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21 August 2023

Private and Confidential

Periyasamy Shanmugaraja

By Email

Dear Periyasamy,

Offer of casual employment

It is with great pleasure that I confirm an offer of casual employment with Salter Brothers
(Macquarie Park) Hotel Pty Ltd (59 652 048 416) (Company) on the terms set out in this
letter (Agreement).

You will work at the Mercure Sydney Macquarie Park, which is "managed" by the Group. In
this Agreement, Group means the Company and AAPC Limited and their related bodies
corporate (as defined by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)).

Key terms of your employment are set out in the summary below (Key Terms). The Key
Terms should be read subject to, and in conjunction with, the terms of employment set out
in the remainder of this Agreement.

The Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020, as amended from time to time (Award), will
also apply to your employment but it will not form part of your contract of employment with
the Company.

This Agreement incorporates the entire agreement between you and the Company relating
to your employment and supersedes any prior agreement, negotiation or representation
relating to your employment.

Please read this Agreement carefully, and confirm your acceptance of this offer by returning
a full signed copy to Stephanie Lopesi via email at

Key Terms

Position Cook Clause 1

Award Cook Grade 2 Clause 1


Status Casual Clause 1

Reporting Sous Chef / General Manager Clause 1

Location Mercure Sydney Macquarie Park 81 Talavera Road, North Ryde NSW Clause 2

Start Date 23 August 2023 Clause 3

Accor Group Subject to any applicable eligibility criteria, your previous service
Loyalty and within the Accor network will be recognised for the purposes of your
Tenure Accor Tenure.

Accor Tenure is used to recognise and reward loyalty in accordance

with the relevant Company policy, as amended from time to time.

For the purposes of Accor Tenure, your start date will be taken to be 23
August 2023.

Probationary 6 months

Hours You may be offered work on an hourly basis as required by the Clause 5

Pay You will be paid the applicable base hourly rate for casual employees Clause
for your classification under the Award, as well as the casual loading 6.1
under the Award, whilst it applies to you.

HIGA Casual Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Public Holiday

Level 2 $31.09 $37.31 $43.52 $62.18

You will also be paid any applicable penalty rates, overtime, allowances
and loadings under the Award whilst it applies to you.

Superannuation You will receive superannuation contributions in addition to your Clause

wages. You are eligible to choose your superannuation fund. If you 6.2
have not made a valid choice or do not wish to make a choice, and do
not have a stapled super fund, you will be enrolled as a member of

Pay Period Your wages will be paid weekly.

Discretionary ALL Heartists Card subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, you will Clause
Benefits receive an ALL Heartists Card which will entitle you to discounted 6.3
accommodation and food and beverage services.

Uniforms you will be provided with a uniform, however, not black and

Dry cleaning/laundering

Option A: if you are provided with a uniform, you will be provided with
complimentary dry cleaning/laundering of your uniform.

Option B: you will be provided with complimentary dry

cleaning/laundering of your duty attire in accordance with the
Company's policy as amended from time to time.

1. Position, classification and reporting

You will be employed in the position and classification set out in the Key Terms on a
casual basis as set out in the Key Terms. The Company may change your position
and classification, or vary your duties from time to time to reflect changes in the
organisation and changes to your position and responsibilities. You will report to the
person in the position identified in the Key Terms, or such other position as directed
by the Company from time to time.

2. Location of work

Your usual place of work will be the location set out in the Key Terms. You may be
required to work from other locations which are within a reasonable distance on a
temporary or permanent basis.

3. Start date

You may be offered casual shifts under this Agreement from the date set out in the
Key Terms (Start Date). The Company may cease offering you casual work at any

4. Duties


You must:

(a) serve the Company faithfully, diligently and to the best of your ability;

(b) use all reasonable efforts to promote the interests of the Group;

(c) act in the best interests of the Group;

(d) comply with all lawful directions of the Company;

(e) comply with all laws that apply to your position and the duties assigned to

(f) dedicate all of your time and attention to the Group during your hours of

(g) not conduct yourself in a manner that would tend to prejudice your
reputation or the reputation of a member of the Group (Group Entity);

(h) inform yourself of and comply with

applicable policies of a Group Entity;


(j) not engage in any other business, trade, occupation or employment without
the prior written approval of the Company.

Disclosure of interests

Before your Start Date, and at any time during your employment, you must disclose,
in writing, to the Company any actual or potential conflicts of interests including if
you are engaged in any other business, trade, occupation or employment.


You acknowledge that you have no authority to bind any Group Entity or anyone in
contract except to the extent that you are from time to time expressly authorised to
do so by the Company.

5. Hours

You may be offered casual work as set out in the Key Terms. Your hours will fluctuate
depending on the level of business demand and your availability. The Company does
not guarantee you a minimum number, or any hours of work. As you are employed
on a casual basis, you will be under no obligation to accept shifts offered to you. Given
the circumstances, you should have no expectation of continuing employment with
the Company.

6. Remuneration


You will be paid by electronic funds transfer into your nominated bank account, after
the deduction of all taxes, levies or other amounts which are authorised to be
deducted from your pay, either under this Agreement or otherwise.


The Company will make superannuation contributions into a complying

superannuation fund at the rate required by applicable legislation so as to avoid the
imposition of a superannuation guarantee surcharge (currently 11% of your ordinary
time earnings, subject to certain caps).

When you join the Company, if you do not have a choice of superannuation fund,
the Company will make the superannuation contributions into any stapled
superannuation fund you have at that time; or, if you do not have a stapled

Discretionary benefits

In addition to your pay and superannuation contributions, the Company may choose
to provide you with other benefits (Discretionary Benefits). Unlike your pay and
superannuation contributions
the Company may cease providing the Discretionary Benefits, or change the basis on
which it provides them, at any time during your employment. The Key Terms set out
the Discretionary Benefits you may be eligible to receive.

Set-off for payment of casual loading

If, despite being employed on a casual basis, you are held by a court or tribunal to be
a permanent employee, you agree that the casual loading paid to you under the
Award may be used by the Company to offset any claim you may have to paid annual

leave, paid personal/carer's leave, paid compassionate leave or any other benefits
under applicable legislation.

7. Leave

As you are employed on a casual basis, you will not be entitled to paid annual leave,
paid personal/carer's leave or paid compassionate leave.

You will be entitled to up to 2 days unpaid carer's leave for each occasion requiring
you to take carer's leave in accordance with applicable legislation. You will also be
entitled to unpaid compassionate leave and community service leave in accordance
with applicable legislation

When taking unpaid carer's leave, you will be required to provide the Company with
a medical certificate for any absence unless the Company tells you otherwise.

Where reasonably practicable, you must notify the Company before your scheduled
start time of your inability to attend work, and advise the nature and estimated
duration of your absence.

8. Intellectual property rights

You must disclose and deliver to the Company all materials, works, ideas, concepts,
designs, developments, improvements, systems and anything else made during the

facilities, whether created during or outside usual working hours and whether
created by yourself or with others (Materials).

You agree that all Materials will be the sole property of the Company and you will
assign all intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered in Australia
and throughout the world) in the Materials to the Company or to a Group Entity
nominated by the Company, for its use.

You provide an unconditional consent to any Group Entity to do anything that may
constitute an infringement of your moral rights concerning the Materials, and
acknowledge you have given this consent genuinely and without duress from the
Company or any other person.

Your obligations under this clause continue to apply after your employment, and this
Agreement, ends.

9. Confidential information

You must keep all Confidential Information confidential. Confidential Information


(a) all information concerning the business, methods of operating and proposals
for marketing, promotion, and other activities of a Group Entity;


(c) confidential and financial information concerning a Group Entity;

(d) trade secrets of a Group Entity;

(e) confidential know-how of a Group Entity;

(f) the terms of this Agreement, other than terms relating to your remuneration
which you are permitted to disclose in accordance with the Fair Work Act
2009 (Cth); and

(g) information concerning the business, finances or customers of a third party

which a Group Entity has an obligation not to disclose,

that you become aware of or generate in the course of, or in connection with, your
employment with the Company but will not include information publically available
for reasons other than unauthorised disclosure by you.

You must only use Confidential Information solely to perform your duties and you
may only disclose Confidential Information to anyone who has been approved by the
Company to receive the Confidential Information and who agrees that the
Confidential Information must be kept confidential, or if required by law. If you are
required to disclose Confidential Information, you must first notify the Company of
that requirement. If that is not possible, you must notify the Company of the
disclosure immediately after the disclosure.

You must immediately notify the Company of any suspected or actual unauthorised
use, copying or disclosure of Confidential Information by anyone. If requested by a
Group Entity, you must provide assistance regarding any proceedings a Group Entity
may take against anyone for unauthorised use, copying or disclosure of Confidential

Your obligations under this clause continue to apply after your employment, and this
Agreement, ends.

10. Data protection

You agree to comply with the Group's policies relating to privacy and data
protection including those relating to the collection, use, processing, disclosure and
storage of personal information.

You must immediately notify the Company of any suspected or actual breach of the
Group's policies relating to privacy and data protection. If requested by a Group
Entity, you must provide assistance regarding any proceedings or complaint a
Group Entity may be involved in, in connection with the Company's policies relating
to privacy and data protection.

Your obligations under this clause continue to apply after your employment, and this
Agreement, ends.

11. Workplace surveillance

The Company notifies you that continuous ongoing camera, telephone, computer
and tracking surveillance may be carried out in your workplace, or while you are
performing work. This will be undertaken in accordance with the Group's policies. In
areas where camera surveillance occurs, notices reminding you of such surveillance
are installed. Computers may be subject to surveillance to ensure compliance with
all policies. The security system used by the Company allows tracking by recording

when and where you use your key card access. You agree to this surveillance from
your Start Date.

12. Medical examinations

If the Company requests at any time, you agree to submit to a confidential medical
examination with a medical practitioner chosen by the Company. You also agree to
the Company keeping information about your health supplied by a medical
practitioner for as long as the Company considers necessary.

13. Privacy

You agree to the Group collecting, processing, storing and using your personal
information, including sensitive information, and this information being shared
within the Group, with a Group Entity, with third parties or with any person acting in
a regional role for or on behalf of AAPC Limited and its related bodies corporate (as
that term is defined by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) (including in other countries)
for purposes related to your employment. You acknowledge that, given the purposes
for which, and the circumstances in which, your personal information may be shared
under this clause, it would be impracticable for the Group Entity or parties to collect
this information directly from you.

You agree to complete, sign and return the attached Permission to Collect and Use
Personal Data Form at the same time that you return a signed copy of this
Agreement to the Company. In the event that you do not return the signed Form to
the Company, you agree you will be taken to have agreed to the matters set out in
the Form where you have returned a signed copy of this Agreement to the Company.

14. Termination of employment

Your employment and this Agreement may be terminated at any time by you or the
Company without notice.

15. Requirements after your employment ends

If your employment ends, you must:

(a) immediately return any property of a Group Entity to the Company including
any Confidential Information, business cards, correspondence, motor
vehicles, keys, access cards, credit cards, phones and computers;

(b) not represent that you are, or continue to be, associated with a Group Entity;

(c) provide any assistance reasonably requested by a Group Entity concerning

any threatened or actual proceedings against a member of a Group Entity;

(d) disclose to the Company, at its request, any password, security access code
or other information used by you in the course of your employment.

Your obligations under this clause continue to apply after your employment, and this
Agreement, ends.

16. Deductions

Subject to applicable law, you authorise the Company to deduct from any payments
it makes to you, any amounts you owe a Group Entity, including:

(a) overpayments made by the Company to you; and

(b) money paid to you for leave where you have or had no entitlement to that

and you agree that the deductions made under this clause are reasonable.

This clause continues to apply after your employment, and this Agreement, ends.

17. Policies, procedures and legislation

Any reference to legislation, or policies or procedures in this Agreement:

(a) does not have the effect of making the terms of that legislation or those
policies or procedures part of this Agreement, and that legislation or those
policies or procedures are not, and are not intended to be, contractual in
nature or to have any contractual effect;

(b) includes any changes, amendments, substitutes or replacements to the

legislation or the policies or procedures from time to time; and

(c) in the case of a reference to legislation, includes any associated regulations.

18. General provisions

Governing law and jurisdiction

This Agreement is governed by and construed under the laws of the State or Territory
in which you principally undertake your work. Any legal action relating to this
Agreement against you or the Company may be brought in any court of competent
jurisdiction in that State or Territory, and you and the Company irrevocably, generally
and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that
State or Territory.


Any amendment to this Agreement must be agreed in writing and signed by you
and the Company.


Any provision or part provision of this Agreement which is invalid in any jurisdiction
is invalid in that jurisdiction to that extent. It will not invalidate or affect the
remaining provisions of this Agreement or the validity of that provision in any other

19. Acknowledgement

By accepting this offer of employment, you agree that you:

(a) do not owe any obligation to anyone, or have any incapacity or restriction
which would stop you starting work for the Company on your Start Date or
would otherwise restrict your ability to perform your duties for the Company;

(b) have the right to reside and work in Australia;

(c) have disclosed to the Company all material information which may be

(d) hold the necessary professional qualifications and/or licences necessary to

perform your duties.

If you have any questions, please contact me directly.

Yours sincerely

Pinar Aydogan Stephanie Lopesi

General Manager Portfolio Director of T&C
Mercure Sydney Macquarie Park For and on behalf of Salter
Salter Brothers (Macquarie Park) Brothers (Macquarie Park)
Pty Ltd Pty Ltd


I have read and accept the offer of employment with the Company on the terms and
conditions set out in this Agreement.

Signature: ______________________________

Print name: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________


Permission to Collect and Use Personal Data

It is our priority to offer you respectful and secure work conditions. Your trust in the Company is
important to us.

To protect the personal information of employees, whilst complying with applicable data protection
legislation (including the European General Data Protection Regulation 2018), we request your
permission to collect, process, retain and use your personal data for the purpose of your employment.

Your personal data will be collected and we may also disclose your personal data to any Group Entity
and third parties where necessary for the following purposes:

a) Performing obligations under or in connection with your contract of employment with us,
including payment of remuneration, superannuation and tax

b) All administrative and human resources related matters within the Accor network, including
but not limited to administering payroll, granting access to our premises and computer
systems, claims and expenses, investigating any acts or defaults (or suspected acts or defaults)
and developing human resources policies

c) Assessing and evaluating your suitability for employment/ appointment or continued

employment/ appointment in any position within our organisation

d) Facilitating any proposed or confirmed merger, acquisition or business asset transaction

including involving any part of our organisation or corporate restructuring process; and

e) Facilitating our compliance with any laws and regulations which may be applicable to us.

For details on how your personal data will be used during your employment please see the relevant policy
& Employee Data Checklist for further information.

Time and Attendance Recording Data Collection

We request your express consent to collect, process, retain and use your Face ID / fingerprint scan/finger
vein pattern for the sole purpose of time and attendance recording and payroll activities and for
improving the efficiency and integrity of such activities.

You are free to decline to provide your Face ID / fingerprint scan/finger vein pattern to us without any
negative consequence, and will be provided with a suitable alternative means of using any time and
attendance recording system. You can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing

I consent to my Face ID / fingerprint scan/finger vein pattern being collected and for
the above mentioned purpose.
(Please tick)


By completing the Employee Data Form, I authorise the Company to collect and use my personal
data for the above mentioned and release all persons from liability on account of disclosure of my
personal data.




For further information on Accor Hotels Human Resources Privacy Policy visit


1. Right to work

Your employment with the Company is conditional on you providing us with

satisfactory evidence of your right to work in Australia before the Start Date.

This offer of employment, and your continuing employment with the Company, is
conditional on you having and maintaining the right to work in Australia for the
Company in the position set out in the Key Terms on the terms of this Agreement.
You must notify us immediately of any fact or circumstance that may affect your right
to work in Australia for the Company in the position set out in the Key Terms on the
terms of this Agreement.

You agree to provide the Company with the necessary documents as set out in
Clause 3 of Schedule 1 to enable the Company to perform Visa Entitlement
Verification Online (VEVO) checks via the Australian Commonwealth Department of
Home Affairs' (Department) online website, or to confirm your Australian citizenship

You authorise the Company to perform VEVO checks prior to your commencement
and from time to time as required to confirm your Australian working rights with the
Department. You also authorise the Company to make inquiries with the
Department at any time in relation to your visa status whilst you are an employee of
the Company.

You agree to provide the Company on demand all true and correct documents and
information as may be required by the Company for auditing or reporting to the
Department, and you consent to the Company providing the Department with any
documents and information requested by the Department from time to time.

2. Immigration

Your employment with the Company is also subject to you holding a visa (Visa) that
entitles you to work with the Company. The Visa, as varied or replaced from time to
time, applies to you as a matter of law but it does not form a part of your contract of
employment with the Company.

You warrant that you will comply with all terms and conditions of your Visa and will
only work in accordance with your lawful work rights. Despite any other term of this
Agreement, you may only work for the Company:

(a) during the term of the Visa, or another visa that permits you to work for the
Company in the position set out in the Key Terms on the terms of this
Agreement; and

(b) if you strictly comply with your visa conditions.

You must notify the Company immediately in writing if:

(a) there are any changes to your circumstances, Visa or visa conditions that
occur after the date you commence work for the Company that may impact
your legal right to work in Australia for the Company on the terms set out in
this Agreement;

(b) you receive any communication from the Department relating to your
ongoing capacity to remain in Australia to work for the Company on the
terms set out in this Agreement;

(c) where the Company has also sponsored your married or de facto spouse, and
that relationship breaks down or if, for any reason, you are no longer living
with that spouse;

(d) where the Company has also sponsored any family members (including a
spouse or de facto spouse):

(i) where you or any one of your sponsored family members are
charged with a criminal offence, whether inside or outside of
Australia; and

(ii) where a sponsored dependent child has turned 18 years of age and
has ceased to be a full-time student and/or is no longer wholly or
substantially financially dependent upon you or your spouse; and

(e) you change your Australian residential address.

You must provide the Company with a copy of any new passport granted to you.

You must not engage in paid or unpaid work for any other person or entity, or
perform duties for the Company outside the duties of the position set out in the Key
Terms of this Agreement, unless any conditions attached to the Visa allow you to
lawfully do that work in light of your obligations to the Company under your contract
of employment and the Company first gives you written consent to do that work.

You agree that, if the Company has sponsored you for a visa, this sponsorship does
not amount to a guarantee, representation or promise that you will remain employed
by the Company for any particular period of time or that the Company will be willing
or able to support any application for a suitable visa with work rights or Australian
permanent residence that you may wish to make in the future.

This clause survives the termination of your employment.

3. Evidence of Right to Work

3.1 All Visa Holders (including Australian Permanent Residents)

All visa holders including those on permanent resident visas must provide the
Company with the following documents:

Copy of your current passport Please provide a copy of your current

passport biodata page containing your photograph and personal details.
Ensure that your passport is signed, if required by the relevant issuing

Visa Approval Notice Please provide a copy of your current visa grant letter.

3.2 Primary Student Visa Holders (Course Documents)

In addition to the documents listed in Clause 3.1 of Schedule 1, please provide the
Company with the additional documents below:

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) Please provide your CoE document which

was submitted with your student visa application and any CoEs that you have
held previously.

Commencement Evidence Please provide evidence that you have

commenced your studies and are currently enrolled. This may include an
academic transcript, a letter from your educational institution, screenshot
from your student portal showing your name and course commencement
date as well as completed subjects and subjects you are enrolled in.

Course Semester Dates Evidence of your course semester dates from your
educational institution.

3.3 Dependent Student Visa Holders (Course Documents)

In addition to the documents listed in Clause 3.1 of Schedule 1, please provide the
Company with the additional documents listed below:

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) Please provide the CoE document which

they have held previously.

Commencement Evidence Please provide evidence that your partner has

commenced their studies and is currently enrolled. This may include an
academic transcript, a letter from their educational institution, or a
screenshot from their student portal showing their name and course
commencement date as well as completed subjects and subjects are
enrolled in.

3.4 Bridging Visa Holder

In addition to the documents listed in Clause 3.1 of Schedule 1, please provide the
Company with the additional documents below:

Bridging Visa Grant Notice Please provide a copy of your Bridging visa Grant

Acknowledgment letter Please provide a copy of your acknowledgement
letter confirming that you have lodged an application for a further Australian

Signature: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________


Job Title: Cook

Department: Food & Beverage / Kitchen

Location: Salter Bros Hotel Portfolio No2 (SB2)

Date Created: June 2022 Date Revised:

Job Purpose

Cook with appropriate training who is responsible for cooking of breakfasts,

snacks, baking, pastry or butchering
Prepare and present with flair, all menu items for buffet, a la carte and room
service as required. Maintain strict hygiene and safety procedures.
Assists the Chef de Partie in the preparation of food in the Kitchen area where
they are responsible.

Reporting Lines

Senior Sous Chef

Jnr Sous Chef


Key Interactions

Food and Beverage Manager / Supervisors

Food and Beverage Attendants
Kitchen Team

Job Title: Cook Grade 2

Department: Food & Beverage / Kitchen

Location: Salter Bros Hotel Portfolio No2 (SB2)

Date Created: June 2022 Date Revised:


Primary Responsibilities


Prepare and present menu items showing variety and flair, within the cost margins
specified by the hotel.
Ensure strict stock rotation and minimum wastage. Have stock control procedures
implemented and maintained.
Prepare and ensures availability of mis en place as required.
Check that all cooked and pre-cooked foods are properly stored.
Order necessary foods according to proposed business demands. Consult with
Executive Chef for guidance and authorisation of order.
Liaise with Restaurant employees regarding the availability of menu items, additions to
the menu and any relevant changes.
Keeps all working areas clean and tidy. Ensure all equipment is maintained, serviced
and cleaned. Report any problems to the Executive Chef.
Be familiar with other areas in the Kitchen so when called upon, assistance can be
Assist and liaise with chef on duty as required

Talent & Culture Responsibilities

Assist the Kitchen Management Team in the following:

Establish on-going On Job Training Programs within the department to meet

Brand and Service Standards. Use Department Procedure Manuals as a base for
all service procedures training.
Induct new staff into the team, department and Hotel in the first week of their
employment following guidelines. Ensure that all staff under your control carry
out their duties in accordance with the Brand and Service Standards and
Procedures Manuals.
Effectively use the results of and guest questionnaires to improve
product and service delivery.
Openly communicate with staff ensuring daily operational demands are met
Job Title: Cook Grade 2

Department: Food & Beverage / Kitchen

Location: Salter Bros Hotel Portfolio No2 (SB2)

Date Created: June 2022 Date Revised:

Health & Safety

Notify your Manager of any reason you may not be capable of performing your
tasks safely.
Participate in workplace consultation on matters pertaining to Workplace Health
and Safety, as per the hotels agreed arrangements.
Comply with safe work practices by following Accor Health, Safety and
Environment policies, including the use of safe manual handling techniques, safe
use of hazardous chemicals and machinery, working at heights procedures, using
protective clothing and safety equipment where available and necessary,
maintaining a clean, tidy work environment, and any other safety practice
promoted and required by the Hotel.
Attend and actively participate in all OH&S training required of you by the Hotel.
Report any health or safety hazards, incidents and injuries to your
Manager/Supervisor or Manager on Duty as soon as possible. Hazards may
include unsafe working conditions, equipment and machinery faults or damage,
and other housekeeping or maintenance needs that may affect the safety or any
person/s at the Hotel. Ensure that the appropriate documentation is completed
correctly, such as the Injury / Incident Form.
Participate and contribute to the risk assessment process when requested by
your Supervisor/Manager.
gram, as
Maintain standards of hygiene for food handling and presentation as prescribed
by council / legislative regulations.
Be fully conversant with departmental fire and evacuation procedures.
Ensure all equipment is kept in good working order and used only for the purpose
for which it was intended. Report all broken or damaged departmental equipment
to your Supervisor and record on appropriate maintenance report form.
Contribute to cost control through energy conservation, correct storage of all
materials and use of equipment per operating standards and manufacturers
Job Title: Cook Grade 2

Department: Food & Beverage / Kitchen

Location: Salter Bros Hotel Portfolio No2 (SB2)

Date Created: June 2022 Date Revised:

Systems & Procedures

Log and inform your Manager of any system problems. Suggest any
improvements that could be made to improve existing systems and procedures.
Follow policies and procedures outlined in the Accor Brand Standards Manual,
Departmental Service Standards / Procedures Manual and Accor Policy Manuals.
Complete all duties, and ensure a concise hand over.

Customer Relations

Provide efficient, friendly and professional service to all guests.

Lead by example when attending to guest requests. Show efficiency in constantly
striving to provide Total Customer Satisfaction.
Take initiative to ensure that interactions with our customers (internal or external)
are positive and productive, call the Manager on Duty if difficulties arise.
Work together with trust so that colleagues and management meet the goals of the
Treat customers and colleagues from all cultural groups with respect, sensitivity
and transparency.

and facilities available within the Hotel.


Take responsibility to ensure all required tasks are completed accurately and within
given time frames.
Participate in scheduled training and development programs provided by the Hotel
to improve self and department standards and attend departmental meetings as
Abide by Accor policy on EEO and Harassment in the workplace.
Ensure wherever possible that employees are provided with a work place free of
discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
Job Title: Cook Grade 2

Department: Food & Beverage / Kitchen

Location: Salter Bros Hotel Portfolio No2 (SB2)

Date Created: June 2022 Date Revised:

Follow property procedures with respect to grooming, performance and conduct

standards, occupational health and safety, emergency procedures and all other
property policies and procedures as detailed in the employee handbook /
department procedure manuals / company policy manuals.
Ensure Hotel, Customer and Staff information or transactions are kept confidential
during or after employment with the company.
Any other reasonable request within your range of competence as required by your
Supervisor or Hotel Management.
Demonstrate Heartist principles within all interactions with hotel guests and

By signing this document, the team member confirms his or her knowledge of the content.

the right to amend this job description at any time.

I ___________________________________________ have read and understood the above duties and

responsibilities and accept the job description in the entire contents and agree to perform the duties as set out
to the performance standards required.

Team Member Signature: _________________________________ Date:________________

Casual Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 as at 1 July 2013

(i) to anyone who has been approved by the Company to receive

These Standard Terms together with the Letter set out the terms and conditions on which the the Confidential Information and who agrees that the
Company offers you casual employment. Confidential Information must be kept confidential; or
1. Your duties
(ii) if required by law; and
You must: (c) if you are required to disclose Confidential Information, first notify the
(a) serve the Company faithfully and diligently to the best of your ability; Company of that requirement. If that is not possible, you must notify
the Company of the disclosure immediately after the disclosure.
(b) use all reasonable efforts to promote the interests of the Company;
4.3 You must immediately notify the Company of any suspected or actual
(c) unauthorised use, copying or disclosure of Confidential Information by
(d) comply with all directions of the Company from time to time; anyone.

(e) comply with all laws applicable to your position and the duties assigned to you; 4.4 You must provide assistance reasonably requested by a Group Entity in
relation to any proceedings the Group Entity may take against anyone for
(f) inform yourself of and comply with any applicable Group Entity's policies unauthorised use, copying or disclosure of Confidential Information.
including policies relating to email and internet use, WHS, EEO, rehabilitation
and environment, as amended from time to time; and 4.5 Your obligations under this clause continue to apply after your employment
(g) not act in conflict with the Company's best interests.
5. What happens after your employment ends
2. Transport
If your employment ends for any reason:
Transport to and from work is your responsibility.
(a) you must immediately return any Group Entity's property (including property
3. Your leave leased by the Company) to the Company including all written or machine
readable material, software, computers, keys, uniforms, ID cards and security
3.1 As you are employed on a casual basis, you will not be entitled to paid annual
passes and any document or material containing Confidential Information;
leave, paid personal/carer's leave or paid compassionate leave.
(b) you must not represent that you are, or continue to be, associated with a Group
3.2 You will be entitled to up to 2 days unpaid carer's leave for each occasion
Entity; and
requiring you to take carer's leave as set out in the Act. You will also be
entitled to unpaid compassionate leave and community service leave as set out (c) you must provide any assistance reasonably requested by a Group Entity
in the Act. concerning any threatened or actual proceedings against the Group Entity.
3.3 When taking unpaid carer's leave, you will be required to provide the Company 6. Deductions
with a medical certificate for any absence unless the Company tells you
otherwise. 6.1 Subject to applicable law, you authorise the Company to deduct from any
payments it makes to you, any amounts you owe a Group Entity, including:
3.4 Where reasonably practicable, you must notify the Company before your
scheduled start time of your inability to attend work, and advise the nature and (a) overpayments made by the Company to you; and
estimated duration of your absence. (b) money paid to you for leave where you have or had no entitlement to
4. Confidential information that leave,

4.1 Subject to subclause 4.2, you must keep all Confidential Information and you agree that the deductions made under this subclause are reasonable.
confidential. 6.2 This clause continues to apply after your employment ends.
4.2 You must: 7. Entire agreement and governing law
(a) use Confidential Information solely to perform your duties; and The Agreement:
(b) disclose Confidential Information only:
9959349.2 MWS PEF
(a) constitutes the entire agreement between you and the Company in relation to (g) information concerning the business, finances or customers of a third
your employment; party which any Group Entity has an obligation not to disclose,
(b) supersedes any prior understanding or agreement and any prior condition, that you become aware or generate in the course of, or in connection with,
warranty, indemnity or representation imposed, given or made by you or any your employment with the Company but does not include information that is in
Group Entity; and the public domain for reasons other than unauthorised disclosure by you.
(c) is governed by and construed under the laws of the State or Territory in which 10.5 'Group Entity' means any member of the Group.
you primarily undertake your duties and you and the Company irrevocably and
10.6 Group means the Company and:
unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State
or Territory. (a) any Related Corporation of the Company;
8. Legislation, policies and procedures (b) any entity that is connected with the Company by a common interest in
Any reference to any economic enterprise; and

(a) does not have the effect of making the terms of that legislation or those policies (c) where the establishment at which you work is not owned by a member
or procedures part of the Agreement, and that legislation or those policies or of the AAPC Group, any management entity appointed by the
procedures are not, and are not intended to be, contractual in nature or to have Company or any Related Corporation of the Company including a
any contractual effect; member of the AAPC Group.
10.7 Letter' means the letter of offer to which the Standard Terms are attached.
(b) includes any changes, amendments, substitutes or replacements to the
legislation or the policies or procedures from time to time; and 10.8 Related Corporation the meaning given to related body corporate under
the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
(c) in the case of reference to legislation, includes any associated regulations.
9. Electronic messages Unless the context otherwise requires, terms defined in the Letter have the same meaning in
these Standard Terms.
If you have provided a Group Entity with an email address or mobile phone number,
the Group Entity may use these to send you marketing material.
10. Definitions
10.1 'AAPC Group' means AAPC Limited and any Related Corporation of AAPC _________________________
Limited. Employee Signature
10.2 Act Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).
10.3 Agreement
10.4 Confidential Information
limited to:
(a) all information concerning the business, methods of operating and
methods and proposal for marketing, promotion, and other activities of
any Group Entity;
(b) confidential information concerning any Group Entity's clients, customers
or suppliers;
(c) confidential and financial information concerning any Group Entity;
(d) trade secrets of any Group Entity;
(e) confidential know-how of any Group Entity;
(f) the terms of the Agreement; and
9959349.2 MWS PEF
Casual Employment Information Statement
Employers must give this document to new casual employees when they start work.
Transitional rules apply for existing employees. See


? Who is a casual employee?

From 27 March 2021, changes to workplace laws relating to casual employees mean that you are a casual employee if:


The right to become a permanent employee (casual conversion)


permanent employee if:

• •

• •

• •

If you’re an existing casual employee at 27 March 2021, your

Last updated 29 March 2021

Casual Employment Information Statement
Employers must give this document to new casual employees when they start work.
Transitional rules apply for existing employees. See

Casual conversion requirements


What if there is a disagreement?

• relating to

• If

information visit



• •

conversion entitlements
• •
• expressing an opinion
courses •
• helps resolving workplace issues

Last updated 29 March 2021

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