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1 . Explain NP-Hard Problems.


2. Distinguish NP- hard and NP-Complete problems (5)

3 Give an algorithm for graph coloring problem and analyze its complexity (5)

4. Give an algorithm for graph coloring problem and analyze its complexity (5)

5. There are five items whose weights and values are given in following arrays. Weight w [] =
{1,2,5,6,7} Value v [] = {1, 6, 18, 22, 28} Show your Equation and find out the optimal knapsack items
for weight capacity of 11 units.(15)

6. Solve the Travelling Salesman problem using branch and bound algorithms.(15)

7. Write in detail about Hamiltonian cycles.Explain with the help of example.

8. Explain back tracking in algorithms

9. Differentiate (0/1) knapsack problem and fractional knapsack problem with examples and justify
your answer.

10. Explain the recursive algorithms? State the important rules which every recursive algorithm must

11. Differentiate between divide and conquer and dynamic programming problem solving approach.

12. Construct a traveling salesman problem with a suitable example. Prove that it is NP-complete

13. Analyse the String Matching using Rabin-Karp algorithm and also analyze its complexity.

14. write an algorithm to find the number of common elements in two sorted arrays

15. Write down the algorithm for Binary Search. What are the conditions under which sequential
search of a list is preferred over Binary Search?

16. Explain Asymptotic notations in algorithm analysis

17. Explain time and space complexity with examples

18. List the factors which affects the running time of the algorithm

19. Differentiate between priori analysis and posteriori analysis.

18. Solve the below graph for the shortest path using multistage graph method with dynamic
programming approach

19. Write down the problem statement of TSP. Explain it with the help of an example.

20. Solve using Masters theorem i) T(n)=2T(n/4)+√n ii) T(n)=7T(n/2)+ n2

21. Analyse and solve for optimal sequence for the folllowing matrices A 4X10, B 10X3, C 3X12, D
12X20 and E 20X7.

22. write an algorithm to implement Randomized Quick Sort.

23. Define P, NP, NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problem.

24. Consider Knapsack capacity W=9, w = (3,4,5,7) and v=(12,40,25,42) find the maximum profit
using dynamic method.

25. Explain Dynamic Programing with the help of matrix chain multiplication problem and discuss its
necessary conditions for the same problem

26. Create a Red Black tree given input 2, 1, 4, 5, 9, 3, 6, 7.

27. Consider Knapsack capacity W=9, w = (3,4,5,7) and v=(12,40,25,42) find the maximum profit
using dynamic method.

28. Interpret the need of Dynamic Programming over Recursion. Take suitable example to
illustrate the above need.
29. Solve the below graph for the shortest path using multistage graph method with dynamic
programming approach.

30. Examine and create a B-Tree of order 4 by inserting following key values: 6, 5, 22, 9, 2, 13, 3, 7,
11, 12, 4, 8.

31. Write an algorithm to find the Kth largest element from a set of n numbers using the technique
used in quick Sort.

32. Here are sixteen integer numbers: 22, 36, 43, 12, 90, 45, 67, 87, 11, 8, 110, 27, 39, 82, 92, 5.
Make a Max Heap and Min Heap out of these numbers. Execute heap sort algorithm using the above
min heap.

33. Differentiate greedy method and dynamic programming approach.

34. Write a complete program to find the sum of two polynomials represented using two
dimensional arrays.

35. write an algorithm to find the transpose of a square matrix. The running time of your program
should be n(n+1)/2

36. Explain optimization problem

37. Convex Hull of a set of points, in 2D plane, is a convex polygon with minimum area such that each
point lies either on the boundary of polygon or inside it

38. Construct the state space tree Diagram for 4 Queen problem.

39. Obtain the solution to knapsack problem by Dynamic Programming method n=6, (p1,
p2,...p6)=(w1,w2,...w6)=(100,50,20,10,7,3) and m=165.

40. Discuss the behavior of Quick Sort when the input is already sorted.

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