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[3] Fire Station Dritis Because methods of responding to ship fires vary depending on various factors such as lype of ship, ype ot cargo, and locaton offre, the fir station dil plan shall take Into agcount the Use of fre conto plans and etfective methods for using various fre-extinguiing systoms. (1) Fire station drills shall be implemented assuming that a fre has occurred on the ship while st sea. @ The-person detecting the fire shall.shout “FIRE! FIRE AT"! to inform persons in the vicinity, and algo report the fire to the watch officer in the wheethouse using the nearest telephone or directly, © Crew members in the vicinity of the fire hall extinguish the fre using portable fire extinguishers. ® The watch officer shall report the fie immediatly to the Master, and the Master shall ese instructions to the craw to report to fre stations. @® The waich officer, under instructions from the Master, shall sound the emergency alarmn or whlstia, ‘and the siren by the prescribed method ie sheet}and inform the engine room and the radio room. 5 to" mine ‘Next, the watch officer shall issue the command “Fire station dill Fite at ..1 All crew to fre stations on the dhip's public addresser. [An ordor “Stand By Engine" shall be Issued, The Master shall eter the ship oo that the fre is positioned on the leeward side. c Crew members shall immediately prepare their personal protective equipment, confi Het ssoutlas n the accommodation spaces are closed, close doors to the accommadetion spaces, tnd Gow tal slalcHR ID desi al doors apconmmodaton space tion spaces on thelr way. {© “The Waste shal order the engine oom t op operation of al powered venation systems ® The venation shut-off team, upon recefing instwctons ‘fom the person in charge of the ste, shall dose all fre doors and opening access doors and ventilation dampers. During this proces, the feu hall aveys shout fOeang the tre dood! Anybody in? and conti that Feksay's ide benicar hacen WEE a Z @ Each team shall muster is members, check the presence of a members of the team, thelr clothes ‘and portable equipment, and report any abnormalities to the Master. © (ial ie extinguishing efor Ta perkon nohage ofthe ae shal mediate senate “Status of the fire, types of combustibles, presence of dangerous goosis, ‘and occurrence of toxic {gases to the Master, and simultaneously make preparations for connecting fre hoses and nozsies, ee amare ous, and sland by or énghargng [ols f wale ines ie appeal © discharge js yater for extinguishing the fire, @ Vin the engine roomy the engine shall be cpprated, fre pumps, stare, and preparations for Suplying water shall be made under ve ingions of the_suponisor of the Enae ‘Department. a @ In ships provided with fixed fire-extinguishing gyslems, sirnilar preparations for tse syste shall also be made. a We [AN a wise er ® Alter receiving sats reports onthe sig the_person in charge of he ste, he Masior shai _c das, the situation and decide whether to srt discharging jets of water, then gWve Instructions to the engine room to start the ire pumps andio supply water. Simultaneously, the Master shall give inate he prsn nce chao sere el vale Ve Fun) fdget/ Sr eer vicinity te coo! them, in ation to applying hem on te fremen ta insulate them dng fre fghing ‘operations. . Bret routs in the aan tho site may be stitched off belore discharging water Jets depending on the condiiong, cc ® Ifnecessary, fixed fire extinguishing system may be used. ® instructions shall be given to make arrangements for delivering water using emergency pumps, assuming breakdown of fre pumps, end weer dlvery shall be rsiaed and wale es _ discharged oft cool the surcundng ductressallbeconimued. ® The person in charge of the site shall report the status ofthe fre, and progress and status of the tire extinguishing operation in detail to the Maste ese fen tren vrs uring the tre extinguishing aparatior ® Firet-ald procedures shall be simulated fo vericaton with injured persons selected from crew members end necessary medical equpmentprenared. “The Maser shall also check reports andl persons onboard to engine room at appropiate ‘mes Pe a ie © Another mothod which can be used subsequently Is to set conditions for the second stage of the station i Inthe fre extinguishing operation is successtul- ® When the fire is judged to be extinguished, the person in charge of the site shall report that the fire fas Boon evtnguihed toe Mast, © "Siopthe ator ee! Obsowe tho tate ofthe souce of ror a whl, nd tees compltly extinguished, clear the smoke he") stat the ventlaionsjstam, and stat investigating he cause extinguished, clear he sm fart Investigating the cause ofthe tre ‘The slat ofthe source offre shal be motored, it there is no posablly ofa recurrence of te fire, work to dispel smoke and ventilate the page shalbe started, and subsequent, the causes of thee shel beinesigets, ——=—i

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