Physics Handout - GRAPHS

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Some information about graphs:

(a) Choosing the correct axis:

(i) The first variable mentioned goes on the ‘vertical’ axis.

Example – if told to plot a graph of a against b, then ‘a’ is plotted on the y-axis.

(ii) The independent variable (the one which we set or control) is plotted on the x-axis
and the dependent variable (the one which we measure) is plotted on the y- axis.

(b) Choosing a suitable scale for each axis:

(i) Scales are chosen to ensure that the graph occupies as much of the graph paper as
it can without making the scale awkward to use. The graph should occupy more
than half of the page, both ‘vertically and horizontally’. (The more expanded the
scale, the greater the precision of the results.)

(ii) A scale which is not awkward is easy to read and make points easy to plot and
read-off. Example 1:5 or a 1:10 scale. Note that scales like 1:3 or 1:4 etc., are

(iii)Broken scales may be used unless an intercept has to be found.

(c) Labelling:

(i) The title of the graph must be given.

(ii) Each axis must be labeled with quantity, symbol / unit.

Example: Current, I / A

(iii)Axes should have scale markings every 2cm (or less)

(d) Plotting:

(i) All recorded readings must be plotted.

(ii) Points can be FINE circled dots or SHARP upright crosses whose intersection is
exactly the intersection of the two values producing the point

(iii)Plotted readings must not be rounded off.

(e) Best Fit:

(i) To obtain the best curve or straight line from a scatter of points the LEAST
SQUARES principle may be used. Using a transparent ruler, the line is drawn so
that the PERPENDICULAR DISTANCES of points on one side of the line when
added (by inspection) give the same total as those taken from the other side.

(ii) The best line need not pass through any of the plotted points.

(iii)Straight line graphs do not have to pass through the origin.

(iv)A straight line must not be forced through points which show a curved trend.

(v) A THIN line must be drawn.

(f) Gradient:

(i) A large triangle must be drawn (whose hypotenuse must be greater than half the
length of the line). This increases the accuracy.
(ii) The gradient is calculated from (change in vertical/change in horizontal)

(iii)GRADIENTS HAVE UNITS, which come from (vertical units/horizontal units.)

If both axes have the same units, the gradient is a pure number.

(iv)The read-off must be from the graph and not from the table.

(v) The read-off must be to the same number of significant figures as the plotted

y y

x x

negative gradient positive gradient

(g) Intercept:

(i) The intercept is read directly off the graph. It is the point on an axis that the line
passes through. In physical terms the intercept is the value of one of the
quantities/variables plotted when the other is zero.

(ii) Do not use a broken scale if intercept has to be found.

(iii)INTERCEPTS have UNITS which are the same as those for the axis cut.

(iv)The read-off must be to the same number of significant figures as the plotted

(v) The intercept must NOT be calculated from the equation (y = mx + c)

(h) Interpretation of graphs

Its shape can give the relationship between the measured quantities

(i) The measured quantities are DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL: a straight line

passing through the origin (y = mx)

(ii) There is a linear relationship, but not proportionality: a straight line which cuts an
axis (y = mx + c)

(iii)There is a non-linear relationship: a curve

(i) Rationale for use of a graph to represent measurement:

(i) It gives a total picture.

(ii) It shows trends in measurement.

(iii)Its shape can give relationship between the measured variables.

(iv)It can be extrapolated in any direction to predict results.

(v) It shows systematic errors which are way off. They can be checked.

(vi)The ‘best fit’ reduces random errors which show up as a scatter of points about
the line.

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