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Appendix-8: Certificate of packing of OMR Answer Sheets in fabric bag(s) in examination Control

Room by Centre Superintendent

(To be placed inside parcel-3, packet 4)
 PINK Fabric Bags (PINK Tamper Evident Envelopes) and BLUE Fabric Bags (BLUE Tamper Evident Envelopes)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

1. No. of Candidates: Allotted: Absent: Present:

2. Serial Number of Test Booklets received: From: to:
(First and last Number to be mentioned)
3. Number of Test Booklets: Used(A) Unused(B) Received(A+B)
No. of candidates present = No. of OMR Answer sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) received and packed in Pink Paper Envelope = No. of OMR Answer
sheets (OFFICE Copy) received and packed in Blue Paper Envelope.
 It is certified that the above OMR Answer sheets (room wise) (ORIGINAL Copy) in pink Paper Envelope and (OFFICE Copy) in blue paper
Envelope have been personally received by us. These have been duly checked, counted, and tallied with Room wise No. of candidates
present by each one of us and sealed with cello tape after singing and putting facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent by us. It is
also certified that these 10 sealed room wise pink paper Envelopes (ORIGINAL Copy) and 10 sealed room wise Blue Paper Envelopes
(OFFICE Copy) have been further packed and sealed by us in the Tamper Evident Envelope of Pink Colour and in Tamper Evident Envelope
of Blue Colour respectively.
Sl. Roll No. No. of candidates No. of OMR Answer Sheets Packed
From To Allotted Absent Present ORIGINAL Copy in OFFICE Copy in BLUE

Roll Nos. of Impersonation/Unfair Means (UFM) case(s) if any in these 10 rooms:

(These OMR Answer Sheets along with confiscated material should be put in a separate YELLOW paper envelope supplied by the NTA. This
YELLOW Paper envelope be put in Parcel-1).
Name in Capital letters Mobile No./ Signature with
Telephone No. Date and Time of Packing
NTA Observer 1

NTA Observer 2

Centre Superintendent

Deputy Centre
(if appointed)

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

1. Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes (of PINK Colour) containing OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) should be placed
between two pulp boards and then tied with strong thread in such a manner that the edges of envelopes are not damaged by
the thread. This should be placed in a Fabric Bag of PINK colour and sealed. Similarly, another six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes
of PINK Colour and so on. Centre No. and fabric bag numbers 1,2,3 must be written depending on the number of fabric bags for
the Centre.
2. A Process as per Note-1 is to be carried out for OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) for Tamper Envelopes (BLUE Colour) and
Fabric Bag (BLUE Colour) and sealed.
3. Original copy of Appendix-8(to be packed inside parcel 3, packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office through the City
Coordinator along with the material and photocopy to be retained by the Centre Superintendent.

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