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Business Research and Data Analysis (BUS8375) – Assignment #1

Editable File (Graphic Organizer): Research Reflection

Instructions: Complete the graphic organizer (second column) below. Be sure your answers apply to the
study that you have found and are not general statements (i.e. don’t just repeat information from the
course – apply it to the study you find!). Use complete sentences or phrases in detailed point form.
Make reference to course materials as useful. See suggested word count where applicable. Add
references if applicable (though not necessary). Save the document with your last name, and submit in

Item Information Marks Your Responses

1.News Article Selection /1 Reference to Study (Use APA):
Locate a Business research study that was
completed. Copy and paste the link. You can
also reference an academic study. *See tips
below for locating a study or use one of the
suggested studies below.

2. Research Type /2 Basic or Applied Research:

Discuss whether the study would be considered
Basic or Applied research. Explain why you
came to this conclusion. Why?

(Suggested word count: 25-50 words)

3. Research Problem /2 Research Objective:

For the study you found, identify the research
problem including the Research Objective and
Research Question(s) (list 1-2 questions Research Question(s):
although your study may have more)

(Suggested word count: 25-50 words)

4. Hypothesis /1 Hypothesis:
What is the researcher’s hypothesis? If there is
not one discussed, identify what you think a
suitable hypothesis would be for this research

(Suggested word count: 25-50 words)

4. Characteristics of Scientific Research /2 Characteristic #1:
Select two (2) characteristics of Scientific
Research and discuss how these can be applied
to the study you found. For example, discuss Characteristic #2:
how the researcher might ensure objectivity
when running the study or analyzing the

(Suggested word count: 25-50 words per characteristic)

Business Research and Data Analysis (BUS8375) – Assignment #1

5. Ethical Issue(s) /1 Ethics Concern(s):

Describe one (1) potential ethics concern the
researcher needs to be aware of while
conducting this study?

(Suggested word count: 25-50 words)

6. Conclusions /1 Conclusions:
Summarize the key findings from this research

(Suggested word count: 25-50 words)

Total: 10 Marks
References (if applicable)
*Tips for locating a study:
Use Conestoga College Library, Google Scholar, or Research Gate to locate a research study.

 Be sure that the study is related to a business concept (we are not looking for medical
studies, etc).
 Be sure that you are locating an actual Research Study not just an article, story, or
Hint: Full research studies can be long and difficult to read. You should be able to find the
information needed to complete this assignment within the research paper’s abstract.
Suggestion: Find a study that utilizes primary data collection (interviews, observations,
questionnaires, or experiments) as the majority of our course will focus around this type of

Suggested Studies (Select one, or find one on your own)

1. Many young professionals are at a mental health “breaking point”
2. Most Canadians prefer working from home, survey finds
3. Does the perceived efficiency of the HR department matter in influencing satisfaction and
employee performance?
4. Fake Amazon reviews more prevalent than you think
5. Key factors affecting succession planning in the leadership of public hospital in Iran: A
qualitative study.
6. When consumers buy embarrassing products, they don’t want friendly service
7. 'They Think They're Better Than You': 74% of Managers Surveyed Say Gen Z Is More
Difficult to Work With Than Other Generations
8. New Study Finds Offering Paid Sick Leave Is Good for US Business
9. Working Parents' Struggling to Achieve the Work-Life Balance During the Pandemic:
Exploring the Benefits of Relational Maintenance Beyond Relational Outcomes.
10. Sickness absence from work in the footwear industry: A longitudinal study.

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