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Disclaimer: This document does not reflect the views of Resurrection Connection as Resurrection

Connection is a Social Media Web Experience for Believers in Jesus Christ in General. These are the
views of one of our staff writers. There are other staff writers with other viewpoints.

I promised hundreds of thousands of people a data download. The Truth about life, all of existence and
everything contained within it. About God! With Full Evidence. Every Atheist in debate attempted to
wrench this information out of me for the purposes of having a glimpse at it to attempt to rip it apart,
accused me of being a fraud, since if I had such evidence, I should be going for a Nobel Peace Prize,
millions of dollars, fame, beautiful women, fancy cars. I am faceless. I do not exist. There is no me. There
is the data. Nothing more. I will not be pressured into any breach of this protocol. This information will
be all at once, not pieced together and ripped to shreds by surface dwellers.

Definition of Surface Dweller: A person or organization who looks at surface information. Uses Occam's
Razor (simplest answer) to pass on information that fails the test, and moves on. Just out of sheer logic,
this would mean at least 50% of the data a surface dweller absorbs is false information. This is
evidenced by the shallow interpretations of Biblical Scripture, and how their very own Science betrays

These accusations will be addressed in full, along with the proper understanding of Science that no one
really got. Science, in laymen’s terms is 50% data and 50% of it is the various interpretations of said data
which can almost all be proven to be opinion based not evidence based.

Where to begin, there is so much to discuss. We could discuss the smug laughter when I say that it wont
take very long here to prove Evolution is...almost right but as a result, all wrong. Or how your own
science proves that a big bang is absolutely impossible. How Chaos theory proves that everything was
designed. Or how Relativity proves that the universe had no other choice but to appear in an instant
rather than 13.8 billion years. How time is not linear, but happened all at once and the universe and its
various rotations bring us on a field trip through time. Imagine when you were in the passenger seat of a
car on a highway, this happened to most of us. Remember when you focused, it would appear as though
you were standing still, and the ground was actually the thing that was moving? That is a dilation effect
of time when moving at a high rate of speed and we experience it at every moment, day or night where
we have the sensation that its actually time that is the thing that is moving. Because as I said, we are
constantly moving at a high rate of speed, we only notice the effect while traveling at a high rate of
speed relative to our natural state speed.

How come Evolution is almost right, but as a result is all wrong?

What were doing with the evidence, all of the evidence is surface dwelling. Man, for this short vapour of
an existence really thinks a lot of himself. We have the answers and the ones we don't, we will. That is a
form of deifying human intellect, when by your own admission, is a result of random mutations and a
prime. Some kind of half man half ape, missing link is your ancestor, and mine. So this monkey brain is
going to decide while in a fish tank an astronomical order of magnitude larger than himself, that he
knows what this fish tank is all about, and how he became to be. So now man makes himself God. We
know about the prime why? Because of the following quotation:

What if we consider this?

Nope, sit still, you haven’t heard this one before…

Let’s see if our monkey brain had begun seeing the connection, or should I continue?


Now isn’t that a coincidence? Snakes used to have legs. If we are the pinnacle of ape evolution, then can
someone please tell me why a book written thousands of years ago knew that snakes were not moving
around on their belly until after a particular event that occurred that angered God enough to remove his
legs like in this case right here?
Well folks, what the hell just happened? A Theist has just shown you all something no other theist ever
has, and it has been there all along. But any good Atheist knows, that snakes don’t talk right? How can a
snake talk?

Please, stop me if your beginning to catch on…


Surface dwellers always misunderstand and misquote biblical scripture. Please allow me to offer the
most blatant case of surface dwelling in terms of biblical scripture. First let me define what exactly what
is biblical scripture. We are referring directly to the Judaeo-Christian Texts. They all vary in
interpretation for many reasons, one because some were translated more than once, while others are
believed to originate from Koine Greek:
What is a unicorn?

Britannica says:
That of course, as the heading indicates is late 15th century. What was the Biblical concept of a Unicorn?

Was it a one horned horse?

It is the Bible were talking about, so lets see what it says about unicorns:

Numbers 23:22

God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn.

Let’s get real hear folks these were not equine; they were clearly Large Bovine or Rhinocerotidae. They
didn’t look like horses to these people at all.
More like this:
This imagined surface dweller hypothesis that the Judaeo-Christian bible is loaded with mythology, your
star turkey just lost its wings. We are well aware, not just me, lots of researchers are already in the
know. This was not the creature that we identify by the name “Unicorn” in our modern times. We will
systematically knock all of these off throughout this text, but your star evidence of mythology in the
bible has been killed.

Moving forward. The Evolution of man.

This is what modern scientists believe occurred way back when. This is where this gets good. Modern
Theists believe that man is 6000 years old. Scientists believe that man is, well
We have a discrepancy between faith and what we have in terms of perceived science. Because within
the largest religious following on the planet, we have massive pockets that misunderstand the Judaeo-
Christian Bible just as much as Atheists did. Both are wrong. Man is neither 6000 years old or 6 million
years old. The earth is not 6000 years old and it is not 4.543 billion years old. We know it can’t be 6000
years old because some of the processes that occurred had to have taken longer, the planet was formed
instantaneously along with the instantaneous universe, but as it was described that darkness was upon
the face of the earth, was rather shapeless, but there is nothing within the record to suggest such an old
planet. When I say man, I need to define what man means within this text. Since man can mean
different things to different people. Within this text, when man is used, we will be referring to the
totality of man, not just what is considered modern man. In terms of modern man, science and religion
are in sync, 6000 years. The question is not how many ancestors of man came about to produce a
modern man because that answer would be one. The Original. The one the bible calls Adam (Which
means man). The real question here should be what occurred or may have occurred that could make it
appear as though man is a progression of multiple iterations of ape like things if this is not the case?

Obviously something was a conglomeration of various things, including plant materials (as noted above).
But was this the man (Adam)? Or something else? We know that Man and Neanderthal mixed.

Notice something here in the excerpt from The National Institutes of Health Website. Neanderthal DNA
is 99.7% identical to human DNA, Moderns. Both Human and Neanderthal DNA are 98.8% identical to
Chimpanzee DNA. It is mathematically impossible for a human to be the next iteration after Neanderthal
if their Chimpanzee DNA compares identical to Neanderthal Chimpanzee DNA, supposed by some to be
the iteration prior to moderns. So man did not evolve from Neanderthal, man coexisted with
Neanderthal as evidenced throughout the Neanderthal Genome Project and by the Neanderthal DNA
that is profoundly higher than Chimpanzee DNA found within the human genome. But how ever could
that have gotten there without man being part of some evolutionary line? Well, the very book that we
once thought was filled with mythology and found out that maybe our surface dwelling selves might
have been a tad hasty, not only told us that the snake had legs, but also how this transformation
occurred, in pretty much extraneous details.

Now were getting somewhere. But there is a long way to go yet. How did this once thought of
mythological book describe how this miraculous event occurred? For starters, now pay attention here!

If humanity has reached its peak, then this time would be the time of the height of man or the Pinnacle
of the Hominid Brain. If this was difficult to wrap your Hominid Brain around before, it probably won’t
get much easier, but some will get this.

If Humans share DNA from all of these other things, cats, dogs, bananas, Chimpanzees, and whatever
else, and Humans and Neanderthals share 99.7% of their DNA, then it only stands to reason that all of
these other things could have been introduced into Modern Man from the Neanderthal side, 100% and
passed it onto the Modern Man through genetic mixing.

Yes, I did mention that this was clearly stated within the Judaeo-Christian Text, and verified in later
Enter the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This has been the Achilles in the heel of every
historian since the advent of writing. Why? Simple Concept.

Food Idioms. The Fruit of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, were talking about a fruit, not the
tree, just the fruit. But is it a fruit? What is a fruit from the perspective of a farmer? It is the result or end
product of some thing or combination of things or events.

What was the fruit in this case? Since a fruit is an end product of something, the result must be present.
Lets go through the evidence.

One might argue semantics and say that this is the KJV. I have verified with the original texts and the KJV
agrees sufficiently in this area. Now, what is a serpent? One might say a snake. But we have already
shown that a snake that we see today was not the snake that once existed and was known about by the
writer(s) of this text. This creature also had to be capable of speech. Enough so as to be able to speak to
this woman in an manner that she could clearly understand. Not to mention, with human psychology,
regardless of the era of human existence, This serpent would have had to look close enough to her
physiologically speaking and she had to be comfortable with the language. As referenced by the
Neanderthal Genome Project, the fact that humans and Neanderthals had identical FoxP2 genes, the
genes responsible for speech and language. Scientifically speaking, these creatures of a different species
had to be capable of synchronous communication, does science concur? Yes, they do. Next. What does
the word subtil mean exactly?
So this thing, we presume looked similar, could speak her language and was one smooth talker. What
does that normally spell in the ancient world when we have a male of a species that meets up with a
female of a different, but by all respects, compatible species and the guy is one smooth talker?

We get twins, one from one father and one from another father.

One might ask if this is even possible. Lets see what The Baby Center Says:

Because we know that once Eve ate of the tree that the serpent gave her, she went and shared this with
her husband, and they did eat and the very next event, or fruit of these events was the advent of twins.
One decidedly more intelligent than the other, in terms of brain cage and actual intellect, in those
respects the Neanderthal was more intelligent. There was one way that he was less intelligent. In the
ways that God thought. He had a craftier nature. We notice this when God speaks to him about his
sacrifice. God was attempting to teach this little half-breed the ways of God. Since Cain didn’t
comprehend Him, he decided that maybe murdering his half-brother might solve the problem, then God
would have to love him the most. That is crafting an event. Just like his father, the crafty serpent.

This also shows a need to attempt to please a God that cannot be understood by this haplotype.
Actually, to go through extraordinary lengths to please a mis-understood. We can categorize the need to
religicize God. An animal instinct. I said that this can be verified elsewhere within the Judaeo-Christian
text. Remember, wording is everything.
Everything is a matter of how we view things. If we are closed minded, then we dig a deeper hole. This
would of course mean that we were not intended to be livestock but livestock we became. Every person
who lives by this animal will be ruled by this animal. We see that it comes with particular characteristics
right out of the box of this beast, craftiness, deceit, intellect, sexual, religious. These were not inherent
in the species of man until this coupling event occurred. We get all hung up about things that don’t
make a difference, where was the Garden of Eden? Did it really exist? Answer, if it did, then the flood
would have to be true, and if so the face of the planet would have changed significantly after being
submerged in water for half a year. This is minutia. The point is the data. Not the storyline.

There are other important misunderstandings within the Judaeo-Christian Bible to clear up. Things such
as “The Lust of the Flesh”. Since we can say that everyone has a little animal in him, this would relate to
a concept in modern science called “Instinct”.
If the Judaeo-Christian Bible was written close to 2000+ years ago, the word instinct was not invented
until 1800 years later. This is found to be the case with many concepts in scripture that get overlooked
by, well everyone.

So now we have several suspects. These are the things that we need to consider or we will be doomed
to practice religion even if we don’t believe in any religion. It will be reflected in our attitudes and
behaviours. The first step is to do a test for yourself. First remove Occam’s Razor. The simplest answer
isn’t always the right answer. Dig deeper, open mind is key. If we enter any research predetermined, we
will fail in our search for truth.

Time is one of the most fun topics, I think. No one knows what it is or how it works with all of the study
specifically tuned to understanding this one concept and the best that we can come up with is that time
is relative, subjective. That is only because our locations in space are not the same as anyone else’s
location in space, so our traverse through time will actually be different for us than anyone else, since
two solid objects cannot occupy the same space, at the same time.

The closest science has come to understanding time is the reference to the “Space Time Continuum”.
Space and Time are one in the same to take an aphorism to it’s extreme. Time does not move, it isn’t
linear and everything that will ever be done in this time, has already been done. We have just not
reached a point in space where we have realized it yet.

From Research Gate:

This is where we see the opinionated nature of science.


This is where we begin understanding the nature of time…

It’s this movement that creates the illusion of time, like when I mentioned sitting in the passenger seat
going down the highway, looking outside sometimes we can experience a dilation of time, where it feels
as though we are standing still, but it’s actually the ground outside that’s moving. This is because we are
moving sometimes against or with the flow of time. Since time is not moving, we are the thing that is
moving, we are passing through this time. This is why time has been noticed to be subjective. A person’s
relative position in space in relation to the rotations and movements within the universe (near and far),
we experience the flow of time at different rates.

This is another reason why cockiness is objectional. If we were outside of the universe, we could see all
of time, from beginning to end. I can’t recall that study I saw that said this. For the same reason that
while inside time, we cannot perceive what time is, only the passage of something in between birth and
death. This would also apply to the laws of physics. When one is bound by these laws, they cannot
define them with the exception of observation, such as with time. As with time, what we see may not be
giving us the entire picture. Why would it be different with physics?

When we say “There is no evidence for God” we are not being honest. We don’t require a God of the
Gaps fallacy to accomplish this. Atheists make it too easy to be bound by this fallacy. Since science is
nothing but data + opinion of what that data means, looking only at the data, all of science proves
Intelligent Design, and only a single Holy Book can be shown to contain this information if we look at
things without a sceptic’s viewpoint. As I mentioned, if we are sceptical about any information, we can
find problems with that information even when problems do not exist. This is the same concept that
fuels conspiracy theory.

We know in science that if something could be true, it probably is. This is the theory behind the search
for the Higgs Boson. If we can pound particles together, again and again and eventually make a Higgs
Boson, then it must exist in nature. If this is true, then it must also be true that the universe didn’t take
13.8 billion years to get here, it took no time at all. We can see this with E=MC2. Energy is equal to (or
has the value of) mass (Matter) moving at the speed of light squared. If this is true and not just an
abstract thought, that means that matter and energy are interchangeable. If matter and energy are
interchangeable, then this is the only way the universe could have come into existence. It is this long
periods of time concept that attempts to explain many things, but only skews the data.

I do not support a 6000 year earth because the data does not support this, it on the same token does
not support time in terms of billions or even millions of years.

But we have radio-carbon dating.

What did they find?

If climactic conditions can effect these results, what about pressure and other possibilities of events that
could alter these results? There have been many climactic events in our known history. Then, what if we
are dealing with larger portions of time? If shorter portions can be skewed up to 20 years? Could
something 10,000 years old register as millions? Seems a stretch, doesn’t it?

Have we become so reliant on a broken calculator that we can’t see the forest for the trees?

Which brings us to another issue to solve. If God is true, and man is a spiritual being wearing a body (as
the Ancient Greek considered it, a meat suit), how come we have never been able to detect this?

This is simple, we aren’t looking in the right place. The Judaeo-Christian text refers to God as light. We
can get all technical and say that light is photons, which is just “Captain Obvious Fallacy”, were
interested in the light itself. Does all light qualify? Only light that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

There is the concept of the human aura. When discussing something such as this, we must strip away all
religious interference and all we are left with is…light. There is a detectable light that surrounds the
human body. This is like a reflection of the light, not the actual light itself. This light is coherent. Unlike
most other light we can experience that is moving very quickly in a straight line and it’s gone. This is
contained or cohesive light.

This can bring us into many topics, such as the eternal nature we ascribe to God.

This opens up new spectrums of thought. If this is so, then to experience time one must be contained
within this bubble that we consider the universe. But isn’t this what we were just saying before?

Light is timeless, but only one form of light has intelligence.

In terms of identifying this, we would need a finely tuned variable optical spectrometer (OS) that can be
used in open air with perhaps a camera that views data from the OS onto a digital display. These should
show up as coherent shapes of light that maybe float around and may fluctuate but don’t lose their
shape or the fact that it all seems to be part of a unit or grouping of light that remains constant, similar
to smoke.

It is all in a matter of knowing where to look. Many ghost hunters look for electromagnetic signatures
but this is crude. Light exhibits this feature but EM would only be an indirect means of identifying
something that could have many causes. When tuning our OS, we have to understand that not all of
these apparitions have to be operating on identical wavelengths. And various wavelengths may be
involved with each apparition (for a lack of better term).

In my own words I will describe Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory is a hypothesis that spans every area of
existence that describes something. It describes how everything is random but only insomuch as it is not
random but cannot be predicted. Put simply, nothing is accidental. We are not making new hypotheses
as to what takes the place of “accidental” or is the antonym of “Accident”, only making the statement as
it stands. According to Chaos Theory, nothing is an Accident. Chaos Theory neither confirms nor denies
ID (Intelligent Design). It merely defines an observed phenomenon.

So far we have, Chaos Theory proves ID and the Theory of Relativity proves the id of the ID.
How do we remove the man from the religion?

We can easily do this, we just need to live by biblical standards that were designed specifically to
remove us from this beast. Humans tend to look at this as religious behaviour without purpose. A
purposeless existence. However, even those…especially those Christians that are too dumb to be able to
argue their way out of a wet paper bag.

Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not
seen and yet have believed."

Sometimes knowledge can get in the way of the truth. Sometimes it can cause us to question our way
right out of existence.

In 50 years we will know…in 100 years we will know. Did you know that many societies have come and
gone and each one had the same pursuit? The pursuit of knowledge. Through a monkey brain. Babylon
(bav-ilim in the Akkadian language of the time – Name meaning 'Gate of God' or 'Gate of the Gods') built
a tower to reach the heavens. Were they really that stupid? One might think so, if one was a surface
dweller, but with so much Cuneiform now translated, they knew things, many things. They knew how to
make aluminum for one. According to their records, they could send a man to the moon.

Interesting, Marduk in his space ship. The first Masters of the Universe.

Ancient Egypt had the light bulb, runways in Peru, computers in ancient Greece.

All of these once great societies became the pinnacle of the ape man, and more. Where are they now?
Meters under the dirt. Why does this society believe it has something none before had? That thing
which would prevent it’s own demise in the pursuit of knowledge! It’s very interesting to note that with
the expanse of knowledge within a society, the sexual health of that society declined at a similar rate. As
morality slipped away, each of these amazing societies slid under the dirt. This is the Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil! With the larger brain case, we are doomed to question our existence. To evolve
mentally into a new form of society. This society wishes to bridge the gap. The one thing that stopped
humanity in the past. It’s called Transhumanism. This is the evolution of man augmented by technology.
Can we beat the coming tide? We have a look at the morality of our society, and we see today cities
burning. Has society reached its pinnacle? Not yet, it has one final stage. That is the reduction of the
population through eugenics preceded by a cull. Those at the top of the food chain are naturally the
ancestors of this serpent who have controlled society in one form or another since the beginning. But
isn’t that what God said?

That says that the blood line of God would be at their heels while they rule our destiny. And, oh ya they
also happen hate us.

When will these things be? Ask Harold Camping. Our book says that no man knows the day or the hour,
but we are expected to know the season. Why is this season different than any other? Every Millennium
man predicted the end of the world! For beginners, there was no generation prior to this one, after the
death of Christ where Israel became a nation.

Israel became a nation May 14, 1948. A generation according to scripture (since this is our guideline), is
70-80 years. As of the writing of this text, we are at year 72 of a 70-80 year biblical generation. What
were the other clues He gave?
What are false teachers? Teachers who have not the truth, one would think. Can anyone think of false
I can think of a few. Interesting because God is capable of giving us our hearts desires, but we have to
learn to have the desires of God before we can realize those desires fulfilled. First rule, God cannot
provide us with the root of all evil. This is very counter-productive, but things can be provided that can
be purchased with the root of all evil. This is how we know these teachers of prosperity doctrine are not
Bible teachers but soothsayers. Or, False Teachers.

How do we really know what God is real with so many to choose from and how do we know the things
we believe are not religious in nature? These are maybe the most important questions of all at this
point. We know what God has to be composed of (Relativity), only one book says this, and it also says
many other things if we know how to look.

There is not one contradiction in the Judaeo-Christian text. These are easily, all shown to be surface
dwelling in every case. Why did God permit slavery? The death of small children? The death of His own
son? These are all good questions, but first before there is any chance of comprehending these
questions, we must first comprehend the nature of this place and the change that happened to this
species. And last but not least, the nature of time.
Prison Planet: Earth

This place that we live and call home is also our prison. There is no way off, not alive. If this is a prison
planet, there must have been a crime. If this is so, this makes our planet some version of Australia to the
Brits. That was a prison island for the Monarchy.

What was the crime? We know there was a revolt in heaven, but what is heaven? We know from
Genesis that God created Heaven and Earth. What do we have here? We have Earth and Space.

Since space, as with Instinct are newer terms that didn’t exist when these texts were written if we can’t
relate to the time that the texts were written and we cannot look at their worldview at the time, we can
never hope to gain a full understanding of the texts. There are very few similarities between lingo and
worldviews between now and then so to judge a writer’s worldview from thousands of years ago is glib.
We also have to have a strong understanding of the idioms of the time since Aramaic is a very idiomatic
language. Example: In the days of Jesus, society was agrarian. That’s why Jesus told stories that farmers
and fishermen would understand.

When it comes to slavery and whether God allowed this activity or not, we need to understand the time.
Every society took slaves, Israel was one of the only nations for a long time with rules on the treatment
of slaves. Slaves were an important part of every nations economy, since these were agrarian societies
as well, farming supported every other industry in society. Today, we have farming, mining, travel and
tourism, we have a multi-base economy. They all had mono-base economies but they still wanted to
have their iPhone’s and iPad’s. We can all agree that slavery is bad, but coming from people living in a
society with wealth beyond imagination, for generations. If our society was living for the past 150 years
on 1/150th of our GDP, we might view things differently. Real easy to judge from a lofty civilization with
all manner of desires to insatiate the most despotic mind.

God allowing all manner of nasty things happen to small children, yet does nothing. He is either
incapable or doesn’t care.

Very simple and straight forward for the surface dweller. When we consider the nature of time, we
understand that time has already concluded. Our future is in the past. The fact that we have not passed
through that region of space, it has not occurred yet within our understanding of reality. For God to
change time, anyone who has any comprehension of temporal mechanics knows that any altering of the
timeline (as we understand it) can have catastrophic results. Sure, God can stop all suffering and pain,
but what would that do to this timeline? Maybe even God doesn’t know the answer to that question.
That is why He makes it clear, we have not because we ask not. In other words, God cannot give us
anything unless first we ask. Secondly, there are rules to asking. We cant ask God for the root of all evil,
but we can ask for things that the root of all evil can buy, but these things have to be within a
reasonable within what we need, sometimes we want things that aren’t actually beneficial or needed.
These are the rules for God to be willing to change events on the time line, but people sometimes have
to wait awhile, because God will also have to find the best place to slip your answer in as not to affect
the whole. You won’t realize that which you asked until you pass through that portion of space.

The whole point here is, what would be the point of having a time line if we have to pander to civil rights
activists, it’s a cruel world. None of these cruelties were put here by God, but by your enemy and mine
and conveniently blamed on God. Why would God allow any of this? Enemies etc…because there was a
war. Religion records this event as “The War in Heaven”. Where we see Angels tangled together with
their swords, putting down this insurrection. But if we remember the definition of heaven at the time
that portion of the text was documented, we call that space. Interesting that we see the UFO crowd
talking about a war between this race and that race, and with a super big milky way, not to mention
universe…they just happened to pick our solar system for this great war. Also, convenient. Alas there is
evidence of a great war in our solar system. Those who came before are the more plausible explanation.
Some of those who participated in that great war are many of us now. Our God decided that not
everyone who was involved in the attack were to blame for the attack. That’s why the earth was
formed, again. Yes, again we see that Adam was even told to replenish the earth (fill it up it again). Yes,
this iteration of man is about 6000 years old, but there was someone living here before us. They were
also us. Some of us, but not human. The ring leaders were thrown into a worse prison.

The entire purpose for this specific prison is to be born a human. This process of learning what it means
to be human causes us to forget what happened before this time. This way we can wake up here,
contemplate our existence, make a decision then die and live with that decision at that time for eternity.

We can say that God is evil or bad, but we need to stop being spoiled brats and remember what a
Monarchy was like several hundred years ago. If the King said off with his head, they didn’t all stand
around thinking “is he serious?”. No, people started running, fulfilling the Kings command. It was well
understood that the Kings word was their command. That is because the King was the boss. That’s how
this place works also. We can continue our rebellion against the Most High but for those, they get to join
the ring leaders of a coup that began many moons ago, since they would be considered unrecoverable.
This is our only opportunity. If we go animalistic and become religious about things, we can light some
candles, say some hail Marys, or we can decide to get serious and stop being surface dwellers and dig in
and take an honest approach. Many Atheists used to be believers, I have personally spoken to many
who said they followed every ritual, did everything and nothing happened. There is a simple explanation
for this. There was a formula given. One can make all of the excuses they want, but if that strict formula
is not followed to the letter, none of this becomes possible. There is no way for you to experience
anything unless this formula is complete from front to back. This is as follows:
To be more specific, Jesus said:

What does this mean to Be Born Again? Is this a perpetual state of being born?

In other words, don’t make a religion out of my words “Born Again” (Verse 7). It is a spiritual effect, not
a natural one as humans cannot predict how the spirit will move. We also have to consider that most
people who identify as Christian, (Remember, right God but He is even completely misunderstood by
those who adore Him) are bound by their genetics to be religious about God. It’s only when we
comprehend this problem, that we can learn what’s required to overcome this animal, which is the real
requirement for being excepted back. When we have completed the formula listed above in proper
order and we honestly believe that Jesus rose from the dead then we will receive the Gift of the Holy
Ghost, but what does that mean? That means that when this being touches our currently sleeping being
(Human Spirit), it wakes it up for the first time since we were born. This polarizing moment is the part
that many who leave the faith miss, which is generally the purpose of their departure. If the formula was
not completed, then there is no way for this to occur in your life. If you have never experienced this
event in your life, then it is impossible to determine (for surface dwellers) looking in that there is any
value there. Also looking at this information with only your monkey brain at your disposal causes a
situation similar to the one Cain experienced. How to interpret the intentions of a God that an animal
can never understand? Without a woke inner man, this experience or any after is impossible. It will even
seem foolish to your animal.

What does being saved actually mean? It can mean many different things to many different people.
Some people believe they must live a puritan lifestyle, while others think that it’s ok to be a certain way
while proclaiming Jesus to be King. There are extremes in everything and as mentioned so many times
already, it is so easy to become religious especially on these topics but if we are going to proclaim the
text, then we must proclaim all of the text and not pick our favourites and leave others out.

(9) And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

There is so much confusion about what Grace even means. Many will say “Whats Grace?”. Atheists will
argue that the law of Moses is still in effect, even Jesus said He didn’t come to abolish the law, but to
fulfill it. Very true. Many Christians believe that the law of Moses is null and void. Ever so not true
because Jesus Himself said that He came to fulfill it, not abolish it. It is still in force today. It is a matter
of who this law applies to or who is subject to it that is the order of discussion.

It’s made very clear throughout the new testament that Grace is not compatible with Law, but they do
work side-by-side. For the simple reason, that the Law solved a problem after a crime was committed. It
could do nothing to prevent the crime. This is where Grace comes in. Instead of “Thou shall not kill”. We
have “If a man even hates his brother, he is a murderer in his heart”. See the contrast here? We prevent
the crime by changing the heart. This is throughout Grace teaching. Paul tell us that if we do any part of
the Law, which is the Law of Moses, since there is no other Torah, then we must do the totality of the
Law. Those who are justified by the Law have Fallen from Grace. This means if Grace is not with you, if
your heart has not changed then you have fallen from Grace and the Law is there to finalize the deal.

It is a fable in Christianity when a believer says that we are no longer under the Law, it is Archaic. This
does not line up with scripture and is another religious doctrine that has no bearing on Scripture and
should not exist within Christianity. Any religious artifact within proclaimed Christianity has no right
calling itself Christian Doctrine.

Don’t take it from me, take it from our founder, Lord and Saviour. Jesus Christ:

But Christianity plagiarized ancient pagan religions.

Christianity didn’t plagiarize any group. The beliefs from other pagan players were brought into
Christianity and made part and parcel, Accepted Christian Doctrine beginning with First Council of
Nicaea. This is all the religious nature of this beast. A desire to please a God they never understood. The
patriarch of that church, St Peter died over 200 years before this church was ever founded. What did
they teach back then? It doesn’t matter what they teach now. Man, always has his own ideas for already
stated reasons. He is an animal and this animal nature brings with it a miscomprehension of who God is
and what He wants. But it has a desire to fulfill the wishes of a God it never knew. This goes for any
organized religion. I only focus on Christianity because they got the right guy, they just have no clue who
He is or what He wants. Only when we remove the religious aspects to God can we begin to understand
who and what God really is. Then we have the opportunity to comprehend what God wants. Christianity
is littered with a bunch of monkeys that never completed the formula as stated, and never got woken
up. This is unfortunate since it creates a lot of discord and scripture becomes my word against your
word, it isn’t even Gods word anymore. It becomes Gods Word according to Catholicism or according to
Baptists or Seventh Day Adventists.

Unless we remove the animal from the equation, we will be working with a broken calculator. When it
comes to dealings with our Intelligent Designer. Since the two are incompatible. There is no way to
make the two compatibles. The only chance a man has is to go through the formula or this mystery will
not be solved for that man until the final moment. Will you have time to ask Him for forgiveness in the
throws of dying? Because once you are dead, you have one thing right. Once you are dead, your
decisions were already made, everything you needed to do, will ever need to do is done. Everything you
pinned your life on will now be revealed for better or for worse. Either you will not be surprised because
you will die, then nothing will happen. Or, to your dismay, everything you pinned your hopes on, was
false. Funny thing is, there is not a third possibility. We can look anywhere in science. This prison planet
is kind of like the movie The Matrix. When you are plugged in, there seems to be evidence only for
this…matrix. A fish in the middle of the ocean can begin to contemplate life on dry land, conceivably.
Even if he has never encountered dry land. But how would he contemplate the life that exists there and
what life must be like for them? Maybe man to him is a myth, never saw one, can’t be true.

There is an interesting quote of biblical scripture that seems to explain this fairly well.
Back to Archeology.

There is plenty of evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ. Keeping in mind, should such a man have
existed, firstly His name would not have been Jesus Christ. That is just His Christian Name. In Hebrew He
would have a completely different name, Yeshua Hamashiach. Iosus Christus or Iesus Christus in Greek.

There is so much evidence for the existence of this individual, but why isn’t there more? Possibly

This does not account for Atheist hostility towards the existence of one man. His existence cannot be
refuted. Proven? Can we prove that Julius existed? We can read about his exploits, but what other proof
do we have? We have writings from multiple cultures that concur. We have the same thing for Jesus
Christ. The volume is not the same, but there is evidence in multiple cultures for His existence and
subsequent death at the hands of the Romans. Keeping in mind, that for other cultures Jesus Christ was
not as famous. Many people reported hearing of a healer from Judaea. Many middle eastern cultures of
the time referred to Him as Isa. There are writings in India from the first century of a man named Isa
who came and stayed with them for some time. He had the healing touch.

I am not here to debate whether Jesus Christ studied under Guru’s. Only that He was mentioned in
other cultures. One would only think that if He did visit India and was famous enough where He was that
fathers wanted Him to marry their daughters (which is what the ancient Indian writings say), it would
only be natural that a very religious culture such as India would say “ya…we trained the man, that’s

We can get in to many issues that spin off of this, such as His appearance. He would have been a first
century middle-eastern man. Not the white guy we have all become accustomed to in the
predominantly white West. There seems to be a preoccupation with the supreme race. White people
think God is white, then we have the Afrocentrists who believe anyone who was anyone was black, and
white people changed history. Firstly, we know that Christians consider the bible to be truth. As do I so I
will make some assumptions based on that worldview. Ham was one of Noah’s three sons mentioned in
the Table of Nations. There is speculation that Ham meant black or burnt in the first millennium Israel,
be that as it may, we know Ham went on to found Egypt which we know began black in terms of race.
We also know about the curse of Ham. It was passed onto his children. They would have to fight or be
slaves. What could Ham have done that could deserve a punishment so great? We know that from the
original writings, it says that “Ham looked upon his father’s nakedness”. We know this to be a metaphor
for “He ripped him a new one”, he had sex with his father while his father was passed out drunk. We
know this to be true because it goes on to say that when Noah had awoken, he saw what Ham had done
to him. For this reason, the Hamashiach could not be a Hamite which is a cursed line. But we know He
wasn’t a white man also, Japheth was considered Caucasian. Here is an artist’s depiction of Japheth:
We know Jesus was not a Japhethite. He was a Shemite, or what we refer to now as a Semite. He was
from the line of Shem. This image might shed some light on what a Shemite might have looked like:

He was a cake unturned. He wasn’t black or white, He was middle-eastern. Arabs come from this line
but split off at Abraham when Ishmael and Hagar were banished. They come from the Abraham line, but
not Abraham and Sarah. Abraham and Hagar. For anyone familiar with the story, God said that Abraham
would be given a son. Due to his animal nature he took Hagar to fulfill God’s word instead of his wife

This was not a legitimate son as God had decreed. He was born out of a lack of faith because Sarah did
conceive a son. This is the line that was promised the keys to the kingdom. The Ishmael line went a
completely separate way and became the enemy of Israel, promising her death since that time and
sometimes coming close, especially with Persia. Interesting how this people group similarly evolved their
religion in a form of reformation into Islam from Zoroastrianism. Similar to how Christianity went
through a similar reformation, not too far off in time from each other. In all of the time we know of, 200-
400 years is not a long time between similar events. A deeper look into the similarities of Christianity
and Islam can bring us to a realization that Islam is the mirror image of Christianity. Or Polar Opposite.
Why do I say this?

They have a character called the Dajjal. We can consider this to be the counterpart in Christianity to the
Antichrist in the Bible. The cross that is being broken belongs to the Dajjal. Our Christ has a Cross. Their
version of our Antichrist has a cross as we can see above. That was at the gate of Hud. Where he got the
blood of Dajjal on his sword and shield.

All very interesting as now we see Islam moving to every nation on the Globe in a rapid sort of way.
Things are ramping up for the largest war our planet has ever even dreamed of. And it seems the
powers that be have promised the same property to several groups. Very interesting indeed.

There is a question still to be answered however, that is, who was the mother of the eventual and very
late appearing Abrahamic religion of Islam, Hagar?
So the stage was set for the end of days. Why? Because, in Islamic Religions Jesus was a prophet. Not as
important as Mohammed, but NOT the son of Allah (The god). When we see the more radical of the
Muslims refer to believers in Jesus with the symbol nun, which literally means “Serpent”, but also means
“The Nazarene”. Jesus was a Nazarene. Completely reversed narrative as compared to Christianity.

Christians believe that the bible tells them that they will be persecuted in the last days. That’s because
that is what Jesus said in Matthew 24.

It gets really interesting if we add in all of the factions in play right now that are averse to Christianity.
The gay rights movement is vehemently and openly hostile, Muslims when more Caliphate orientated
love murdering Christians especially. Atheists don’t seem to like Christians very much. So it seems that
biblical prophecy is more accurate than anyone thought possible, there are a couple so far that we have
shown to be quite accurate.

An Atheist might say that they aren’t specific, they hate all religions equally. But alas, just another play
out of their playbook. There really is only one God they rebel against. The others just make the perfect
backdrop for their narrative of “Which God?”.

That is the bottom line though, isn’t it? All religions gods are not the same guy that turned the lights on.
I say that even for Christianity, since the advent of the first and second counsels of Nicaea when
Christianity was sufficiently religionized. These events merged Pagan Roman religion and Christianity
making Christianity a bonified religion that appears to have plagiarized many Pagan religions. Since that
time, we had the reformation, but this only resulted in the breakaway sects bringing many of the Pagan
saturated beliefs with them that litter Christianity today. This is why a Christian could never accurately
or precisely debate an Atheist. They don’t even comprehend their own religion and how there came to
be so many flavours of the same book.

When I say Christianity has the right guy, I mean real Judaeo-Christians, no true Scotsman intended!

We know that the universe had to come into being in an instant, not over billions of years thanks to
E=MC2. We know that Evolution is almost right, but as a result all wrong. And the Judaeo-Christian God
can be the only God. The others all sprout from Babylon anyways. Mesopotamia, the cradle of
civilization. That point when everyone took their Pagan religion to different regions, with different
names for things as a result of the different languages, all evolving into each their own religion over
time. Chaos Theory shows us that just because we can’t predict patterns, doesn’t mean they don’t have
a place and a purpose and a reason for being that was chosen by an architect an infinity of time more
intelligent than us little monkeys that think were so smart.

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