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 Classical Theories  Early Positivist Criminogenic Theories

 Later Sociological Theories

 Neo-Classical  Rational Behavior Theory

o Theories  Economic Theory
 Keynesian Economic Theory

 Positivists  Social Positivism Theory

Theories  Critical Positivism Theory
 Logical Positivism Theory
 Earlier Positivism Theory

 Economic  Neoclassical Economics

Theories  Marxian Economics
 Keynesian Economics
 Classical Economics
 Sociological  Strain Theory
Theories  Social Theory
 Control Theory
 Developmental  Psychodynamic Theory
Theories  Behavioral Theory
 Cognitive Theory
 Biological and Psychological models
 Social Learning Theory
 Control Theory
 Strain Theory
 Symbolic Interactionism Theory
 Cultural Explanation of crime

 Give the definitions and concepts of the theories you’ve searched.

o Classical theories branches and it’s definitions

 Early Positivist Criminogenic Theories- early positivist criminogenic theories were biological
and psychological.
o Biological- It is strongly determinist as it views behavior as caused entirely by biological
factors over which individuals have no control.
o Psychological- A psychological theory is a set of principles that attempt to
explain how people think, feel, and behave.
 Later Sociological Theories
o Sociological Theory- A supposition that intends to consider, analyze, and/or
explain objects of social reality from a sociological perspective, drawing
connections between individual concepts in order to organize and substantiate
sociological knowledge.

o Neo-Classical theories branches and it’s definitions

 Rational Behavior Theory- The theory of rational behavior is a concept in economics that
assumes that individuals always make decisions that maximize their personal utility or
 Economic Theory- Economic theory is a set of ideas and principles that outline how different
economies function. It aims to describe economic phenomena.
o Supply and Demand- is a theory in microeconomics that offers an economic model for
price determination. This theory states that the unit price for a good or service may
vary until it settles at a point of economic equilibrium.
 Keynesian Economic Theory- a macroeconomic theory of total spending in the economy
and its effects on output, employment, and inflation.
 Macroeconomic Theory- Macroeconomic theory is a branch of economics that studies how an
overall economy behaves.

o Positivists theories branches and it’s definitions

 Social Positivism Theory- Social positivism is a philosophical position stating that knowledge
of a social phenomenon is based upon what can be observed, measured, and recorded in the
same way as in natural science.
 Critical Positivism Theory- Positivism is a philosophical school that holds that all genuine
knowledge is either true by definition or positive—meaning a posterior fact derived by reason
and logic from sensory experience.
 Logical Positivism Theory- Logical positivism, later called logical empiricism, and both of
which together are also known as neopositivist, is a movement whose central thesis is the
verification principle (also known as the verifiability criterion of meaning).
 Earlier Positivism Theory- Early positivism theory is a theory that deals with only that which
can be scientifically verified through logical or mathematical proofs
o Economic theories branches and it’s definitions
 Neo-classical Economics Theory- Neoclassical economics is a broad theory that focuses on
supply and demand as the driving forces behind the production, pricing, and consumption of
goods and services.
 Marxian Economics Theory- Marx contributed to the theory of economic development in three
respects: proving an economic interpretation of history, specifying the motivating forces of
capitalist development, and suggesting an alternative-path of planned economic
development. In Marxian theory, economic development is the process of generating more
value through capital accumulation and technological improvement.
 Keynesian Economics Theory- a macroeconomic theory of total spending in the
economy and its effects on output, employment, and inflation.
 Macroeconomic Theory- Macroeconomic theory is a branch of economics that studies how an
overall economy behaves.
 Classical Economics Theory- Classical economic theory aimed at discussing how capitalism
works. Due to the fact that the theory was developed during the rise of western capitalism and
the industrial revolution, economists focused and developed various theories like the theory of
demand, value, prices, supply, and distribution.

o Sociological theories branches and it’s definitions

 Strain Theory- Strain theory is a sociological and criminological theory that explains how
social factors, such as lack of income or quality education, create pressure on individuals to
achieve socially accepted goals.
 Social Learning Theory- Social learning theory is a psychological theory that explains how
people learn social behaviors by observing and imitating others.
 Control Theory- Control theories are a set of theories that try to identify what types of
“controls” a person may have that stops them from becoming “uncontrollable”. There are
different types of control theories, including control theory in engineering and applied
mathematics, and social control theory in sociology.
 Control theory in engineering- Control theory is a field of control engineering and applied
mathematics that deals with the control of dynamical systems in engineered processes and
 Control theory in applied mathematics- control theory, field of applied mathematics that is
relevant to the control of certain physical processes and systems.
 Social control theory in sociology- Control Theory, or Social Control Theory, states that a
person’s inner and outer controls both work together to negate deviant tendencies. Developed
by Walter Reckless in 1973, Control Theory comes under the Positivist school of thought.
Travis Hirschi also made significant contributions as well. Control theory in sociology is the
idea that two control systems—inner controls and outer controls—work against our
tendencies to deviate.
o Developmental theories branches and it’s definitions
 Psychodynamic Theory- Psychodynamic theory is a collection of psychological theories that
explain human personality and behavior in terms of unconscious drives and forces, especially
those rooted in childhood experiences.
 Behavioral Theory- Behaviorism, also known as behavioral learning theory, is a theoretical
perspective in psychology that emphasizes the role of learning and observable behaviors in
understanding human and animal actions.
 Cognitive Theory- is concerned with the development of person’s thought processes. It looks
at this thought influence how we understand and interact with the world. Cognitive
development involves changes in cognitive process and abilities.
 Biological Theory and Psychological models
o Biological theory- It is strongly determinist as it views behavior as caused entirely by
biological factors over which individuals have no control.
o Psychological models-
 Social Learning Theories- Social learning theory is a psychological theory that explains how
people learn social behaviors by observing and imitating others.
 Control Theories- Control theories are a set of theories that try to identify what types of
“controls” a person may have that stops them from becoming “uncontrollable”. There are
different types of control theories, including control theory in engineering and applied
mathematics, and social control theory in sociology.
 Strain Theories- Strain theory is a sociological and criminological theory that explains how
social factors, such as lack of income or quality education, create pressure on individuals to
achieve socially accepted goals.
 Symbolic Interactionalism Theory- Symbolic interactionism theory assumes that people
respond to elements of their environments according to the subjective meanings they attach to
those elements, such as meanings being created and modified through social interaction
involving symbolic communication with other people.
 Cultural Explanation of Crime- Cultural theories of crime provide distinct frameworks to
understand the influence of human agency, social forces, and peers on behavior. The
dominant frameworks argue that culture is a set of values, beliefs, and actions that are
learned through interactions with others.

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