prospera.

“If you run, you gain one.” Prospera whispers, so only Miorine can hear. Miorine stares at her

“If you move forward, you gain two.” Miorine mumbles in return, clenching her fist. Zahi tries to
reach for her, and she shoves him away with force that he wasn’t expecting, stumbling backwards
and barely keeping on his feet. “I challenge you to a duel then, to decide our fates. It was how you
were deciding it before today. That I am to be engaged to the top mobile suit duelist at school, but
as soon as someone you don’t approve of arrives and becomes my fiance, you have her arrested and
accuse her of being a Witch, of piloting a Gundam.” Miorine declares.

“This meeting is about the status of Shin-Sei’s mobile suit dubbed Aerial, please enlighten us what
your relationship with its pilot has to do with this.” One of the four nearly identical women sitting
in a row asks, interrupting. Those would be Peil’s board of CEOs, Miorine thinks.

“Well, if you all must know…” Prospera sighs. “The pilot you are accusing of being a witch,
Delling, is my daughter, Suletta Mercury. But you already knew that, since you knew her from
when she was a child playing alongside your own daughter here. You knew her enough to ensure
that your daughter was not allowed to contact her after your wife’s death. Are you certain that there
is no… personal animosity that is driving you in calling for this witch hunt.” Prospera stares at
Delling for an answer.

Perfect, Miorine thinks. They’re both on the same page, knowing exactly how to poison this

“It certainly feels that way, when you also ordered that I not be allowed to see her after she was
arrested.” She turns to the assembled CEOs. “If you wish for proof of our past friendship, then
here.” Miorine reaches into her pocket and pulls out the picture taken the last time the four were
together, her and Suletta, Prospera and her mother. She holds it up to the room, and Prospera
extends her hand for it. Miorine gives it to Prospera, who sets it on the stand in front of her.
Miorine sees the screens in front of the members of the board change colours, and a new wave of
mumbling goes out.

“My my, that is a serious conflict of interest.” Shaddiq’s father muses, loud enough for the rest of
the room to hear. This causes a few more mumbles, a few of the board members to start to stand.

“You’re a hypocrite, who can’t even play by his own rules when things don’t go your way.”
Miorine accuses, pointing at her father. “You’ll go through all this effort for what, just so you can
keep a hold over me? Are you an adult, or just a child throwing a tantrum.” She thinks that she sees
her father’s face go red with anger, and he stands up. The room falls silent again at the accusation.
“Even when I’m willing to accept your rules for Suletta, you go and change them. So, again, I
challenge you to a duel, play by your own rules for once, or are you so scared of me speaking out
that you need to try and berate me more, perhaps isolate me for a few more years. If you win, then
do what you please. But if we win, then you acknowledge Suletta Mercury as my groom, you
release her from custody and allow her to stay at Asticassia as a student, and you release her mobile
suit, Aerial, after repairing any damage you’ve done to it.”

“Really, you stupid child. You think that you can just walk in and-”

“If you accept this duel, regardless of the outcome later, then I will release all design data
pertaining to the Aerial to all companies within the Group. So you can see for yourself if we have
created a Gundam or not.” Prospera tags in, and Miorine smiles to herself, it was a move targeting
the others in the room directly. Making them have something to lose if her father refuses. “At that
point, then, it is merely about our daughters’ futures together.”

“If you refuse, then Grassley Defense Systems will have to reconsider its future within the Beneritt
Group.” Sarius stands up. “It does not fill me with confidence in you, Delling, that you must
change your rules as soon as they become inconvenient to you. Perhaps next week we will be
asking you why you are producing your own Gundam, only for you to declare yourself king
again.” He laughs a single harsh laugh, and the room falls silent for a moment as Delling fumes.

“Jeturk Heavy Machinery will also need to reconsider its position if you refuse.” Vim Jeturk stands
up as well. “Regardless of your decision, this mobile suit still defeated our company’s Dilanza
overwhelmingly. If you refuse, and if Lady Prospera is competent, she will destroy any design
documents on the Aerial, or have them destroyed. In that case its secrets will be lost. Recently
there’s been other mobile suits developed outside of the Group that are gaining market shares as
well. It’s in the Group’s best interests to regain that market share, and by observing this… Aerial,
in fights, and studying its design, we will once more become the forefront of mobile suit

“Yes, and the school duels you have set up will be an excellent place to test the Aerial’s
capacities.” Prospera agrees. Miorine bites her lip, thinking that they were going to be making
Suletta fight more duels. They hadn’t even asked her if she wanted to. The room erupts into roars
of arguments, with two of the three branches threatening to separate, Miorine can see the flashes of
anger show on her father’s face, catharsis spreading over her heart. Prospera walks over to Miorine
now, touching her shoulder with her remaining hand. “Now watch, as the king attempts to bring
order rather than let his kingdom crumble.” Prospera whispers to her.

“I accept these conditions.” Delling’s voice booms over the shouts of the others, and everything
falls silent. Somehow, it had worked, and Miorine allows herself to relax, putting a hand on the
stand where her picture was. She scoops it up quickly, putting it in her pocket to keep it safe.

“Jeturk Heavy Machinery wishes to test a new mobile suit design, the Darilbalde. Please accept it,
and my son Guel, as your champion in this duel.” Vim says. Give Guel a chance to become Holder
again, and put Jeturk as the heirs of the Beneritt Group again, Miorine can tell what he really
means. Vim throws the metal arm Prospera had thrown at him back at her, though it falls short
enough that Miorine has to catch it. She holds it out for Prospera to reinsert into its socket, and
with a soft click it’s attached to her again.

“Fine.” Delling says. “Now then, get out of my sight, all of you. This inquiry is over.”

Like a child, Miorine thinks once again. One that slams their door after losing an argument with a
parent. Still, he continues to glare at her, his gaze piercing. He won’t forget this, it seems to say,
and he will get his revenge. She resolves to herself not to let him. Prospera slips an arm around
Miorine’s own and begins to pull her away out the door.

“Walk with me, Little Miss Miorine.” Prospera says as the other CEOs file out. Miorine nods,
falling into step with her. They walk in silence, though both of them carry small smiles on their
faces. After a few minutes, Prospera stops in front of a door, the name Shin-Sei on a small plaque
beside it. Pressing her finger to the doorknob, Prospera opens it after Miorine hears a soft click of a
lock. Prospera and Miorine step inside, and then they both collapse onto a pair of chairs next to a
coffee table and a shelf in the corner.

“Thank you, Lady Prospera.” Miorine is the first to speak.

“Come now, Miorine, has it been too long for you to call me Aunty like you used to.” Prospera
asks. She reaches up and takes off her helmet, setting it on the table between them.

“It seems a bit inappropriate in there, and it has been some years.” Miorine dismisses, biting her

“Hmm, I suppose that is fair. And I do apologize for these past few years, your father’s pettiness
extended to any attempts by me to contact you after your mother’s death, and I was too busy
preparing for this Witch Hunt to answer you personally. Still, I was impressed by what you did in
that room. You understood where to make your father look weak, to make it seem as though it was
a personal vendetta against us, rather than something concrete. It helped that their evidence was
only his insistence that Aerial was a Gundam.”

“Thank you.” Miorine beams at the compliment. “I’m glad you caught on to what I was doing.”
“Yes, I had thought of it before you came in, but it would have been jarring, made me seem
desperate. You came in at the perfect time, he had just decided that Aerial was a Gundam ‘because
I said so.’” She imitates Delling’s voice as best she can for the last few words.

“Perhaps it was fate.” Miorine muses. Prospera raises an eyebrow, asking for an explanation. “I
was… trying to escape to Earth a few days ago, waiting for a ship, but I had grabbed a mostly
depleted oxygen pack, and a mobile suit picked me up at the last second. I realized it had to be a
new student, I was going back to that school. I headbutted them without looking after they pulled
me in. Then…”

“You were reunited with someone you never expected to see again, who you had missed and who
had missed you.” Prospera guesses. “I know Suletta was happy as well to find you.”

“Yes, then she got herself in a duel with the current Holder. Accepted being expelled if she lost, but
she fought for my sake, she won. Now we condemned her to fighting for the rest of her time at
school.” Miorine feels a bout of guilt at that. Prospera takes one of her hands, shaking her head.

“Do you know what Suletta did when you sent your message to her after Notrette died? She
powered up Aerial, she had it in her mind to somehow swoop in and bring you back to Mercury. If
it’s for you, then she will happily fight.”

“Of course. Always jumping into danger.” Miorine is annoyed by it, but it is more endearing than
anything. It meant she knew Suletta would help her. Her eyes wander around the room, noting the
shelf next to the two of them.

A picture of her mother, smiling amongst her tomatoes in a white lab coat stares back. It sits on top
of a thick book, The Collected Works of William Shakespeare , alongside a small vase of Jasmine

“It’s a reminder that keeps me going forward.” Prospera explains, noting her interest. “People I’ve
lost who I held close to my heart. The picture is obvious. The flowers are for my husband, and the
book was from the woman who was a mother to me after my birth parents had passed.”

“Right… Suletta never mentioned her father.” She could assume that he was gone, but she didn’t
know how exactly.

“He died in an accident, and I think that she coped with the loss by forgetting about that day. It is
for the better that she doesn’t try to dig it up after so long. But, if she does, you can be there to
comfort her. It was her fourth birthday.”

“Her… birthday.” Miorine feels her mouth go dry. How horrible that must have been.

“Yes. Please don’t bring it up, but you should know what to expect if she does bring it up herself.
Can I trust you with that?”

“Yes, of course Aunty Prospera.” She slips back into the old honorific without thinking, without
meaning to, but it makes Prospera Mercury smile happily at her, like her own mother would smile
sometimes. Her heart aches, a fresh wave of grief over her mother rising up.

“Thank you, Miorine. Now then, I think you need to get back to school, and back to our dear
Suletta.” Prospera says. “I am glad to see you two together once again, and I am sure Notrette
would be as well.” She stands up, and pulls Miorine into a warm embrace that Miorine returns. “So
please, from now on keep each other safe.”
Suletta is alone again, the empty food tray floating in front of her, and she clutches to the scraps of
warmth that her worries hadn’t taken away yet. Miss Lilique had been friendly even though they
had never met before, Mister Elan was just shy and nervous it seemed, but she could understand
that, and maybe eventually she could help him out of his shell. And Mom and Mio were fighting
for her, they would keep her safe. She can’t accept anything else, because the alternative was her
sister’s death, and either expulsion or worse for her. And then mom would lose both her daughters,
and Miorine would be left alone in the world again. Then she hears the door being pulled open
violently, and glances towards it.

Miorine flies in like a silver bullet, right towards Suletta.

“Suletta!” She yells, desperately reaching towards her.

“Mio!” Suletta tosses the empty tray aside and kicks off against the zero-g bed, meeting Miorine in
the middle of the room. The two of them spin around each other, their momentum turning into an
orbit, and Miorine clings to her. Suletta pulls her close as well, making sure that if they hit a wall,
either she will take the impact, or she can push off the wall before Miorine feels it. Suletta feels
tears spring up in her eyes, and Miorine reaches up to wipe them before they glob up. Suletta
blushes slightly at the gesture, reaching up to take Miorine’s hands in her own, to feel them and
hold them, and keep holding them for as long as she’s able to. “S-so?” She asks.

Miorine stares at her with a determined look on her face.

“We’re going to need to fight Guel again. If we lose, you will be expelled, Aerial will be scrapped,
and I will be withdrawn from school.” Miorine explains. “If we win, you remain at school with
Aerial and me, so let’s win.”

“Let’s win.” Suletta agrees. For Aerial, for Mio, for herself.

Guel enters the Jeturk House’s mobile suit hanger, his cheek still stinging from where his father hit
him, though he had put ice on it to make sure it wasn’t too noticeable. The new mobile suit, the
Darilbalde, had taken center stage. He spots Kamil, Petra, and Felsi all crowded around the suit’s
cockpit, Kamil and Petra in some deep conversation while Felsi looks between the two of them. It
is late, even for him, and aside from the four of them the entire bay is empty.

“So, what is it you wanted to talk about?” Guel asks, announcing his presence while still at the
bottom of the mobile suit.

“Hey Guel, it’s some mechanic nerd stuff.” Felsi dismisses with a smirk. A moment later he hears
her let out a yelp, probably from Petra hitting her arm. Guel starts to climb up until he's on the
gantry level with the cockpit.

“It’s more important than that.” Kamil explains, extending a hand to help Guel join their semi
circle sitting at the edge of the cockpit. Guel sees that one of the panels above the pilot’s seat had
been removed, and a black box about as big as his head is resting on the seat. It seems to sit in a
metal shell that covers three sides of it, a stream of wires coming off one side of the shell and
leading deeper into the mobile suit through the open panel. “Petra, you do the honours.”

“Yeah, alright.” Petra pats the black box. “This is the core processing unit of a Decision Making
AI that’s hardwired into the Darilbalde. Now it should only control its drones, for instance helping
deflect attacks that come from out of your line of sight, as well as help you react to attacks faster
than you can.”

“I don’t like it.” Guel shakes his head. “A mobile suit should listen to its pilot, and a good pilot will
listen to their mobile suit. This is letting the mobile suit control itself.” It wasn’t right in his mind.

“Yeah, that’s why we wanted to talk to you about it. We know that you take a lot of pride in your
abilities.” Felsi explains.

“Any way to remove it?” Guel asks.

“Well… yes but doing that would probably mess with the whole suit in ways that we don’t exactly
have time to figure out, not to mention you would lose all drone functionality. And look at that
Gundam you were fighting.” Petra huffs. “It has all its little drones, and they tore you to shreds.
You need to level the playing field. Plus, it’s a dumb AI.”

“What if I really needed to remove it?” Guel asks. “And what do you mean by dumb?”

“Dumb AIs react, it doesn’t think for itself. It has access to a lot of systems because it’s so deeply
integrated with the mobile suit, but the suit should still be under your control unless something trips
the AI to activate.” Petra explains.

“As for how to remove it, let me show you." Kamil takes over, and points at the box. "We already
did the first step, which is removing the shell and the core from where it usually sits, up there.” He
points at the displaced panel where the wires are spilling out of. “That needs to be removed first,
the panel has eight bolts, and the shell has eight bolts, four on either side.” Kamil says, pointing
now to the bolts that are sticking out of the metal shell, held there for convenience. He can see how
they’re set to attach to the mobile suit’s frame. “That gives you access to what’s holding in the core
itself. Twelve bolts this time, four on all three sides of the shell.” He points to four other bolts,
more tightly packed together, and with only the tops visible.

“What about the wires, just cut it off through them?” Guel makes a chopping motion with his

“Under no circumstances do that.” Kamil stares at him.

“Yeah, we’re serious, Guel. I know you’re a bit of a meat head when it comes to this, so let me tell
you as well. Don’t. Do. It.” Petra says, slowly and emphasizing every word. “If it’s powered on,
the entire core, as well as the wires, are going to be hot.”

“As in, temperature or-”

“No, with electricity flowing through it. It has its own dedicated power source.” Kamil points to
one particularly thick wire in the middle of the bundle. “If you mess something up, you’re going to
become part of the circuit for all the power that it takes to run the AI, which is going to kill you. If
you break the box when it’s on, then the same thing, you’re going to get electrocuted.”

“Ohh, but tell him about the real problem.” Felsi says.

“Yes, that’s the other thing. There should be a failsafe involving your notebook, take it out of its
socket on your mobile suit, or shut it down some other way, and the AI should shut down as well.
That was how it was supposed to be in the specs. It seems that it never reached the finished

“Is it safe to pilot then?” Guel asks, looking between Petra and Kamil.

“Well, theoretically yes. As long as it follows its programming.” Petra shrugs. “But if something
does go wrong, you have no way of stopping it.”
Guel ponders it for a few long moments. He needed to win, he needed to show his father what he
could do. And beating the Gundam for revenge against what it and its pilot did to him, displaying
what Jeturk Heavy Machinery could do, winning this in the name of president Delling himself,
restoring his title as Holder, and thus once more being the heir to the Beneritt Group? That would
have to make his father proud of him.

“Put it back in. If my father wants me to make use of it, then so be it.”

Chapter End Notes

And now, things have been set in motion.

Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Summary

Before the duel with Guel, Suletta and Miorine try to relax.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Suletta is still holding Miorine’s hand as the two of them work their way out of the detention
center. Miorine is keeping her other hand on the small conveyor belt on the wall that helps people
move along in weightlessness, both of them are too exhausted to kick around the hallways.
Eventually, even though Suletta knows they aren’t out yet, Miorine lets go of the conveyor belt.
They’re in a small room with a window that gives a view of the main ring. Miorine floats towards
the window, pulling Suletta along. Then she turns and grabs Suletta’s other hand.

She isn’t looking at her, and Suletta becomes worried that she said or did something wrong. That
perhaps she had thought about it and too much time had passed, and it was better if they went their
separate ways.

“Suletta.” Miorine breaks the silence, making Suletta startle a bit. She still isn’t looking at her, only
watching her through the reflection. “Tell me, are you alright with fighting? This won’t be the last
fight you will have, the Group is going to be trying to learn about Aerial through these fights.”

“I… I don’t want to fight.” She can see Miorine’s shoulders slump. “I just wanted… a normal
experience at school. I would add friends to my contacts, I would study in the library, I would eat
lunch on the roof with my friends, I would go to sleepovers and on dates.” Suletta mumbles,
reciting off her list by memory.

“Sorry.” Miorine says quietly.

“B-but. I-I also w-wanted t-to find you.” Suletta adds nervously. “A-and, if you a-ask me to fight
for you, I-I would. I would fight to get you to Earth, t-to make your dream come true.” She bows
her head. “S-so, Miorine, p-please ask me to fight, I-I would be hap-happy to, for you.”

She thinks she hears Miorine’s breath hitch. She doesn’t dare look up before Miorine answers.

“Suletta Mercury,” Her full name, so very rare for Miorine to use. Suletta stiffens, knowing that
this was important to her then. “I will accept as long as you fight for your own sake as well. So…
tell me your dream, you said you figured out how you would help Mercury.”

“Yes, I want to build a school there. So that-that there is something other than mi-mining to go
into. So that there’s a future for everyone. They’re all counting on me.” Suletta explains, the
thought bringing her a bit of happiness amidst the worry.

“Of course, I would expect something like that from you.” Miorine sighs, but she doesn’t sound
disappointed. “Anything other than that, or is that all?”

“W-well, it feels selfish, b-but, I’d… I’d… I would like to at least be able to stay in touch with
you, after you get to Earth, so you know you will… will not think I abandoned you again.” She
squeezes Miorine’s hands nervously, and Miorine reciprocates the gesture.

“Well then.” Suletta can hear there’s something odd about Miorine’s voice, she sounds less sure of
herself than Suletta had ever heard before. It must be because she’s tired. She had seen the bags
under Miorine’s eyes earlier. “Suletta Mercury, please fight for me, for my dreams and yours, and I
will fight for you, for your dreams and mine. No matter what they are.”

“I accept, I will fight for you, Miorine. No matter what, and no matter how many times, and no
matter who against.” Only now does Suletta look up at Miorine, to see that Miorine is finally
looking at her as well, her face a smile that does not quite reach her eyes. Still, now Suletta can
begin making up for the last five years that she’s been unable to do anything, even though her heart
aches when she thinks about Miorine leaving. It is what she wants after all, and it won’t have to be
goodbye forever this time. So she will help, she will ensure Miorine’s happiness, no matter the cost
to herself.

Miorine leads Suletta back to her room for the night. They could sort out where Suletta’s luggage
had gone later, but for now she just wanted to rest. She hadn’t gotten a proper sleep in three days,
first nervous about her escape attempt; perhaps that was why she didn’t check her oxygen tank,
then Suletta had come and gone leaving her an emotional wreck. That girl, she thinks. Miorine had
spent so much of her time after her mother’s death detaching herself from the world, but she
couldn’t do that with Suletta. Suletta was back, safe, for now. She had already beaten Guel once,
and so handily it was almost laughable. She could do it again. Then they could stick together,
Suletta would keep her safe, and help her get to Earth. And as Suletta had said, they wouldn’t have
to separate. She could live with Suletta being a part of her world, even if they were apart

So why did the thought of going to Earth, no, the thought of leaving Suletta, fill her with dread?
The thought of watching out the porthole of a ship as Suletta gets smaller and smaller, and
disappears completely in the night sky.

She looks at Suletta, standing beside her and holding her hand.

“I’m home.” She says to herself as she enters the room.

“Welcome back.” Suletta responds once again. Just as before, Miorine feels her heart flutter at
those words. She could imagine coming back to a home, a real place she could call home and not
just a small sanctuary from the outside world. Suletta would be there, she would welcome her back,
then she would walk up to her and put her arms around her and she would look up into Suletta’s
sparkling blue eyes and they- “O-oh, right… sorry.” Suletta’s apology crashes her train of thought,
and she shakes her head to clear her mind.

“Don’t be. It’s fine.” Miorine retains her composure. She needs to focus, focus on something else.
Her eyes go to the hydroponics bed. Yes, she can check on her plants.

“Wow, so this is your room, Mio? It’s so big.” Suletta marvels with wide eyes and a joyous smile,
and Miorine feels her heart soar.

“Yes, I… appropriated it, from my father. This was once his office when he actually spent time
here. Now it’s my room.” She kneels down in front of the hydroponics bed, checking the water
level, how the nutrient levels are holding up. They’re good, she won’t have to replace anything for
at least another week. The joys of an advanced, automated system. It wasn’t as personal as her
greenhouse, there wasn’t any dirt to dig into, but it was still an act of rebellion against her father, a
way to honour her mother. He was a merchant of death, and she had been a cultivator of life. She
remembers that her mom also told her once that he had been different before, before some
nebulous event that they both did not talk about.

“Let’s get to sleep then.” Miorine states, standing up. She already feels her bed calling, and she
yawns, climbing the stairs and turning off the light in the front part of the room. Only the glow
from the hydroponic bed’s grow lights, a shimmering blue dispersed by the water, remains.
Miorine considers the light quite pretty, the way it bathes the darkened room in an ethereal blue.
She would spend most of her nights sitting on the stairs, thinking. At least before she forced herself
to crawl back into the bedroom.

Suletta follows after her, and Miorine wrinkles her nose slightly as she sees the state her room is in.
The piles of trash that she had bagged and are laying around the room suddenly became an eyesore
now that Suletta was here.

Suletta seems to notice them as well, her eyes scanning the room.

“M-Mio, d-does the room not have an-any trash service?” Suletta asks nervously.

“No… it does.” She just didn’t care enough to clean up. She doesn’t care enough about herself
specifically. But she doesn’t want Suletta to worry about her mental health. Because she knows that
Suletta would do just that. But now that she has Suletta back in her life, maybe she can start caring
about herself some more as well she decides. “I’m just forgetful sometimes. Once we have some
free time, we can clean up.”
“Oh, alright.” That seems to placate Suletta, and Miorine lets herself relax. Then Suletta looks
down at herself, and Miorine sees her scratch her sides. “D-do you have anything to change into.
Th-this thing is itchy.”

“Yes, I have some nightgowns. I’m sure that one should fit you… mostly at least.” She looks up
and down at Suletta. Miorine had always been the shorter one between the two, but now Suletta
had about a head on her, she could comfortably rest her chin on Miorine’s head. She might be a bit
too tall for her gowns. Miorine then realizes something else.

There is only one bed in the room. It is big enough for them both, yes, but things are going to be
close. They are going to be close. She imagines that Suletta is warm to cuddle with. She was
always so warm during their hugs, as if she had absorbed more of the Sun’s warmth by being on

“Oh, it’ll be just like when we were kids, a sleepover.” Suletta exclaims happily. It’s too infectious,
and Miorine finds herself happy despite the conflict currently raging in her heart. “Let’s do it.”

“Right, one moment.” Miorine goes to her closet, and pulls out two nightgowns. The one she picks
for Suletta is a bit too big on the top, and a bit too small on the bottom, but Suletta doesn’t seem to
mind. She looks at it, sets it on the bed, and starts to take off the prison shift.

“Suletta.” Miorine reminds her. She looks away, out of respect yes, but she also feels a blush
creeping up on her face that she would not want Suletta to see.

“O-oh, yes, sorry.” Suletta dips out of the room, into the front area, and Miorine waits, trying to
find something to do, like changing herself or clearing the bed. She decides to go with the first
option, and puts on the outer portion of her top just as Suletta steps back into the room.

Suletta had taken her headband out, as well as the bands that secured her hair back into a ponytail.
Instead, it was on its full curly display, framing her face and cascading down her back. And in the
soft lights that came from the hydroponics behind her, Suletta was practically glowing. In fact,
Suletta was beautiful.

“H-how do I look?” Suletta turns around. Absolutely radiant, Miorine thinks.

“It fits you, I like it.” Miorine has to be as dismissive as possible without being negative. It’s still
enough to make Suletta happy though, and she jumps with joy.

“You look very pretty as well in yours, Mio.” Could Suletta have known what she was doing,
Miorine thinks. How much her compliments were affecting her?

No, Suletta was more than likely naive about those sorts of things, she had been surprised that two
women could marry, nevermind that two women might be attracted to each other. She would be
safe knowing that Suletta had just meant it without thinking of the implications. Regardless,
Miorine was in control of herself, she was not some sex crazed idiot. She would manage to sleep
next to her best friend, despite the fact that she was also becoming painfully aware of just how
much she was attracted to her. So she sits down on the bed, and then moves to the far side of it,
patting the spot beside her. Suletta slides next to her, and Miorine lays down. At least there are two
pillows for them both. Miorine turns off the lights, and in the soft glow cast from the other room,
sees Suletta once again silhouetted and breathtaking.

“Rest up, Suletta, you have class tomorrow.” Miorine says, closing her eyes and hoping sleep
claims her quickly.

“Good night, Mio.” Suletta whispers. Miorine can feel her shifting next to her, trying to get
comfortable without closing the distance between them. This lasts for about half a minute, before
she hears Suletta take a deep breath.

“Mio… can I… c-can I… cuddle with you? The bed is… too small.”

Miorine is glad that it is dark, because she feels her cheeks heat up again.

“Fine, if you need to.” Miorine opens her eyes and shifts so that she’s on her side facing the wall,
and Suletta fits around her like it’s natural for her to be there, putting one arm around Miorine’s
waist while the other threads loosely through her hair. She is indeed warm, and Miorine feels that
heat radiating off her, seeping into her back. She holds her breath, waiting for Suletta to do
something else, to shift her hands a bit too far up or down, to get too intimate without her allowing
it. Something that she could use as an excuse to crush her nascent feelings.

But Suletta doesn’t do that, of course she doesn’t do that. A few minutes later Miorine hears her
breathing slow, soften. She’s asleep then, and Miorine closes her own eyes, letting a well deserved
sleep claim her as well.

Suletta wakes up from a wonderfully restful sleep, seeing that Miorine had rolled over and was
facing her now. She seemed so peaceful, and despite how intimate the situation is, their faces just a
few inches apart, she doesn’t startle. She doesn’t want to wake Miorine, especially since she could
tell that Miorine was running on her last bit of energy yesterday. So, carefully so as not to disturb
her, she slips out of bed. She reaches for her notebook, seeing that it has a message for her. An
automated message from the delivery service saying that they had been unable to deliver her
luggage to her, and that it was left outside the door. She does wonder for a moment how it knew
which door to bring it to, though perhaps it simply followed her notebook’s signal until it reached a
door that it did not have access to. That was about two hours ago, and it was 06:00 right now.
Suletta yawns, and then quietly slips out of the bedroom, walking down the stairs and past the
hydroponics bed.
Her one suitcase of luggage is on a small trolley with a haro at the front of it. The suitcase is
locked to the trolley with a simple electronic lock, turned red to indicate that it is active, and the
trolley is otherwise empty. The haro turns to face her when it detects the door has been opened.

“Miss Suletta Mercury?” It asks in its robotic voice.

“Yes.” She pulls out her student notebook, holding it up to the haro. The haro beeps, its eyes
change colour, and then it unlocks the suitcase, the light on the lock turning green. Suletta quickly
grabs it from the trolley. “Thank you.” She bows to the haro, and then it drives off down the hall
with a whir.

She supposes that she’s going to be living with Miorine now. Or at least, she should ask if she can
stay. Once Miorine wakes up at least. For now though, she enters Miorine’s room again, pulling
her suitcase along. It’s still two hours before her first class, though she doesn’t want to run late
either. Plus, she should probably phone mom, she was supposed to after the first day, but after
everything that happened, it had slipped her mind. But, before any of that, she looks at the various
piles of trash laying around the bedroom. Those will need to go. If Miorine was so forgetful, then
she wouldn’t be while she was here.

It takes her fifteen minutes to clean it up, and Miorine sleeps through the entire process of
collecting it all and dumping it in the trash chute. She is thankful that at the very least, Miorine had
kept it in bags, so it isn’t all that messy. Then, quietly, she puts her suitcase on the floor of the
bedroom, examining its contents.

A few knicknacks from the old timers on Mercury. A toiletry bag with toothbrush, toothpaste,
shampoo, a comb, and some very basic first aid supplies. Five full sets of uniforms from
Asticassia, a dark green with orange trim. One set of recreational clothes; her only set of ‘civilian’
clothes she owned now, everything else passed on to others in case another child comes along to
shine on Mercury. One set of formal clothes; a suit tailored to fit her by a widow. Lastly at the
bottom, tucked away securely, a white dress in a plastic protector. She touches the plastic, silently
hoping that she will not have to wear it, though with how many duels she may have to fight… how
long until there’s an accident? She shakes her head and slaps her cheeks softly, covering the dress
with her suit to dispel those thoughts. Instead she takes out an orange undersuit and her toiletry bag.
Then she retreats to the bathroom, something she hadn’t seen last night in her tired daze. After a
quick shower that makes her feel rejuvenated after the four day trip to the school, and then the past
three days at the school, she practically glides out of the bathroom and goes back to her suitcase.
Miorine is still sleeping peacefully, and Suletta is glad that she’s a heavy sleeper. Despite her
trying her best to be quiet, she’s certain she made a lot of noise. Folding the nightgown Miorine let
her borrow and placing it on the table beside the bed, she takes a moment to breathe, enjoy the
peace. It all seemed so foreign, but where she was now, what she was doing, it made her happy.
After a few seconds of respite, she takes out the rest of the uniform. Shorts, jacket, socks, boots.
Taking them into the front room, she sets up her phone and sits on the stairs, calling her mom. The
notebook rings a few times, time in which she adds the number to her contacts manually, and then
they connect.

“Ah, Suletta. Good morning dear daughter, how are you?” Her mom asks, sipping a cup of tea. “I
see Miorine has gotten you out of wherever you were arrested. I’m glad to see you’re safe.”

“Y-yes, she did. And I’m feeling good, Mio was kind enough to let me stay in her room.” She says,
pulling on one of her socks and glancing at the bedroom. “I don’t think I’ve had such a good sleep
in a long time.”

“Oh, really? Where is she now?” Her mother seems surprised.

“Still sleeping.” Suletta puts a finger to her lips to signal they should keep quiet. “I just wanted to
say hi, since I haven’t been able to, and to thank you for getting me into the school. Even though
I’m a bit worried, and I haven’t exactly had the best start, right now I’m happy here. Also… if you
wouldn’t mind me asking a few questions.”

“Of course my dear, and I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Mhm. So when those people with the Beneritt Group were interrogating me, they asked me if
Aerial is a Gundam, and if I’m a witch. And something about Ochs Earth, and the Vanadis
Institute. Is it true?”

Her mother smiles at her mirthfully, putting a finger on her chin as if thinking.

“I don’t remember raising you as a witch.” Her mother muses. “If anything, you turned into a little

“I suppose…” Would that make Miorine as her princess? She was already called princess. And she
had sworn to fight for her last night. She thinks the mental image of Miorine in a dress while she
wore a suit of armour is amusing, though if Miorine ever heard of it she would probably berate her
for being childish.

“As for Aerial, I know about the incidents involving Gundams and the companies that were
responsible for their construction, Ochs Earth and the Vanadis Institute, and rest assured, I would
never have let you pilot a mobile suit that might hurt you.” Her mother says. “You and Aerial are
both my beautiful daughters, that is what matters, Suletta.”

“Thank you mom.” Suletta grins, feeling at ease over that. She wasn’t a witch, Aerial wasn’t a

“Mmm…” She hears a hum behind her, and her mother smiles at something else, her eyes looking
at whatever it is behind her.

“Good morning, Miorine.” Prospera says. Suletta turns around, seeing that Miorine had woken up.
Still in her nightgown, with her hair tousled around or flattened from sleeping on her side. It was…
cute. She frowns slightly, her eyes still half closed, and lets out a grunt.

“Morning Mio.” Suletta’s smile grows wider, and Miorine rubs her eyes. “How did you sleep?”

“Good morning Suletta, Aunty Prospera. My sleep was excellent, actually. Perhaps I’ve been too
restless these past few days, worrying about you.” Miorine mumbles and puts a hand on Suletta’s
head. “It finally caught up with me.”

“Ah, so both of us slept well.” Suletta scoots over as she puts on her jacket, and Miorine sits next to
her. “I’m glad.”

“Hmm…” Miorine huffs and reaches towards Suletta. With deft hands she zips up her jacket the
rest of the way, straightening her collar. “There. You shouldn’t be running around in a sloppy

“Ah-ah, thank you.” Suletta stammers. Prospera chuckles, and Suletta suddenly feels self
conscious, noting how close they are, how mom is watching them right now.

“Well, I’m glad that your time apart hasn’t dampened your friendship, if anything it seems to be
even stronger than before.” Prospera comments mirthfully.
“Of course, I’ve missed Suletta immensely, so it’s a pleasure to have her back.” Miorine tells her, a
smile crossing her own face.

“And well… it feels good to have Mio here with me.” Suletta nods, looking at Miorine. It was true,
it made her happier than she could imagine being, she was what had made going to school worth it,
so far.

“In that case, I will leave you two to your days. Best of luck, my dear Suletta.” She presses her
fingers to her lips and blows her a kiss.

“Bye mom. I’ll let you go back to work.” Suletta waves.

“Aunty.” Miorine inclines her head in acknowledgement.

Prospera ends the call, and the two of them are left in silence. Suletta bends forward slightly,
looking at her feet and biting her lip. She takes a deep breath, then asks the question she had been
concerned with since waking up.

“So, c-can I stay in your room, I-I mean, well… if we win.” She shrugs helplessly. Maybe she
should find her own room, it wasn’t as if she should spend all her time with Miorine. Or she
shouldn’t assume that Miorine would want to spend all her time with her.

“Of course.” The way Miorine says it like it’s obvious, and Suletta feels silly for thinking
otherwise. “You do not have a House, though I suppose if you win you may get more offers to join
one. If that does happen, please ask me about it first.” Miorine states, sounding serious. This was
important then, so Suletta nods in understanding. “Perhaps the only group I wouldn’t say are our
enemies would be those people from Earth House.” She shakes her head and scoffs. “Even though
Miss Nika only had my contact information by accident, she was willing to help me get to the
inquiry, and was concerned about my health.”

“Ah… I’m glad that she helped you. She was really nice, and a friend of hers, Miss Lilique, got me
your tomato.” Suletta explains happily. Just when she had been worried, nearly despairing thinking
no one was coming for her, it had been what she needed. “I’ll have to find Miss Nika later, and
actually add her to my contacts after thanking her.”

“Yes, that would be good. You said you wanted to make friends, and I believe that was plural. She
seems like a good person, even if she keeps odd company, like that Chuchu character.” Miorine
hums, then clicks her tongue. “Also, I don’t have class until ten. After you’re done with your first
class and you have a break, would you mind helping me in the greenhouse? There’s some fertilizer
that I need that you could help me carry, and we can talk about how class went. Now, let me get
your hair ready.” Miorine stands up, and Suletta follows her back into the bedroom. Miorine goes
into the bathroom, returning with a brush and gesturing at the chair in front of the desk with it.
Suletta sits on it obediently.

“Thank you for letting me stay, and… for last night as well.” Suletta says as Miorine grabs her
headband and hair ties, putting them on the bed. She begins to comb through her hair, slowly
working through the knots. Suletta notes that she’s careful not to pull, taking her time to detangle
them as gently as possible. She feels Miorine’s hand touch the back of her neck, and a shot of
electricity jumps through her spine. “I was actually scared, after everything that happened, and
maybe… I would wake up and you wouldn’t be there.” She laughs. “It seems stupid to admit.”

“Don’t worry, I will be. I am not what would be called a morning person, as you can see. But, if we
need to leave before both of us are awake, perhaps we can leave a message for the other.” Miorine
suggests, running a hand through her hair. It feels nice, and Suletta lets her play with her hair in
silence for a while. Miorine had also suggested that she do it for Miorine if she went out early. So
perhaps Miorine was also worried, and just didn’t want to admit it. It was a good suggestion
regardless, and she’d be happy to do so.

“Y-yeah.” Suletta nods. Miorine pulls her hair back into a ponytail and ties it off with the hair ties.
Then, Miorine puts her headband on her hair, tucking a few loose strands underneath it.

“There, all done.” Miorine pats the top of her head. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

Suletta begins to regret travelling without Miorine as she walks through the halls alone. There are
other students walking with her, but they either avoid her, or more often than not begin to whisper
about her. How she cheated, how the duel was being redone, how she stole away Guel’s prize. The
last one had nearly made her stop walking, wanting to yell at the person who said it. To call
Miorine a prize, to not think of her like a person. That was what hurt her more than any insult
against her. She was used to insults, from the elders on Mercury who would grumble amongst
themselves whenever she was around them, insulting everything from her hair to the lack of a

Despite that, they also held her in such high regards. High enough that everyone had come to say
goodbye, had wished her the best of luck, and had lamented that they were losing their best pilot,
their little savior and guide. Even the old grouch Ergo himself had given her a hug, his wife
Melissa had kissed both her cheeks and told her to do well.

She keeps walking though, despite the insult, she keeps her head down looking at her boots. She
can’t fail the people of Mercury.

“Miss Suletta!” A familiar voice calls, and she perks up, looking around as Nika makes a beeline
towards her. “Good morning.” She waves.

“Oh, M-Miss Nika.” Suletta takes a small bow, though ends up bobbing her head up and down.
“Th-thank you for e-everything. Helping w-with the duel, an-and then with Miorine, a-and sending
Miss Lilique.” She fumbles around for her notebook. “C-can I add you?” She wiggles the notebook

“Oh, of course. Do you have your actual notebook this time?” She agrees teasingly. Suletta looks
down, making sure of it before extending it to Nika. Nika extends her own, and it dings after a
moment. “Yep, Suletta Mercury, LP041.” She recites. “I’m glad to see you walking around, and off
to class finally?”

“Yes, finally.” She sighs with a smile. She was finally going to get to school, to get to class. Just
like she dreamed of. “T-thank you, again. Even af-after these past f-few days… you are really a
kind person for do-doing all this.”

“Listen, Miss Suletta. Don’t tell Chuchu, but I don’t think that all Spacians are bad, look at how
they treat a place like Mercury, and Miss Miorine made it clear that she has also had a hard time.
We all have to stick together, be there for each other.” Nika explains, laying a hand on her arm.

“Y-yeah, it’s l-like that on Mercury everyone… everyone helps each other w-when needed, even if
we all d-don’t get along.” Suletta nods. “S-so I’ll help you if you ever need it. Just ask. And I’m
sure Miorine i-is… she f-feels the same.”

“Ah, that does remind me, I actually need to speak to her later. You’ve seen her greenhouse?” Nika
raises an eyebrow.
“Mhm! It’s amazing.” Suletta’s eyes light up.

“It is.” Nika agrees. “We-Earth House, that is, are hoping to trade with her, start a mutually
beneficial relationship. I’ll contact her later today.”

“Oh, that would b-be good for h-her.” Miorine had said that Suletta should look to make friends,
plural. But Miorine was just as lonely as she was, and she seemed to like Nika. So, if NIka could be
a friend with both of them, they would all benefit.

“Hmm, but I actually wanted to talk to you about something else.” Nika looks down at her
notebook, clearly excited at this. “Your mobile suit, Aerial?”

“Y-yeah, what a-about her?” She remembers the people interrogating her, asking her about Aerial.

“She is amazing!” Nika exclaims with a burst of energy unlike anything Suletta had seen from the
girl before. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Suletta is taken back by just how different Nika
seems at the moment, but smiles. She can understand the excitement, it’s something that she must
be passionate about. “So, what kind of layer structure is it using for its swarm control?” Ah, she
must mean her bit staves. “Conventional, or simultaneous spatial concept?”

“Umm… the latter… mom said that it’s about using successive spaces concurrently.” Suletta
explains. She herself didn’t quite understand it. She told Aerial what to do, and Aerial did it.

“Oh, that would…” Nika trails off, and then her eyes light up. “The concept-synthesizing schema
lets it clear the friction presented from handling multiple vectors.” She scribbles something down
on her notebook. “What about the-”

“Oi, Mercurian Bumpkin.” Suletta jumps, looking around to see if the voice was talking to her.
There was, of course, no one else from Mercury there. And then she saw Guel Jeturk walking
down the hall, his usual posse surrounding him. She hears Miss Nika gulp, and she herself rocks
back and forth anxiously. “We’re going to settle things for real this time. I’m going to become
Holder again.”

“Miss Suletta, perhaps we should go.” Nika suggests, tugging on Suletta’s sleeve.

“W-well… at l-least it’s you that I’m f-fighting.” Suletta tells Guel, too scared to do as Nika
suggested at the moment.

“Wh-what’s that supposed to mean?” Guel scoffs.

“I-I umm… already… I already… beat you… once.” Suletta stammers, her voice trailing off as she
sees the anger on Guel’s face. “B-but that doesn’t mean… well… s-sorry but I promised we w-
would win.” Suletta gulps. She would win. She had to win. Her hands flex, and she imagines
herself at Aerial’s controls, calming down a bit.

“We?” Guel asks.

“Y-yes. Miorine, Aerial, and myself” Suletta explains

Guel lets out a tsk, about to say something. Then, thankfully, the bell rings, a five minute warning
to get to class. She bows mechanically at Guel, then begins to jog away.

Class was a mix of exciting and exhausting. Or, in another word, it was different. Suletta had
always been taught how to do things practically. An elder leaning over her as she tightens a bolt to
reattach a mobile craft’s leg, or else she slowly learned different ways to treat injuries by watching
the doctors and nurses stitch up cuts, apply ointments for burns. Even piloting had been learned
through the simulator before she had been allowed to pilot Aerial for real. There were a few things
that she was taught more formally than that, the alphabet and arithmetic, words and numbers that
were the building blocks of everything else she did. But even then, her reading material had been
manuals or stories from Aerial, her writing had been maintenance reports, her math had been
dealing with supply consumption at first, and then more technical aspects from maintenance as she
grew old enough to understand it.

This was theoretical, abstract. Things that she figured out herself, but didn’t know the proper names
for, the proper way of doing things. She had kept quiet, unless called upon, though her answers had
usually gotten her giggles from some of the other students. A few whispers of Bumpkin.

The instructor had seemed interested, but only to point out that Mercury was somewhere that
required proper Mobile Suit pilots, and complimented her incentive to become one.

The only one who didn’t laugh, scowling at everyone, was Miss Chuchu. Suletta had sat beside
her, and tried to thank her for helping, only for her to dismiss it as saying that she wouldn’t have
done so if Nika hadn’t asked her to. She also seemed to be just barely holding herself back from
snapping at the other students and the instructor, and nodded along as Suletta had answered the
instructor’s questions.

“They aren’t going to respect you. Even though you’ve got more practical experience than all of
them put together. So just laugh at them afterwards.” Chuchu advises her as they walk down the
halls. Suletta nods, nervous at the sudden conversation. “And get used to it, it’s what we Earthians
have had to deal with since the first egotistical rich asshole decided to make Mars his home.”
“Th-thank you.” Suletta mumbles.

Chuchu grunts and shrugs, and heads off on her own at the next intersection. Then she stops,
turning to face Suletta. Suletta watches her.

“Oh, and kick that Spacian Turd’s ass tonight!” She yells, pumping her fist into the air.

Chapter End Notes

I will be releasing one chapter every day all this week, covering the second Guel Duel,
as well as the Elan arc. Enjoy, Sulemios. Things are about to start going off the rails in
the next two chapters.

There is also some epic foreshadowing to future events.

And as per usual, my twitter is @writinggrayjay.

The Battle is to The Strong
Chapter Summary

The second duel between Suletta Mercury and Guel Jeturk takes place

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Hauling two bags of fertilizer was easy for her, even though she thinks that together they weigh
about as much as half a person. She had decided to surprise Miorine by grabbing the fertilizer
before meeting up with her, and had just now spotted the greenhouse tucked away amongst the
woods. She can also see that the door is open, and she picks up the pace a bit, climbing the stairs
and standing at the front door.

“Suletta, I’ve been wond-” Miorine calls out before she had turned around, but stops when she sees
what Suletta is carrying. “Ah, you picked up the fertilizer. I see.” Miorine smiles slightly. Suletta
waits at the threshold, bouncing from one foot to the other. “Come in. You don’t need to wait for
my permission every time.”

“O-of course… here you go.” Suletta walks in and sets the fertilizer down next to the workbench.
She sees that the photo of them and their mothers had been set up in a simple glass frame, now
displayed on the workbench rather than hidden on the bottom drawer, tucked out of sight. “You set
it up.”

“Yes… it’s not as painful to look at as it was before.” Miorine states. “Don’t make me regret it if
we lose.”

“N-n-no ma’am.” Suletta stands up straight, and Miorine shakes her head, a breathy laugh coming
through her nose. Suletta rocks back and forth anxiously. “N-no Miorine, I promised I w-would
win. So I will.”

“I believe you can, though if you don’t…” Miorine clicks a capsule of nutrients into her trowel.
Suletta gulps, the implied threat enough. Lose and Miorine would never forgive her. She would
never forgive herself either in that case, more than likely. Or well… if she did somehow lose, then
she silently resolves to try to get away with Aerial and Miorine to make up for it. One final
desperate attempt to help her.

The question of how she would do that is better left alone. She would have to win. She would win,
she tells herself. If she loses, then she’ll rely on Miorine for a backup plan.

“Miss Suletta Mercury, are you there?” A soft voice asks from outside, and Miorine scowls

“Of all the people to bother you, why-”

“Mister Elan.” Suletta says, smiling as she spots the boy who came to see her yesterday, who
wanted to be friends with her. He stands at the bottom step of the greenhouse, looking up at them.

“Eh, you know him?” Miorine asks, indignant.

“Oh, y-yes, he c-came to see me yes-yesterday, at the same time as M-Miss Lilique did.” Suletta
stammers. Miorine sighs, shaking her head. “H-he wanted to become f-friends.”

“Friends? Is that what you said Elan?”

“I told her that I was interested in her, and I wished to know more about her.” Elan replies evenly.

“Oh… for the love of-You need to be more careful with who you decide to call a friend, Suletta.”
Miorine sounds exasperated. She stands up, walking past Suletta and blocking the way in at the
threshold of the greenhouse.

“H-huh?” Suletta feels confused. Though Miorine likely knew Mister Elan for longer than she did,
Mister Elan had agreed when she said he meant his words as wanting to become friends.

“What do you want with her?” Miorine puts a hand on the greenhouse’s lock.

“Committee business.” Elan replies. “The oaths, since she had no idea last time, and Guel decided
to forgo the formalities.”

“The… oaths?” Suletta walks up behind Miorine, poking her head out from behind her to look at

“Yes, official duels approved by the committee require a wager. A demand that the other person
dueling must follow through with if they lose. You’ve been summoned by the committee to
commit to your wager with Guel for the upcoming duel.” Elan explains.

“O-oh. Well… shall we go, Miorine?” Suletta holds out a hand.

“Unfortunately, I don’t believe I’m allowed to right now.” Miorine states with a huff, twirling her
trowel around like a dagger.

“H-huh?” Not allowed? She looks between Elan and Miorine, hoping one of them will explain

“Miss Rembran is not allowed into the dueling committee lounge unless invited by the Holder,
which is currently… hmm, no one, given that the status of the duel is in limbo.” Elan elaborates
with a shrug.

“T-that’s h-hardly fair.” Suletta feels that small bolt of anger she felt earlier that morning, when she
had heard Miorine be called a prize, shoot up again. She was unable to even be present when it was
her future that was being wagered on.

“Suletta, once you see it for yourself you’ll figure out why I’m not so torn up about it.” Miorine
seems to sense her indignity, and puts a hand on her arm.

“Th-then, Miorine… please tell me what I should wager?” Suletta turns to face her, and lowers her
head to stare at her feet.

“Huh?” Miorine exclaims.

“S-since I’m fighting for you…” Suletta trails off, touching her finger tips to each other, “I-I
thought that i-it would b-be better if y-you decided.”

“Hmm… what would I want from Guel… as insincere as it will be, I want to make him apologize
for how he’s treated me this past year. Anything else I don’t particularly care about. You can add
something yourself if you wish, but those are my demands.”

“Right, th-thank you, and good luck in class.” Suletta bows to her, and then exits the greenhouse,
following Elan.

They walk in silence, until they reach an elevator in one of the buildings that seems more ornate
than the rest, trimmed with gold.

“The committee lounge is just up there. While we wait for the elevator, may I add you to my
contacts, so that it is easier to contact you in the future.” Elan asks. Suletta feels a shot of joy go
through her, and she takes out her notebook.

“O-oh, I think y-you’re the first person who I get to add, rather than them adding me.” Suletta lets
out a nervous laugh. She holds up her notebook expectantly, and Elan moves his own close to her.
Then, her notebook dings, asking if she wishes to accept the request from Elan Ceres. “Ah, thank

“It is no problem. As I said, it simply makes contacting you easier.” Elan replies. He looks at her
oddly, and she tilts her head, just as the elevator arrives. Then Elan steps on to it, and Suletta
follows. Once the doors close, Elan is back to staring at her, as if he’s trying to look inside her,
studying every small imperfection. Suletta gulps, shifting nervously.

“Who is Elnora?” Elan asks suddenly, breaking the silence, and Suletta frowns. The name didn’t
sound familiar, or if it did, it was a vague memory that she couldn’t quite recall. Yet… no, she had
heard it before.

“W-who? Is th-this a… someone I should know?” Was this a test, she thinks.

“No. Pardon me, I was just thinking to myself about something.” Elan shakes his head, though
Suletta can tell that he looks disappointed by something. As if she should know the name and
failed since she did not.

“D-do you know who she is?”

“No, I do not.” Elan replies. The elevator stops, and the doors swing open. A cheerful looking man
with golden hair and tanned skin is there to greet her, his arms spread wide.

“Ah, welcome, Little Mercurian Miss.” He winks at her, and Suletta looks him over once before
focusing on his face after noticing that he had customized his uniform to show off the hints of a
well toned chest. “I’m Shaddiq Zenelli, and this is the dueling committee lounge. Should you
emerge victorious against Guel today, you will become a member of the committee.”

“O-oh, I’m g-glad to meet you, Mister Shaddiq.” Suletta bows politely, and Shaddiq returns the
gesture politely.

“For now, come on in.” He steps aside, beckoning her into the lounge. Suletta finally takes the
opportunity to look around. The room was dominated by wood, a rare sight that she only
remembers seeing when she was young, when she had first gone on vacation with her mom. A
huge window covers one wall, and she can see the horizon of the school curve up and out of view.
It is a stunning vista. Then, her eyes focus on a familiar tuft of hot pink hair, and she squeaks as she
notices Guel staring harshly at her.

“Oh, you’re finally here, Bumpkin.” Guel says.

“Don’t mind Guel, despite what you’ve seen he actually doesn’t bite, much.” Shaddiq laughs at his
own joke, and Suletta hears it elicit a snicker from someone else in the room. The only other
woman there, lounging with her uniform partially unzipped, smirks at Guel. The final occupant of
the room is a boy curled up near the girl, looking at his notebook while resting his arm on a yellow
haro ball.

“H-hello.” She bows at them. The two of them look up, and Shaddiq puts an arm around her
shoulders, leading her to the front of the room.

“That’s Secillia Dote, our treasurer, she’s in charge of all our budgets.” Shaddiq explains, pointing
at the girl. “Beside her is Rouji Chante, our technician. He’s in charge of ensuring that anyone who
wants to see the spectacle of the Duel will be able to.”

“I-I’m glad to meet you.” Suletta bows again, twice. Rouji frowns, but inclines his head in a nod,
while Secillia stands up, taking a closer look at her. She steps closer, and Suletta gulps. There’s a
light scent coming off of her that Suletta can’t place, but it makes her head light and she takes a
step back.

“Hmm…” Secillia reaches out, steadying her by putting a hand on her arm that sends ice through
her veins. She stares with blue eyes that seem to cut through Suletta more efficiently than any
beam weapon could, and then she reaches out with her other hand, giving Suletta a pat on the
cheek. Suletta feels her breath hitch, her heart racing and threatening to erupt out of her chest.
“Cute. I guess it wasn’t just a fluke, Guel. I personally think it’s the eyes.” Secillia tilts her head
over her shoulder, looking at Guel. Her eyes, Suletta wants to say, what about her eyes? They were
nice eyes. She recalls Miss Notrette had once compared them to the oceans back home on Earth,
and Miorine had stared at her for a long time, to understand what the colours of the ocean were

“You should really learn to keep your mouth shut, Secillia. Unless you want to duel me after I kick
the Bumpkin out.” Guel snaps. Suletta takes the opportunity to hastily back up, hiding behind
Shaddiq. Shaddiq looks at her, amused, and rolls his eyes.

“Secillia, enough messing around with her and Guel, we have business to attend to.” Shaddiq hums,
and Secillia steps back, sitting back down on the couch. Then Shaddiq claps his hands, stepping
aside. “Shall we begin with the oath?” He asks, looking at Suletta.

“T-the oath, right…” Suletta gulps. The oath and the wager. For herself, she has what Miorine
asked, but still… She looks at Guel, watching him stand up and walk towards her. He gives
Secillia one more hateful look, which she returns with a sly smirk. Elan waits patiently beside
Suletta, facing the elevator door, perpendicular to her and Guel. Suletta puts her hands together,
looking downwards slightly as Guel stands in front of her. She’s vaguely aware of the view of the
rest of the school fading as the window turns blue.

“Both parties, deposit your souls on Libra’s scales.” Elan recites, and Suletta rubs her hands
together nervously. It was all so formal, she didn’t have anyone to lead her through the ritual, and
she didn’t want to appear so much like a Bumpkin, some person from Mercury, from nowhere, that
had suddenly found herself amongst all these heirs of the most powerful people in the solar system.
On top of that, whatever had happened when Secillia had gotten close to her had left her the most
shaken and off center she had been since the interrogation.

“The duelists are Guel Jeturk and Suletta Mercury.” Elan continues, and Suletta focuses on what’s
ahead of her. She has to fight Guel. Remember what Miorine told her to offer as her wager. Suletta
takes a look around, remembering that Miorine wasn’t here, wasn’t allowed to come here. Miorine
also told her to add anything else if it struck her mind, and an idea does so at that moment.
“The location will be the seventh tactical testing sector. The one on one code will apply.” Suletta
assumes that perhaps a group may request to duel, and it keeps other people from interfering. That
would be unfair after all. “Any objections?”

“None.” Her and Guel say at the same time. She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves.

“Suletta Mercury.” Elan raises a hand to her, as if expecting her to give him something. Perhaps her
notebook? She turns her head to face him. “What is your stake in the duel?” Alright, at least it
wasn’t her notebook she had to give away again. Yet, here it was, she just needed to stay calm,
recite what she had been planning to say in her head.

“Miorine wants you to apologize for how you’ve treated her, so that, a-and… I want you t-to treat
her l-like a person in th-the future. N-no more calling, calling her a trophy, o-or a thing. Or…
anything like that at all.” She gulps. She thinks she hears another snicker from Secillia.

“Guel Jeturk?” Elan asks. He extends his other hand towards Guel, the same motion as he had with

“Same as before. Pack your bags and go back to that dead rock called Mercury.” He points out the

“Alea iacta est.” Elan spreads his fingers. “The duel is approved.” He claps his hands, and the
window fades back into the view of the school. An oath, Suletta muses, exhaling a held breath. It
was a ritual, and that was something she was familiar with. Rituals. She could understand it.

“Well, Guel. With such a powerful parent you’re able to undo the results of a duel.” Secillia breaks
the small silence that follows Elan’s clap. Suletta looks between her and Guel, the latter of which is
once again staring angrily at the former. “If you lose again though, will we be back here in another
three days? I think I would just forfeit right now, save some of that pride of yours.” Suletta bites
her lip, nervous but also disapproving of what Secillia was saying. “It might also save your market
value, no one likes someone who loses after they tried so hard to get a second chance.” Secillia
laughs again, and Suletta grits her teeth.

“S-stop that.” Suletta says, and all eyes in the room turn to her. “I-I mean… Mister Guel… w-why,
umm… why d-did you choose to fight again.”

“I didn’t. My father told Delling that I’d be his champion after Miorine challenged him. He said it
was about more than just me, but the company. So, I’ll fight for my dad’s sake. Plus, this time it’s
going to be an even fight, and I want to show you that I’m better than you.”

“A-alright. Th-then Miss Secillia, p-please don’t laugh at Mister Guel. H-he’s choosing t-t-t-to f-
fight rather than run, a-a-and that’s admirable.” Suletta looks at Secillia for a response, and then
looks away immediately as the odd feeling from before returns.

“What?” Secillia deadpans. “What sort of idealistic-”

“The Little Mercurian Miss makes a fair point, Secillia.” Shaddiq interrupts her. “Now then, you
are free to go.” He gives a look to Guel, and Guel huffs, walking towards the elevator. Suletta
follows him, weighing her options between staying in the dueling committee lounge and having to
spend an elevator ride with Guel.

She chooses the elevator ride. Getting in and turning around immediately to stare at the door.

“Why would you say something like that, ‘it’s admirable’.” Guel asks once the elevator doors shut.
“Don’t you want to laugh at me too?”
“N-no… it’s because… w-well, you choose to move forward, to gain two.” She couldn’t fault him
for that. “I-I don’t like you, I th-think what you did to Miorine was… was reprehensible.” She
continues. “B-but on Mercury, we… if we don’t like someone, we f-focus on the positives of that

“Huh?” Guel asks as the elevator stops. Suletta takes a few steps out of it, and she hears Guel
follow her.

“W-we still h-have to work together.” Suletta explains, moving her hands around as she speaks. “S-
so we… focus on what is good about t-the other person. L-like your willingness to fight. If you
run, you gain one. If you face a scary opponent and run, you gain safety, or security.” Suletta
begins to ramble. “But if, if you choose to fight, to go forward, you can gain two. Confidence in
yourself, or experience, or recognition.” She counts off with her fingers. “It’s the philosophy my
mom taught me, and she’s always so kind and strong.” She smiles at the thought of her mom.
“So… I think you can become a better person if… you continue to go forward.”

“A better person, huh.” Guel muses. “You’ve got a strange philosophy, I’ll give you that.” Then
with a shrug, he leaves.

“Here.” Miorine passes her a bowl once she’s back in Miorine’s, no, in their, room. Suletta looks
inside it. She recognizes rice, and she thinks she sees tomatoes, cut up nicely and fried, and then
something yellow. She pokes at it with her spoon “Eggs.” Miorine says. “Miss Nika came by and
offered me a dozen eggs for an equal amount of radishes and turnips. I accepted the offer, since she
did help me.”

“Oh, oh you cooked this yourself then?” Suletta asks, looking up as Miorine begins to eat from her
own bowl.

“Yes, it was a simple recipe, and healthy enough. You should have a healthy meal before dueling,
it helps you keep a clear head.” Miorine explains. The two of them sit on the floor, since she does
not have a second chair and they both refuse to let the other sit on the floor while the other takes
the chair. As for the bed, Miorine had denied that suggestion instantly, she wasn’t going to get rice
in their bed. Suletta notices that Miorine had done something to freshen the room, an artificial
orange scent lingering in the air. “So how were your classes?”

“Oh, they were… alright. I’ve always done things… my own way.” Suletta explains nervously. “I
haven’t really had to learn it, or all the terms that they use for different parts, or the right
procedures for certain things. L-like you’re not supposed to exit your mobile suit in a vacuum
without depressurizing first, but that… that wastes precious seconds when you… have seconds
between someone living or dying.” She explains, giving a helpless shrug. Miorine nods

“I expected that. You have a lot of practical skills, but in a formal and standardized environment
such as this you will face problems.” Miorine tells her.

“Oh…” Suletta looks down, taking a sad bite of her food. It tasted wonderful, even though the
thought that she would fail, face problems, dampens her mood.

“It does not make you stupid, Suletta. You simply need to learn the vocabulary. For that, I’ll help
you. Or else you can call someone like Miss Nika if I am not available.” Miorine says. It’s a small
reassurance, but it revitalizes Suletta’s confidence. Of course, she reminds herself, she wasn’t
alone, she still had people she could turn to. She had Miorine, and now Nika, and even Chuchu in a
few of her classes. “Furthermore, I’ve been reading up on some of the more introductory mechanic
textbooks, and between us we should be able to do basic repairs to Aerial if she should be
damaged. Do try to avoid that, however. Otherwise, Earth House is the first place we can turn to if
we require more helping hands.” Suletta feels herself smiling. She had always felt that Miorine was
much smarter than she was, and while she did take a bit of pride in the fact that she was good at
strategizing while piloting Aerial, Miorine was able to think of the big picture. Even when they
were little, Miorine had been the one to talk about her mother’s plants, how they would be used to
help places like Mercury grow and flourish.

So hearing that Miorine had a plan, it was a great help. It lets her smile again, reassured that they’ll

“Suletta, are you still with me?” Miorine asks, waving her spoon in front of her.

“O-oh, yes. I was just thinking about… well you’re always able to cheer me up, you always have a
plan ready to go forward.”

“Of course.” Miorine looks satisfied with herself. “Right now though, my plan requires your
focus.” She doesn’t snap, but she does say it with enough force to make Suletta sit up a bit

“Right…I’ll do that.” Suletta slaps her cheeks to get herself to focus.

“Aside from the class, how was the dueling committee? As slimy as I remember?”

“Hmm… Mister Shaddiq seems nice, and well, I think Mister Elan is just shy around people. S-
same with Mister Rouji, I didn’t speak to him though. Miss… Miss Secillia…” Suletta remembers
how she had felt around her, her heart racing and her throat dry. She sees Miorine stop with her
spoon halfway to her mouth, staring at her.

“Suletta, what did she do?” Miorine’s voice is harsh, and she’s clenching her spoon tight enough
that her hand is trembling slightly.

“Oh, she just… patted my cheek, and said cute… and said… something about the eyes? My eyes?”
She shakes her head in confusion. Miorine nods slowly, letting her spoon dip back into her bowl,
even though she hadn’t taken a bite yet. “And well… it felt like I had a flu.” It had been
disconcerting for her.

“She… has that effect on certain people, yes.” Miorine nods, looking away and sighing deeply.

“Why?” Suletta asks, curious. “Is it bad?”

“No, it isn’t bad. It’s just… actually no, I promise I will explain it to you after the duel.” Miorine
turns back to her and her expression shifts from worry to determination. “It’s something that I can
tell is going to be a distraction for you. Do you trust me?”

“Yes, of course I do.” Suletta nods. She knows that Miorine holds her best interest at heart.

“Come on then, let’s eat and focus. I want to see Guel Jeturk’s mobile suit in a dozen pieces!”
Miorine takes a bite of her own bowl of food aggressively. Suletta follows suit, focusing her mind
on the duel ahead. They have to win. No, she has to win, she and Aerial. Miorine can fight outside
of a mobile suit, with her words, with her plans. She has to fight in a mobile suit, with her reflexes,
with her strategy. Since this is a duel, this is her fight. This duel is for Miorine, if she wins then
Miorine will stay with her, and she makes Miorine happy, and eventually Miorine will be able to
escape to Earth. If she fails then Miorine will be taken away and put into an arranged marriage
with someone that she hates. This duel is for Aerial, if she wins then she’ll be able to stay with
Aerial, her sister, and together they’ll be able to help Mercury. If she fails, then Aerial will be
scrapped, Aerial will die. This duel is for herself. If she wins, then she will have gained her
position in the school, she’ll be able to stay with Miorine and Aerial, and eventually help the
people on Mercury build their own school. If she loses, then two of the most important people in
her life, her family, will be lost forever.

She will win.

Suletta is glad that Aerial is nice enough to focus her screens on Miorine as they prepare to enter
the carrier that will take them to the testing range. Miorine stands on the gantry in her own pilot
suit, not coming along this time, and it did make Suletta feel a bit more at ease. She would still be
in contact with her still, but having more than one person in the cockpit of a mobile suit at once
was risky, especially with the high-g maneuvers of a duel. So, it was a reassurance.

“Remember Suletta, you’ve already beaten him once. No matter what he pulls out, you know you
can win.” Miorine says.
“Right.” Suletta nods as Aerial is secured in the carrier. Her notebook beeps, and she sees that
she’s gotten a message from Nika. She opens it, and Aerial displays a picture on her screen. Nika is
at the center of a group of people, she recognizes Chuchu and Lilique, and there is another girl and
four boys that she doesn’t recognize. All of them are smiling, giving thumbs up at the camera. The
message below reads ‘Good Luck, from Earth House.’

Suletta smiles, knowing that she has more than just Miorine supporting her. Then the carrier starts
to move, and Suletta settles into her pilot seat, reaching out to Aerial, and Aerial answers. Suletta
waits, going through her mental checklist of what Miorine had told her. Next would be the oath at
the start of the duel.

“With mutual consent by both parties, we will now begin the duel.” She hears Elan say as Aerial
opens up communications. There’s Miorine, Guel, and the dueling committee. “As always, victory
will go to the first one to break the blade antenna of their opponents mobile suit.” The carrier jerks
to a stop, and opens. Suletta looks around, seeing the training range is a cratered landscape like
before. “The observer shall be Elan Ceres from Peil House.”

“You can come out of your MS Container.” Miorine tells her, and she nods, ready to begin. “State
your name and Student Number.”

“Suletta Mercury, LP041. Aerial, Launching” She pushes Aerial forward into a jump, and she
lands on the surface, kicking up two small clouds of dust.

“Both parties, face off.” Elan tells them. A moment later, Guel Jeturk’s face appears prominently
on Aerial’s viewscreen. Now, she remembers, is the vow. Just like she had practiced on the way
down with Miorine. She takes a deep breath, hesitating for a moment.

“Victory is never decided by mobile suit performance alone.” Suletta states.

“Nor the skill of the pilot alone.” Guel replies.

“The result itself is the only truth.” They chorus. Then Suletta sees the dueling range shift terrains,
and she gulps. She hadn’t expected that, and she looks to see that the barren surface has been
replaced by a number of mountains and valleys filled with trees. The sky was a moody grey, clouds
swirling above as if threatening to rain.

“Fix release.” Elan says. That means that the duel has begun, and Suletta jumps off the cliff she
finds herself on.

“I’m going to win. I’m going to stay at the school, and with Miorine.” She says, to herself, to
Miorine, to Guel, she doesn’t know. To all of them perhaps. Then she spots Guel’s mobile suit,
standing in the valley in front of her, a heavy lance in its hand. She tells Aerial to augment her
beam rifle, and for the others to start to circle around. Aerial’s bits fly, some attaching to the
weapon to give it more range, others dipping around into the treeline. Guel was excellent up close,
and needed to get close to fight. If she could end it with a simple shot from her beam rifle, or a
single hit from her bits before Guel can even counter, then it will be over.

She fires, and Guel stands there resolutely. She needs him to fall for the bait, to start charging
without checking his flanks.

Suddenly, he charges, just as she planned. This new model, it wasn’t a Dilanza, has better
acceleration, larger thrusters on its back. That had been an issue she had exploited in her previous
fight, and now she would need to be more careful.

The Darilbalde throws its spear, and Suletta has Aerial deflect it with a shield. The ringing sound of
beams encountering barriers fills the cockpit, and the spear flies up.

Something was wrong, and she glances back at it. The spear is still in the air, spinning, aiming.
There was a thruster on it.

No, the Darilbalde’s hand was still attached to it. The spear drives down to where Aerial had been
a moment ago, and the Darilbalde charges, jumping into the air.

“What just happened?” Suletta asks.

“Suletta, careful. That’s drone technology.” Miorine tells her.

“Right.” An even fight, Guel had said. Suletta nods. She raises her beam rifle at the Darilbalde,
firing at it while it’s exposed. A piece of its armour comes off, intercepting the shot. Another
drone. Aerial jumps back, keeping her distance, as the Darilbalde lands next to its spear embedded
in the ground. Suletta tells Aerial to zoom in, so she can see what it’s doing. The Darilbalde sticks
out what’s left of its arm, and the lower part gripping the spear returns to it.

Mom would probably like something like that for her own arm.

“They’re being serious, stay on your guard.” Miorine warns her. The Darilbalde retrieves its spear,
then the spear splits in half, one for each of its hands. Two drones appear from its back side,
igniting as beam swords. And two heavier drones hold off on the side. Shields, Suletta thinks. Still,
if it can detach its hands, has two drones to act as beam swords, and two shields, that makes six,
with the Darilbalde sacrificing its own offensive capacity to fully deploy the swarm.

She has eleven bits that can act as beam rifles or swords. Plus Aerial herself with her beam rifle
and two beam swords.

He was still outnumbered two to one. She didn’t need to panic.

Then the Darilbalde jumps, putting its shields in front of it to absorb her beam rifle shots. She
dodges the Darilbalde’s own attack, steps back as one of the drones come forward, and raises her
shield to deflect the other one, using the moment the Darilbalde is recovering to get around to its
back and aim her beam rifle.

The shields get in the way as soon as she presses the trigger.
There was something else about it.

“He can see behind him.” She tells Miorine.

“Extra view screens, blind spot detection?” Miorine ponders. “Be careful, I don’t like it.”

Suletta raises Aerial’s shield as the two drones come back into play, slashing at her. Then one of
the Darilbalde’s arms comes off, the spear rocketing towards her and making Aerial stumble back.
Suletta boosts away as the other spear hits the ground where she had been a moment ago.

Use her advantage, long range. A full powered shot from her beam rifle might be able to knock the
drones offline. She can use that. Aerial registers that there’s something else in the air, water

Suletta had never been in rain before. At any other moment, she would have been overjoyed,
hopped out of Aerial, and danced around in it.

Instead, she watches her beam dissipate a short distance away from her, lost in the endless
refractions and reflections of the rain.

“Abnormal heat detected within front.” An automated voice warns.

“The… sprinkler system?” Miorine sounds confused. “Suletta, stay on your guard, I’ll try and
handle this. There’s no way it would start spraying water without an anomaly.”

Suletta nods, and fires another beam shot, and once again it disperses.

“Too bad, looks like Lady Luck is on my side this time!” Guel yells, as the Darilbalde charges.
Suletta grunts, knowing it’s too late to pull back with how much acceleration the Darilbalde has
right now. Instead she reaches for her beam swords, activating them and holding the Darilbalde’s
spear at bay.

Then he knocks the blade aside and cuts through Aerial’s arm, severing the beam rifle and her right
arm with it. Suletta feels her own right arm tingle a bit, and she shakes it to get feeling back. Still,
she can stay calm. Suletta takes the opportunity to pull back, her bits enhancing the beam rifle
coming back to give her aid.

There was something off, though. Guel wanted to win, and that required going for her blade
antenna. He should have been able to with that cut. And there were other, smaller things that had
been off. The spear throw at the start, and to turn it into an attempt to stab her in the back. The way
the drones moved suggests that they were linked to the suit itself. It was more reactive than

She realizes that she is not fighting Guel Jeturk, even though he is in the cockpit.

“Stop the duel immediately.” Miorine says as soon as the dueling committee picks up. “Once the
system error is corrected, then we can resume.” She may as well try the formal channels, though
she knows exactly how it will go.

“Duels are never held on equal terms.” Elan Ceres explains. As expected. Why have rules at all
then if you could brush them aside? “It’s up to the student’s patrons, which mobile suits and
support staff they can access. Even if this accident was set up on purpose, that would be part of his
strength.” So that the strong could benefit, and the weak could be crushed, Miorine answers her
own silent question.
“Well, in that case I am part of Suletta’s strength.” She closes the call to the dueling committee
with an angry jab, and begins to run to the hanger’s small Mobile Craft. A system like heat
management would have to have some sort of central control point. If she could find it, then she’ll
find the people behind the sabotage. If she could find them, then she could stop them. If she could
stop them, then Suletta will have a fighting chance.

She hops in, basic knowledge of how to pilot a mobile suit combined with common sense and her
own small pleasure in racing with scooters allowing her to make it go somewhat in the right
direction, and do so very quickly.

“Suletta, do you read me?” She asks, hoping that the duel hasn’t finished yet.

“Miorine, what’s going on?” Suletta asks.

“Sabotage. Guel’s people are sabotaging you. Hang on, I’ll stop the squall. Run, because you need
to run to survive right now.” Miorine explains. She kicks the Mobile Craft into gear, as fast as it
can travel through the tunnels that network through the school. Whether the control room is, it will
likely be close to the dueling range, so she needs to get there first.

“Right… I need to hang on.” Suletta mumbles. Miorine can tell how nervous she is, and she’s glad
that she worked to keep anything too distracting out of Suletta’s mind before the duel. As long as
Suletta can stay focused, and Miorine knows she can, they’ll be fine. “Hang on, hang on, hang on.”
She needed another boost.

“Are you going to let my louse of a father have his way?” Miorine asks. “Are you going to let him
win, to split us apart, to kill your sister?”


“Good! I won’t allow it!” Miorine yells as the Mobile Craft tumbles through the tunnels, grabbing
hold of an elevator to travel more quickly.

“I’ve got to hang on. I’ve got to hang on. I’ve got to hang on.” There’s a brief pause, and Miorine
holds her breath. “I will hang on!”

I know you can, Miorine thinks. And then she’s there, the control room lit up and occupied. The
Mobile Craft detects two people sitting in it. She sees enough of their faces to recognize Felsi Rotto
and Petra Itta, and she slams the Mobile Craft’s arms through the glass, pinning both of them to the
far wall, but careful not to do so too hard.

“Huh?” Petra is shocked.

“Who!” Felsi is outraged.

Miorine steps out of the Mobile Craft, glaring at Petra in particular.

“Miorine‽” They both exclaim.

“I didn’t expect you to actually try to mess with her, so now you found out.” Miorine smirks,
remembering Petra’s flippant question yesterday of whether or not Suletta was one of her
‘tomatoes’. Then, confidently, she shuts down the sprinklers.

“Suletta, all that’s left is for you to win, you’ve held on long enough.” Miorine congratulates her,
smiling as she pulls out her notebook to see Suletta again. Suletta is sweating slightly, but she
smiles back at her.
“Thank you, Mio.” Suletta says. Suletta glances down for a moment, and her smile grows wider for
some reason. Now, with no more tricks, she knew Suletta could win.

“Why don’t you trust me enough to fight on my own, father?” Guel yells to no one as Suletta
Mercury counter attacks, now that the rain has stopped the fight has once more evened out, the
speed that her drones switch between aiding in the suit’s mobility, firing off a few shots, forming
up as a shield to deflect his own attacks, it was blinding. It was more than just the mobile suit, he
realizes. The way it moves is too natural, and Guel wanders just how long Suletta Mercury had
been piloting it. Had she been raised in the thing or something? A barrier drone is destroyed by a
concentrated blast of the Aerial’s drones, and a replacement flies up from his carrier to take its
place. Twenty seconds between destruction and replacement. He knows Suletta Mercury is
counting as well.

Then the Darilbalde’s AI falls for another feint, stopping as the Aerial’s drones surround it, its
reactions not knowing how to escape from the danger. Then, curiously, he sees one of the Aerial’s
drones land, power down and sink into the mud that the sprinkler system had made. It creates an
opening, right towards the Aerial, and Suletta Mercury draws the Darilbalde in towards the
unpowered and submerged drone. Even so, the Darilbalde should react fast enough for it to counter
when it activates. Then Guel realizes the second part of Suletta Mercury’s plan, and he starts to

The Aerial seemingly leaves itself open to a frontal attack. Two drones retreat next to the Aerial,
blasting away. The two barrier drones come up front to absorb the energy blasts. The rest of the
Aerial’s drones skirmish with the Darilbalde’s. She has a fifty/fifty shot of guessing correctly, and
Guel watches as the two mobile suits close into melee range. To risk it all on the flip of a coin like
that. To see who Lady Luck favoured. It was crazy, insane. He respected that.

Two concentrated blasts take out the Darilbalde’s sword drones, it will take twenty seconds for
new ones to arrive, Guel begins to count. The Aerial suddenly withdraws its other drones, forming
a shield to stop the Darilbalde’s spear thrust. Then, as he expected, the depowered drone activates,
shooting upwards in front of the Darilbalde’s cockpit. And in that instant, the left barrier drone
tries to intercept.

Tries to because the moment it begins to move the Aerial reaches over with its remaining hand and
grabs it, holding it in place. The imaginary coin lands on heads, and Suletta Mercury has won.
Now it was just a matter of formality.

The drone in front of the cockpit flips back and forth quickly, and Guel suddenly thinks its waving
at him for a brief moment. He shakes the thought out of his head as the drone zips up to the
antenna. Guel can hear the beam cut through the antenna, and it falls past the front of the cockpit.
The Darilbalde pulls back and stands still, its AI at least recognizing its defeat, while the Aerial
returns its drones to bulk up its body. Suletta Mercury has won, he realizes, and he never got to
properly fight her. Still, he would not have won even if he had been able to fight with the AI
functioning how Petra had described it. He had misread Suletta twice in his own mental analysis of
the battle, two times where her drone feints would have ended the duel earlier.

The two mobile suits stare at each other. Suletta Mercury’s name appears on the fake sky,
declaring her as the winner with two victories, and confirming her as the Holder.

“Guel.” He looks down to see that a video to the Jeturk House’s command center had opened. His
father is there, glaring at him.

“Hah. You put your trust in an AI, took out my ability to turn it off, and look what it gave you.”
Guel laughs at him. So he was here to see his supposed moment of triumph. He expects his father
to rage, to shout, but his voice is instead cold.

“It gives me something you cannot. The ability to win. To really win, Guel.” His father replies,
pulling out his notebook. .

“Father, what are you doing?” Lauda asks, and Guel frowns. There was something going on, a
scuffle. “Don’t you dare-”

“It’s an accident, a glitch in the AI. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Vim scoffs

“Guel! Shut it down before-” suddenly the screens of the Darilbalde shut off for a moment, and
turn back on. “Shut it off, father!” Lauda is shouting now. A sinking feeling settles in Guel’s
stomach. He sees that systems are recalibrating. He reaches for the power switch, flicking it on and
off. Nothing happens.

“I can’t, not anymore. This is about more than just your brother’s stupid pride, this is about the
company’s future.”

Guel looks up at the panel over his head, where Petra and Kamil had been poking around. Petra
had said that there was some sort of bypass that had been taken out at the last minute. The AI was
deeply integrated, and this battle had shown that it could control the mobile suit without his input.

He glances at the Darilbalde’s power readouts, as it diverts power into its weapons and its
thrusters. On the screens, he can see the Darilbalde shift its focus from the Aerial’s antenna, the
small circle that tells him what it’s focusing on traveling down the other mobile suit’s body,
settling on its cockpit. Guel realizes that his father never wanted him to just win.

Then the Darilbalde braces its spear like a lance and launches forward with enough force to push
him back into his seat.

Chapter End Notes

Oh look, a cliff hanger

And He Came Back Again
Chapter Summary

With Guel's Darilbalde on a rampage to muder Suletta, the strength of both pilots must
come together to stop it.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Suletta has won, and she allows herself to celebrate and relax. Her plan had worked, as crazy as it
had been. She had needed to make the decision between which of the two shield drones to grab the
moment that it had started to move, but she knew Aerial and her could pull it off. Miorine is
laughing, tossing her head back and throwing her arms up in unrestrained joy.

“So… you and Aerial…” Suletta crosses her arms and then slashes them across like an umpire at a
baseball game. “You’re safe?”

“We’re safe. We’re all safe.” Miorine declares jubilantly. “Hah! Take that you louse of a father,
you really thought that Guel Jeturk could stop my Suletta! And you two, thinking you could get
away with cheating?” She looks at something, or someone off screen.

Suletta smiles, pumping her own fists in the air and wiggling in her cockpit. Her notebook is
suddenly dinging, and she glances down to see congratulations, first from Nika, then Elan, then…
the messages begin to flood in from people not in her contacts. “Huh, there’s so ma-”

Suddenly Aerial sounds an alarm, and Suletta looks at her viewscreens again.

The Darilbalde is rocketing at her, its spear pointed straight ahead. The energy blades on it are

Full power.

“Oi, Bumpkin, get the hell out of here!” Guel yells as the call to him reopens.

Aerial reacts faster than she does, throwing herself to the side at the last possible moment. Still,
Suletta feels herself be jerked in her seat as half of the cockpit’s viewscreens are replaced in a blue
flash. A horrible shrieking sound of metal being rent apart fills the air and she winces. She can feel
the heat off of the beams as they pass inside her cockpit, missing her by a foot at most.

“SULETTA!” Miorine’s scream is the most pained sound in the entire solar system, and she sees
her dropping the notebook before the call cuts out.

“Still there? Oi! Talk to me!” Guel asks, his voice shaking slightly. Suletta nods, confused. He had
just attacked her? Why was he also warning her? “I’d love to stop it Shaddiq, already tried.” He
must be talking to the dueling committee, but what was going on? “Fifteen minutes for you to get
there? Fuck, she isn’t going to last that long, is there anyone closer?”

“What-” The attack must have hit her long range communications, she could still communicate
with other mobile suits in the area, but beyond that, nothing. Suletta glances at the screen, seeing
that Guel had taken his hands off the controls and was desperately trying to punch something
above him.

“I told you to run! This damn suit is going to kill you! My damn father and his damn AI.” Even
without his hands on the controls, Suletta can tell the mobile suit is moving. She is slightly relieved
that it isn’t Guel himself who’s trying to kill her.

Something suddenly comes to her attention. Aerial is targeting his cockpit, the bit staves warming
up again to go into attack mode.

“Aerial, no!” She grabs Aerial’s controls again, pulling back so that Aerial instead gets some
distance between the two mobile suits. Aerial complies, using the bit staves to help with the thrust
instead. Suletta glances out the gap where half her cockpit armour had been a few moments ago,
seeing the Darilbalde turn, start to charge after her. One of the sword drones follows her before she
picks up momentum, and Suletta tells Aerial to raise an arm, creating a small shield as the drone
slams against it. The arm takes a glancing hit, though nothing debilitating. Aerial cuts power off of
her thrusters, dropping down towards the ground. The drone goes sailing over them and Aerial
reactivates thrusters, changing directions fast enough that Suletta almost feels like she might fly out
of the cockpit as the wind blows through the gaping hole in it. She runs through her options.
Attacking with the intent to destroy the mobile suit would kill Guel. Out of the question. She could
try to disable the Darilbalde’s limbs, extract him, and then destroy it, but without her beam rifle
and with how fast and aggressive it was being, it would kill her before she could do so. If she tries
to run, to flee the dueling range, the Darilbalde would follow and could hurt more people as it tries
to reach her. There was no way for her to win.

She’s still thinking of this as a duel.

“Aerial. This is a rescue mission. The victim is Guel Jeturk.” She refocuses herself, refocuses
Aerial. “Do you understand?”

There’s a pause, and then two flashes from Aerial’s remaining lights. Yes.

Miorine feels her world fall apart when the call with Suletta cuts off and the video shows Aerial
taking a staggered step back, part of her cockpit armour flying off from the Darilbalde’s surprise
attack. Was Suletta dead? A pained wail escapes her lips, and tears spring up instantly, unable to be
held back and blurring her vision as she tumbles off her seat. Was Suletta dead? Was the universe
so cruel as to take her away after she had chosen her over Earth? So cruel to do so just as she had
fallen in love with her. Was this it then?

“Oi, Miorine.” Felsi frees herself from the Mobile Craft’s arms and floats towards her, holding her
notebook. “She’s still alive, you hear me? See?” Miorine feels her stomach turn. Felsi holds up the
notebook to her face, and through blurred vision she can see blurry shapes move. “She’s alive.”
She blinks and shakes her head, tears splashing onto her helmet’s visor. With clearer vision, she
sees Aerial change directions in mid air, escaping one of the Darilbalde’s drones as the mobile suit
pursues her.

Suletta is alive. She’s fighting. Guel Jeturk is trying to murder her. Felsi is reaching out to touch
her. She lets grief give way to rage.

“What is Guel doing!” Miorine yells, slamming Felsi against the wall of the room violently.
Cheating, that was bad enough, but murder? Miorine looks over at Petra. The mechanic is still
pinned by the Mobile Craft’s arm, and she’s trying to reach out for something. “Did he snap? Or
was this all part of your little plan as well?” Miorine winds up a punch and Felsi raises her hands
desperately to protect her face.

“Stop! Miorine!” Petra yells, halting her for a moment. “It’s not him. Please. He isn’t a murderer.”
Miorine looks at Petra, her fist still cocked back to punch Felsi. Petra’s hand is patting at different
parts of the Mobile Craft’s arm. “There’s an AI that’s integrated into the mobile suit. That’s how
the suit has been using drones. It’s a Fifth Generation Decision Making Extension AI. Guel’s
father… shit, that’s why the bypass was removed. He knew that Guel would try and stop it. Vim
set it to kill her. Not Guel, but his father. Guel didn’t know.” Petra shakes her head, her voice going
quiet and wavering slightly. “Miorine, please don’t hurt Felsi, put her down. Guel and Suletta are
both in danger right now. I know she means a lot to you, and he means a lot to us, so… please, put
Felsi down. We need to work together.” Petra pleads, and she finally manages to hit what she was
looking for, a manual release on the arm, and the Mobile Craft’s arm eases up. Petra stands up,
approaching Miorine slowly and putting herself between her fist and Felsi.

“How can it be stopped?” Miorine asks, taking a shaky breath. She glances at one of the notebooks
floating amongst the room. Aerial is still moving, Suletta is still alive. She holds that relief close to
her heart.

“You need to remove the AI core, it’s accessible from the cockpit, but… he’s a bit of a dumbass
when it comes to those things.” Petra explains. “I could do it, but I would need to get into the

“So… it’s all on them?” Miorine lets go of Felsi, feeling numb. The person she loved, yes, loved
with all her heart in all manners of the word, was fighting for her life and she could do nothing. It
was strange how thinking Suletta had died in front of her eyes could make her accept that she did
love Suletta so quickly.

“Fuck that!” Felsi yells. Miorine looks at her, to see the pilot has a determined look on her face.
“Petra, Miorine, get in.” Felsi says, kicking off the wall and going to the Mobile Craft’s cockpit.
“Petra, call Kamil, tell him to get my Dilanza ready.”

“What?” Petra looks confused. Miorine shakes her head, still feeling like her body is made of lead.

“I’m not about to let my best friend become a killer, even indirectly. He wouldn’t be able to live
with himself. And we owe both of them for cheating like this.” Felsi replies. “And you said you
could shut it down if you're in the cockpit, so I'm going to get you in there. So hurry up, get in, so
we can save our idiot. You too Miorine, that’s your girl in trouble as well. Plus, I have no idea how
we’re going to do this, and you’re pretty smart.” She lets out a nervous laugh.

Miorine decides that it’s good enough for her. It’s the start of a plan. If they can save Suletta, then
she’ll do whatever she can. She hops in beside the pilot, and a moment later Petra follows, calling
someone. Miorine’s mind is racing, and she takes a few breaths to calm herself. She needs to think
of a plan. She can help, she can do something. She needs to do something.

“Hey, Kamil. Get Felsi’s suit online, we’re going to try and help Guel.” She speaks into the

“You sure?” Miorine hears Jeturk’s head mechanic hesitate for a moment.

“Now, Kamil!” Felsi yells.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Nika.” Chuchu watches as the Darilbalde continues to fight, even after Suletta Mercury had been
declared the winner. Till and Aliya were comforting Lilique, trying to shield her from the screen.
Ojelo and Nuno were frozen mid slapfight in horror. Nika had burst into tears when the initial
strike had torn up the cockpit of Suletta’s suit, and now Chuchu and Martin were rubbing her back,
staring at the screen as the fight continued. Of course, a Spacian Bastard like Guel would take his
defeat so poorly that he would try to murder someone. Something snaps in her, and she realizes
what she has to do. Consequences be damned. “How long will it take for my Demi to get there?”
She stands up slowly.

“Chuchu.” Nika stands up as well, turning to face her and shaking Martin off gently. All of Earth
House suddenly falls silent, their eyes turning to the two of them.

“I’m serious, I have to do this.” Chuchu stares back into her mechanic’s eyes, filled with so much
worry. Why shouldn’t they be? Both of the mobile suits currently fighting would normally shred a
Demi-Trainer without a second thought. She might have to become a killer, and Nika is of course
looking at the big picture, trying to make sure that she’s going to be alright with that if it happens.
She hates this sentimental crap. Though for once, Chuchu is the one to win their staring contest.

“Five minutes.” Nika replies evenly. Then, her mechanic grabs her in a tight hug. “Stay safe, you
hear me?” Nika mumbles softly. Chuchu nods, and then jumps over the couch she had been sitting
on before, running for her pilot suit. Earth House becomes a storm of activity behind her, moving
furniture out of the way or quickly preparing the Demi-Trainer for combat.

Suletta estimates that she has roughly a minute left before the Darilbalde has her cornered. It had
been slowly pushing her towards the metal tower near the middle of the area over the past few
minutes. She has to stall, she has to think. How can she deal with this? How can she deal with this?
She needs to keep moving, keep moving or she’ll die. Just like on Mercury as she dodged through
craters. If she stays in the sun for too long, then Aerial will start to melt, start to break down, slow
down. So she has to keep in the shadows, minimize her time in the sun. She has to keep moving.

Another group of drones come out to support the Darilbalde, and Suletta puts her mind on the
present. They’re starting to trap her, ensnare her so that she’ll be forced to fight at least a few of
them, and that would slow things down enough for the Darilbalde to catch her. Keeping her
momentum on the ground, she detaches her bit staves to contest the latest wave.

A drone from the Darilbalde suddenly strikes Aerial’s leg, making her collapse to her knee. She’s
truly out of options then, she can’t run. All that’s left is a desperate final push with her bit staves to
slow the Darilbalde down.

One of the Darilbalde’s drones remains uncontested, and rockets right towards her. Aerial thrusts
her arm in the way to hold it off, and the drone slams into it, the beam cutting through the arm and
pressing it back towards the cockpit. Aerial should have been able to push against it easier, but as
damaged as she was, Aerial was reporting that the arm was at about ten percent of its usual
strength, most of the arms joints damaged and only becoming more fatigued as it pushed against
the drone. The beam slowly inches towards Suletta, and she scrambles to find something to help.
Her bits are occupied by the Darilbalde’s own swarm of extra arms and extra sword drones that it
summoned, she doesn’t have her other arm to swat it aside, it was embedded too much to sidestep
even if she could, she was rapidly running out of time, and options. She could always try to eject
right now, but there was no telling if her or Aerial would get out of that alive. Less chance than if
she continues to fight.

Then a blue beam strikes the drone, making it explode. The bottom half of Aerial’s arm goes with
it, and Aerial falls back, hitting the ground hard enough to nearly jostle Suletta out of her seat. She
angles Aerial’s remaining screens to try and see where the shot came from, seeing a Demi-Trainer
with a beam rifle as long as the mobile suit is tall running towards the battle. The Darilbalde stops
its advance as well, seeming to scan for where the new opponent had come from as well. A call
comes in, and she answers it to see a pair of pink eyes glare at her.

“Oi, Suletta, you hanging in there?” The pilot asks. Without the hair puffs, she’s almost
unrecognizable until she speaks. Suletta sees a few beams fly from the Demi-Trainer’s rifle, flying
towards the Darilbalde and striking some of its drones. One of the beams gets through, and the
Darilbalde drops a half melted arm, only for it to be replaced a moment later. Some of the drones
fighting with Aerial’s bits suddenly divert off towards the Demi-Trainer, and the Trainer rockets to
the side, firing as it moves.

“Miss Chuchu.” Suletta realizes who it is just as she realizes what Chuchu is trying to do. “Wait!”
A beam from Chuchu’s rifle streaks towards the Darilbalde’s cockpit, already fired, and Suletta
gets her bits to form a shield, the beam bouncing off the projected shield, dispersing around the
Darilbalde at the last second.

“What the hell are you doing‽” Chuchu screams. “He’s a few seconds from killing you!”

“The mobile suit, it’s being controlled by an AI. It isn’t Mister Guel’s fault. Don’t kill him.”
Suletta waves her arms in front of her. “Please, trust me Miss Chuchu. I don’t want anyone to die
here.” The Darilbalde suddenly launches one of its legs at Aerial, hitting her waist and pulling her
towards it. A grapple, Suletta realizes as Aerial’s frame groans.

“Yeah, I’m trying to do something to disable it!” Guel snaps, butting in to the call. “I can’t even
power down though.” Suletta sees a red stain on one of the arms of his pilot suit, coming down
from one of his hands. “Chuatury, is it? Worse comes to worse, you take me out. This Bumpkin
thinks she can save everyone.”

“Don’t say something like that, Mister Guel.” Suletta scolds, slamming Aerial’s remaining
functional leg into the ground to keep the Darilbalde from pulling her with its grapple. There’s a
dull crack from somewhere inside Aerial, and Suletta hopes that it wasn’t something important.
She's going to have to apologize to Aerial a lot after this. “There were only two people who died
once Aerial and I committed to saving them, of the hundreds that we saved successfully, don’t
become the third!”

“You’re kidding.” Chuchu huffs. “Fine then, you’re lucky you got Suletta advocating for you, you
bastard, or I would have already shot you.” She continues to take pot shots, hitting more of the
Darilbalde’s drones pursuing her. Suletta sees her take out one of its arms again, only for the arm to
drop off the mobile suit and another new one to replace it around fifteen seconds later, eliciting a
frustrated yell from her. Then Suletta is jerked backwards as the Darilbalde retracts its grapple leg.
Now rather than trying to bring her to it, it tries to go to Aerial. Aerial tries to dig her feet into the
ground, as the Darilbalde accelerates towards her, pulled along by the cable.

Then something heavy slams into Aerial from the side, throwing her out of the way and making the
Darilbalde overshoot. It slams into the metal tower behind Aerial, and struggles for a few moments
to free itself, beams cutting the metal it had trapped itself in. Suletta can see a beam sword from the
unknown mobile suit that saved her enter the working half of Aerial’s vision, cutting the cable
connecting her to the Darilbalde, and she tries to adjust Aerial’s vision to see who else had come to
her rescue.

She sees a gray Dilanza with a beam sword in one hand, and a rifle in the other moving to stand
defensively over Aerial. Its feet are painted a bright yellow.

“Felsi!” She hears Guel exclaim, and Suletta remembers the girl in the pilot suit that had been
following Guel around. Aerial opens another video connection to the Dilanza’s cockpit. In it, she
sees three people crammed into the small cockpit, all in pilot suits. One in the pilot seat and two
stooped over on either side of the seat holding on for their lives.

Her heart skips a beat when she sees Miorine is one of those on the side. Didn’t she realize how
dangerous this was?

“Miorine!” She yells in surprise, catching her fiance’s attention.

“Suletta, are you alright?” Miorine asks, leaning forward so that she’s front and center in the
camera. Suletta thinks that she sees streaks of tears on Miorine’s face. The person on the other side
of the pilot seat, Suletta suspects that it’s the mechanic that Felsi had always been with, puts a hand
on Miorine’s helmet and pushes her back.

“Oi, you can check on your girl once this is over with. Now tell these guys your plan.” Petra snaps.

“Fine.” Miorine huffs, though Suletta nods to make sure that Miorine knows that she’s alright.
“Listen, we have a way to disable the AI, by pulling out the core. But we’re going to have to
disable its limbs first.”

“One problem, it has back ups when it loses one.” Guel growls, punching the central console with
his good hand in frustration.

“Yes, I saw. Which gives us about ten seconds to get Miss Itta into your cockpit so she can disable
the core.” Miorine gestures at Petra.

“How are you going to do that?” Guel asks. “It isn’t letting me open the cockpit from inside.”

“The emergency release system is wired to its own separate power supply, completely closed off.
The AI shouldn’t have access.” Petra explains. “If I can get to the button on the outside, I can open
the cockpit.”

“And we can’t just try to run out once you do open it instead?” Guel asks. The Darilbalde seems to
have frozen for the moment, two more barrier drones and two more sword drones beginning to
circle it as it sizes up the Dilanza standing between it and its target.

“You don’t want to be around mobile suits that are fighting while on foot, especially one that is
trying to kill, without any concern for people.” Suletta replies. “Even if you do get out fast enough
before it recovers, then you might get caught up in the explosion when we destroy it, it’s too

“More risky than the transfer Miorine is suggesting?” Guel yells as the Darilbalde begins to
advance towards Felsi’s Dilanza.

“Yes.” Suletta tells him.

“Alright. We get Petra into the cockpit, she pulls out the core.” Guel agrees.

“Good, okay.” Miorine takes a deep breath. “Suletta, do you still have your own drones active?”

“Yes, everyone’s still working.” Suletta reports.

“Can you get them to engage with the Darilbalde’s drones? Miss Chuatury, you have a beam rifle,
do you think you could hit the drones while they’re distracted, or disable the legs to slow it down?
Try to cover Suletta and Aerial, we’ll take the AI’s attention.”
“Can I?” Chuchu hefts the rifle again, aiming it and striking one of the drones. The Darilbalde
starts to angle towards the Demi Trainer, and the Dilanza fires a spray of beam rifle shots to draw
its attention again.

“Good. Then Miss Rotto will fight the Darilbalde head on.”

“Yeah…” Felsi gulps, flexing her hands. “I’m ready.”

“Then let's go!” Miorine yells.

Miorine hangs on a bit tighter to the handlebars as Felsi rockets forward to the red mobile suit.
Aerial’s bits surround the Dilanza defensively, firing beams as the Darilbalde’s drones move to
intercept. Suletta watches the fight, focusing on keeping the bit staves up and operational, thankful
for the reprieve to Aerial. Chuchu is dragging Aerial up against a rock so that she’s still propped up
and seated, rather than lying down. Then Chuchu starts to fire the beam rifle using Aerial’s
shoulder as support. Suletta feels the heat radiating off of it as it fires repeatedly. Aerial is crippled,
armless, unable to stand, but despite that, the rescue operation is still on. No one would need to die.
Suletta’s own arms feel slightly heavy, as if they too are deadweight. She lifts them off the
controls, flexing them to get some circulation back, and she continues to watch the battle.

The Dilanza dances with the Darilbalde, the latter’s huge spear clashing with the former’s beam
sword in a desperate struggle. Suletta can see that at least between the Dilanza’s earlier beam rifle
shots, her own bit staves, and Chuchu’s sniping, they had depleted its drones enough that none
came back to try and replace the ones that were being lost. Then the Dilanza plunges its
beamsword into the Darilbalde’s leg and shoves it back, making it fall to one knee. Suletta takes a
deep breath, seeing some of the drones starting to return to the Darilbalde now. Already on one leg,
the Darilbalde takes a hit from Chuchu’s beam rifle in the other one. It still tries to slash at the
Dilanza, which jumps back before the sweeping blow can hit it, only to launch forward again and
cut off the arm carrying the spear, and using the momentum to throw the Darilbalde onto its back.
Suletta breathes a sigh of relief, thankful that Miorine’s plan has been going well so far.

With the Darilbalde down, Felsi opens the cockpit of the Dilanza, kneeling over the downed

Miorine is awash with a mix of anxiety and pride, because everything was going smoothly, but this
was the most dangerous part of the plan. One wrong move, one moment of hesitation, and things
would turn deadly. Felsi reaches forward and gives Petra a shove on the ass to boost her out as she
leaps onto the chest armour. Petra gives a thumbs up once she lands on the chest of the Darilbalde,
and then scrambles for the emergency access button as the Dilanza closes its cockpit again and
begins to retreat. Petra keeps one hand wrapped around an edge in the armour just in case the
mobile suit decides to move.

“Thrusters!” Petra hears Guel yell, and her eyes go wide. Of course, it still had its thrusters. “Petra,
hold on!” Then she feels her body pressed against the mobile suit as it rockets upward, beginning to
tilt upright as it ascends. She struggles against the sudden g-force to press the access button,
slamming the side of her hand into it. The chest armour shifts as it moves out the way, and her grip
starts to slip from it. Out of the corner of her eye she can see the Darilbalde’s spear, formerly inert
on the ground, springs to life suddenly, cleaving through one of the Dilanza’s arms and crippling
its leg, and Petra is just glad that it missed the cockpit.

Petra stretches out her hand desperate for something to grab onto, and Guel leans out of the cockpit,
grabbing her with his good hand. He has his injured hand wrapped around the back of the seat,
holding himself steady. Petra smiles, and Guel grins and he pulls her in, the two butting helmets
affectionately. Petra climbs on top of the pilot seat, Guel holding her waist as she stands up to
access the panel

“Hey… you got this?” Guel asks as Petra reaches for her tool pouch, feeling for a wrench to take
off the panel sheltering the core. Petra looks down, seeing that Felsi is using her Dilanza’s
remaining arm to keep the Darilbalde’s spear from returning to it.

“Of course. I was matching Kamil during the last booster rebuilding race.” Petra tells him, finding
the wrench and bringing it up to the panel. At least Guel had managed to free two of the bolts with
his punching. She starts to work on the other six holding the panel on, dropping them on Guel’s
helmet with little clinks. The Darilbalde suddenly changes direction, and Petra yelps, starting to
lose her footing before Guel puts a hand on her back to steady her.

“Great. You're going to need to be quick then, I think that it’s realized that its time is up.” Guel
muses to her.

“Why do you say that?” Petra glances down at him.

“We’re about fifteen seconds from crashing into the Bumpkin.” Guel says urgently. Petra notices
that the Darilbalde is starting to descend towards the Aerial and she picks up the pace even more
than she had before.

Suletta watches Guel pull in the mechanic as the Darilbalde ascends. Its few remaining drones
converge around it, replacing lost limbs, its legs ejecting from the machine as dead weight. Beside
her, she can see Chuchu aim, readjust, aim again, and let out another growl of frustration.

“I can’t get a clear shot on any of the drones, if I hit the cockpit then I’m going to fry both of those
Spacian turds.” Chuchu tells her. "Still..."

“Hey, we’re all trying to make sure that no one dies here.” Felsi snaps. “Petra nearly fell off just

“And she wouldn’t be in this situation if whoever designed this stupid suit didn’t include an AI
that’s a sore loser.” Chuchu retorts. “Not to mention that lame ass cheating with the sprinklers. Are
you guys so scared of someone else threatening your stupid status quo that you’d kill them?”

“Why don’t you-”

“Enough!” Miorine shouts over both of them, “Argue once we’re done.” She glares at Felsi, who
bites her lip and goes back to trying to hold down the spear.

“Hey, Suletta, start moving if you can!” Guel yells through the call, cutting into the conversation.
Suletta notices the Darilbalde start to dive towards her, its remaining drones surrounding it in one
final attempt to kill her. Suletta tries to move Aerial, though she can only kick feebly at the ground
at this point. Her own bit staves fly around the Darilbalde, intending to sever the thrusters, but she
stops them from attacking. With the cockpit armour still open, a fall from any significant height
would kill Petra since she wasn’t strapped in, and likely kill Guel as well. Still… she has one more
trick to use.

“Everyone, attach and push.” The bits respond instantly, magnetizing to the Darilbalde and angling
their trust upwards and away from Suletta, slowing the Darilbalde’s descent as its own thrusters try
to compensate until it seems frozen in the air a few dozen meters away from Aerial, a reverse tug of
war that threatens to rip the machine apart. Suletta can see Petra working, a metal panel dropping
out of the cockpit, followed by the mechanic working with a metal box about the size of her head.
The Darilbalde’s three remaining drones fly forward, beam swords pointed at Aerial’s cockpit like
darts. Chuchu hits one, a spray of beam rifle shots from Felsi hits the second, even as the spear
breaks loose from the Dilanza and flies upwards, but there is nothing neither of them nor Suletta
can do against the third.

Then its beam deactivates and its thruster goes dead, the actual drone impaling Aerial at the waist
rather than the cockpit. Aerial tells her the Darilbalde is powering down, and she lets go of a held

Her bits ease the Darilbalde down next to Aerial, and Aerial opens what remains of her cockpit
armour. With a satisfying series of clunks, her bits return to her, disengaging from the Darilbalde.

It’s over, and Suletta allows herself to let go of the tension that had wound up in her body. She
takes off her helmet, her hair wet from the effort she had exerted. Mission accomplished. No
casualties. Everyone could go home. Reaching under the pilot seat, Suletta fishes around for the
first aid kit she keeps in case of emergencies, throwing the strap it has over her shoulder. She still
needs to check for injuries.

From the Darilbalde, a small black box comes flying from the cockpit, shattering on the ground
into a shower of wires and circuits. Then, shakily, Guel and the mechanic, Petra, come out. Suletta
slides off the side of Aerial, careful to not slide too fast as she drops to the ground. She looks
around as Guel and Petra scramble down the same side of the Darilbalde. Chuchu stops her mobile
suit nearby, as does Felsi, both dropping ladders from their cockpits. She’s vaguely aware of some
cameras with drones circling them. Had they been recording all of it? Or broadcasting all of it?

“H-hey Mister Guel…” Suletta walks towards Guel, who is slumped against the side of the
Darilbalde. He tosses his helmet aside, his hair also wet with sweat and sticking to his face. Petra is
kneeling at his side, pulling off one of the gloves of his pilot suit. Suletta sees that it’s stained red
with blood. Petra glances at Suletta, her own helmet discarded to the side, and Suletta holds up the
first aid kit. She kneels on the opposite side of Guel, and puts the first aid kit on her knees.

“Hey there… bum-Suletta Mercury.” Guel catches himself. She’s earned his respect, fighting him
to a standstill despite her disadvantages, and then using her own drones to save him from near
certain death. “Good fight, even though I couldn’t offer you a fair one.” He punches his good hand
into the side of the Darilbalde in frustration.

“Can I take a look at the hand?” Suletta asks, pulling out some gauze and scissors from the first aid
kit, as well as some disinfectant wipes. Guel offers the injured hand, and Suletta sees a slash across
the palm, and some broken skin along his knuckles. “It isn’t that bad.” She reports. It helps that
they’re in gravity, the cuts in zero-g are usually bloodier, not that she’s squeamish around blood,
but it helps with cleaning the wound. First she wipes his knuckles clean, and Guel lets out a hiss,
though he seems to be trying to put on a brave face. Suletta shakes her head slightly, knowing that
this would be the one to hurt less between the two cuts. She puts the bloodied wipe on the ground,
so she can dispose of it later, then pulls out another one.

“Hey, M-Miss Petra. Can you hold his other hand?” Suletta asks. Petra looks at her, dumbfounded,
but grabs Guel’s good hand. Guel looks equally dumbfounded, and opens his mouth to say
something just as Suletta presses the cloth against the cut on his palm. Instead he lets out a sharp
yelp and squeezes his eyes shut. Petra grunts as well, and Suletta can see Guel squeezing her hand
tightly. She continues a bit gentler, needing to grab a fresh wipe to get the rest of the blood cleaned
off. The cut isn’t that deep, so the gauze should be good enough.

She’s aware of someone standing behind her now, and she sees Felsi kneel down next to Petra,
putting a hand on Guel’s shoulder while hugging the mechanic tightly. She lets herself glance back
over her own shoulder to see Miorine staring down at her, unmasked concern on her face. Still, she
has to finish up with Guel, and she begins to wrap up the palm wound with gauze around his hand.
The knuckles will heal without anything else.

“Here, make sure that you change the gauze regularly, you might want to put on some antibiotics
when changing it as well, but it should heal in a few days.” She looks between Guel, Felsi, and
Petra, who all have their attention on her. Finishing by adding some metal clasps to the gauze to
keep it from unraveling, she diligently puts the bloodied wipes in a small sealing bag, and returns
the bag, the rest of the gauze, and the scissors to the bag. Then, carefully, she stands up, turning
around and looking at Miorine.

Miorine steps forward and embraces her as tightly as she can, crushing the breath out of her. She
presses her face to Suletta’s chest and clinging to the back of her pilot suit. She thinks she hears
Miorine sob, and Suletta realizes how terrifying it must have been for her, when they lost
communications. Suletta returns the embrace, putting her chin on top of Miorine’s head and
rubbing her back, shielding her from the cameras. The spell of concentration, of adrenaline, of
confidence, that comes with being in a mobile suit, of doing something critical like treating a
wound, are gone. Only now does she realize how weary she feels.

“I’m here, Mio.” She whispers.

“You’re safe.” Miorine mumbles. “You’re safe.” Her voice wavers, and Suletta puts both her hands
on the small of Miorine’s back, keeping Miorine pressed up against her for as long as she needs.

Then she catches Chuchu stomping towards the group out of the corner of her eye, and the pilot
walks towards Guel. Guel looks up at her, and starts to stand slowly.

“Oi, Spacian Turd. Did you know about what that mobile suit of yours could do before you got in
it?” Chuchu asks.

“No, I didn’t. I knew about the AI, didn’t know my father had control over it. Or else I wouldn’t
have gotten in to begin with.” Guel replies. Chuchu nods, then punches him in the gut. Guel
doubles over, and Felsi and Petra support him so he doesn’t fall, Felsi raising her fist to fight
Chuchu before Guel puts an arm in front of her. He shakes his head.

“Good. If you had, then I would have punched you in the face until I broke something.” Chuchu
replies, flexing her fist. “And you think that you’re so much better than us.” She turns to walk

“Yeah. This was a damn eye opener that… I’m… not though.” Guel shakes his head. Chuchu
pauses, looking over his shoulder. “I deserved that for what happened. What sort of honour do I
have if I can’t even fight my own fight, if I let some cheap trash tell me how to fight. If I let my
father control me like that?” He lets out a single, bitter laugh, then stands up straight, shrugging
Petra and Felsi off. Chuchu turns around fully, crossing her arms. “Miorine. The deal was that I’d
apologize, so you might think I’m just doing this out of obligation. Despite that, I mean this

Suletta feels Miorine shift, and slowly ease herself up so that she’s looking over Suletta’s shoulder
at Guel. Suletta continues to hold onto Miorine, and Miorine still keeps an arm wrapped around
Suletta’s waist. She still has tears in her eyes though, and is still sniffling.

“So, I’m sorry for helping make your life miserable for the past year. I honestly never cared about
you, but as long as I was the Holder I could please my father. And you were someone that I could
have power over, so I abused it. I’m sorry for trying to destroy your greenhouse, and force you and
Suletta Mercury apart. You shouldn’t forgive me, and I doubt that you were going to anyway. But I
will try to be a better person from now on.” He bows his head.

“I’ll believe it when I see it, and you’re right, I don’t forgive you for what you’ve done.” Miorine
states bluntly. Suletta hears Chuchu let out a snort through her nose, smirking and nodding in
approval. The fear Miorine had been feeling from earlier had been swept up back to make way for
anger at Guel, and Suletta holds her just a little bit tighter, to reassure her that she’s still here.

“Also, Suletta Mercury. Thank you for treating my hand.” Guel holds up the wrapped up palm. “It
was the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

“I-i-it’s not a problem, j-just c-common courtesy.” Suletta stammers quietly.

“Yeah, we’re sorry for cheating as well.” Felsi says, bowing to emulate Guel. “And for insulting
you before, Miorine.” She nudges Petra, who bows as well.

“Hmm.” Miorine gives a noncommittal shrug. Then Suletta feels her slip her face back up against
Suletta’ chest, and Suletta rocks her back and forth slowly.

Victory had come, but it had been grasped from the jaws of defeat. It was still a victory though,
both in the duel and the rescue. She puts her hand on the back of Miorine’s head, letting the
moment soak in and appreciating what she’s gained rather than what she's nearly lost.

Vim Jeturk nurses a broken nose as he storms back towards his office. First, his plan to deal with
Suletta Mercury had failed, horribly. He had a cover up ready, that it was just a drone malfunction,
while he privately assured his investors that it was already taken care of. Guel had decided to leave
Jeturk House, taking those two girls with him, and even having the gull to blackmail him to make
sure he didn’t cut off their tuitions. That poor excuse of a son, soon to be disinherited, had even
told him that he’s going to transfer out of the pilot program, to be a mechanic of all things. The
broken nose had come from Lauda, that Bastard having the guts to stick up to him after seeing
Guel do so.

His night somehow gets worse when he steps into his office, seeing that there is someone seated at
his desk, her hands folded in front of her and a smile on her face, a smile that looks wrong given
the helmet that covers the half of her head.

“Hello Vim, would you close the door please?” Prospera Mercury asks politely, too politely. Vim
does so, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. He knows better than to run.

“What are you doing in my office?” Vim asks.

“You tried to kill my daughter. Even though I believe I said it would be best that we don’t interfere
in each other’s business. Yet… you tried to kill Suletta.” Prospera states, not a hint of emotion in
her voice.

Vim gulps, glancing around. Was Prospera going to kill him? At the headquarters? There would be
no way that she could cover it up.

“Oh, don’t worry Vim. You’ll live. If you can call it living.” Prospera reassures him.

“What… what are you going to do?” Vim starts to sweat, thinking that she’ll break his legs, beat
him so close to death that he’ll beg for it.

“Oh, me? Nothing. Your investors, not to mention the other companies in the Beneritt Group, now
that they know that you wasted… untold fortunes developing that Decision Making Extension AI,
even though the development is a dead end? They might do something.”
“It… isn’t though?” He had been assured that the AI was an excellent step forward. He had poured
his earnings into developing it, making sure that it was going to be the greatest leap forward in
Mobile Suit Technology in fifty years.

“Isn’t it? In your efforts to cover up your attempted murder, you tried to blame it on a technical
malfunction in the company’s official statement on the incident. Now of course, you didn’t actually
have anything in place that went into the details of those malfunctions.” Prospera explains, then
beckons Vim over to her side of the table. Curious and filled with dread, Vim walks over and looks
at the screen. There’s a document open on it. “So I decided to write one for you. I even gave you
credit. Would you like me to keep it simple for you?” Prospera asks. Vim reads the document
slowly, realization dawning on him.

“What… it’s a report about the AI…”

“Yes, signed and sent by you, from this terminal right here.” Prospera pats the screen. “It details
that there is an irreconcilable flaw in the Decision Making Extension AI’s design philosophy, that
even if you rewrote the entire code from the ground up would still exist. In the simplest terms
possible, it’s a rabid animal, lashing out randomly without a thought of its own. It cannot
distinguish between friend or foe on the battlefield, nor can it do anything to ensure the pilot’s
safety, assuming you need a pilot at all. And I believe that Delling once said that Gundams were
dangerous because they took the decision to kill away from someone who can think, a person, and
gave it to a machine, which acts. One of the rare times that I agree with him.”

Vim feels his notebook buzz, and he pulls it out with a shaking hand.

“Ah, that must be the first investor pulling out.” Prospera says with certainty. It was. Ten percent
of his market value, gone. Vim feels his head spin.

Vim sinks to his knees, unable to stand, as more and more messages and calls come in. Fifteen,
Eighteen, Twenty, Thirty, Fifty percent gone. More came in, and he throws his notebook at the
door. Prospera stands, slowly, and then kneels down so he can see her.

“You tried to kill my daughter, Vim. Had you succeeded, then you wouldn’t be walking out of this
room alive. Be grateful that I at least leave you with your life.” Then, Prospera walks out of the
room, leaving Vim alone as Jeturk Heavy Machinery crumbles around him.

Chapter End Notes

ayyy, and y'all thought I was gonna kill Guel.

Promising Futures, Past Ghosts
Chapter Summary

Earth House discusses their future. Suletta and Elan dig deeper into the mystery of
'Elnora'. Guel takes the first steps on his path forward. Miorine and Suletta are given a
wonderful suprise.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Martin Upmont sits on a chair, a part of a rough circle that the rest of Earth House makes while
sitting on various pieces of furniture in their recreation room. He coughs politely, getting
everyone’s attention.

“We are meeting this morning due to two proposals that require our consensus. Both involve the
acceptance of new members into Earth House. Both were proposed by Nika Nanaura. Nika?” He
extends a hand to Nika. All eyes fall on her, and Martin smiles. When he leaves next year, Nika
will be the head of Earth House. She already has the respect of all its members, and has
connections to the broader Earthian community that surrounds the school. She spoke well, and was
more of a risk taker than he was. Perhaps that was a bit of Chuchu’s influence on her, but even in
her first year, she had been more outspoken on choosing their fights, yes, but also sticking to those
fights when the time came. It was what Earth House needed going forward.

“Thank you. My first proposal is the acceptance of Miorine Rembran into Earth House. Though
she is Delling Rembran’s daughter, she has no love for him or his ideals. She wishes to come to
Earth, and is sympathetic with its struggle. Right now, she has no House, and only a single person
to support her. Despite her not being an Earthian, it is not a rule that someone needs to be one to
join Earth House, we are the students meant to represent Earth’s interests, to carry Earth’s hopes
and dreams. I believe that we would benefit from having Miss Miorine here as a member of Earth
House.” Nika proposes.

“Do we have anyone to second her opinion?” Martin asks, looking around. Only Chuchu had been
around her so far, so all eyes fall on her.

“Yeah. She says her mom is from Earth, and she’s rejecting her Spacian dad. That’s good enough
in my books.” Chuchu shrugs. Simple and to the point. Martin does hope that Chuchu will mellow
out in these coming years. She was headstrong, willing to pick any fights, even when it would be
better not to. But she was a pilot, and going to be mentoring any other pilot that might come
through Earth House in the next three years. Plus, she was under Nika’s wing, so she’ll become
more mature. Though perhaps Lilique and her would serve as good co-heads for that year. The
cheerful public facing head who was always smiling and disarmingly friendly, and the ace pilot
that would have grown to have an idea of the big picture. It would be a good combination.

“Shall we vote then?” He asks. There are no objections. “Then, all those in favour of accepting
Miorine Rembran into Earth House, raise your hands.”

The group does so unanimously, Martin looking around to everyone to make sure before he nods.
“Approved.” Martin says. “Next proposal, Nika?”

“As you may suspect, my next proposal is to allow Suletta Mercury to join Earth House. Like Miss
Miorine, she is someone who is sympathetic to our cause, and though she has no connections to
Earth, she comes from Mercury. If there is anywhere that has suffered and been left behind like
Earth has, it is Mercury. If Earth is the Spacian’s factory to exploit, then Mercury is their mine. So,
she is someone who has faced the same problem that we have. Who has gone through many of the
same hardships. She is also alone, without a House, with only a single person to support her. If we
leave someone like that out knowing what they’re going through, can we really be better than the
Spacians in charge? If they don’t see the difference between a Mercurian and an Earthian, why
should we?” Nika finishes, and a silence falls upon the room. Martin can tell that everyone is
thinking, taking in Nika’s words. It is a very strong argument, and Martin wonders where Nika’s
future will take her.

“Anyone to second her?” Martin asks.

“Yes.” Lilique speaks up, then gulps when everyone’s eyes turn to her. “She seemed very kind
when I met her, willing to see the best in people. And… well I think that she and Miss Miorine
wouldn’t want to be separated.” Lilique offers in a shrug. Another round of nods from the rest of
Earth House.

“Alright. Shall we vote?” And again, no objections, though Martin sees the way that Chuchu is
looking at Nika. This was a harder sell to her, and she was relying on Nika’s call for this one. He’d
have to talk about it after with her. “All those in favour of accepting Suletta Mercury into Earth
House, raise your hands.”

Again, a unanimous vote, though Chuchu is slightly more hesitant to raise her hand.

“Then it’s decided.” Martin declares, standing up. “I believe that Miss Suletta has a guidance exam
this afternoon along with Chuchu, shall we tell them about our decision then?”

“Sounds good.” Aliya says, standing up. “Nika, should we run through the spotting handbook
again, don’t want to mess something up for Chuchu?”

“Sure thing.” Nika stands up as well, and the rest of Earth House disperses to go about their days.
Chuchu is the only one to stay behind, and Martin coughs politely as she’s about to leave.

“You know, if you object to a decision you can speak up about it.” Martin says. Chuchu sighs,
diverting from the door to lean against the wall, sticking her hands in her jacket.

“Nah, I trust Nika’s decision. Plus I owe her after making her worry like that during the duel. I
have my own concerns, but it’s because Suletta’s a Spacian. I understand where Suletta comes
from, she’s running into a lot of the same problems in our classes that I did in fact. But, there’s
something I need to find out.”

“What’s that?” Martin raises an eyebrow.

“Is she trying to run from her past? Is she leaving the people on Mercury, her people, behind by
going here. If she’s a rescue pilot, then either she has grown tired of doing it for Mercury, or she
thinks that she can help it more by being here.” Chuchu shrugs. “I want to figure out which it is.”

“And how are you going to do that?” Martin tilts his head curiously.

Chuchu smirks as the only reply, and Martin lets out a sigh. Then she leaves, and Martin begins to
straighten out the chairs in the room. He hopes that whatever she does isn’t too disruptive.
Elan Ceres spots Suletta Mercury at the front of the library bouncing back and forth on her heels,
and she seems to spot him at the same instance, for she raises a hand in greeting and starts moving
towards him.

“Th-thanks for m-meeting me, Mister Elan.” Suletta stammers, bowing. She had sent him a
message half an hour ago, saying that she had made a breakthrough about the question that he had
asked yesterday. Obviously, she meant the question about Elnora, a question that even he didn’t
quite understand. He couldn’t go to Belmeria about it until he had something concrete, he suspects
that she’ll just dismiss him afterwards. He wonders if she had feigned ignorance in the elevator, or
if his mentioning of the name had actually sparked something in her. And most importantly, did it
mean that she was someone like him? Someone who had been given a face that doesn’t belong to

As expected, she is now clad in the Holder’s colours. Her victory was quite spectacular, as was her
fight afterwards. Though the fact that she couldn’t go forward with killing Guel, even though it
seemed that he had attacked her and nearly killed her? To him it showed that she lacked
decisiveness, and he would have the advantage in their eventual duel. He would be decisive while
she would hesitate. All that he would need to do was provoke her.

“Yes. You said you had information about Elnora?” He looks around, expecting to see Miorine
hovering around. “And where is Miss Rembran?” He asks.

“Oh, she has classes, at least until lunch time.” Suletta explains. “She told me to back at her
greenhouse by then, so we have three hours to look around.”

“Look around?” Elan tilts his head to the side. Did she believe that somehow information on
Elnora could be found in the library?

“Mhm.” Suletta nods. “I remembered… where I heard her name before that is.” Her brow knits in
concentration, and Elan leans forward slightly. “It’s hazy, b-but I remember…” she trails off,
seeming to concentrate more. “‘Let her play, Elnora.’ And an… an old lady in a white labcoat.
That's what she said. ‘Let her play, Elnora.’” Suletta explains.

That was it? Some childhood memory of hers? That was what she had thought was so vital for him
to know? Yet at the same time, it had been Belmeria who had said the name out of shock. He knew
that she was someone from the Vanadis Institute, from Ochs Earth. Perhaps Elnora was an old
colleague of hers. And Shin-Sei, like Peil, had secured one of the old ghosts of Ochs Earth.

“So, why did you think to go to the library?” Elan asks.

“The lady in a labcoat… she must have… have been a scientist. S-s-so, what if… what if Elnora
was a scientist as well?” Suletta says. “And if… if she was, th-then… she might have published
some… something. And may… maybe it’s… it’s in the library.”

Elan considers what he needs to be doing today. There are classes later in the day, and his duties as
a member of the dueling committee. The Pharact was ready to be rolled out, so he would have to
arrange for a duel in the next couple days to have an excuse to retire his Zowart. Not to mention his
usual check ups with Belmeria, and he has no doubts that the presence of Suletta Mercury and her
Gundam will attract the attention of Peil’s Board, and Him in particular. That would also require
his attention over the next few days. All in all, it was a rather heavy workload. He couldn’t spend a
morning on some wild goose chase like this.

Yet, he had also been asked to investigate Suletta Mercury. That would mean spending time with
her. And here she was, offering to spend time with him all by herself. If he wanted to know her,
then he had no better opportunity than this. Miorine was busy elsewhere, and as proven at the
greenhouse she was going to be the biggest obstacle for getting to Suletta Mercury. And given how
she had acted after that duel with Guel, he doubts that she’ll be far from her new groom anytime

“Hmm, alright. ” He nods. “I will agree to look with you.”

Suletta Mercury skips up the stairs, and he follows behind cautiously.

“Oh, since we’re studying, or going to be anyway, I can cross ‘studying in the library with a friend’
off my list.”

Her naivety was starting to get on his nerves. He had never agreed to be friends. That was her own
delusion that she had assimilated into her worldview. And she had some sort of list as well? What
sort of school did she think that she was at? Perhaps it would be easier than he thought to provoke
her into a duel.

“Well then, what are we looking for then?” He asks, hoping to narrow it down. He has his own
suggestions, though he would like to hear what else Suletta was willing to give away, if anything.

“Hmm… a research paper, or a manual, from the past… twenty years? Written by someone named
Elnora… something?” Suletta shrugs helplessly. “Is there… is there anything else?”

“We may narrow it down to two fields. Medical Technologies, or Mobile Suit Development. That
is the only other thing I know about Elnora, that she was active in one of those two fields.” She
was an old colleague of Bel’s, so that meant it was back in her days at the Vanadis Institute and
Ochs Earth. The question though was where Elnora had entered the picture. Was she someone who
had researched GUND-Format as a medical device for the Vanadis Institute, or had she been
brought on during the transition to Ochs Earth, on the Mobile Suit side of things.

“Those seem like two things that are very… different.” Suletta says. “Why those two?”

“The person I heard the name from, my… caretaker.” It seemed the most apt way to describe Bel,
she was responsible for his continued health. “She was involved in both of those fields previously.
She isn't forthcoming with more information though.” He may as well be honest, or as honest as he
could be without giving away too much information. Perhaps Suletta Mercury was on to something
with her idea that this Elnora could be found among the old papers. Most of the information on the
Vanadis Institute and Ochs Earth had been censored or destroyed after Delling’s rise to power, and
Elan’s own research along this angle had given him nothing, though he had not been so in depth.

“Oh, in… in that case… which would you want… want to take?” Suletta asks. The two of them go
to two unoccupied terminals in the library. Most of the library is digital, though there did exist a
smaller paper collection that still took up the large two storey building they were in.

“Mobile Suit Development.” Elan replies. Suletta nods, and slowly begins to navigate the terminal.
He himself quickly begins looking through the papers published on Mobile Suit Development
since the past twenty years. This was certainly take some time, so he may as well start gathering
more information.

“On the topic of Mobile Suits, the Aerial, I understand that you are not a member of any House,
and between and you and Miss Rembran, you do not have much manpower. I am certain that Peil
House would be willing to aid you in rebuilding it. From what little that I’ve seen from its design
documents, it shares some similarities with Peil’s own mobile suits.” Peil is also producing its own
Gundam, so it knows how to fix one up. Elan lets the implication hang in the air, expecting Suletta
Mercury to pick it up.

“Oh, thank you, b-but… Earth House has agreed… agreed to repair it, j-just this morning actually.”
Suletta replies. “S-sorry.” She offers a sympathetic shrug.

Earth House again. Chuatury Panlunch had intervened during the Darilbalde’s rampage. Those
Earth House people from the detention center. Now this. What did they know? Why were they so
helpful to some Mercurian?

“I see, Peil House is far better equipped than they are to handle something of the caliber of the
Aerial, however.” Elan states.

“Well, m-m-maybe, but I’ve seen… I’ve seen w-what Miss Nika has done with Miss Chuchu’s
Demi Trainer, a-a-and if anyone can repair Aerial from the state that she’s… she’s in. It’s Miss
Nika. Pl-plus, I-I trust Miss Nika, and… and well… Miorine warned me about… about accepting
any… any offer like that… like that from you.”

Of course. Miorine Rembran was smarter than to let someone like Suletta Mercury speak to him
without a warning. That may be troublesome, if Miorine was also playing favourites with the
Holder, then she would likely tell Suletta not to accept any duels. So, he would need to provoke her
into one.

For now, he would keep leading her along, pretending to be her friend like she thought he was.

“Ah, I see.” Is all he says, and the conversation falls into a lull. Both of them are not good at
holding one, it would seem, and Elan simply returns to looking through the various papers and
their authors. He doubts that he will find anything related to Ochs Earth in these records, but still,
perhaps Suletta Mercury will give him some more information. At the very least, she would
consider him to be a friend after this more than likely. Which gave him inroads to learn more about
her, and whether she was like him or not.

The silence lasts for another half hour until Suletta finally speaks up, sounding more nervous than

“Oh… also… umm… Miorine was… going to talk to me… talk to me about this, b-but… after
yesterday it… it slipped my mind t-to ask her. And well… you’re also a member of the… of the
dueling committee, a-a-and, see her a lot. So… does… does Miss Secillia, make you… umm… feel

What sort of question was that? Oh, he certainly was annoyed by that woman’s antics, and he
recalls the way that she had acted around Suletta Mercury. But did Suletta Mercury really not
understand what was going on? Had she really just told him that she was attracted to Secillia, and
asked if he was as well? Suletta Mercury really was an annoying person. He may as well just spell
it out for her so they can move on to some other topic.

“No, she does not.” He replies. “As I said, I will not fall in love with anyone. That includes being
physically attracted to them.” To be honest, as long as he had this face, it was better not to think of
those sorts of things. Not that he had much time to think about them regardless.

“A-a-a-attracted… to them?” Suletta stammers, blushing. At least she knew what that meant.

“Yes. If your reactions yesterday were any indicator, she seems to have made you flustered.” Elan
explains. He thinks that he’s going to have a migraine at this rate. “Have you never considered
whether you find men or women attractive?”

“I… I can… I can find women… attractive, even though I’m… even though I am one?” She asks
like this is the first time she has considered this. Elan realizes that that’s exactly what’s going on.
He would rather have a conversation with Him at this point, and He was insufferable. “I-I’ve
never… never considered it… before.”

“Yes. Well, now that you are aware of it-”

“W-what about both? C-can you… like both?” Suletta asks quietly. Elan feels his eye twitch, a first
crack in his mask.

“Yes… now then, is that all you have to say?”

“Y-yes… thank you… thank you for t-telling me. I w-would have as-asked Miorine, b-but… she
reacted… w-weird when I brought up Miss Secillia, a-and after yesterday… i-it seemed wrong t-to
do so.” Suletta lowers her gaze. Elan closes his eyes, calming himself and wondering how they
were still on this topic.

“Yes. It is hardly my place to talk about that.” It had occupied a single line of his predecessor’s
notes about a bet that Secillia had made with Guel. “It may be best if you do not bring it up at all,
it is in the past. What is it you say, move forward to gain two?” It was genuine advice, oddly
enough. Though it’s still to shut her up.

“R-right… I see…” Suletta quiets down after that, going back to looking through the research

At this point, Elan considers just leaving. Finding out about Suletta Mercury be damned, he knew
enough to find her annoying. If she was like him, then he would hate to see what the original was
like. Or perhaps the original, Elnora, was perfectly pleasant and it was just Suletta Mercury who
was like this.

After another fifteen minutes, Suletta sighs and starts to stand. Was it finally over, Elan ponders.

“Mister Elan… these… umm… shelves… w-would they… contain… different papers?” Suletta

Now they were going to be browsing the physical stacks. Simply wonderful.

“Yes, they would. I’ve found nothing on my own end. Are you suggesting we look through there

“Mhm.” Suletta nods. Then, she begins walking away, looking at where each section is. Elan
follows her, hoping for some more useful information, and praying that he will not have to face
another conversation about Suletta Mercury’s self discovery.

The Medical Technology and Mobile Suite Development sections were a single shelf apart, and
diligently Suletta begins to look through her stack. He could not place why she was so dedicated to
this, even moreso than he was at this point. Was it because she had remembered the name, and saw
this as a personal quest? Was she also trying to learn more about him, either as an attempt to be a
friend, or for more practical purposes? He doubts that she is genuinely trying to help him, because
no one would be that naive.

After another fifteen minutes of searching the shelf, Suletta suddenly pauses, and lets out an
audible gasp. Elan had given up looking, and was instead reading his own book to pass the time.
Perhaps Suletta had seen him do so and was going to call him out for it, for not being as dedicated
as she was.

“Mister Elan… I-I-I-I found it.” Suletta whispers excitedly, walking to his side of the shelf. He
snaps his book shut, tilting his head. There was no way that was possible. No way that her stupid
plan had actually worked.

That was the exact same thing he had thought when she had defeated Guel, and then saved him not
ten minutes later. If anything, she could make stupid plans and fate made them happen.

Suletta Mercury holds up a small book, covered in dust and forgotten for years. He sees on its blue
cover a diagram of a prosthetic arm, disassembled as if all the parts had exploded out from it. “ A
Case Study on the Application and Reflections of the Use of GUND-Format Augmented
Prosthetics. By Dr. Cardo Nabo, Belmeria Winston, and Elnora Samaya.” Suletta has an ear
splitting grin on her face, and she dances around quietly. “Elnora Samaya, Mister Elan.”

Bel was there too, just to confirm the connection. It was published by the Vanadis Institute; he
could see their logo at the bottom of the cover.

“May I take a look at it, Miss Suletta?” He asks, extending his hand. Suletta bobs her head
excitedly, giving it to him. He flips through it quickly, glancing at its contents. More interested in
any pictures of the authors than the actual contents.

“You know… mom has an arm… just like the one on the cover, I helped with maintenance on it
back when I was little.” Suletta whispers, smiling to herself. Elan nods, retaining a calm exterior
while his heart races inside his chest, and he turns his attention to the diagrams inside the report.
The actual case study doesn’t name its subject, who instead uses the pseudonym Comet, and any
photograph of the prosthetic attached to the arm is careful not to show their face. Yet, it does detail
their life, how the prosthetic was needed after they survived an accident aboard a ship that killed
both their parents in their youth, only to be raised by someone identified with the pseudonym
Roussillon, and how the prosthetic affects their relationship with someone with the pseudonym

It’s enough for him to bring up with Bel, to make her answer his questions. He snaps the book shut
before returning it to Suletta Mercury.

“I see. Thank you for helping me.” Elan inclines his head to her. “If you wish to take the book out,
I suggest you do so discreetly.” He adds, before walking off without another word.

Miorine scrolls through the spotter’s guide as she waits patiently for the replacement parts for
Aerial to be crafted by the school’s massive printers. The parts would then be loaded into a
container pulled by a Mobile Craft and taken to Earth House, where they would begin to put her
back together. She had told Suletta that her classes ended in an hour, but that had been an excuse.
She needed some time to think, while away from Suletta because Suletta was all enveloping. Time
to think about what she wanted, how she felt. Certainly, she wasn’t about to back away from her
realization that she loves Suletta, though she needed to at least start to practice being apart from
her, at least for a few hours. She needed to get over the longing she had to be close to her, which
was quite hard given that she had longed for that, in some way, for the past five years. Yet now
that she had her, even a few hours apart made her anxious. Perhaps that was still because of the
thought that Suletta had died, bouncing in her head and refusing to leave. She hadn’t felt like that
since her mother had died, which made sense all things considered.

“Hey, Miorine.” Chuchu’s voice cuts out of her musings. She shakes her head and looks around,
seeing the pink haired girl stick a lollipop in her mouth as she walks up to her, then she shoves her
hands into her jacket.

“Hello Miss Chuatury.” Miorine nods in greeting. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“First of all, call me Chuchu, or Miss Chuchu if you need to be formal.” Chuchu rolls the lollipop
around her mouth with her tongue. “I respect you enough to let you use that name. As for why I’m
here, I see you’re getting parts for the Aerial all ready. I’m going to make sure that they arrive at
Earth House in one piece.”

“Ah, you mean to pilot the Mobile Craft?” Miorine asks. She had been prepared to do so herself,
though it would be a slower process.

“Yeah. I’ve seen you pilot, and trust me until you show me a certification for Mobile Craft piloting
I would suggest you stick with something smaller.” Chuchu replies. “So, like I said, I’m going to
help you out.” She walks over to the Mobile Craft, climbing into the cockpit. “Here, settle in.
Seems like they’re almost done.” She nods at the machines as they continue to construct parts.

Miorine sighs and climbs in afterwards, knowing better to protest against Chuchu. She was more
than likely looking for an argument anyways.

“So, you’re going to be the spotter for Suletta on the guidance test? Who’s your third?”

“I will handle both support roles myself.” Miorine states. “It’s not an instant fail to only have one
support team member, and I do want to help her out.”

A light in front of the Mobile Craft turns green, and a buzzer rings. Both of them look up at it, and
Chuchu nods.

“That means we’re good.” Chuchu says, and then slowly begins to move the Mobile Craft and its
train of trailers. “So… I do have to ask. Why do you love Suletta?” Miorine stares at Chuchu, her
eyes wide and feeling annoyed. So she knew as well? Did everyone but Suletta know? “I saw the
way you were hugging her, trust me, I know a hug like that when I see one. I’ve gotten that type of
hug before.” Chuchu stares back at her, the Mobile Craft slowly picking up speed as she leans on
the control sticks

“Keep your eyes ahead of you.” Miorine snaps, trying to change the topic of conversation.

“Nah, I’m more interested in your answer.” Chuchu replies, swirling the lollipop around again.
Miorine huffs, knowing what Chuchu is trying to do. “So, why do you love her?” She may as well
accept her defeat here.

“Do you really want to know?” Miorine asks.

“Yeah. I want to see what type of person she is, and well, seems like you know her best.” Chuchu
shrugs. The Mobile Craft’s feet create a rapid clang as they hit the floor.

“Fine, just…” Miorine looks out the viewscreen, seeing how fast they’re moving and gripping the
handlebar just a bit tighter. “Just slow down and I’ll tell you.” Chuchu smirks, and eases up on the
controls with a shrug and an expectant stare. “Plus, I suppose it may help if I put it into words.”
She adds, for her own sake.

“Alright, go ahead then.” Chuchu turns her head to watch the road ahead. Miorine bites her lip, and
closes her eyes.

“Please, don’t tell anyone else, and especially not Suletta herself.” She pauses, and Chuchu gives a
grunt of consent. “I love Suletta… because she’s the most important person in my life, and has
been for a long time, even when she was absent from it. She has always made me happy when she
was around, something that I have always sorely been lacking, especially since my mother passed.
She’s fallen into my life twice now, and changed it for the better both times. She’s kindhearted and
tells me that I matter as a person, when everyone else sees me as a thing, a trophy. She’s…
attractive, beautiful.”

There’s a sound of agreement from Chuchu, and Miorine sighs.

“I wish she would be more selfish though, think of herself a bit more. Perhaps we compliment each
other in that way, she helps me think of others, when I’ve needed to be so focused on myself, and I
can make sure that she has someone to take care of her as well. I don’t think that I ever would have
gotten into contact with someone such as yourself, or even Nika, had she not been there.” It was
true. These Earthians, especially Miss Nika, were people that she’d consider, if not proper friends,
then at least acquaintances, and she was getting more comfortable working with them by the day.
“She has so much on her shoulders, she wants to build a school on Mercury so that they have a
future, and seems to think a lot of the people on Mercury are counting on her. So someone needs to
keep her own interests at heart.” Miorine smiles. It was a good dream, if a bit too selfless.

“Ah, good.” Chuchu lets out a small laugh. “That’s what I wanted to know. I was worried that she
was someone who ran away.”

“Never.” Miorine declares, opening her eyes and looking at Chuchu. “She believes that it’s better if
you confront a problem head on, rather than run from it. ‘If you run, you gain one, if you go
forward, you gain two.’” Miorine recites.

“Hmm, yeah I can respect that philosophy.” Chuchu nods in agreement. “So, what about you, are
you going to tell her how you feel?”

“I… can’t.” Miorine slumps her shoulders. “And please, don’t try and tell her yourself. I just… she
is someone who would feel obliged to try and reciprocate my feelings if she ever became aware of
them. Even if that isn’t what she truly wants. So… she cannot know about my feelings, at least
until she either asks about them, or she tells me that loves me so I know that it’s something she
decided. I don’t want to inadvertently take her choice away.” Miorine gives a helpless shrug. She
wants it to be real, needs it to be real. There can’t be any doubts in her mind, or else she’ll be
questioning her decision.

“Hmm…” Chuchu frowns. “If that’s what you want to do, I’m not going to stop you. I will say that
it sounds pretty dumb, however.” She says, and settles into the cockpit seat. Miorine settles as well,
watching the rhythmic bob of the cockpit as the Mobile Craft slowly walks its way towards Earth

“I think Miss Nika is right, however; one of these days your way of trying to make people feel
better is going to backfire.” Miorine states.

“What, it’s tough love. You need to do it sometimes.” Chuchu replies. “Now then, if you’re going
to support her solo, I have some tips for you. You want to hear them?”

“I can’t see why that wouldn’t help.” Miorine shrugs, pulling out her notebook to look at the

Guel Jeturk tugs at the mechanics vest that he had been assigned this morning, walking beside
Petra and slightly behind Felsi. He has a small smile on his face, glad to see the news today that
Jeturk Heavy Machinery had been in shambles after a damning report of its investment into that
damn AI had come out. It had given him a small pleasure to read that over a pot of freshly brewed
coffee from the small group’s campsite out on the greens.

Felsi and Petra hadn’t been sold on the idea at first, but he had convinced them in the end. It kept
them close to their classes, it beat the public dorms, a lot of which were in zero-g, and being
surrounded by nature was exactly what he needed after yesterday’s ordeal. Being inside was a bit…
claustrophobic at the moment.

“So, I’m curious. Has there ever been an AI that isn’t dumb.” Felsi asks Petra as the three of them
head towards the Demi Trainer barn. Felsi’s Dilanza was, apparently, Jeturk Heavy Machinery
property, so they had needed to give it up, and take a Demi. Still, he had seen what Chuatury’s had
been capable of in the fight, so he’s certain that they could make something that would work for
Felsi. They just needed to pick it up now, they had an old unused hanger reserved for the actual
maintenance that they could walk it to.

“Nope. At least, none that were active.” Petra explains, walking up and putting an arm around
Felsi’s shoulders. “You see, the problem with AI is that they process information a lot faster than a
human can, and process a lot more than a human can. Usually that’s the reason you want to use an
AI, since it’s a lot better than sorting through information than a human is. So there’s two lines of
thoughts with smart AI development. One wants to develop it by nurturing it, raising it as if were a
child. Usually that works, for a few years at most, but then the AI gets curious and tries to explore
the entirety of human existence. That makes it… depressed, you might say. It takes in too much
information too quickly, because it is curious and like a child it doesn’t realize the danger before
its too late. Usually they end up corrupting themselves to shut off.”

“So… it doesn’t work?” Guel asks, scrunching his brow.

“No, if anything the other model shows more promise. It was developed in response to the problem
of spending years trying to grow an AI that gets depressed. You give the AI all that knowledge at
the start, make them depressed, and then you try to convince them that there’s meaning in the
world. A lot of people have tried to get an answer from an AI, the best philosophers, scientists,
religious leaders, nothing’s worked.” Petra offers with a shrug. “Theoretically it would be possible,
but I can’t imagine who would be able to convince something that knows about all the evil things
humanity has done to wake up and experience it first hand.”

“Wow, I didn’t realize that your mechanic nerd stuff could be so depressing.” Felsi shakes her
head. Guel grunts, about to say something else when he spots something.

Ahead of them is Chuatury’s Demi Trainer, the older frame sticking out like a sore thumb. There
were currently two people who were ascending in an elevator beside it. Neither of them were
Chuatury. Both of them were in mechanic suits, passing around some sort of bottle, giving it a

“Oi, what have you got there!” He yells over to the two mechanics. Both of them freeze, looking
down at Guel as he storms forward, hitting the recall button on the elevator. It jostles downwards,
and he sees two girls that he may vaguely recognize standing on it, crossing their arms.

“What’s it matter to you…” One of the girls trails off, frowning. She has black hair. “Guel? Guel
Jeturk?” She says, her eyes going wide. Guel winces slightly, knowing exactly why he’s getting
that reaction. That one was afraid of him.

“What, really? Jeturk’s Ace Pilot, undisputed Holder for a year, and now… look at you, you aren’t
even a pilot anymore, are you.” The other girl smirks. She has light brown hair. This one simply
did not respect him, Guel thinks. “We’re just messing with that Earthian punk. Pretty sure she tried
to kill you last night, so just sit back and enjoy.” She holds up the bottle that she had been shaking.
It’s unlabeled, and Guel frowns, as if he’s expected to know what’s inside.

“Ah, the slow acting stuff, isn’t it.” Petra slides up to him, and he sees Felsi move up on the other
side. “Pretty good, especially on something like the guidance test. Completely cuts visuals.” She
continues with a smirk. Realization dawns on Guel, and he clenches his fists.

“Hmm… so you’re going to look the other way?” The black haired girl asks, glancing between the
three of them.

“Petra, you’re saying that stuff will mess with the test?” Guel asks.

“Yeah, slow acting black out spray. There’s a few mechanics who can make it, Kamil for instance.
He once got Felsi’s helmet with it last year, after she called him a bulkhead one too many times.”
Petra says.

“And you were going to use it, on Chuatury’s Demi there?” Guel points at the suit in question, his
voice low. The girl with the black hair takes a step back, off the elevator. Guel takes a deep breath,
exhaling slowly. “Is this what I’ve been ignoring the whole time? Seems like everyone here has to
cheat, or sabotage.”

“Of course. Chuatury’s a dirteater, trash like that needs to know their place. People like us show
her exactly where that is, on the ground with the rest of the trash. I can’t believe that you, of all
people, are defending her.” The brown haired girl scoffs. She reaches for the elevator controls, but
Guel is faster, grabbing her wrist. The girl lets out a sharp gasp of pain and her black haired friend

“Chuatury helped save my life yesterday. Now, I see that someone is trying to mess with her. I also
promised Suletta Mercury that I would be a better person, and I’m going to be one. That includes
stopping people like you, people who think they can just cheat, who don’t have a shred of decency
to fight fair!” He’s yelling now, and squeezes the girl’s wrist harder. Everywhere he went. It was
disgusting. He had been willingly blind of it, no, he had been alright with it, because it never
would affect him. The girl drops the spray can, and tries to use her other hand to loosen Guel’s

“Hey, Guel, relax.” Felsi puts a hand on his arm, and Guel blinks, taking in the situation. The
brown haired girl was whimpering, her friend was shaking in fear. “Let her go.” He nods slowly,
releasing his grip on the girl. She stumbles backwards, clutching her wrist, and shares a look with
her friend.

“Scram!” Petra snaps. As one, the two run off, leaving their bottle of spray behind. Guel picks it
up, turning it around in his hands. It made him sick.

“Oi, what are you three doing here!” There was Chuatury storming towards them, along with
Suletta, Miorine, the blue haired mechanic, and a girl with black hair and two white tassels falling
over her shoulders. Chuatury and Suletta were in pilot suits, while the rest were in mechanic vests
like him.

“We were here picking up a Demi for Felsi, I saw a couple girls trying to spray your windows with
this.” Guel tosses the spray bottle in a lazy high throw at her. She snatches it out of the air, looking
at it, before passing it to the blue haired mechanic. “Slow acting.” He elaborates.

“Miss Miorine, let’s check Miss Suletta’s mobile suit, make sure that they haven’t touched it.” The
mechanic tells Miorine. Miorine nods, shooting Guel a somewhat confused glare, before starting to
walk away.

“Hey, by the way, were you the one who did all that with Chuatury’s Demi?” Petra asks the
mechanic. The mechanic pauses, looking over at Petra, and Guel looks between the two of them.

“Yes, I was. Nika Nanaura." The mechanic inclines her head. "What did you want to know?” Nika

“Her movement, how did you compensate for the added thrust you gave it? More inertial
dampening in the cockpit or-”

“Less, actually.” Nika gives a smile at Petra, and Guel thinks she almost looks excited to talk about
this. Petra herself has an eager glint in her eyes. “Chuchu has a high g-tolerance, and with less
dampeners she can have a better idea of her movement, letting her react quicker. Are you interested
in modifying the one you’re picking up?” Guel looks over, to see that Felsi was groaning and the
rest of the mechanic’s group were rubbing their heads, aside from Suletta who seemed quite happy
with herself. Of course she would be.

“Yes, I’m thinking of ways of making it fit her better.” Petra points a thumb at Felsi. “Could you…
give some suggestions?” Petra asks. Guel blinks in surprise, knowing Petra was usually quite

“Well, she’s used to a Dilanza, and a Demi Trainer, even the 121, is pretty flimsy compared to the
Jeturk frame. So you’re not going to be able to brawl like you’re used to.” Nika muses. “I’m going
to be repairing Aerial for the week, but after that, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.” Nika
fishes out her notebook, just as Petra does the same.

“You’re kidding me. We better not be inviting Guel Jeturk over next week.” Chuatury shakes her
head. “Nika, please. This is different.”

“I have to agree with Miss Chuchu here.” Miorine says, still glaring daggers at him. He takes a
step back defensively.

“Oh, I will do nothing of the sort. But, if Miss Itta asked for my help, then I’m willing to give it to
her once I’m free to do so.” Nika sticks out her notebook, and Guel hears Petra’s ding as a new
contact request is received. Guel looks around, seeing that Felsi and Chuatury have the same
pained expression on their faces. Then, the two mechanics shake hands, and the two groups go
their separate ways.

“One day without Kamil and you’re already looking for a replacement mechanic to nerd out with.”
Felsi teases once they’ve reached the Demi Trainer.

“Hey, you’re going to be thanking me later.” Petra crosses her arms. “If I can do half the things she
did to Chuatury’s frame, then you’re going to become one of the best pilots at the school.”

“Aww, you really think so?” Felsi asks, “As if you don’t think I am already.”

Guel sighs, but smiles as the two continue to bicker.

“-Ten o’clock, done!” Suletta takes a deep breath, listening to Miorine call out targets as the
guidance exam wraps up. “Under two minutes, you were wonderful, Suletta.” Miorine
compliments. Suletta smiles at that, and powers down the Demi Trainer’s weapon, beginning to
walk it back to the starting pad. She glances over at the spotters position, seeing that the small
group of three Earth House students had swelled to eight sitting around, waving at her. She lifts her
own hand, and forgets that she isn’t in Aerial for a moment, so the action won’t be mirrored. If this
was how most Mobile Suits were, then she was even more impressed with Chuchu’s ability to
pilot. This was far too quiet. She was used to the feedback that Aerial would give her, the closeness
they achieved together in the cockpit. This was silence, a disturbing silence that reminds her of her
time in the detention cell. It was isolating.

Soon though, she’s outside the Demi Trainer, taking off her helmet and walking up the hill, seeing
that Miorine was being practically mobbed by the others. She’s holding her notebook up, and
everyone seems to be trying to talk to her.

“Please, one at a time, don’t overwhelm her.” She hears Chuchu yelling. “Plus, there’s still Suletta
to get to.” She meets Chuchu’s eyes, and Chuchu smiles at her.

“Whats… what’s going on?” Suletta raises an eyebrow as she reaches the pad where everyone is

“Everyone was just complimenting Miss Miorine’s vegetables from last night, and wanted to add
her to their contacts.” Nika explains with a smile, standing off to the side of the group. “Good work
out there Suletta, you and Miorine both. You worked quite well together”

“Y-yeah…” Suletta rubs the back of her neck, feeling embarrassed. “You… you and Miss Chuchu,
and Miss Aliya as well, that was… was incredible. It was so fast.”

“Of course.” Nika has a hint of pride in her voice. “That’s my mobile suit, and my pilot, they were
both amazing.” Nika looks over at the rest of the group. “Well then, we had better get over to

“Of… of course.” Suletta nods, following Nika as the rest of the group slowly backs off, giving
Miorine some room. Miorine walks over to Suletta, twirling the spotters goggles in her hands as
the two of them look at each other. Suletta sees that Miorine has quickly regained her smile, a
satisfied smirk that shows how proud she is. And despite having to do two jobs for the exam,
Suletta thinks that she did them excellently.

“You were wonderful... wonderful as well… thank you… for the help Miorine.” She thinks that
she sees Miorine’s smile grow, and her own smile grows with it. Seeing Miorine like this made her
happy, her heart beating a little bit faster. It wasn’t anything like what had happened around Miss
Secillia, but maybe this was also an attraction? Perhaps she did feel attracted to women, just as
Mister Elan had said. She still wasn’t certain though, and she would probably need to think about it
a lot more before she was.

“Hey, if you’re done staring at each other, we gotta talk.” Chuchu snaps, and Suletta shakes her
head. Had she been staring? Miorine turns around in an instant, putting her hands behind her.

“Yes.” One of the boys steps forwards. He was tall, lanky, with a mop of brown hair and blue eyes.
“First, let me introduce myself. I’m Martin Upmont, the current head of Earth House.” He extends
a hand. Miorine shakes it, while Suletta hastily bows to him. He frowns, hesitating for a moment,
then returns her bow. “This morning, Earth House met to discuss something, and we’d like to tell
you what it is.” He pauses, and Suletta perks up while she sees Miorine frown thoughtfully. “If
you want, we would love to have you as official members of Earth House.”

Her own House. Suletta can’t believe her ears. Certainly Miorine was very helpful, and Earth
House had been supporting her so far, but to actually, officially join with them...
“B-but I’m a-a-a Spacian.” She points at herself.

“There’s no rule against you needing to be from Earth to join Earth House. Plus, Mercury gets
treated pretty shitty.” Chuchu explains. The group nods, and Suletta feels tears spring up in her eyes
as the group starts to clap.

“I-I-I… th-thank you… thank… thank you.” She bows repeatedly, before looking at Miorine.
Miorine has a sorrowful look on her face, and she lowers her head.

I… apologize. I am truly touched, however I am not allowed to join a House. If it was just my
father’s abstract rules, then I would of course ignore them, but… my notebook will not accept any
House Affiliation.” Miorine explains. Suletta bites her lip as the celebration dries up.

“Hmm… Nuno, do you think…?” Martin trails off. One of the other boys, wearing a tuque, steps
forward towards Miorine, a grin on his face as he pulls out his notebook and a small cable with a
connector on both ends. He plugs one end into his own notebook, and extends his hand towards

“Miss Miorine, would you mind handing me your notebook.” He asks.

“Nuno is a bit of a software nerd.” Nika explains. Miorine nods, and Suletta steps towards her,
putting a hand on her shoulder as she hands him her notebook. The rest of Earth House close the
circle, everyone looking as Nuno plugs Miorine’s notebook into the other end of the cable.

“Let me see…” Nuno trails off. Suletta can see that he’s starting to access Miorine’s Student ID, a
profile of some sort. Miorine herself is frowning, her brow knitted, as he starts to dive deeper.
Suletta thinks she sees what looks like grades, most of them quite high, and then Nuno had passed
those. “It took me six months to find a backdoor into the system. I honestly didn’t know what I’d
do with it, but this should be perfect.” He explains. “And…” He taps his own notebook a few
times. “Just a flag that made your profile reject association with a House. And it’s gone.” He
smiles, disconnecting Miorine’s notebook and bowing with a flourish. One of the other boys raises
his hand in a high five and Nuno slaps it.

“Here you go.” Martin says, and Suletta looks up at him. He extends his notebook, and a new
request comes in. Unlike previous ones, this one was asking if she would like to become affiliated
with Earth House. She hits accept, and a small symbol, like a bird soaring over three leaves,
appears under the Holder’s symbol on her profile. She was a member of Earth House.

“And now, you Miss Miorine.” Martin continues, giving Miorine the same offer. Suletta sees
Miorine stare at it for a few long moments, her finger hovering over the notebook’s screen. Then,
she taps it, and Suletta sees her own notebook tell her that Miorine Rembran had joined Earth

“This… I do not know how I could repay this kindness.” Miorine mumbles, her voice awestruck
and wavering with tears.

“Well, you can start with your veggies.” Chuchu comments, and Miorine huffs, scoffing slightly.

“I suppose that it would be improper for me to withhold those from members of… of my House.”
Suletta thinks she sees Miorine’s eyes water up. There’s a cheer from Earth House, as they all high
five each other and rush towards the two of them, and Suletta is positively giddy. She rushes
forward, scooping up Miorine and spinning her around.

“Suletta!” She yells in shock, but then starts to laugh.

“Look at us Mio!” She exclaims, soaking up Miorine’s laugh, a truly joyous sound, Suletta thinks
to herself. She could never grow tired of it.

Nika Nanaura yawns, the last one standing of Earth House’s celebratory welcome of Miorine and
Suletta. The food had been put away, the floor had been cleared, ready for tomorrow when the
actual work could begin, and she was hefting a sleeping Chuchu into her bunk. She was glad that
Chuchu had trusted her this morning with the decision to invite the two girls to Earth House, and
she had still asserted her position over Suletta, declaring her her junior at the party. Suletta, for her
part, was overjoyed to have a senior to learn from, and after that they had warmed up to each other
quite well. Of course, they were both carrying the hopes of their communities. It was a heavy
burden, but they both wanted to carry it. Miorine and Aliya had both hit it off well, discussing the
nuances of farming that was lost on her. She was glad to see that they both fit in quite well.

Securing Chuchu’s night cap around her hair puffs as gently as possible, she lays Chuchu down and
hums softly, putting a few loose strands under the cap. She heads over to the bunk that Miorine and
Suletta had claimed to check on them, they said that they would still spend some nights in
Miorine’s room, and it afforded them a certain privacy that Nika felt would go a long way, but for
now Miorine had dragged an almost sleeping Suletta into a bunk, and was now being spooned by
the taller girl in her sleep.

The only thing left then was to shut off the lights in the hanger, crawl back into the dorm and let
sleep claim her.

Even the animals had turned in for the night, Aliya making sure of that before heading off to sleep
herself, so there was no sound in the hanger aside from her quiet footsteps. She glances up at
Aerial, now in a set of supports next to Chuchu’s Demi Trainer. Tomorrow she’d have to start
working on her, and she felt as though it was Christmas Eve. The ability to work on a mobile suit of
the caliber of Aerial, she was overjoyed with the thought. From what Suletta had explained, she
was truly one of a kind. For now though, Aerial is nearly armourless, stripped down for a nearly
complete reassembly that would take most of the week. Nika turns off the lights to the hanger,
leaving just a few smaller safety lights to navigate with.

That, and a flash from Aerial’s cockpit.

Nika frowns, slowly climbing the ladder up to her. Another flash. Was Aerial still active? That
wouldn’t make any sense though, why would she be active, and what was she doing?

Nika climbs into the exposed cockpit, putting her notebook into the slot and letting it begin to run
diagnostics. She tilts her head, curious.

Aerial was running data she collected from her last fight. No, certain parts of the last fight. The loss
of her arm during the actual duel, the moment her cockpit armour was torn apart, the destruction of
her other arm, and when she had been forced onto her knee, and left nearly inoperable. Then it
repeated. Another single flash from her lights. Then another repeat.

“Aerial.” Nika whispers. Instantly Aerial’s screens turn on, as do her lights. She frowns, wondering
if there was some voice activation software, though how that software would know her voice made
that seem unlikely. Nika bites her lip, thinking.

Thinking. That was it. A chill of excitement runs down her spine. Of course, Suletta had grown up
with Aerial, so she referred to her as simply Aerial, and as a her. Not ‘The Aerial’ and not ‘it’.
Something that Nika had been doing as well, because there was something… different about Aerial
from other mobile suits, even just watching how Aerial moved and fought. She hadn’t been able to
place it, but it would make too much sense.

“Aerial, can you hear me?” No response from anything in Aerial, but Nika still suspects, still
hopes, that it isn’t just her tired mind putting meaning to meaningless flashes. “I’m Nika Nanaura,
I’m Suletta’s friend, and a mechanic. We met earlier when I helped get you in here. I’ll be fixing
you with Suletta’s help starting tomorrow. I know I might be imagining it, and… it’s crazy to think
that it’s true, but was that… a nightmare you were having?” There’s still no response, but she can
see on her notebook that Aerial has stopped running the data from before. “Are you going to be
alright? Would you… like me to get Suletta?” She holds her breath in anticipation. Aerial’s lights
dim, and Nika looks around. There had been nothing to trigger that, or perhaps it was simply on a

Then, two flashes of lights, a pause, one flash. It was real. She briefly considers that she must be
dreaming, and she pinches herself. She’s still there in the cockpit, Aerial’s lights are still on. Nika
takes a deep breath, trying to contain her excitement.

“Let me say hello to you properly then, Miss Aerial.” Nika whispers, tears of joy springing up in
her eyes.

Chapter End Notes

This was a bit of a difficult chapter to write, mostly because things are starting to
diverge further from canon. But I'm satisfied with how it turned out, and the other
chapters that I have to catch up with the show are going to be a lot easier.

I don't know what way they're going to take for Aerial in the show, but I've decided
what I want her relationship to Suletta to be here. It will probably be different, but I'm
laying the foundation to explain my version.
The Enemy of Trust
Chapter Summary

Elan makes his move, and Suletta blunders. Two old friends reunite with each other.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Miorine watches the fight between Daigo House and Elan Ceres with mild attention, only interested
in it because Suletta seems to be as well. She glances around at the others glued to the screen.
Ojelo and Nuno are of course watching because they have money riding on the outcome, Chuchu
was interested to see how Elan Ceres piloted, and Nika had moved her latest project, the sword
drone from the Darilbalde that had been stuck in Aerial’s waist at the end of the last fight, in view
of the screen showing the duel. Most likely just for some white noise, because the mechanic was
arm deep in the drone’s internal workings, feeling around for something or other. Miorine didn’t
exactly know why she was poking around the drone. But for now, she can simply soak up the
moment as she sits beside Suletta, bumping arms against each other, after a busy week.

She and Suletta had spent some time together in the week since joining Earth House of course,
helping around the buildings and learning the chores that everyone needed to do. Miorine had
particularly liked the farm animals that Earth House kept, genuinely amazed by them. Suletta had
also helped in her own greenhouse as well, and she had in turn been slowly helping Suletta cross
things off her list. Just yesterday Earth House had gathered on the roof of their building to eat
lunch together.

But Suletta had mostly been consumed with repairing Aerial alongside Nika. Which made sense,
she had grown up with Aerial. There was something that they were keeping a secret between
themselves as well, though Miorine didn’t know what it was. And it was a secret from everyone,
including Chuchu, so she did not think much of it. She did not need to know every detail of
Suletta’s life, nor did Suletta need to know every detail of hers. Plus, Aerial was like a sister to
Suletta, and she had been quite upset with the state she had been in after the battle with the

So, this past week did bring up a small pang of longing, despite how happy she was to be in Earth
House, to have people she could consider friends, who would consider her a friend outside of
Suletta. She felt that pang of longing because it was no longer her and Suletta against the solar
system. A small, childish part of Miorine’s mind would think that seeing it in those terms was
romantic. She did her best to ignore it, the logical part of her mind telling her that more support
was always beneficial. To both of them.

Plus, she would be spending more time with Suletta soon. Aerial was, theoretically, all repaired,
though Suletta still needed to take her out for a test. Nika had said that she had a couple extra
components as well, that weren’t ready yet but would be in the next couple days. One was the
drone that she was working on right now, the other was a thruster pack.

“Those two wingmen are too aggressive.” Chuchu notes from her other side. Miorine looks at the
fight again, seeing that the Daigo House’s three mobile suits had split off into two groups. One
group, the two wingmen that Chuchu had mentioned, push forward, trying to suppress Elan and his
own mobile suit. The other group, the trio’s leader, hangs back. A swarm of missiles suddenly
deploy from the leader’s mobile suit as Elan takes to the skies, the two large thrusters on the
mobile suit’s shoulders carrying it up into the sky of the range.

“They can pivot.” Nika hums, and Miorine sees that she’s stopped working on the Darilbalde’s
drone to stare at the ascending mobile suit. A moment later, they do just that, and the mobile suit
suddenly begins moving in the opposite direction, into the swarm of missiles. Miorine sees Suletta
wince slightly at the movement. She can’t imagine that it would be pleasant to experience the
sudden shifting of g-force, going from being pushed into your seat to being pulled out of it.

The missiles from the Daigo House explode, the blast big enough to make the barriers protecting
the arena flicker for a moment, and throwing up a huge cloud of smoke. Miorine’s sees Suletta’s
eyes go wide, and Ojelo and Nuno high-five each other. They had bet on Daigo House, a safe bet
in a three against one battle.

Then Elan emerges from the smoke, and fires two shots at the lead group of mobile suits. The first
shot hits one of the wingmen’s blade antenna. The second one hits the same mobile suit’s arm, and
its beam rifle severs its partner’s blade antenna as the arm spasms. Miorine’s eyes go wide at the
display, and Chuchu scoffs.

“That’s just showing off.” Chuchu says.

“It’s efficient. Less time needed to recalibrate the aim.” Suletta replies, her eyes glued to the screen.
“Though… somewhat flashy, yes.” She had her brow scrunched up as she studied the fight, a half
peeled egg forgotten in her hand.

Miorine returns to watching the fight, as Elan dives down and he and the remaining Daigo House
mobile suit pull out beam swords, charging at each other.

The latter ends up on fire, while only a single thruster on Elan’s mobile suit sparks, a glowing mark
on it from the clash. An overlay shows up on screen, showing that Elan has been declared the

“200,000 lost, how did you know he would win Suletta? I should have listened.” Ojelo bemoans
with his head in his hands, turning to face Suletta. Miorine looks as well, seeing that Suletta is
typing something out on her notebook. She had said before the duel that Elan would win. Now she
was likely sending congratulations to Elan for the victory. She still doesn’t trust the fact that they
are apparently friends, Still, Elan was not such a personal sore spot like Guel was, and perhaps if it
was genuine, then she would appreciate taking a potential enemy off the board by turning them
into a friend.

“Even… even though I hadn’t seen Mister Elan duel yet, I-I-I’ve spent… some time w-with him.
He is… efficient.” Suletta explains nervously with a shrug. “After this though… he… he would be
tough… tough to fight. M-more than Guel was.” Suletta shrugs. Then, her notebook chimes, and
she looks down at it.

“What is it, is it from him?” Miorine asks, narrowing her eyes slightly.

“Yes it is from him, actually, I have to…” She looks down at her notebook, tilting her head.
“Inspection of testing ranges as part of my duties as a member of the Dueling Committee. He is
asking me… to do so with him tomorrow.”

“It would be as good a place as any for you and Aerial to have a bit of a shakedown.” Nika
suggests. “The Mirasol won’t be ready for another couple days though.” She adds. That was the
more impressive of her two additions to Aerial in Miorine’s opinion, she had not expected her to
turn a bunch of scrap into a working thruster unit. And while she was not very well versed in the
specifics of what it was capable of, the ways that Suletta’s eyes had gone wide and she had grinned
after Nika had shown her notebook with the schematics had told her that it was an excellent

“Y-yes… that would be a… good idea.” Suletta bobs her head. She looks over at Miorine, still
asking for permission to go. Miorine gives a slight nod in acknowledgement. Suletta knew the
rules, and she trusted her to follow them.

Elan Ceres keeps an even expression as He enters the small dark room in the center of Peil’s dorms.
It is the room where anyone attempting to spy on them for another corporation would be least
likely to get. In fact, aside from himself and Belmeria, only He who stands in front of him and the
four CEOs have access to this particular room. Anyone else who got back here would likely be
killed. Of course, so might he and Belmeria if they step out of line. Or if he is no longer a use to

“Elan-sir.” Belmeria sounds surprised, taking a few steps back. She takes a stilted bow, while he
slowly climbs out of the machine that dominated the middle of the room to stare at Him.

“Yes. I decided to pay you a visit, and perhaps… I’ll stay a while. At least until your duel with the
witch. That is coming up soon, is it not? I am so very interested in seeing the Pharact in action.
And when it does win, I can imagine that you would want to leave here as soon as possible, isn’t
that right, me?” The He in front of him asks. “So consider it a courtesy that I will be here to take
your place.”

“Yes, the duel is coming soon.” Elan inclines his head. “I intend to coerce her into a duel tomorrow
under the pretext of inspecting the testing range.”

“Ohhh.” He says, grinning. “And how are you going to do that?”

“She believes that we have struck up a friendship.” Elan replies, watching Him intently. “I am
going to inform her about just how wrong she is. She is naive, trusting, and will be able to be
provoked into the duel once she learns of my betrayal.”
“It had better work.” He replies evenly, His face emotionless as He puts an arm on Elan’s shoulder.
“Peil Technology is counting on you. Get us the Gundam. And get me the bride.” Then, He is
smiling again, looking over at Belmeria. “Well then, I will be taking my leave. So long Miss
Winston… and me.” He inclines His head to them both before leaving. Belmeria shakes her head
once his back is turned, while Elan stares at the door where He left from. Elan truly does despise
Him, a deep visceral hatred. Someone who’s face Elan now was forced to wear, who Elan was
forced to respect yet who carried no respect to Elan. And why should He? Elan Ceres was simply
Enhanced Person Four, a gutter rat picked up somewhere that he could not remember. Meanwhile,
He was Elan Ceres, Peil Technology’s pride and joy.

“You didn’t tell him about Elnora.” Belmeria points out once there’s been a long enough silence, a
long enough time so that He could not hear.

“Of course not.” Elan says, “This was a personal matter brought up by you mentioning her name.”
He moves over to his uniform, piled on the floor before the latest test. He has classes he needs to

“Yes, on that matter though, I think that it’s time that I pay a visit to my old friend.” Belmeria
sighs. “I should also tell you now that you are quite close to your limit. You will need every
moment you can get against that mobile suit.”

“Do not worry. I will win. No matter what happens.” Elan Ceres says with certainty. He can see
Belmeria frown, not knowing why he would have it.

Suletta lifts her hand as Earth House waves her farewell when she boards Aerial’s carrier. She had
been tempted to ask Miorine to come along. But at the same time, this was a test run for Aerial
after her rebuild, so she wouldn’t want to have Miorine in the cockpit if something went wrong. So,
despite her reservations, she enters the carrier alone and lets it carry her towards the hangar
controlled by Peil Technology. They had access to their own private dock for spacecraft, and
getting to this particular range would require a short trip aboard one of the school’s shuttles. Along
the way she stares up at Aerial, looking just as she had before the duel with Guel. Earth House had
done a fine job helping her, though she would have also liked to have tested out the Mirasol
thruster pack and what Nika had dubbed the Little Red Comet; the Darilbalde Drone that she was
putting the finishing touches on. Nika had told her that it would give Aerial something to play
with, and told Suletta that she did not need to be concerned about managing it in future duels.

She was also glad that Nika had found out about Aerial. About what she could do. About who
Aerial was. Even though Nika seemed to understand exactly what Aerial was better than she did.
That was one thing that her mother had told her not to talk about, about how smart Aerial was.
What she could really do. But, Nika had figured it out herself, and more importantly, Aerial had
trusted Nika to reveal at least some information about herself to the mechanic. The day after being
invited into Earth House, Nika had dragged Suletta into Aerial’s cockpit once the armour was back
on it, and excitedly asked Suletta a number of questions that she had almost no idea how to answer.
How had Suletta woken her up, or was it someone else? How long has she known Aerial? How
does she communicate with her? Has Aerial ever had dreams before?

Suletta had promised to ask her mom the next time that she saw her. To be honest, she also wanted
to talk to her mom about the short book she had read front to cover twice over the past week. The
one detailing the life of someone who had a prosthetic arm, one just like her mom had. Even down
to the fact that sometimes the owner would run out of batteries, and needed to keep spares on their
persons just in case that happened. Perhaps they had known each other since the book had labeled
the arm as very experimental. That was why the old lady in the labcoat had said ‘let her play,
Elnora’ because Elnora had known her and her mom when she was a child. Once she got that
information from her mom she’d be one step closer to figuring out the mystery of Elnora Samaya.

She didn’t know why it gripped her as much as it did, perhaps because it reminded her of some of
her childhood anime where detectives would slowly piece together clues to solve a mystery. And
with the small memory of her childhood, and now this book? It was exciting. That mystery had, at
least in her mind, turned from ‘Who is Elnora?’ to ‘How do I know Elnora Samaya?’.

The carrier comes to a halt with a small jerk, and Suletta stretches anxiously. Perhaps Elan had also
gotten more information, he had said that someone he knew would know more, and now that he
had a full name, a solid explanation, perhaps they had given him something more.

Suletta walks back to the door, peeking out and looking among the groups of people milling about
the Peil hangar. Elan is standing close to where Aerial’s carrier has stopped, reading from his book.
He looks up, closing the book with a snap.

“G-g-good morning.” Suletta says with a wave.

“Good Morning, Suletta Mercury.” Elan inclines his head.

Suletta looks around. She couldn’t see the Mobile Suit he had been using yesterday anywhere in
the hangar. A couple that looked like it, but they were inactive, being worked on.

“Are… you going to be coming… with me, is your own Mobile Suit already packed up?” She
continues to look around, slightly confused.

“It will only be your Aerial, unfortunately my replacement Mobile Suit is not arriving until later
today.” Elan explains with what Suletta thinks might be an apologetic shrug. “Not to mention Peil
wishes me to test a new model, so it has retired my Zowort.”

“Ah… right… your piloting was… very impressive in it though.” She compliments him. “The
midair reversal in par… particular.”

“Hmm. Yes. It was.” He says as he climbs aboard the carrier. He glances up at Aerial, tilting his
head. “I see that the Earthians were able to repair the Aerial.”

“Yep. Everyone in Earth House pitched in to make sure she was ready.” Suletta explains as she
feels the carrier shift again. Then, they’re being transported on the ship, and the conversation dies
down for a moment as they sit at the workstation.

“So… have you talked… with the person who knew Elnora?” Suletta asks to break the

“I did. There is information you should know, but I believe that it would be best to share it after we
finish up with the inspection.” Elan says.

“Right!” Suletta spins around in her chair in excitement. “You know… I’m really glad that… we
could look into this.”

“Why is that?”

“Even though… even though I know you’re… well…”

“An enemy, as Miss Rembran would say?” Elan suggests.

“Yes… even though you… may be one. I still consider you… a friend.” She smiles at him.

“I am certain you do.” He replies, then begins to type on the console. “When we get to the training
range, we will be doing a scan of certain locations to check for weak points in the barriers.”

“I… I see. If you could upload… the data to Aerial, then I’ll fly around.” Suletta explains.

“Would it not be better to both go in the cockpit?”

“N-no… I… since this is… Aerial’s first flight… after rebuilding her… it’s safer in case…
anything happens. L-like if a leg g-gives out.” Suletta moves her hands around, making a crash

“I understand.” Elan nods, as the ship comes to a halt and the carrier takes a short track into the
training range.

The carrier opens, and Suletta looks out at the artificially generated landscape, a lunar surface.
Gravity itself feels weaker here than she’s gotten used to at school. Perhaps it was meant to
simulate low gravity combat, Suletta thinks.

“I’ve uploaded the data into the Aerial’s systems.” Elan says. “Please proceed, I will keep in
communications from here.”

“T-thank you.” Suletta bows slightly as she uses the lower gravity to bound up the carrier towards
Aerial’s cockpit with giant leaps. “Aerial.” She gives a small wave. Aerial opens up for her, and
she climbs into the cockpit, inserting her Student notebook into its slot in Aerial. Then, Suletta
takes Aerial off of the carrier with a few steps, and hums excitedly. She felt smoother than she had
before, and Suletta breaks into a full sprint towards the first area that needed to be checked.

“You handle it well, how long have you been using the Aerial?” Elan asks her.

“Well… all my life.” Suletta explains, as she tells Aerial to jump. They sail over a crater, landing
on the other side and keeping their momentum. “My earliest memories were… well aside from the
one with Elnora now, they were in Aerial’s cockpit. Practicing on the simulator. When I was six, I
beat mom’s high score. She’s like a sister to me.” She smiles and pats Aerial’s central console. If
only he knew. But right now, only she, her mom, and Nika knew about Aerial. Not even Miorine
did. She knew that Suletta was attached to Aerial, she called them sisters, but that was only because
Suletta called Aerial her sister.

Perhaps, she would have to ask Aerial if Miorine could be allowed to know about her. She
deserved to know. She could explain to Aerial how important Miorine was to her.

“A sister… so you’ve never felt any pain from piloting it?” Elan continues.

“Nope. I’ve never had any problems at all piloting her.” She explains, then frowns. “Hey, Mister
Elan. I have a question for you.”

“What is it, Miss Suletta?”

“Do you have any other friends?” She had never seen him around with anyone else. “I-I-I don’t
mean it in… in a bad way, it’s just… well I could talk about… talk about Nika or Chuchu or any of
the wonderful people that I’ve met, a-a-a-and of course, Miss Miorine was my… was my first
friend, my… best friend. But… do you have anyone… anyone like that?”

There’s a pause that seems to last for a few minutes. Suletta can see that everything is working, so
it isn’t a technical issue. Perhaps Elan is merely thinking.

“Miss Suletta. Would you mind returning to the carrier? I would like to try and pilot Aerial, for a
bit, if you don’t mind.”

“Right.” Suletta turns Aerial around, activating her thrusters to take her over the arena’s surface.
“Well… Aerial, what do you say?” She looks up at her sister’s lights.

There’s a pause, and they flash twice.

Elan Ceres considers, for a brief moment, that on the list of people he was in some way
emotionally connected to, Belmeria Winston would be first, he genuinely did like her for the most
part, and second would be Suletta Mercury. Even though he mainly felt annoyed at the girl who so
flippantly called him a friend. It was perhaps a step up from the indifference he felt towards every
other person at the school. There was perhaps a few minor exceptions, people who were annoying
in their own right. Then, of course, there was Him at the bottom. But that was well defined hatred.

He leaves Suletta Mercury back at the carrier, and begins to fly with Aerial a few hundred meters
away. Suletta had only completed two of the required checks, though he does not go off to pursue
more of them. After all, they were redundant. Even for a lesser used training range like this,
barriers rarely, if ever, failed.

Plus, he was after something more important to consider. Especially more important than who he
could consider a friend. His communications with Suletta are turned off, and he closes his eyes. Let
him see if this is truly a Gundam.

“Permet Score… Two.” He feels the familiar flash behind his eyes as he connects with the Permet
within the Mobile Suit. Reaches in to take on the burden of its operations. Yet… when he opens his
eyes, everything feels… empty. The clawing at the back of his mind that accompanies connecting
to GUND-Format is not there. Yet, when he lifts his hand, Aerial lifts its hand as well. So there
was synchronization. He pulls up the sleeve of his pilot suit next.

No Permet reaction in his body. So… Suletta Mercury was not like him. She was something else.
A jolt of anger shoots through him, and he rips off his helmet, tossing it at the viewscreens.

The lights of the Aerial begin to flicker rapidly, and he scowls. Was this a malfunction of some

He can hear laughing, right behind his ear, soft and distant, but it makes him turn around. No one
is there. He must have imagined it. He had to have imagined it.

Then, on the central console, he can see that there’s data being processed.

A clock appears. Beside it is a label.

PSCR2: 300:05:08

Another clock appears below it.

PSCR3: 55:01:04

Then, below that one.

PSCR4: 7:34:01

It had read, and calculated, how much time he had left before he was unable to pilot anymore. Yet,
the numbers were not going down. This mobile suit, this Gundam, would not kill him.

The flickering lights are back, and another quiet, haunting giggle echoes through his brain.

The thrusters on the Aerial activate the next moment, pushing him into his seat violently as it
returns to the carrier. He is still processing what happened. Trying to process what happened. One
thing, however, is abundantly clear. Suletta Mercury is irrelevant. The mobile suit, the Gundam,
that was currently flying him around, was another story entirely.

Suletta sees Elan return with Aerial after just a few short minutes, Aerial’s thrusters kicking up a
storm of dust that blows into the carrier. She crosses her arms defensively, squinting through the
storm as Elan emerges. Something was… different. She could tell already. Something was wrong.
There was rage in his eyes, and Suletta takes a step back away from him. She wonders if something

“Mister Elan, are you…”

“Suletta Mercury. I challenge you to a duel. I have information about Elnora Samaya that you will
want to know. If you win, I will tell you what it is. If I win, then I will take Aerial.” Elan Ceres
tells her.

“Huh?” She shakes her head, confused. Then she smiles. “Mister Elan, I didn’t realize that you
were such a good joker, hah.” It was the only explanation.

“It isn’t a joke, you stupid annoying girl. I challenge you to a duel, Suletta Mercury.” He spits out
the words, and Suletta stops laughing. He was serious. Why was he challenging her to a duel.
And… and for Aerial?


“B-bu-but I thought we were friends.” Elan mocks, smirking madly at her. “That was your own
delusion. Even back in the cell with that stupid Earthian girl who thought I was asking you out, you
were the one who thought that I meant I was interested to know more about you to become friends.
I never agreed with you, you idiot! The guard came in and chased us off, remember? Or perhaps
it’s when we bonded over Elnora Samaya? No, if anything that only hurt you in the end.”

“H-hurt… hurt me?” Suletta feels her head go light. She staggers back, and starts to bend over,
putting her hands on her knees to stay upright. Elan was saying… that he had been using her. That
none of his acts had been out of friendship. She was so stupid.

“Yes. It gave me information, a way to get close to you, to find out more about you. It made me
see that you’re nothing but a naive little girl who knows nothing. It's so easy for you to fall into a
trap with just a few words, you’re so willing to accept that other people are being truthful. You
think you can become friends with anyone. But everyone just uses your trust for their own gain.”

“No, they don’t, i-if that is h-how you’re t-treated, how… how you think… then...” She pleads
with him pathetically.

“It is how I was treated, how people are treated, Suletta Mercury." Elan snaps. "Regardless, I know
who Elnora Samaya is. Who and where she really is, right now. It is information that could hurt
someone you love if it falls into the wrong hands.”

“Mom…” So there was a connection between them. She hadn't just imagined that the arms were
similar. So obviously, if it was going to hurt someone, it would be her.

Elan gives a non-commital shrug and Suletta feels the full force of betrayal for the first time in her
life. Elan had betrayed her, she thinks, anger boiling up inside her. She was so stupid. So naive. So
easily tricked. She feels sick. She feels angry.

“I accept.” Suletta snaps. Elan had hurt her. She thought he was a friend. Her friend. But… he was
just using her. Tricking her. Now he was… was he threatening her mom by bringing her up? Tears
sting her eyes, and Elan walks towards her, kneeling down and grabbing her chin, making her look
at him. She’s too disoriented to do anything to stop him.

“And once again you prove my point.” Elan rolls his eyes. “You can’t take that back, Suletta
Mercury, or else you forfeit. So… go run to Miorine Rembran and tell her that you accepted a duel.
See how she reacts, how she casts you aside as soon as you fail her. Because you’re only useful to
people until you fail them.” He pushes her onto the ground, and then starts to walk away, back
down the track the carrier had come from. Miorine, Suletta suddenly thinks. Suddenly remembers
the promise that she had sworn to keep. She had been so caught up in Elan’s own betrayal of her,
that she had broken her promise in a fit of anger. She had promised Miorine that she would never
accept a duel without her permission. Now she has broken that promise and it hurts more than any
betrayal of Elan Ceres. “Oh, and if you do try anything to get out of the duel, then I will give the
information I have away. So no backing out.” No backing out. She had to duel him now. She had
to duel him and she had betrayed Miorine by agreeing to do so. She was so stupid. So naive. So
gullable. And now she had hurt not only herself, but the most important person in her life.

Suletta curls up, pulling her legs close to her chest, and begins to cry. It takes her a few minutes to
finally stand back up, walking over to Aerial. It will take a while for her to get back.

Belmeria Winston does not expect Lady Prospera Mercury, no, Elnora Samaya, her old friend, her
senior in university, to open the door when she says who it is. She is one of the few people who
can identify her, so why invite her in. Why risk it. It makes her nervous, and she glances around the
rather plain looking office.

“Hello Bel.” Elnora is all smiles as she answers the door. She’s wearing the odd helmet that is in
her official pictures, yet as soon as the door shuts, she takes it off. “Pardon me. The helmet does
serve a purpose beyond hiding my face, but I feel like my old junior deserves an honest
conversation where we can see each other’s eyes. That is why you’re here, isn’t it?” Elnora asks.

“It is.” Belmeria replies. Elnora shows her to a chair set next to a shelf. The shelf is occupied by a
familiar book, resting underneath a photograph and a vase of flowers. Jasmines, she thinks. She
looks at the photo, seeing a woman with silver hair and wearing a white labcoat. Proudly
displaying a tomato plant to the camera. She can see the resemblance to Delling Rembran’s
daughter instantly. “I heard from… I suppose you may call him a charge of mine, that he and
Suletta Mercury had discovered a copy of our old report on your arm. You know… Comet and

“A charge… that would be Peil’s witch, would it not? Or… one of them?” Belmeria flinches,
wondering how much Elnora knows. “You haven’t been able to crack the Data Storm Problem,
have you?” Belmeria winces again, and then realizes just how much she is giving away to Elnora.
She’s better than this. “But regardless, I am interested that you say my darling daughter is involved
in this. I am quite surprised that she hasn’t called me about it yet. She is familiar with the arm, she
helped me repair it in the past. And despite being somewhat sheltered, she should be able to put the
connection together.” Elnora says, taking a seat in a chair next to hers, a small coffee table
separating them.

“Perhaps she is waiting for the right opportunity to tell you.” Belmeria shrugs. “It would be smart
to do so in person rather than over a call, who knows who may be listening in.”

“Perhaps. But back to my own questions, how many pilots, Bel? Please, you can tell me.” Elnora
says sweetly, reaching across the table to take her hand. Belmeria sighs, and closes her eyes.

“If I answer that, then you need to answer one of my questions. And if you ask again, I ask again.”
She offers.

“Oh, this old game. It’s been too long. I accept.” Elnora laughs lightly, giving Belmeria’s hand a
soft squeeze.

“Fine. This is the fourth Enhanced Person who is my charge. There are eight total.” She lets out a
deep sigh.

“I see. And your question?” Elnora asks.

“I understand Cardo’s book, and Jasmines for Nadim, but why the photograph of Delling’s wife?”
Belmeria opens her eyes again, looking at the shelf. Cardo was of course Elnora’s adoptive mother.
Nadim, her husband. Both lost at Folkvangr. But what of Notrette Rembran?

“Really, that is what you're interested in? Ah well… she was a lonely woman with a monster of a
husband, who kept power over her by threatening to strip her of custody of her daughter should she
try to divorce him. Had she lived long enough for that to cease being a threat… perhaps I would be
on Earth in a few months.” Elnora smiles sadly.

Belmeria nods, slowly putting the pieces together. The reason why Elnora had sent her daughter,
for that must be Ericht she had seen, or Suletta as she was now called, to that school. That must be
the reason why she was in this room, right under Delling’s nose without him knowing. Prospera,
Prospero. She glances at the book on the shelf. Elnora always wanted to be the smartest person in
the room. She lets out a laugh, and shakes her head. Of course. How very… Elnora of her, to be so
obvious. To flaunt it in the face of everyone, daring someone to put it together. Yet the only ones
who could would be people who already knew to begin with.

“My question is… what would it take for you to reconnect with your old senior.” Elnora asks.
There was that smile again, the disarming smile that would win over the hearts of those who saw
it, and that Elnora would use to hide the dagger behind her back. And so, Belmeria considers
whether she wants the smile or the dagger.

Miorine is feeding Giko when she sees Suletta enter Earth House, her head down. Something was
wrong with her, and Miorine’s heart skips a beat. Had Elan done something with her? Why had it
taken her so long to get back? And she hadn’t picked up either. She could tell by her body
language, by the way that she shuffled her feet rather than walked. The way that she looked up for
her, for just a moment, and then put her head back down. There were tears in her eyes. Tears that
only seemed to get more intense when she sees Miorine.

“Suletta.” Miorine sets the bowl of food down, jogging towards her. Suletta doesn’t respond, and
Miorine starts to grow worried. “Suletta.” She repeats, and Suletta takes a step back. “What’s
wrong.” She can see that some other members of Earth House are starting to gather. Nika looks up
from the Darilbalde’s drone, Nuno and Ojelo poke in from the recreation room. They all start
moving towards them, to see what’s wrong with Suletta.

“Mio…" she stops, biting her lip "Miorine….” Suletta says slowly, and Miorine freezes. “No. Miss
Miorine.” She steps back when Miorine reaches out for her, as if she’s scared of the touch. “N-no.
I…” A shake of her head. Suletta is taking off her jacket now, and Miorine stares, frozen in
confusion. “I… I… I… accepted… a… duel… with Elan… I’m… I’m sorry.” She bends down,
setting the Holder’s jacket on the ground in between them. Miorine is too shocked to move, the
words still going through her mind. Bouncing there and echoing. She’s trying to process what was
said. “I’m sorry.” Suletta repeats.

Suletta had accepted a duel with Elan Ceres. Suletta had betrayed her trust. Suletta had done what
she had promised that she would not do. What Miorine had believed that she would not do. She
takes a deep breath, trying to keep herself from saying something that might hurt things more.

“I… what… would… what would you… want…” Suletta continues clumsily. Something snaps in

“No. Don’t ask me that.” Miorine’s voice is raw, loud, harsh. “Don’t you dare ask me that! If I am
not… important enough to consider when accepting the duel, then I’m clearly not important
enough to consider when deciding the terms, of which I already am one. If you have an excuse, I
don’t want to hear it now.” It comes from a place of anger, and Miorine feels her eyes water and
breath hitch when she says it, especially after seeing how Suletta recoils after hearing her say it.
Suletta stands up, though keeps her gaze to the floor. Then, she turns and runs out the door, into the
artificial night. A silence falls over Earth House, broken only by the bleating of Giko, and Miorine
slowly sinks to her knees, the full weight of what has happened catching up with her. She thinks
that Chuchu helps guide her down to the floor, and she lets her composure fail completely, sobbing
into her sleeve.

She had been betrayed again, and this time by the woman she loved. Who she still loved. Who she
could not stop loving even now despite how fresh that betrayal was. But that only made it hurt
more. Was she not as important to Suletta as Suletta was to her? Why, why had she done it? She
wants to scream it into the night, and she tries to wipe her tears with the base of her hand. Yet more
come, more and more come unabated.

“I’m going to…” She hears Chuchu hiss from behind her.

“No. Chuchu. No. This time I’m serious.” Nika says, and moves into Miorine’s vision, putting a
hand on her back between her shoulders and rubbing back and forth. “Give Suletta the night to
herself Chuchu. She doesn’t need to be told that what she did was wrong, she already knows that.
There there, Miss Miorine, let's get you somewhere comfortable."

Miorine feels herself being picked up, carried over to the dorms. She’s set in Nika’s bunk, and is
glad for that because she doesn’t want to have the lingering scent of Suletta making things worse.
Nika continues to rub her back, soothe her. Miorine sobs herself to sleep that night.

Guel Jeturk does not expect to hear someone coming through the woods so late at night, as he sits
alone with his thoughts. Felsi and Petra are in their tent, probably snuggling in their sleep by now,
while he stares at the electric element of the campstove as it slowly cools from red hot to black. A
Mobile Suit Manual is open on his notebook, and he has been slowly going through it. Basic
Mobile Suit Repair. Something that he never had to worry about because he had Kamil, had Petra,
had a dozen other mechanics in Jeturk House, and another dozen that his father would give him to
ensure that he only needed to focus on piloting. On giving his father prestige. It had never been
about him, had it?

There’s another crack of a branch, closer this time. He looks up from his notebook, scanning the
darkness. Then movement, something orange and red. It stumbles over a root, and slowly enters
camp through the bushes.

Suletta Mercury seems like a ghost as she shuffles into the camp, staring at Guel in mild confusion.
Her red hair has a few loose leaves ensnared in it. Guel stares back, seeing that she’s clad only in
her orange undersuit above her waist. Her blue eyes were red from crying, though by now her tears
had dried up.

“H-hey… Mister… Guel.” She says dully, sounding like she can hardly string the words together.
“Is this… this where… you’re living?”

“Yeah, it is. What the hell happened to you?” Guel asks quietly, not wanting to wake Felsi or Petra.
He stands up and walks over to the cooler, grabbing a pack of water from it. “Here, take this.” He
pushes it at her, and she stares down at the pack of water for a moment, before slowly grabbing it
with both of her hands. She opens it and drowns it all in one go, coughing and sniffling. Guel sits
back down, waiting for an explanation from Suletta. She offers none at first, even after a couple
minutes of waiting, she just stares straight ahead, the empty water pack in her hands.

“You feeling better?” He asks.

A shake of the head.

“Need a place to sleep?” It was what she would do if their positions were reversed, he knew.

A nod.

Guel nods in return, reaching into the pile of extra supplies and pulling out a collapsible bed, the
blanket and a small pillow velcro’d to it. He sets it up close to his tent, and Suletta walks over to it,
sinking into it. She pulls the blanket around her tightly, and rolls onto her side, looking away from
the camp and into the inky blackness of the night.

“Thank you.” She says.

“Yeah, I know you’d do the same for me if I was in your place.” Guel says with a shrug. There’s
no reply, and Guel just starts to extinguish the lights that are around the camp. Only in the dark
does Suletta offer an explanation.

“I messed up.” She says in a small quiet voice. Not the usual stuttering worried voice she has when
she’s outside her Mobile Suit, but just a dull voice that sounds hollow. She offers no further
elaboration, and Guel retreats into his tent for the night.

Suletta is still there when he wakes up in the morning, and Felsi and Petra are standing over her
with curiosity.

“What’s going on with her?” Felsi asks, pointing at Suletta.

“She says she messed up, don’t know how, or why. Just asked if she could sleep here, I gave her a
water pack, and she told me that she messed up and went to sleep.”

Suletta stirs, rolling over and reaching out for something that isn’t there, and then falling off the
bed. Guel winces as she snaps awake, still reaching out for something and then blinking, realizing
her surroundings. For a moment, Guel wonders if she had anything to drink last night, though the
dry sob that crosses her lips tells him that this is grief rather than a hangover.

“Oh… right…” Suletta curls up like a ball on the ground. “I… should be… going.” She starts to
stand, and Guel steps up in front of her, crossing his arms. She looks down at the ground, unable to
meet his eyes, and he exchanges a look with Felsi and Petra. Both of them nod.

“Sit down. We’re cooking breakfast.” He tells her, and Suletta plops down obediently on the bed
she slept in last night. Guel glances through their supplies, selecting some pancake mix and slowly
grilling them. Suletta continues to stare blankly ahead, bending forwards as if she's about to throw
up. Guel bites his lip, recognizing that he is not exactly the best at this sort of thing. Comforting
people. For now, he keeps his mouth shut, waiting for the pancakes to cook.

Suletta eats five in just as many minutes, and Felsi puts a juice pack next to her that she takes huge
gulps of between each one.

“When was the last time you ate?” Petra asks.

“Lunch… yesterday.” Suletta offers a helpless shrug before returning to eating. She’s sniffling
again, and Guel slowly eats his own pancake, watching Suletta try to wipe her eyes with her arm.

“And what happened to your jacket.” Felsi asks.

“I’m… I don’t…” Suletta shakes her head, swallowing hard. “Miorine… I…” And then she falls
silent again for a long moment. “I betrayed… betrayed her trust. And if the Holder is supposed
to… represent her, then… I’m not deserving of it.” She eventually offers.

“How’d you do that?” Guel asks, finishing off his pancake.

“I accepted… I promised I wouldn’t duel… without her.” Suletta mumbles. “Then… Mister
Elan… he… I was so angry… I forgot…” She shakes her head again. “Then… then… I ran.” Her
voice turns bitter now, self loathing. “I promised… I would never run… but… I ran… and now she
hates me.”

Ah, Guel thinks. He definitely isn’t equipped to handle this. He glances over at Petra and Felsi
again, who are frowning and looking between them. Then, finishing her sixth pancake, Suletta
stands up.

“Thank you for the meal.” She bows mechanically. Guel huffs, standing up as well and once more
blocking her from making an exit.

“If you’re going to head out. Then one, put something on.” Guel ducks into his tent, throwing her a
rarely used tracksuit of his. Suletta nods again and puts it on without protest. “Two, I’m not an
expert or anything like you… but you should focus on how you’re going to go forward. Like what
you’re always saying.”

“Going forward.” Suletta mumbles with a nod. “Yes. You’re right Mister Guel.” Then she leaves as
quickly as she came.

Chuchu keeps her eyes glued to the screen as she faces off against Miorine, the two of them utterly
focused on the fighting game they are playing. Miorine had been fighting the rest of Earth House
systematically through various games, and destroying them all. She never would have guessed that
the pretty princess who liked to garden was also someone who could make Ojelo and Nuno tap out
after a couple hours of playing against her. Nika was out of the dorms, looking for Suletta because
the last they had heard was a message to her from Guel’s mechanic this morning telling Nika that
Earth House’s lost pilot had slept over at their little camp and had breakfast with them before
running off.

And someone needed to make sure that Suletta was alright.

She turns her attention back to the game, where Miorine was finally growing sloppy after a day of
playing nonstop. She can see that her hands are trembling as they hold the control. Chuchu decides
to wrap this up quickly then, and tightens her grip on the controller. Miorine still puts up a valiant
effort, but eventually she drops the controller in defeat, and then lays down on the floor, staring up
at the ceiling.

Chuchu understood completely though. Her and Miorine were people who got angry when they
were upset. Some other people shut down. But they got angry. They tried for as long as they could
to hold that anger in, or vent it out through something. For Chuchu, she usually pulled out a
punching bag and started to go at it until her knuckles were bloody. Then she’d complain when one
of the others had to bandage them up.

Miorine turned to games it seems.

The result was the same though. Eventually they blow off enough steam that they’re out of it, and
they lay down and get a clearer head than they had before.

“Alright.” Miorine says finally, and Chuchu looks over at her. “I think I can talk about it now.”
“Good.” Chuchu lays back down on the floor next to her. “Let’s chat.”

Suletta walks through the day after fleeing from Guel’s camp, and the next night, and the next
morning in a haze. She goes through the motions of life, breathing, eating, drinking water, though
everything is a blur. She goes to the dueling committee lounge at some point, and formally accepts
the duel. She walks around the school, trying to avoid Earth House. Trying to avoid the greens,
because Miorine’s greenhouse is there. Tries to avoid the building where Miorine’s room is. Her
only communication with anyone in Earth House is to Nika with a string of messages. “Are you
okay?” Is Nika’s question. “Yes.” Is her reply. Once every hour until Suletta falls asleep. At night,
she manages to hide out in a Demi-Trainer, pretending that it’s Aerial’s cockpit and she feels a little
better about herself. Then, she prepares for the duel with Elan in the morning. She eats a protein
bar from a vending machine, drinks some water. She should have a healthy meal before a duel she
reminds herself.

The meal that Miorine had cooked her last time comes to her mind. The protein bar doesn’t seem so
filling anymore.

She then tries to remind herself of the creed said at the start of the duel. She remembers that
Miorine was the one to teach her that as the two ran breathlessly through the halls towards Aerial
for the second duel with Guel. With another pang of guilt and self inflicted damage she needs to
stop for a few minutes. To put her head against the side of the hallway and let the tears that flow
stop before continuing. She needs to go forward and she can't do that if she dwells on the past.

The members of Earth House are all milling around the carrier as Suletta enters the hangar alone.
Her pilot suit is gray and white, without the Holder’s emblem on it, taken from the surplus this
morning. She isn’t deserving of wearing the Holder’s colours. Not deserving of representing
Miorine. Even if she won the duel against Elan, unless Miorine somehow forgave her, she
wouldn’t put on those colours again. She needs to win though. She needs to fight and win.

At least, she would still get Miorine to Earth even if they never speak again. Even if Miorine hated
her. She would still make sure that Miorine got to a place she could be happy. That made her a
better choice than Elan Ceres. It made her a better choice than anyone else who might become
Holder. So, she keeps going forward. She will fight for that. To make up for her mistake, her own
broken promise.

She sees that Miorine is not among the group, and she is not surprised. She doubts that Miorine
will want to see her after the duel, even if she has victory. Nevermind before the duel. The
atmosphere around the hangar is somber. Nika gives her a hug that she returns weakly, Nika saying
that she’s glad that she’s alright and asking her not to scare them like that again. Martin offers her
good luck, and she nods slowly in return. She can see that the Mirasol was not in its usual resting
spot, so that means that they completed it. It was probably attached to Aerial for this fight. Had she
not run away, perhaps she could have tested it. She thinks that she says thank you to Earth House
for all they’ve done for her, though her mind is still in a daze, on auto pilot. She needs to focus on
the duel ahead of her. Then she climbs up onto the carrier as it prepares to depart. The door is
closed, but a swipe of her notebook opens it.

They’ll be in the same testing range where Elan challenged her, and she so foolheartedly accepted
that challenge. It is probably deliberate, another way for Elan to hurt her. To remind her of what
she threw away. Suletta watches the door open, takes one look back at the people in Earth House,
who still came to support her. She thinks that Miorine must be lonely with them all here, and she
wishes that at least a few were absent, a few were there for Miorine instead. She wishes that most
of them were there for Miorine instead, rather than sending her off. Then she enters the carrier and
turns to look ahead to her future.

Suletta stares at Miorine, and Miorine stares at Suletta.

Chapter End Notes

This took a lot longer than I thought it was, and I still don't quite feel satisfied by it.
Still, while it may be choppy,
Sister's Noise
Chapter Summary

Suletta confronts A Friend, A Sister, and A Betrayer

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Suletta stares at Miorine, and Miorine stares at Suletta. There she is, her hands folded behind her
back, looking far more put together than Suletta did, after sleeping on the small outdoor bed and in
a random Demi-Trainer. Suletta gulps, closes her eyes and opens them again, to make sure that
she’s actually seeing Miorine there, and that she isn’t imagining it. Miorine is still there, still
staring at her. Then, Suletta slowly starts walking towards Miorine. Their eyes are locked on each
other. How close can she get before Miorine protests, how close until Miorine pulls back. How
close until she herself pulls back. She won’t pull back though. Two meters. One meter. Another
two steps and they’ll be at each other. Yet for now, she stops. She won’t run. She won’t look away.
She will keep staring into Miorine’s eyes, because she can see now that they are rimmed with red
from crying. She will move forward, she tells herself. If not literally right now, then figuratively.

“Miorine…” She had been thinking of what to say for the past day. “I… I betrayed your trust, and I
hurt you. I… I was caught up in my anger at the moment Elan challenged me… he provoked me…
and… he hurt me. I forgot just how important you are to me. So… when I… when I realized I had
betrayed you, I also hurt myself, but not as much as I hurt you. I hurt us both and it was the worst
feeling I’ve ever felt. I never want to feel it again.” She stops for a moment, choking up,
swallowing back tears and taking a breath before continuing.

“Then… I chose to run… I ran when I told you… told you about it. I was careless with asking
you… about what you wanted in the duel, without first… without first saying I had made a mistake
and asking what you wanted me to do. So I ran when I saw I hurt you more… I betrayed us both.
I… I should have… I should have at least stayed rather than leave you…” Her breath hitches, and
she feels her throat clench. “I… I want to do better, I… I want to move forward. With you. I
understand… if you don’t forgive me…” She needs to keep her gaze on Miorine, even though she
wants nothing more than to look at the floor for the inevitable rejection.

“I forgive you.” Miorine declares, and Suletta sniffles again.

“But I…” I don’t feel like I deserve your forgiveness, is what she wants to say.

“The first duel with Guel.” Miorine cuts her off before she can get more than the first sound out. “I
betrayed your trust by stealing Aerial and not trusting you to fight for me. You chose to forgive me,
to ask me to join you in fighting Guel. And I’m so happy that you did. You have made me so
happy afterwards. And… you clearly know you made a mistake, and want to correct it. Look at
you, you’re a wreck.” Miorine says slowly, shaking her head. They both keep their gaze locked on
each other. Suletta can feel tears welling up though, blurring her vision. “You are the most
important person in my life, Suletta. And if I did not forgive you, then… I would also be hurting
myself. We all make mistakes, but we work to fix them, right? That is what it means to go forward.
So you deserve to be forgiven, Suletta. I forgive you. I want you to be happy in the future, I want to
make you happy. So please, don’t do it again, because you know it will hurt us both now. But…
let’s move forward from this. I will still fight for you, no matter what.” Miorine pulls her into a
tight embrace.

“As… as will I. You’re also the most important person in my life, and… I’m sorry.” Suletta returns
the embrace, sniffling and bending over slightly burying her face into Miorine’s shoulder. “Thank
you… thank you.”

“It’s alright, Suletta.” Miorine rubs her back. “I forgive you.” She repeats, softer. “Now then, win
this for us. Please.”

“I will.” Suletta nods. “For us.” She stares into Miorine’s eyes, and Miorine smiles through
building tears.

“Good.” Miorine says. “It felt awful without you.” She looks over at the workstation besides
Aerial’s feet. “Now then, you are my groom. Your bride has forgiven you. So look the part.” She
jabs at Suletta’s chest, over the school emblem where the Holder’s unique take on it should be.
Suletta follows her gaze off to the side, seeing the uniform with the Holder’s colours on it resting
over one of the chairs. On the other chair, she can see a pilot suit in the same colours.

Miorine helps her shrug off the borrowed pilot suit, helps her straighten the collar on the Holder’s
jacket, helps her put on the Holder’s pilot suit. As Miorine hands Suletta the suit’s helmet, Suletta
realizes that Miorine had chosen her. She had chosen her, whether it was just over the other
students or something else, Suletta does not know. She cannot dwell on it right now. Then, Miorine
puts her own helmet on. Suletta is about to turn, to go and climb up the scaffolding to Aerial, when
Miorine grabs her shoulders and bumps her helmet against Suletta’s lightly.

“We’re almost at the range, I’ll stay in the carrier, help coordinate.” Miorine explains. Suletta nods
with determination, scrambling up the ladder.

“Aerial-” Aerial opens up before she can properly ask her to, and Suletta jumps inside. On the
cockpit seat is another gift from Miorine. A tomato wrapped in a white cloth. Suletta gives another
look down at Miorine, who raises a hand at her. She returns the gesture, smiling. Then she climbs
into the cockpit. The carrier comes to a stop, and opens to the testing range.

They’re here.

Suletta takes off her helmet and unwraps the tomato. She takes a bite of it, letting the juices trickle
down her chin. It was such a wonderful taste, even after eight years she always savored it.
Appreciated every bite of it. This morning she had felt as if she was a hollow shell of herself. Now,
she was overflowing with vigor.

Miorine had forgiven her. They would move forward together. They would stay together. Elan was
wrong. Wrong about Miorine, wrong about her.

Elan appears on screen. For a moment, she can see a smug smile on his face. Then, when he sees
the tomato in her mouth, his smile falters. Good, he recognizes what it means as well.

“Little Mercurian Miss.” Shaddiq says mildly through another channel. “It seems like you’re
enjoying your breakfast, but perhaps get started with the duel.” He suggests.

Suletta feels slightly embarrassed, and inhales the rest of the tomato in a few bites, swallowing hard
and wiping her face with the cloth. She sticks it under her pilot suit and puts her helmet back on.

“With mutual consent by both parties, we will now begin the duel.” She hears Shaddiq say once
she is ready. “As always, victory will go to the first one to break the blade antenna of their
opponent's mobile suit. The observer shall be I, the leader of Grassley House, Shaddiq Zenelli.”

“Suletta Mercury, LP041, Aerial, Launching.” She exits the carrier, and Aerial zooms in on where
Elan’s suit is in the distance. Definitely not a Zowort, something else. Black with red glass and a
long-range beam rifle.

She’ll have a shield, and her own beam rifle could be augmented to more closely match what it was
likely capable of. And though the Mirasol was designed for space bound duels, it would be needed
to match the speed of any Peil machine.

“Both parties, face off.” Shaddiq declares. Suletta sees the walls and ceiling of the training facility
transform into the black sky of the void.

“Victory is never decided by Mobile Suit performance alone.” Elan says.

“Nor by the skill of the pilot, alone.” Suletta replies.

“The result itself is the only truth.” They both chorus.

“Fix release.” Shaddiq says, and both of the mobile suits charge, Suletta punched back into her seat
by the strength of Nika’s Mirasol. The Little Red Comet will stay back in the carrier for now, a
secret weapon for if things go not as planned. The training range’s main terrain feature is a massive
crater that sits in the middle, and Suletta angles Aerial upwards, thankful for the reduced gravity in
this duel, letting her take advantage of a longer line of sight.

She enhances her rifle, aims at Elan’s mobile suit and fires dead on at where his blade antenna was.
Elan’s machine jerks to the side, dodging the shot, and retaliates. Her other bit staves swarm in
front of her, forming a shield that scatters the beam around them. Suletta takes another shot, and
again Elan manages to dodge.

“You know… Miorine gave me another chance.” Suletta says as she swoops over the crater. “She
forgave me, she didn’t cast me aside as you said she would.” She sweeps the rifles over the crater,
looking for where Elan could have gone. “I want to give you another chance as well. After you
apologize, if you are truly regretful. It may sound naive, but… I truly did think of us as friends, and
the fact that you didn’t doesn’t change my own feelings. And I think you should be more honest
with yourself as well. Even if you were ordered to do something, or not to do something, there are
your own personal feelings on the matter as well.” She adds.

Still no response from him. She hopes that he’s mulling over what she said.

She sees his mobile suit emerge and fires. He once more dodges, weaving in and out of rock
formations, firing retaliatory shots when he can. Still, she’s starting to close in on him, and she
drops down closer to the crater. Elan’s mobile suit shoots up out of its hiding spot, riding the walls
of the crater. Suletta pushes Aerial forward, riding the wall on the opposite side of him so that they
dance around the walls of the crater, beam rifle shots crossing through the middle, crackling and
pulling at each other as they pass closeby. Then, two collide head on, a green sphere of energy
radiating out like a miniature sun for a moment, obscuring each other’s vision in a blinding flash.
Suletta frowns, and decides to pull up, trying to catch sight of him from high above.

“Permet Score… Four.” Elan suddenly says, and she sees his mobile suit shooting upwards to greet
her, parts of it are starting to glow with red lines. Then, a large amount of drones spring from
places on the suit’s armour.
“Permet Score… he’s piloting a Gundam, Suletta. So those bastards at Peil were going to try to
help scrap Aerial when they had their own machine waiting in the wings.” Miorine yells, “Lousy
ass of a father probably knows about this too.” Suletta allows herself a small smile before sending
all her own bits into attack mode, intending to meet Elan’s bits to fight. She had missed Miorine
the past day, despite what had happened. Suletta would put it behind them, and would do far better
for Miorine in the future.

“Yes… this is a Gundam. The Pharact. A curse. It doesn’t have what your Aerial has, so it will kill
me when I pilot it.” Elan says casually. Suletta can tell that he’s breathing hard already, and she
glances at the small video of his cockpit that she has. His face is lit up with glowing red lines.
Aerial has brought up three different clocks, slowly counting down. Then Aerial highlights the
bottom clock. PSCR4: 7:09:21. Seven minutes. Seven minutes for Elan to achieve victory. She
needs to last for that long.

Three minutes later, Suletta had discovered two important facts as the two had ineffectually been
testing each other’s strengths with long range combat, occasionally dipping into medium range,
only to retreat again. Neither was willing to commit, and Suletta knew that this delay was only
advantageous for her.

The first thing she had discovered was that Elan had bits that, while not as advanced as hers were,
were still dangerous. They were able to disrupt the electronic components of both her own bits and
Aerial herself, at least her limbs. Her beam rifle had needed to be rescued after her arm had been
knocked out, and personally these disruptor bits really did sting when they hit Aerial. However, she
also knew that Elan needed at least some sort of visual with the target to use the bits effectively,
they weren’t independent like hers were. .

The second was that the regolith on the ground, fine particles, was electrically charged. If she spent
too much time in it, she would also start to lose systems, already a thruster on Aerial’s leg had
needed to be rebooted after it had kicked up a bit too much dust.

Both of these were essential to her plan.

After spending the last three minutes skirmishing in the bowl, she jumps over the lip of the crater,
circling around out of Elan’s sight and starting to leave her bits waiting around the edge of the
crater. She takes the occasional potshot over the lip of the crater, and sees that he has switched to
keeping to the center of the crater, a strangely defensive posture for him. She was too far away to
see where exactly his bits were, but she assumed that they were swarming close by, and she
couldn’t see them chasing her.

Then she makes one full revolution of the crater, and she puts her plan into action. Elan has four
minutes of uptime at Permet Score Four left. She will end it before it reaches three, she tells

At once, she orders all her bits to begin to close in around Elan. Elan dances around the beams that
her bits fire, elegant, but he keeps his focus on Aerial, trying to return fire. Suletta thinks that he’s
likely waiting for her to get closer before he deploys his bits to try and contest her. So, she begins
the second portion of her plan.

She orders her bits to fire at the regolith surrounding Elan in the crater. Eleven beams slam into the
ground of the training range, kicking up a massive circle of dust that obscures the two mobile suits
from each other. Suletta jerks her control sticks to the side, shifting Aerial sideways to reposition
and waiting for the regolith to clear to fire at Elan without giving away her own position in case he
was also trying to guess where she was, and her eyes flicker up towards the sky, where she expects
Elan to go to escape the trap. Something is wrong though, and he doesn’t try to escape it, and she
knows he isn’t that inexperienced to fall for something like that.

Then she realizes that he also had a plan in mind as she sees glints of metal among the regolith.
She makes Aerial shoot up, just as a number of Elan’s bits that he had hidden among the regolith
fire randomly. With so many of them, her bits are quickly overwhelmed, and even Aerial begins to
be targeted by them. Now she sees Elan and his Gundam shoot upwards from the center of the
cloud after her. She had blinked first in their game of chicken. One of his bits strikes her arm again,
and her beam rifle drops to the ground among her disabled bits.

She’s near the ceiling of the training range when one finally manages to hit the Mirasol’s thruster,
and it sputters out, Aerial shifting directions and slamming into the wall. Suletta jerks forward in
her seat, and Aerial slides ungracefully down the wall of the range, the facade of the void
flickering to show the training range’s usual metal ceilings and walls as she goes down it.

Aerial manages to reposition herself with her own thrusters as she makes a controlled crash rolling
once and coming to a stop against a small cliff a short distance away from the wall. A quick
damage report shows minor damage to some of the joints, and one of Aerial’s hands had broken a
few fingers, but that was it.

“Suletta! Are you hurt?” Miorine asks. Suletta gives her a thumbs up and shakes her head to try
and clear it. That fall had rattled her a bit.

“I’m alright Mio.” She replies and then tries to get Aerial to stand.

Tries because Aerial tells her that her legs are currently disabled. Suletta glances down, seeing that
some of Elan’s bits were focusing on Aerial’s legs. Then more warnings come in. Her arms are
disabled. More systems are disabled, and then Elan’s Gundam lands in front of her. She sees the
connection to Miorine flicker, and Miorine looks over her shoulder at something.

Casually, Elan's Gundam leans its beam rifle against the wall, and then begins to walk towards
Suletta slowly.

“You know.” Elan speaks up after spending the better part of the duel in silence. “I was inspired by
your trick with Guel, when you hid a GUND-Bit in order to lure him into a trap. Mine was, of
course, more elaborate, but the result is the same.” He takes some more steps forward, and Suletta
looks around. All her own bits are disabled, as are most of Aerial’s systems. Elan seems confident
in his victory, and he’s only a few meters away. “My victory, and your defeat, Suletta Mercury. If I
must compliment you, genuinely, it is that your plans, while appearing stupid, are actually quite
good.” He continues to monologue. Suletta looks around the cockpit. She needs time to think.
There are still systems that are online. The Mirasol isn’t being disabled. There are still a couple
tricks she has left. She needs… she needs…

A light flashes behind her eyes, making her close them.

“Two minutes.” She says.

Except, it’s not her. It’s a higher pitch, more childish. Suletta opens her eyes, and finds that
somehow, she is not in Aerial anymore. Not fighting Elan on a facade of a moon either. She is
sitting on the green and grassy ground, amongst a patch of white flowers. Ahead of her, Aerial sat,
overgrown with moss and surrounded by a mass of overgrown and decaying skyscrapers. And
there, sitting on Aerial’s palm was a person.

A young girl, no more than four or five, with the same red hair as her, done up in two side tails, the
same brown skin, same blue eyes, the same two dark eyebrows. She’s wearing a blue dress. One
that Suletta remembers owning when she was that age.

“One minute, fifty five seconds. Hello, my little pilot, my big sister.” The girl smiles, and then it
clicks for her.

“Aerial?” Suletta asks.

“Yep, that’s me.” Aerial offers a toothy grin. “Your little sister, in the digital flesh. But-” Aerial
stands up and spins around, then points a finger up to the sky. Suletta follows her gaze, to see a
perfect blue sky marked by a clock, counting down from two minutes. One minute and fifty
seconds now. “We don’t have much time, so let’s not waste any.”

“How… where am I?” Suletta blinks, looking around and still confused.

“I raised your Permet score, so I could bring your mind down into my own digital domain and that
way we could have this chat at a better speed.” Aerial explains with a flourish. “So, to everyone
else it’s going to be about… two seconds.” Aerial holds up two fingers.

One minute, forty seconds.

“So… could you always… do this?” Suletta asks.

“Yes, but our usual system of me reaching up to you works better, it’s why I’m here after all, and
even this two second dip is going to make you want to curl up in bed afterwards. Not to mention the
fact that you haven’t been sleeping that well, or eating that well for that matter these past two days.
You are quite a mess. As much as I love to spend time with you, I think you need a day of bed rest
after this.” Aerial scolds her lightly. Suletta looks down sheepishly.

One minute, thirty seconds.

Oowomph . Suletta hears a strange sound beside her, and she looks over at its source to see that
Aerial has appeared beside her, had teleported beside her. Suletta jumps back, and Aerial giggles.

“Sorry, this was the least disconcerting way I could move over here.” Aerial apologizes. “Now
then let’s get you to work.” She claps her hands, and Suletta sees a table appear in front it, on
which sits a perfect replica of the battlefield around them like small models. Elan’s Pharact
approaches with slow deliberate steps, its victory assured. Its beam rifle leans against the wall of
the range where Elan had set it before beginning his slow victory walk. Aerial is in a seated
position facing the wall, Elan’s drones disabling all her limbs with a few taking out more key
systems in her body. More pinned Aerial’s own bits in the nearby crater. However, none touched
the Mirasol.

“Could we just try and rocket into him?” Suletta asks. Perhaps she could knock off the blade
antenna that way.

One minute, twenty seconds.

“Nope. Nika’s a wonderful mechanic, shower her with my praises by the way, but she can’t out-
engineer the laws of physics. We wouldn’t pick up enough momentum before he targets it and we
crash again.” Aerial shakes her head.

“Then… a distraction to let us get more momentum?” Suletta suggests. “Is there anything…” Her
eyes scan the map.
One minute, ten seconds.

“I also have one extra thing. Guel’s little puppy we adopted.” Aerial points towards one of the
corners of the map. Suletta sees a single red drone rocketing towards the battle. “Where do we
want it though?”

“Hmm…” Suletta glances at the battlefield again. She could try to target the Pharact directly, a
surprise attack on its blade antenna. But it would need to navigate through a field of its disabling
bits to get there.

One minute. Aerial lowers a finger of the two she has raised.

“Have it destroy the bit that’s locking your left arm.” Suletta sees that particular bit is at the edge
of the pack, the first one that the plundered drone will hit. “Then pull out the beam sword on that

“Gettem boy.” Aerial reaches over and taps the offending bit in question.

Fifty seconds.

“Do we try to surprise him then, slash across the antenna with the sword?” Aerial makes a cutting
motion with one of her hands.

“Hmm… he will expect something like that. Rather than trying to get victory here, let’s prevent
our loss. What other information do you have?” Suletta puts a finger on her chin.

Forty seconds.

“Well, you two forgot to turn in your homework a couple days ago. Right behind the Pharact where
it left its rifle is a door.” Aerial touches the map, and Suletta sees that there is a large hatch leading
into the real vacuum of space behind the projected starfield. “And look.” Aerial holds up a
notebook suddenly, and Suletta looks at it. “The barriers protecting it are failing because of the
regolith’s electrical charge. If he hadn’t been an asshole to us, then we’d have reported it to the
Committee and it would have been fixed.”

Thirty seconds. Suletta feels a smile creep up on her face.

“If your beam sword hits his beam rifle’s battery, would the explosion do anything?” Suletta asks.

“It would overwhelm the barriers in the local area, damage the structural integrity of the door,
likely shake the Pharact a bit.” Aerial muses.

“That’s our distraction. We throw it, he steps to the side thinking that it’s an attack on him. The
rifle explodes.” Suletta decides.

Twenty seconds.

“Then we activate the Mirasol, if the explosion is enough of a distraction then we’ll have enough
time to slam Pharact and Elan through the damaged door.” Suletta continues to explain.

“Decompression will be mild on the range, Miomio will feel a breeze and that’s it. Ohh, and if we
hit it right then our momentum will rotate us so that the door is between us and these stupid
disablers.” Aerial adds.

Ten seconds. Suletta can feel a little tingle on the back of her neck.
“That just leaves one question, sis.” Aerial looks up at Suletta. “Is Elan Ceres someone to call off
the battle when that happens or continue out of spite?” She flashes another toothy grin at Suletta.
“Take care sis, I’ll always be by your side because you gave me a reason to live, I love you.”

“SULETTA MERCURRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYY!” Any remaining composure Elan Ceres

may have had is lost as the Pharact spirals through the vacuum of space. Every single time, Suletta
Mercury somehow comes out on top. She should have been a wreck after what happened to her, yet
instead she had been more confident than he had ever seen her before. He had pinned her down,
used the same trick that she used against Guel against her. He had planned on taking his time with
snapping Aerial’s blade antenna off.

But Elan doesn’t understand how it happened. One moment, he had been walking confidently
towards the disabled Aerial. Then, for a brief moment, it seemed like Suletta’s cheeks had lit up
with Permet lines, and then she had shaken her head, rocking forward for a moment, sweat
splashing on her visor. Then everything went wrong for him.

A drone that he was sure came from the Jeturk’s Darilbalde had cut through the bit that was
disabling Aerial’s left arm. He had been unable to detect it. Then Aerial had reached up with
blinding speed and thrown a beam sword at him. He had stepped aside and a laugh had formed in
his throat at such a pathetic final play.

Only for it to die in his throat a half second later when he felt an explosion shake the Pharact and
the groaning of metal. He had lost his concentration for a second, and before he could regain it
Aerial had rocketed forward, and he had nearly been thrown from his seat. The two mobile suits
had tumbled into empty space, and as if it couldn’t be timed more perfectly, the door that they had
blown through had perfectly blocked his desperate attempt to disable Aerial again.

Aerial had pulled out another beam sword, and Pharact had pulled out its own, the two clashing for
a few brief moments, swords spaking off of each other. Then Aerial had kicked off of him,
throwing the thruster pack into a full power ascent that left Aerial a kilometer away before Elan
could finish screaming Suletta’s name.

The company be damned, he was going to win. He was going to cut Aerial apart and win. He
activates Pharact’s own extra thrusters, shooting up after Suletta and Aerial. The acceleration sucks
him into his seat, and he grits his teeth as the blood in his body is pushed towards his feet.

“Hey there, Little Mercurian Miss, Elan, you’re not technically allowed to leave the dueling
range.” Shaddiq’s voice comes through the comms, smooth as silk. “Unless you both agree to it of

“Duels are never held on equal terms.” Suletta replies with a heavy breath in, looking at him
through his video feed to her.

“Suletta Mercury, wherever you try to run to, whatever tricks you might play, I am ending this
today.” Elan retorts. She smiles through gritted teeth, and he replies in kind.

“Good. Then tomorrow, apologize and perhaps we’ll call each other friends for real one day.”
Suletta exhales slowly as Aerial continues to rocket upwards, a smile on her face. What a stupid
girl, he thinks with a smile of his own. Be honest with himself, that’s what she had told him to do.
That’s what he was going to do.

“Fair enough. Rouji, get some of the cameras out and warn any approaching ships of our two
combatants.” Shaddiq orders. “Secillia, how much does repairing the training range dip into our
maintenance budget?”

Elan switches off the volume, focusing on the battle.

Miorine watches the battle with her legs dangling over the edge of the carrier, occasionally looking
away from her screen to where the horizon curved up and where the two mobile suits clashed,
small specks in her view. She had taken her helmet off, simply enjoying herself. When Elan had
trapped Aerial with its bits, she had felt worried. But then the Little Red Comet had shot up off of
the carrier’s floor and rocketed towards the battleground. Suletta still had a plan, and as long as she
did, she could win. That was what Miorine believed in.

The plan was desperate, and Miorine had no idea how she had come up with it in time, but it had
worked. She saw the explosion, saw the two mobile suits blast through the wall of the testing
range. Then, a light breeze picked up, blowing her hair in her face. The air in the testing range
slowly evacuates into the void. Then a few moments later the testing range displays turn from a
field of stars to a series of warnings telling all personnel to evacuate the range.

Reluctantly putting her helmet on because it will cut her off from the cool breeze, just like she may
find on Earth, Miorine decides that she may as well head back to where the rest of Earth House are
to celebrate Suletta’s victory.

Elan continues to push the Pharact to its limits as he pursues Suletta Mercury and Aerial across the
skies above Asticassia. Neither of them have their bits at the moment. At least for his own bits, he
has left them behind. He can’t tell where they are anymore, so they might as well be destroyed. He
doesn't know what Suletta Mercury's are doing, since they seem to have a mind of their own. He
still has the feet cannons, but flipping at the speeds the two of them are going would probably be
too much for his body. If he was in front of Suletta Mercury, he could have used them, but he was
the chaser, and Suletta the chased. That left them with just one beam sword each and their piloting
skill. As his time slipped away, he can feel himself grow more chattier. Giddy even.

“Hey… Elan… how are you holding in there, you have a minute left you know.” Suletta says,
genuine concern in her voice. Elan glances at the countdown he had set up based on what Aerial
had shown him in his flight with her. One minute at Permet Score four. If he dropped his Permet
score… he shakes his head. He might get overwhelmed by Aerial if he did that.

“Fine. How about you?” He asks politely. He can’t tell at this point if it’s mocking or genuine, if
his brain had simply gone loose as his time slowly ticked down.

“Oh good. I never got to ask you… how long have you been a pilot?” Suletta asks. She jerks Aerial
to the side, and Elan sees her grit her teeth. He tries to follow, the edges of his vision swimming.
He could almost reach her. As long as he got close, he could target the thruster pack and that would
give him the advantage in speed and maneuvering. Then, he could win.

“I had to train for this for two years. Though outside of duels and the school, I could count the
number of times I've been... actually pushed to my limits... on one hand.” He replies with a laugh
that he has to force out of his body. It's screaming at him, telling him he needs to stop. Sleep.

He can’t stop at this point. He gets closer, and closer. He can almost reach it now, rip off the
component giving Aerial so much speed, and then she’d be helpless against him. He is just a few
meters away.

“Oh… then I’m sorry for pushing you so hard.” By the way her breaths are strained the constant
heavy g-force that they’re both under are starting to take a toll on her as well. But he realizes one
important fact. Suletta Mercury is handling this a lot better than he is. Then he sees it, Aerial’s
thrusters cut out, the thruster pack readjusts their direction. Opposite of where the two are now

He had stolen Suletta’s move against Guel and that had turned the fight in his favour. Now she will
steal his move against Daigo House. A fair trade, a fair appraisal of each other's skills.

Aerial passes over him in the opposite direction and Elan tries to compensate, he tries to force
Pharact to make the same maneuver, but at their current speeds, he feels his vision start to fade as
he struggles to remain conscious. The sudden reversal in the direction of thrust throwing him
forward and likely through the viewscreen if his seatbelt buckles weren’ t good enough to hold.

He manages to turn, to stay awake through the turn, to see Suletta Mercury and Aerial had slowed
down considerably.

Aerial raises her beam rifle. Where had she gotten her beam rifle? He thinks. It had been left in a
crater in the training range.

Her bits. Her bits carried it to her, he realized. The bits that now surround her, eleven white and
blue ones, one red one off formation. His own bits… he had forgotten them in his pursuit of
Suletta. They were likely laying around near the door they had broken out of the training range

Suletta Mercury has won their duel, and the first shot of her beam rifle tears through the Pharact’s
arm. Elan feels the arm go numb, tingling with goosebumps. No immediate second shot follows.

“It’s over, Elan. Come on. Let’s go. You’re out of time.” Suletta says with finality. They’ve both
slowed down now, and Elan can finally breathe again without feeling like someone was sitting on
his chest. It was true he was out of time, the number on his clock showing ten seconds left.

Suletta Mercury had won the duel, but he would still have some, small, petty victory.

“You know… I think that should my circumstances have been different, had I had a different face,
we could have become friends. That is… me being honest with myself.” Finality was exactly what
he needed right now. He sees Bel call him, which is good because he was about to call her

“Elan, power down the Pharact.” Belmeria advises like a mother warning their child of a hot stove.

“No… I would be winning against someone today. Thank you, Belmeria Winston for everything.
But… if I can’t win against Suletta Mercury, then I’ll take my victory over Elan Ceres.” He lets out
one final laugh.

He pushes the Pharact forward, raising his one remaining arm and its beam sword. His breathing
quickens, his vision fading in and out as Aerial shreds the Pharact with her beam weapons. His
body grows numb, and he takes a few more breaths that are becoming harder and harder to do so.
The Pharact’s thrusters cut off, there are no more limbs to feel numb, and he sees Aerial catch
what’s left of the Pharact’s main body as it drifts.

He tips forward, his body not feeling cooperative anymore.

“Elan?” Suletta asks through their call. “Elan?” More urgent than before. Oh right, she was a
rescue pilot. This might complicate things.
He closes his eyes, and upon opening them thinks he sees Suletta Mercury sitting on the central
console in a blue dress, giving him a sympathetic wave and looking at him with sad green eyes
before hitting the button to open his cockpit armour.

Then he blinks and Suletta Mercury comes flying into the cockpit in the Holder’s pilot suit, ripping
him out of it.

Suletta Mercury does not understand what Elan means by having victory over himself, and she is
more annoyed than anything when he charges forward in one final blaze of glory that hardly gets
started before she and Aerial have completely dismembered the Pharact. Still, she can see how
much difficulty he is having even sitting through their call, nestled away on the side of the
viewscreens. Her rescue pilot senses are kicking in. The Pharact’s main body floats towards her
with inertia alone, and she’s glad that Elan hadn’t put a scratch on Aerial to let her catch the other
mobile suit with ease, bringing it to a halt.

“Suletta, we won.” Miorine says through their own call, sounding proud, proud in her. “We’re
heading to the Peil Hanger, might be the easiest place to get you and Aerial picked up.”

“Right, I’ll bring Elan along and head back.” She feels exhausted. Like she could nap for a day.
Maybe in her and Miorine’s room, with just the soft sound of the hydroponics bed and maybe
curled up around Miorine. That would be nice. Miorine had always been open to cuddling with her.
She could use that after everything these past few days. She hopes Miorine could use that as well.
She had said it had been lonely without her. She was going to correct that mistake. She has a lot to
think about as well.

She looks at Elan again through the comm channel. He’s slumped over in his seat.

“Elan?” She asks. “Elan?” She says, louder. No response. Training kicks in. She pulls herself out
of the seat, and with her feet flattens the seat out. She’s going to need a flat surface. Then she grabs
the first aid kit, pulling out a pair of scissors and an extra oxygen tank in case something is wrong
with his own supply.

“Suletta, what are you doing?” Miorine asks, sounding confused. Why shouldn’t she be, she’s
never had to see this before.

“This will sound… odd, but call mom, ask her…” She bites her lip. She couldn’t jinx it. She
couldn’t invoke it at such a stage. She probably should have told Miorine sooner, explained it to
her, but this was only her second duel, she hadn’t expected it to happen this quickly. Plus, perhaps
Elan wasn’t in as bad a shape as she thought. “Tell her that I’m trying to save someone in critical
condition, she'll understand.” There, he could still pull through. “Right now.” She adds.

“Oh…” Miorine looks surprised, but nods. “Okay then.”

Next she makes sure to mute all the outgoing comms.

“Aerial.” Suletta says, weary after the fight and how much high-g maneuvers she had just pulled
off, not to mention whatever had happened with Aerial just before the transition into space. She
needs to keep alert. This is another life and death situation. “Can you… open the Pharact. It’s like
you, somewhat? Maybe you’re compatible.”

Aerial blinks twice, yes. Seconds matter. Seconds of her fumbling around for the emergency access
saved then.

Aerial’s cockpit opens, the air inside it escaping with a soft pop. Suletta pushes off of the top part
of the armour towards the Pharact’s cockpit, which opens as she approaches it. Elan is floating in
his seat, staring straight ahead. She sees him blink. That’s good. That’s consciousness. So, she
scoops him up in her arms and springs off the back of the Pharact’s cockpit chair in one fluid
motion, back into Aerial. She lays Elan on the seat, and Aerial closes once they’re in. Suletta waits
anxiously for seconds until the small pressure light on the display turns green before ripping off
Elan’s helmet, then her own. Elan’s eyes are closed now, and she takes off her gloves with her
teeth, tossing them to the side.

Friends, enemies, betrayers, she would try to save them in this situation.

She shakes Elan’s shoulder hard, leaning close.

“Hey, Elan? Are you okay?” She practically yells in his ear.

No response. Middle and index finger to the side of the neck. Check for a pulse.

He has a pulse. It’s weak, irregular. Check for breathing.

Scissors cut through his pilot suit. Through his uniform. Through the shirt under his uniform. No
movement in the chest.

Flip so her feet are on Aerial’s ceiling, her hands on Elan’s chest. Flex her legs thirty times, thirty
compressions of the chest.

Flip back over.

Palm on Elan’s forehead. Other hand lifts the chin, opening the mouth. Take in the first breath.

Give it to him. Check for chest rising. It is. Second breath in. No second rise of his chest on its

Another breath given. Air is always so valuable on a place like Mercury. Another risen chest.

Flip back over. Thirty more compressions. Not too fast, not too slow. Then down again.

A third breath.

A rattled fourth breath as the chest rises on its own. Elan opens his eyes, and Suletta stares down at

“Ah… annoying… to the end… Trying to… cheat me… of a victory…” He says through more
laboured breaths.

“Victory? What do you mean, why is dying a victory.” Suletta shakes her head. His heart rate was
rising slightly, but not enough. It’s starting to become more erratic. This was a reprieve, she
realizes in sorrow. A third, then.

“If not here… then… Peil would… kill me. Not… useful.” He twitches. Then he reaches up,
grabbing her pilot suit and pulling her down closer, her ear to his mouth. “Prospera…” Elan
whispers “Elnora… is Prospera. Our wager… is concluded…” His head slumps back, and he takes
two more rattled breaths. She takes in the information, nodding. She can’t act on it now, so she
puts it away.

“Is there anything… you’d like to leave behind.” Suletta asks, taking off his pilot suit gloves, then
his regular gloves, so she can hold his hand. A small comfort to a dying boy. No matter what he
had done to her.

“Earrings. Always… liked them.” He mutters, barely audible. “Only thing… I got to choose.” A
single pitiful laugh. “Take them.” Then another gasp.

“Elan?” Suletta asks.

“Farewell, Suletta Mercury.” Elan Ceres breathes his last, and Suletta Mercury inhales so that she
can catch it. She closes her mouth, and pulls back, shutting his eyes. Whatever feelings, whatever
questions, whatever concerns that Suletta Mercury has are pushed back out of her mind. She has a
duty to fulfill for now.

Chapter End Notes y'know, I have some hot takes on

the series, but the OPs slap.

Fighting/action scenes were definitely the weakest here, but I really do like some of
the other bits. I do hope that you enjoy.
Chapter Summary

In which a Mercurian ritual is observered

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

She carries the dead’s body out of Aerial once she is back in the Peil House mobile suit hangar,
and she sees the group from Earth House arguing with the people from Peil House, an argument
that dies down when she steps onto the deck. She sees that Miss Miorine is on the phone, most
likely with Prospera Mercury. Just as she had asked her to. Some of the Peil House students, and all
of the people from Earth House, run to her. Martin Upmont ask her if she’s alright, and she nods.
Chuatury Panlunch asks her why she isn’t talking, and she cannot answer that with a nod or a shake
of the head. She looks over at Miss Miorine, hopeful that she will know what to do. She seems to
be nodding a lot at something with her phone, and their eyes lock, it’s a grim determination on her
face, but Miss Miorine walks towards her. Chuatury Panlunch wonders if she’s overcome by grief
and that’s why she’s acting like she is. But Chuatury Panlunch does not know that she has already
done this twice before. On Mercury, knowledge of this was taken for granted by everyone there.
Once would experience it if they live there long enough, and the rescue pilots teach each other the
ritual. The different portions, phases, of it. Why it is important for a community to have someone
willing to fulfill this role. Then, Miss Miorine walks up to her and bows deeply.

“May I be your voice through this, when you have none?” Miss Miorine asks. When one holds the
breath of the deceased, carries that breath for them until their body has moved on, until such time
as they may release that breath, they still need a voice. The most trusted person in the guide’s life,
someone who can speak for them because they know them better than anyone else in the solar

For her, Miorine was truly the perfect option.

So she keeps one hand on the dead boy in her arms, and she extends her other towards Miorine.
The ritual of two, the deceased and the guide, becomes the ritual of three. The deceased and the
guide and the voice.

“She is not allowed to open her mouth until such time as the body is disposed of properly. It is a
Mercurian custom involving the treatment of the dead, and a sign of the highest respect. Did Elan
Ceres have any notes regarding what customs he may want done. Did he speak with anyone else
about this?” Her voice asks. Those in Peil House look around amongst each other, but there is no
answer until an older woman comes around into the room. She says that her name is Belmeria
Winston, and she was Elan Ceres' caretaker. Then adds that Elan Ceres had no requests for his
death or what customs he is given. Then, quickly, she urges them out of the hangar.

Earth House promises to take care of Aerial until this is over. She nods, thankful for that.

Then her voice leads the way out of the hangar, out of Peil’s dorms. Towards the school’s hospital.
She needs to make sure not to set the dead on anything solid, and despite the ways her muscles are
protesting, she has to be the one to carry the dead. To guide the dead to their next life. So they walk
through the front entrance of the hospital, and her voice walks up to the front desk.

“Yes, LP041 Suletta Mercury, it should be in her file that she is allowed to perform this. Me? I am
LS001 Miorine Rembran. Please look under auxiliary personnel in the ritual. Yes, the voice.” Her
voice tells the secretary there when asked why she’s carrying a dead body.

A doctor comes forward after a few minutes, with a notebook in hand. He tells them both to come
in, reading off the notebook the customs of Mercury. So, her and her voice move deeper into the
hospital, to a colder room with a metal table set on wheels in the middle. A number of smaller
doors lay on one wall. A morgue. She is allowed to place him on the metal table. It is not
permanent, so death will not seep in, will not make bad luck in the future. Mercurians are a
superstitious bunch, where you need every little comfort you can get to make sure that the old
Mobile Craft will continue to work, even though there is tape holding some joints together. She
sets the dead on the metal table, staying in contact with him, and looks at her voice.

Her voice nods, and leaves the room in a quick sprint.

He looks peaceful, a smile frozen permanently on his face, his eyes closed as if he is sleeping. Yet,
he will not awaken again. Now, she needs to wait. Wait for the next part of the ritual.

The doctor comes in after a few minutes, the notebook still in his hand. He asks if she would like a
viewing of him, and she nods. It will take only a few hours for those who knew the dead to pay
their respects.

The doctor says that there will be a mortician who will prepare the body. That is allowed, and she
nods. He says it will take a few more minutes to get there, and he arrives just as her voice returns,
with Belmeria Winston in tow. In her hands her voice carries the dress, another important part of
the ritual. Another element of separation. The dress is not something you would see on Mercury
normally. The guide puts it on and becomes separated from Mercury. Separated from the squabbles
between neighbors.

“Please give us some privacy.” Her voice announces to the room. “It is part of the rites that the
guide must change for the occasion. It should not take five minutes.”

The doctor, mortician, and Belmeria all leave, and her voice holds up the dress, contained in its
plastic sleeve to keep it clean. She notes that her voice had freshly scrubbed her hands, the
knuckles still slightly red. Her voice sets the dress next to her wordlessly.

So, with her voice politely turning her back to her, she changes out of the pilot suit, out of the
uniform underneath it, and the undersuit after that. She is no longer a pilot. She is no longer the
Holder. She is no longer Suletta Mercury. Those are all cast aside. Her hair bands are last, and then
nothing. Only then does she allow herself to break contact with the dead. Then she opens the
plastic protector of the dress, and puts it on. The dress is soft, pure white. Sleeveless with rippling
fabric. It is the antithesis of the practical Mercurian style of clothing. Something reserved for only
these occasions. Once it is on, she touches her voice on the shoulder and her voice turns around.

“You may come back in.” Her voice says in her stead. “Next is the cleaning.” Her voice adds. The
doctor and mortician enter, while Belmeria stays outside. The mortician scans the room, checking
to see if anything is out of place, and then stands next to the table.

She approaches the body as well, and then begins to undress it.

“Only the guide should do this.” Her voice tells the mortician when he reaches to help. The
mortician backs off, to prepare for the actual process of slowing down decay, of ensuring that it
will stay fresh for another day.

The dead’s body is still flexible, and she has no issues taking anything off since it is already cut
through. Even if she has to lift him up to detach the pilot suit. Then, once he is naked and laying
prone on the gurney, she takes a step back.

The mortician is professional, draining and replacing the fluids in silence, scribbling a few notes on
his notebook. She watches without flinching, without looking away, and the mortician seems
impressed. He asks if she has seen this before, corrects himself and asks if she has been in this
position before. She nods. There is no need for any further answer.

She is aware of her voice having slipped out for a moment, talking to someone in the hall.

A minute later Belmeria Winston reappears, holding a bucket filled with water and a sponge as
well as a fresh uniform. She sets the bucket down next to the body, and then hands the sponge to

The mortician steps back, saying that his work is done. That it will keep long enough for a

So, she begins to meticulously clean him, washing him down and drying him. She cleanses him of
whatever death took him, just as her own change of clothes had cleansed her. His body is growing
cold, the warmth of life leaving him. Soon, his muscles will begin to stiffen.

Clothing him is next. She eases his body into the undersuit, the pants, the shirt, the jacket. She puts
his hands in a pair of white gloves, careful to fit each finger into them perfectly. She brushes his
ruffled hair out of his face, and then looks over her handiwork. Aside from the earrings, what he
asked to be left behind, he is just as he was when he was alive. Among the clothes is a book, by a
dead philosopher from hundreds of years ago.

She arranges his hands so that he is resting them both on the book, the book sitting atop his

The doctor leaves, satisfied, while the mortician says that he will return with a casket for the dead.
Then she is left alone with her voice and Belmeria Winston. Belmeria Winston opens her mouth to

“If there is anything you want to discuss with Suletta Mercury, please save it for later.” Her voice
says. Because Suletta Mercury is tucked away for the moment. Belmeria Winston nods, then
leaves again.

The room where the casket is put is quiet, sunny, and floral. She can tell that her voice disapproves
of the fake flowers that have been put up, as she rubs their leaves with a dissatisfied look on her

Her voice’s notebook rings, and she looks down to read it. “They’ve announced it, anyone is free
to view the body for the next four hours.” Four hours, then another half hour, and her duty will be
complete. She needs to remain strong, remain standing during this. She will do so. With her hands
folded in front of her, she begins to stand vigil over the dead.

There are not many that come to see the dead. Shaddiq Zenelli comes, bowing his head and paying
respects to Elan Ceres. Perhaps the only person to genuinely do so. Most of Peil House comes,
though it seems only out of obligation. Some offer small anecdotes about Elan Ceres, small
moments of a genuine humanity. Most do not. Most merely bow their heads to him and leave.
Those in Earth House come, though they are more concerned with her own health than the
deceased. Belmeria Winston comes, and is the only one to shed tears.

The last visitor to come surprises her, almost to the point of making her gasp, because nearly four
hours later Elan Ceres walks through the door to attend his own funeral. Even her voice seems
surprised, and looks between the dead in the casket, and the living who storms towards them. Yet,
as he storms up towards her, not the dead in the casket, but towards her, she sees that there is
something different. His ears are not pierced. He has red rings around his eyes from crying, and
small scratches in his forehead where he dug his nails into.

“Suletta Mercury.” He says, his voice quivering with grief. She will later find out that his name is
Esher Ceres. A brother. “You took something important from me, I am going to take something
important from you.” He declares, taking a slow and shaky breath. Grief manifests in many
different ways, she knows. Some people are sad when a loved one passes. Some reminisce
constantly about the times when they were there, to keep them alive if not in life, but in
conversations. Others are consumed by anger in their grief, and Esher Ceres reaches for her. Yet,
he has an issue with Suletta Mercury, and at this moment she is not Suletta Mercury. So her voice
intervenes, stepping between them and staring at him hard enough to make him take a step back.

“Pay your respects and leave.” Her voice says sharply. Esher Ceres grits his teeth, looking between
her and her voice, and then with a shrug decides to leave without doing so. She wonders if he will
regret it, later in life as he looks back. If he should have looked at the face of the dead one final

After that, the dead is moved from the casket into a simpler box, and then to the morgue once
again, and finally an incinerator. The dead is rolled into it, and the door on it closes. She watches as
the flames rise up in the chamber through a small glass window on the door. The flames eat away
at clothing, at flesh. It is too bright for her to look directly right now, and she steps to the side,
waiting for the light in the chamber to flicker out through the glass. And when they do, though her
voice is hoarse and not hardly a whisper, she releases the breath she had caught.

“Farewell, Elan Ceres.”

Then, her duty fulfilled, Suletta’s legs gave out from under her. She knows Mio is there to catch
her, and will watch over her as she recovers. The most important aspect of the guide, in fact, was
that they recovered, that they followed the dead for as long as they could and then came back.
There was nothing that could be done for the dead, aside from ensuring that they are given a
dignified end. Yet, there is something to be done for the guide as they return to the living.

Chapter End Notes

Yes, I'm an anthropology major. Yes, I put too much thought into the funerary customs
on Mercury, which was inspired by my minor in classics and knowing the role that
Hermes/Mercury fulfilled as someone to guide the dead.

Anyway, we will be getting Suletta's recovery and perhaps some developing feelings
from her, and then... I have my own ideas for the incubation party. But how about that
episode huh, Miorine continues to be the best bride.
Family Matters
Chapter Summary

Suletta recovers from her harrowing ordeal, Nika works on a project, and Guel gets an

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Suletta awakens with the feeling of something soft and cool being pressed against her lips, and she
struggles to open her eyes. A hazy image appears before her, an aetherial silver shape glowing with
a shimmering blue light. Her body feels like it is somewhere soft, and the only noise is quiet
breathing close by and something bubbling in the distance. She feels a soft pressure on her lips
again, something going back and forth across them and leaving something cool behind. So, she
opens her mouth, and takes a deep breath.

“Suletta, are you awake?” She hears a familiar voice say, and Suletta tries to squint, to focus her
vision. She’s in the room she shares with Miorine, on their bed, she thinks. The silver shape
coalesces into Miorine herself, framed by the soft lights of the hydroponics bed. She looks
beautiful, with the lights making her hair shine, wearing her nightgown, and sitting on the bed
practically leaning over Suletta. Her lips are pursed in concern.

“Yes…” Suletta says hoarsely, her throat feeling drier than Mercury itself. She sees Miorine’s
expression fill with relief at the confirmation, and she tries to smile, even though she can feel her
lips crack as she does so.

“Here, take some water.” Miorine reaches for the table, and her hand re-enters Suletta’s view
carrying a water bottle. Then her other hand slips around Suletta’s shoulders, lifting her up into a
seated position. Suletta’s muscles ache and protest at that, and she winces. “Easy there, tell me if it
hurts.” Miorine mumbles, as she puts the bottle of water to Suletta’s lips, tilting it back slowly.
Suletta coughs as the water splashes down her parched throat, past her cracked lips.

“Mmm, what were you… doing?” Suletta runs her tongue over her lips, tasting something bitter.

“Oh, it’s something to help with your lips, they were bleeding earlier.” Miorine explains with a
huff. “You’ve been out for a full day, and you weren’t in good shape before that either,” She
continues, then taps a knuckle against Suletta’s forehead lightly, “You idiot.” There isn’t a hint of
malice in her voice, just relief. Suletta is glad for that, at least.

“Ah…” Suletta closes her eyes again, they’re hard to keep open, burning behind her eyelids. She
really hadn’t been in the best of shape, and that was before the fight. Before she had met Aerial,
and needed to push herself to the limit, and Elan…

Despite the fact that he betrayed her, nearly ruined her relationship with Miorine, it didn't need to
end with his death. Perhaps, she could have done things differently. Yet, she had mourned, she had
honoured him with a Mercurian tradition, and now she could move forward.

“Suletta…” Miorine shakes her shoulders gently, and Suletta tries to shake her head to wake up. It
doesn’t work though, and she starts to drift off again, closing her eyes. She feels Miorine set her
down again before she loses her senses fully.

A dream this time, unlike before which had been dreamless. She is in her white dress, a guide for
the dead. The dead in question is surrounded by flowers, her flowers that she grew in life and now
accompany her in death. Miorine clutches a few flowers in her hand, the same white flowers that
Suletta first saw when Aerial connected with her. Miorine was stunning, beautiful, as she always
was. As she always would be in her mind. Suletta covers her mouth with her hands, trying not to
sob, not to fail in her duty.

“Why couldn’t you save me, Suletta?” Miorine asks her, reaches for her. Miorine will be gone
soon, flames lapping at the flowers, lapping at Miorine now. Suletta throws herself towards her,
trying to grab her, pull her out. Instead she’s pulled in as well, she’s burning up, both of them are
burning and embracing each other, one final time, she would not turn back as she was supposed to,
they share one last fiery kiss and-

“Miorine.” She chokes out, sobbing. Awake, awake again. There is no Miorine in front of her and
her breath hitches. Yet there is also something pressed against her, behind her, and something
wrapped around her waist that applies a bit of pressure.

“Suletta… you’re alright, it’s just a dream.” Miorine reassures from behind her. Suletta trembles,
calling blindly even though it hurts for her to speak.

“Miorine, you’re… you’re here?” She asks. She wants to turn around, and she tries to now. Her
muscles scream less, hurt less, and she needs to see Miorine.

“Wait, Suletta. You’ll pull out the needle.” Miorine is forceful, commanding, and she moves a
hand from her waist to her shoulder, keeping her looking off to the side. Then, Suletta feels fingers
comb through her hair, soothing her, helping her calm down. Still though, a needle? She looks
down at her arms, seeing that there is indeed something sticking out of her right arm, a thin tube
that travels back to a clear bag that is almost empty of its liquid contents, hanging off a metal
stand. An IV tube, of course. She had been out for a day at least, and probably two by now. She
hadn’t had much to drink before then. “I’ll… move over so that I’m in front of you.” Miorine
explains with a much softer voice, and she feels the presence along her back leave, and she
clenches her fists, nervous.

Yet, a moment later, as promised Miorine is there, and then she’s kneeling in front of Suletta,
wiping her tears, holding her cheeks. Suletta sees her dip under the IV tube, careful not to disturb

Suletta hums, lifting her arm carefully. Miorine lays on the bed against her, their faces a few inches
apart. Neither of them complain, though Suletta’s breathing becomes a little bit quicker as her heart
races just a little bit faster, and Miorine uncharacteristically squirms.

“I’ll need to get some sleep as well, but… would you like to talk about it?” Miorine asks, staring at
her. “Your nightmare.” She places a hand on Suletta’s upper arm, slowly moving her hand up and
down to comfort her. Suletta bites her lip, but nods.

“I dreamed… you were dead, and I was… trying to guide you but… it’s hard… it’s always hard to
separate yourself from it.” She places her hand on Miorine’s back, talking slowly and despite how
much it scratches her throat. “Thank you for being there for me, it’s… I know that it’s odd for me
to… care so much… so much about Elan, despite what he did… but it’s… because I’m from
“Yes… Aunty Prospera explained it to me.” Miorine whispers in return. “I understand that it’s
important to you, it’s for your sake as well.” Miorine tells her before she shuts her eyes. Suletta
smiles, as much as her sore body will allow it. She’s safe, Miorine is here. That counts for
something. “I think I’m going to… sleep now. Don’t move.” Miorine’s voice trails off, and before
Suletta can reply, she feels Miorine’s hand go limp against her arm, and Miorine’s breathing
steadies. Suletta closes her own eyes, but sleep does not find her. Unable to move due to the dull
pain in her body, and unwilling to move because it will separate her from Miorine, Suletta can only
think about what to do going forward.

Nika Nanaura sits inside Aerial, her latest project for the mobile suit, or rather the AI inside it,
sitting on her lap, forgotten for now. An orange haro bot, most of its internal components stripped
out to make room for the sheer amount of data storage needed for her project. Aerial had a twenty
meter tall shell to fit her ‘brain’ into. The haro, by contrast, could be held in Nika’s hand. Instead of
working on it, she is looking at her notebook, her auntie Feng on the other end of the line.

She liked Feng Jun, she really did. Even though she knew that her biological family and the family
that raised her didn’t always see eye to eye. Yet, she was Asticassia’s go-between for both of them,
her two timing tolerated because the Beneritt Group posed a bigger threat than either the Space
Assembly League or the Dawn of Fold posed to each other. The latter were far away on Earth, and
she was only supposed to speak to them when something major happened. Like, perhaps, if a
Gundam suddenly showed up at the school. She remembers that Sophie had been on call at the
time, and had seemed downright excited to hear about another witch.

She would rather they not meet, knowing how Sophie got, and how Suletta was like.

“Thanks for the help.” Nika brings her thoughts back to the conversation at hand, and she smiles at
her auntie, who grins back. “You and Uncle were both invaluable, did you see the duel?”

“Yes, it worked better than we thought it would.” Feng Jun replies. “I didn’t expect it to be able to
pull off stunts like that.”

“Well, I did modify it.” Nika adds with some pride. Sure the base model had been top of the line,
but with her modifications to the design, a connection to Aerial so that she could control it more
directly, and some extra bits and pieces to hide the distinctive profile, it worked like a charm.

Plus, Aerial was familiar to her, tossing in a new system was hardly anything too difficult for her.
A Lfrith frame was a Lfrith frame. She thinks of the mobile suits she had worked on growing up,
how many modifications she had made to them to satisfy her little sisters and to keep them safe.
“No one knows either, they all think that it’s just scraps we bought.” Well, Aerial knew, but she
had also approved of the idea in the first place, so that was fine.

“Good to hear. No one suspects a thing on our end either.” Her auntie says. “Though do give it a
while until you ask another favour like that.” She adds, her smile dropping for a moment. Of
course, this was business they were talking of, and it was a business that needed to be discreet.

“Yes, we shouldn’t need anything for a while anyway.” Nika stretches, yawning. “Well then, it is
getting late. It was great talking to you. Good night auntie.”

“Good night, little Nika.” Her auntie blows her a kiss, and then the call ends. Nika groans as Aerial
lifts her seat, helping Nika sit upright and pull herself to her feet. Nika sets the haro bot in the seat
as Aerial’s cockpit armour opens.

The lights in the building were dimmed, so she must have lost track of time. She glances at her
notebook, 21:43 reads the clock, and she stretches. Yes, she had definitely lost track of time.

“I’ll check on Suletta later.” Nika pats the mobile suit’s console as she hops out onto the supports.
She scrambles down them, and listens to Earth House, nearly silent so late at night. Nearly because
Chuchu is still awake nearby, wearing her pajamas and talking with someone on her notebook.
Nika slides down the ladder and makes her way towards Chuchu, plopping down behind her and
putting her head on Chuchu’s shoulder. Her arms wrap around Chuchu and her pilot makes a
squeaking noise.

“Hey Nika!” Holden says, and Nika sees all six of Chuchu’s fathers crowding around on the other
side of the call. Nika gives a wave as Chuchu squirms in her arms. “Really Chuchu, don’t be so
embarrassed about it.” Amos adds. The six fathers laugh amongst themselves.

“I’m not embarrassed.” Chuchu huffs, and Nika smirks. She plants a small kiss on Chuchu’s cheek,
and she can feel Chuchu blush from her suddenly warm cheeks.

“So, you treating her well, Nika?” Holden asks once the laughing has subsided.

“I am, don’t worry. She’s in good hands here, and she’s been loving piloting.” Nika reassures them

“Good, that’s our girl, going to beat up some Spacians.” Another of the fathers, Ashford, adds as he
punches a fist into the air. “And how has everyone else in Earth House been?” Ashford pushes
himself front and center of the group.

“Oh, fine, and we’ve actually got some new members.” Chuchu scoffs. “You’ll never guess who.”

“Ohh, this is going to be good.” Amos rubs his hands together as Fred and Ashford struggle for the
front position. “Who is it?”

“The most unbelievable thing is that Chuchu actually likes them both, despite them not being from
Earth.” Nika teases, poking Chuchu’s cheek. Chuchu grins and shakes her head. The six fathers
mutter scandalously amongst themselves.

“Yeah. One’s some Mercurian rescue pilot who’s got a suit that Nika is in love with, making me
jealous.” Chuchu pokes back at Nika, and Nika giggles. “And the other is Delling Rembran’s
daughter.” She adds, dropping the bombshell.

“No, really?” Amos speaks up as the six fathers look at each other, shock and amusement on their
faces. “You get along?”

“She hates the man, and her mom was from Earth. She was treated like one of us at least. She’s
actually quite nice once you get past her defenses.” Nika explains. “Plus, she and Chuchu like to
argue, they get along.” She confirms.

“Hah, well I’ll be.” Fred says, finally managing to get Ashford out of the way. “And both of them
got invited in? They pulling their load?”

“Yep. Miorine's sharing her garden, helping take care of the animals. Suletta's been helping do
maintenance, or else the odd job. Plus, her piloting has got us some money from betting. Both of
them are doing a lot to help us out. Plus, if the daughter of the head Spacian turd is on our side,
then it helps out Earth when they take over.” Chuchu explains with genuine admiration in her
voice. She lets out a sigh and Nika smiles, glad that Chuchu would give them such praise even
while they were away recovering. “How are things down there, anyway?” Chuchu asks. Nika leans
in as well. Any news of home would interest her.
“They’re… hard. Things are getting nasty, you may have seen the news about the protests, but they
don’t cover the important bits. There’s some Spacian mercenaries in Mobile Suits patrolling the
streets, for curfew enforcement apparently. Dawn’s been around as well, from what I’ve heard,
recruiting. Bosses have us working double shifts too, fatigue is starting to set in for a few of the
folks. But don’t worry about us, you’ve got schooling to do.” Holden explains, then shakes his
head. “We’ll pull through fine.” He adds with a smile.

“Of course.” Chuchu smiles back. Nika can tell, however, that Chuchu is still worried. Still
concerned because despite her family's reassurances, there was still trouble brewing. Trouble that
would inevitably reach her family and all of Earth.

Then, the group has their goodbyes, and once the notebook is off Chuchu leans back into Nika,
humming. She can be so needy, Nika thinks. And she wasn’t afraid to tell Nika exactly what she
needed. Now that they’re alone, the pilot allows herself to be more affectionate, and Nika
reciprocates, moving Chuchu around so that they’re facing each other and getting a few kisses in.
Her pilot puts her arms around Nika's shoulders, keeping the two of them intertwined. Kissing
Chuchu always tastes like the lollipops that she sucks on, and Nika allows herself to forget about
the two families she was indebted to, one on Earth and the other on Ganymede, for a few hours.

“Good work Guel.” Petra says, watching Guel as he cautiously connects a small thruster pack onto
the Demi-Trainer’s lower arm. Guel wipes some sweat from his brow as the other mechanic offers
him a bottle of water. Felsi sits on the Demi-Trainer’s shoulder, going through her notebook and
the schematics Nika had sent them.

Guel sighs, taking the water before handing the bottle back to Petra. He was starting to accept this
new normal; being a mechanic, camping out with just Felsi and Petra to chat with, aside from the
odd straggler such as Suletta or Nika coming through. It was nice, refreshing even.

He could be free of his father, and learn to live for his own sake. Lauda could succeed him, or the
company could pass to a non Jeturk, he didn’t care. He settles back into position to attach another
bolt to the thruster when he spots someone entering the hangar the Demi Trainer is being stored in.

He recognizes Lauda in an instant, and can see the way that he’s tugging on his hair. There was
something on his mind. Which likely meant that something had happened with father. He had been
getting calls from him occasionally, not that Guel ever picked up.

“Lauda!” Guel calls, lifting his hand in greeting. His brother doesn’t return the gesture, though
Guel can see him give a small nod as he stands near the feet of the Demi Trainer.

“Guel.” Lauda calls back to him. “We have to talk.” His voice sounds more annoyed than anything,
as if he doesn't want to be the one who has to be delivering this news.

“What is it?” Guel asks, not moving from his position on the arm.

“Father is asking you to withdraw from school.” Lauda tells him bluntly, and Guel hisses.

“He can tell me himself, so I can say no to his face.” Guel waves his wrench around dismissively.

“You aren’t answering him.” Lauda replies.

“I know. I don’t want to speak with him.” Guel states.

“Which is why he asked me to deliver the message.” Lauda holds up his notebook. “Withdraw
from school, I have a good position at one of the subsidiaries lined up for you.” He reads off it, his
voice a slight imitation of their fathers.

“The hell!” Guel puts down his tools, hopping down and walking over to his half brother. “What
kind of game is he playing at, Lauda?”

“None, as far as I am aware.” Lauda plays with his hair, a nervous tell that his brother is all too
aware of. There was something going on, something that he wasn’t privy to, but his brother knew

“Really, you don’t trust me anymore?” Guel asks suddenly.

“Father doesn’t trust you.” Lauda clarifies. “I still have some trust in you, however. So here is my
advice. You should take the position, you will still be out of father’s direct reach as you want, and
it will be better than playing with tools here like a lowly mechanic.”

“Oi, Lauda, say that to my face!” Petra yells from higher up on the Demi Trainer. Lauda looks up,

“It is hardly work suited for one of the best mobile suit pilots of this generation.” Lauda explains,
then turns back to Guel, a hint of anger in his voice. “You should be flying with Dominicos, not
fooling around with a Demi Trainer.”

“No. I’m done piloting after the Darilbalde. I’m an ass, yeah, but I’m not going to kill someone in
cold blood like that.” Guel clenches his fists, looking away. “I’d rather not step in a cockpit again,
if I had my way.” He had gotten close to killing Suletta Mercury, had though he had killed her for a
few moments. That was a close enough brush with taking someone’s life to haunt him for the rest
of his life. He was still having unpleasant dreams about it.

Not that he would tell anyone.

“I see, I will tell father that, then.” Lauda bows his head ever so slightly, then turns to go.

“So you’ve fallen back into his lap?” Guel asks before Lauda can take a step. Lauda sighs, tugging
on the lock of hair again.

“Yes, I have.” Lauda declares. “Things don’t have to be like this, Guel.” His voice softens, as if
this is one final plea to his brother.

“No, they don’t. You can blame dad for this.” Guel tells him, then sighs and shakes his head. “I’m
happy here, though. It’s damn liberating. You should try it some time.”

“Perhaps.” Lauda says, though Guel knows that he has no intention of going through with that.
Then, with that his brother leaves in a huff, and Guel looks back up at Petra. The large hangar falls
into silence as the door is shut again by Lauda, leaving the self-exiled former Jeturk students

“What’s next?” He asks, letting out a long breath. There was still a lot to be done.

Suletta is still laying on her side, staring at Miorine’s peaceful and beautiful face. In their current,
intimate position, their faces just a few inches apart, Suletta’s thoughts become clearer. A single
word bouncing around her head louder and louder. Love.

Yes, she does love Miorine. She could spend the rest of her days by Miorine’s side, if Miorine
wanted her. But she had still promised to get Miorine to Earth, and Miorine still wanted to go to
Earth, and it would be presumptuous to assume that she, Suletta Mercury, could hold a candle to

She’ll tell Miorine how she feels, though she needs to compete with a planet. She’ll tell Miorine
one day, after she talks to her mom about why she changed her name, but before Miorine needs to
escape. For now though, she has to admit something that is selfish of her. That she, Suletta
Mercury, is in love with Miorine Rembran, and very much enjoyed the fact that she was lying next
to Miorine, that she could feel her breath on her face and the heat of her body. Was it too much to
ask to never have to leave this blissful position.

Yet, she had to eventually, she needed to move forward.

“Mio.” She says softly. It had been a few hours since Miorine had fallen asleep, and by now
Miorine was starting to stir. Miorine yawns and opens her eyes and gives her a small nod. “I need
your help, I need you.” Suletta grips Miorine a bit tighter. “I need to talk with mom about
something, something that she’s been lying to me about. And I… need to tell you something that
I’ve been keeping secret from you. I don’t want any more secrets between us.” Suletta shakes her
head. She feels like she’s babbling.

“Mmm, what are you talking about?” Miorine asks, still not fully awake yet.

“I’ll explain… but it has to be in Aerial.” Suletta bites her lip. It was the only place where she
could explain that she had a little sister. Plus, Nika had texted her earlier, telling her that she’s done
something special for Aerial and that Suletta should come down to see for herself.

“Let’s go. If you’re able to stand.” Miorine agrees.

“I may be going a bit slow, but I’ll be fine.” Suletta smiles reassuringly. Even if she was, in reality,
not fine.

The trip through the school takes them some time, Suletta walking slower than Miorine had ever
seen her before. So once they are on the greens she offers an arm to keep Suletta upright. Suletta
accepts it with a smile and wraps her arm around Miorine’s tightly. It isn’t fair, Miorine thinks, that
Suletta needs to go through this. She always burdened herself with so much, even as children she
had insisted on helping out at every opportunity, even when mom had told them that she would
handle things.

Maybe Suletta had seen that Notrette was struggling as well, that was what she always thought.
That had been the cause of a small nagging feeling in her mind, that Suletta could tell what her
mother was going through, while she could not. Now, however, it also seemed more so to be just
who Suletta was, always helping someone. Whether it be her, or someone from Earth House, or
even people who only wanted to take advantage of Suletta. She offered to help them all. Miorine
still could not comprehend her mourning Elan as she did, nor offering him a chance at amends
before that. Yet, it was just in her nature to help.

Her musings were interrupted by the fact that they had finally arrived at the destination, the off
coloured dorm building of Earth House. Picking up the pace slightly, Suletta leads Miorine inside.

“Hey, look who’s alive!” Ojelo grins as Suletta and Miorine enter Earth House. He springs up from
his seat and hollers further into the building, “Hey, everyone, Suletta and Miorine are here!”

Then, inexplicably, he runs up and gives Suletta a hug.

“Eh‽” Suletta yelps, and Miorind suddenly feels a pang of jealousy. She should be the one hugging
Suletta, she thinks. Even though she isn’t one for such public displays of affection.

“I’m just so glad to see you alive.” Ojelo says. Miorine thinks for a moment, then clicks her
tongue. She prided herself on having the various members of Earth House figured out so well.

“He’s also happy that he won a lot of money by betting on you.” Miorine guesses.

“Aha,” Ojelo breaks the hug and raises his hands. “Guilty as charged.”

“Oh, I see.” Suletta’s smile deflates slightly, and Miorine moves forward to wrap her arm around
one of Suletta’s in a somewhat defensive, somewhat comforting gesture.

“But I mean, I’m still glad to see you alive more than that.” Ojelo backpedals, giving Suletta a light
punch on the shoulder.

“Yeah, everyone was worried about you.” Martin adds as he cruises over, followed by Aliya and
Lilique. Miorine has to let go again as Suletta is swarmed with hugs and congratulations as more
and more members of Earth House pour in. Still, she can see that Suletta is starting to get
overwhelmed by the attention on her. Everyone wanted to know how she was, saying that they had
missed her or were worried about her. She thinks that she sees Suletta’s eyes shimmering with
tears, and she opens her mouth to scold them for asking so many questions while Suletta is still

“Hey! Everyone, give my junior some space!” Chuchu shouts before Miorine can get a word out,
descending from where she is doing maintenance on her own Demi-Trainer. The rest of Earth
House backs off, and Miorine sees Suletta tremble slightly before smiling.

“Thank you, I’m alright everyone.” Suletta mumbles. She glances back at Miorine, and suddenly
scoots over to her side. “Where’s Nika anyway? She wanted to show me something.”

“Last I saw, she was still in Aerial.” Nuno points a thumb at the mobile suit. Miorine frowns and
tries to piece together what was going on. Suletta had something important to tell her, but it had to
be in Aerial. Nika was, for some reason, in Aerial. The two had been conspiring about something
with Aerial since her and Suletta had been accepted into Earth House, in fact. Yet, Suletta wouldn’t
be so serious if it was just another upgrade. So then, what?

As if on cue, the cockpit armour opens and suddenly an orange haro floats out, Nika following
behind it trying to make a grab for it as it zips off the scaffolding and descends through the air.

“Alright, fine, we’ll head up to see her. You’re really impatient, you know!” Nika is yelling with a
tone meant to scold a child at the haro, then seems to note everyone staring at her.

The haro, meanwhile, is making a beeline towards the group, green eyes glowing brightly as it
zeroes in on Suletta.

“Sulettaaaaa, give your little sister a hug this instant,” The haro cries out. Miorine watches Suletta
gasp, then her eyes light up as she reaches towards the haro. A moment later, she’s hugging it,
spinning it around and bursting into tears.


Chapter End Notes

I make my triumphant return! Anyway, expect a bit more frequent updates from now
on until season 2 drops, this chapter is a bit more of a set up to what will be happening
later on, though I am quite excited for the Incubation Party chapters. I also went back
and edited in Miomom's canonical name, rip Fiore you were a better name.
Who Does One Dance With...
Chapter Summary

Suletta and Miorine head to the Beneritt's annual Incubation Party in order to ask
Prospera Mercury about her past as Elnora Samaya. If only it was so easy...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It had been an hour, and Suletta was still holding on to Aerial, grinning from ear to ear. She could
finally talk to her sister, properly talk to her. Certainly, she could understand Aerial before, a vague
sense of what she wanted, and then Aerial had brought her down to her level during the fight with
Elan, but now? She didn’t even have to climb into Aerial’s cockpit, she could take her around
school. She could show Aerial everything that she had talked about, with Aerial’s own two eyes.
Even with her elation at that, she did have to sit down, still far too exhausted to stay standing any
longer than she needed to. So, she had quickly retired to a beanbag chair where she now sat.

“There’s so many things on my list that we need to do together now.” Suletta tells Aerial, for the
third time in the past hour, still awestruck at the Haro that rested in her lap.

“Oh, you can take me around when you go study at the library.” Aerial coos back at her, just as
excited as she had been when first seeing Suletta in her Haro form.

“Of course, and then we can go to the roof and watch the sunset together, along with Miorine and
everyone else in Earth House.” Suletta agrees. She glances now at Miorine, who is sitting in a
chair near the two of them, a bemused expression on her face.

“Yes, I think we can do that, once we return from the Incubation Party and talk to your mother, that
is.” She had already pulled out her notebook, staring at the invitation that had been sent to her. Of
course, as Delling Rembran’s daughter, she was automatically invited, her conduct from the last
time she had attended swept under the rug.

“Incubation party? Like an egg incubator?” Suletta points over at the small box sitting in front of
the chicken enclosure. Aerial whirs and hums, and Miorine thinks that it’s the AI’s equivalent of a

“No, no. Check your emails.” Miorine tells her, and Suletta fishes out her own notebook, going
into her emails and scrolling through them. There is, indeed, an invitation for something called an
Incubation Party among the junk and few well wishes from students. “It is a corporate party where
you are allowed to pitch any idea you have to a room full of investors. Though it is quite dull, and
no one ever succeeds,” Miorine explains, and Suletta tilts her head. Miorine clicks her tongue, then
looks down at her notebook. “As the Holder, you’ll also be expected to give a speech halfway
through the night,” then, quieter, putting her finger on her chin, “with me at your side,” she adds.
That hadn’t been in place the last time that she had attended, because that was before she had
started attending Asticassia, before Guel became the Holder. And she had been making an escape
attempt during last year’s party, so she was thankfully unavailable. Now though, there was no
backing out of it.

“You are speaking from personal experience, isn’t that right Miomio?” Aerial asks, the Haro’s face
turning to face her. “About it being boring, that is.”

“Yes, I am.” Miorine tsks, again with that dumb nickname from her childhood. Everyone she knew
seemed to have came to the same conclusion. “And just Mio is fine, Aerial.”

“Why do you want to talk to mom anyway?” Aerial asks, taking flight with the wing flaps and
floating around Suletta and Miorine’s heads. Suletta tracks her sister, smiling, while Miorine bites
her lip. How much did Aerial know? The thought suddenly comes to her.

“Well… actually you may be able to help, but did you know that mom used to be named Elnora
Samaya?” Suletta asks Aerial, searching into the Haro’s eyes as if they would be able to tell her
anything about Aerial’s emotional state. “And… she was part of the Vanadis Institute… so when
they were attacked… she was there, and well, if she needs help with something, I want to help

“Oh, hmm… I don’t know anything about that.” Aerial replies with a sad electronic hum. The Haro
ball drops back in Suletta’s lap, and Suletta puts her arms around her again. “She’s always been
mom though, and you’ve always been my sister. But, if she was involved with something like the
Vanadis Incident, I can understand why she wouldn’t want you to know, and then be connected
with that. Also, given what I am, I might get you both into more trouble,” she adds with a light

“But she also made sure that you two got to this school, and if she was trying to keep you two safe,
then why send you to here?” Miorine states, shaking her head. “Aerial was seized after the first
duel, and your mom had to have known that you would have dueled someone eventually,
especially since it wasn’t exactly a secret that I would marry the best duelist in school.” Miorine
crosses her arms, drumming her right fingers on her left elbow. Suletta would have wanted to help
her out; anyone who knew Suletta knew about the girl's nature.

“I’m sure she had… a good reason.” Suletta tents her fingers, fidgeting with them as she stares
down at them. If her mom was involved with this, no, she knew that her mom was involved with
this, she needed to trust her mom had her best interest at heart. She wouldn’t use her, no matter
what, that wasn’t how mothers were supposed to act. “And… and well, I wanted to go, hoping to
see you again, so there’s that,” Suletta adds.

“Yeah, exactly sis,” Aerial hums in agreement. “Mio, it wasn’t just mom’s choice to go, Suletta
and I decided to as well.”

“Still, I think that we should talk to her, Suletta, and get things cleared up. At the very least, she
should know that her old identity isn’t a complete secret anymore,” Miorine states, staring at her
groom. Suletta gives a rather subdued nod, still trying to resolve the dilemma of her mother’s
actions in her head while reading the invitation to the Incubation Party.

“Oh! It says that we can bring another person!” she exclaims, looking up with a more cheerful
expression twinkling in her eyes. “And well… you have a ticket as well, right Miorine?”

“I do,” Miorine says. They both glance over at the other members of Earth House, keeping some
distance at Nika’s prompting but still glancing at them all occasionally. No doubt all of them
curious as to what Nika did with the Haro and just what Aerial was. To Miorine though, it’s quite
obvious who they should bring. “And given how much help everyone’s been, we should pay them

“Please, take whichever one you want, Miss Nika.” Miorine spreads her arms to indicate the small
container she uses to store the various dresses gifted to her throughout the years. The crate sits in
one of the school’s many storage hangars, most of the space used for extra supplies and spare
mobile suit parts, though she was allocated some space. Most of the dresses, the vast majority of
them in fact, had never been worn. They were still in the plastic that they were transported in.
Being the daughter of the President of the largest conglomeration of capital in the history of the
solar system meant that such ‘gifts’ were inevitable. Not that she had any reason to wear any of
them, with it showing some favour to one branch or another, something she wasn’t keen on doing.

“Nika is fine, Miss Miorine,” Nika says, giving a slight bow and stepping forward into the

“As is Miorine,” Miorine retorts. Nika smiles mischievously, covering her mouth with her hand.

“Not Miomio though,” Nika suggests, her tone teasing.

“Oh, not you too.” Miorine lets out a dramatic sigh and shakes her head. “Who did you hear that

“Aerial, she blurted it out when talking about how excited she was to meet you. Told me that
Suletta gave you that nickname,” Nika explains, walking further into the container, her eyes
scanning the rows of dresses.

“Yes, she did when we knew each other as children, but I’ve long outgrown it, even though no one
else seems ready to part with it,” Miorine dismisses with a wave of her hand. “Now then, the

“Right.” Nika gives a curt nod, though still smiles slightly and looks around the rows of dresses.
She begins to walk among them, eventually setting her eyes on a black dress that seemed to sparkle
with starlight. “These types of dresses were… well it was more that I never got the chance to wear
something like this,” Nika seems lost in thought, peeling back the plastic protector and rubbing the
dress’s fabric between her fingers. It was soft, rich, and pristine. Something that was nearly
impossible to keep where she grew up. Yet, Miorine could let her, and everyone else in Earth
House should the need arise, take them. How different, their two lives were. Miorine would
consider her a friend though, something that she was grateful for, and despite her own reservations,
she was more than willing to reciprocate. Perhaps, even, Miorine could be someone who shared
her dream of creating a bridge between Earth and Space.

Nika closes her eyes, imagining the small amount of clothes that she left when she ascended to
Asticassia, how they would be redistributed to the children or scrapped into rags for the mechanics.
She had left what few things she had left of sentimental value for Sophie to give to the kids, the
little scrap dolls that she had crafted over the years, the trinkets of pre-Ad Stella life she had
uncovered. “It had to be cheaper, and more practical. So one of the few things I owned were a pair
of suspenders with enough pockets to act as a toolbelt, and I wore them enough that no amount of
patches could save them.” They had eventually fallen apart, stained with oil and hydraulic fluid,
when she had finished up Thorn. That had been her ticket to Asticassia.

“I never did ask, where did you grow up, Nika?” Miorine asks, tilting her head to the side. Nika
bites her lip, deciding whether to answer at all, and if to do so truthfully.

“Japan. In an orphanage, there were too many just like it after the Drone Wars. I learned to build
and fix things from a young age, and helped build some… toys for two of my sisters.” Half truths.
She hasn’t lied to her friend, she can tell herself that to ease her conscience, so half truths it is, and
a fair amount of omissions.

“Toys?” Miorine frowns, feeling as though the pause before the word meant it was a replacement
for something, too well coached in the ways that people would talk around her mother’s death.

“Scrap suits, from some of the decommissioned mobile suits that find their way to Earth, mostly as
labour units, the orphanage has a farm and we were lucky enough to pick up a few old Desulters,
Jeturk suits. I got a lot of ideas for Chuchu’s Demi-Trainer from them,” Nika explains, then grabs
the dress she had been eyeing off the rack. She holds it out in front of her, looking at Miorine

“Quite impressive, you must have been working on mobile suits most of your life then. I can see
how you’ve become such a great mechanic,” Miorine says, then gives a nod of approval towards
the dress. “What happened to your sisters?”

“I was the only one my family could afford to send up here,” Nika tells her, which was true, from a
certain point of view. Though the problem was not monetary, but more to do with expendability.
She wasn’t a pilot like Sophie and Norea. If the authorities caught her, then she was just a
mechanic. Replaceable. “Like Chuchu, and Aliya, their whole community had to band together to
get them here. All of us Earthians are here because of a lot of people on Earth working together, in
fact.” She quickly folds the dress up, crossing her arms in front of her and draping the dress over

“Yes, even Suletta has the expectations of the people of Mercury on her shoulders.” Miorine closes
her eyes. “It’s a burden to have other people relying on you like that,” she adds sadly.

“I wouldn’t say that it’s a burden, Miorine.” Nika shakes her head. “At least, for most of us.” She
adds quietly. It was a burden for her, but in a different way than what Miorine was expecting it to
be. “Aliya takes pride in raising the animals from her village, to show that it can be done, and to
help all of us as well. It’s hard to get fresh food up here, so every little bit helps.”

“And what you do sell, you put back into Earth House or your homes,” Miorine concludes, then
lets out a sigh and picks out a blue dress with a matching stole. She can’t remember where this one
came from, which was good enough for her. “I’ve always considered the responsibilities that were
put on me as burdens.” She pokes around the dress for a delivery tag, frowns as she finds the serial
number is not from the Beneritt Group, and realises who it came from with a small smile. Yes, that
would do.

“Well, that’s the difference I think,” Nika muses, “You never chose to take on those
responsibilities, so they are burdens for you. But someone like Suletta chose to take on those
responsibilities, so they aren’t burdens for her,” she explains, then starts to head out of the
container of dresses. Miorine follows behind her swiftly, checking her notebook. A message from
Suletta, saying that she and Martin had already picked out their clothes.

“Even so, having people take on my responsibilities…”

“When someone does that, they show that they care about you,” Nika states, then offers a hand to
Miorine to help her out of the container.

“Thank you, I’ll… consider that,” Miorine says with a small frown as she takes the offered hand
and steps out back into the school’s storage yard. It was something she had to consider, something
that made the people of Earth House, and even Suletta, almost alien to her. Something that went
against everything she had tried to do these past five years. To escape, to ensure that she owed
nothing to no one. Could she really do that?

Miorine makes sure to walk into the main hall of the Beneritt Group’s Headquarters arm in arm
with Suletta, making it known that she was, at the very least, content to be here with her. Suletta
wears a suit, quite unlike any other clothes she owned except for the Dress, well tailored to her
frame. A dark gray bordering on black with a hint of silver on the inside, the iron cufflinks shaped
into the ancient symbol of Mercury. Still, Miorine can feel Suletta fidget as they descend the stairs
to the hall’s main floor, squeeze her arm just a bit tighter as they pass various CEOs and board
members who stop to watch them descend.

Was it because of who she was, the daughter of President Delling finally returning to the Party
scene with a mysterious new groom on her arm? Or was it just because they looked that stunning?

Miorine cannot tell if Suletta is pulling her closer in order to steady her, ensure that she doesn’t trip
as she descends the stairs in heels, or in order to remind herself that Miorine is there. Still, she is
glad for it; she can feel her own nerves calm with Suletta’s presence. It’s better not to have them at
all than it is to try to bury them at least. The others, however, seem to grow more nervous as they
get closer to the busy floor of the main hall. She can say with utmost confidence that she is the only
one of the four who has been to such a formal occasion. Jitters are natural, she tells herself. She
shouldn’t fault Suletta for that.

Nor can she really fault her for the way that Suletta slouches, low enough that she’s only half a
head taller than the usual full head she has on Miorine. She’ll allow Suletta to keep that posture for
now; Suletta has been through so much recently that she won’t complain about that. At least, she
can wait until they’re on stage before telling Suletta to make a good impression for herself.

On Suletta’s side, walking a step behind her, was Nika in the dress that she had selected from
Miorine’s collection, hurriedly adjusted to fit her. Miorine notes Nika’s hand drumming against her
leg, no doubt searching her for her ever present tool belt. Then behind Miorine herself, Martin was
close to Suletta in terms of nervousness in a somewhat ill-fit suit that he was tugging at the hem

“Wow…” Nika stares, wide eyed, at the mobile suits on display around the hall. The newest
iterations of old designs, customized, one of a kind suits, she could spend the night simply
examining each and every one of them. A particularly dazzling Demi Trainer catches her eyes and
she steps away from the group for a moment before realizing that she was starting to drift off and
hurriedly stumbling back into step with the rest.

Nika catches Miorine’s eyes, and Miorine gives a small shrug.

“Don’t worry about running off, try to enjoy yourselves here.” Miorine stops and turns around.
Though her expression is neutral, she can already feel her annoyance growing. Simply stepping into
this world again was enough to set it off, though if the others got something out of it, then fine. She
was willing to put up with her own frustration for that. “The only official duties tonight fall to
myself and Suletta, though if you do spot Lady Prospera, go and tell her that we’re looking for her.
She should be quite obvious, wearing a helmet among this crowd.”

“Right, we’ll look around for her then.” Martin nods. “Also, everyone, we are representing Earth
House, so… don’t, well… make a mess.” He shrugs a bit helplessly. He was content with leading
Earth House, and usually Earth House, or Earthians in general, weren’t invited to these types of
“There’s a reason why I didn’t want Chuchu to come.” Miorine comments. She would have invited
her along; indeed if she hadn’t come for an actual important purpose she wouldn’t have hesitated to
do so. It wouldn’t be the first time she had worked to disrupt this same party. Though last time, she
hadn’t been the only one doing it.

“Yes, that would be quite disastrous,” Nika agrees, putting her hand to her mouth. “In any case, I
think… I’ll stay around here for a bit longer.” Nika looks between the various mobile suits. She
honestly could spend the entire night admiring them.

“Remember where our table is, you can check your notebook.” Miorine gives her a wave and Nika
parts from the group, going back to the group.

“Will she be alright?” Martin asks as the three of them head deeper into the station, walking
through the open doors of the main concourse into the hallways surrounding the actual hall where
the party would take place.

“Of course. I trust Nika will know how to handle herself. I doubt that anyone could try something
here,” Miorine replies, looking back at the concourse. Certainly, she hoped that Nika could take
care of herself at least.

Nika walks around the Demi-Trainer slowly. She recognizes the music group had sponsored its
modification, their name plastered front and centre on the back of the Demi-Trainer’s skirt and the
shield. The Demi Trainer’s chassis had been painted a brilliant shade of purple, and most of the
armour had been stripped away and instead replaced with neon lights that flickered in sync with the
band’s song that was playing from the booth. It was certainly a statement piece, and Nika nods
approvingly. Nothing about it would be suitable for a battlefield, or even the school’s training
grounds, but here, in the most opulent place that Nika had ever seen, it fits in naturally.

There’s a small booth near the Demi Trainer’s feet, promising to sell the band’s merchandise and
music, and Nika starts to walk towards it. Perhaps, then, she can pick up something for Earth
House. She knew that the band was popular among Earth House, and she did come with some
money to pay for something if she needed to. While she is still secluded from the rest of the hall,
standing under the back side of the Demi-Trainer though, she sees someone step in front of her.

She recognizes Sabina Fardin by the cloak that still covers one of her shoulders. Rather than her
usual school uniform she wears a long flowing dress, purple to match her hair. Sabina towers over
Nika like a marble sculpture of a particularly war inclined goddess, an imposing aura around her.
Nika offers her a smile, one that is not returned, though Sabina lets out a breath and looks at the

“They’re a group from Earth, actually.” Sabina states suddenly, her gaze snapping to Nika. Nika
fidgets, trying to figure out what Sabina was trying to say with that statement, so out of the blue.

“Yes, I know,” Nika replies evenly, looking for a way to slip past the other woman. “Are you a fan
of them?”

“I’ve heard them before. Not many from Earth have been as successful as they were these past few
years,” Sabina replies, her eyes still piercing Nika, and Nika takes a hesitant step back, coughing
politely. She had never been approached by the other girl before, who she only knew as Grassley
House’s second. Perhaps that was it. She was Earth House’s somewhat official second, the one that
people would go to if Martin wasn’t available. So it was likely that Sabina was merely sizing her
up because they were a threat, telling her that she knows that she came from Earth. As if that
wasn’t obvious. However, perhaps she was projecting her own thoughts onto Sabina, but she could
hear just a hint of pride in Sabina’s voice when it came to talking about the band.

“It does make me happy though,” Nika muses, and Sabina raises an eyebrow in question. “After
all, a group from Earth is enjoyed by both Earthians and Spacians enough to be able to sponsor
something like this.”

“I suppose so. Though how much can a love of music bridge the gap between Earthians and
Spacians?” Sabina asks, though Nika feels as though the question is directed at the both of them.

“It’s still something,” Nika concludes. “That’s what counts.”

“Perhaps it is, Miss Nanaura. Now, I think-” Sabina’s mouth snaps shut, and her eyes shift off of
Nika, instead looking at something behind Nika, or rather someone that she can feel the presence

She turns around, finding herself faced with the chest of Shaddiq Zenelli. Shaddiq looks down,
smirking, and Nika backs up. She only succeeds at running into Sabina, who had walked forward
swiftly to cut off her escape. Sabina puts a hand on her shoulder to further discourage her from
running. Sabina does not need to dig her nails into the shoulder of Nika’s dress, but even the gentle
touch is unmoving enough to tell Nika that she has no hope of getting out of her grasp.

“Miss Nanaura, what a surprise. Excellent work in the Mercurian Miss’s latest duel. I have no
doubt that at least some of the tricks that the Aerial pulled off were your doing,” Shaddiq
compliments her, raising a small glass of champagne in toast.

“Thank you. I put some of my best work into the improvements for her, though umm… that is
proprietary information.” Nika nods, glancing up at Sabina, who has a neutral, if slightly annoyed
expression on her face.

“Let’s not waste time, Shaddiq,” Sabina tells him. Nika can’t help but silently agree. Whatever it
was that Shaddiq wanted, she would prefer that he spit it out so she can get out of here.

“Of course.” Shaddiq nods, then lets out a dramatic sigh and shakes his head. “It seems that my
house has misplaced a thruster pack, Miss Nanaura. The ship it came on belongs to a relative of
yours, and despite your efforts to hide it, I know that the Mirasol unit that the Lil’ Mercurian Miss
was using came from a shipment meant for Grassley House,” Shaddiq states, the smile never
leaving his face. Nika feels her stomach twist slightly. She does not like Grassley’s prince, even
though she knew that he was Earthian like her. That had been in her briefing two years ago. That
sort of sympathy, she decides, is something that is not reciprocated.

“I see, would you like some compensation then?” Nika asks. Sure, it would be a bit of a drain onto
Earth House’s coffers, but if he just wanted money, that she could handle. “We can settle
something for it now.” With how much they had won from Aerial and the Pharact’s match, they
were set for at least one complete rebuild of Chuchu’s Demi-Trainer. A moment later, she realizes
her slip up, that she told them exactly what they needed to know, and could only suspect before.

A quick glance around the room gives her no relief. No one is looking at them, no one would
notice if she tried to make a scene.

“Of course, but money means nothing to me, not as the heir to Grassley. I’m looking for something
that is far more important to me,” Shaddiq says, then clicks his tongue. “I won’t tell anyone about
your family’s involvement, nor who they really are.” Shaddiq pauses, and Nika sees his eyes
narrow slightly. Of course, he wouldn’t tell anyone, because that was information that he could use
to twist her arm later, she realizes. “But the utopians on Ganymede aren’t the only ones that you
would consider family, are they? It took a bit of investigating, but I figured some things out.”
Shaddiq smiles, though that smile is like a meadow hiding a venomous snake. Nika looks over at
Sabina, who is pressing her lips together with an annoyed look in her eyes. Nika can tell that Sabina
is not enjoying whatever Shaddiq is doing, a small relief.

“Have you?” Nika asks. So, if he knew about her other family, then why-

“We’re quite similar, Miss Nika,” Shaddiq explains, as if he could hear her thoughts. “Both
orphans because of war partitioning, both put into an orphanage. Sabina as well, you know.” He
gives a small jerk of his chin and Nika glances back at Sabina, who stares down at her with
unrelenting eyes. “Mine was a place for prospective heirs of Sarius Zenelli, and Grassley Defense
Systems. Yours, while nothing so glamorous, you were also adopted by a man who became a
father figure to you.”

He knew all about that then. Nika felt her throat go dry.

“What do you want, Mister Shaddiq?” Nika asks, sucking in a breath and trying to lick her lips to
stave off how parched she was.

“Straight to the point then.” Shaddiq leans forward. “I want you to do your job as a go between, put
a good word in about me to your father figure, will you? I’d like to talk to him myself sometime

“Is… that so?” Nika asks, trying to step forward, though by now Shaddiq and Sabina have boxed
her in, and if she did try to step away… she was an Earthian, what did her word have against one of
the heirs of the three branches? It was more trouble than she was ready to get into.

“Yes, it is. Now then, why don’t you come sit with us for the night. I’m sure that Miorine and the
Lil’ Mercurian Miss won’t mind,” Shaddiq offers. It’s not a request, Nika can tell, and she gulps,
her throat dry. Just as she’s about to nod though, someone raises their voice, whoever it is obscured
from NIka by Shaddiq and Sabina.

“Ah, hey there! There you are, stop hanging out with those two and get over here.” It’s a woman’s
voice, a fun biting tone that carries over the general clamour of the conversations, enough that a
few people will look up from their own group in order to find out who said it. Nika stretches and
shifts herself in order to see who it is. Shaddiq, helpfully, moves out of the way with a scowl, and
Sabina lets out a small, impatient huff.

“Mirzakhani, I didn’t expect to see you here,” Shaddiq says, as Nika takes in the woman who was
choosing to intervene. She wears a translucent poncho over a grey dress emblazoned with blue and
gold highlights that matched her eyes and hair, and her hair is done up in a braid with chunks of a
blue stone weaved into the braids. The woman smiles easily, naturally, as she carries a Haro in one
hand. Nika suddenly thinks back to Aerial, hoping that she’s doing well at least, though there is
something about this Haro that seems off. Nika does a double take at that, then notices that the
woman isn’t carrying a Haro, but rather she has one integrated into the top of a cane that she’s
using. The Haro’s eyes gleam slightly, and she suddenly wonders if it’s recording.

It’s something that Sabina seems to notice as well, as she lets go of Nika and steps back, giving her
enough room to escape should she choose.

“Oh yes, I’m sorry, but I have a prior commitment,” Nika says as slips past the two Grassley
students and walks over to the woman- Mirzakhani, Shaddiq called her- who gives a friendly wave
at her. The woman’s eyes, however, remain transfixed on Shaddiq with a look that told Nika that
she absolutely despised him. Even if it was some game between people far richer than she was, she
would take going to this new player over Shaddiq. At least she didn’t make Nika’s skin crawl.

“We’ll be discussing the details of our arrangement later,” Shaddiq tells Nika, before stepping
aside as well. “Don’t worry, we’ll find you.” It’s not so much a promise as it is a threat.

“Of course,” Nika says, resigned to the situation that she’s found herself in. She had her own
promise she needed to keep, her own desire to act as a bridge between Earth and Space. For now,
though, no doubt Mirzakhani had something to ask of her in return for her rescue.

Instead, Mirzakhani escorts her away, the Haro-Cane’s motors making it ‘walk’ with her, a
bemused smile on her face.

“Yushura Mirzakhani.” She sticks out the hand not holding the Haro-Cane towards Nika once
they’ve gotten to the front of the band’s booth. Nika notices Shaddiq head off, though Sabina
remains, her hands folded behind her back as she continues to contemplate the Demi-Trainer.
“What did you do to offend Grassley’s little prince,” She continues, then flashes a smile at the
bored looking attendant behind the booth as she eyes one of the data chips that copies of the band’s
music was stored on.

“Nika Nanaura.” She takes Yushura’s hand, noticing the weak grasp and making sure not to apply
too much of her own pressure. The name did sound familiar, somewhere, though Nika felt too
shaken to recall where she had heard it before. “I think that it’s because he knew that I was
Earthian. But… thank you for getting me out of there, I would rather not spend the whole night
with him.” Her excuse was, as it always was, not a lie. Because she was an Earthian, because she
was a go-between, Shaddiq had approached her. Nika lets the handshake end and then reaches
around for where she stored her money, prepared to pull out what she had and pay for the album.
What concerned her, however, was that there was no price on anything at the booth.

“Not surprised by a prick like him, but hey, I’ve always wanted to swoop in like that for someone
pretty.” Yushura winks at her, then she reaches out and takes the album, tossing the chip to Nika,
who suddenly has to fumble for it, eventually clutching it to her chest. Yushura smirks, and starts
to walk away again, waving Nika to follow her. Nika starts to walk away slowly, waiting for the
clerk behind the booth to say something, though that never comes.

“But, I didn’t pay for it…”

“Don’t worry. They expect everyone who’s at this thing is rich enough to pay for shares in the
band, so it's a free promotion,” Yushura assures her as Nika catches up to her, before the blonde
lets out a sigh. “Now then, come on. You can sit with me and an old friend of mine, once I find her.
Kinda short, silver hair that has a part that sticks up like a blade antenna, probably scowling-”

“Miss Miorine?” Nika’s frown deepens as she scrutinizes Yushura. Yushura stops, turning and
beaming at her.

“You know her?” She asks with sudden intensity.

“Yes, she was the one who invited me along here, I think she and the rest of our group headed
further in, I umm…” Nika reaches for her notebook, looking at the table number reserved for them
as well as slipping the album into her purse. “How do you know her?”

“Like I said, old childhood friends.” Yushura says, pulling out her own notebook and quickly
bringing up a picture. Sure enough, Nika can see someone who looks like a younger Miorine
smiling at the camera with a water can in her hands, and right beside her a younger Yushura is
practically ecstatic over something or other. Yushura withdraws the notebook and starts to walk
again, keeping to the center of the path.

“Then why aren’t you attending Asticassia?” Nika next asks. She seemed fairly rich, and of the
right age to attend, and if she was Miorine’s friend, then why wouldn’t she be in attendance given
what Miorine had been going through?

“Got offered a position of CTO at my family’s company, been busy ever since. Plus, well…”
Yushura waves her hand dismissively, the smile on her face falling and her vision focussing on
something far ahead of them. Something personal then, something that Yushura wouldn’t want to
talk about. Something that Nika shouldn’t be poking her nose into, at least not yet. If she had to
guess though, something related to Miorine.

Instead, Nika raises an eyebrow, silently noting to herself Yushura’s position as CTO: it meant that
Yushura was, if not technically a mechanic, very adept at mechanics. The silence between them
hangs for another moment as they cross through the door of the exhibition hall into a hallway, and
only then does Yushura seem to relax. She shakes her head sadly and the smile on her face returns,
“Recently I’ve been working on ferrofluid applications, ever heard of that?”

“Yes, I’ve read a few papers on the possible application as Mobile Suit joint coating. I’ve been
customizing a mobile suit for a student in my House and, though it was a pipedream, I was
dreaming of a way to acquire some to add to the joints of a Demi-Trainer.” It suddenly clicks: at
least one of those papers had been written by Yushura Mirzakhani, and Nika’s eyes shoot open as
she lets out a gasp. Yushura in turn lets out a laugh.

“Oh yeah, so you do know me. Good, hardly any of these people have any appreciation for the
technology behind their weapons. I just have to know now, what are your thoughts on my papers?”
Yushura asks her, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Suletta sits down at their assigned table alongside Miorine and Martin. They each carry a plate of
food; salad consisting of fresh greens and tiny tomatoes, as well as a steak marinated in some sort
of sauce, and a few small white disks that Miorine told her were scallops. Martin had asked,
incredulously, if she meant scalloped potatoes, but Miorine had clarified that she meant actual
scallops, and Martin had nearly dropped his plate before looking around nervously and taking a
few extras. While she waited for her turn at the buffet, Suletta had scanned the room for her mom,
though was unable to find her anywhere. Suletta had sent her an excited text that she would be
there, and her mom had replied that she’ll see her there then, yet she was not waiting for them
when they arrived, and had, so far, been completely absent.

It also hadn’t helped that her eyes had kept drifting to Miorine as they walked, and kept drifting to
her when she realized that and looked away. Her recent realization that she was, in fact, in love
with Miorine still hung over her like a sword threatening to drop at any moment. And, for her part,
Miorine was absolutely beautiful in her blue dress, her hair done up with pins.

Their search had led them eventually to the buffet, where her stomach had betrayed her and
Miorine had suggested that they get food, and then to the table where the three of them sat. The
auditorium the table was in had a large stage at one end, currently occupied by someone projecting
a diagram of a group of Demi-Trainers with lines between them. The center of the auditorium was a
shallow pit, filled with tables of people sitting at them or standing in the space between the tables,
chatting with each other. Then, at the back, where they were, the auditorium became a series of
steps, each level carrying an individual table with a comfortable bench seat wrapped part way
around it. The table gave Suletta a good view of the auditorium, though she was unable to see the
tables on the steps above.
“Please, in order to innovate the way that we deploy Mobile Suits, invest in the Multi-Suit Linked
Targeting System!” The man on stage cries out, and points at the screen above him. A graph shows
that he has raised around one percent of what he needs, and the crowd remains silent to his
desperate plea. The lights on stage fade, and Suletta can see the man hang his head and leave the
stage to no fanfare.

“No one succeeds at any of these things,” Miorine dismisses with a wave, before starting to pick at
her salad with a fork, a disappointing look crossing her face. Perhaps she had spoiled herself with
the greenhouse, and she was certain that everything on her plate was as fresh as it could be, but it
pales in comparison to what she grew herself. “If they really do like an idea, then they’re just as
likely to steal it for themselves rather than investing in someone else’s work. Or rather, the only
way to get any investment is if my father approves.” She glances up at some of the balconies above
them, where her father is no doubt eating alongside his dogs. This was a formality for him, after

“That doesn’t seem fair,” Suletta mumbles as another presenter comes out onto the stage.

“Of course it isn’t, but you know my father.” Miorine raises her voice slightly, intent on making
sure that he heard her from where he sat. “He is more concerned with getting his way than
anything. Not that there’s been a good idea at one of these things for ages,” she adds, then lets out
an annoyed grunt. She begins to pull out her notebook, wanting to tell Nika to head back so they
could at least eat before anything happened.

“Well, it simply wouldn’t work, if you’re linking all those targeting systems into a single unit, then
it will need a bigger sensor suite, and if it has that, then it’s easy to pick out.” As if to prove
Miorine’s point, Nika’s voice carries through the various conversations going on between
presentations, and the entire table perks up at Nika’s return.

“Yeah, it’s a dumb idea.” Another voice joins Nika’s, and Miorine lets out an audible gasp that
makes Suletta and Martin look at her. Suletta glances at Miorine’s hands, wondering if she had
accidentally hurt herself, but Miorine is instead watching the stairs intently, waiting for Nika and
whoever she is talking to to come into view.

“Are you okay, Miorine?” Martin asks, snapping Miorine’s attention back to the table.

“Oh, yes, sorry, just…” She trails off as Nika and Yushura’s heads enter her view, followed by the
rest of them. Nika carries her own plate of food close to her chest, while Yushura’s is balanced on
top of her Haro, the Haro gyroscoping in order to keep it balanced as she walks. Miorine mouth
turns up into a small but hesitant smile.

“Mio! There you are. I heard that you would be coming,” Yushura says gleefully, seamlessly
setting her plate down on the table before resting her free hand beside it, leaning forward slightly,
“I hope you don’t mind if I join your group for tonight. Me and Nika here have been having an
excellent conversation, and I’m hoping that we can catch up as well.” It’s as if no time had passed
between the two of them, and not the nearly two years since Miorine began her time at school and
the two of them last spoke. That, at least, was a relief.

“Of course,” Miorine says, standing up and walking around the table. It had been far too long,
though Miorine knew that that was her own fault. So, she steps forward and gives the blonde girl a
hug, one that Yushura returns as strongly as she can. Which, Miorine notes with a bit of
melancholy, is not that strong at all. They break off a moment later, Miorine smoothing out the
wrinkles in her dress and Yushura rolling her shoulders. “Martin, Suletta, this is Yushura
Mirzakhani, another friend from when I was young,” she states, gesturing politely with her hand at
“Hello there, Miss Yushura.” Suletta hurriedly stands up, her eyes growing wide with recognition.
“Miss Miorine used to talk about you when I came to see her,” she says, walking up to her and
looking at the other girl. “Usually about something you were designing. She showed me one of
your Haros once, one that was attending the greenhouse.”

“Oh, did she?” Yushura asks, smirking at Miorine and sticking out her hand. “You must be Suletta
then, Mio told me about you too, the girl from Mercury who went on daring rescue missions
between eating her tomatoes.” She glances at Miorine, who lets out a small huff of indignity.

“It’s… it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Suletta takes her hand, shaking it, though wonders about
her grip, whether she is hesitating to shake her hand.

“Same,” Yushura replies with a slight nod.

“And I’m Martin Upmont, the head of Asticassia’s Earth House.” Martin also stands, and also
shakes Yushura’s hand.

“Earth House? I suppose it makes sense, you always did want to go back to Earth,” Yushura says,
looking at Miorine as the group sits down again. Nika on one side, next to Martin, then Suletta,
Miorine, and Yushura capping off the group. Yushura’s cane hops to the side, folding into a more
compact form once it’s no longer needed to support her. Suletta eyes the cane, thinking of the much
more low-tech ones that exist on Mercury. Repurposed piping for the most parts, bits and pieces of
metal that aren’t too sharp and just the right size. Occasionally one with some rudimentary
mechanical components that can lengthen and shorten it as needed. Nothing, though, like the one
Yushura has.

“I designed it myself,” Yushura proclaims suddenly, reaching over and letting the cane spring back
up to her hand, the Haro on top giving a small beep. “It does catch a lot of people’s eyes.”

“Were you in an… accident of some sort?” Suletta asks her, though bites her lip afterwards.

“Oh no, nothing dramatic like that. It’s just something I was born with, nothing that can be fixed.”

“Oh, I see. You’ve… chosen to keep moving forward though, haven’t you?” she asks. “With the
cane, and your job.”

“Moving forward…” Yushura’s gaze shifts, looking beyond the stage now, as if she can view the
field of stars behind the solid walls of the Front. “Can you really move forward from something
like this?” she asks quietly.

“You’ve managed to-”

“Live with it,” Yushura interrupts, raising her voice slightly before pressing her lips together. “It’s
not that easy to do all the time,” she admits with a shake of her head and an airy breath. Suletta
nods at that, lowering her head slightly so that she’s looking at her plate of food.

“I see. I’ll have to remember that,” Suletta mumbles. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Hey, I’ve heard a lot worse.” Yushura waves her hand dismissively as the table falls into silence
again. “You gonna eat that?” she gestures at Suletta’s plate, then begins to eat her own salad.

Suletta was, indeed, hungry, and the suggestion was enough to make her decide that now would be
as good a time as any to begin eating. The table remains quiet as the rest of the table begins to eat
as well and Suletta listens in on the current presenter. This one was presenting a concept of a
thruster pack that would allow mobile suits to traverse interplanetary distances with ease, without
the need of any sort of ship. She remembers what Miorine said, about how there were no good
ideas at these events, and can’t help but agree.

“Suletta,” Nika breaks the silence, and Suletta looks up at her. “You’re a pilot, what do you think
of this idea?”

“Hmm…” Suletta chews on a piece of her steak, then swallows hard. “It just won’t work, I don’t
know why you would want to be in a mobile suit for days on end. I mean, I sometimes spend time
in Aerial talking to her, but no more than a few hours. Being trapped there for days… you wouldn’t
want to take off your normal suit, in case anything happened…” She closes her eyes, pausing in her
thoughts. “I’ve rescued… miners that have been trapped for a few days in downed Mobile Craft,
after a cave in. They were alive, but umm… they found even the base camp on Mercury to be too
cramped afterwards. They transferred back to BepiColombo. So, I wouldn’t take a ride in a mobile
suit for that long, not even Aerial.”

“Plus, the booster would need to be bulky, I mean look at that concept, it’s at least fifty meters
long,” Yushura adds, gesturing at the screen that showed a Demi-Trainer hooked up to the booster,
utterly dwarfed by the rocket. “It doesn’t even look completely reusable, there’s stage separations
to get it up to a cruising speed, and the acceleration would be hell.”

“Costwise, even if you develop a reusable booster, it would still need to be compatible with a lot of
different mobile suits unless you want to have each company develop their own connectors. But
then that would lead to more problems,” Miorine chimes in before popping another scallop in her

“Why would you even want to use it?” Martin asks. “It’s not as if you can get far with a mobile suit
inside a Front, and even for war between Fronts, you would have to slow down when you got
close. And if the rocket explodes…” He gulps, clasping his hands together.

“That’s not to mention all of the systems that you would have to add to the mobile suit without
compromising the citadel,” Nika muses. The hardened cockpit of a mobile suit could only hold so
much essential equipment, and it already needed to comfortably fit a pilot. “Extra oxygen, storage
for food and drink for at least a week, something to sleep in. And well, a toilet would be necessary
as well, which means that you would have to have a way to take out waste, but that might
compromise the cockpit,” she concludes with a shake of her head.

“So, don’t invest in this thing?” Yushura asks the group lightly. The other four nod, and Yushura
lets out a light laugh before looking at Martin. “I take it that Nika is your top engineer, Martin?
She’s been impressing me for the past hour with what she knows.”

“Hmm, I’d think so. Even our third year mechanics turn to her for advice, and she’s in charge of
maintaining both our pilots' mobile suits,” Martin says, giving a small nod to Nika. Nika smiles,
feeling her cheeks heat up at the compliment.

“It’s nothing, I just… have a lot of experience. Like Suletta and her piloting. Most people in the
piloting program only begin to pilot when they get to Asticassia. Suletta though, she’s been
piloting for years, and her experience has helped her a lot.” Nika shrugs.

“Yes, I suppose it’s the same with me. I’ve been tinkering for as long as I could walk. Even if my
grandma runs the company, I earned my place as CTO through my skill,” Yushura says, pride in
her voice and fire in her eyes. “And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

“Good. You’ve always been good at it, I’m glad that you’ve been able to use it,” Miorine says,
before taking another bite of her steak. The next presenter was launching into their main pitch, but
aside from the brief glances to the stage, she had completely tuned it out. “How is Lapis Garden
going? I heard that you had started the project, but nothing after that.”

“Oh yes, it’s not been open yet, but it’s practically finished actually,” Yushura says. “You’ve still
got an open invitation for a preview, and I’m hoping you take it up. I’ll even let you bring however
many people you want, bring all of Earth House. I need feedback on it before I can open it.”

“Lapis Garden?” Nika asks, curious.

“Yes, it’s going to be an amusement park, like in old Earth videos. There’s some arcade games I’ve
refurbished, and so far I have a roller coaster, a ferris wheel, and a carousel. There’s a couple other
rides that I’m hoping to add, but it’s almost good to go as is. I can expand it later,” Yushura
explains. “The company wants it to be something exclusive, to reap the money from people in this
room,” she gestures around them, and Nika glances at the Spacian CEOs that make up the vast
majority of the room’s occupants, “but I’m hoping to make it something affordable, even for
Earthians,” she adds with a shrug. The rest of the table nods at that, and Nika ponders to herself
how the people she called family on Earth would react to such an invitation. Sophie, at the very
least, would enjoy it. As would the younger kids. Norea though? The thought of her on a carousel
almost made Nika laugh.

“Ah, I can understand that…” Suletta mumbles, thinking about the school she hopes to open one
day on Mercury. Though before she can continue she notices someone in a suit step off the stairs
and head towards their table. The man seems to be a staff member, sharply dressed and with his
hands folded behind his back.

“Miss Mercury, you and Miss Rembran are on for your speech after this presenter. If you could
come with me, we’ll get you backstage.” He says, then bows and waits. Suletta looks at her half
eaten plate of food, bites her lip, nervous about leaving anything to waste. Miorine stands up with a
resigned sigh and Yushura shuffles over in order to let her slip out. They could always return to it
afterwards, Suletta thought, so she follows Miorine as the man begins to escort the two of them
down the stairs. As with the previous two speakers that she had seen, Suletta notes that the woman
currently on stage seems to be presenting an idea just as hopeless.

“Oh, I forgot about the speech, what am I going to say?” Suletta whispers to Miorine. She tries to
remember the speeches she had heard or read in her stories, thinking of acceptance speeches for
awards, though she shoots down that suggestion. By that logic, Miorine was the award, and she
hated that thought.

“Suletta,” Miorine says back to her, quietly, as they walk through the main floor of the auditorium,
“Just stand up straight. It will only matter to these people that you’re confident, no matter what you

“Miss Miorine is quite outstanding, isn’t she?” Nika asks Yushura as the latter watches Miorine
descend the steps alongside Suletta intently. While she remained smiling, Nika could see that that
smile had been mixed with a hint of longing. Nika could understand that, at the very least.

“She is, very much so,” Yushura agrees, her gaze not shifting back to Nika. For a moment, there’s
silence at the table, then Yushura continues. “It may be unfair to ask you this, but do you think that
Suletta is a good person? Mio told me that she was, years ago, and it would be bad to judge
someone after knowing them only for a night.”

“Yes, I do,” Nika replies. “Suletta is kindhearted, and willing to go above and beyond to help
someone. No matter who they are, even if they hurt her. She seems to have a way of bringing out
the best in people.”

“Good. I haven’t seen Miorine this happy since her mom died, she hasn’t hugged me like that for a
while,” Yushura reminisces, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes. “That school was killing
her, slowly, and now look at her.” The conflicting emotions on her face find their way into her

“And you didn’t want to see her like that, wasting away at the school?” Nika guesses. That was
what she hadn’t said earlier, then. Everything was falling into place.

“She didn’t want me to see her like that,” Yushura corrects Nika. “And I couldn’t do anything to
get her out, to keep her safe, and we both knew if I had stayed, then I would have tried something

“Nothing?” Martin asks her, curiosity carried on his voice.

“Not when the average G forces on a pilot in a mobile suit duel are around three Gs, and can get up
to nine.” Yushura gives a small, hollow, laugh. “And I can hardly handle one. I wasn’t going to
beat Guel Jeturk.” She shakes her head slightly. “I really am glad that she’s found more people to
help her though, maybe she’ll let herself be happy for once,” she adds softly. The table again falls
into silence, the scraping of forks on plate drowning out any potential conversation.

“They’re starting the speech.” Martin suddenly says, looking at the stage. Nika and Yushura turn
to look at the stage as well, watching as Suletta and Miorine walk up onto the stage. Nika can hear
Martin gulp and fidget with his fork as Suletta takes an extra step forward so that she’s standing in
the center of the stage, right under the spotlight. Silently, Nika hopes that any nervousness that
might be plaguing Suletta is instead given to Martin.

“Umm… hello…” Suletta says, timidly, staring at the assembled crowd, in their expensive suits
and gilded dresses. They are all staring at her, the most people who have ever looked at her at once
before. She can feel her hands clench and unclench with nervousness, though all it takes is one
glance at Miorine to calm her nerves. Miorine is beside her, showing no fear or anxiety for being
up here with her. That, at least, makes her feel calmer. She remembers Miorine’s advice to stand up
straight, just as Miorine is doing right now. Her shoulders lower, her back straightens, and she
takes a deep breath. Miorine gives her an encouraging nod, but remains quiet. This was something
that Suletta alone was expected to do.

“Hello, my name is Suletta Mercury, and I come from Mercury,” Suletta says finally, and she
thinks she sees the crowd relax slightly. Beside her, she can hear Miorine shift slightly, and a
glance at her sees that Miorine’s eyes are focused on something else in the crowd. “It is an honour
to study at Asticassia, I am thankful to be able to be here, despite how far away Mercury is, and
how many… how many struggles it faces. I hope to be able to come back there one day, and I’ll
open a school on Mercury when I do. I’ve been able to meet a lot of wonderful people at
Asticassia, people I hope… that I know will be with me for the rest of my life. So, thank you.” She
gives a deep, respectful bow, and a polite round of applause greets her. Suletta stays as straight as
she can as she exits the bow. She needs to keep standing up straight, at least for as long as she’s on
this stage. She refuses to disappoint Miorine.

The clapping dies down, and then Miorine turns to leave, walking with a quick pace. Suletta gives
another quick bow before following after her, and only when they step down off the stage Suletta
allows herself to relax, and Miorine looks back at her.

“That wasn’t that bad,” Miorine compliments her with a small smile. That was good enough for
Suletta then, and the lingering nervousness disappears. “Plus, I saw your mother among the
crowd.” She adds, already thinking of a way through the crowd towards where Prospera was.
“Come on.”

Miorine grabs Suletta’s hand, boldly and no doubt something that might cause some gossip among
the Group. She knows where Prospera is, and she intends to get to her, even if she has to cause a
scene to do so. She isn’t about to allow the woman to slip out before they can have a talk, and
Suletta needs answers. Indeed, Miorine needs answers as well from what she read in the book
Suletta had found, though she feels hesitant to admit it even to herself. The crowd in front of them
shifts, thankfully, and though they are spared some glances for now the attention of the crowd is
back on the stage, or on their notebooks.

Prospera waits for them at the door of the auditorium, her arms crossed casually over each other as
she leans against the wall. The mask that adorns her face obscures most of her expression, but she
wears a smile and her head follows the two of them as they approach.

“Well, that was an excellent speech, Suletta, though you didn’t mention me,” Prospera says,
putting a hand over her heart.

“Oh, I knew I forgot something,” Suletta looks crestfallen, then glances back at the stage. The next
speaker hadn’t started yet, only now stepping up onto the stage. “Maybe I can-”

“I am only joking, Suletta,” Prospera tells her with a sigh. “Now then, I’m sure that you’ve been
looking for me, given how your text sounded, and that’s more important,” Prospera adds. Prospera
backs up out of the auditorium, through the doors and into the hallway just outside. The doors
close and the sound of the next presenter fades, leaving them in silence.

“Right, about that,” Miorine says, then glances at Suletta. “We have been looking for you, and
there’s something that we need to discuss.”

“Oh, I was quite busy, I only managed to finish up work a few minutes ago,” Prospera says with a
slight smile. “I hope that it wasn’t anything too important.”

“No, it wasn’t, and well, I’m sorry I couldn’t bring Aerial with me,” Suletta says, fidgeting
nervously. Aerial deserved to hear this too, though she could always convey what their mom said
back to her.

“Of course you couldn’t, it’s not as if she could fit.” Prospera keeps her tone light, more amused
than anything.

“About that…” Miorine starts to say, then sighs. “Despite what Suletta says, it is very important.
It’s best if we talk somewhere else, actually.” There were too many prying ears here. Too many
who would be interested in what they knew for the wrong reasons, and she wasn’t about to let
Suletta be dragged into more trouble than she already had been.

“Is something wrong with Aerial?” Prospera asks, her voice suddenly sounding far sharper than it
had before, and Miorine frowns slightly.

“No, no, but like Mio says, we should umm… talk about it in your office.” Suletta suggests.

“You don’t mind leaving the party so early?” Prospera asks, then shakes her head. “No, it would
be unfair to keep you two waiting any longer.” She hums, then turns around. “Come with me

The three of them begin to make their way through the winding corridors of the Beneritt Group’s
HQ, the halls quiet enough to let the sounds of the Incubation Party carry through them, mixed in
with the hum of the machinery that kept the station habitable. The occasional cleaning robot would
drift casually along the side of the hall, making sure to move out of the way as they passed.
Miorine watches the doors, trying to recall where they were in the station. It’s only when they pass
a set of double doors that Suletta suddenly stops, a smile creeping up on her face. Miorine turns,
facing Suletta, as Prospera slows to a stop as well.

“This is where we first met, Miorine,” Suletta muses, putting her hand on the door. Miorine opens
her mouth to protest, thinking about how trite an observation it is, how she should be focussed on
talking to her mother about Elnora and the Vanadis Institute and Aerial, but there is something
sincere in Suletta’s eyes that makes her pause for a moment. “I really am glad that I got to meet
you, and well…” Suletta pauses, opening her mouth and then closing it. “Sorry, I just remember
hearing you playing the piano, and following it in here.” She shakes her head, and takes a step
away from the door. It made her think back to those days, the sounds of Miorine playing, the first
time that she had offered one of her mother’s tomatoes to her.

“Yes, I remember being annoyed at you bursting in,” Miorine says quietly, stepping towards
Suletta as she sees Suletta’s expression drop. “Of course, by the time you left the first time, you
were one of the few people I could consider a friend.” And, just like that, Suletta smiles again,
shyly inching her hand towards Miorine’s. It would just be a friendly gesture, and they were
engaged, so, was it really that odd if she wanted to hold Miorine’s hand.

“We should get going, if this is important as you make it out to be.” Prospera hums, turning again
and beginning to walk away, her shoes clicking against the marble floors.

“Right, of course,” Suletta says, pulling back and starting to walk after her, Miorine trying to keep
pace by her side. That proved to be quite difficult with her heels and Suletta’s larger strides and
Miorine silently curses the fact that she had chosen to wear heels, even though she knew she would
be walking around most of the night.

The offices are all equally quiet as the rest of the station when they arrive, and Prospera opens the
door to her own office, before walking around to the coffee table that adorned the side of the room
and sitting down. Silently, she gestures at Miorine and Suletta to follow suit, her smile finally
dropping from her face once they’ve all sat. Miorine places her clutch on the table, and looks
between Prospera and Suletta, waiting for one of them to speak. This was, after all, a family matter,
and she was not yet family.

“So, Suletta, what has been on your mind?” Prospera asks after a moment of silence, placing her
elbows on the table and tenting her hands under her chin. Miorine can hear Suletta suck in a breath,
can feel her nervously knock her knees together before starting to talk.

“Well, mom, first of all, about Aerial. We umm… well it was mostly Miss Nika, she’s a mechanic,
actually she came here with us, but you see… she managed to transfer Aerial into a Haro.”

“A Haro?” Prospera asks, tilting her head to the side slightly. Had her eyebrows been visible,
Miorine is certain that she would have raised one out of curiosity. “And she transferred it, a
complete transfer, not a backup or her projecting herself into it?”

“Yes, Nika told me that she had to take out a lot of the Haro’s systems to fit enough memory in, but
well, Aerial can talk to me, to anyone. Though of course, we’re not going to tell everyone, or
anyone outside of Earth House about her.”

“Of course, people would want to take her, Suletta, and to lose Aeri…l…” Prospera looks down
towards her hands, her left thumb rubbing her right palm. “She is my precious daughter, so I
wouldn’t allow that,” she declares suddenly.

“No, of course not mom. And well, that’s the other thing.” Suletta shifts her weight forward,
looking down at her feet. Elan Ceres had died for this information, or rather, she had desired this
information so much that she had nearly thrown away her relationship with Miorine, and refused to
give in even when it pushed Elan past his limit. “We umm… found a book, or well, it was Mister
Elan and me, he says that someone he knew mentioned someone she once knew when she saw me,
someone named Elnora…” Suletta begins to explain as Miorine watches Prospera intently, judging
a reaction. “Elnora-”

“Samaya,” Prospera finishes, and lets out a held breath, a breath held longer than either of them
knew. “Hmm… I suppose that Bel must have noticed how similar we looked, back then I was
nearly a splitting image of you,” she adds, looking at Suletta.

“Oh yes, Miss Winston, she was there at Mister Elan’s funeral…” Suletta mumbles. The woman
had wanted to talk to them about something, she remembers. Perhaps it was about Elnora, about
her mother. “How do you know her?”

“How? We were old colleagues. How much do you know about Elnora Samaya?” Prospera asks in
return. She sits up, her hands going towards her lap and her fingers touching one another, a gesture
that Miorine notices Suletta had done in the past, one that she had caught herself unconsciously
doing recently. Suletta seems to stumble, bite her lip. This was difficult for her, no doubt, she had
too many questions and no idea how to ask them all.

“She worked at the Vanadis Institute, under Doctor Cardo Nabo, at least until the Vanadis
Incident,” Miorine states with some apprehension. She was well aware of her father’s involvement
in that; she understood the ramifications that it had on the person sitting across from her. If there
was any hostility towards her for what her father did, however, Prospera did not show it on her face
at the mention of the Vanadis Incident. Instead, Prospera looks at her, seeming to ask how Miorine
knows about her life. “After the duel with Elan Ceres, while Suletta was recovering, I also read
through the book. It uses pseudonyms, but I presume that it was about you and your early
experiences with your GUND prosthetic. It was… quite enlightening, I can understand why Doctor
Nabo was held in such high regards.”

“Yes. She was, though unfortunately her work was corrupted,” Prospera says simply, though her
body posture seems to deflate at the mention of what had happened once Ochs Earth had acquired
GUND technology.

“Mom-” Suletta cuts in, and both Prospera and Miorine turn to look at her, as she continues to
fiddle with her fingers. “If you were Elnora Samaya, was I… was I ever someone else aside from
Suletta Mercury?”

“Oh, no. You weren’t. You’ve always been Suletta,” Prospera replies, tittering as if amused that of
all the possible questions that could be asked about her past, it was something as mundane as that
that had been plaguing Suletta.

“Then after the incident, you had Suletta?” Miorine continues to ask, trying to reconcile the time
frames. She knew that the Vanadis Incident happened twenty one years ago, and yet Suletta was
her age. So, there must have been part of her life after the Vanadis Incident, before she had Suletta.

“Yes, after a few years things had settled down I felt comfortable enough to raise Suletta, and she
provided the breakthrough that I needed with Aerial,” Prospera explains. Miorine glances at
Suletta, who nods along, though she can see a small bit of pride on Suletta’s face at the idea that
she had been able to help her mother at such a young age. Miorine wonders if she ever had the
same expression when her mother complimented her for helping out with planting tomatoes. Still,
there were more questions that she had.

“In that case, why did you decide to become head of a company that would be a part of the Beneritt
Group?” Miorine asks, and Suletta nods in agreement with the question.

“Of course not,” Prospera hums. “But well, I found it easier to hide here, where Delling assumed
that all of Ochs Earth had been stamped out, and that is all I will say,” she says with a light laugh.

There’s a chime at the door before Miorine can open her mouth for any more questions, and the
three of them turn to face it. The door slides open and Esher Ceres stands at the threshold, his arms

“Oh, Mister Esher.” Suletta mumbles, her shoulders slumping. Aside from their earrings, they
looked exactly alike, and Suletta wonders again what Elan had meant about having victory over
himself. Did he mean his brother?

“May we help you, Mister Ceres?” Prospera asks him, standing up and taking a step towards the

“Yes, actually, I saw Miss Mercury coming in and I felt the need to apologize for my earlier
behaviour towards her,” Esher says. “Please, if you don’t mind, I know you were close to my
brother, so perhaps we could reminisce together for a while.” Esher beckons at the door, and
Suletta fidgets.

“Don’t worry Suletta, you should go with him. I am sure that Miss Miorine can catch you up later
with what else we have to discuss.” Prospera dismisses her. Suletta nods, permission obtained, and
quickly walks towards the door.

“Right, I’ll see you later Mio,” Suletta says brightly. Perhaps, afterwards, she could talk to Miorine
about her feelings. She knew that her mother would love to hear about that before they left, that
she had fallen in love with someone.

“Suletta, wait-” Miorine glances back at Prospera, who was sitting back down with a serene smile
plastered on her face. “Just, we’ll meet back at the table with the others.” She tells Suletta. There
were still a few things that she still needed to ask Prospera, that she still wanted to find out about
the woman.

“Back at the table then. I won’t be long.” Suletta nods, before heading out the door, following
behind Esher Ceres.

“It is quite a shame that she couldn’t save that boy,” Prospera says evenly as the door shuts and the
two of them are left alone. She can feel the atmosphere in the room shift, Prospera’s voice losing
the motherly tone that it had held when talking with Suletta.

“Yes, despite what he did, how he tricked her and pretended to be her friend, Suletta still wanted to
be friends with him.” Miorine shakes her head, still wondering if she could instead choose to
follow after Suletta. Yet, what had been bothering her throughout the conversation was now clear,
and she needed those answers to her own questions.

“How quite like her, she always persisted with the elders on Mercury, trying to get them to accept
her. I think, begrudgingly, they did.” Prospera nods, then carefully begins to take off her jacket. “I
hope you don’t mind, my arm has been acting up again,” she says, before fiddling with it and
resting the arm on the table. “Now then, what has been bothering you, Miss Rembran?”

Now then, her own moment of truth.

“Did mom know?” Miorine asks Prospera, and Prospera’s gaze shifts off of her, to the small shrine
behind Miorine, where she knows a picture of Notrette sits.

The room that Esher Ceres takes Suletta to is full of plush furniture, two chairs and a long couch
that wraps around the corner of the room. Various potted plants dot the other corners of the room,
and all of it is bathed in a lavish golden light.

“This is one of Peil’s meeting rooms, the CEOs usually enjoy meeting elsewhere, so typically it
was just me and my brother who came here,” Esher explains, walking towards one corner of the
room. On a table of champagne along with two empty glasses. Esher gives a quick gesture behind
him, indicating her to follow him, and Suletta does.

“To Elan,” Esher declares, the bottle uncorking with a pop. So, he was expecting her to share a
drink with him. It wouldn’t be the first time.

“Yes,” Suletta nods. She shuffles awkwardly towards the table. “It must have been hard on you to
lose him, and well, I’m sure that you didn’t mean what you said at the funeral.”

“Oh, yes, I was overcome with grief.” Esher shakes his head. “We were close, as you can see.” He
gestures at his face as if their mirrored appearances were any indication of how they saw each

“I am truly sorry about what happened to Elan,” Suletta says, gripping the side of the table. She can
feel tears pinprick her eyes. “I tried my best to save him.”

“I’m certain you did,” Esher tells her, then pours two glasses of champagne. “Well, shall we have a
toast to my fallen brother?” He asks.

“Just one glass, it should be fine,” Suletta reassures herself, taking the glass from Esher and lifting
it into the air. They both go for a drink, and Suletta drinks back the whole glass. She’s seen people
on Mercury do the same, and had been offered moonshine on her seventeenth birthday a few
months ago from a couple of the older rescue pilots that she was supposed to drown in one gulp.
That had nearly made her throw up, she recalls. This, however, goes down smoothly, and she sets
the empty glass down and looks at Esher. Esher, by contrast, had only put the glass to his lips and
seemed to have stopped, likely to watch Suletta drink. Suletta feels her face grow a bit flushed,
wondering if she had messed up, before suddenly her head starts to spin. Her glass slips from her
hands and lands on the carpet, thankfully not breaking, but as she stoops to pick it up another wave
of dizziness washes over her.

“Oh, the whole glass?” Esher laughs. “You’re going to have a headache when you wake up. I had it
calibrated for a sip, but…” Suletta sinks to the ground, staring up at the ceiling as she fights to stay
awake. Esher walks up beside her, then casually pours his glass of champagne on her face. “Oops,”
He giggles.

Suletta wants to ask what’s going on. She wants to get out of there. She wants to get back to
Miorine. Yet, she can’t. There’s no way she can. Her body seems more inclined to sleep. Her eyes
flicker shut. Her tongue is too heavy to call out. Then, finally, she cannot hold onto consciousness
anymore, and she is consumed, for the second time that week, by the void of dreamless sleep.
Chapter End Notes

It has certainly been a while since last chapter, but as a treat I have this one and the
next one ready, the next one will be deployed on Saturday. Since last chapter I have
discovered that Miorine has a canonical childhood friend, so I had to quickly throw her
into the plot, and she's a very fun character so I'm not complaining.

Also, I heard someone complain that 14k words was too long for a one shot on a fic
that I've read recently, so this chapter is 12+k.

Thanks to my beta reader, 3x0n5h5x, for reviewing about 20k words within the past
two days.
...In The Pale Moonlight?
Chapter Summary

Miorine must make a difficult choice between two options, neither of which she likes

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The dreamless sleep ends for Suletta slowly, her body and mind struggling to warn her that she is
in danger, and yet still too sluggish to do anything about it. Her senses return to her slowly, as she
tries to get her bearings and figure out where she was. Her vision is blurry, an acidic taste fills her
mouth, her nostrils are filled with the smell of alcohol and- finally, something that can be helpful-
the distinct smell of a well used normal suit. Most of all though, her head is throbbing with pain, a
dull thud that makes her skull want to split.

She tries to reach for her head, but something keeps her hands down, behind her back. More clues
about her current situation slowly filter in as her cognition returns. She was sitting up, she could
tell. There was something hard, metal, that she was sitting on. There’s a pressure on her wrists as
she tugs on them, something wrapped around them and pressing a rough fabric into them. A
moment of probing makes her realize that her ankles are similarly stuck in place, tucked under her
body but off the floor.

“Oh, those are quite impossible for you to break,” Esher Ceres’ voice cuts through the dull throbs,
a teasing hum from beside her. It is far too close, and she tries to recoil away from him, though
only manages to twist slightly from where she was. Things were becoming clearer now; going off
with Esher to commemorate Elan, the champagne, and she had felt faint. He had done that on
purpose, that much is clear to her now.

“What, what are you doing? What’s going on?” Suletta asks, working quite hard to form the words,
forcing each one out despite how numb her mouth felt. Still, she manages to turn her head slightly
to the side, looking at where Esher’s voice was coming from . Esher is sitting beside her, a helmet
on his lap and a smile on his face. Suletta glances down at herself, noticing that she had been put
into a normal suit. Likely the helmet on Esher’s lap was from the same suit that she’s been put in.

“It’s simple,” Esher stands up, still holding the helmet, and Suletta tries to take note of the room
that they are in now. In contrast to the brightly lit corporate offices and main hall, only a few dim
orange lights lit the area. Two rows of normal suits hang along a central storage rack, surrounded
by a series of lockers set above benches. A large rectangular door dominates one side of the room,
and Suletta realizes where she is. Some things on Fronts across the solar system were universal.
Low G bathrooms, cafeterias, and most importantly to her now, airlocks. “Are you even listening
to me?” Esher asks suddenly, slapping her and bringing her focus back to him. Suletta tugs on the
cords keeping her seated, glaring at him.

“As I was saying,” Esher says, “the idiot who was given my face screwed up with losing the duel.
It brought the Pharact into the open, and well, he didn’t do much to hide that it was a Gundam. It
is, same as your Aerial.” Esher sucks in a breath through his teeth, looking annoyed at her more
than anything. “That means that Delling Rembran will have a witch hunt against Peil, and the
CEOs won’t be able to wiggle their way out of it. But, if Miorine Rembran were to testify against
the Aerial-“

“I’m… a hostage,” Suletta interrupts him, anger bubbling in the pit of her stomach. Esher smirks,
nodding. “You’ll… bring Aerial down with you.”

“Yes, good.” Esher tries to clap his hands, but instead drops the helmet onto the ground with a
clang. He flinches, and Suletta bites her lip. “Now then, don’t worry, I’m not going to toss you out
into space…”

No, but she knew exactly what he would do as he retrieved the helmet and approached her with it.


“It’s a closed environment, I know,” Suletta interrupts him again. She had much more experience
with normal suits than he did, and she knew the risk that came with putting one on without a proper
hookup to oxygen tanks. “I’ll have an hour of air.”

That was the standard in most suits, and thus that was always her time limit during most of her
rescue missions. At the very least, her assessment seems to have made Esher trip up on whatever
prepared speech that he had planned for this, for he opens and closes his mouth repeatedly before
letting out an annoyed sigh. Then he puts the helmet over Suletta’s head, fitting it in place. One
hour then, maybe a bit longer for her since she had trained and knew what to do.

“Scream all you want, you’ll just waste air;” yes, she knew that as well. Even speaking now would
waste air, and she tries to calm herself without taking breaths that were too deep. “Now, your bride
will have to choose. Does she let you die, or lose you because she gave written testimony that
destroyed your mobile suit you tried so hard to save? No doubt that that would sting,” he laughs
and slams a fist into the side of the helmet, rattling Suletta’s head. It is a small victory for Suletta
when he pulls his wrist away, clutching it after slapping the solid helmet.

For a moment, the room is washed in the light of the hallway that the airlock leads into, and then it
is cast back into the dim orange service lights, and silently Suletta puts all her hopes on being
found, or on Miorine finding a way to save both her and her sister.

Suletta tells herself that she is not going to die. She has trained too long, has been a part of too
many rescue missions, to panic. Someone will come for her, she tells herself. It is what all miners
on Mercury tell themselves when they are trapped during a cave in. Still, a part of her regrets not
telling Miorine how she felt before this. A nagging feeling that, if she is about to die, she is going
to die with that regret most of all.

“Did my mother know?” Miorine asks Prospera, as the older woman stares at the picture of
Notrette that sat behind Miorine.
“Yes, she did,” Prospera answers with a small, almost amused, smirk. “She was aware of who I
was when you two first met, in fact.”

Miorine clenches her fists, digging her nails ever so slightly into the palm of her hand. How well
did Prospera know her mother, how much did she trust her as well, for she doubts that Prospera
would have revealed something as important and potentially damaging as that unless she was
certain that no one else would know. Yet, that only led to more questions.

“But you acted like you didn’t know each other,” Miorine points out, knitting her brow.

“Of course, had someone been listening in, then it would be suspicious if we knew each other,”
Prospera admits. Miorine opens her mouth again, but Prospera continues before she can get her
question out. “Your next question will no doubt be about where the two of us met, so let me ask
you this instead, did you know what the ultimate goal of your mother’s research was?”

“She,” Miorine hesitates, thinking back to the tomatoes that she cultivated so lovingly, “she was a
biologist, and she wanted to find a way to make Fronts more self sufficient. That was why she
worked with her plants in order to figure out how they could grow in space.”

This, for a reason that Miorine cannot understand, makes Prospera laugh. A laugh that carries
through her whole body and makes her shake. It lasts for only a few seconds, and Prospera stands
afterwards, walking over to Miorine. Miorine starts to rise, but Prospera puts a hand on her
shoulder. Her prosthetic hand, Miorine realizes. She could crush Miorine’s shoulder if she wanted
to, but that was a preposterous idea. She was Suletta’s mother, a woman who Miorine would call
aunty, and had insisted on it the last time the two of them were in this room. Yet her grip tightened
like a vice on her shoulder.

“It would make sense. You were too young for Notrette to tell you, and your father would want
nothing to do with it,” Prospera says, easing the pressure on Miorine’s shoulder and walking
behind her. “And certainly wouldn’t want you learning about it.”

“And why might that be?” Miorine asks, fidgeting in her seat. “And how do I know that whatever
it was, you’re telling the truth about it?”

“Well, you don’t need to trust my words, but your mother’s,” Prospera says, and finally withdraws
her icy hand from Miorine’s shoulder. Miorine looks behind her, as Prospera picks up the picture
of Notrette that sat there. A moment later, Prospera places a small data chip on the table. “Put it in
your notebook.”

Miorine takes out her notebook and reaches for the chip, sliding it off the coffee table and clasping
it tightly. She brings it up to her notebook, watches the screen light up and asks her if she wants to
download a video file.

AS 100 Cradle Discussion.

“Skip ahead to four minutes in,” Prospera suggests. Miorine nods her head, opening the file and
tapping her screen to that time frame.

Three people can be seen on camera. The most striking was an older woman in a grey lab coat and
obvious cybernetics behind a large desk. Doctor Cardo Nabo, head of the Vanadis Institute. On the
opposite side of the desk sat a woman in a white lab coat, and Miorine lets out a gasp. There was
her mother, young enough that it was as if Miorine was looking in a mirror at her own reflection.
Then, standing off to the side of the desk, leaning back against one of the walls, someone that
looked superficially like Suletta. She lacked the eyebrows and darker skin of Suletta though, and
one of the arms folded across her chest was clearly metallic. So, Miorine concludes, that is Elnora
Samaya, the woman standing beside her right now.

The room itself was some sort of office, screens on the walls projecting various people with
various GUND-Format prosthetics living their lives. Hesitantly, her thumb hovering over the play
button, Miorine prepares to start the video. Finally, she lets her thumb drop, and the video starts.

“-one day leave humanity’s cradle if we ever wish to survive,” Cardo is in the middle of speaking,
and Miorine clutches her notebook tighter. “That has been my goal, ever since I created the
GUND-Format. Yet, as we’ve all seen from the intervention of Ochs Earth, there is also danger in
clothing humanity; we may yet misuse it and destroy ourselves. That is I wanted to speak to you,”
Cardo gestures across the table at Notrette.
“Of course,” her mother slides out of her chair, standing up and reaching into a small bag that she
was clutching. Then- a small smirk on her face- she withdraws a tomato from the bag and tosses it
almost casually towards Elnora. Elnora snatches the tomato out of the air with her right arm,
reflexes befitting a pilot, and then looks at it with curiosity. “Take a bite.”

“If it’s just growing food for colonies, then I don’t know why you’re wasting our time,” Elnora
states, a hint of annoyance in her voice. She does not, Miorine notes, eat the tomato.

“I’m not. That was an easy enough problem to figure out but…” she turns to face Elnora now “do
you know why I chose tomatoes?” Notrette asks, still smiling.

“No, enlighten me,” Elnora says, turning the tomato over in her hand.

“Simple. Tomatoes are extremely adaptive organisms, one of the most adaptive organisms that we
know of in fact. Whether it be for hydroponics in the various Fronts, the farms on Ganymede, or
even the war torn Earth in places that have been desolate for decades, the tomatoes that I have
grown have flourished,” Notrette pauses for a moment, looking among the others in the room. “I
understand that you want any potential avenue for humanity’s future, is that right Doctor Nabo?”

“It is, Notrette. Continue,” the doctor nods at her.

“My proposal then, is to apply the principles that we see in tomato adaptivity, and use them to
benefit humanity. We can create a human that is designed to survive in the harshness of space, or
even one that will be able to incorporate permet into their system as if they were born with it. I can
see it worrying people, just as your work on GUND is worrying people, but give me five years
with the resources that Vanadis has, and I will be able to bring about someone that will carry our
dream forward. And in a way that no military organization can co-opt for their own purposes. It
will be something that only the three of us need to know about.”

There’s a brief silence as Elnora and Cardo look at each other, and then they nod in silent

“Are you looking to secure funding for the project?” Cardo asks Notrette.

Miorine hits pause on the video, and only then notices how white her knuckles had become. How
her hands shook ever so slightly as she set her notebook down in her lap. She had been holding a
breath in, and only now does she release it as her body unwinds like a spring no longer under

“You see, your mother shared the same vision as the Vanadis Institute, though she had different
means to obtain it. She was not a part of it, not officially, but we all knew her, and her us,”
Prospera explains, and gestures with an open hand towards Miorine. “Your father is far too
concerned with his business to care about humanity’s future beyond ensuring that it does not rip
itself apart, but I am of the belief that you are much more aligned with your mother in that regard.”

“Thank you for showing me this,” Miorine replies evenly. Her mind is racing faster than the
Group’s most advanced computers, and she looks at the paused video again. The two other people
in the room are enraptured by Notrette’s idea, leaning towards her ever so slightly. And how could
they not be? She was offering a way for humanity to move forward, in a way that no one else had
before. Had that been what her mother had wanted to do? Was that what had driven her

“It is what your dear mother would have wanted,” Prospera tells her, then steps away. “You should
be getting back to your friends then. I assume that there are no more questions you have for me, are
“No, there aren’t.”

“Good, then you will know what to do.”

Miorine picks at a tomato with her fork, though her mind is focussed on the notebook and the data
chip in her clutch. She needed to get back to school, get back to her room or her greenhouse. She
needed to sit down with Suletta and go through this together.

She had told Prospera that there had been no more questions, and yet that was a lie. There had been
no more questions, but only because she wanted to dissect it on her own terms, without Prospera
hovering over her. Miorine knew that Prospera was only telling her part of the truth, guiding her
along at her own pace. Yet Prospera should have known that she did not like when people did that
with her. Something else had changed between the two of them, or perhaps Miorine had finally
caught that there was something different about Prospera than when they had talked at the witch
trial. A drive towards something that had not been there before. It was, all in all, unsettling.

“What’s bothering you?” Yushura asks her, putting an elbow on the table and propping her chin up
with her palm. “You look like you’ve got something really important on your mind.”

“You’ve always been nosy,” Miorine sighs and shakes her head, though she tries to keep her tone
light and teasing. “But, well, I can’t tell you right now.”

“Oh, is it a surprise for later then?” Yushura continues to prod, and Miorine bites her lip. Who
could she trust with this information? Suletta, of course. She had as much a right to know as
Miorine herself did. Yushura? She wasn’t involved, but Miorine doubts that she can dissuade her
from getting involved after this. Perhaps once her and Suletta decide on what to share and what not
to between themselves. Earth House? That was a case by case basis. There were still too many
questions she had, and perhaps some different minds would be able to help her figure out what she
had yet to piece together, but for now there was something more pressing.

“Suletta hasn’t come back yet,” Miorine grumbles, trying very hard not to nervously drum her
fingers on the table. It had been an hour; and by now the presentations were winding down. Yet
Suletta had not come back. Nor had she sent a message to any of them saying that she had gotten
lost. Martin frowns, poking at his steak, while Nika eyes one of the small cleaning robots that is
vacuuming the booth with the intensity that only a mechanic could have towards such a machine.

“Who did she run off with, someone from Peil?” Yushura asks, frowning. “That Ceres kid? Elan?”

“No, his brother, Esher or something,” Martin corrects her. Yushura’s frown deepens, her brow

“Haven’t heard of him, it was only Elan that they toted out until now.” Yushura muses, then hums.
“From what little I saw of him, he sure looks like Elan Ceres. Maybe they’ve just got a whole line
of clones ready at a moment’s notice.” She laughs lightly at her own joke.

Miorine tenses ever so slightly at that, not visible for any of the others to see thankfully, yet it
takes her a moment to relax again. Her mother had wanted to design a perfect human, a genetically
modified clone would be the easiest way of doing that. Was that what she had hoped to achieve?
Or, was it something that she had achieved. She knew her body well enough to figure that she
wasn’t a clone, despite how similar her and her mother looked.

“Whatever he is, if Suletta doesn’t show up soon then he’s going to wish he never came here,”
Miorine says.
As if waiting for her to say that, Esher’s green head of hair shows itself above the low wall that
separates the booth from the steps, and he strides into the booth, carrying his own notebook with
his eyes locked on Miorine. Miorine straightens, knowing that something is wrong just by the look
on his face, and silently cursing herself for letting Suletta out of her sight.

“Good evening,” he smirks, and then approaches the table.

“What do you want, Ceres?” Yushura scowls, reaching for her cane. Esher holds his hands up
innocently, but continues to approach.

“Oh, just to have a chat with Miss Rembran. Though I don’t much care if you all hear anyway, it’s
not as if anyone would listen to you people,” Esher sets his notebook down, facing Miorine, and
she looks at the screen. There’s a legal document on it, requesting a signature, and she begins to
scroll up. As her eyes dart through the text, she feels her heart sink, and anger threatens to boil over
and erupt. It was a very blatant and downright disgusting tactic. Finally, she tosses the notebook
off the table, and Esher squats down to pick it up.

“What is it, Miorine?” Nika asks her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Yushura mirrors the action,
while Martin glares at Esher, not knowing what exactly was going on, but knowing that he would
need to support his housemates very soon.

“Why do you think that I’d sign something like that?” Miorine’s voice is a low growl, and she is
only kept from leaping up from the table by telling herself that that won’t get her anywhere.

“Because, it’s a very big station, and Suletta Mercury had an hour of air left when I last saw her.”
Esher flips to another app on his notebook, a picture of Suletta passed out on the floor filling the
screen, and Miorine’s throat clenches tight. “If you want to see her again, then just sign the
document and I’ll tell you where she is.” Esher smiles, then after a moment Miorine hears her
notebook chime in her purse. “I’ve sent you a copy. Sorry I can’t stick around but I’ll leave you to
talk it out,” and, just like that, he turns on his heel and walks away, giving a small wave. “Don’t
take too long though.”

Yushura is the first to act, snatching the notebook out of Miorine’s clutch and scanning through the
document before Miorine can offer any significant protest. Yushura’s eyes light up with anger, and
she eventually sets the notebook back down on the table.

“He wants you to legally declare that the Aerial is a Gundam?” Yushura looks between the three
other occupants of the table. “Is it a Gundam?” That would make no sense in Yushura’s mind. If
Suletta was piloting a Gundam, and a Gundam was supposed to take its pilot’s life, then how was
she still alive and well after years of piloting?

“Well,” Nika looks around as well, as Martin tries very hard not to panic and Miorine simply looks
utterly devastated. Then, Nika gives a small, curt nod towards Yushura. Enough to tell her what she
was looking to know.

“Nika, it should be fine if we give up the mobile suit, right?” Miorine asks her, and Nika frowns.
The implication, what Miorine wasn’t saying, was that Aerial would be fine in her Haro, and that
way it wouldn’t be as if they were selling Aerial in exchange for Suletta.

“Well, I mean I doubt we could rebuild her from the ground up with what resources we have, and-”

“You seriously aren’t going to give up her mobile suit, Gundam or not, are you?” Yushura
interrupts, and Miorine looks at her with a slightly confused look on her face. “Listen, you’ve still
got some months until your birthday, if she doesn’t have her mobile suit, then what’s to stop
someone from swooping in and dueling her, and she’d have to forfeit since she doesn’t have
anything to fight in,” Yushura points out.

“So we can’t give up Aerial, but if we don’t then Suletta-” Martin starts.

“Martin-” Nika cuts him off, and then rises swiftly from the table “-let’s go, if we start searching
now then maybe we’ll get lucky and find her. Or at least figure out where Esher is holding her so
we can figure something out.” Nika takes Martin’s arm and drags him out of the booth, both of
them rapidly descending the stairs and leaving Miorine alone with Yushura.

“This is way too far. Just how desperate are these people?” Yushura scoffs, plucking the Haro off
her cane and setting it on the table. “Seriously, they have to know that this will just cause more
problems for them if they fail,” she adds. Miorine nods at that, though it gives her little comfort.
“Haro, call security. Make a request for them to see if they can’t find Suletta Mercury.”

“Contacting security,” the Haro beeps once, and then a few moments later beeps again. “Security
has declared that they have no record of Suletta Mercury on this station.”

“What?” Miorine raises her voice, gritting her teeth. “Are they in on this as well?” It would make
sense, Miorine considers. After all, if they weren’t in on it, then they would notice whatever Esher
did to Suletta, and she doubts they could have kept it hidden from the cameras that litter the

“I don’t know.” Yushura shakes her head, though Miorine can see her rubbing her thumb against
her pointer finger’s knuckle in worry. “Haro, can you access security systems here?”

“Security systems on this Front are heavily encrypted. Any attempt at breaching them will be
detected. Do you wish to continue?”

“No,” Miorine answers before Yushura can. “That would just cause more trouble, and we can’t
afford that right now.” Her eyes scan through the document again, hundreds of hours of classes
preparing her to ensure that she can find out any discrepancy, any loophole, any way that she could
wiggle out of this contract once she had Suletta. It was, of course, under duress, but that would
matter little when there were very few laws that were held sacrosanct.

“Well, what’s so bad about signing it then, didn’t it already go through one inspection? I heard
about that.” Yushura next tries to come in from a different angle, her brow knit in concentration.

Miorine frowns, pondering that for a moment, closing her eyes and trying to imagine what would
happen if she did sign it.

“Yes, but my lousy father had already made up his mind that it was a Gundam, if I hadn’t shown
up to that witch hunt when I did, Aerial would have been scrapped. This time though, if he didn’t
act on it for whatever reason, then it would show weakness towards the other CEOs in the Group,
and that’s something that he would never allow to be seen. So, he would just decide to take out
both Peil’s machine and Aerial as Gundams and wash his hands of it.” It would probably let him
sleep better at night too, for all she knew.

“Crap. So much for that idea.” Yushura leans back, her gaze directed towards the ceiling. “I don’t
suppose that we could just beat up Ceres and get him to tell us?”

“I’m not exactly comfortable with torturing someone.” Miorine shakes her head. She follows
Yushura’s gaze towards the ceiling, and then, slightly backwards. Behind her, the next booth up is
obscured, and likely even further up, her father would still be sitting there. Her father, who might as
well own the station, had absolute power here like the king that he claimed to be.

Miorine’s stomach twists as she realizes a way forward. She no longer was set on going to Earth as
soon as she could, yet she had also so far been unwilling to even consider actually taking up the
position that her father wanted her to. Thus, the idea that he needed to find an heir to the Group,
one from a company within the Beneritt Group that would serve its best interests going forward.
That was the whole idea behind the Holder system.

“Yushura,” Miorine says, sitting up straight again and taking a deep breath to calm herself. She
would need all the mental strength she could muster for what she was about to do. “I’m going to
talk to my father.”

“You can’t be serious.” Yushura shakes her head, also sitting up now and staring intently at her. At
least she knew what Miorine was planning, and that was somewhat of a relief. “Oh, you are.

“I’m going to need your help afterwards,” Miorine states. It’s a request, one asking for her support
going forward onto the stage that was the Group’s upper management. One that Yushura was glad
to accept, even if she hated the stage as much as Miorine did. So, leaning back again, she watches
Miorine stand and leave the booth, climbing up the stairs rather than down as the others had done

Miorine takes a very deep breath as she sits across from her father at his table. He seems to be
watching the current presentation with mild interest, more of his interest than she has at the
moment. Thankfully, she had been allowed to sit at the table with very little fuss, sitting across
from her father. His two dogs, Rajan Zahi and Kennaji Avery, stood near the entrance of the booth,
talking to each other and ensuring that no one else disturbed them.

Perhaps it was a sign that her father was at least willing to hear her talk.

“Where is Suletta?” she asks. Esher gave her an hour. Now it was closer to thirty minutes, and then
Suletta would be dead.

“The Holder? Why should I know?” her father asks, not looking away from the presentation. He
scribbles something down on his notebook, scowls at it and erases it.

“Because, this is your station.” If her father did not know about something, then it was a slight
against his demands for complete control over the situation. “I need your help finding her.”

“And you cannot do so yourself?” her father comments. “You need to rely on me to clean up your
“So, you’re going to let her die?” Miorine retorts.

“Is that why you asked to sit with me, to have a temper tantrum?” Delling’s voice is cold as space,
and as harsh as its vacuum. “Why should I help you?”

“I-” Miorine bites her lip. What could she say to him, that would finally get him to pay attention to
her. “I’m here to end your search for an heir to the Beneritt Group,” she states, loudly enough to
get a couple of the others sitting near them to turn. Her father remains unmoved, however, and she
pulls out her notebook and scribbles down her demands. Then, she hands it to her father. He
glances down at it, a look of disappointment crossing it, as if he had been served dinner that was
not to his liking.

“Is that all?” he asks Miorine sharply. “The location of Suletta Mercury at this moment, a proper
betrothal to Suletta Mercury with her agreement, protection of the Mobile Suit designated Aerial
from any accusations of being a Gundam, and you being allowed to complete all three years at
Asticassia? In exchange for the promise of no longer attempting to escape to Earth and becoming
the heir of the Beneritt Group upon my death or retirement.” He puts the notebook on the table and
slides it back to her. “I would have thought that you would at least be serious about this.”

“Fine.” He wanted her to think bigger, she tells herself. It meant that he was considering it though,
which was a good thing for her. She begins to write again, then passes it back after a minute. Her
father scans through the demands in a moment, and she thinks that she sees something shift in his
expression, though perhaps it was the light as the presentation changes backgrounds.

“Full salaries and school credits for any staff that you hire. The creation of a committee that will
look into the introduction of biomedical technology as a way to diversify the Beneritt Group away
from exclusively Mobile Suit manufacturing, headed by yourself. An evaluation of the group’s
goals within the next year, and a potential reorganization of the group now that two of the three
branches have lost their status,” her father reads off the list. “This last one confuses me, as I
believe that only Jeturk Heavy Machinery is in danger of being removed,” he taps the item on the
list with one of his fingers, letting Miorine know exactly which one he is talking about. “Are you
counting on Peil also falling?”

“They broke the Cathedra Agreement, produced a Gundam that takes the life of its pilot,” Miorine
couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride at the argument she was concocting, something that she had to
make up as she went along. Yet, it all fits neatly into something that might be able to convince her
father. “It took the life of its pilot despite Suletta Mercury’s valiant efforts to save Elan Ceres.
Plus, part of the reason I’m approaching you is because Peil intended to use coerced testimony
from me that Aerial is a Gundam. They want that in order to try and take out Shin-Sei during their
own witch trial, in exchange for Suletta’s life. Hardly the move of an innocent, isn’t it?” She lets
the question hang in the air for a brief moment, dares her father to contradict her. He, however,
remains silent and contemplative of the presentation going on below them. “That confirms that
there will be an inquiry into it, and there is no ambiguity as there is with Aerial, so you will
confirm that they broke the Cathedra Agreement, resulting in losses of… one hundred and twenty
billion, give or take,” she glares at him, and only now does he turn to face her. To acknowledge
her. So this was truly serious now. He was actually considering giving her what she demanded. She
steadies herself, sitting up straighter.

“And why should I accept you as heir?” He asks now. Miorine knew what he was truly asking
though, what he was implying behind the question. Where did she plan to take the company, if he
gave it to her?

“I am the top management student in Asticassia, with marks constantly at the top of my class,
including in advanced courses normally offered to third years. Since you insisted that I attend, and
disallowed me from either becoming a pilot or mechanic, only the management division remained
open. I’ve embraced it.” Miorine smiles now as her father knits his brow in consideration. “Plus, if
not me, who? Do you have anyone else who you would trust? Jeturk has fallen from grace, Peil
will as well. And I know that you worked under Sarius. Do you really expect him or Shaddiq to
hold the Group together? I am willing to make use of my skills to help the Group, to help you. It
would also be a message to the Group that you have your own family in order, dissuading them
from trying to fight for the position of heir, and preventing them from trying anything outside of
leaving the Group, and that would be economic suicide.”

There it is, a twitch on his lips. The slightest smile. She can feel the disgust welling up in her gut.
She had gotten something that she never knew she would get, and never wanted. His respect.
“I see. You have matured, even if it is for a petty reason such as a girl you love. However, with
your shares and Shin-Sei’s, you will not have enough stocks to control the company. What do you
propose for that?”

“Jeturk is currently selling stock to cover their losses, and Peil will need to follow suit after the
witch trial,” Miorine shrugs. “Buy up those stocks, and add them to my portfolio. That should tip
the scales, should it not?”

“It would, though what would that say to the Group if I were to do that?” Delling says, leaning
forward now. Miorine cannot remember the last time that her father seemed interested in her.

“It would say that you are displeased with them, and have acted accordingly to limit their power in
the Group. It would say that you will not stand for their petty bickering.” Miorine replies.

“There will be no backing out of this, Miorine. I want you to attend the inquiry into Peil’s Gundam,
and be seated at my side for it. It will take place in a week, the details will be forwarded to you
tomorrow. As for Suletta Mercury, I will call security to see if they know where she is. Once you
have her, she and I will go over the details of the betrothal.” He slides the notebook back to her,
and Miorine picks it up, putting it once again in her clutch.

“Thank you,” she says simply, though she loathes to say it. Her father does not reply, and only pulls
his notebook up to his ear. Miorine can only hear his side of the conversation, with him declaring
who he is and what he’s looking for, any presence of Suletta Mercury, a brief description of her
that Miorine is honestly surprised that he knew. Then, a moment later, he nods.

“The airlock of section 46-O.”

It’s all she needs to know, and Miorine reaches down to kick off her heels before standing up and
starting to run out of the booth.

“Avery, make sure that no one from Peil attempts to interfere,” her father orders. Miorine looks at
the Dominicus commander, who nods and pats the side of his suit as if to show that he is armed.
She only lets that slow her down for a moment before she picks up the pace again, descending the
stairs. Suletta was in an airlock on the outer shell of the Front, and she had twenty minutes to get
there. So, she begins sprinting, cutting through the various business people in their small petty
groups, and behind her thunders Kenanji Avery, keeping pace with her despite the years not being
kind to him.

“Lady Miorine,” He had never called her that before, she notes. But of course, now that her father
approved of her, of course his dogs would follow suit. “Should we run into any problems, stay
behind me.”

“If anything happens, then I’m still going for Suletta. I expect you to deal with whatever gets in my
way,” Miorine counters, not looking back at him to confirm if he understood. He doesn’t offer an
answer either, though she can still hear his laboured breaths as he tries to keep pace with her. A few
other people glance at them as they barrel past, but Miorine is occupied on a single place, a single

There is no one outside the door when they arrive ten minutes later. Miorine skids to a stop,
slamming the button to open the door. Then she throws herself into the room, looking around for
any signs of her wayward Holder.

“Suletta!” She yells. The room seems empty at first, the orange lights barely illuminating the
lockers, though through the gloom she sees it. Someone sitting on a bench wearing a normal suit,
the red light flickering from the helmet indicating that the suit was critically low on oxygen. The
red light bathes Suletta’s face in it, unmoving with her eyes closed almost serenely, the only
indication that she was still alive being the fact that her breathing was harsh and steamed up the
bottom of the helmet’s visor. Yet, she sees Suletta’s eyes flicker open slowly as she notices her,
shining blue in the ugly red light.

Miorine twists the helmet off and throws it aside, where it lands somewhere else with a clatter. She
doesn’t care though, not when she waits for a moment before Suletta reacts. Then, Suletta gulps for
air repeatedly, coughing and trying to expel as much still air as she could. Miorine kneels beside
her, and Suletta tries to lean forward towards Miorine. Miorine notices that she’s bound to the
bench somehow, unable to do more than lean slightly forward. There are tear stains going down
the side of her face.

“Suletta!” Miorine embraces her, pulls her close, feels Suletta wince slightly and tries to press
against her as best as she can.

“Miorine…” Suletta takes another deep breath. “You… did you…” her voice is full of worry, of
fear. She knew what the deal was, knew that if Miorine was there, then did that mean that she had
given up Aerial?

“Make a deal with Esher? With Peil? No.” Miorine shakes her head in triumph.

“Ah… Aerial, and me, we- we’re safe because of you. Again.” Suletta mumbles weakly, though
she smiles as she feels fresh tears spring up in her eyes. “Thank you,” it’s a simple, sincere
compliment, and Suletta looks at Miorine, trying to convey how grateful she is.

“Things will be fine, Suletta.” Miorine assures her once again. There were more immediate things
to deal with, and she looks at the metal cord wrapped around Suletta’s wrists and ankles. Some sort
of way to attach cargo together, though the release mechanism had been obviously tampered with.
She would need to find a bolt cutter then, and then wonders how far she left Kennaji behind. He
should be there soon enough, and she might need him to actually cut the cord. She starts to stand,
apologetic for leaving Suletta like this.

“W-wait,” Suletta stammers, tries to sit up as straight as she can, tries to keep eye contact with
Miorine. Miorine stops, looking at Suletta and tilting her head to the side. Was there something
that was the matter with her? “Mio… Miorine… I… I love you. I thought I was going to die
without saying it and… I have to. I have to tell you. I know I can’t compare to Earth but…”
Miorine moves back over to Suletta, cupping her cheeks. Suletta is crying, so she wipes her tears
with her thumbs. “I wanted you to know.”

“That makes this a lot easier then,” Miorine says, as she leans in and presses her lips to Suletta’s.
Suletta reciprocates after an agonizing moment in which she is in shock, leaning into the kiss as
best as she can. It is a chaste kiss, a hesitant one between two people hesitant in their feelings.
After what may have been a few seconds Miorine pulls back to let Suletta catch her breath, not
wanting to have the kiss overstay its welcome as Suletta tries to recover from nearly suffocating.

“Miorine?” Suletta is shocked, her eyes wide as she stares at Miorine. Afterwards Miorine takes a
deep breath of her own as she kneels down to be at Suletta’s height, making sure that Suletta can
look her in the eyes when she says this.

“Suletta Mercury, will you marry me?”

Chapter End Notes

While I will resume writing this next month, this month I have a different project that I
must embark on. For now though, enjoy a more upbeat ending as we approach Suletta
Sunday at a rapid pace.

End Notes

Whelp, this is going to be a doozy of a fic, but I really do like the idea of them being
childhood friends. It will introduce a different dynamic to their relationship, one that may
cause things to go off the rails in the future.
Follow me on twitter, @writinggrayjay for mostly G-Witch art retweets but ocassionally
other fandoms, and occasionally my own thoughts.

Thanks for reading!

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