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C 2019 Poultry Science Association Inc.

Dietary Enzyme Supplementation in Duck

Nutrition: A review
Jungwoo Park and John B. Carey1

Department of Poultry Science, Texas A&M University, College Station,

TX 77843-2472, USA

Primary Audience: Nutritionists, Duck producers, Enzyme manufacturers

Ducks have traditionally been a relatively small component of the global poultry industry but
recent growth has been noted. As consumption has risen worldwide, the efficiency of duck meat
production has become increasingly important. The nutritional formula is a critical economic
factor because feed accounts for a major portion of the cost of raising poultry. The determination
of optimal duck nutrition is necessary to attain the best live performance for ducks to maximize
the productivity of duck meat. However, our understanding of the effects of feed additives in
duck diets is still far behind our understanding of that in chickens. Enzyme additives in animal
feed have been used in the poultry industry since the late 1980s, but there has been a lack of
research effort into how enzymes can be applied in the duck industry. This review synthesizes
the available information regarding enzyme studies with ducks. After reviewing the available
information, it is concluded that it is worth further examination of how enzymes can be used
to improve duck nutrition in the future. Enzyme studies are important because they are useful
tools for improving the duck meat industry by allowing more efficient utilization of nutrients
in feedstuffs and reducing the negative impacts of detrimental components in standard and
alternative feed ingredients.

Key words: duck nutrition, enzymes, feed additive, non-starch polysaccharides

2019 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 28:587–597

DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM enzymes as feed supplements to improve live

performance has been researched extensively in
Ducks accounted for 4.63% of the world’s chickens. The broiler and layer chicken sectors
poultry stocks growing from 932 million in 2000 have used enzymes as dietary supplements for
to 1.15 billion head in 2017 [1]. The nutritional decades. Unlike the chicken industry, there is
formula is a critical economic factor because a dearth of scientific literature on enzyme us-
feed accounts for more than 70% of the cost age in duck diets. However, there have been
of raising poultry [2]. Poultry diet formulation some reports regarding enzymes in duck diets
has significantly improved over the past few (Table 1). For instance, the effects of phytase
decades as nutrient utilization research has fo- on ducks were studied from the 1990’s to the
cused on innovative alternative feed additives 2010’s, the effects of xylanase on ducks were
to improve productive performance. The use of studied in the early 2000’s, and the effects of
multiple enzyme treatments on ducks have been
Corresponding author: studied from the 1990’s to the present. However,
588 JAPR: Review Article

Table 1. Effects of Enzymes on Ducks With Ingredients.

Enzyme Feedstuffs (plant ingredients) Impact References (year) Citation [X]
Phytase Sorghum and soybean meal Increased P retention and ash Farrell et al. (1993) 40
in tibia
Phytase Molasses, sorghum, wheat, Improved AME; increased Martin (1998) 42
and rice bran/fish meal feed intake, tibia ash and P
Phytase Molasses, sorghum, wheat, Improved mineral retention Farrell and Martin (1998) 50
and rice bran and affected to tibia bone
Phytase Corn, soybean meal, and Improved the calcium and Rodehutscord et al. (2006) 43
sunflower meal. plant phosphorus utilization
Phytase Corn and soybean meal Phytase effects depend on Ei-Badry et al. (2008) 47
various levels of NPP
Phytase Corn, soybean meal, and rice Phytase shows different effect Yang et al. (2009) 48
bran. by NPP levels
Phytase Corn and soybean meal Improved live performance, Adeola (2010) 49
bone ash, and mineral
retention and digestibility
Xylanase Wheat, rye, triticale, and Increased feed intake; Timmler and Rodehutscord 21
soybean meal reduced digesta viscosity (2001)
Xylanase Wheat and soybean meal Xylanase effects depend on Adeola and Bedford (2004) 23
various levels of NPP (diet
Protease Corn and rice bran Improved egg production, Biyatmoko and Rostini 36
egg weight, and feed (2016)
conversion ratio
Multi-enzyme Molasses, sorghum, wheat, No enzyme effects on various Farrell and Martin (1998) 50
and rice bran levels of rice bran diet
Multi-enzyme Corn, wheat middling, and Improved live performance, Hong et al. (2002) 51
soybean meal nitrogen, and amino acid
Corn, soybean meal, wheat Improved energy and nutrient Adeola et al. (2007) 34
Protease/Multi- middling utilization/improved only
enzyme AMEn and TMEn
Multi-enzyme Corn, soybean meal, wheat Improved AA and energy Adeola et al. (2008) 52
by-products/middling utilization
Multi-enzyme Corn, wheat, and soybean Improved endogenous Rui et al. (2012) 53
meal digestive enzymes
Multi-enzyme Corn, paddy, rice bran, and Improved performance and Kang et al. (2013) 54
soybean meal nutrition digestibility
Multi-enzyme Corn, rice and wheat bran, Improved growth rate, Zeng et al. (2015) 55
and soybean meal utilization of nutrients, and
bone mineralization
Multi-enzyme Corn and soybean meal Decreased triglycerides and Frasiska et al. (2016) 57
LDL cholesterol, increased
blood HDL level

there are still many questions regarding enzyme treatments have been researched in ducks, nu-
usage in duck diets that require answers. For ex- merous untested enzymes remain. For example,
ample, the optimal levels of individual enzymes β-mannanase is known to hydrolize the mannan
have not been properly established for the for- backbone of Non-Starch Polysaccharides (NSP),
mulation of duck diets. Determination of opti- which can improve intestinal morphology and
mal levels of enzymes is important because the digesta viscosity in poultry. However, no exper-
level of an enzyme will affect its efficacy and iments on β-mannanase have been performed
the overall performance of the bird. Although the in ducks. In this review, the conducted studies
effects of phytase, xylanase, and multi-enzyme will be summarized, and the effects of exogenous

enzymes on ducks and what further studies can tion of the innate immune system by NSPs will
be conducted will be discussed. unnecessarily consume energy from the host. As
a result, NSPs cause various negative effects to
the host. Enzyme supplements can abate some of
BASIC BENEFITS OF ENZYMES IN these negative effects. Most of the commercial
POULTRY DIETS enzymes in the poultry industry are classified as
carbohydrase, protease, and phytase. Carbohy-
Exogenous enzymes in poultry diets are drase hydrolyses polysaccharide backbones pro-
known to improve nutrient digestibility, egg pro- ducing simple sugars. Xylanase, amylase, and
duction, immune response, and gut morphology β-glucanase are commercial carbohydrase en-
[3–6]. Most of the energy sources in poultry di- zymes that are commonly utilized in poultry di-
ets are derived from plants such as corn and ets. For example, xylanase is utilized in poultry
soybean. These and other common ingredients diets to help break down xylans in wheat and
contain varying amounts of anti-nutritional fac- corn. The protease enzymes break down pro-
tors. Animals produce endogenous digestive en- teins in ingredients such as corn and soybean
zymes, but enzymes that are produced by the meal (SBM). A typical anti-nutritional factor of
host are not fully efficient for digesting all nu- proteins in soybeans is trypsin inhibitors, which
trients [7]. For example, poultry species do not interrupt trypsin that is secreted by the pancreas.
secrete endogenous enzymes to hydrolyze NSP, Trypsin inhibitors are partially degraded by heat,
which are present in many cereal grains. The but, as they are not completely inactivated, pro-
ability of monogastric animals to digest water tease can provide additional degradation. Phy-
soluble NSPs is much poorer than in ruminants tase improves mineral absorption availability
[8]. These water soluble NSPs form a much more from plant feedstocks, especially phosphorus.
viscous digesta and this in turn reduces feed pas- This can reduce the required level of phosphorus
sage rate in the intestine [8]. Longer digestion sources in diet formulations and aid in reducing
rates cause microbial fermentation in the intesti- phosphorus excretion.
nal area, thus decreasing oxygen and increas-
ing anaerobic bacteria in the intestinal area [9].
These bacteria utilize energy and amino acids, XYLANASE
thus reducing the quantity of such available to
the host [10, 11]. This process not only induces The digestive tracts of monogastric animals
intestinal morphology modification but also pro- produce endogenous enzymes, but these endoge-
duces acetic acid (volatile fatty acids) [12]. Acids nous enzymes are not effective for digesting
lower intestinal pH and reduce absorption of NSPs. Xylan, a component of hemicellulose
nutrients such as minerals and fat [13]. Con- in plant cell walls, consists of a 1,4-β-linked
sequently, cholesterol levels in the blood are in- D-xylopyranose unit as the main chain, and mul-
creased by the incremental binding of bile salts tiple units of xylose that are attached with other
[14]. In addition, NSPs are known to stimulate substituent groups attached to the main chain
the host innate immune system because the host [16, 17]. There are several types of xylan chains.
innate immune system recognizes NSPs as a Arabinoxylan is the major xylan group in wheat
pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) [18, 19] and is also present in corn. Arabinoxy-
[15]. The innate immune systems of vertebrates lans increase intestinal viscosity, inhibit nutri-
and plants respond to pathogen invasion through ent digestion, and modify intestinal morphology.
signaling receptors such as toll-like or pattern- Xylanase is a carbohydrase enzyme that de-
recognition receptors. These mechanisms in an- grades xylan and is known to improve live perfor-
imals are triggered because plants also have mance and gut morphology in poultry species.
microbe-associated molecules similar to trans- Xylanase hydrolyses the xylose backbone releas-
membrane and intracellular receptors of animals ing xyloligosaccharides [16, 20] and offsets the
[15]. The innate immune system is known as adverse effects of xylan in poultry diets.
“the first line of defense” of the host body and is Timmler and Rodehutscord [21] reported on
the most important immune mechanism, acting four studies to evaluate the efficiency of en-
before a humoral response is initiated. Stimula- zyme preparations and grain sources in Pekin
590 JAPR: Review Article

duck diets. Experiment 3 from this publication Overall, xylanase only shows an effect when
evaluated wheat/rye 51.5/10.0 (starter, 12 MJ/kg it is added into specific feeds (those with lower
ME, 21.6% CP), wheat/rye 46.5/20.0 (grower, 12 levels of dietary energy). Unfortunately, there are
MJ/kg ME, 18.5% CP), and 1,000 U/g 1,4 beta- few experiments that have examined the impact
xylanase at 0, 100, 150, and 200 mg/kg. The live of xylanase on duck live performance. However,
performance of the xylanase-treated groups was several studies have provided clear evidence that
not significantly different from the controls. The xylanase has an impact on the intestinal environ-
xylanase-treated groups had significantly lower ment. In conclusion, xylanase feed supplements
jejunal and ileal viscosity compared to the con- can help to prevent the negative effects of NSPs
trol group. Based on the results of this and the in duck diets.
other experiments in this review, the authors re-
port that xylanase appears to be most effective
when there is no fat such as soybean oil, pork PROTEASE
lard, or beef tallow in the duck diets.
The results of Xie et al. [22] add further evi- The primary reasons for using protease are
dence of the impact of fat in duck diets. In a study to improve protein digestion, energy efficiency,
examining the apparent metabolizable energy re- and productivity. As mentioned above, SBM is
quirement of Pekin ducklings, 5 different levels widely used to provide protein in poultry di-
of metabolizable energy (10.26, 10.88, 11.50, ets. However, soybeans contain anti-nutritional
12.14, and 12.75 MJ/kg ME) were used with factors such as trypsin inhibitors and lectin,
same level of protein (20.5% CP). Notably, in- which interfere with digestion in monogastric
creased dietary energy did not result in increased animals [28–30]. The adverse effects of these
breast or leg weight, but did increase abdominal anti-nutritional factors can be dramatically re-
fat. Increased fat in duck diets not only increases duced by heat during processing, but heating
intestinal viscosity, but also negatively impacts increases processing cost and has the potential
duck meat yield. Adeola and Bedford [23] also to destroy other nutrients in SBM [30–32]. Ex-
reported similar xylanase effects on ducks at 8 ogenous protease can be derived from Bacil-
wk of age. They studied the effect of xylanase lus species, such as subtilisin and bacillolysin
(2590 U/g) on six different diets (low- and high- [33]. Protease hydrolyses proteins into peptides
viscosity wheat diets with 0, 1.5, and 3.0 g/kg or amino acid residues that are easily absorbed
of xylanase); Low-viscosity (16.82 MJ/g ME, by the host. Several experiments have examined
166 g/kg CP), high-viscosity (16.28 MJ/kg ME, protease impacts in duck diets. Adeola et al. [34]
130 g/kg CP), and SBM (17.59 MJ/kg ME, 489 studied the effects of protease in Pekin ducks at 9
g/kg CP). Xylanase did not impact apparent ni- or 10 wk of age. Three different levels of protease
trogen retention, TME, or TMEn, but apparent (0, 7,500, or 15,000 U/kg) were added to SBM
dry matter retention was increased with increas- and wheat-based feeds. Protease reduced the to-
ing concentrations of xylanase. Xylanase also tal amount of dry matter output, and increased
had a positive impact on weight gain and feed both apparent and true nitrogen retention. From
conversion ratio at 0–42 and 14–42 d. Xylanase estimates of energy retention, AME and TME
had a significant impact on duodenal and ileal were found to increase significantly through ad-
viscosity, with the greatest impact apparent at dition of protease. Kalmendal and Tauson [35]
1.5 g/kg xylanase in low- and high-viscosity di- added protease at 200 mg/kg of diet (15,555
ets. Xylanase also had a significant impact on U/kg) in broiler chicken diets. Compared to the
ileal digestibility (dry matter, fat, starch, and ni- control group, broilers fed protease-treated diets
trogen) and energy in ducks. These trends have had significantly improved apparent digestibility
been demonstrated in studies with broilers. Ac- of starch, fat, and AMEn. Biyatmoko and Rostini
cording to published chicken-based studies, the [36] reported that protease enzyme supplemen-
effects of xylanase are influenced by the diet. tation in diets affected the productivity of Alabio
When xylanase was added into wheat or wheat- laying ducks in an 8 wk study (28 to 36 wk of
barley based diets, improvements of live per- age). Five levels (0%, 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.3%, and
formance were observed [24, 25], while others 0.5%) of protease (no level of enzyme activity
noted no impact [26, 27]. reported) were used with diets which included

rice bran, yellow corn, fish meal, coconut oil, chelated minerals and myo-inositol are released,
fish oil, and corn oil (2,700 kcal/kg ME, 19% which improves the availability of phosphorus
CP). The author recommended 0.15% of pro- and minerals. Greiner et al. [39] reported that the
tease for laying ducks because egg production optimal conditions for the degradation of phytate
(hen-day production), egg weight, and feed con- were pH 6.0 and 45C.
version ratio were all significantly improved at Many experiments have examined the effects
this rate of inclusion. A significant difference of phytase in ducks. Farrell et al. [40] stud-
was observed in hen-day production among the ied the effect of phytase in 5 different early
enzyme-treated groups. The 0.3% and 0.1% in- growth phase (day 1 to 18) duckling diets.
clusion rates showed the highest and lowest pro- Diets 1 to 5 contained 450 g/kg of sorghum and
duction percentages, respectively. Egg weight 300, 400, 500, 400, and 300 g/kg of SBM, re-
was not significantly impacted by the treatments. spectively. Diets 1–3 (diet 1: 12.6 MJ/kg ME,
There was a significant improvement in feed 19.9% CP, diet 2: 12.6 MJ/kg ME, 23.0% CP,
conversion between the protease-treated groups diet 3: 12.6 MJ/kg ME, 27.3% CP) contained 1
and the control group, but no significant differ- g/kg of CaHPO4 (inorganic phosphorus), diets
ences were observed among the protease-treated 4 (12.6 MJ/kg ME, 18.8% CP), and diet 5 (12.6
groups. These results suggest that protease may MJ/kg ME, 11.8% CP) contained 4 and 7 g/kg
have a positive impact on not only the utilization of CaHPO4, respectively. Each diet was formu-
of energy and nutrients but also on egg produc- lated with or without 850 U/kg of phytase. The
tion in duck species. authors reported that phytase supplementation
significantly improved feed intake and growth
rate but not FCR for diets 1, 2, and 3. Phytase-
PHYTASE treated groups also had significantly increased
P retention and tibia ash weight and percentage
Plants occupy the largest portion of the feed in diets 1, 2, and 3 and in diet 4, respectively.
ingredients in poultry diets. The vast majority All phytase-treated groups showed significantly
of phosphorus exists in plant feed materials in improved phosphorus retention compared to the
the form of phytate, which is difficult to uti- non-phytase treated groups except for diet 5.
lize in monogastric animals [37]. The reason Hence, this study showed that phytase released
why monogastric animals do not have the ability sufficient amounts of P to support comparable P
to hydrolyse phytate is as follows: 1) monogas- retention, tibia ash and weight as well as other
tric animals do not produce sufficient endoge- performance parameters compared to the high P
nous enzyme that hydrolyses phytate [37], and diet 5.
2) phytate is composed of phosphorylated inos- Farrell [41] conducted two different studies
itol which is not broken down in the digestive utilizing phytase in duck diets. Experiment 1
tracts of monogastric animals [37]. Phytase is was a factorial arrangement of 3 concentrations
one of the first developed exogenous enzymes of rice bran (0, 200, or 400 g/kg, all contained
and has had an enormous impact on the en- 12.97 MJ/kg ME and 21.6% CP) that induced
zyme industry. The market size of the enzyme poor nutrient absorption by young birds and 2
industry in 2010 was estimated by Paloheimo concentrations of inorganic phosphorus (1 or
et al., [16] to be in excess of 650 million dol- 3 g/kg) and 0 or 1,000 U/kg of phytase from
lars, of which phytase represents half. Phytase 2 to 19 d. In diets with no rice bran and 1 g/kg of
is commonly obtained from Aspergillus niger, inorganic phosphorus, the phytase-treated group
Peniophora lycii, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, had significantly better weight gain and less feed
and Escherichia coli [38]. The enzymes 3- and intake compared to the non-phytase group. These
6-phytase are commonly used as animal feed ad- diets did not differ significantly in feed con-
ditives to hydrolyze phosphate residues at the version ratio from other groups. Regardless of
D-3 position of phytate and initiate dephos- concentration of inorganic phosphorus, if phy-
phorylation at the L-6 (D-4) position of phy- tase was present, weight gain and food intake
tate [38], respectively. After phytase initiates the improved significantly (except for 200 g of rice
hydrolysis of phosphate from phytate, the bran and 3 g/kg of inorganic phosphorus without
592 JAPR: Review Article

phytase). Phytase-treated groups had increased 1,000 and 10,000 U/kg). Additionally, the differ-
tibia ash when the diets included rice bran. In- ence between mono- and di-calcium phosphates
creased phosphorus retention was indicated in may play a role since mono-calcium phosphate
the phytase diets, but there was no significant has more available phosphorus than di-calcium
difference in phosphorus concentration of tibia phosphate, the absorption of phosphorus by phy-
ash among the groups. Phytase significantly im- tase in the intestine may be better [44].
proved mineral absorption only in diets with- Phytase is well known for affecting phospho-
out rice bran that included 1 g/kg of inorganic rus and calcium absorption through chicken-
phosphorus. Experiment 2 was a factorial ar- based studies [45, 46]. Kalmendal and Tauson
rangement of three concentrations of rice bran [35] used phytase in broiler chicken diets and re-
(0, 300, or 600 g, all contained 12.97 MJ/kg ME ported that the addition of phytase improved live
and 19.6%, 19.5%, and 19.4% CP each) and 0 performance and nutrient digestibility though
or 1,000 U/kg of phytase fed from 19 to 40 d. not improving FCR. Rodehutscord et al. [43]
All diets contained 1 g/kg of added inorganic performed balance studies to evaluate the effect
phosphorus. In this experiment, phytase inclu- of phytase on the phosphorus and calcium uti-
sion in the diet significantly improved weight lization in Pekin ducks. In the balance studies,
gain, feed conversion ratio, dry matter digestibil- two different diets were used as follows: diet
ity, and nitrogen retention. Phytase also signif- (1) 4.4 g/kg of total phosphorus and 2.8 g/kg
icantly improved total tibia ash (g), but there of phytate P with 0, 250, 500, 750, 1,000, and
was no difference in mineral percentages in tibia 1,500 U/kg of phytase, 12.4 MJ/kg ME and 188
ash. The impact of phytase inclusion in the diet g/kg CP and diet (2) 4.2 g/kg of total phospho-
depends on the amount of substrate (phytate) rus and 2.6 g/kg of phytate P with 0, 250, 500,
and other ingredient characteristics. Martin et al. 750, 1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 U/kg of phytase,
[42] studied phytase inclusion in duck diets with 12.5 MJ/kg ME and 193 g/kg CP. As the amount
vegetable or vegetable plus animal (fish meal) of phytase increased, phosphorus and calcium
proteins with and without 600 g of rice bran. In excretion decreased significantly, and accretion
this experiment, 1,000 U/kg of phytase was used and utilization were increased significantly in
initially and was then increased to 1,500 U/kg both balance studies. These results indicate that
at day 15. The phytase had no significant effect at low levels of dietary P, phytase increases P
on live performance of the ducks. The authors accretion and utilization.
noted that phytase positively influenced lysine Few reports exist regarding the impact of
and threonine digestibility in vegetable protein phytase on the expression of relevant genes in
diets, again indicating that phytase efficacy de- ducks. The effect of phytase on heat shock pro-
pends on the ingredients utilized in the diet. tein (Hsp70) gene expression, plasma osmotic
Rodehutscord et al. [43] examined phytase pressure, hematological parameters, and some
levels of 0, 1,000 and 10,000 U/kg in duck diets plasma parameters in Muscovy ducks during the
that also contained mono calcium phosphate at summer season were determined by Ei-badry et
10 g/kg (week 1 to 3, 12.2 MJ/kg ME and 19.2% al. [47]. Three different levels of non-phytate
CP) and 2 g/kg (week 4 to 5, 12.5 MJ/kg ME and phosphorus (NPP) were used in diets starter
17.8% CP). Increasing levels of phytase resulted (2900 kcal/kg ME and 22% CP) and a grower
in significantly greater body weight gain (1 to 21 (3000 kcal\kg and 17% CP) during weeks 1 to
d) and a significant difference in body weight at 3 (0.25%, 0.34%, and 0.45%) and weeks 3 to 11
14 and 35 d. However, there was no significant (0.21%, 0.30%, and 0.40%), with 2 levels of phy-
difference in feed conversion rates between the tase (0 and 750 U/kg). Phytase induced a signif-
control and phytase-treated groups. icant increase in Hsp70. The NPP-treated group
There are several possible reasons why the with 0.40% phytase had the highest levels of
previous experiments [40–42] had different re- aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotrans-
sults. The first possibility is that the quality of ferase, uric acid, and creatinine, but presence
phytase has changed over the past decade by im- or absence of phytase did not have a signifi-
proved biotechnologies. The second possibility cant impact on liver or kidney function. Plasma
is the differing levels of phytase in the diets (850, osmotic pressure was significantly decreased

with increasing NPP level and phytase supple- not impact the live performance of ducks. Phy-
mentation. In the hematology assay, phytase did tase does improve phosphorus retention result-
not have an impact on white and red blood cells ing in the ability to formulate diets with lower
or the percentage of packed cell volume. How- P without compromising nutritional adequacy of
ever, the phytase-treated group had a signifi- such diets.
cantly increased hemoglobin concentration com-
pared to the other groups. As a result, phytase
appears to be affected by rearing temperature. MULTI-ENZYME TREATMENTS
Yang et al. [48] studied the effect of a recom-
binant phytase on performance and mineral uti- In many cases, multiple enzymes are used to
lization with NPP in Jinding laying ducks at 14 compensate for disadvantages of individual en-
wk of age. In this study, 5 different levels of NPP zymes that are used as animal feed additives.
(0.18%, 0.25%, 0.32%, 0.38%, and 0.45%) were For example, protease can be mixed with other
used with 500 U/kg of phytase (except for the enzymes to form a multi-enzyme treatment. Pro-
0.45% NPP diet which did not contain phytase). teases are commonly used in combination with
All diets contained 2,583 kcal/kg ME, 18.5% CP. other enzymes to overcome adverse effects that
The results showed that phytase did not impact are caused by anti-nutritional factors that are
live performance in laying ducks. Phytase also present in plant-derived poultry feeds. Several
did not have an impact on apparent calcium and studies of multi-enzyme treatments in ducks
manganese retention of laying ducks. However, have been conducted. A study in the late 1990s
the results also indicated that decreases in NPP did not find any impact on live performance.
content in the diet significantly increased phos- Farrell and Martin [50] performed a study to
phorus retention. Only the 0.18% NPP-treated evaluate the effect of an enzyme cocktail of 1,800
group had lower Cu and Zn retention than the to 2,000 U/g of xylanase, 2,300 to 2,800 U/g of
other groups. The 0.38% NPP-treated group had α-amylase, 950 to 960 U/g of β-glucanase, and
significantly greater Zn retention than the 0.25% 1,200 to 1,250 U/g of protease. Diets included
and 0.45% NPP-treated groups. The tibia ash 0, 200, 300, 400, and 600 g/kg of rice bran (12.3
and mineral content increased with increasing MJ/kg ME and 210 g/kg CP). The authors eval-
NPP except for manganese. Only the 0.38% NPP uated live performance and digesta viscosity of
phytase-treated group showed an effect on zinc. ducks (species unknown); 0, 200, and 400 g/kg
These results were similar to mineral concen- of rice bran were used to 3 to 17 d of age and
tration in the plasma results, except for calcium 0, 300, and 600 g/kg of rice bran were used to
and manganese. The effects of phytase on bone 19 to 35 d. The authors reported that the en-
mineralization and live performance of ducks zyme cocktail did not show any impacts on live
(7 to 17 d) were also verified by Adeola [49]. The performance. However, the ileal viscosity of the
author used 8 different corn-SBM-based diets ducks was decreased by the enzyme cocktail as
with and without phytase from Escherichia coli rice bran increased. Hong et al. [51] determined
in male Pekin ducks (a low-P negative control, the effect of three different levels (0, 0.375, and
a P-adequate positive control, a negative control 0.5 g/kg) of multi-enzyme treatment consisting
with 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 g of inorganic phosphorus, of 4,000 U/g of amylase, 12,000 U/g of protease,
and 500, 1,000, and 1,500 U/kg of phytase). All and 1600 U/g of xylanase on starter (days 0 to
diets contained 22.0% CP and varied in energy 14, 3,268 kcal/kg ME, 21.5% CP) and grower
content from 3,092 to 3,129 kcal/kg ME. The (days 14 to 42, 3,465 kcal/kg ME, 17.1% CP)
positive control and phytase-treated groups had diets in Pekin ducks. The enzyme-treated group
significantly greater body weight, body weight showed better live performance (BW, BWG, FI,
gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, tibia and feed efficiency) than the control group. The
ash, and ileal P digestibility. The effect of phy- authors concluded that 0.5 g/kg of multi-enzyme
tase was increased along with increasing phytase treatment showed greater ileal and apparent ni-
concentration. trogen retention, and significantly improved ileal
Phytase in ducks is now known to have more amino acid digestibility and apparent amino acid
effects than in the 1990s; although phytase does retention. Adeola et al. [52] also studied how
594 JAPR: Review Article

multi-enzyme treatments (7,500 U/g of pro- and grower: 2,830 kcal/kg ME, 16.46% CP) and
tease and 44 U/g of cellulase) affect nutrient down-spec 2 (starter: 2,700 kcal/kg ME, 19.30%
and energy utilization in starter (3,994 kcal/kg CP and grower: 2,800 kcal/kg ME, 16.48% CP).
ME, 18.3% CP) and grower (3,930 kcal/kg The multi-enzyme treatment with down-spec
ME, 18.1% CP) diets for Pekin ducks. In this 1- and 2-treated groups showed similar effects
study, starter and grower ducks were tested with as the NRC requirement-treated group in body
and without enzymes. Differences in nutrient weight, feed intake, and weight gain of male
absorption were observed between starter and Cherry Valley ducks (day 1 to 35). This study
grower diets, and multi-enzyme treatments also also verified that the multi-enzyme treatment
had effects on amino acid and energy utiliza- down-spec 1-treated group showed similar ef-
tion. The author concluded that there is a de- fects as the NRC-requirement treated group in
pendent relationship between diet composition the apparent digestibility of energy (%), dry mat-
and enzymes. Rui et al. [53] found that some ter (%), ash (%), calcium (%), and phosphorous
endogenous digestive enzymes were stimulated (%). However, there were no differences between
by a multi-enzyme treatment (10,000 U/g of groups treated with multiple enzymes and the
xylanase, 18,000 U/g of mannanase and 3,000 control group on calcium, phosphorus, and alka-
U/g of glucanase) in the starter (days 1 to 21, line phosphatase levels in the serum of ducks.
11.3 MJ/kg ME, 19% CP) phase in Cherry Val- Increased cholesterol level in blood is one
ley ducks. Specifically, the multi-enzyme treat- of the adverse effects incurred by NSPs [14].
ment had an impact on protease and pancreatic Frasiska et al. [57] showed that a multi-enzyme
lipase and amylase levels in tissue during the treatment could ameliorate this problem. The au-
starter period, but effects of multi-enzyme treat- thors investigated a multi-enzyme [58] treatment
ments decreased significantly during the grower with different levels of the waste of seaweed
phase (days 28 to 42), only the trypsin activ- Gracilaria Sp. on lipid profiles of Tegal ducks
ity was significantly higher than the control aged 22 wk. In this study, 0 (2,902 kcal/kg ME,
group. Multi-enzyme treatment (4,400 IU/kg of 18.05% CP), 10 (2,923 kcal/kg ME, 18.17% CP),
endo-1,4-β-xylanase, 4,300 IU/kg of endo-1,3 12.5 (2,909 kcal/kg ME, 18.15% CP), and 15%
(4)-β-glucanase, and 2,400 IU/kg of cellulase) (2,907 kcal/kg ME, 18.25% CP) of Gracilaria
impact on live performance and nutrition di- Sp. waste were used. The multi-enzyme treated
gestibility of Cherry Valley ducks was inves- group had significantly lower triglyceride and
tigated by Kang et al. [54]. The authors used low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. The
the multi-enzyme treatment with a basal diet of multi-enzyme treatments increased blood high-
corn-soybean (4,009 kcal/kg GE, 18.37% CP) density lipoprotein levels and reduced choles-
and with paddy rice (4,062 kcal/kg GE, 18.86% terol values in duck blood.
CP) added into the diet. Paddy rice is another Overall, the data showed that the effects of
corn-soybean substitute that is high in fiber. multiple enzyme treatments had similar effects
In this study, the multi-enzyme complex de- as other individual enzymes. These data also
scribed above was added to corn-paddy-soybean showed that multi-enzyme treatments are influ-
diets at 1.0 g/kg, resulting in significantly bet- enced by dietary formulas and therefore specific
ter apparent digestibility of nutrients in ducks enzyme substrates. It is necessary to determine
through 35 d of age. Recent studies have also what feed formulas can induce maximum effects
shown that multi-enzyme treatments are sensi- of multi-enzyme treatments.
tive to diet formulation. Zeng et al. [55] com-
pared the effects of multi-enzyme treatments DISCUSSION
(1100 visco-units of endo-β-1,4-xylanase, 100
units of endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase, and 500 phy- A variety of experiments have been per-
tase FTU/kg) on different levels of minerals: formed on ducks to understand the use of ex-
a diet formulated following NRC requirements ogenous enzymes and their effects. This review
[56] (starter: 2,800 kcal/kg ME, 19.39% CP and reveals that these accumulated studies provide
grower: 2,900 kcal/kg ME, 16.47% CP), down- evidence that exogenous enzymes are valuable
spec 1 (starter: 2,730 kcal/kg ME, 19.31% CP tools that bring many benefits to ducks. Previous

enzyme studies on ducks showed that enzymes Further studies of the effects of enzymes on
are sensitive to diet formula because enzymes ducks in the areas of GIT immunology and
only show their effects when they are added into gene expression are warranted. As new en-
specific concentrations and diets in which ade- zyme manufacturing technologies are com-
quate substrate is present. There have been few mercialized there will be additional needs
studies to establish proper concentrations of en- for research.
zymes and specific ingredient composition in
duck diets. Therefore, it will be more efficient
to use multiple enzymes after finding the appro- REFERENCES AND NOTES
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