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General instructions: All the content that you furnish in the project report should be in ‘Times New

Roman’ font and maintain a standard font size throughout the report (preferred size is 12). Make sure
that you format all the contents in the report, you can text align them to left with ‘Justify’ option in
the MS Word. Also check the spacing between the lines and paragraphs.

An ideal project report should be around 50-70 pages, going beyond this will make it so lengthy and
will be difficult for the reader to go through all of them.

1. Arranging the contents: The pages should be arranged in a sequel manner to suit the hierarchical
standards. The following format is recommended to arrange the contents of the project report,

 Title Page
 Acknowledgment
 Abstract
 Table of Contents
 Chapters
 Experiments and Results
 Conclusions and Recommendations
 References

2. Page dimensions & binding specifications: The standard page dimension to submit the report is
A4 and spiral binding is preferred to bind the report (as it facilitates easier removal and rearrangement
of papers)

3. Preparation format:

 Coverage and page title: This is the starting page of your project report and all the letters
of your project title should be capitalized and the page should be void of page numbers. The
project title should be followed by the organization name to which you are submitting the
report and the student’s details (name, university roll no.) at the end of the page. Also include
your college logo in the top corner.
 Abstract: This page represents the summary of the project. So furnish the details in a precise
and constructive manner including the objective & aim of the project, methodologies used,
scope of the project and project experiment analysis (2-3 lines). The abstract should not be
more than 350 words. It should have double line spacing with Times New Roman font and
font size 14.
 Table of contents: This page represents the entire project report in a nutshell. It should
contain the details of the first, second and third level headers included in the report with their
page numbers, to provide easier access to the reader. The details should be furnished with one
and a half spacing with lower case Times New Roman font.
 Page numbering: The preliminary parts are numbered in roman numerals (i, ii, etc). And for
the chapters the page numbers should be in Arabic numerals (1,2,3 etc) at the bottom center.

4. Chapters to include:
 Introduction: The introduction page should provide a brief information about the project’s
aim, objective and future scope of the project. It should not contain any drawings or graphs or
 Approach used: This chapter helps in evaluating the methodology used to execute the project
against the other standard methodologies. This should furnish the details in brief about the
experimentations carried out to complete the project. You can also include some flow charts
or figures to make it easier for the reader to understand the methodology.
 Results and discussion: These chapters should describe the information about the project in
depth. It should also provide all the theoretical information about each of the experiments
carried out. The details of the project such as the circuit design, simulation results, statistical
analysis, calculations and results gained should be explained in brief with neat figures,
demonstration diagrams, flow charts, graphs, experiment images, representation photos etc.
 Conclusion and recommendations: This chapter summarizes the whole project highlighting
the learnings and importance of the project. The recommendations should be related to the
details given in the conclusion. Generally the conclusion provided regarding the project can
be further modified and upgraded by referring the recommendations section which should
explain how to overcome the constraints of the project.
 List of references:The listing of the references should be typed 4 spaces below the heading
“REFERENCES” in alphabetical order of the first author with single spacing. Also the name
of the author/ authors should be immediately followed by the publishing year.

General instructions for chapters: The main chapter will be divided into several chapters and each
chapter may be further divided into several divisions and sub-divisions.

 Each chapter should be given an appropriate title

 Tables and figures in each of the chapter should be provided immediately after the reference
where they are cited
 Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the pages with single space and should have
proper references.

With the above references, hope you would have got a good idea about the standard format of final
year engineering project report. Do let us know what information you think s

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