ENG LO Grad9 Nov2016 QP

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TIME: 2 hours

This question paper consists of 10 pages.

Life Orientation /Gr.9 2 NWPA/November 2016

Instructions to learners

1. Read the instructions of every question before answering.

2. Number your answers according to the number system used in the question

3. This question paper consists of three sections, SECTION A, B and C.

Sections A and B are compulsory and Section C consists of three questions
but only TWO need to be answered.

4. Start EACH section on a NEW page.

5. Write neatly and legibly.

Life Orientation /Gr.9 3 NWPA/November 2016



1. Various possible options are provided as answers to the following questions.

Choose the correct answer and write only the letter A-D next to the question
number 1.1 – 1.10 in the answer book. E.g.1.12. B

1.1 The latest date by which things must be done or completed

A accountability.
B deadline.
C interim.
D routine. (1)

1.2 Which one of the following is responsible for addressing issues

related to violation of human rights?

D SETA (1)

1.3 One of the ways in which you can be a responsible citizen

A Violating human dignity.

B Abusing property of your community.
C Respecting the right to human dignity.
D Discriminating people based on their gender. (1)

1.4 Which of these is NOT a good guideline for working in the best
possible manner?

A Prioritizing your work.

B Setting aside time for relaxing.
C Having study time table.
D Doing project throughout the night before submission date. (1)

1.5 A positive role model is someone who...

A lacks self -esteem and confidence.

B is passive and self-centred.
C admits faults and mistakes.
D acts without worrying about consequences. (1)
Life Orientation /Gr.9 4 NWPA/November 2016

1.6 Sport ethics means that…

A you must do anything you can to win.

B winning is the most important thing.
C winning is only worthwhile when it is done fairly.
D you must not accept defeat. (1)


State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

Write only the question number and the word True or False next to it,
e.g. 2.6 True

2.1 The National Certificate (Vocational) NCV is an academic certificate. (1)

2.2 Workers Day is commemorated on 25 May since 1963. (1)

2.3 Time management means starting your project a night before due date. (1)

2.4 Basic Conditions of Employment Act supports the Labour Relations Act. (1)

2.5 You should always change yourself to be part of a group. (1)

2.6 Working effectively means you rush your work. (1)



Use the word bank provided below to complete the following sentences. Write only
the number and the correct answer.

Material, report, safe, bursaries, protective, scholarships, student loans,

employers, volunteering.

3.1 It is the duty of ____________ to provide a safe working environment. (1)

3.2 ______________ are usually granted to financially needy students who

have shown satisfactory academic performance. (1)

3.3 _______________ are awarded to students on the basis of exceptional

achievements in academics, sports or as required by the institution. (1)
Life Orientation /Gr.9 5 NWPA/November 2016

3.4 Workers must act responsibly at work and support employers in making
the workplace safe by wearing _____________ clothes. (1)

3.5 Often people choose role models based on _____________ things. (1)

3.6 ____________ is helping others without expecting a reward or payment. (1)



Match the descriptions in COLUMN A with relevant word/s in COLUMN B. Write

ONLY the letter (A – G) next to the question number (4.1 – 4.5) in the answer book.

Column A Column B
4.1 The mental or emotional pain you carry for a A Nelson Mandela day.
long time.
4.2 Our inborn right to respect and fair treatment as B Xenophobia.
human beings
4.3 A code of conduct that describes what is right C dignity.
or wrong behaviour.
4.4 Give 76 minutes of our own time to do D emotional scars.
something good to help others
4.5 To find a way of dealing with two ideas that E ethics.
seems to be opposed to one another, to
become friends again after an argument
4.6 Show support for those who have had to flee F reconciliation
their own country
4.7 Fear or hatred of people from other countries G no racism
H World Refugee’s Day


Life Orientation /Gr.9 6 NWPA/November 2016



Explain the following concepts

5.1 SQR3 (1)

5.2 Arbitration (1)
5.3 CCMA (1)
5.4 Assertiveness (1)
5.5 Positive role model (1)


Read the following text and answer the questions which follow:
It’s never too late to go back to school

Kamogelo was 30 years old when he passed Grade 9.He struggled to get into the
school because the local parents and Officials felt that he was too old to be placed in
Grade 10 with their young children, but Kamogelo persisted and made humble plea
to the Head of Education in the District Office. After succeeding to get a place at
Lerome Secondary school, he was then struggling to choose relevant subjects in line
with his future International relations career.

6.1 What are the FOUR (4) compulsory subjects for grade 10, 11 and 12? (2)

6.2 Name the TWO (2) main options for study after completing grade 9, and
explain the differences between them. (4)

6.3 For who is both NSC and NCV suited? Explain. (2)

6.4 Write ONE (1) thing that must be considered when choosing a career. (1)

6.5 Explain the difference between a career and a job. (4)

Life Orientation /Gr.9 7 NWPA/November 2016


Read this case study about Jonathan and then answer the questions that

Jonathan has been going out with Nobesuthu for three months. She is his first
girlfriend. Before he met her, he was very shy and had only a few friends. Jonathan
lives with his mother. His father lives in another country and Jonathan only sees him
once a year. Jonathan’s mother works very hard and sometimes Jonathan has to
stay at home on his own, do the household chores, and the grocery shopping. In
Jonathan’s culture people should only have sex when they are old enough and in a
healthy and happy relationship. There is no need to be married. In his girlfriend
Nobesuthu’s culture, people should only have sex when they are married and Lobola
should be paid.

Adapted from: “SPOT ON”

7.1 What is the risk factor in Jonathan’s life? (1)

7.2 Compare and contrast Jonathan and Nobesuthu’s cultural influences on

their sexual behaviour. (2)

7.3 Describe one possible negative consequence other than pregnancy that
Jonathan and Nobesuthu may face of unhealthy sexual behaviour. (1)

7.4 If Nobesuthu decides to keep the baby, what is the compensation that
Jonathan is expected to pay? (1)

7.5 Describe what Nobesuthu’s options are now that she is pregnant? (2)

Life Orientation /Gr.9 8 NWPA/November 2016





8.1 Write three paragraphs of six lines each comparing the benefits of taking
the NCV OR NSC after grade 9. (10)

8.2 The way people cope with a number of challenging situations depend on
many things, Outline some of the strategies to respond to emotions in a
challenging situations. (10)


If you choose to go
on strike, then you
will lose your work!

9.1 Write two paragraphs of about six lines each on workplace ethics and
Opportunities you expect as a worker in a formal workplace. (8)

9.2 Explain the purpose of basic conditions of employment act: Act 75 of 1997. (2)
Life Orientation /Gr.9 9 NWPA/November 2016


Role models can have a lot of influence over the actions and thoughts of those who
look up to them. Some role, models act irresponsibly, and they do not set a very
good example for others. These people are unhelpful or negative role models

9.3.1 Discuss the characteristics of positive role models; include how

these role models behave and their attitude towards others.



Read the following Scenario about Cindy and answer questions that follow:

Cindy has been falling behind at school. She plays sports most days after school and
when she is not playing sports, she can be found with her friends, playing cards or
watching TV, Cindy always forgets that she has projects due and tends to do them
the night before submission date or hand them late. Cindy struggles to concentrate in
the class room. She never takes notes. When she has to study for a test, she spends
hours going through the work. She does not have a timetable to remind her of what
lessons she has for the day, so she often wanders around the school trying to figure
out where she needs to be. She is usually late for class. Cindy tends to lose the
notes and worksheets that she is given in class.

Adapted from: Shutters Top Class Life Orientation Grade 9: Teachers guide

10.1 Write a note of five lines offering Cindy some tips on how to manage her
time better. (10)
Life Orientation /Gr.9 10 NWPA/November 2016


10.2.1 What does it means to be ‘sexually healthy’ (2)

10.2.2 What are the three risk factors associated with unhealthy sexual
behaviour? (4)

10 .2.3 How should you behave in order to remain sexually healthy? (4)



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