Marine Bridge

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@%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 14 aaa 14.2 113 14 12 13 14 24 22 23 24 244 24.2 25 26 27 274 272 273 28 29 2.10 2.11 212 213 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 MEMORANDUM OF PROCEDURE CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION. PROJECT INTRODUCTION. ns 1 General 1 Project Site 1 Geology. 1 Weather and Climate Condition$....1:nmnnnnnnnnnnnininnensinnt aoe SCOPE OF WORKS (SIGNATURE BRIDGES 8 & 9). ea ‘TRANSPORT TOAND FROM DOHA... 6 MATERIAL SUPPLY... f see CHAPTER 2 ~ GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ARRANGEMENT. 7 SETTING OUT & SURVEY... es 7 SITE INVESTIGATION FOR UTILITIES SERVICES. = See CONSTRUCTION LAND. vanes 8 PRINCIPLE OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ARRANGEMENT, 8 Construction site Conditions. 8 Construction Arrangement Principle 9 CONSTRUCTION CAMP ARRANGEMENT 0 ‘SHARED FACILITIES... 10 ENGINEER'S SITE FACILITIES 10 General requirement 10 Computers and Printers. Measuring and Recording Equipment... 2 ACCESS ROAD ARRANGEMENT 2 LIGHTING FOR CONSTRUCTION fon 2 CONSTRUCTION COMMUNICATION. 3 2 ASPHALT CONCRETE ARRANGEMENT 13 FILLING MATERIAL ARRANGEMENT. ad eel) ‘COMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY. 3 Water SUPPLY. 13 POWER SUPPLY snes eat . a3 DESIGN Works, 3 PROCUREMENT. 4 @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 2.18 SUBCONTRACTING......... 15 2.19 INFORMATION HANDLING SysTEW 16 2.20. MATERIAL SUBMITTALS. mrss 16 2.21 DRAWINGS SUBMITTALS.. a7 CHAPTER 3- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE... 34 (GENERAL 18 3.2. PREPARATION PRINCIPLE OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: 18 3.3 (CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE OF MAJOR WORKS. 1.20 33:1 Preparation Stage 120 3.3.2 Construction tage. 2a 3.3.3 Completion / Handing over 21 3.4 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE REFERENCE. a2 35 OPTIMIZATION. san 2D CHAPTER 4 ~ ORGANIZATION AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION.. 44 RESOURCE ARRANGEMENT. 23 4.2. MOBILIZATION OF PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT 2 4.3. METHOD OF MOBILIZATION OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL, 23 43.1 Method of equipment mobilization. 23 43.2. Method of main material mobilization 23 44 CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION 24 4.5 CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION CHART 24 4.3.1 Major responsibilities of key personnel/departments.... 24 46 Work Force 27 4.7 MOBILIZATION PLAN OF MAN EQUIPMENT . a 4.8 MATERIAL TESTING AND QUALITY INSPECTION INSTRUMENTS 28 4.9 MATERIAL SUPPLY PLAN.. 28 (CHAPTER 5 ~ OVER ALL CONSTRUCTION STRATEGY AND TRAFFIC DIVERSION. 5.1 GENERAL 29 5.2 CONTRACT (CONSTRUCTION OF MARINE SIGNATURE BRIDGE 8 & 9) 29 5.3 PHASING OF CONSTRUCTION AND TRAFFIC DIVERSION 30 53.1 General 30 53.2 Conformance 30 5.3.3 Safety and Site Protection. CHAPTER 6 ~ CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF MAJOR ITEMS .. @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 64 GENERAL... 6.2 CONSTRUCTION SURVEY. nasennmnninininnnn eo : 32 6.2.1 Reference points, Lines and Levels 6.2.2 _ Establishment of baseline for calibration of EDM Equipment onsnssnninnnsinnnnnn 38 6.2.3 Survey Procedure. 2 6.3 EXCAVATION PROGRAM 38 64 BACKFILLING. 5 6.5 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION WORKS... 35 65.1 Genera... 65.2 Excavation 65.3 Concrete works... 654 Mie deSigM cn cnnnnnnsnn a 36 65.5 Supply of Concrete. 36 65.6 Concrete construction ” 65.7 Concrete Work Procediure.. a7 6.5.8 Concrete Workmanship . 66 DEWATERING OF PILING SITE. . sn 6.7 POURING OF BoRED PILE . 68 _ INSTALLATION OF BORED-PILE STEEL CASING. a 69 — PLECAPs. pelted ac Se et eM 6.10 _PIERS/AUXILIARY SUPPORT/ABUTMENT/ANCHOR BLOCK/PYLON RSB a 6.11 BRIDGE Deck SLAB (PRECAST). ee eee 6.12 BRIDGE DECK SLAB JOINTS ANO SIDE BEAMS (FOR CAST-IN-SITU). 43 6.13 PosT-TENSION sysTEM 6.14 BRIDGE BEARING... 6.15 BRIDGE EXPANSION JOINT SYSTEM... 6.16 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE (ACTIVITY CHARTS) .waonsnnsnnninnenenene dS 6.17 PIPEWoRKS ~ ees 6.18 PERMANENT ELECTRICAL WORKS .s-sun-nsestunnsnnnnsnuina 49 6.42.1 General a ne) 6.12.2 Street Lighting 49 6.12.3. Cable Laying 49 6.12.4 Duct works for Electrical... 50 6.19 ASPHALT WORKS. 50 4% Redco International DAEWOOE&C 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 94 9a. 92 9.24 922 923 924 925 INSTALLATION OF MISCELLANEOUS METAL WORKS. 51 TRAFFIC SIGNS & SURFACE MARKINGS! ...seunnsnmnnninennnnnn fereeni Y Key POINT OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE... 2 51 HANDING OVER AND DEMOBILIZATION: -anssearnvn i ' ea) CHAPTER 7 ~ QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN. CHAPTER 8 ~ SAFETY PLAN. CHAPTER 9 - ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION PLAN .. GENERAL 5 82 Environmental Protection Objective.. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES. 33 Dust CONtFO! svn Noise control, Water pollution control 3 Exhausted gas and odor pollution control... 84 Reinstatement of affected areas. 84 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 14 14 141.2 1.1.3 1.4.4 CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION Project introduction General The Construction Package 3A Phase 2 consists of the Construction of Marine Bridges 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9 of which bridges 3, 4, 5 and 7 will inter-connect the isolated Qetaifan Islands whilst bridges 8 & 9 will connect the Qetaifan Islands to the mainland. This Method Statement will focus only for the Construction of Marine Bridges 8 & 9, a suspension 2-lane dual carriageway signature bridges with bearing-to-bearing spans of 204m and 186m respectively. Project Site Bridge construction worksite is located at Lusail Development City in Doha Qatar. Geology Depending on the regional geology of the Arabian Peninsula area, the Qatar peninsula geologically represents a part of the Arabian Gulf Basin. The site for the said bridges has been backfilled by Earth bridges forming as temporary access for Qetaifan Islands and mainland by the other contractors, owners and authorities. These earth bridges may need to be widened and maintained by the Contractor during the entire execution of Contract. Weather and Climate Condi ns Qatar belongs to desert climatic characterized by not summer and mild winter. Maximum ambient temperature 50° Celsius Minimum ambient temperature 5° Celsius Maximum metal temperature under the sun 85° Celsius Maximum ambient humidity 100% Minimum ambient humidity 20% Yearly rainfall 80-150 mm @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 1.2 « The temperature is relatively mild from October to May and hot from June to September. * The relative ambient humidity is generally low from October to May and generally high from June to September. * Under certain climatic conditions, considerable condensation can take place. * A considerable amount of salt is contained in the atmosphere which together with the relatively high ambient humidity can produce severe corrosion problem. * Distribution and occurrence of rainfall events are very erratic. Rainfall events are generally of a high intensity with a short duration and usually occur between December and March + The prevailing wind directions are from the north and west. Scope of works (Signature Bridges 8 & 9) The ambit of work is the construction of 2 nos. suspension bridges namely the Bridges 8 & 9 with built-up pylon (RC concrete piers, bottom ring segment, hammer head and structural steel ring segments RSM, RSS & RST) towering within the middle third of span. Both bridges 8 & 9 are 2-lane dual carriageways with spans of 204m and 186m respectively measured from centerline’s start to end. The bridges are designed to be 2-lane dual carriageways at the opening with hard shoulder and Cycle track/Footpath separated by crash barriers and railings at the edges of the carriageways and will be transformed into 3-lane dual carriageways utilizing the hard shoulder and Cycle track/Footpath as the third lane by dismantling the crash barriers in the future. In addition, the work scope may include the following * Bored piles under pylon pilecaps, auxiliary support pilecaps, anchor block & abutment (Dia 1000mm) * Pilecaps, Anchor block and Abutment * Built-up Pylon (RC concrete Piers, RSB, Hammer Head & Steel RSM, RSS & RST) * Post tensioning «Structural Steel Main Girders * Precast RC concrete bridge deck * Cast in-situ bridge deck and edge beams @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C * Suspension cables and hangers Flexible pavements + Road markings & Traffic signage ‘+ Damp proofing work includes laying of water proofing membrane for the substructure work and sprayed water proofing for the exposed top surface of the bri * Miscellaneous metal works include installation of Movement idge joints, Railing, Crash barriers as per drawings and specifications * Storm water drainage from the bridge decks * Pumped TSE irrigation pipelines + Pumped potable water pipelines * Foul water rising mains * Gas main * Signboards for Marine Traffic * Electrical works * Dehumidification system of the suspension cable © Street lightings and lightning protection * Metal doors Approximate Quantities of Major Works (Bridges 8 & 9) 1. Earthwork Remarks Item Unit | Quantity 1. Foundation excavation m 13,262 2. Backfilling m 7,694 2. __Conerete (Bored Plies) Item Unit | Quantity Remarks 1. 1000 mm dia B/Pile C40 concrete | m? 803 3.___Conerete (Bridge Structure) Item Unit | Quantity Remarks 4. C30 blinding concrete m? 218 2. C50 RCC bridge structural conc. | m? 5,658 3. Prestressed concrete & 7 4,138 non-prestressed concrete 2% Redco International DAEWOO E&C tem Unit | Quantity Remarks, (Pylon, Anchor Block, beams & deck) C60 4, Precast concrete (deck slab) area exceeding 15m’ but less than No. 208 50m? 5, Precast concrete (Base pad) area exceeding 0.1m? but not No. 294 exceeding 0.5m” 4. Formwork Item Unit | Quantity Remarks 1. Formwork (Bridge structure) m? 8,646 5. Reinforcement Item Unit | Quantity | Remarks 1. Deformed grade 460 = bare (in various diameter) 6. Structural Metal works Item Unit | — Quantity Remarks 1. Bridge main members (ring segment, base plate, tube ring & | ton 4,953 etc.) 2. Main Cables & Hangers m 3,264 7.__Water Proofing works Item, Unit | Quantity Remarks. 1, Water proofing membrane m? 5,339 2. Sprayed water proofing m 8,628 Pipework tem Unit | Quantity Remarks 1, 400mm dia Potable water line um 406 2. 300mm dia Potable water line LM 406 3. 200mm dia TSE sewer line Lm 406 4, 400mm dia Foul sewer line LM 212 5. 200mm dia Gas pipe line Lm. 406 @%Redco International DAEWOOE&C 9. Railing and safety barriers Item Unit | Quantity Remarks 1. Railing LM 788 2. Crash Barrier LM 1,576 40. Roads & Pavement Item Unit | Quantity | Remarks i] 1. Road base Course m? 8,628 2. wearing course m? 8,628 3. Bond coat m? 8,628 14. Other works tem Unit_| Quantity Remarks 1, Dehumidification systems item 2 2. Electrical works item 2 3. Street lighting item 2 4, Lightning protection item 2 In general, the Contractor's Scope of works includes: - The provision of all labor, material, construction equipment, supervisory and administrative personnel and other facilities required for the construction, installation, testing and commissioning of the project in accordance with Engineer's design and Contractor's detailed or amended approved design, and project specifications - The provision of all assistance to the Engineer in supervision of the work, - Temporary traffic diversion, including Maintenarce of Traffic flow and Management of Traffic flow as per traffic department regulations. - Widening and maintenance of earth bridge. - Environmental protection and Clearance of site. - Communication and Control works. - Construction of Electrical and Mechanical works. - The provision of As-built Drawings, and Operation and maintenance Manuals. - Co-operation with other contractors working on the project, and with all relevant authorities and agencies so as to ensure @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 1.3 1.4 co-ordination of Contract interfaces and minimize disruption of existing services and infrastructures within the local area - Submittal items, such as Pre-Construction Photographs, Monthly Photographs, work procedures, As-Built Record Drawings, data Delivery etc. Transport to and from Doha Qatar is a peninsula country in the Gulf Region, and Doha, the capital city, is an important port in the region. Therefore, marine transport conditions are favorable for the Work. Imported plants, equipment and material, which are necessary for the execution of the works shall be unloaded in Doha Port or Doha International Airport, then transported to project site. All materials and equipments necessary for the execution of the works which are domestically produced or are cf national origin which comply in all respects with the requirements of the Specification shall be given purchase priority than that of the overseas origin and shall be transported by road to construction site. Material supply Subject to tender documents and site investigation, main material such as steel, cement crushed aggregate and spacial fill material shall be locally purchased. Purchased material snall be provided with quality certificates, ex-factory qualification certificate and shall be tested by field laboratory as qualified materials. Material to be purchased shall be transported by truck to construction site. Suitable filling material from excavation and Imported fill material shall be transported from the source approved by the Engineer. Main materials for the suspension bridge, i.e. suspension cable, accessories and structural steel, shall be sourced out with first priority from approved local suppliers or otherwise from the recognized international supplier from abroad as alternative 2% Redco Intemational DAEWOO E&C CHAPTER 2 — GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ARRANGEMENT 24 22 Setting out & Survey Before the commencement date of the Works in the Contract, Engineer will be requested in writing to intimate the location and values of the permanent survey monuments that shall be used for the execution of the works. Upon receipt of the monument data, Contractor will physically identify the survey points and protect them with guardrails. Contractor will be responsible for protection and maintenance of these survey points and shall ensure that all his personnel and subcontractors are aware of these monuments and that no persons, with the exception of his survey staff, shall enter the boundaries of the guard rail. Contractor shall be responsible for the setting out of the works and the positions, levels, dimensions and alignments of all parts of the works reckoning from the permanent survey monuments. Engineer will, if necessary, provide Contractor with supplementary information to that shown on the Drawings, which are sufficient for Contractor to commence the works. Such supplementary information may be provided on drawing sketches, in writing or indicated on the site. Based on project control monuments provided by the Engineer, Contractor shall establish control monuments (CM), and additional survey control monuments (ACM) to control measurement, and all required setting out points and temporary benchmarks propagated around the project site for the execution of the works by utilizing Total Station Survey Equipment. Site Investigation for Utilities Services For the utility services along or crossing the Project area at different locations such as power cable, lighting works, gas line, water supply pipe, sewerage line etc., shall be dealt with in accordance to the accepted manner and procedure during construction period Prior to any commencement of earth excavation, the related @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 2.3 24 2.4.1 underground condition shall be investigated clearly and accurately. The site investigation procedure shall be executed as following: - All concemed authorities will be contacted and all record and information will be acquired about underground services within project area. - According to layout provided to construction, the related location of the facilities shall be set out accordingly. - To liaise with the Engineer, certain trial pil locations shall be made. - Trial pit shall be made by using appropriate equipment. - Protection of services keeping the trial hole free of water - Backfill and compaction of surfaces - Preparation of records Construction land The following land areas will be made available to Contractor by the Employer for the sole purpose of the construction activities of the works: - The area within the line of ROW shown on the Drawings - The residential camp and construction facilities areas - Easements of adequate width for temporary access roads to spoil disposal area, borrow areas and residential camp - The disposal area shall be selected and got approved by the Engineer in consultation with local municipal authorities. Before the commencement date of the works, Engineer shall approve and provide, as per Contractor's submittals, the proposed locations of all residential camps, construction facilities temporary access roads and a statement of the easement required for these roads and for the construction of the permanent works which lie outside the ROW. Contractor shall ensure that it will make good any damage to lands caused by him or his sub-contractors outside the areas made available to him by the Employer. Principle of General Construction Arrangement Construction Site Conditions @%Redco International DAEWOO ESC 2.4.2 - Existing traffic network for the areas along the construction line provides means for transportation. - The construction site starts at Lusail Development City Doha with convenient transportation and where temporary accommodation and construction yards can be leased from Authorities. - Should the Contractor require using adjacent areas of land for camps, planting site etc., he shall arrange for the right to use the said land himself. Construction Arrangement Principle In accordance with the construction site conditions and project specification, construction arrangement shall be subject to the principles as shown below: - Principle of construction period guarantee: In order to fully comply with the requirement - s of construction period with no delay permitted, mechanized construction shall be maximized and manpower input shall be proportionally reduced so as to reduce the time required for various construction activities. - Principle for adaptation to actual situation: Taking advantage of civilian houses scattered near the project area, accommodation and offices can be arranged by renting the local civilian houses at the preliminary stage. Temporary facilities shall be located in areas where construction management and safety can be ensured. For site facilities moveable accommodation will be provided through Porta cabin. - Principle for adaptation to weather condition: Project construction shall experience hot weather condition (extreme) especially during summer season and temporary facilities shall be located in areas as close to water source as possible. - Principle of convenience for construction, living and management: Arrangements shall follow the principle of a combination of concentration and decentralization. Construction camp, warehouses and equipment parking yards shall be scattered along the construction line according to the demand of actual construction activities at site. - Principle of safety: Storage for hazardous materials shall be located in areas away from construction site, living camp and traffic roads and safety protection shall be strengthened around these areas. ¢%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 2.5 26 27 274 - Principle of environmental protection: General construction arrangement shall be such that minimum harm to the surrounding environment is done and proper environmental protection measures are taken promptly. For the purpose of execution of the works, site management will be set up, and all construction resources, such as labor, materials, construction equipment, supervisory and administrative personnel and other facilities required for the construction, installation, testing and commissioning of the Project in accordance with Engineer's design and Contractor's detailed or amended approved design, specification and Engineer's instruction, will then be provided on site accordingly and expeditiously. Construction Camp Arrangement A construction camp is planned for smooth execution of the Contract and will be arranged in accordance with actual site and geographical conditions, construction procedures, and to the satisfaction of construction schedule and requirements of the works. Contractor's office shall be set up adjacent to Engineer's site office for the convenience of work. A housing facility shall be arranged to fulfill the requirements of the project near the construction site of the project, Shared fat S Emergency Medical Facilities shall be shared by Engineer and Contractor. Emergency medical facility shall be comprised of, as a minimum, single bedrooms, washrooms, dispensary and emergency room Engineer's site facilities General requirement The Contractor shall provide, maintain and keep clean, temporary site offices with all associated equipment and services for the exclusive use of the Engineer's and his staff, from the commencement of the Project. The offices shall remain, in whole or in part as required by the Engineer in his possession, until the end 0 %Redco Intemational DAEWOO E&C 2.7.2 of the Project. The temporary site offices shall be either prefabricated portable unit/s or alternatively made of some other form of weatherproof design and construction materials to the approval of the Engineer. The offices shall have full partitions and room sizes shall be as per contract requirements. All rooms shall have individual entrance door. Corridors and entrance areas shall be additional to the office sizes. The offices shall be air-conditioned with the exception of the Toilet, Shower and Kitchen areas. All rooms shall have glazed windows complete with fly screens Adequate fitted hardware, electrical switches, sockets, lighting and plumbing fittings, sanitary ware & fittings and fixtures etc., shall be provided as necessary for the different areas. The electrical installation shall provide for simultaneous use of all electrical appliances. All necessary furniture and consumables for the use of Engineer's office shall be provided as specified in the Contract Computers and Printers The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with computing facilities in compliance with the Contract. The contractor shall be responsible for installing legal copies of operating system and software, trouble shooting, supplying of required consumables and maintenance of the system. Operating System and Software Requirements shall be as specified by the Engineer, with the following as a minimum: - MS Windows XP Professional with all required drivers - MS Office Professional - MS Project - Primavera P6.2 - AutoCAD The contractor shall provide a A4/A3 colour photocopier, Minolta @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 273 28 29 2.10 BIZHUB C355 for the exclusive use of the Engineer together with servicing, accessories and materials for the contract period. Measuring and Recording Equipment The Contractor shall supply and maintain all measuring and recording equipments for the duration of the Contract. Surveying instruments shall be new or in as good as new condition, of an approved make with a current certificate of adjustment. Access road arrangement The Contractor will maintain and provide satisfactory temporary access and traffic flow to, from and within the areas of the works. Temporary traffic signs and lighting for temporary roads and diversions are to be in strict accordance with the requirements of the Qatar Traffic Manual and any additional requirements instructed by the Traffic Police or the Engineer. Pursuant to construction demand, temporary access roads shall be constructed in some area where bridge shall be constructed and transportation access shall be constructed to borrow pit. To facilitate the flow of traffic to and fro and the construction of Bridges 8 & 9 on the earth bridges, the Contractor shall widen and maintain the roadway as much as possible in accordance to what is required in the specification or as instructed by the Engineer. Lighting for construction For the construction of bridge, high lighting tower with sunlamp (3X3.5kw) shall be installed to provide long-range illumination, and iodine-tungsten lamp and water-proof dysprosium lamp shall be adopted to provide short-range illumination. Other working area and equipment parking lot shall be provided with flood lamps for lighting. For construction areas without power source available, mobile lighting towers shall be installed, Construction communication For construction communication during the whole construction period, Contractor ensures that he shall provide sufficient telephone @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 service. The supervisory staff shall be provided with mobile phones or other mean of communication. Asphalt Concrete Arrangement Asphalt concrete will be purchased locally after making necessary test to ensure the specification requirements and approval from the Engineer. Filling Material Arrangement The imported fill material shall be arranged from the designated borrow area and shall be used for filling after laboratory tests and approval of the Engineer. Compressed Air Supply Diesel air compressors of sufficient capacity each supplemented with stand by small air compressor shall be arranged to fullfill the compressed air requirements for the various bridge construction activities at site Water Supply The suitable arrangements shall be made for the smooth and continuous supply of water at construction site. The water shall be tested for the suitability of usage in labour camp, concrete work and earthwork etc. The water storage at site shall be arranged for the peak usage and for the emergency usage of water for firefighting Water storage tanks of adequate capacity shall be arranged and installed at suitable locations. Power Supply Power for construction shall be generated mainy by the diesel generators. Design Works The Design of the permanent Work is generally Engineer/Client's responsibility, however, the Contractor may need to undertake design of some works which may be needed to fully execute the entire Work as required in the Contract subject to the approval of @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 217 the Engineer. The Design under Contractor's responsibilities and all temporary construction facilities shall be subcontracted to a specialized Design firm / subcontractor subject to the approval of the Engineer. The design stages shall be coordinated by an Engineering Manager who will coordinate between proposed Design Engineering Firm, Project Manager and the Engineer till obtaining the approved drawings for construction. The drawings contained in the tender document shall be checked, reviewed, verified and endorsed in order to confirm their adequacy for the preparation of the Detailed Engineering Documents. Procurement REDCO - DAEWOO JV has a dedicated and experienced Procurement Team based in Doha head office. This is led by the Head of Procurement Department and supported by Procurement Engineers, Quantity Surveyors and Purchasers. a) Our procurement team with many years of experience in project procurement is enabled to identify the project requirements in terms of domestic/international sourcing and prioritise the Long Lead Items. Processing and follow up of international orders, tracking of material deliveries etc are done by the procurement team, according to the Company's procedure for procurement. This enables the Company to expedite the delivery of critical items by coordinating with the supplier (if needed), in order to comply with Project programme requirements. b) The following items have been identified as Long Lead Items: - Suspension cables & accessories - Steel segments of Pylon - Post tensioning tendons - Structural steel girders - Bridge bearings - Steel pipes & fittings and accessories - Metal Works ( Expansion Joints, Railing, Crash Barriers) - Electrical and Mechanical Material. @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C c) d) The Procurement & Delivery Schedule shall form the base for timely submittals, approvals and delivery to site of all materials; special attention shall be focused on long lead manufacturing and delivery items. REDCO - DAEWOO JV procurement procedure which involves all types of inquiries to manufacturers & suppliers and on site follow up and visits, technical comparison sheets and evaluations, banking procedures (LC’s, LG's etc...) shall be utilized to secure deliveries to site on time. 2.18 Subcontracting a) b) d) We intend to subcontract the following works in accordance with project scope of work and schedule: - Waterproofing Work - Bored Pile Work - Post Tensioning Work - Suspension Cable Work - Road marking & Traffic signs works - Structural and Miscellaneous Metal Works All subcontract agreements shall include the procedures for time scheduling & planning, procurement, technical and site activities, which shall be in full compliance with the REDCO - DAEWOO JV procedures, the agreements shall also include contractual issues such as time milestones, performance bonds, liquidated damages etc as provided in contract between client and M/s REDCO - DAEWOO JV. The planning for each subcontract shall be extracted from the detailed project programme to ensure that the progress of works is in accordance with the overall project schedule, Subcontractors’ procurement activities shall be monitored by REDCO - DAEWOO JV to ensure timely purchase orders and adherence to the project specifications All technical issues such as shop drawings and materials submittals shall be presented to the Engineer only after reviewing and ensuring their compliance with the project @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 2.19 2.20 specifications. f) The above shall be closely monitored by REDCO - DAEWOO. JV utilizing various construction management techniques such as: - Weekly progress reviews and coordination meetings to evaluate the progress of the subcontractor, review schedules, evaluate past, current, and potential problems, and resolve interfaces and restraints. - Manpower requirements at site. - Assessment of completed and remaining works. - Shop drawings and materials submittals progress. - Equipment and materials deliveries to ste. Information Handling System All project documentations will be recorded on database systems to ensure efficient tracking of information and it will be reported on a weekly basis, flow of information transmitted within the project will be controlled via document transmittal, which will also be recorded on a database for traceability. Material Submittals Schedule of material/Equipment to be utilized in the project shall be developed and submitted to the Engineer for approval. The approved list of material/equipment shall be developed to material submission, Procurement & Delivery Schedule indicating the following - Submittal Number - Material/Equipment description - Manufacturer and local agent. - Date of submission for review by the Engineer. - Date of approval. - Date of placing the order/Order No. - Mode of Delivery (air, land or sea) - Approval status as on date of report. In the attached project execution programme, we have allowed for a turn around for the review and approval of the materials by the 4% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 2.21 Engineer. A detailed procurement and delivery schedule will be produced every week to ensure that when materials arrive at site it shall be unloaded immediately Planning Engineer shall issue a weekly schedule for material required on site. Site Management team shall make the necessary arrangements to comply with this schedule. Drawings Submittals Coordinated shop drawings / installation drawings for the civil works, Electrical/Mechanical Works shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineer for approval. 1) Shop drawings for the civil works shall be prepared in the main office in coordination with the Project Engineer. 2) For Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Works proposed Subcontractor shall prepare and submit their detailed shop/installation drawings which will, be submitted to the Engineer for his approval 3) All shop drawings shall be reviewed prior to submission to the Engineer for comments, and if any shall be incorporated and resubmitted for approval with a new revision. The approved drawings shall be forwarded to the Construction Team [Concerned Subcontractor thereafter. 4) The drawings submittal & approval register status shall be developed for the Design Drawings and shop drawings status indicating the following - Submittal Number - Drawing Number - Drawing Revision - Drawing Title ~ _ Date of submission for review by the Engineer. - Date of approval. - Approval status as on date of report. @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 3.1 3.2 CHAPTER 3 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE General As per the requirements of the tender documents, we have analyzed and planned the major construction activities for the project. The schedule is prepared based on a computerized network analysis, on Primavera Project Planner (P6) software using the latest version of the programme software. As per the tender documents, the allowable construction duration is 730 days from the commencement date to the date of preliminary acceptance of the complete system. We will submit a detailed construction progress schedule with in specified time period based on the schedule prepared at the bidding stage and pursuant to the requirements and specifications of the contract, to the Engineer for review and approval. Preparation principle of general construction schedule (1) General construction schedule shall be strictly prepared according to the requirements specified in the tender document. (2) It shall highlight the importance of the project and critical path of the construction. It shows the sequence of the construction activities and the high priority of the construction activities which are difficult, or need long time to be completed, or interfere with the other activities, in order to ensure the completion of critical construction path. Coordinate the construction of every structure according to the rationalization of each structure's construction period in order to minimize the interference between activities. (3) Optimize construction method, allocate sufficient equipment, enhance the construction arrangement and coordination, so that we can meet the requirements specified in the tender documents on quality and progress with proper management and utilization of sufficient construction equipments. (4) Balanced construction with assurance of construction safety and quality shall be achieved to the maximum degree by fully familiarizing with basic project data and by adopting advanced construction technology and equipment. In case of change of construction condition adjustment shall be made to ensure the @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C implementation of construction program. (5) Before the start of main structure construction all relevant preparatory work shall be completed so as to create conditions for smooth starting of main structure construction. (6) Construction program shall be properly prepared and construction efficiency shall be improved by making full use of construction experience and deployment of advanced heavy- duty construction equipment so as to meet with each construction milestones. Progress Control for the project shall include the preparation of a detailed schedule identifying all the activities (including Engineering, Procurement, delivery of long lead items and subcontract works and Construction works) and regular monitoring of the schedule shall be done by utilizing Primavera P6 software. A preliminary work program bar chart is included in ‘CONTRACT EXECUTION PLAN — EXECUTION PROGRAM’ A comprehensive planning package based on a contract execution plan shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. This program, once approved, shall become the project Base Line Program. Planning Engineer shall operate the planning, control and reporting system for this project from the main office. Planning documents shall be prepared in different levels. These are Level-1, Level-2 and Level-3. - Level - 1 Bar Chart shall cover all the works packages - Level - 2 Bar Chart shall be at the work group level. - Level - 3 Bar Chart shall reflect all the work elements. Level-3 activities can be rolled into Level-2 and Level-2 can be rolled into Level-1. Alll the activities in the Level 3 schedule shall be assigned weightage based on estimated man-hours and when approved, this shall be the basis for the detailed progress reporting system Progress S-Curve and Manpower Histogram shall be prepared based on the resource loading in Level 3 schedule. The schedule shall be updated with progress on a regular basis. Actual progress shall be measured based on physical achievement @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 3.3 3.3.1 only. Look ahead bar charts (90 days, 60 days, 30 days and etc.) as required shall be extracted from the updated schedule. Daily, weekly and monthly reports shall be submitted on a regular basis throughout the project duration on an approved format by the Engineer Construction schedule of major works Based on the successful experience gained in other similar projects and taking into account the other factors to the construction of the project (such as bad weather, local holidays, contingency etc.), the general construction schedule is prepared in a reasonably- optimized way by deploying sufficient manpower and mechanical equipment. Upon award of the Contract, the mobilization process will be started including possession of site/handing over site by the employer, followed by the commencement of the preparation work for construction, such as the Camp Construction, access roads construction, excavation for fill materials, and erection of auxiliary facilities. Possession of site and land acquisition in timely manner is critical for the successful completion of the bridge structure as per construction schedule attached. As per the construction features of the present Project, we have strictly arranged the Construction schedules of major unit works under the Contract. All of construction activities shall be completed within 714 days subject to complete handing over of the cleared & unobstructed site, not including demobilization. Each construction process shall be conducted alternately or one after another to achieve the objective of the general construction schedule. The Work is divided into three stages i.e Preparation, Construction and Completion/Handing over. Preparation Stage Upon receipt of Notice to Proceed and/or construction site is handed over in timely manner, the project adjacent civilian houses shall be rented for use at the early stage of construction and mobile equipment such as diesel generators, air compressors, excavators and dump trucks shall be used for the construction of temporary 20 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 access road so as to ensure the transportation of heavy duty equipment as well as for the construction site preparation. Meanwhile Engineer's site office, contractor's site office and camp shall be established. The construction equipment shall be ordered/ purchased and delivered to site during this stage. The stake out survey shall be completed and control points shall be established Construction Stage Bridge Construction Work includes excavation, pouring of bored piles under piers, anchor block, abutment and hammer heads, construction of pile caps under piers and auxiliary support, construction of anchor block, abutment and pylon ring segment bottom and hammer heads concrete, construction of steel falsework for bridge steel girder, installation of bridge steel girders, installation and post tensioning of piers tendons, installation and completion of steel ring segment of pylon, construction of top deck slab, installation of bridge suspension cable and hangers, installation of piping and services, removal of steel falsework, laying of bituminous road base course and wearing surface, installation of railings and crash barriers, marking of bridge's roadways and traffic signs, installation of bridge street lightings, electrical cables and lights, installation of signboards for marine traffic, installation of lightning protection and dehumidification system. The arrangement of construction fronts and the organization of flow process shall be reasonable so as to ensure the full use of resources and smooth link-up of construction procedures and sequences. Please refer to sequence drawings for construction stages. Completion / Handing over Before the end of 714 days, all the major and minor works will be completed. The last 16 days shall be reserved for the site clearance and demobilization. The temporary construction facilities shall be demolished or removed and the site shall be reinstated to the original condition as far as possible. Construction Schedule Reference. For details of general construction schedule please refer to 4 Redco International DAEWOOE&C 3.5 ‘CONTRACT EXECUTION PLAN — EXECUTION PROGRAM’. Optimization. Upon the award of Contract, we will further optimize our technical proposal including general construction schedule to be submitted to Engineer for approval, and the proposed construction equipment and proposed personnel and other construction resources will be adjusted to the best quantity accordingly. @Redco International DAEWOO E&C 41 42 43 4.3.1 4.3.2 CHAPTER 4 — ORGANIZATION AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION Resource arrangement Upon award of Contract, project management personnel shall be deputed immediately to site and a team made up of project manager and key construction personnel shall make further investigation of the site and prepare a practical construction organization design loaded with resource requirements. Mobilization of personnel and equipment shall be carried out immediately and purchase contracts with qualified manufacturers concerning plant and equipment to be purchased shall be signed. Key temporary facilities including construction camp and auxiliary facilities shall be set up and early preparation shall be completed in a shortest time to ensure the ‘commencement of project as required. Mobilization of personnel and equipment Mobilization of personnel is initially planned to be carried out in stages. At the initial stage, 30 personnel shall be deployed at site after the signing of the Contract and at the second stage, more 100 persons shall arrive at site after the commencement of the Contract depending on approved manpower schedule. On the succeeding stage, deployment shall be in accordance with the work requirement. Most of the construction equipment shall be company owned, and some of them will be rented locally. Method of mobilization of equipment and material Method of equipment mobilization New equipment shall be shipped to Doha seaport oy Sea and then drive on to the site by themselves or transported to the site by flat- bed trailer. Method of main material mobilization Material including concrete, asphalt, and steel bars etc; shall be purchased from the local supplier and transported to the site by road, Excavation material or borrowed material shall be transported through temporary access roads from borrow/quarry area up to €% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 44 45 4.3.1. Major responsi existing Asphalt road than up to construction site. Construction organization Once the Construction Contract is awarded to REDCO - DAEWOO JV, we will organize a Project Management office immediately. The head of organization will consist of Project Manager, one Construction Manager for alll of the construction activities under the leadership, there will be functional departments such as Sub- contractor Coordinator, Accountant, Contract Manager, Planning Manager, Engineering Manager, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager, Plant Manager, Health Safety Manager and Admin Officer The construction Manager will have with his team of senior surveyor, site engineers, supervisors/foremen for earth work and bridge structural works. Construction organization Chart The whole project is managed layer by layer and run according to specialty as shown in the detailed Construction Organization Chart attached. See Technical Proposal Schedule 5.0 ies of key personnel/departments - Project Manager 4) Project manager, who is the official representative of REDCO - DAEWOO JV on the site, is the core of administrative organization and responsible for the project management and for dealings with the Employer and/or its Engineer and local authorities. The project manager is responsible for executing and maintaining the works according to the contract, implementing quality policies of the corporation, achieving construction objectives of the project and various economical and technical targets. 2) Project manager is also responsible for the implementation of regulations established by the JV and various decisions made by the JV, the setting-up of site management organization, allocation of personnel and other resources, clarification of the responsibilities of concerned persons. 3) Project manager shall make appropriate decisions on 4 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C project management timely, appoint and remove personnel, make decisions on critical construction methods, financial works, resources allocation, plan and progress, contract agreement, variations, and cost control. - Construction Manager 1) Construction Manager shall be responsible for project construction activities, methodology, quality of work and safety of construction operation, make decisions for major technical methods of the works at the project construction stage. 2) Construction Manager is responsible for Progress of work while meeting the targets for major construction milestone as per construction schedule or as per revised plan by planning engineer. 3) Construction Manager shall coordinate and arrange quality/technical matters between various departments. 4) Construction Manager is responsible for the progress of various teams deputed for construction such as survey, earthwork and structural activities involved in the construction of the bridge 5) Construction Manager shall carry out the direction from the Project Manager and Engineering Manager. - Engineering Manager 1) Engineering Manager shall be responsible for all the design works at the various stages of construction of the Project. 2) Engineering Manager shall coordinate with all concerned departments for the implementation of technical designs. 3) Engineering Manager shall coordinate all work related to design detailing and shop drawings. - Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manager 1) Prepare and revise the quality assurance plan and the assurance procedures which shall conform to the specified requirements, 2) Ensure that all site personnel know and implement the quality assurance plan by distributing quality assurance plan documents and by carrying out internal quality audit, 3) _ Ensure that the corrective actions are put into operation, 4) Plan and carry out internal quality audits to verify whether quality of activities comply with planned @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 5) 6) arrangements and to determine the effectiveness of the quality assurance plan, Maintain records of the internal quality audits, Make the plan and program conceming the quality activities. - Health, Safety and Environment Manager 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Carry out the health & safety education, check the status of safety, ensure good safety management to achieve the safety objectives. Carry out the regulations and policies on safely, assist construction staff to set up safety management evaluation standards. Check and inspect the construction activities regularly, find out problems timely and correct them. If some safety problems happen, the safety manager has the right to ask them to stop the construction, rectify the problems first. Carry out relative safety and labor protection laws, make statistics, analysis and reports on accidents, participate in the investigation and treatment on accident Dealing with the environmental issues regarding the potable water pollution, waste oil, exhaust gas, powder, noise pollution and ensure their prevention - Contracts Manager 1) The Contract Manager is responsible for all Contractual matters, in charge of claim, quantity survey, subcontract, cost control, quantity certification, preparation of running bills and archives of contract documents. - Planning Manager 1) 2) The Planning Manager is responsible for monitoring the progress and revision of activity schedule. Preparation of daily, weekly and monthly progress reports, - Administration Officer 1) The Administration officer is responsible for all administrative matters including local coordination, general service, accounting, and management of personnel, for the procurement and storekeeping of all materials and equipment local or imported as well as for 6 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 46 47 custom clearance of imported materials and equipment - Sub Contractor Coordinator 1) The subcontractor coordinator is responsible for coordination with the specialized subcontractors assigned for bridge structure, post tensioning, suspension cables and hangers, electrical works, asphalt works, road marking and road signage works etc. - Plant Manager 1) Plant Manager is responsible for all mechanical & electrical matters & in charge of construction equipment management, mobilization/transferring of machinery and equipment, maintenance & repair, metal structure fabrication and installation, electrical installation, power supply, water treatment, and other supporting service. Work Force The work force assigned for this project shall be mobilized to the site as per the construction progress requirements and will be accommodated in our proposed staff camp. Daily transport from and to the site shall be arranged by means of buses. Work will be executed in 10 hour shift six (6) days a week. If we found that working on Night shift and/ or Friday/Holidays are required due to the magnitude of the project works, or for any unforeseen reasons Engineer shall be advised for it and the timing to be coordinated accordingly. All manpower shall be provided with uniform carrying REDCO - DAEWOO JV identification Logo. The construction manpower shall be readjusted according to actual construction progress. Mobilization plan of main equipment Equipment arrangement shall be made subject to construction program and intensity of each construction item. Number of equipment arranged for excavation, piling works, compaction, loading and transportation shall be 15% more than the required strength. Priority shall be given to imported equipment with excellent performance and operation records. For complete list of equipment which REDCO - DAEWOO JV has at n @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 48 49 present and is attached in Technical Proposal Schedule 7.0. Material testing and quality inspection instruments Instruments for material testing, survey and quality inspection shall be in sufficient numbers in order to satisfy the project requirements. Approved independent laboratory shall be arranged for the testing of the major materials. Material supply plan Subject to information provided in tender documents and site investigation, main material including Ready mix concrete, crushed stone, sand, cement, stee! and asphalt for this project shall be purchased locally from approved suppliers. 28 @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 5.1 5.2 CHAPTER 5 — OVER ALL CONSTRUCTION STRATEGY AND TRAFFIC DIVERSION General General Schedule of Construction has been made in a reasonably- optimized way by providing sufficient manpower and mechanical equipment with the consideration of similar successful practical experiences as well as the normal negative factors to construction such as bad weather, local holidays, and emergency incident on site etc. Once the Contract is awarded, we shall immediately start the preparation works for construction, such as equipment and personal mobilization, control survey, access roads, utility survey, contact the material suppliers, erection of auxiliary facilities. As per the construction characteristic of the said Project, we have strictly arranged the Construction Schedules of each major individual work item under the Contract. The total Construction activities shall be completed within 714 days. Each working procedure shall be conducted concurrently or one after another so as to achieve the objective of the General Schedule. After the signing of Contract Agreement, a construction team will be established for execution of the Contract. This team will be headed by a Construction Manager at site who will work under the Project Manager residing in the main site office. In the following paragraph a brief description of Bridges works along with general sequence of operation for Contract is given. CONTRACT (Construction of Marine Signature Bridge 8 & 9) The Contract is the construction of 2 nos. suspension bridges, the Marine Signature Bridges 8 & 9 with built-up pylon towering within the middle third of span. Both bridges 8 & 9 are 2-lane dual carriageways with spans of 204m and 186m respectively measured from the centerline’s start to end. The bridges are designed to be 2- lane dual carriageways at the opening and will be transformed into 3-lane dual carriageways in the future located at Lusail City Doha Qatar. » @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 Phasing of Construction and Traffic diversion General We shall construct and maintain a temporary and efficient site traffic diversion system to permit all existing traffic movements during the construction period of Signature Bridges 8 & 9. Traffic diversion shall comprise traffic management and the provision of adequate drainage, lighting, sign posting and traffic control devices. The main layout for site traffic diversion shall be adopted as per requirement of tender drawings. We shall widen and maintain the existing earth bridge to facilitate the existing and future traffic during the entire construction of Bridges 8 & 9 in accordance to the requirement mentioned in ITB. These earth bridges will be demolished once its services are not needed anymore prior to demobilization Conformance Traffic Signs and control devices associated with traffic diversion shall conform to the relevant provisions of Qatar Traffic Manual “Traffic Control at Roadworks and Bridges” produced by the Ministry of Public Works and shall be to the approval of the Lusail safety team and/ or local authorities. Safety and Site Protection We confirm that all safety issues associated with the installation operation, maintenance and removal of traffic diversions shall be implemented. The construction site is located near the coastal line at Lusail, and to ensure the safety of personnel and vehicles around the construction site, pedestrians safety net, Traffic barriers, etc. shall be set up to isolate site from outside. Before the commencement of work, necessary traffic investigation and contactinegotiation with local traffic administration shall be carried out with reference to tender drawing for typical phasing of construction, we shall prepare detailed plans showing any proposed traffic diversions to the Engineer for review and shall be approved 0 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C by the Lusail Authorities/Traffic Police. The plans shall fully detail the diversion in all respects and shalll include construction details if necessary. The plans shall show the position of ramps, traffic signs, cones, barriers, demarcation posts and tape, flashing lights and any other traffic control devices. Traffic diversion apparatus shall not be erected until the Lusail Authorities/Traffic Police have reviewed and approved the traffic diversion plans. According to the site traffic conditions, we shall undertake and manage Site traffic diversion in three stages If it is necessary or required by the Engineer, we shall arrange exclusive persons to manage traffic at required location during required times. Such persons acting as flagmen shall be physically and mentally qualified and trained in their duties and courteous. Each flagman on duty shall be identified with appropriate and distinctive apparel approved by the engineer and equipped with bilingual stop/go signs. Reflective apparel shall be used for flagging duties during darkness. Where upgrading/non-upgrading alternative route for right turning traffic, carriageways or ramps are required, they shall be provided and maintained to a standard suitable in all respects from the class or classes of traffic or pedestrians. On completion, all traffic diversion works and apparatus shall be removed and land affected by them reinstated to its original condition at @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C CHAPTER 6 — CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF MAJOR ITEMS. 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 General Detailed method statement for the major parts of the work shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to starting of any work. Subcontractors’ works shall be coordinated and controlled by the project programmed and the activities therein. The sequence of operations shall be as outlined in the project execution program. Upon commencement of the Works and site possession, site layout shall be submitted for the Engineer's approval including but not limited to all temporary facilities, storage area and labour camp in order to finish the mobilization. It is envisaged that all construction will utilize tried and trusted methods, using conventional plant and equipment, working to give a quality finished product which meets the specifications in all respects. The nature of the work, and the close tolerance laid out in the specification, routine operations to be carried cut to the highest standards of quality and accuracy. The specified standard will be achieved by close control of materials and workmanship. The key is to organize operations such that they run smoothly and consistently. Construction Survey Reference points, Lines and Levels All setting out shall be executed within a quality control system implemented by the approved survey company. The Engineer will provide reference survey control stations in the field wherein the survey company can refer and establish the survey control stations for construction. Slope stakes, reference lines and points will be set out by the survey company before the commencement of excavation and layout of structures and would be re-established as required during 4% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 6.2.2 6.2.3 the progress of Works. Establishment of baseline for calibration of EDM Equipment The survey company shall be responsible for establishment and maintenance of a baseline to calibrate EDM (Electronic Distance Measuring) equipment at an appropriate location. The baseline shall be established to conform to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors London publication "Guide for the Calibration and Testing of EDM Instruments". It will also take into account the US Army Corps of Engineer Publication No. ETL-0190 "The use and calibration of distance measuring equipment for precise measurement of dams (Revised)". The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all survey markers/monuments, and property corners. ‘If any markers/monuments are destroyed or damaged, the Contractor shall arrange to replace them to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. If a monument cannot be replaced in its original position, the Contractor shall install a witness corner. The Contractor shall complete and file monument reference cards on all monuments as instructed by the Engineer. The Contractor will employ experienced survey company with adequate experience in the construction surveys similar in nature to that required by this Contract. Survey Procedure For Survey procedure see the following flow chart. 3B @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C Flow Chart for Survey Work Handing-over of primary control point by the Engineer | Recheck of control point by the Contractor | Establishment of control network by the Contractor + Original topography survey Pad Construction drawing submission by design office ¥ Drawing checking ¥ Checking and filing by the Preparation of draft drawing and Contractor ical data for field setting out { | Recording of setting out |_| Fiold setting out resulls Insoection and approval by the Field crosscheck Engineer ¥ Handing over of setting out points to construction team + ‘Commencement of field Construction “ @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.5.1 Excavation program General excavation will be carried out by either Excavators or Bulldozers and the material will be loaded into trucks by front shovels, or by direct loading using large backhoe. If and when rock is encountered, it will be ripped as far as possible by Ripper-Dozer until the rock becomes too hard. From this point, drilling will be done by jack hammer mounted excavators. All excavated surplus material will be disposed of at approved locations adjacent to the works all in accordance with local regulations. All dump trucks shall be covered during the transport of excavated material. Haul roads will be continuously watered to minimize dust. Borrow pits will be arranged in such a manner as to minimize haulage and disruption to the local population. All borrow pit and tip sites will be reinstated to the Engineer's satisfaction as they becomes redundant. Backfilling The material for back filling shall meet the requirement of the specification. The back filling shall be carried out layer by layer. The material shall be placed and leveled by excavator/loader. Manpower shall be used where excavator is not suitable for placing and leveling. Backfilled material shall be compacted to designed density by the portable flat-plate compactors/small roller. Water shall be sprayed to the backfilling material timely to prevent the dust generating. Test will be carried out after the completion of the compaction of the subject layer. Test result shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to start of the next layer. The backfilling shall be a continuous process and shall not be stopped until the layering is completed unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer. Bridge Construction Works General The scope of work includes the excavation, pouring of blinding concrete, pouring of bored piles with permanent steel casing, 3s @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 6.5.2 65.3 6.5.4 6.5.5 construction of pile caps followed by piers, anchor block and abutment, composite pylon, earth retaining walls, wing walls, bridge deck steel girder, bridge deck top slab, post tensioning, suspension cables and hangers, bridge accessories (crash barrier, signboards and railing), paintings, lightings, electricals and etc. Excavation The site shall be investigated to be satisfied wth the situation Resurvey shall be carried out to confirm the quality and level before commencement of the excavation. Temporary drainage system shall be in function during the excavation in case of any underground water or raining. The excavation shall be carried out by excavator and shall be disposed off with dumpers. The material shall be dumped to the place as designated by the engineer. After completing the excavation the contractor shall carry out survey and report to the engineer for next procedures. Concrete works The concrete works shall be carried out according the specifications or as instructed by the engineer. Mix design All concrete grades shall be designed according to the specification and be verified by trial mix. The results of selected concrete trial mix which meets all of the specification requirements will be submitted to the Engineer for Approval. The blinding concrete shall be grade 30Mpa, for piling is grade 40Mpa underwater concrete. Concrete for bridge deck slab, pylon piers, hammer heads and pylon ring is grade 60Mpa and grade 50Mpa concrete is to be used for the rest of the structure. Concrete grout is C80 for top joint in hammer head & C60 for side joints of hammer head. Grade of concrete is defined in accordance with BS EN 206-1 wherein the strength of concrete is the 28 days characteristic. The mean strength shall meet the requirement of specifications accordingly. Supply of Concrete We intend to use ready mix concrete for all concrete works. The concrete will be transported from batching plant to construction site for placement by concrete transit mixers/agitators. The pre-cast 36 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C concrete members will be transported to the desired place by any truck or trailer. 6.5.6 Concrete construction a. Construction Joint Alll joints at the concrete structure should be according to the design or according to the approved construction shop drawing. Construction joints shall be located and the sequence of placing arranged as approved, or as shown on the Drawings, to minimize shrinkage and thermal strains in the concrete. Horizontal construction joints in walls shall be formed along straight lines which may coincide with the full height of the formwork. Construction joints shall be formed normal to the surface of the retained concrete. Under the approval of the Engineer, a retarding agent may be used on the construction joints and the laitance removed prior to the next concrete pour using appropriate methods. Alll traces of retarding agent shall be removed prior to subsequent pours. The use of construction joints shall be avoided when possible where they are in addition to the approved pour sequence design. b. Lift Height of Concrete Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer, the permissible depth of concrete placed in one lift shall be as follows: - The permissible depth of concrete placed in one lift is 1.50 m where the concrete is cast on bedrock and / or the thickness of base slab and wall exceeds 3.00 m. - The concrete directed dropped height should be not greater than 1.00 meter. - The details of concrete lifts should be according to the approved concrete lift drawing or the instruction of the Engineer. 6.5.7 Concrete Work Procedure 3” @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C The procedure for pouring of concrete shall be as following: - Survey and marking of structural member, - fix the reinforcements, - install the embed parts, install the formwork, - Pouring the concrete. Before pouring the concrete the pouring fronts, i.e, plumbness and adequacy of the formwork, diameters and numbers of steel bars installed, concrete spacers for coverings and chairs, cleanliness, pouring guides and levels, shall be checked and approved by the Engineer. 6.5.8 Concrete Workmanship a. Formworks The formworks shall meet the requirement of the specification The surfaces of formwork should meet the approved finishes of concrete on the drawings after stripping and the requirements as stipulated in the Technical Specifications. Formwork manufacturing and installation shall meet the requirements as stipulated in the Technical Specifications of Special Provisions strictly All formwork and supports shall be strong and firm enough to withstand all the loads and restrained from movement during and after pouring of concrete. Joints shall be mortar-tight and sufficiently strong to withstand weight of concrete and equipment. The ties or anchors for fixing formwork shall be not bent and could easily be installed and rubber cones and nuts can easily be removed. Connection of ties and anchorage shall be firmed and have enough anchorage in enduring loads. The periods of time elapsing between the placing of the concrete for removal of formworks shall be according to requirements as specified in the Technical Provisions. b. Reinforcement All reinforcement shall be purchased in batches according to reinforcement detail drawings, design documents and 3 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C construction time plan. All steel reinforcing bars shall be stored after testing in lots and approval, mark the batches according to different grade, trademark, type and manufacturers, Each batch of steel bar shall meet the requirement of Technical Specifications in Special Provisions. Unqualified products shall not be allowed to be delivered to site. Reinforcement cutting and bending in workshop shall be according to shop drawings and specifications in Special Provisions. Cut, bent and fabricated reinforcing bars ready for site installation shall be transported to site by trucks. Lifting to working front shall be done by mobile crane or manpower and fixed manually. The reinforcement steel should be fixed on place by providing enough ties using approved steel wires according to the reinforcement detailed drawings. The cover to the reinforcement should be maintained by concrete spacer blocks. The concrete blocks should be approved by the Engineer. Prior to concrete placement and / or during concrete placement, the positions of reinforcement should be kept to the correct positions. It is not allowed to shift or cut the reinforcement steel for convenience of concrete placement. c. Embedded Parts Embedded parts include bridge expansion joints, items of post tensioning system dead end anchorages, suspension cable strands, pylon ring segment base plates and anchorages, joint filler approved by Engineer and embedded according to the drawings. Pay attention to concrete around embedded parts during concrete placement. Correct promptly when there appears distortion or moving d. Joints Treatment When the concrete is placed on base face, the foundation should be cleaned and kept wet. All loose material should be removed. If the concrete is placed against to the existing concrete or the concrete has reached the design strength, the joint should be high-pressure water blasting or sand blasting treated. The joint should be roughed to the requirement of construction joint. The clearance for one lift concrete placing should be received from the Engineer. 3 @%Redco International DAEWOOE&C The use of construction joints shall be avoided when possible where they are in addition to the approved pour sequence design. . Concrete Transportation Conerete shall be transported by concrete transit mixers/trucks, which prevent contamination (by dust, rain etc.) segregation or loss of ingredients, excessive evaporation and loss of consistency. Concrete shall be transported and placed without delay, as is reasonably practicable. All equipments used for the placing of concrete shall be kept clean. f. Concrete Spreading and Compaction Concrete shall be completely discharged within specified time after water being added to the mix. Temperature of concrete at time of discharge shall not exceed the specification. Concrete mixed as above shall not be modified by the addition of water or otherwise in order to facilitate handling or for any other purpose. Concrete as much as possible shall not be dropped into place vertically. It shall not strike the formwork between the point of its discharge and its final place. Conorete shall not be dropped freely through a height greater than 1.00m. All concrete will be placed using concrete pumps All concrete, other than blinding concrete, will be compacted with power driven, immersion type vibrators supplemented by hand spading and tamping. The vibrators shall be inserted into the un-compacted concrete vertically and at regular intervals such that the radius of action overlaps that of the previously vibrated concrete. A layer shall not be covered with a succeeding layer until it has been thoroughly vibrated as specified. Where the un-compacted concrete is in a layer above freshly compacted concrete, the vibrator should penetrate vertically for about 100 mm into the previous layer. The vibrators cannot be allowed to come into contact with the formwork or embedded parts, nor shall they be withdrawn quickly from the mass of concrete, but shall be drawn back slowly so as to leave no voids. Care shall be taken properly to vibrate concrete placed in contact with previously placed concrete or embedded parts. The duration of vibration shall be limited to that required to produce satisfactory compaction without causing segregation. Compaction of the concrete by 40 @%Redco International DAEWOOE&C vibration shall be such as to produce a concrete that has the maximum practicable density, is free from pockets of coarse aggregate and entrapped air and makes complete contact with the foundation, previously placed hardened concrete, embedded items and the formwork. Blinding concrete will be compacted by hand spading and tamping g. Curing of Concrete Concrete shall be cured by approved methods for a continuous period as specified in the Specifications or until covered by the next lift or as otherwise approved by the engineer. The curing methods are the following but not limiting the following. - water sprays in continuous operation; - covering with Hessian cloth or similar absorbent material, or sand, kept constantly wet; - after thorough wetting, covering with a layer of waterproof fabric kept in contact with the concrete surface; - applying an approved non-staining liquid curing membrane or curing compound. h. Temperature Control of Concrete The maximum temperature of concrete at placement should be controlled within the limits. The core temperature should be within the desired range and be monitored accordingly. When the temperature of fresh design mix concrete exceeds specification with the consequence that workability is adversely affected, mixing and placing of the concrete in question shall be terminated. Special precautions shall be taken to ensure the concrete temperature at placing is maintained. These precautions may include - Protecting all aggregate stockpiles, water lires and tanks as well as the mixer from the direct rays of the sun. - Mixing water cooled by the addition of ice to the storage tanks. ~ Conereting carried out during the cooler parts of the day or during the night. ~ Cooling all chutes, formwork and reinforcement by watering when possible, or otherwise protecting the site of placing from the direct rays of the sun. Any water so used shall be 4 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 6.6 6.7 68 69 6.10 removed before placing the concrete in the formwork. ~ Providing wind shields during periods of drying winds. Dewatering of Piling Site The Contractor may engage the services of a specialist agency for dewatering works, if required, and the prequalificaton documents of the agency will be transmitted formally to the Clint/Engineers. - The Contractor where possible, switch off the pump before it begins to suck up the last drops of water as these are likely to contain high levels of silt. - The base of the excavation needs to be free of sea water. The contractor shall dig a small sump, put a perforated pipe into it and surround the outside of the pipe with a suitable grade of clean stone. The Contractor shall put the sump pump inside the perforated pipe. This will help stop the sides of the sump falling in and blocking the pump inlet. Although it will keep the base of the excavation free from water, any water produced may still be silty. Pouring of Bored Pile A specialized firm shall be deployed for the execution of the bored pile work at the project. The pouring of concrete may be done using tremie pipes for underwater concrete pouring. Installation of Bored-Pile Steel Casing Permanent steel casing shall be driven by vibratory hammer. Steeling casing of the piles shall be driven vertically and plumbness will be checked in the process. The thickness of casing to be driven is 10mm. The steel casing shall be extended 50mm into the pile caps. Pile Caps Pile caps for the anchor block, abutment, auxiliary support and piers of pylon shall be poured as per drawings and specication. Piers/Auxiliary Support/Abutment/Anchor Block/Pylon RSB Piers, Auxiliary Support, Abutment, Anchor Block and Pylon RSB (Ring segment bottom) shall be poured as per drawings and @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 specification Bridge Deck Slab (Precast) Precast deck slab shall be fabricated at the precast fabrication yard near the bridge area. After curing and reaching the required strength for lifting, the same shall be stocked on curing areas. Safety shall be taken during lifting so that cracks and other damages on precast elements shall be avoided. Crawler crane of sufficient lifting capacity will be used for launching the precast slab above the steel bridge girders in accordance with the drawings and technical specifications. Bridge Deck Slab Joints and Side Beams (for Cast-in-Situ) The in-situ bridge deck joints and side beams will adopt full support from temporary falsework of steel girder. The timber boards shall set on the falsework that will finally receive the bottom formworks for slab joints and side beams. Side props may be installed for the formworks to establish firmness. After completion of bottom formwork, reinforcing bars shall be placed on the formwork to design requirements in the drawings or as per the Engineer's direction. Side formworks shall be installed to complete the formworks. The Bridge deck shall be poured as per drawings and specifications. Post-tension system A specialized firm shall be employed to supervise the installation of post-tensioning of tendons and strands in the bridge piers and anchor block. This activity shall take place at bridge site after the concrete attains its required strength and before removal of form/support in the said structures. Bridge bearing The contractor shall submit the required information to the Engineer for acceptance before placing an order for the bearings. The material used for bearings shall meet all the requirements of the specification and made by an experienced manufacturer. All bearings shall be tested at a laboratory accepted by the engineer. a ¢%Redco International DAEWOOE&C 6.15 The bearings should be installed strictly under the supervision of specialist supplier in accordance with the approved method. The necessary measures shall be taken to protect the bearings from damage after installation Bridge expansion joint system The expansion joints shall be designed by a_ specialist/ manufacturer and shall comply with the requirements cited in the tender documents. Also the joints shall be installed under the specialists’ supervision The expansion joints shall be from an approved manufacturer whose products have been proven to be highly satisfactory in similar works under similar climatic conditions in the Gulf Region. Bridge deck expansion joints shall be fully waterproof and easily replaceable. They shall be armored, skid resistance, elastomeric bridge deck expansion joints, as indicated on the drawings, with a movement range as detailed thereon. Joints will experience axle load of up to 30t and overall vehicle weight of 120t. Expansion joints and associated bedding mortars and nosings shall be installed strictly in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. Proper adjustments shall be made when setting the joints to suit the temperature at the time of installation. The concrete surface level under the joint shall be accurate to within 2mm The positioning of holding down bolts and anchorage systems shall be checked for accuracy and agreed by the Engineer before the casting of concrete commences. Templates or shuttering agreed by the Engineer shall be fixed to box out the concrete for the joint and to locate holding down bolts or anchorage pockets. The templates or shuttering shall be removed only with the Engineer's consent. Threaded parts shall be protected, kept clean and free from rust. Where the carriageway surfacing is to be removed to accommodate “4 2% Redco International DAEWOO EC the bridge joint it shall be cut to a clean straight line for the full depth of the surfacing without damage to the concrete substrate or the waterproofing, 6.16 Bridge Construction Procedure (Activity Charts) For over all Bridge works, i.e., pilings, pile caps, pylon construction steel girders installation, concrete deck slab, final pavement procedures, refer the following flow charts. Bridge Works Process Flow Chart satngou_| + Earth Excavation Piles ale Construction of Bored ] | Geemcton Pe Se yon PierAuxliary ‘SupportAnchor Block/Abuiment Construction “Temporary Falsework/Steel (Girder Installation | Pylon - Seger Ring instalation 400% Comovote) | Suspension Cable & Hangers Installation ‘Associated ‘Stuctures oe @Redco Fabrication Survey Settings International Pylon Works Process Flow Chart Setting Out ¥ Earth Excavation Construction of Bored Piles ¥ Construction of Pylon Concrete Structures (Pile Caps, Piers, Ring Segment Bottom ‘and Hammer Head including Base plates {nd holding down bolts anc grouting) Installation of Tendons in the Piers of Pylon te eraly Maan A Installation of Second 2 Steel Pylon Survey Setings [Survey Setings ‘Survey Settings RSs} ¥ Installation of Temporary Strut between Stee! Pyion Upper Halves J} "Ring Segments RSM & RSS for ‘Adjusiment of Geometry Post Tensioning of Tendons ia Piers Fist Step (T1,12,75 & T8) any en Pst Tensioning of Tendons in Piers Second Step (T3 &4) ‘After Suspension Cable, Hanger | ‘and Bridge Deck Consiruction Install Stee! Pyion Top Segment "Fabrication of Ring St (100% Pylon Complete) Segment DAEWOO E&C Instaaton of Fst 2 Stel yon rian of Ri | ——+| secton (Lower ates of RSM 8 recommen Rss) [+ "Seton fete” e [Fb | Fabrication of| ‘Temporary Stut 46 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C Survey Settings Survey Settings Survey Settings Bridge Deck Works Process Flow Chart Setting Out “Temporary Stee! Falsework for Steel Giders at BSS and BMS Construction feed Ry Brea fa Gat installation of Stee! Gross Girders atthe ves Installation of Stee! Main Girders at the BSS Survey Settings |p] and BMS altemating with Cross Giders |¢ ‘above false work ¥ [—») "BSS and BMS above false work ¢#——} Fabricalion of ross | en Grder Fabrication of Main Girder Launching of Precast Deck Siab at BSS and BMS aM acer Rison Installation of Formworks for Castine | +} "situ Deck Siab Joins and Edge ¢——| Beams at BSS and BMS ae Aad yee ted Installation of Deck Slab Joints and Edge Beams Reinforcing bars at |¢———| BSM and BMS ¥ a Install Deck Slab [> )__Bxpansionvovement Joints sn rasdeelawta yas Sabcies Concreting of In-situ Deck Slab Joints and Edge Beams oe oo yee Install Suspension Cables and Hangers Procasting of Dack Slab Fabrication of Formwork Fabrication of | Reinforcing Bars “7 @Redco International DAEWOO E&C 6.17 Pipe works a. Material The material for pipes shall meet the requirement of the specification. Pipes of ductile iron shall be used as rigid pipes. The manufacturer shall supply the pipes with the qualification report of pipe material. Un-qualified pipes shall be rejected and replaced with suitable ones. Tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Engineer shall have the right to witness all testing conducted by the Contractor, provided that the Contractor's schedule will not be delayed for the convenience of the Engineer. b. Pipe installation Pipe installation shall follow the approved procedures. The contractor shall recheck the pipes before installation for any defects caused during transportation. Setting out and alignment shall be carried out for the correction downwards of the pipes. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer to check the site and approve laying of the pipes. The Contractor shall rectify the defects/unsuitable situation to the satisfaction of Engineer. Proper precautions shall be taken to prevent the damage to the pipes c. Testing of pipelines 1, Pipelines shall be tested after fixing. Ductile iron pipes shall be tested separately as per project specification. Other pipes shall be tested by the following method: 2. Pipelines shall be tested in lengths between valve pits with lengths not exceeding the length mentioned in specification. Testing shall not be against closed valves, and pipes of different diameters shall not be tested together in the same test. The arrangements for testing a pipeline shall include provision for purging the air from the pipeline during the test. 3. In all pipelines which are constructed with mechanical joints or with joints which permit axial movement, the joints shall be left open so that they may be inspected during hydraulic testing. In such cases only the barrels of the pipes shall be backfilled prior to hydraulic testing taking great care to avoid the joints and leaving sufficient space all around the joints to permit inspection and to undertake remedial measures should 4 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C the joint be found to leak under hydraulic testing. After the successful completion of hydraulic testing, the joints shall, if specified, be wrapped, coated or sleeved as appropriate, and then backfilled in the manner specified in the specifications. 4. The final test shall be applied in the presence of the Engineer's Representative. 5. The Contractor shall keep a record of all tests in a book which shall be available for inspection and handed over to the Engineer's Representative on demand. 6. Pipe joints, valves and fittings shall be checked carefully for loose bolts or connections, which might cause leakage and delay the execution of the tests. 7. Should any section fail to pass the tests, the Contractor shall determine the cause of the failure and shall locate, excavate and repair any damage or leakage sustained by the pipeline before or during the tests and retest the section. 6.18 Permanent Electrical Works 6.12.1 General The contractor undertakes to accomplish all the electrical works under the tender strictly complying with the specifications. The detailed method statement is as following: Subject to the tender document, The Permanent Electrical Works in this project consist mainly of Access lighting to bridge girder void, include for all cables, conduits, equipment, fittings, luminaires, fixings, testing & commissioning, etc., all as per drawings and specifications. 6.12.2 Street Lighting The street lighting work is lump sum item which may include all cables, conduits, equipment, light post, fittings, luminaries, fixings, testing and commissioning, etc. as per Engineer's specification. This work shall be done by specialist sub-contractor of REDCO - DAEWOO JV under approval of Engineer and shall coordinate with the main Contractor of the said works at site. 6.12.3 Cable Laying The procedure for cable laying shall be 9 @%Redco International DAEWOO ESC - Clearance of cable trenches, cable ducts; Preparation for cables and related materials & tools. - Preceding Cable laying attention shall be paid to the following items: (i) lift fork shall be used for lifting cable drums, and cable rollers shall be used for protection of cable (ii) for the terminal of cable and the straight-joint, appropriate redundancy of cable shall be maintained (iii) The different type of cables, such as cables, LV cables, Control cables, signal cables shall be arranged laying by different locations/layers (\v)cable ties and markers shall be used for cable marking. - Cable termination and test shall be conducted. - Sealing of cable ducts and cable opening as per specifications shall be performed 6.12.4 Duct works for Electrical 6.19 All duct works for electrical (such as street lighting, HV/MV cable distribution) shall be executed as per the specifications and the drawings. Generally, the duct-works shall be performed after the finish of road base and/or as per levels shown in the drawings, and be responsible by the electrical staffs. During the construction, the plugs are to be used for sealing the end of duct to prevent the duct from any blockage, so as to ensure the ducts are straightway and clean. Asphalt works The work includes transportation and laying of surfacing on concrete deck of Signature Bridges 8 & 9. The asphalt surfacing for the concrete deck of the bridge shall comprise of Bond Coat, a Bituminous Base Course and an asphaltic Wearing Course. - After the sprayed waterproofing of the top surface of the bridge deck slab, a .2mm thick bond coat layer for the adhesion of the additional protective layer to water proofing membrane shall be applied, ~ A bituminous base course layer with nominal thickness as per drawings & specification shall be laid on the concrete deck slab. - Finally the wearing surface with nominal thickness as per drawings & specifications shall be laid on the concrete deck slab. - Special attention shall be paid to the coordination between the waterproofing works, which includes the bond coat for the Base Course layer, and the asphalt works, which include the adhesion so @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 6.20 6.21 6.22 of the Base Course layer to the bond coat. Installation of Miscellaneous metal works This includes supply, fixing and grouting of the hand rail and crash barriers on the edges of the deck slab of the bridge as shown in the drawings. Materials shall be supplied as per specification from the suppliers approved by the Engineer and shall be installed at site as per drawings & specifications. An approved grouting material shall be used for the grouting of the same. Traffic signs & surface markings: Approval for the Traffic signs and road marking drawing shall be obtained from the concerned agencies. Once the aoproval received, the installation of road traffic signs on the locations mentioned in the drawings shall be done. Road marking for the traffic flow management on the bridge shall also be carried out as per approved drawings and specifications. Key point of Proposed Construction Sequence The proposed construction sequence is for the Signature Marine Bridges 8 & 9 which inter-connect Qetaifan Islands to the mainland at the South 3 and at the North of the Qetaifan Islands respectively. The bridges carry both road traffic and services. The construction is estimated to take approximately 23.5 months. This is the current best estimate of the likely construction events at each stage. The duration of each activity is difficult to forecast as it depends on the detail of how REDCO - DAEWOO JV chooses to schedule of works and operate the works. It is recognized that contractors tendering for the works might have their own ideas and methods of working which could differ from that anticipated. The timings will be subject to the outcome and timescale of the statutory process and the time taken to obtain the correct licenses and permissions prior to construction beginning. It is noted that there is an overlap between some of the activities as they will take place in parallel. Site Development Plan Below is the overall development plan of the Package 3A of which st @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C Marine Signature Bridges 8 & 9 are inclusive in the project. %Redco International DAEWOO E&C Site Set-up and Moorings The first phase of the work will be to set up the site and undertake relocation of moorings. The land and marine areas of the site will be prepared for the commencement of the bridge construction activities. Expected tasks will include establishing site compounds and facilities, and site clearance. Site clearance will be needed to create road access, site parking, storage and working areas. The temporary site offices with associated facilities will be located in the construction compound. Site traffic management procedures will be required. In addition to overall traffic management and control, the travel plan will need to include identification of parking facilities for construction workers and proposals to encourage car sharing and use of public transport. If any excavation or work in trenches is needed on and at any stage throughout the construction process, a risk assessment should be undertaken in relation to the health and safety for construction workers. Diversion of the Traffic and Widening of Earth Bridges Prior to construction works of marine bridges 8 & 9, the earth bridges shall be widen in accordance to what is required in the ITB and specifications. The widening will be such thet the traffic flow caused by the Client/Engineer personnel and other contractors working in the project will not be disrupted during the course of the construction of the signature bridges 8 & 9 structures along the earth bridges. Ample road barriers, signages and other warning devices for diverting the traffic on the earth bridges during road diversion shall be instituted and maintained. The traffic diversion and contro! shall be manned by qualified personnel of the Contractor to avert untoward incidences in the project site Earth bridges will be kept maintained by the Contractor throughout the bridge work until such that it is not needed anymore and then shall be demolished. Marine Concrete Bored Piling Works The REDCO - DAEWOO JV proposes start piling works from Pylon 3 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C as this is the main structure of the bridge. The piling works will then be radiating to Anchor Block to Abutment and Auxiliary Support. It is proposed that bored piles will be constructed at pylon, anchor block and abutment location to support the bridge substructures. This will require construction vessels to work in various locations. If required, temporary steel sheet pile cofferdams will be constructed around the piles to allow the pylon, anchor block and abutment to be constructed in dry conditions. Once reinforced concrete works for pylon, anchor block, abutment and auxiliary support are completed the cofferdams will be removed from around these structures. Bored piles will be poured into the permanent metal pile casings grade $275J2 protruding 50mm into the pile caps. It is anticipated that disturbance from driving the metal pile casings into the sea bed will first be extremely limited and protection measures will not be required. The concrete mix designed for cast-in-place piles shall be grade 40 under water concrete in accordance with BS EN 206-1 Working Procedures for the Construction of Bored Piles: * Install safety barricades and divert the traffic flow away from the work areas * If required and when the water table level is high, construct the cofferdam by driving the steel sheet piles * Excavate the location of pile caps until desired level * If required, dewatering will be done on the trench of pile caps to make the work area clear from water * Lay the C30 blinding concrete on the location as per the requirement in the drawings and technical specification. * Set out the exact location of each pile and confirm with the Engineer on-site + Lower the permanent circular stee! casing into the set out location on the ground and drive into the required depth using hydrauliclvibro hammer mounted on a crawler crane. The hydraulicivibro hammer may need 3 air compressor units for full operation: * Check the verticality of casing by observing the angle between the casing and a suspended plumb line. * When the steel casing reaches rock head level, socket will be formed by drilling with hydraulic down-the-hole hammer mounted on a drilling rig. s @%Redco International DAEWOOE&C * After completing the drilling to the specified founding level, the drilled hole will be cleaned by flushing with water and compressed air « Install the prefabricated reinforcement cage into the drilled hole to full length of the pile. * Cleaning using waterlair jet of soil and refuses inside the bored holes * Inspection and approval of Engineer * Pour C40 underwater concrete using tremi pipes for the pile by the static concrete pump. * Piles will be constructed 500mm longer and the top 500mm will be chipped off to remove the poor quality concrete and the reinforcement will be embedded into the pile caps during the construction of pile caps After completions of pile works, REDCO - DAEWOO JV will perform the permeability and static load test on the bored piles as per specification Construction of Pile Cap for Pylon, Anchor Block & Abutment. Once piling works are completed for pylon, REDCO - DAEWOO JV will start to prepare the construction of Pile cap for pylon, followed 55 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C by anchor block, abutment and then start to construct pile cap for auxiliary support. The construction of pile cap for pylon, anchor block, abutment and auxiliary support will be in single pouring The followings are the detailed breakdown of acti Construction of Pile Cap for the said structures: * Chipped off the top 500mm of the bored piles to exposed the reinforcing bars * Clean the proposed pile cap area by water/air jet until the poured blinding concrete is clean and clear from the soil and refuses ‘* Set-out the centers and boundaries of the pile cap * Cutting and bending preparation of reinforcement cage and stump reinforcement * Install staging for rebar installation, formworks and concreting purposes * Fabrication and installation of shuttering for pile cap * Installation of reinforcement cage and stump reinforcement «Install staging and platforms for pouring of concrete * Cleaning using water/air jet of soil and other refuses * Inspection and approval of Engineer * Pouring concrete (C50 grade) * Curing of Pile cap © Stripping of forms * Backfill and compact the trench up to the desired level tg @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C Construction of Pylon’s Concrete Piers, Ring Segment Bottom & Hammer Head After the pile cap work has been completed for pylon, the Contractor will commence the construction of pylon's concrete members, the piers, ring segment bottom followed by the hammer head. The sequence of work shall proceed from the construction of piers, followed by the ring segment bottom and then followed by the hammer head The followings are the detailed breakdown of activities for Construction of Pylon’s reinforced concrete structural members: @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C Reinforced Concrete Piers: * Clean the proposed pier area by water/air jet from the soil and other refuses * Cutting and bending preparation of reinforcing bars Cutting and fabrication of Tendon for post tensioning + Fabrication of shuttering and tension rods and braces Set-out the centers and boundaries of the piers Install staging for rebar installation, formworks and concreting purposes Installation of reinforcement Installation and fixing of ducts for tendons Installation of tendons and dead end anchorages in correct configuration Installation of shuttering/formworks Cleaning by water/air jet of soil and other refuses Inspection and approval of Engineer Pouring concrete (C60 grade) upto the required construction joint and shall continue the next day until complete Curing of Piers © Stripping of forms. Staging for supporting pier shutter & providing working platform at top for concreting 3 | | Reinforced Concrete Ring Segment Bottom: * Clean the proposed Ring Segment Bottom area by water/air jet from the soil and other refuses * Cutting and bending preparation of reinforcing bars ss @%Redco International DAEWOOE&C Fabrication of shuttering and tension rods and braces * Set-out the centers and boundaries of the Ring Segment Bottom * Install staging for rebar installation, formworks and concreting purposes * Installation of reinforcement Installation and fixing of ducts for tendons Installation of shuttering/formworks Cleaning by water/air jet of soil and other refuses Inspection and approval of Engineer Pouring concrete (C60 grade) upto the required construction joint and shall continue the next day until complete * Curing of Ring Segment Bottom © Stripping of forms Reinforced Concrete Hammer Head: * Clean the proposed Hammer Head area by waterlair jet from the soil and other refuses * Cutting and bending preparation of reinforcing bars * Cutting and fabrication of steel base plates for Steel Ring Segment (RSM & RSS), holding down bolts and other steel embedment * Fabrication of shuttering and tension rods and braces * Set-out the centers and boundaries of the Hammer Head © Install staging for rebar installation, formworks and concreting purposes © Installation of reinforcement * Installation and fixing of ducts for tendons in correct configuration * Installation and fixing of template for tendons to ensure correct position with tolerance of #5mm from the theoretical position * Install, align and weld steel plate top joint, holding down and other steel embedment for RSM & RSS. Installation of shuttering/formworks Cleaning by water/air jet of soil and other refuses Inspection and approval of Engineer Pouring concrete (C60 grade) upto the required construction joint and shall continue the next day until complete © Curing of concrete © Stripping of forms 39 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C ina Installation of Pylon’s Ring Segments (RSM, RSS & RST) When the curing time had elapsed for hammer head concrete and grout and the required crushing strength for both has been achieved according to what is prescribed in the technical specification, the steel ring of Pylon (RSM and RSS) will be instelled and welded above the hammer head. Prior to the installation and welding of the steel ring of Pylon into position, all the installed tendons in Hammer Head shall be checked to be in correct places and tolerances as per the requirement in the drawing and technical specification The installation of RSM and RSS shall only proceed once the tendons installed and steel Hammer Head Top Joints has been checked in accordance with the drawings, technical specification and approved by the Engineer. Before the installation of RSM and RSS and RST, each steel member will be physically checked from any possible defect and damages during delivery and get rectified as necessary. @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C The installation of RSM and RSS will be accomplished in two steps. The first step is the installation of the lower halves of segments RSM and RSS and the second step is the installation of the upper halves of the segments RSM and RSS. After the complete installation of the RSM and RSS, the installation of RST will proceed to complete the Pylon works. Prior to installation of RST, the temporary strut shall be installed between RSM and RSS upper halves as device for adjusting the correct alignment of ring segments. The lifting of steel members will be facilitated using crawler crane of appropriate reach and capacity assisted by installation crew who are experts in the steel installation of this nature and magnitude. The detailed breakdown of activities for Construction of Pylon’s steel ring segment is as follows: Installation of RSM Lower Half on the Hammer Head Top Joint (First step): « Install temporary staging for installation and welding purposes * Clean the proposed RSM area by water/air jet from the soil and other refuses * Survey and markings of locations on the hammer head * Hauling of RSM members from stock yard into the bridge area * Temporary protection for tendon strands to avert damage during the installation of the steel ring segment * Lifting and positioning of RSM lower half by crawler crane * Adjusting and initial welding of RSM lower half by installation crew * Positioning of post tension tendons into the slots of the RSM lower half by installation crew * Final survey and adjustment and full welding of the RSM lower half « Install the forms for grout * Pour grout (C80) under the plate top joint. The side grout (C60) will only be done when the steel girder is connected to the side of pylon ring segment © Remove the grout forms © Cure grout Installation of RSS Lower Half on the Hammer Head Top Joint (First step): o @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C ‘* Install temporary staging for installation and welding purposes * Clean the proposed RSS area by water/air jet from the soil and other refuses * Survey and markings of locations on the hammer head * Hauling of RSS members from stock yard into the bridge area * Temporary protection for tendon strands to avert damage during the installation of the steel ring segment * Lifting and positioning of RSS lower half by crawler crane * Adjusting and initial welding of RSS lower half by irstallation crew * Positioning of post tension tendons into the slots of the RSS lower half by installation crew * Final survey and adjustment and full welding of the RSS lower half * Install the forms for grout * Pour grout (C80) under the plate top joint. The side grout (C60) will only be done when the steel girder is connected to the side of pylon ring segment * Remove the grout forms * Cure grout Installation of RSM Upper Half on the Second Erection Joint (Second step): * Install temporary staging for installation and welding purposes Clean the proposed erection joint Survey and markings on the second erection joint Hauling of RSM members from stock yard into the bridge area Lifting and positioning of RSM upper half by crawler crane Adjusting and initial welding of RSM upper half by installation crew @ @ Redco International DAEWOOE&C * Final survey and adjustment and full welding of the RSM upper half only after the installation of the steel strut for final adjustment Installation of RSS Upper Half on the Second Erection Joint (Second step): Install temporary staging for installation and welding purposes Clean the proposed erection joint Survey and markings on the second erection joint Hauling of RSS members from stock yard into the bridge area Lifting and positioning of RSS upper half by crawler crane Adjusting and initial welding of RSS upper half by installation crew Installation of steel strut for adjustment into the RSS upper half and RSM upper half * Final survey and adjustment and full welding of the RSM upper half RRR TT Installation of RST on the Third Erection Joint (Final step): Install temporary staging for installation and welding purposes Clean the proposed erection joint Survey and markings on the third erection joint Final Adjustment of the geometry of the Pylon ring segment using adjusting steel strut Hauling of RST members from stock yard into the bridge area * Lifting and positioning of RST by crawler crane * Adjusting and initial welding of RST by installation crew * Final survey and adjustment and full welding of the RST 63 %Redco International DAEWOO E&C YUU After the complete installation and welding of the Steel Ring Segment (RSM & RSS) of Pylon, the stressing (post-tensioning) of the tendons (1,2,5 & 6) will be undertaken once the grout beneath the top joint base plate has reached the compressive strength of 80MPa. The remaining tendons (3 & 4) will only be stressed (post- tensioning) after the erection of cable and hangers and bridge deck. Construction of Bridge Deck, Cable, Strands & Misc. Works: The bridge deck construction will be executed in parallel with Pylon construction. The construction sequence will commence in the assembly and welding of the temporary falsework, a steel structure on which the whole bridge deck will be formed atop, along the bridge deck alignment. This temporary falsework shall carry the bridge deck dead weight until the time that the cable and hangers are installed and ready to lift the bridge deck and then this falsework shall be removed. 4% Redco International MAEWOO EXC While the length of the temporary falsework is progressing from abutment and anchor block towards the pylon, the installation and welding of steel bridge girders (cross girders and main girders) starting from abutment and anchor block shall also trail towards pylon. The assembling and welding of falsework shall be stopped when it reaches the pylon area leaving a suitable gap to allow the installation and welding works of the pylon to continue without any distuptions and hindrances. The falsework will only proceed once the pylon works is completed. The installation and welding of bridge steel girders will continue until the span meet at the final joint to complete the whole bridge deck. The bridge girders will be joined with the steel pylon ring segment and will be grouted in this juncture. Temporary welding shelters will be provided to expedite the works. Crawler crane of suitable reach and capacity will be used for lifting the steel members and other construction materials into place. The welding works will be done by experience welders. When the bridge girders (cross and main girders) are welded together to form into panels, the installation of the precast deck slab shall proceed. The bottom and side formworks for side beams shall be installed on the top of the falsework. The installation of reinforcing bars in accordance to the drawings and technical specification shall also commence after the formworks are installed. The movement/contraction joints will be formed at the appropriate locations in accordance with the drawing and technical specification requirements. The pouring of concrete (C60) may proceed after the approval from the Engineer has been sought and issued. At the pylon area, the joint slab will be cast in-situ monolithic with edge beams. The formworks shall be installed on the top of the falsework. The reinforcement shall be installed in accordance with the drawings and technical specification requirements. The movement joints will be formed at the appropriate locations in accordance with the drawing and technical specification requirements. The pouring of concrete (C60) may proceed after the approval from the Engineer has been sought and issued. After the concreting of bridge deck in accordance with the drawings and specifications, the installation of suspension cable and hangers 6s @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C shall proceed. The bituminous pavement shall be constructed on the top of the concrete slab as per the prescribed manner on the drawings and technical specifications. The miscellaneous metals works, i.e., bridge railings and crash barriers will also be installed in accordance with the drawings and technical specifications. Painting of roads and signboards will proceed and likewise the damp proofing and waterproofing works. The followings are the detailed breakdown of activities for the construction of bridge deck: * Assembly and welding of temporary falsework (steel structure) using crawler crane for lifting which shall originate from anchor block and abutment sides radiating towards pylon. Welding shelters will be incorporated. + Installation and welding of bridge steel girders (cross and main girders) above the falsework + Temporary halt the installation and welding works of falsework and steel girder near the pylon area to allow the pylon works to proceed until the pylon is completed —2e — @%Redco International DAEWOO E&.C © Continue to complete the installation and welding of falsework and bridge steel girders. * Connect the steel girders at the sides of pylon and grout (C60) the joint * Launching of precast concrete deck slab elements * Installation of formworks for slab and edge beams * Installation of movement joints « Installation of reinforcing bars * Casting of in-situ joints and edge beams « Install the main cable strands alternating between side and main span Install temporary scaffolding as passage to Pylon top Install winch on top of Pylon of appropriate power and capacity for pulling Install bent and miscellany steel work Install the Catwalk System starting from Anchor block towards Pylon and from abutment towards Pylon for side span and main span respectively using winch for pulling Un-reel cable strands and pull on catwalk using winch assisted by labor Insert socket in lower anchorage Pull strand from Pylon using winch and labor and fix socket in upper anchorage Adjust cable slope by increasing/decreasing tensions using winch and fix socket in upper anchorage until the slope is perfected 6 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&.C < Temporary Works on Top of Pylon > < Catwalk System > 6 @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C < Un-reel cable strands > * Install of cable clamps and hangers using mobile crane of suitable reach and lifting capacity * Tension the hangers from bridge girder alternating between main and side span. * If needed, adjust the slope of suspension cable using winch ‘Install the bridge bearings at the abutment and anchor block + Lower the bridge into bearings by removing the falsework at the abutment or anchor block slowly with caution « Remove all the falsework o @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C < Clamps and Hangers > @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C < Cable Wrapping > < Dehumidification System > 1 @% Redco International DAEWOO E&C * Asphalt pavement on the top of the concrete slab * Road markings & Traffic signage * Damp proofing work includes laying of water proofing membrane for the substructure work and sprayed water proofing for the exposed top surface of the bridge * Miscellaneous metal works include installation of Movement joints, Railing, Crash barriers as per drawings and specifications * Storm water drainage from the bridge decks + Pumped TSE irrigation pipelines ‘+ Pumped potable water pipelines * Foul water rising mains © Gas main * Signboards for Marine Traffic Electrical works Dehumidification system of the suspension cable Street lightings and lightning protection Metal doors Remove temporary falsework Remove temporary earth bridge Flood the channel Construction of Anchor Block The Anchor Block is directly resting on the bored piles. The proposed construction of anchor block includes the Pile Cap, Wing Wall, Chest wall, Anchor Box and Post-tensioned Bearing Pedestal. After the bored piles have been casted, cured and reached the required compressive strength, the pile caps shall be constructed above it. The lean concrete shall be cleaned of soil and other refuses and the survey and laying out centerlines and boundaries will proceed. Preparation and installation of reinforcing bars of pile cap shall be n 4% Redco International DAEWOOE&C done after layout. The ducting of post-tensioned tendons will be installed in accordance with the correct confguration in the drawings. Accordingly, the tendon strands will be inserted inside the ducting including the dead end anchorages. Preparation and installation of formworks shall be done in accordance with the surveyed layouts after the installation of reinforcements and tendons. The above works shall be checked and approved by the Engineer to give the approval to execute concreting. The concreting (C50) of the pile cap shall proceed as approved. The concrete shall be cured and the formworks shall be removed. The construction of the wing wall, chest wall, anchor box and post- tensioned bearing pedestal shall proceed after the pile cap. All reinforcing bars, ducting of tendons, steel embedment, piping and shuttering shall be installed accordingly as per the drawings and technical specifications. The concrete (C50) pouring shall be done simultaneously or monolithically and will terminate in the approved horizontal construction joints. The pouring of concrete shall continue until the top level of the structure is reached The tendons shall be stressed (post-tension) when the concrete is cured and reached the required crushing strength as per technical specification. Grouting shall be performed for post-tensioned tendons after stressing. The suspension cable strands ends will also be positioned and locked inside the anchor box Perform other works like installation of submersible pump including piping works and installation of metal doors and accessories. The construction of Anchor Block involves the following activity: * Cutting and bending of reinforcement steel * Preparation of reinforcement cage * Preparation and fabrication of formworks © Preparation and cutting of tendons and accessories * Erection of staging and simultaneous fixing shutters/formworks * Reinforcing bars installation * Installation of tendons and accessories * Fabrication and installation of anchor box n %Redco International DAEWOO E&C Preparation of laying out 100mm dia drainage pipe Pouring of concrete into number of lifts (C50 grade) De-shuttering and dismantling staging Curing of concrete Stressing and locking of tendons (post-tensioning) Stressing and locking of suspension cables strands Installation of dewatering pump and piping Installation of metal doors and accessories ie pene ee ae an Te ee « gm) ne 4% Redco International DAEWOO E&C e™@ aL Construction or Abutment Like the Anchor Block, Abutment is directly resting on the bored piles. The proposed construction of abutment is almost the same with that of anchor block which includes the Pile Cap, Wing Wall, Chest wall, Anchor Box and Bearing Pedestal but not post- tensioned. This only is the difference between the Abutment and the Anchor Block, the design of their respective bearing pedestals. Generally, the work sequence and procedure of Abutment can be reckoned with the work procedure of the Anchor Block. The construction of Abutment involves the following activity: Cutting and bending of reinforcement steel Preparation of reinforcement cage Preparation and fabrication of formworks Erection of staging and simultaneous fixing shutters/formworks Reinforcing bars installation 1s %Redco International DAEWOO E&C Fabrication and installation of anchor box Preparation of laying out 100mm dia drainage pipe Pouring of conerete into number of lifts (C50 grade) De-shuttering and dismantling staging Curing of concrete Installation of metal doors and accessories ee @%Redco International Installation of Bridge Bearings for Anchor Block and Abutment After the construction of both abutment's and anchor block's bearing pedestals and the bearing plinths including the complete stressing (Post Tensioning) of the tendons in the anchor block, the bridge bearings can be installed into its required locations. Generally, the installation procedure of the bridge bearings may be reckoned with the 2 kinds of bearings we will be using as below: @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C suean connector. / SUONG PLATE / [essron UPPER MASONAREY PLATE / LOWER WASONARY PLATE. a 1 TEFLON, SLIDING PLATE PISTON SHEAR CONNECTOR FREE SLIDING BEARING Damp proofing works Damp proofing work includes lying of water proofing membrane for the substructure work and sprayed water proofing for the exposed top surface of the bridge. ® @% Redco International DAEWOO E2&.C 6.23 Roads and paving works Roads and paving work includes the laying of bond coat, bituminous base course and wearing course as per drawings & specifications. Miscellaneous metal works includes installation of Movement joints, Railing, Crash barriers as per drawings and specifications. Erection of Miscellaneous Finishing Works REDCO - DAEWOO JV will install the railing and crash barrier after just finishing the construction of deck top slab and will continue for construction of Pavement works on deck of bridge and drainage works. Handing over and Demobilization: Upon completion of all works, handing-over to the Engineer shall take place followed by the demobilization of all temporary structures such as the site offices and facilities, camp units and production facilities. @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C CHAPTER 7 — QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN Quality Assurance Plan see attached. Project Quality Plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to commencement of construction along all related standard operating procedures. @Redco International DAEWOO E&C CHAPTER 8 — SAFETY PLAN Safety Plan see attached. @%Redco International DAEWOO E&C 9.1 9.1.1 CHAPTER 9 — ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION PLAN General Environment problem is recognized internationally as one of the three critical issues for the sustainable development of the world in the 21° century. However, environment around construction area will be certainly affected during construction period. The main sources of unfavorable effect and pollution to surrounding environment during the construction period will include dust, noise and exhaust gas, waste water, solid waste, slope and soil erosion, etc. Aiming at above-mentioned unfavorable sources we will take relevant stops at the utmost to decrease adverse effects and pollution to surrounding environment during the construction period, 80 as to satisfy international and domestic relevant regulations as well as requirements specified in the tender documents. Environmental Protection Objective The objective of such Environment Protection Plan is to cause minimum temporary and permanent disfigurement to the. existing natural beauty and amenities of the area, and especially to prevent discomfort of neighboring and to cause minimum disturbance or damage to forested area, river and sea during construction. It is imperative for us to educate all members of our work force to comply with the country's national and local pertinent laws, by-laws and stipulations on environmental protection, and we shall adopt all necessary control procedures in each area before work is allowed to proceed Environment protection plan will include: - Dust control - Noise control - Water pollution control - Exhaust gas and odor pollution control - Solid refuse pollution control - Vegetation and animal protection - Public facility and service protection = Treasure trove protection - Shifting of trees - _ Reinstatement of affected areas @Redco International DAEWOO E&.C 9.2 Environmental pollution control measures 9.2.1 Dust control The generation of dust as a result of construction activities will be controlled with appropriate procedures. Such procedures will include regular watering of gravel access roads and working areas, and improving construction method to reduce dust, for example, wet drilling method, wet process producing aggregate, wet shotcrete and ventilation pipe ete. All public and private highways and roads which are being used by our vehicles for the construction of the Works shall be kept clean and free of dirt and mud arising from the Works. To reduce dust on access roads at site caused by our vehicles, proper measures shall be taken, including reinforcing road management and maintenance, equipping sufficient water tanks to spray the road surface and construction areas with water regularly, and cleaning vehicles frequently. 9.2.2 Noise control The main sources of construction noise are steady, continuous noise from construction equipment and intermittent & moving traffic noise. To prevent noise and annoyance to the inhabitants of the area in which the Works is situated, proper measures shall be taken, including selecting and utilizing low noise generating construction methods and plants to minimize noise and vibration levels, strengthening equipment maintenance and management, equipping the work force with labor protection devices and ensure the occupational noise and vibration exposure of the work force to comply with the regulations etc. 9.2.3 Water pollution control No contamination shall be made to the sea water during the construction. Appropriate procedures will be adopted to prevent entrance of solid matter, contaminants, debris and other objectionable pollutants and wastes into the sea water. Necessary collection facilities such as spoil tips, diversion mounds, ditches, drains, oil separation sumps, sedimentation ponds and the like will be constructed and operated to prevent such contamination. 8 2% Redco International DAEWOO E&C 9.2.4 9.2.5 Collected materials will be disposed of in accordance with regulations required Greasing, renewing oil and refueling of the equipment shall only take place on a special located area and has to be carried out in such a way that spilling, leakage is prevented. Construction water, rock seepage water, natural rainfall in each work area shall be treated when water quality cannot meet with discharge requirements. Gravity sedimentation tank will be adopted for waste water treatment. To prevent sewerage from infiltrating and polluting the surrounding land, all buildings and facilities shall be provided with sewerage discharge system, which shall collect sewerage for discharge treatment at sewerage treatment tanks. Exhausted gas and odor pollution control The project will be constructed mainly by machinery equipment, such as Excavation, dump trucks, mobile cranes, sprinkling trucks and etc. There will be hundreds of fuel-burning machinery, which may be detrimental to the air quality at the vicinity of the Works. Procedures for mitigating exhausted gas pollution include strengthening maintenance of fuel-burning equipment to ensure that engines are running under normal and good conditions, using qualified clean fuel, strengthening road maintenance to keep road surface flat and clean. Reinstatement of affected areas All surfaces disturbed in the construction of the Works shall be completely reinstated to the approval of the Engineer, and generally to a condition at least equal to the original surface before the Works commenced. Foundation and surface of roads, kerbs, footways and turfed areas, whether public or private, disturbed or damaged by the Works, shall be reinstated and maintained During the course of construction, the Contractor shall remove all waste material from the site continuously as is necessary to keep a

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