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Dwi Febri Kurniawan,


Subject: Employment Application

Mr/Mrs Personnel Section
in place

Yours faithfully,
I hereby submit a job application letter to the company that you lead, as for my personal data as follows:

Name : apt. Dwi Febri Kurniawan, S.Farm.

Place and date of birth : Jakarta / 08 February 1990
Gender : Male
Mobile : 081286039602
Email :
Address : Kp. Cibogo No.64 Rt.03 Rw.04 Ciseeng, Bogor

To complete some of the necessary data for consideration, Mr. / Mrs. leadership, I attach the completeness
of my personal data as follows:

1. Application Letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Diploma
4. ID card
5. Certificate
6. Transcript
7. Vaccination Card

Thus, I submit this application letter, I really hope to be accepted and placed in the company that you lead.
Thank you for your attention and wisdom.

Yours faithfully,

apt. Dwi Febri Kurniawan, S.Farm.

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