Cura (HIS101 - ACTIVITY 2)

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Name: Gideon Simon V.

Cura Date: September 09, 2023

Course & Section: 3IT-C Prof: Donna Jean E. Estrada


1. Do you consider electronics or digitized sources as primary sources? Support your answer.

It depends on the content but most of the digitized sources come from the internet and
most of the sources in the internet are secondary sources. Like for example, when researching
a particular topic in the internet, there are websites that have the same contents and the
same sources or citations so such sources cannot be considered as primary source. Of course,
there are still primary sources in the internet like for example in facebook, sometimes there are
people who post about their personal experience about something like accidents or events so
such post can be considered as primary source. There are also content creators, youtubers,
and vloggers that share their personal experience like vlog about foods, travelling, or events,
and they can be considered as primary sources. Additionally, there are also official
organizations that have their own webpage or website for example fast food restaurants like
Jollibee, sometimes if they have new products or foods to offer, they post an advertisement
about it so it can also be considered as primary source.
So for me, electronics or digitized sources can be primary sources or secondary sources
depending on the content.

2. What is the main purpose of examining or evaluating primary sources?

There are many purpose why primary sources need to be examined or evaluated but I
think the main purpose for doing so is to check their authenticity or credibility because when it
comes to History, the word “truths” and “facts” always come up because knowing History is like
knowing the truth itself that’s why I think the reason for examining or evaluating primary sources
is mainly for authenticity.

3. As a history student, why is t more important to read primary sources that secondary
sources? Support your answer.

Just like what I said earlier in my answer in Number 2, knowing history is like knowing
the truth itself. When it comes to History we must always look for the truth and authenticity.
Primary sources are legitimate, original, unaltered, and intact information or sources while in
Secondary sources, we cannot deny the possiblity of them being altered or distorted
because such phenomens are really happening like fake news. As the proverb says “History
is written by the Victors”. Those who won will write the History not the ones who lost because
who knows for example, in world war 2, what if Hitler won instead? Is the History that we
know today will be different? I think so.
So that’s why it’s important to read primary sources instead of secondary sources
because they are legitimate and we can be sure that we can trust them. But that is not to
say that secondary sources should be discarded. It is also important to read Secondary
sources if they are trusted because sometimes they can provide an insight or different
perspective about the Primary Source and in that way, new information can be formed.
4. How can you think and act like historians?

In order to think and act like Historians, a person should really become one. Don’t let
the curiousity and interest die to learn history. One must continue to learn and continue to
dive delve into the depths of the History itself. Historians are very knowledgable about the
past or the History so never stop learning about the History. When it comes to History, one
must think and act wisely, being very careful with the words that comes out of their mouth.
One must be a critical thinker and a good communicator with great social skills. One must
not be bias about the sides in the History. Only truths and facts must they speak. One can
give their own perspectives but they must not speak lies and they must not add
supplements in the truth of the History.

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