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Step 1. Compute for the minimum pipe size between two points

The following fluid parameters must be specified:

Volumetric flow, Q Pressure drop due to friction, ∆P

Length, L Dynamic viscosity, 𝜇
Density, 𝜌 Material roughness factor, Ɛ
Static head, ∆H

Objective: Minimum pipe diameter without exceeding the recommended

pressure drop of 10% due to friction.

Use Darcy-Weisbach to determine head loss due to friction for mechanical

engineering application.
h f =f
Di 2 g

Where: L = length of straight pipe

Di = pipe interior diameter
V = average velocity of fluid
g = acceleration of gravity
hf = pressure drop due friction
f = friction coefficient varies from 0.01 - 0.04

Continuity equation:

Q=VA where: A = internal cross-sectional area of pipe

π Di

Combine the equations of Darcy-Weisbach and continuity equation and solve

for Di assuming f = 0.01.

[ ]
2 1
8 f LQ 5
D i= 2
π g hf

Reynolds number (Re),

ρ V Di
Re =


𝜌 = density of fluid
𝜇 = dynamic viscosity

Replace V with Q/A,

Di ρ 2
Q Di Di
ρ Di π π
ρ V Di A 4 4 4 ρQ
Re = = = = =
μ μ μ μ π μ Di

Re =
π μ Di

Then solve for Ɛ/Di,

where Ɛ is the roughness factor for pipe material.

From Moody diagram, find the new f using the computed Ɛ/Di and Re. Then
recompute the new value of Di, Ɛ/Di and Re. Repeat this process until the percent
change in f is very small, around 1%. The resulting D i is the minimum value.

Considering the given data:

Design Pressure (lbf/in2) 1400

T (OF) 70
Q (in3/s) 800
V unknown
L (in) 400
ρ (lbm/in3) 0.036
hf (lbf/in2) 140
𝜇 (lbm-s/in2) 2 0.014125
f 0.01
g (in/s2) 386.09
Ɛ steel pipe (in) 0.006
[ ]
8 f LQ
2 1 4ρQ
D i= 2
5 Re =
π μ Di
π g hf
Substitute the given data for the variables and
Substitute the given data for the variables and

[ ]
2 1
8 f LQ 5 1 /5
D i= 2 =5.21 f 4 ρ Q 672831.17
π g hf Re = =
π μ Di Di

Determine Di by iteration to satisfy the required head loss due to friction.

Iteratio f Compute Di Compute Re Compute Moody, f % change of f

n (inches) Ɛ/Di 100* (initial-final)/initial
1 0.01 2.074 324386.95 0.00289 0.026 160
2 0.026 2.5109 267959.22 0.00239 0.025 3.8

Step 2. Pipe thickness

ASME B31.3 clause 304.1.1

tM = t + c

Where: tM = minimum required thickness of straight sections of pipe

t = minimum thickness
c = sum of mechanical allowances: thread, groove, erosion,
and corrosion
= c1 +c2
c1 = corrosion allowance
= 3 mm
= 0 for stainless
c2 = depth of thread
= 0 no thread

For t < DO/6

2 ( SE W + PY )

Where: t = pipe wall thickness

P = internal design gage pressure
D = outside pipe diameter
S = stress value for material from Table A-1
E = quality factor from Table A-1A or A-1B
Y = coefficient from Table 304.1.1

Solve for tm and look for the schedule no. of pipe with thickness higher than
tm and assigned the symbol T sch. Less 12.5% from the value of tm to get the value of
T. Then compare if T > tm. If no, choose the next higher schedule number and
repeat the computation process to satisfy T > tm.

Sample computation for wall thickness of pipe considering same given data.

Design Pressure (lbf/in2) 1400

T (OF) 70
Q (in3/s) 800
V unknown
L (in) 400
ρ (lbm/in3) 0.036
hf (lbf/in2) 140
𝜇 (lbm-s/in2) 0.014125
f 0.01
g (in/s2) 386.09
Ɛ for GI pipe (in) 0.006

Computed value: Di =2.5109 inches

Refer to the pipe size table and locate the D i of 2.5109 inches under the column of
inside diameter. It falls under the nominal size of 3”.

Choose pipe with schedule no. 160 with inside diameter of 2.624” which should be
higher than the computed value. The consequence of choosing the higher value will
slow down a little the velocity of the fluid which is better to decrease the
coefficient of friction.

Next compute the wall thickness, t, of the pipe using the ASME formula. Use the same data and the computed


Maximum Design Working Pressure P, psi 1400
Outside Dia. Of Pipe DO, in 3.5
Stress value S, psi 20,000 ASME B 31.1 TABLE A-1
Quality factor E 1 ASME B 31.3 TABLE A-1B
Weld Joint Strength Reduction Factor W 1 from clause 302.3.5
Coefficient for t < D/6 Y 0.4 Table 304.1.1
Typical value for carbon
Corrosion Allowance (3 mm) C, in. 0.118
Required Thickness as per ASME B31.1
t, in. 0.11916
t = PDO/[2 (SEW + PY)]

Required Thickness as per ASME B31.1

tm, in 0.23716
tm = t + C
Selected Pipe Schedule sch 160 ASME B 36.10/36.19

Thickness as per Pipe Schedule Tsch, in 0.438 ASME B 36.10/36.19

T = thickness excluding mill tolerance

T, in 0.38325

Quality thickness T > tm, in 0.146 3.71 mm



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