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Presentation Script Packet


Revision 2 | 0319
Table of Contents

Union & Association Opening 5
Accidental Death & Dismemberment 6
Child Safety Kits 7
Health Service Discount Card 8
Family Information Guide 9
Food Bank 11
Catch-Up Program 12
Survey [Needs Analysis] 13
Read-off Letter 14
Hour of Power Principle 16
Freedom of Choice (FOC) 17
Income Protection 19
Child Rider 20
Accidental Death Benefit 21
Living Benefits 22
Close 23
Rebuttals 23
Rebuttal 1 23
rebuttal 2 23
rebuttal 3 24
rebuttal 4 24
Rebuttal 5 25
Rebuttal 6 25
Rebuttal 7 26

After Sale Referrals 27
Officer Report Form 32
Member Feedback Line 32
Alternative Openings 33
Child Safe Kit Opening 33
POS Opening 34
After Sale Referral Opening 35
Will Kit Opening 36

Are you from the area if not where are you from? (Compliment)
Did you come out here for fun or family? (Compliment)
What type of family dynamic do you have? (Compliment)
Are they family oriented like yourself _______?
Who’s your favorite? (Compliment)

So what is exactly that you do nowadays?

What’s your day to day like _________? (Compliment)
So if you need an extra hand and things go south: who’s that person that you call?
Who’s that go-to-person? (Compliment)

So what do you like to do for fun?

Do you guys like camping, hiking, scuba diving or anything like that? (Compliment)
Now do you guys like to go out and do that with family __________? (Compliment)
Do you let them tag along __________? Alright perfect! (Compliment)

Before Form-build Rapport- Targeting Referrals

Purpose of Form – get them to like you – and get ammo for referrals for later. They buy
you, the company, and then the product. First thing they buy is YOU.

● Question-Listen-Compliment-Relate
● Compliment them when you first walk into the house on something


● So are you born and raised in the area? Is your family still local?
● Did you grow up with a lot of brothers and sisters?
● Lot of nieces and nephews?

Tie into occupation—

● Did you follow family ties and join your brother in the union?
● Are any family members or friend’s business owners?


● Length of Employment – How long have you been working at _______?

● How do you like your job?
● Do you work with a lot of people at ____? So you must be pretty close?
● Details of the job-what they actually do.
● Do you like to grab beers after work with your coworkers after a long week? –tie it
into recreation.


● So when you’re not working so hard what do you like to do for fun –
● You want to assume with the surroundings of their house – so if they have a
snowmobile outside then where do you guys go sledding?
● Do you normally go with a group of people? Look for new associations.


Union & Association Opening

Nick and Bekah, do you remember getting the little postcard with the letter attached from
your Union? Ok, GREAT! You are going to continue to receive that letter with a postcard,
about every two years for as long as you’re a member of the Union. Now the reason you get
the letter with the postcard, is your Union does the best job it can with providing you
benefits, but you know as well as I do, they can’t give you everything you need with the
amount of money that they have to work with, and that’s why they gave you the
opportunity to partner with us!

So what you’re going to get out of today is simple,

First, is the $4,000 Accidental Death Benefit at no cost. The next benefit we have for you
are the Child Safety ID kits that work hand and hand with the Amber Alert System. You
will also get the Health Savings Discount Card, which saves you money on eyeglasses,
hearing, prescriptions, and dental services. Next, we will walk you through the Family
Information Guide. This is like a precursor to your will and a roadmap to all your
important paperwork.

Finally, like the letter talked about, there is an additional package of supplemental benefits
that your Union made available. These were designed to fill in the gaps where work
programs leave off. Now as we walk you through this, and you see yourself saying wow that
makes a lot of sense I can see why my Union did that, then great we will go ahead and set
this up for you. If not, it’s no big deal. Understand, this isn’t a big sales pitch to give you
something you don’t need. It’s just that a lot of our members love it because it’s so much
more affordable than what you can get from a non-union company, and that’s why
everyone enrolls. Now if by chance it doesn’t meet your needs, then we actually ask that
you don’t enroll. It’s that quick and simple. The only thing your Union does ask of its
members, is whether it’s a simple yes or no, you make that decision today. That’s out of
fairness to all of the other members still waiting to see their benefits for the first time. The
great part is it’s a simple package of benefits, there’s not a lot to think about, and you’ll
know immediately whether it meets your needs or not, does that sound fair to you both?

Now the first thing we are going to do is play a quick video to better detail the relationship
between our company and your Union, as well as better explain why we are here today to
help your family out! Check this out.

Accidental Death & Dismemberment

Here is your $4,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment.

This covers you if:

● If you’re killed in an accident on or off the job.

● Loss of both hands, both feet, sight in both eyes, or any two limbs mixed and

You qualify for $2,000 coverage for dismemberment if you lose:

● One hand, one foot, or sight in one eye

Here is where we start getting the client to say YES

● Is your beneficiary’s name spelled correctly? YES

● To the insured: Is your birth date correct? (As you point to it) YES

All we need now Nick is your signature right here. It just says that you’re the insured and
Bekah is the beneficiary.

I’m going to take the bottom portion back to the office with me, and this top half I’ll leave
with you for your records. Now what we have you do, is pull out your cell phone so you
can save our office phone number, so you know who to call in case of an emergency. Nick
and Bekah, put American Income in your phone, and the phone number is (508) 658-9635.

While you have your cell phones out, they ask for two local, trusted emergency contacts. In
the event of an emergency who would that be?

● Look down and be assumptive.

● Get as many phone numbers for each of them and ask if there emergency contact can
handle a stressful call
● Fill out the card completely – the better you fill this out, the stronger the referral

Now as your emergency contacts, they also extend to them a no-cost $2,000 benefit.
Please give them a call and let them know. I will give them a call when I can but we are
really busy. If I do call them I certainly don’t want them to think that anything bad has

happened to you. I just want to let them know they are your emergency contact and they
do get the benefit as well.

Child Safety Kits

The next benefit they have for you Nick and Bekah, are the Child Safe ID Kits.

These are critical because they deal with our children’s safety. Most families we sit down
with have a story where at some point in their lives, they were spending time with their
little ones to turn around at the mall or grocery store and their child wasn’t exactly where
they thought they were? Has anything like that ever happened to you?

This is where we get them to tell a story where this has impacted them in one way or

That’s exactly why the police association endorse our kits.

What people fear the most is if they were to be taken unexpectedly from us. Would we
have all the proper information to give to the authorities? What the police have come up
with are these child safe id kits.

Walk them through the child safety id kit.

Do you see how important these kits are in the event that a child isn’t found right away?
Wouldn’t you agree that every family with children should have these kits in case their
children were to ever go missing? Exactly, so when we sat down with the International
Police Association, they asked us to get these kits out to 100% of the community. In reality,
that’s not possible with the amount of time and resources available to us, so they ask for
your help. What they ask of the families we sit down with is to help get these kits out to
the community. Now if any of your friends or family’s children went missing you’d
obviously help them look right? Of course, so who’s the first family that comes to mind?
You probably want to start with (person from earlier)……Who’s next with your head down
on the sheet and remind them how many they have left.

Leave a reminder note for the customer to call their referrals

Health Service Discount Card

The next benefit they negotiated for you, Nick and Bekah, is the Best Benefits discount
card. This can give you discounts on things like prescriptions, hearing, vision, and dental.
They did a really nice job with this. Let me show you how this works.

If you choose to enroll, the basic program is at no cost. You can also upgrade to the gold
program which includes dental and travel assistance. Just send a check in with this form or
pay by credit card at the bottom.

There’s an 800 number and a website right here on the inside of page 1 that will answer any
questions you might have.

It’s a really nice benefit they have for you. Didn’t they do a good job with that?

Family Information Guide
Make sure to remember the numbers you are given to use in the Survey portion.

Nick and Bekah, the next document I have for you is something called the Family
Information Guide. This is a roadmap to all of your important paperwork, something you
will fill out on your own but I will walk you through it today.

Member: Nick, all of your vital statistics go up here.

Spouse: Bekah, all of your information goes right in here.

Veteran Information: Are either of you veterans? (If yes, thank them for their service) Make
sure you attach a copy of your discharge papers with this for the flag ceremony upon your

Persons to be notified: When you pass away everyone locally will find out, but this is where
you write down friends or loved ones that are not local so your family can contact them
and have their information to do so.

This next box is person to be in charge of your final arrangements: Nick, if something
happens to you that’s what Bekah is for. Bekah, if something were to happen to you, that’s
what Nick is for. If god forbid something were to happen to both of you, who would settle
the estate? (If they have children, who would raise your kids). That is the person you would
want to give a copy of this document to. We also suggest you make copies for both sides of
the family because people can’t argue black and white.

Last Will and Testament: this helps you get started on a will. Do you both have a will yet?

NO: Okay, no problem. Most families don’t. That’s okay, but you do not want to
procrastinate on that. You can take care of your will online. There’s a place called Legal You might want to take a look at that it’s a very affordable option.

Estate and Insurance Information: This is the most important section on here. This is
where you’re going to list all of the life insurance policies that you have. There is millions
of dollars going unclaimed annually when it comes to life insurance. When you make the
responsible move and take out coverage, but your family doesn’t know about it, not many
companies will come knocking and say here’s $20,000 to bury your father.

For example, that no-cost $4,000 benefit your group provided you, write that down on
bottom. American Income, the policy number, and the amount. Otherwise, we’re the only
three people who know about that.

Now most people have some sort of group coverage through their employer, do you have
anything like that in place? If you do, make sure you write that down on the bottom next
to group coverage, now just too quickly remind you how that works. Everything through

your employers is known as group coverage, it will cover you for as long as you are part of
the group. The day you switch careers, if you go off and open your own company, or when
you eventually retire, you WILL lose that coverage because you’re no longer part of the
group. That makes sense right? Great, now any private coverage you would want to write
that down up here. Most folks we sit with go their whole lives’ just relying on group
coverage and end up in a tough spot later in life. Have you ever had the opportunity to take
out anything permanent and private?

No matter their answer compliment them and spend that policy with them ex: let
me guess you got that to cover the mortgage, and debt left behind, etc.

That’s amazing I’m very proud of you now, all you need is something permanent to cover
your funeral and you will never have to think about getting something to protect your
family again.

Okay. You did a great job. Make sure you fill that out. Like I said, most families don’t even
know that their families have that benefit and then they never claim on it.

(If not) No big deal, that’s exactly why we’re here today.

Financial Institution information: This is where you want to list all the bank accounts you
have but remember, never put down your account numbers god forbid the wrong person
gets their hands on this. Now do you two prefer to use a traditional bank or do you bank
with a credit union? Reason I mention that is Massachusetts is a probate state and with a
traditional bank it’s 5 years, and a credit union it’s 3 years. If that amount of time goes by
and there is no activity on your account, the state can seize your funds. Also make sure you
have an executor on your accounts in case someone needs to get access to that money and
you physically can’t.

The last section is your Funeral Service Requests: Have you two ever discussed whether
you would like to go the traditional or the cremation route? For example Bekah, if Nick
were to pass tomorrow which route would he like to go? (Direct this question to the
spouse). That’s why it is important to discuss this and write it down so you never have to
worry about it again.

Here you are finding out exactly how they want their arrangements handled so you
can paint a vivid picture with the FOC.

You can see how important this form is right? It’s going to be your voice when you no
longer have one.

Food Bank
Nick and Bekah, going back to what the video said about the food bank; we actually have a
very impressive food bank set up for our union families. From time to time, bad things
happen to good people. That could be things like strikes, layoffs, even natural disasters,
like floods or even house fires. Obviously, you two are doing well. You don’t need this.
However, if you do know a family that does, all you have to do is get a hold of your union
steward or contact us. We will simply take the food out, set it on the doorstep, and walk
away. There’s no embarrassment, and it helps make a bad situation a little bit more
tolerable. Now, the way that we keep our food bank stocked is we ask each family we see to
donate a can or two of food. If you haven’t been to the grocery store lately, don’t worry
about it, but do you think that’s something you could help with? Great. Do you mind
grabbing that for me right now because I know I may forget it on the way out. Another
awesome thing they allow you to do is give away a $2000 accidental death and
dismemberment certificate for each can up to 4 friends or family members. So who’s the
first person you’d like to get that out to?

Mom, dad, brother, sister, etc? Look down until they name one, then say who’s next.

Catch-Up Program
The next thing they have us do our union catch-up program. A lot of members mail in
their blue postcard to get their benefits just like you did today. But sometimes, the cards
get overlooked or the members are working too hard to make it to the meetings where
they breakdown the benefits, so they simply don’t know what’s available to their family.

So that’s why they have us do our catch-up program, to make sure all the members in your
local are taken care of. All we simply do is take their information and run it through the
system back at the office to verify if anyone has ever taken care of their family. Now, if they
have been taken care of great, we will touch base with them just to let them know we are
their local rep and are here for them if they ever need anything. If by a rare chance no one
has ever been out there with their benefits, because of your help today, I will personally
make them and their family a priority over all the other members we have to see. And
remember, these are their benefits from the union so you don’t even have to tell them I’ll
be touching base, I won’t be bringing your name up.

Now, Nick I know you have a lot of close brothers and sisters you work with who do you
want to make sure is protected first?

Probably your buddy …

Survey [Needs Analysis]
Now that you've seen what the (insert groups name) has set up for you, they want me to do
a personalized needs analysis to make sure that I tailor fit the program perfectly for your

So first I need to type in your names and birth-dates

Now there are 3 criteria that you have to meet to in order to qualify:

● The first is you have to be a member of the group or received an invitation. You
meet that or I wouldn’t be here today.
● The second is you need to be taken care of during your open enrollment period
which is why I am here today.
● The third is these benefits must take effect immediately and you have to medically

Everyone we sit with wants and needs our coverage but unfortunately wait too long and
then do not qualify. So I am going to ask you some basic medical questions to see if you

So the program is designed to fit your family perfectly today. We do this by basing it off of
1 hour of your work week so no matter what, it will be completely comfortable financially
for your family. So Nick, based on a 40 hour work week, what is your hourly wage not
including any overtime? Bekah, what is your hourly wage as well?

Perfect, now what we are going to do is go through the mandatory read off letter then walk
you through exactly what you qualified for.

Read-off Letter
- Do NOT Memorize. This is here for example purposes only -

Okay, Nick and Bekah, the next thing they want me to do is read a mandatory
read-off letter to you, signed by your union president explaining the benefits
further and how I can help you today.

It says: “Dear member, the insurance program being offered to you today is
made available on a voluntary basis through the cooperation of your UFCW
union and American Income Life Insurance company, a 100 percent union
label company with a long-standing history of serving unions and their

We’re 100 percent union, just like you are, and we’ve been doing this for
over 60 years.

“AILICO’s supplemental benefits are not in competition with any group

benefits through your workplace or employer and can complement any
insurance policies you already have. If you choose to take advantage of the
insurance programs offered through AILICO, your benefit program is
permanent and portable throughout your lifetime.”

That’s really important. Whether you’re in Massachusetts or out of

Massachusetts, these benefits stay with you. Whether you are in the union
or out of the union, these benefits stay with you. We are not here to replace
anything, just fill in the gaps of what you currently have.

“AILICO’s supplemental benefits include automatic built-in features to help

members during a hard time, such as a strike or layoff period. If you
qualify, your coverage lasts a lifetime and is under your independent
control. Once the program has been explained to you, we’re sure you’ll
agree with the many participating members, it’s one of the most valuable
programs you’ve ever seen.”

What that’s saying is you must qualify for this program. There are three criteria
that you have to meet, which I’ll go over here in a minute. There are several
benefits available.

“Please take a few minutes to listen to the AILICO representative who is

visiting you. If they can help with your needs in this area, please take
advantage today. If not, we would like your feedback. So please take a

minute to complete the officer union report form. This information helps
serve you more effectively. Your Union President, Frank Deriso”

So I’m going to use all the information you gave me earlier to build your program. If you
like it, fantastic, you can enroll today. If not, I’ll fill out an officer report form that will just
tell us how we can make these programs better. Does that sound fair? Perfect.

Hour of Power Principle
Now Nick and Bekah, the program you qualified for is the “Elite family care plan” when
you choose to enroll, your contribution is going to be $30 per week. Now why on earth
would anything be $30 per week well we base that off the hour of power principle we
discussed earlier. It’s as simple as taking up to 1 hour of your work week and paying
yourself first, then taking the other 39 hours plus your overtime and do want you want
with that, knowing your family is protected and bills are covered.

For example if your boss called you into the office on Monday and said, “Nick you are the
hardest working person here, I’m going to put you on a permanent 41-hour work week”.
Would you go out and buy yourself a new home or car with that additional hour? Of
course not.

Now if it was reversed and you were put on a 39-hour work week, and you were getting one
hour less a week, would you have to sell everything you own to make ends meet? Of course

So it’s safe to say that an hour on either side of your income would not change much
around here but knowing that you used that hour to protect your family would definitely
give you piece of mind. Right?

Freedom of Choice (FOC)
The first thing they have for you is the freedom of choice. Let me ask the two of you a
question, have either of you ever been on the financial side of arranging a funeral before?

[If yes] If you don’t mind discussing it how did it go for your family?

[If NO] You are very fortunate but have you heard any horror stories of how funerals are
going these days.

The average funeral in 2017 like we discussed earlier is right around 15,000. The way that it
use to work is Bekah, if something happened to Nick tomorrow you would take any life
insurance policies you have down to the local funeral home and they would take that
policy as collateral until the insurance check arrived. Now a days families don’t realize that
life insurance isn’t handling the cost of funerals the way it used to. The way it used to work
was, if something were to happen to Nick, Bekah, you would take the policy he has, hand it
to the funeral director, and that would serve as collateral until the insurance check shows
up. It doesn’t work that way anymore. Insurance companies used to have to pay on a policy
within 24 days. They now have up to 60 days that they can hang on to your policy. Why do
you think that they do that? What do you think they’re collecting on that money each
month? Exactly, interest. They make millions and millions of dollars .while families get
burdened with out-of-pocket costs when it comes to funeral time.

Another thing that’s happening is there is a company called SCI going around and buying
all the funeral homes and cemeteries in the United States and Canada. Their goal is to
become the Walmart of the funeral industry. The only reason I mention them is their
corporate policy is they want 50 percent of all the costs up front and the other 50 percent
within 30 days. Now I don’t know your guys’ current financial situation, but most of the
families I sit down with don’t have an extra $7,000 lying around for a funeral. And the ones
that do, they don’t want to use that money because there are so many bills that come in

That’s why they’ve come up with this. This is called the Freedom of Choice Funeral
Certificate. The way this works, Bekah, when something happens to Nick, it doesn’t matter
how, when, where, or why, it could be tomorrow, God forbid. It could be 50 years from now.
It could be cancer, disease, or anything in between. It doesn’t matter. Bekah, you take this
into any funeral home in the United States, they’ll accept it. In fact, they love it because it’s
backed by big powerful unions like yours. They know they’re going to get paid.

So if you want to do traditional, like you said earlier, flowers, casket, funeral, ground
opening, ground closing, gravesite, obituary, and let’s say it costs that $15,000, Bekah.
You’re going to turn this over. You’re going to write $15,000 right there, fill in the
arrangements, and sign as the beneficiary. Everything is completely taken care of. There’s

not one out-of-pocket cost whatsoever as long as you keep Nick’s funeral under $30,000
and, Nick, you keep Bekah’s funeral under $30,000.

Those are two very important numbers. The funeral, director, when you walk out of the
funeral home, is going to call this number right here at our corporate office and they’re
going to ask us two questions. One, are you enrolled in the program? And after today that
answer will be? (Assumptively shake your head and say yes). The second thing they’re
going to ask us is how much money do you have to work with? If we told them you, have
$30,000 to work with, what do you think that funeral would magically cost? Right $30,000.
It shouldn’t work that way. We don’t allow it to work that way.

What we do is we never reveal that number and ask that you never reveal that number.
What we’ll do is simply pay them the $15,000, cut you and your family a check for the
difference, Bekah. It’s the cleanest, easiest, most compassionate way to take care of what
will inevitably happen to all of us.

If they’re older include below.

It’s kind of like a prearranged funeral.

Have you heard of prearrangements? These are great in concept. Everything’s take care of
prior to death. This is the exact same, thing but remember this is permanent and portable.
You are not locked to one specific funeral home. And prearrangement can be up to $300 a
month, and it only has the amount of money that you have paid into it. This is a blank
check for $30,000 for both of you. You each have this certificate.

Does that make sense how these work to you? Do you see how important it is? Why is that
important to you Nick? Why is that important to you Bekah? What would you do without

It’s clean; it’s easy. So does that make sense to the both of you?

Income Protection
Having your funeral taken care of is super important. What’s of equal concern is what
happens after the funeral. Most families I sit down with don’t have what’s called paycheck
protection. Nick, if something were to happen to you unexpectedly and you were taken
from your family would Bekah continue to get your paycheck? No. Most families don’t.
What type of recurring bills do you have every single month? Mortgage, car insurance, the
kids -- they’re not free right? -- utilities, all those expenses. Bekah, if something were to
happen to Nick, how would you continue to pay for those bills without his income? Yeah,
it’s really concerning for families. Most of the families I sit down with have life insurance.
You guys are a perfect example. But most don’t take into consideration how it works.

Life insurance works exactly like a hundred-dollar bill. Bekah, if you were to go to the
store on a Friday night and buy a couple sodas and a slice of pizza and you broke into a
hundred-dollar bill, how much of that hundred dollars do you have left on Monday? Yeah,
it’s gone. And half of the time we don’t even know where it went. Life insurance, liquid
cash, works the exact same way. If something were to happen to Nick, Bekah you’re going
to get that money up to 60 days or longer after he passed. The first thing you’re going to
do is break it, just like the hundred-dollar bill, and pay back wherever you got that funeral
money. Now I’m not saying you’re going to squander that money or splurge with it, but
usually that life insurance money is gone within the first two years. That’s why they added
the income protection portion to this. What this does is pay $1,800 a month for 36
consecutive months if Nick was taken from you.

Bekah, if something were to happen to him, do you think you could use and extra $1,800 a
month for the next three years? Yeah, you bet you could. What that allows you to do is
take that $250,000 policy, put it in the bank, let it build the nest egg that it’s intended to
be, and then after that three-year transitional period that money is sitting there waiting for
you. Now also included is $1,400 a month if something were to happen to you Bekah for 36
consecutive months to make sure that Nick and the kids could continue their lifestyle if
something happened to you.

Does that make sense to the both of you? Do you see how important it is to have your
paychecks protected? Why is that so important to you Nick, for her to have that?

Bekah why is that important to you? Yeah exactly. That’s what most families say.

So right now you have both of your incomes protected, both of your funerals taken care of,
for that same _________ per week. Does that make sense? Okay.

Child Rider
The next benefit they have is designed to help protect your children. With the amount of
things impacting our children’s health now a days like Asthma, ADHD, and other illnesses
it's getting more and more difficult to protect our children. That’s why they came up with
this next benefit known as the child rider. What this is going to do, is protect each child in
the household under the age of 18 with a $10,000 death benefit. Now the best part about
this, is at age 21 they can convert this to a $50,000 whole life policy regardless of their
health with no medical questions asked. Now can you see why it’s so important to have a
program that can guarantee their insurability in the future?

Accidental Death Benefit
- Find the need, paint the picture, & fill the need -

In all reality, the chances of any of you passing away tomorrow from a heart attack or
cancer are pretty slim. Statistically, you’re nine times more likely to pass in some sort of
accident. What this next benefit does is for any accident on or off the job; if you fell, had a
mishap at work, were in a house fire or explosion, this is going to cover the both of you for
$130,000, if you’re killed in any type of accident, and it covers each child for $6,000.

What’s the most dangerous thing we do every day? -- Drive a car. Just because of the
frequency we drive them, no other reason. Most insurance companies pull back the
benefit when it’s a higher risk. We actually increase it to $160,000 if anything were to
happen to either of you in a privately owned vehicle - not a work vehicle. You could be in
the back seat sleeping. You could be driving. You could be on vacation. You could be at
fault in the accident. It doesn’t matter. If something were to happen to either of you, you
both are covered for $160,000 and each of the kids are covered for $12,000.

So let’s say something happened to both of you, God forbid, that would be $320,000. All

In addition to both of your incomes being protected, both funerals would be taken care of
as well. All right? Does that still make sense for _____ a week? Yeah, you bet it does.

What about Common Carrier, which is anything you pay a fare to ride on; like a plane,
train, bus, boat, Uber -- you are both covered for $250,000 and each of the kids are covered
for $30,000. Does this section right here make sense to you guys?

Living Benefits
It’s great knowing that you now have all your “What-if” coverage in place, right? You have
your nest egg, you have your income covered, and you have your funerals. Now the best
part about this program is that you’re not just going to get paid when you’re gone, you’ll
also get paid while you’re alive. So now I’ll stop getting you killed and show you what
happens if you just get hurt?

Now Nick and Bekah, what’s going to be your co-pay if you have an injury that lands you in
the emergency room, hospital, doctor’s office? 50 bucks? If you’re like me, 50 bucks is 50
bucks; it isn’t Earth-shattering, but if you miss a half a day of work and you have a $50
copay, it’s frustrating. From here on out we are going to pay you $150 for any accident on or
off the job. That’s stitches, broken bones, rolled ankle, etc. The $50 co-pay, any gas that you
spent to get there and back, the $25 to fill your prescription, we’ve taken care of all that.
There’s no cap or time limit on it on how many claims you can file. So you have five trips a
year. This company pays you $750, you don’t just pay us. Can you see why that’s important
to have? But, again, it’s not Earth-shattering. The next benefit is though.

Now, do you know what the leading cause of bankruptcy is in this country today? Its
medical bills. God forbid, if you’re overnight in a hospital. What this is going to do is pay
you $300 a night up to 365 days and that’s per person and per occurrence. So if you’re in
the hospital for 10 nights because someone was texting and driving, crossed the yellow
lines, and you got in an accident, we just put $3,000 into your bank account. Would that
take some pressure off catching up on some bills during your hospital stay and not forcing
yourself to go back to work the day after? Without this, what would happen? It’s nice to say
you have this protection. If you were both on a date and this happened, you’re both
covered. If all four of you were in that car coming home from a restaurant and some drunk
driver at happy hour runs a stop sign, you’re all covered for $300 a night. Any questions on
how this is going to work for your family?

Now, if it’s more severe and you end up in ICU we pay you $600 every night up to 14 days in
ICU. Nick if you ended up in ICU, Bekah where would you be? Nick, if Bekah were in ICU
where you would be, and that’s why we double it. If one of your kids were in ICU, you’d go
bankrupt before you’d leave them. Your family is now protected. Can you see why these
living benefits are so important nowadays? Your family will never be part of that statistic of
going bankrupt due to medical debt because of this.

On top of that you’ll have all you’re “what if” coverage, both of your incomes covered, both
of your funerals for again, a pizza and wings a week.

Now, any questions on how your family’s program is going to work? Ok, so they did set you
up with 2 different options. Option A is the full inflation program, which gives you $30,000
for each of your funerals and everything else we discussed. Option B is going to cover you
with partial inflation funerals at $20,000 each, which is still enough to cover both of you
today. Now you have option A which is full inflation and option B which is partial inflation,
which option works better for your family today?

The first person who talks loses

If you want to think about this and get back to me, I completely understand that. If I were
in your shoes, I'd want to do the same thing if I were you guys. The only thing they want
me to go over with you before I leave is need and affordability. They know that the
members need this because most don't have their funerals taken care of or their incomes
protected. But it has to be something that you two want to afford. Most families I sit down
with say they spend more on scratch-off lotto tickets, soda, coffee, than they do on
anything like this for protecting their family. Which one of you two is the bookkeeper?
Nick, you are. Does that make sense to the both of you, what I just said? Okay. Perfect. All
I need is your driver's licenses, your doctor's information, your checkbook, and I'll go
ahead and get your coverage started.

You want to think about it? I can completely understand that, guys. I understand the
situation that you're in. In all reality there's only three times you're going to think about
this. It's not human nature to wake up in the morning and say, "I need to buy life
insurance.” The first time is right now while I'm here. When I leave and walk away from
here, you're going to think about it maybe for a few moments, then life is going to happen.
You're not going to think about it anymore. The second time you're going to think about it
is, Nick, if that blood pressure gets a little bit worse and you don't qualify. You're going to
wish you had it then. The last time you're going to think about, which nobody wants to
talk about, is if something were to happen to, Nick, you're going to be saying, "I wish I
bought more.” Most families go with Option A. Which one is better for the two of you? A.
All right perfect. All I need is your driver's licenses, your doctor's information, your

checkbook, because your coverage starts conditionally today. I want to get your application

You want to think it over and get back to me? I can completely understand that. I'm the
same way. Let me put it to you this way: Most people that I sit down with have car
insurance, right, because you have to. How much is your car worth, Nick, do you think?
14,000. Bekah, what's your car worth? 12,000. What do you pay combined a month for both
of those vehicles to insure them? $175. Holy cow. So you're paying almost $2,000 a year to
insure something that's worth $30,000, right, because we have to. What price would you
put on Nick? You can't. He's priceless, right? You cannot put a price on our significant
others; however, what we can do is put a price on protecting them. Most families go with
Option A. Which one is better for the two of you? Make sure that this is taken care of.
Which option is better for you? A. All right. I just need your driver's licenses, your doctor's
information, and your checkbook, because your coverage starts conditionally today.

You want my card and you give me a call tomorrow? I completely get that. I'm the same
type of person you are. I want to think things over. Let me ask you a question, guys. Do you
have auto insurance? How much do you pay a month for auto insurance? 150. How come
you have auto insurance? Because you have to. It's the law, right? You don't think your car
is going to blow up tomorrow, right? Do you have house insurance, coverage on your
house? Home owner's insurance. Do you think your house is going to burn down tonight?
You pay 1,200 a year for that? Why do you have it? Just in case, right? Do you have health
insurance? How much do you pay for the health insurance? $5,000 a year. Holy cow. So
you've got auto insurance. We don't think your car is going to explode. House insurance.
We don't think your house is going to start on fire. We hope not, but we have it just in
case. And health insurance just in case. Let me ask you this: If you had a machine in your
basement that pumped out $1,800 a month but if the handle broke you wouldn't receive
that $1,800 a month, would you insure the handle on that machine? You bet you would.
Nick's that machine. Nick brings $1,800 a month into this his every single month. Why
wouldn't you insure him? Yeah. Most people go with Option A. All I need is your driver's
licenses, your doctor's information, and your checkbook, and your coverage starts
conditionally today. I'll get your application in.

You want to think about it and get back to me? I completely understand. Let me try
explaining it this way to you guys. This helped me out the first time I was looking at this.
What do you guys bring home every single week after insurance deductions and taxes?
About $800 a week. And what benefits do you have through your job currently and
insurances do you have? Health insurance. Okay. 401(k). All right. Sick days, life insurance
through the job. You said you had 50,000. Dental, vision. Anything else? Vacation, two
weeks' vacation. That's some pretty good benefits for 800 bucks a week. Now, let's say you
had an enhanced job. All right? You have the same health insurance, you have the same
401(k), the same $50,000 of life insurance, dental, vision, sick days, two weeks' vacation,
but on top of that you have a prepaid funeral for $37,000 for the both of you, roughly $1,800
a month in income protection on Nick for 36 months if anything were to happen to him or
his income. You have $14 a month for 36 months if anything happened to Bekah or her
income. You both are covered for $140,000 if you're killed in any type of accident. You're
covered for 180,000 if you're killed in any type of automobile or privately owned vehicle,
300,000 for a common carrier. The kids are covered for 8,000, 16,000, and 40,000. Everyone
in the house on or off the job gets $200 every time you go to the emergency room for any
accident or injury, $400 if you're overnight, $800 if it's a little bit worse and you're in
intensive care. But this enhanced job only pays you $770 a week. Which job would you
want, the enhanced job for770 or the one that pays you the 800? For these benefits, the
enhanced job. Exactly. All I need is your driver's licenses, your checkbook, and your
doctor's information, because your coverage starts conditionally tonight. And I'll go ahead
and get your application started.

You still want to think about it? I completely understand that, guys. I'll tell you what, I
have a bunch of customers that I have to call because I'm running a little bit late. Make a
decision that you're comfortable with. I'll give you guys a few minutes alone. I get paid on
Monday either way whether you enroll or not. I'll be back in about five minutes. Just flick
the lights, and I'll come back, and you can tell me "yes" or "no."

No? You don't want to enroll? I complete I understand that. Like I said in the beginning,
I'm going to fill out an officer report form, just says how we can do a little bit better. You

guys are in the UFCW District Local 1. Was I courteous today? I was. Thank you. Do you
believe this program would be a value to other members? Yes. Of this program, what was
the best part you liked of the premier family care plan? The funeral benefit. Bekah, what
did you like best about it? The income protection. That's what most say. You're obviously
not enrolling today. What's the number one reason that you're not enrolling? Affordability.
Listen, I completely understand that, guys, the affordability portion. There's a couple of
things they want me to go over though before I leave. One is need. One is affordability.
Need. You got to want to need this. All right. Most families I sit down with don't have their
funerals taken care of, don't have their income protected. Affordability, I get it. But you got
to want to afford this. Most people I sit down with say they spend more on bottled water or
scratch-off lotto tickets, soda, than they do on anything like this. Which one of you two is
the bookkeeper? Bekah, you are. Does that make sense to the both of you? All right. All I
need is your driver's license, your doctor's information, and your checkbook, and your
coverage starts conditionally tonight. I'll go ahead and get your application in.

After Sale Referrals
AGENT: Alright, so, now Bill let me know when you're ready for my number?
CLIENT: I'm ready for it.
AGENT: My personal number is 508-555-5555. And again, I don't work for American
Income Life, I work for your family.
So if there's anything you ever need, I expect you to call me.
CLIENT: Absolutely.
AGENT: You’ve got your mechanic in your phone. You got your barber, your hairdresser,
Barbie, now you have your insurance guy and I love what I do and that's taking care of your
CLIENT: Sounds good.
AGENT: Alright so you guys both have my number saved? All right, now here's the best
part about this whole program. I mean, with these rates and this program, we could go
door to door and every single person in the world would take advantage of this.
And I'm sure you're thinking, wow I know a lot of people that could use this.
AGENT: Of course they could, but the reason our program is so great is, because we're
exclusive. We only work with big unions, and associations which is how you got access.
But, because you took advantage today, you now get to pay it forward.
You're now allowed five exclusive invitations into this program, to people that without your
help, would never get the privilege to look at this. Now, what you're going to do is you're
going to pump them up and let them know the favor that you did for them, and they can
take the time to check this out for their family just like you did.
You just created a month long open enrollment form. So make sure you tell them, that it's
a short window to check out your union benefits, and if it wasn't for your help, they would
never have the chance to check this out. Now, then the ball's in their court.
If they want to do it, they'll do it, and if they don't then that's perfectly okay. But I'm a man
of my word, and I promise you, I will give them the opportunity to check this out, just like
I did for you and Barbie.
AGENT: Now obviously, you talked a lot about your daughter, who you've raised since she
was little. So clearly we want to make her a priority first. She's an artist, she's
self-employed, works a lot on her own. We're going to give her the chance to check this
out. Now what was your daughter's first name again?
CLIENT: Katie.
AGENT: Katie, all right beautiful and last name is Palmer is it?
So she lives locally right? Because we can't help if they're not within the area, so that's
huge. And now, what does she do for a living?
CLIENT: She's a really great as a student. She just works as a nanny on the side.
AGENT: She's a nanny and she does some type of graphic designing stuff. She's a jack of all
trades. Good, good. And then she's single, right?
CLIENT: Yes, she's single.

AGENT: All right, beautiful. Now make sure you pump her up, because not only is she
your beneficiary, she now has access to your program, and obviously, you've taken care of
her your whole life, why would you stop now?
CLIENT: Yeah, right.
AGENT: Now, you only have four more left, but you just hit a home run with that one. So,
now obviously, who else do you know Bill that works their butt off like you and Barbie?
CLIENT: My son, he's a mechanic.
AGENT: And he's a non-union mechanic?
AGENT: My God, absolutely. And what's your son's first name?
CLIENT: Corey.
AGENT: Corey and last name is Masseth, how do you spell that?
AGENT: Beautiful, is Corey married to a significant other?
CLIENT: No, try to keep them single.
AGENT: Just trying to rope them in both.
CLIENT: Tell them to slow down.
AGENT: And then what does she do for a living? She's a waitress or something, or a diner
or something? Well brag to Corey, because this is the only program where you’re allowed a
domestic partner on a family plan, before they're even married.
AGENT: So that's a very cool feature that no other companies offer. Let him know that
when we call him. And now, dude you're hitting home runs right now. He's a non-union
mechanic. It's wicked dangerous in garages, so this is perfect.
CLIENT: Yeah he just cut his finger the other day.
AGENT: Here's the tough part. You only have three more left so be selective. Who else do
you know that just had their first baby, or just bought a house like you and Barbie did? Or
works so hard, but you know they do not get the benefits they deserve?
CLIENT: My brother is a union member, but I know he doesn't have this program.
AGENT: What union is he a part of?
CLIENT: He's a part of RG&E he's gas line worker.
AGENT: Okay, well we're gonna put him on the union catch up sheet, so that doesn't take
one of these invitations. So we'll make sure we do that for him as well. But think it through
some more, non-union self-employed people. But, while you have your phone out, what
other union guys do you know because we'll fill them on our catch up program as well?
CLIENT: Well, my bowling partner is a union guy.
AGENT: Okay yeah. And that's how I capture all my union leads. All right, but now we
have three more nonunion. Who do you know that owns their own business, that's a
hardworking man like you?
CLIENT: Actually my mechanic. He just opened up a shop about four months
AGENT: Really?
CLIENT: He's a great guy. He's been a mechanic since I was 18.
AGENT: And tell him if he takes advantage, he can open it up to his crew. So now what's

your mechanic's first name?
AGENT: Dude this is the best one you thought of yet!
Not saying your kids won't appreciate it, but think about that self-employed guy. If he gets
hurt who pays his bills?
CLIENT: Nobody.
AGENT: We do, right? So, let him know that. So now, is he married, significant other?
CLIENT: Yes, he's got a wife and three kids.
AGENT: Perfect, so he has three kids, beautiful, and his shop is local in Marlborough.
CLIENT: It’s Pappa's Auto.
AGENT: Okay and do you know if he lives local in the area as well?
CLIENT: Yes, he lives around the corner from there.
AGENT: Alright, beautiful. And then the best number to contact him outside of his work,
do you have his cell?
CLIENT: I have his cell number.
AGENT: Okay.
AGENT: Boom, boom, boom. All right, now here's the tough part, you only have two more
CLIENT: Yeah I would probably say, Billy Fortuda. He's Johnny's partner.
AGENT: Johnny's partner? Okay, perfect. And, now you got your last one, make this a
money bomb.
CLIENT: Well it's got to be my golf partner, because he'd kill me if I didn't get
him in.
AGENT: What does he do?
CLIENT: He's a welder.
AGENT: You saved the best for last Bill, I'm proud of you man, all right. So, do you have
any idea how much help you just gave these people?
CLIENT: Yeah, I mean, I know that they always say that they wish they had
stuff that we have, so I guess it gives them an opportunity.
AGENT: But here's the thing, if you don't tell them about this, I might as well be a
telemarketer. And am I a telemarketer?
AGENT: No, and I don't want to be treated like one. And I know based on our time
together, you wouldn't want me to be treated like one either. But here's the tough thing is,
is I'm a man of my word, and if I say I'm gonna do something that's taking care of you and
Barbie, I most certainly will.
Can you do me favor?
AGENT: You promise you don't have a problem doing me a favor? All right, you got to give
them a call. Because if I call them before you, they're going to call you and say, Dad, what's
up? Or, who's this guy Nick? But if you call them, not only will they thank you after they
meet me, they're going to protect their families.
CLIENT: Yeah, that's a big thing.

AGENT: And that's what you and I are all about. So you promise me you're going to do me
this favor?
CLIENT: Yeah, I'll definitely call.
AGENT: And here's the easy part. We already wrote down on this homework sheet here,
exactly what they're going to get access to, and all their names and phone numbers. I
know you got their numbers, but I wanted to make your job easier so you don't have to
look it all up.
AGENT: We put it right here for you.
CLIENT: I'll have Barbie get on it immediately.
AGENT: Now out of everyone you thought of today, who would you want me to take care
of first?
CLIENT: My kids, of course.
AGENT: I don't blame you, right? Because if something happens to them and they get,
hurt who's paying their bills? [LAUGH]
CLIENT: It's always me.
AGENT: Right, so let's help you help them.
AGENT: So here's the thing, is if you give them a call and just say, hey my insurance guy's
going to get a hold of you. They're going to say dad what the heck? So you got to really tell
them, you gave them access to your exclusive union benefits. And what they're going to get
is located right here.
AGENT: So, you got that?
CLIENT: I got it.
AGENT: Because you sound like a stud man, so I know you'll do it.
But you know, what you said your son's important, he's a mechanic. And again, I know you
said he was staying in your house right now, you want to make sure the bills are getting
AGENT: Let's give him a call first right now, and I promise you, I'll squeeze him in this
weekend, now I'm already booked up tomorrow on Thursday.
But I do have a couple openings.
CLIENT: You can call my daughter, my son's working right now.
AGENT: Is he working right now? All right.
CLIENT: How about my daughter though? She's home.
AGENT: Is she home right now? Okay.
Then she can brag to them. All right give your daughter a call right now, and then throw
her right on speaker so if she has any questions, I can show you how to answer them. So
yeah let's get a hold of her right now.
CLIENT: Hi Katie. Hey I'm here with my union guy.
AGENT: Speaker throw it on speaker.
CLIENT: Can you just hold on one second, I got to put the phone on speaker, because
I've got my union guy here with me.

AGENT: Hey Katie, it's Nick Moore, how's it going? All right, so I'm just calling, because
first off I had the privilege of hanging out with your dad. I can only imagine the fun times
you guys have had, but I took good care of him and mom, and more importantly they took
good care of you and your brother. And they took advantage of dad's funeral benefits, so
you're never going to have to worry about mom and dad being protected ever, because they
took care of that today. Now the best part about this, because dad took advantage and
you've been part of a union family your whole life, he was able to pay it forward and pretty
much like the union protection, he wanted to protect you. So he gave you access to his
program. I'm just going to break it all down for you.
AGENT: you'll know how to activate Dad's funerals, but B-if you like something you see
we can set that up for you as well. And we keep it super laid back. Now he was bragging,
and said that his kid stayed local right in the Marlborough area, but you're actually right
now you're living with grandma, helping take care of her.
AGENT: You're a saint. So when I heard something like that I'm going to really go out of
my way to help you out. I'm going to make your priority Friday, which I know you're a
nanny. What's your normal schedule like?
CLIENT: Well I go home around 5:30.
AGENT: Alright perfect you know, what unfortunately I'm booked up till 5:30.
Now do you like to go out Friday night, and let your hair down or you kind of just relax?
CLIENT: Yeah we go out later though.
AGENT: Are you sure? Because I don't want to step on your toes if you and the girls have
CLIENT: No typically they come by 9:30, 10 o'clock.
AGENT: Let's do this, and I'm going to move some things around, squeeze you in at 6:45,
all right? I'm going to keep it real laid back. I'm already booked up at 7:30, so I'm going to
be in and out, so I can be helping out that nice family as well. But I'm a man of my word, I
will take the time that you need, and I will make you a priority.
Are you positive that works for you though? Because I don't want dinner plans and get
dropped on your plate, no pun intended.
CLIENT: Yeah, no [LAUGH].
AGENT: So why don't we do this then? Can you grab me a pen? I'm going to give you some
information you'll need. And dad said you're right by him.
What's your actual address?
CLIENT: 932 Wheeland Road.
AGENT: Alright, perfect. So just make sure that you let me know if you need anything in
the meantime. Now, what's the best way to get out to your house? Yeah……….

Officer Report Form

All right. The last thing I'm going to do is the union officer report form that I told you
about and the mandatory read-off letter. You are the UFCW District Local 1. Was I
courteous today? Yes, thank you. Do you believe this program is of value? Obviously, you

enrolled. You liked it. Okay. What do you think was the best part of the program today?
Me, thanks. On the benefits side, what did you think was best? The funeral. Funeral
benefit. Bekah, what did you think was best? The hospital supplements? You like the
hospital supplements. Don't forget, you have that income protection for three years, too,
on the both of you. Awesome. So I'm going to fill out the rest of this for you. So I've got
Nick Borkowski, address is 212 Whispering Way, your phone. Me, I was your representative.
All right. Nick, I just need you to sign right here. It just says that all that information is
correct. Okay. Perfect. I'll take this back, and then this will get reported back to your
union. Thanks, guys.

Member Feedback Line

The next thing is what's called our member feedback line. It's imperative that you guys do
this. We want to hear from our members, your actual voice, on how I did today. It gives you
a chance to tell everybody how I did when I'm not here. What you're going to do is call this
number right here, Nick. This is a 1-800 number. You're going to say, "Hi, my name is James
Sodan. The group that made this available to me is the District Union Local 1. My
representative was Thor Leighton," and then just say how I did today. Could you do that
for me? Okay. Perfect. And all that information gets sent back to the leadership of your
union and lets us improve our programs.

Alternative Openings


So, did your ______ tell you anything about the child safety kits that they sponsored you
for? Okay, that’s no big deal. Well, let me start from the beginning. The name of our
company is National Income, and we work in conjunction with the International Union of
Police Association just to get as many of these kits out the community as possible at no
cost. They actually work hand in hand with the amber alert system, you’ve heard of that,

Now, I’m not sure if you are familiar with the police union benefits or teachers’ benefits –
but they’re outstanding and we’re the company that provides them with their benefits.
What you get out of today is simple. You get the child safety kits – and I’m going to
explain exactly how these work – god forbid your kids were ever abducted. Also, I’m going
to walk you through something that’s called the family care plan, which is designed to fill
in the gaps where your work coverage leaves off.

So, as I walk you through if you say to yourself, wow, this makes a lot of sense…I can see
why they get all of these awesome benefits and I want to enroll, that’s great – I can set you
up with that today. If not, no big deal. Understand this isn’t some big sales pitch, we’re
not going to give you something you don’t need. It’s just my job as an expert to show you
what’s been made available to you, even though you’re not in the union. Now a lot of the
policemen and teachers love it and find that It’s a lot more inexpensive than what you can
get through other companies.

Understand the only thing they do ask is whether on that package of benefits, since you’re
a nonunion, is whether it be a yes or a no, definitely make that decision today. But what
you’ll find you just like every other police union member finds out is that it’s a simple
benefit, not much to think about. Should take me about 15-20 minutes and then I’ll be out
of your hair. The first video is going to better explain who we are as a company, and how
we work with a lot of large unions and also better explain the child safety kit for you. So
this video will teach you quite a bit.


Alright, (member’s name) it looks like you guys have been with us since (enrollment date).
When was the last time someone was out to take care of you guys? Great, we try to get out
every 12 to 18 months to service your policy.

My job today is to do 3 simple things:

1. Give you some no cost benefits to thank you for being a policyholder.
2. Review your existing coverage, help you understand the benefits like when you first
enrolled, help you with any claims you have, and clean up your folder with new
claim forms.
3. We will do a personalized needs analysis to make sure your current coverage is
adequate to take care of you. If I see anything glaring at me, like we need to
change beneficiary or address (whatever you game planned for in optional
coverage), or add someone, maybe add a headstart; as the expert in your policy, I
will take care of that before I leave today. It should take about 30 minutes and we
will get out of your hair.

It is crucial the client knows why we are there and what we are doing; it is the first step in
overcoming objections later on.


So, did your ____tell you anything about the benefits that they sponsored you for? Okay,
that’s no big deal. Well, let me start from the beginning. The name of our company is
National income along with our sister company we have been in business since 1951, and
we work with and provide benefits to most of the largest unions throughout the US. A few
of them we work with are the Teamsters, Postal Workers and the teachers unions. Of
course you know or may have heard how great their benefits are. And because your ____
extended this out to you we are going to treat you just like one of our union members
today and provide you with the same benefits we provided to your _________.

What you get out of today is simple. You get a 2000 AD&D policy at no cost to you we will
witness your signature and establish your beneficiary, as well as some child safety kits –
and I’m going to explain exactly how these work – god forbid you kids were ever abducted.
You will also get a best benefits card that can save you $100’s of dollars on things like
Vision and Dental you will save up to 60% on some benefits. Also, I’m going to walk you
through something that’s called the family care plan, which is designed to fill in the gaps
where your work coverage leaves off. Now, I’m not sure if you are familiar with the police
union benefits or teachers’ benefits – but they’re outstanding and we’re the company that
provides them with their benefits.

So, as I walk you through if you say to yourself, wow, this makes a lot of sense…I can see
why they get all of these awesome benefits and I want to enroll, that’s great – I can set you
up with that today. If not, no big deal. Understand this isn’t some big sales thing, we’re
not going to give you something you don’t need. It’s just my job as an expert to show you
what’s been made available to you, even though you’re not in the union. Now a lot of the
union families love it and find that it’s much less expensive than what you can get through
other companies and that’s why most enroll.

Understand the only thing they do ask is whether on that package of benefits, since you’re
a non-union, is whether it be a yes or a no, definitely made that decision today. But what
you’ll find just like our other members it’s a simple benefit, not much to think about.
Should take me about 15-20 minutes and then I’ll be out of your hair. The first video is
going to be better explain who we are as a company, and how we work with a lot of large
unions and also better explain the child safety kit for you. So this video will teach you
quite a bit.

Nick and Bekah, do you remember going online and applying for the Will and Testament
kit? Great, the Will Kit program has been protecting union families since 1951.

You may be familiar with some of the groups we currently work with like Raytheon,
National Grid, the Massachusetts police, and Massachusetts nurses.

When you get approved for the will kit program it comes along with a 3 part system.

First, Nick and Bekah you will receive the Family Information Guide, which is information
your family will use before the funeral. The next benefit we will walk you through is the
no cost will kit; this is the information needed to settle your estate after your funeral.
Lastly, if you qualify, we will go through the program Union families have been using to
cover their funerals for the last 70 years.

Now, as we walk you through the system today and you see yourself saying “Wow that
makes sense.” Then great! We will go ahead and set that up for you today. If not, no big
deal. Now understand this is not some sales pitch to give you something you don’t need.
It’s just a lot of members love the program because it is so much more affordable than
what you could get from a non-union company. That is why everyone enrolls. If by chance
this doesn’t fit your needs, we ask that you do not enroll. It’s that quick and simple.

The only thing that the unions do ask is whether it’s a yes or no, definitely make that
decision today. That’s just out of fairness to all the families still waiting to see this
program for the first time. The best part is it’s a simple program, and not a lot to think
about. You will know immediately if this can help your family or not. Does that sound

So first, I’m going to show you a quick video that will better detail the relationship
between our company and the unions we protect, as well as better explain why we are here
to protect your family!

(Play Union Video)


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