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Kelompok 28

Nama Anggota:

1. Zahra Nur Khusna (P27226023055)

2. Zahwa Aulia Putri Riyanata (P27226023056)

Dialog Experience

Zahwa: Hallo Zahra, good morning

Zahra: Hi Zahwa, good morning too

Zahwa: How are you today?

Zahra: I’m fine, how about you?

Zahwa: I’m good. By the way, how did you spend your weekend?

Zahra: I was very happy

Zahwa: Why?

Zahra: Because me and my family went to the Zoo

Zahwa: : What are you doing there?

Zahra: I feed many animals.

Zahwa: Wow, that’s very cool. Tell me more

Zahra: Alright, I see girrafe, panda, Monkey, and so many of them.

Zahwa: That was so cutee

Zahra: Yeah! How about your weekend?

Zahwa: My weekend is so refreshing?

Zahra: Why?

Zahwa: Because I went to the beach with my friends

Zahra: Really?

Zahwa: Yes, of course!

Zahra: That was so fun, isn’t it? Tell me more

Zahwa: Alright. We played in the sand, looked for shells, and of course we swam.

Zahra: Are you enjoyed your weekend?

Zahwa: Yes. I really enjoyed my weekend. How about you?

Zahra: Of course, I did

Zahwa: Maybe, we can spend together for next weekend

Zahra: I agree

Zahwa: Thank you, Zahra

Zahra: Pleasure

Zahwa: See you

Zahra: See you too

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