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expedition to New Orleans (q.v.) is separately dealt with.

of his enemies, the Berber chiefs of the Ronda, into visiting

There were only nine Carthusian houses in England. The

a crushing defeat at Slankamen from the Austrians under

and the purification of the Italian language, and though

students during the twelve days ensuing. The scathing vehemence

named decomposing aluminium acetate from lead acetate and

Elek. Zeits., 1889; Kohlrausch and Heim, ``Ergebnisse von

sections:--(1) the ocean; (2) the Canadian frontier, from

and force of character, and many of these he placed over the

Immediately before arrest the heart may beat much faster than

goods coming into cold store. Thus it is well-nigh impossible

has as yet been published. But W. Haacke has described a

Anarchism continued to develop, partly in the direction

metal of the vent by preventing the escape of gas through it

race. Their population is divided between a white minority,

sovereign to whom he is accredited, and they embody a general

to be very clean and well pressed home. The joint ought to

Coming now to the ambulance system of the British army, in

of the 14th and 15th centuries. It also contains a number

holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than

source of literature of high distinction, the progress of

introduction of a more complete symbolism for quantities and

Ezek. xlvii. 12). The oil-tree should doubtless be grouped

say that, at any rate as regards contracts made in partibus

to be passively obeyed. (5) Sinners or unfaithful ones are to

also investigated; here, again, negative results were obtained.

is a certain flexibility and elasticity with which it

in accordance with the Jewish Revelation. He dealt with

1887. In 1889--1890 he was commander-in-chief of the Grand

sea. To the same system obviously belongs the neighbouring

stagnation. Apart from such a peculiar development as the

of the remoter districts must in time cause a falling-off

@, to which the nearest parallels are found in north Greece

allowing her to be commissioned, distributed blame right and

AMHARA, the central province of Abyssinia. The chief town,

times the wave-length of luminous radiation, the properties

1877--and at its close was appointed vali of Adrianople, where

stairways, bath-chambers, windows, folding and sliding doors,

the office of Rufus Putnam. In 1758 he was admitted to the

impurities present in the crude material being sulphonated

settled by the authority of Malherbe. The latest school of

follows Hesiod exactly as to nomenclature and very closely as to

fringe of the Sahara and the upper valley of the Nile to

1901 3 12 43 626

Banana Point, at the mouth of the Congo, with, as he himself has

on the 18th of June. Howe then concentrated his force of

cyanosis of pneumonia, capillary bronchitis, heart failure,

as to the mode in which the questions at issue might be

Windham Sadler, succeeded in crossing from Dublin to Holyhead.

it is practically impossible to get below the Roman strata.

from a paper by L. Duncan and H. Wiegand (Elec. World,

a dry climate, are the dead, clad and surrounded with food,

majority of seed- eating birds, in gallinaceous birds, pigeons,

F. Refectory. R. Infirmary. Y. Lavatory.

is certain that no city took the place of Alba Longa until

north. The construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway

a deviation or wandering, especially used in the figurative

or otherwise disposed of prior to the root-sowing. On heavy

war, more especially on Lake Champlain, was severely

Women; that the latter play dealt with the same subject

Murphy's button. This consists of a short nickel-plated

L. 300; towage, necessaries and wages, where the claim does

the enemy of the orthodox faith. The outcome was the rout of

1872). See Haureau, Memoire sur la vie et quelques

repeated reverses. "We fight, get beaten, and fight again,"

In 1853 the Fort of the Twenty-four Hours was demolished, and

is passed into a similar pan, in which it circulates round

stocks of said corporation." Many have since attributed this

Alexander's grandiose imagination was, however, more strongly

Simen Mountains, . 15,1602 Victoria Nyanza. 37203

their name. They became in the middle of the 18th century

of Jewish philosophy. (2) The first purely philosophical

same epochs in Paul's history, argues such an independence

While the great mystery of Central Africa was being solved

found in the department of Algiers and petroleum in that of

for horse power. It was found, however, that the steam work

examples stands the ordinary photographic objective: the

or Amphibiens; though he offered an alternative arrangement,

railway authorizing the abandonment of its line or part of it.

division. The city is situated at the confluence of the

1783, Pilatre de Rozier and the marquis d'Arlandes first

west coast Indians hoisted the logs that formed the plates of

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