Bricks Listening Beginner 150 - L1 - Word - List

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Unit 1

단어 뜻(한글) 예문

angry 화가 난 Is Ken angry? No, he is not. He is happy.

carpet 카펫 He rolls on the carpet.

excited 신이 난 Kate’s dad bought a piano for Kate. She feels so excited.

feelings 기분 We can express our feelings.

follow 따라오다 My puppy wags his tail and follows me.

fun 재미 I have fun with him.

greet 반기다 My puppy greets me when I get home.

inline skates 인라인 스케이트 My dad bought me inline skates.

lick 핥다 He licks my hands and face.

riddle 수수께끼 I’ll give you the next riddle. Listen to it.

surprised 놀란 My dad gave me new inline-skates. I was surprised.

wag (꼬리를) 흔들다 He wags his tail when he greets me.

break 부수다, 고장 내다 Ken’s sister broke his violin.

guess 알아맞히다 Listen to my riddles and guess how my friends feel.

new 새로운 There is a new violin on his desk.

roll 구르다 My puppy likes to roll on the carpet.

buy 사다 Let’s go to the bike shop. I’ll buy you a bike.

tail 꼬리 He likes to wag his tail.

favorite 매우 좋아하는 He picks up my favorite doll and gives it to me.

cute 귀여운 My puppy, Doo, is very cute.

Unit 2
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

baker 제빵사 Betty is a good baker.

mayor 시장 My mom is the mayor of our town.

brave 용감한 Jason is a very brave police officer.

castle 성 I'm making a big castle shaped cake.

sweet 달콤한 Betty’s chocolate cake is very sweet.

catch 잡다 A police officer catches bad people.

teach 가르치다 I teach old people for free.

cozy 편안한 The police make people feel cozy.

town 마을 She makes a big cake for the people in our town.

delicious 맛있는 Vanilla cake is very delicious.

rescue 구하다 A fire fighter rescues people.

volunteer 자원봉사자 The volunteers help people for free.

work 일하다 I work for old people in our town.

parents 부모님 My parents work for our town.

make 만들다 Betty’s cake makes us happy.

kind 친절한 She is a kind baker.

better 더 좋은 Our mayor makes our town a better place.

sick 아픈 Nurses and doctors help sick people.

safe 안전한 A police officer keeps people safe.

strawberry 딸기 I'm making strawberry cake for my parents.

Unit 3
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

circle 원형 A circle has no corners.

corner 모서리 A triangle has 3 corners.

hexagon 육각형 A soccer ball has 21 hexagons.

length 길이 A square has 4 sides of the same length.

pentagon 오각형 A pentagon has 5 sides and 5 corners.

rectangle 직사각형 The door looks like a rectangle.

same 같은 My books, desk, bag, and computer are the same shape.

side 변 This triangle has 3 sides of the same length.

sphere 구 The ball is a sphere.

square 정사각형 My favorite shape is a square.

triangle 삼각형 What shape is the bell? It’s a triangle.

turn 차례 It’s your turn. Go ahead.

clock 시계 The clock is a circle.

shape 모양 Let’s play the shape game.

carefully 주의 깊게 Look carefully at the ball.

question 질문 Now, give me a question.

different 다른 The sides of a square and a rectangle are different.

face 얼굴 Her face looks like a rectangle.

soccer ball 축구공 A soccer ball has no corners.

say 말하다 I say the names of shapes.

Unit 4
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

chickenpox 수두 My son has chickenpox on his face.

pinkeye 결막염 Amy has pinkeye. So, her eyes are red.

disease 질병 Chickenpox is a kind of disease.

puffy 부은 My eyes are red and puffy.

fever 열 Tony has a high fever.

rub 문지르다 Sam rubs his eyes.

injection 주사 He gets an injection at the hospital.

scar 상처 The red spots will turn into scars.

itchy 가려운 Tony feels itchy all over. That’s why he scratches.

scratch 긁다 Jane scratches her back.

pharmacy 약국 I go to the pharmacy to get the pills.

spot 반점 You have red spots on your chin.

runny nose 콧물이 흐르는 코 Do you have a runny nose and high fever?

temperature 온도 The doctor takes Tim’s temperature.

handsome 잘생긴 Your handsome face will become ugly.

hospital 병원 Let’s go to the hospital, or you’ll get sicker.

picture 그림 Let’s look at the first picture.

dirty 더러운 Don’t rub your eyes with your dirty hands.

soap 비누 You should wash your hands with soap.

monster 괴물 He looks like an ugly monster.

Unit 5

단어 뜻(한글) 예문

color 색칠하다 I’ll color my face with my crayons.

colorful 다채로운 It will be a colorful picture.

dot 점 We make colorful dots.

freckle 주근깨 Anne has many freckles on her face.

paintbrush 그림 붓 I paint Anne with my paintbrush.

press 누르다 Press the sketchbook for 10 seconds and then unfold it.

half 절반 Sketch the left half of the apple.

squeeze 짜다 I squeeze out colors onto my palette.

sketchbook 스케치북 Kate needs a sketchbook to draw a picture.

paint 색칠하다 I like painting, folding, and unfolding.

side 면 There are two sides to each page in your sketchbook.

sketch 스케치하다 I’ll sketch Anne and then paint her with my paintbrush.

line 선 She will make colorful lines.

fold 접다 Fold your sketchbook in half.

easy 쉬운 If you use our brushes, it will be easy.

close 가까운 Don’t put the dots very close together.

yellow 노란색 I put a coat of yellow paint onto my house.

like 좋아하다 I like drawing my dog.

know 알다 I know how to use folding and unfolding for a picture.

draw 그리다 My sister is very good at drawing.

Unit 6
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

air 공기 Air doesn’t have a shape.

around (~의) 주위에 Air is always moving around us.

blow 불다 Blow on the flag and it will move.

breathe 숨쉬다 We breathe air with our noses and mouths every day.

correct 정확한 You’re right, that is the correct answer.

gas 기체 Air is a kind of gas.

guess 추측하다 Listen to me and guess what it is.

move 움직이다 Wind is moving air.

natural 천연의 Air is a natural resource.

ping-pong 탁구 I’ll put this ping-pong ball on the spoon.

resource 자원 Air is a resource that makes power.

touch 만지다 We can’t touch air.

flag 깃발 Air makes power. It makes the flag move.

animal 동물 Air is not an animal. It is a kind of gas.

measure 측정하다 We can’t measure air.

alive 살아 있는 Air keeps us alive.

balloon 풍선 A balloon flies in the sky.

read 읽다 I'm reading a book about air.

various 다양한 Air has various gases in it.

smell 냄새를 맡다 We can’t see or smell air.

Unit 7
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

belt 띠, 벨트 I have a Poom belt.

bottom 바닥 I’m scared because I can’t touch the bottom.

deep 깊은 The swimming pool is about 4 feet deep.

float 뜨다 I can float without a swimming pad.

future 미래 My dream is to be a great champion in the future.

get 받다, 얻다 I’ll get a Poom belt tomorrow.

high 높은 Poom is the first high level in taekwondo.

level 수준 The first high level? You must be good at taekwondo.

nervous 긴장한 I’m nervous because of the test.

practice 연습하다 I practice two sports: swimming and taekwondo.

rank 등급 I have a rank test tomorrow.

수영판 I can’t swim without a swimming pad.

strong 강한 Sports are fun and make us strong.

tomorrow 내일 I will do taekwondo tomorrow for Poom.

scared 겁이 난 I am scared to swim.

late 늦은 It’s too late. Go to bed.

stand 일어 서다 I can stand on the bottom of the pool.

tell 말하다 Tell me more about Poom.

bad 나쁜 I am bad at swimming.

show 보여주다 They’ll show their taekwondo skills for the red belt.
Unit 8
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

bite 물어뜯다 I have a habit of biting nails.

bleed 피를 흘리다 Picking your nose can make you bleed.

boogers 코딱지 There are boogers in my nose.

breath 숨 Take a deep breath, and you’ll feel refreshed.

(오도독) 씹다, 깨
crunch Crunch! Do you bite your nails?

fresh 신선한 You will feel fresh air with your nose.

pick 집다 I want to pick my nose.

problem 문제 I have a problem. My son picks his nose.

stuffy 코가 막힌 I feel stuffy. I want to pick my nose.

tasting 맛이 나는 Ask your mom to rub bad tasting things on your nails.

tease 놀리다 Some classmates tease me because of my bad habits.

dirty 더러운 Boogers are dirty. I don’t like them.

habit 습관 I have a habit of blinking my eyes.

important 중요한 Your nails are very important for your fingers.

ugly 보기 흉한 My nails are ugly. It’s because of my bad habits.

hate 싫어하다 My friends hate me because I pick my nose with my finger.

children 아이들 Children’s bad habits make their parents worry.

stop 멈추다 Can you help me stop biting my nails?

want 원하다 I want to have pretty nails again.

tickle 간지럽다 My nose tickles. It’s because of the boogers inside it.
Unit 9
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

bead 구슬 I’ll make a necklace with the beads.

count 세다 Listen to the story and count the feet.

first 첫 번째 The first one is Father Duck. The second one is Mother Duck.

fool 바보 Stop acting like a fool. You look very silly now.

forget 잊다 You can’t forget her name again!

fourth 네 번째 Sally says the third sentence. Eden says the fourth one.

in total 모두 There are 10 feet in total in the story.

order 순서 The order of the beads is yellow-pink-blue.

second 두 번째 Jack sits in the second row in the class.

stream 개울 There are ducks in the stream.

string 실에 꿰다 I’m stringing beads. I’ll make a necklace.

third 세 번째 The third bead is blue. The fourth one is orange.

desk 책상 There are new crayons on my desk.

elephant 코끼리 The first animal is an elephant. It has four feet.

hen 암탉 Boe found a hen in the street.

necklace 목걸이 They are making a necklace with the beads.

grass 풀밭 He found a cricket in the grass.

family 가족 They are a pretty duck family.

wash 씻다 Boe washes his feet every day.

express 표현하다 We can express numbers in two ways.

Unit 10
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

bin 쓰레기통 We put the trash into the right bins.

cross 건너다 Lisa crosses the street.

crosswalk 건널목 Let’s use the crosswalk.

dangerous 위험한 Do not cross the street. It’s too dangerous.

get along 잘 지내다 Eden and Mat always get along.

push 밀다 We’ll push your wheelchair.

recycle 재활용하다 He recycles plastic bottles at home.

rule 규칙 He follows the rules well.

traffic lights 신호등 There are no traffic lights. You must not cross here.

trash 쓰레기 I put trash into the bin.

watch out 조심하다 Watch out! A car is coming!

wheelchair 휠체어 She is in a wheelchair.

friend 친구 Sam gets along with his friends.

street 도로 We are on the corner of the street.

distance 거리 It’s a very short distance from here to there.

twins 쌍둥이 Eden and Mat are twins. They look so alike.

hold 잡다, 안다 A woman gets on the bus. She holds her baby.

neighbor 이웃 My neighbors are always nice to me.

classroom 교실 In the classroom, we must keep quiet.

clean 청소하다 His mother always cleans his room.

Unit 11
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

break 깨다 I broke my computer with a hammer.

badge 배지 He gave me his badges. I gave him some of my comic books.

cheap (값이) 싼 A Keroro badge is not cheap.

expensive (값이) 비싼 Those things are not very expensive.

fair 장터, 시장 I went to a children’s fair yesterday.

hammer 망치 Chan’s mother is bringing a hammer.

keyboard 키보드 Chan found the keyboard. He started playing games again.

lock 잠그다 She locked my computer in the closet.

record 기록 He will break the record soon.

sell 팔다 I'm selling books, badges, and caps.

trade 교환하다 I traded my badges for other badges.

turn off (불을) 끄다 Stop playing. Turn off the computer.

watch 보다 I watch TV for fun. My brother plays games for fun.

find 발견하다 Chan found the key for the closet.

hear 듣다, 들리다 His mom heard him. She was very angry.

look for 찾다 I'm looking for character badges.

hide 숨기다 His mom hid the keyboard.

only 단지 I have only one dollar.

yesterday 어제 I played computer games yesterday.

money 돈 I don’t have enough money, so I can’t buy it.

Unit 12
단어 뜻(한글) 예문

brave 용감한 I like Simba. He is very brave.

cheer up They sing Simba the song to cheer him up.

craze 열정 “Hakuna matata! Ain’t no passing craze.”

fantastic 환상적인 The musical was fantastic.

mean 의미하다 ‘Hakuna Matata’ means ‘no worries.’

musical 뮤지컬 I saw the musical, “Beauty and the Beast.”

philosophy 철학 It’s our philosophy: ‘Be happy.’

phrase 말, 어구 The song had a very good phrase.

problem-free 걱정 없는 “It’s our problem-free philosophy.”

remember 기억하다 I remember that beautiful song.

rest 나머지 It means no worries for the rest of your days.

wonderful 멋진 The song was wonderful.

worry 걱정 The Beauty had a worry.

beautiful 아름다운 We can listen to beautiful songs in musicals.

score 점수 You don’t need to worry about your score.

poster 포스터, 벽보 I will write the title of the song in the poster, too.

difficult 어려운 The test was very difficult for me.

write 쓰다 I will write the title of the song.

gift 선물 It will be a great gift for Jim.

help 도와주다 We are friends. We’ll help you.

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