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Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction


Section 1 : Survey and Setting Out

Section 2 : Traffic Control
Section 3 : Clearance and Grubbing
Section 4 : Excavation and Backfill
Section 5 : Embankment
Section 6 : Routine Maintenance
Section 7 : Granular Sub-base and WMM
Section 8 : Bituminous Concrete Pavement
Section 9 : Concrete Pavement
Section 10 : Bridge
Section 11 : Drainage, Protection and Strengthen Work
Section 12 : Road Appurtenances
Section 13 : Completion and Finishing Work
Section 14 : Final As-built Drawings
Section 15 : Bill of Quantities, Statements and Certificates
Section 16 : Remedies of Defaults
Section 17 : Management Plan

Section 1 : Survey and Setting Out

1.1 Abstract

The coordinates and levels of the ground control traverse will be surveyed by the

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

If the coordinates and levels of the ground control traverse stations established by the
Engineer, those data supplied by the Engineer will be checked by the contractor.
The contractor will establish construction control points along the length of the road
alignment so that all future setting out can be carried out from them.

The survey and setting out will commence within one month of the issue to the
Contractor of the Letter of the Acceptance and at least seven days before the Contractor
intends to carry out the scope of work.

The Contractor will provide the Engineer with all necessary assistance for checking the
setting out, agreement of levels and any other survey or measurement which the
Engineer requires to carry out in connection with the Contract.

1.2 Battery of Limit

The area to be surveyed and set out is limited to the project area, starting the beginning
point of the project including Right of Way along with main construction road to be
constructed given by the Engineer.

1.3 General method of Work

The Survey and Setting Out consists of the following scope of work:

a) The Contractor will carry out a through survey of the coordinates and levels of
the ground control traverse stations and will immediately report to the Engineer
any discrepancies between the measured locations or levels of the ground control
points and that data. The Contractor and the Engineer shall agree either to
disregard erroneous data or to substitute new values of coordinates and/or levels.

b) The Contractor will establish construction control points along the length of the
road alignment. These control points will be located outside the area to be
occupied by the permanent Works, and successive points will be mutually visible
and will be at locations such that all future setting out can be carried out from
them. The Contractor will clearly mark and protect the construction control
points, which will comprise steel pins set in concrete, until the completion of the

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

c) Coordinates and levels of the construction control points will be determined by

the Contractor, and notified to the Engineer, based on the ground control
coordinates and levels supplied by the Engineer.

d) The Contract will check all existing ground levels prior to commencing
construction of the permanent works, and will notify the Engineer, at least 28
days prior to commencement of the construction operations, of any discrepancies
in the ground levels given on the Drawings, or otherwise provided by the

e) In addition, the Contractor will survey such area of the existing ground as the
Engineer direct, prior to their disturbance due to construction operations and
agree them with the Engineer.

f) If the Contractor fails to agree levels with the Engineer or to give notification of
discrepancies in existing ground levels prior to commencement of construction,
then the existing levels given on the Drawings, or otherwise provide by the
Engineer, will be taken as correct.

1.4 Interfaces

Services have a possible effect on the commencement of the survey and setting out, and
will be dealt with as follow:

During the survey it will be ensured that all the areas to be occupied by the permanent
works and the areas outside the permanent works, which may be nevertheless be
disturbed by any operations associated with the Contract, are safe to internationally
accepted standards for construction operations.

In the event that the Contractor discovers a previously undisclosed service during the
survey, the Contractor will take immediate steps to protect the installation and will
inform the Engineer of the discovery.

1.5 Equipment and labor

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

The Contractor will provide the Engineer with all necessary assistance for checking the
setting out, agreement of levels and any other survey or measurement which the
Engineer requires to carry out in connection with the Contract.
Such assistance includes, but not limited to:

a) Provision and maintenance of the survey equipment scheduled in the Drawings,

for the exclusive use of the Engineer;

b) Provision of the following full-time survey staff to work exclusively under the
direction of the Engineer. The staff will be competent and experienced and, if at
any time the Engineer objects to any of the staff provided, the Contractor will
immediately replace the person concerned.
 Surveyor
 Assistant Surveyor
 Chainman

c) Provision of all necessary survey equipment and support for these surveyors
including assistants, chainman, labors, hand tools, pegs and materials.

d) In addition, the Contractor will provide any temporary survey staff required by
the Engineer together with any additional survey equipment required.

e) The Contractor will provide adequate survey beacons, batter-boards, profiles and
road pins for the accurate control of line and level of road works construction.

Section 2 : Traffic Control

2.1 Abstract

Traffic control is considered as a mean to ensure that public traffic may continue to pass
safely and conveniently along the route of the road all the times. Traffic control can be
commenced with the operation of the NHAI, as soon as bridge works and road works
are commenced individually, and the works shall be commenced step by step in
accordance with the proposed work program based on the site hand over schedule given
by the Employer.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

2.2 Traffic Management Plan

The Contractor will, based on due consultation with the Police and relevant Local
Authorities, submit a traffic management plan for the Engineer’s consent within 28 days
prior to the commencement of any works affecting public or private rights of way.

2.3 Temporary Road Diversion

Temporary Road Diversion will comprise graded tracks with minimal earthworks at low
points and drainage structures. The Contractor will provide a proper granular surface
material for the diversions of a compacted thickness150mm. The carriage way width of
diversion will be 7m with 1m earth shoulders.

2.4 Traffic Control Devices

Some proposed traffic control devices to be adopted for the project is as follows:

- Barricades : Barricades will be constructed of lightweight commercial quality

materials, as approved by the Engineer.

- Portable Flashing Beacons : Each portable flashing beacon unit will be consist
of a lighting unit, a flasher unit, a standard battery power source and a base. The
units shall be assembled to form a complete, self-contained, flashing beacon
which can be delivered to the site of use and placed in immediate operation.

- Construction area signs will be installed at the locations shown on the plans as
directed by the Engineer.

- Traffic cones : Traffic cones will be fluorescent and of good commercial quality,
flexible material suitable for the purpose intended. The outer section of the
portion above the base of the cone will be translucent and be of a highly
pigmented fluorescent orange polyvinyl compound. During the hours of
darkness traffic cones shall be affixed with reflective cone sleeves. The
reflective sheeting of sleeves on the traffic cones will be visible at 300m at night
under illumination of legal high beam headlights.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

Section 3 : Clearing and Grubbing

Prior to commencement of clearing and grubbing works, the area where to be cleared,
should be handed over to the contractor by the Engineer or Employer.

- Clearing and grubbing work will be necessary for the performance of the work
stipulated by the contract in accordance with the specification. The clearing and
grubbing comprises clearing the designated area of all vegetation, rubbish and
objectionable materials, and grubbing stumps and roots, and disposing of all
material resulting from the clearing and grubbing. It will also include the
demolition, removal and disposal of structures that encroach upon obstruct the
work, except which provided for otherwise. Disposal of debris and foundations
remaining after removal of existing structure is also considered to be included in
cleaning. The removal and disposal of such structures is considered being of
clearing. In addition, the removal of road signs, right-of-way markers, kilometer
posts, guidance post and other incidentals within the limit of construction is also
included in this work. Areas to be cleared and grubbed will not normally
included areas occupied by existing road works, however, at the specific
instruction of Engineer, include areas occupied by embankment slope and
existing drainage features.

- There will be an issue to the removal of religious facilities and some tomb places
in the limits of construction; such the work will need efforts of both the owners
and contractor, and authorities’ positive intervention for an agreement on the

- The resultant material of removal considered unsuitable for the works at

Engineer’s written instruction will also be considered waste to be disposed of.
The location for disposal of waste which effect the contamination of the
environment or occasion adversity to the work will be specified for area
segregated from the works and community. Wastes not deleterious shall be
treated and disposed of within the right-of-way but outside the limits of
construction. The treatment and disposal of waste will be ensured resulting in
no harm or damage to the environment. The disposal of waste within the right-

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

of-way shall be ensured no interception of surface water flow.

Clearing and grubbing shall be carried out with bulldozer, excavator and dump truck.
Upon the acceptance by the Engineer the next work can be commenced within the
period of clearing and grubbing, after partially completed.

Section 4 : Excavation and Backfill

This work includes roadway excavation, borrow pit excavation, structural excavation
and backfill for structure.

4.1 Roadway Excavation

4.1.1 The work consists of the following items:

- Excavation of all materials for approach roads, intersection, gutters, ditches,

drains and box culverts.
- All suitable topsoil will be salvaged within the limits of the roadway.
- The removal and disposal of existing surface, sidewalks, curb and gutter within
the limits of construction.
- The demolition removal and disposal of all kinds of foundation, timber, rubble
masonry pipe, pipe structures, pile culverts, box culverts within the limits of
- Excavation for stream and channel changes except where covered under channel
- Excavation for removal of unsuitable material, and for required benchings.

4.1.2 Roadway excavation work divided into two kinds: excavation of hard material
excavation of soft material. All kinds of material obtained from excavation within the
limits of earthworks that is unsuitable for planned use, will be excavated and disposed
of. The only material meet the requirement of specification shall be used in

4.1.3 Methods

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

- All roadway excavation shall confirm with the required alignment, levels, grades
and cross sections.
- Excavation in solid rock shall extend 200mm below the required sub-grade
elevation for the entire roadway width and shall be backfilled with suitable
- All suitable materials obtained from excavation will be used in the roadway.
- The material waste will be disposed to present a neat appearance and not to
abstract drainage from any highway nor to cause damage to roadway works or
- All slopes will be finished neatly and no material is loosened the required

4.1.4 Submitting the working schedule to the authorized staffs so that they may
adequate field surveys to determine the classification of roadway excavation to be going
to remove. Each segment of roadway being removed will be finished at the right time
to coordinate with the next work.

4.1.5 Equipment Planning and Deployment

- Total Volume : 1,000 m3
- Excavator (0.8m3) : 1  Q = 200 m3/day

4.2 Borrow Pit Excavation

4.2.1 This work will consist of clearing and stripping of borrow pits, the excavating and
hauling of materials obtained from approved sources using the material from borrow
pits for constructing embankment, backfill, sub-grade, shoulders and other parts of the
work as required.

4.2.2 Safety and Public Health Requirement in doing the excavation will be complied.
Only excavating at the approved area and obeying all local regulations.

4.2.3 Methods

- Site clearance and removal of topsoil and overburden. Clearing the site of all
borrow pits and quarries due to the requirement of clearing and grubbing, and
after that according to directed requirements, whether topsoil shall be stripped

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

and stockpiled separately or shall be excavated and spoiled together with

- Excavating to obtain raw material for mixing, selecting and stockpiling of
materials for later use.

4.2.4 Interface

It is not necessary to carry out the excavation for materials before or after the clearing or
grubbing, the roadway excavation. It can be done in stage, in such a way that to make
sure having enough materials for using when to be needed.

4.2.5 Equipment Planning and Deployment

- Volume of Embankment : 719,700m3
Volume of Subgrade : 379,500m3
Excavated material to be reused : 10,000m3
Required volume of borrow material : 1,089,200m3
- Required borrow material for embankment : 1,089,200 x 1.2 = 1,307,040m3
Weight of compacted volume : 2.15 ton/m3
Weight of natural volume : 1.80 ton/m3
Swelling factor : 2.15/1.80 = 1.2
- Duration : 684 days (Actual working days to be expected)
Section 3 : 156 days
Section 2 : 198 days
Section 1 : 330 days
- Volume : Dived into 3 sections according to the milestone
Section 3 : 261,408 m3
Section 2 : 500,596 m3
Section 1 : 545,036 m3
- Approximately 30% of excavation in borrow pit will be done by excavator and
remaining volume will be done by wheel loader.
Excavator (1.2m3) : 500 m3/day
Dozer(23ton) + Wheel Loader (3.3m3) : 1,000 m3/day
- In case of section 2, peak period, required equipment are
Excavator(1.9m3) : 500,596m3 x 30%  500m3/day = 300 days
Bull Dozor(23ton) Wheel Loader(3.3m3) : 500,596m3 x 70%  1,100m3/day =
319 days

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

 Excavator(1.2m3) 2 units, Bull Dozer(23ton) 2 units and Wheel

Loader(3.3m3) 2 units are required for borrow pit excavation and loading the
- Transportation : Average hauling distance is assumed 4km and 15ton capacity of
dump truck will be used.
Dump Truck(15ton) : Cm=4km  15km/hr x 60min. + 5min. = 21min/round
R=60min/hr x 10hr  21min/round = 28 round
q = 10m3 x 95% = 9.5m3
Q = 9.5m3/round x 28round = 266m3/day(Loose volume)
Q = 266m3 x 1.8/2.15 = 222m3/day(Natural volume)
Required Nos. of dump truck : 330,490m3  222m3/day  198days = 8 units

4.2.6 Quality Assurance:

In the area to be allowed for excavation, all local laws and regulations regarding public
health and safety will be compiled with.

- To ensure that unsuitable material such as oversize materials, clay, humus, etc. is
dismissed out of the materials proposed for use.
- A separate stockpile will be used for each type and grading of material.
- When removing material from stockpiles, none of the underlying material will
be mixed with it, and generally at least the bottom 100mm will be left behind.

4.3 Excavation for Structures

4.3.1 This work will consist of the excavation of structures including bridge abutments,
piers, footings, wing walls, concrete box culverts and backfilling of completed
structures and disposal of excavated materials

4.3.2 Excavated materials will be classified as laid down roadway excavation.

4.3.3 The work of excavation for structures of each part of items will be finish before
the construction of foundation to be carried out.

4.3.4 Timing

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

This kind of work will be closed relation with the other work. For each item, it will be
finished before the structures are going to construct.

4.3.5 Equipment Planning and Deployment

- Assumed Volume : 45,000m3

- Wheel Excavator(0.8m3) will be used and excavated material will be used for
the back-filling of structure.
Wheel Excavator(0.8m3) : 250m3/day
45,000m3  250m3/day = 180days
 Required numbers : 1 unit

4.3.6 Quality Assurance

Observing the regulations of the specification of excavation for structure.

Section 5 : Embankment and Sub-grade

5.1 This work will consist of the construction and backfill not specified elsewhere by
furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping suitable material of acceptable quality and
being compatible with the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross sections as the
requirements. Selected material will be considered as selected embankment and part of
the embankment section.

5.2 Methods

5.2.1 Preparation of foundation for embankment

- Natural ground including slopes of existing road situated less than 1.5 meters
below the surface of the road or side slopes will be compacted to a depth of
200mm that measured from original ground and to not less than 90% of the
maximum dry density of the material.

- Unsuitable material will be removed out of the area under the embankment or in
existing embankment, the bottom of excavation will be compacted, as describe
above, backfilled and compacted layer by layer with suitable materials.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

- Where selected material or sub-base layers are to be placed directly on an

existing pavement surface which is in good condition, the existing surface will
not be scarified and compacted, except otherwise required.

5.2.2 Placing embankment

- Embankment will be constructed in layers approximately parallel to the finish

grade of the road bed, kept in good condition of drainage, corresponded to the
shape of typical sections.

- Prior to compaction the layers will not exceed 200mm in depth unless otherwise

- Each layer will be compacted according to the following steps.

 Adjacent to culvert and bridges : Embankment within 2 meters measures
horizontally or 0.5 meters measured vertically will be compacted in the
manner prescribed in backfill.

 Embankment placed around spill-through type abutment will be compacted in

150mm layers of uniform suitable material placed in the required manner such
as level, wet, compaction.

 Material placed adjacent to any portion of any structure will be material free of
gravel or stone more than 100mm in greatest dimension and of such gradation
as to permit thorough compaction.

 Broken up clods and hard lumps of earth over 150mm in greatest dimension
before compacting.

5.3 Interface

The embankment work will be done after the clearing, grubbing and coordinated with
the excavation of soil which is used for embankment material at borrow pits.
As far as practicable and when directed by the engineer, bridge approach to fill is
constructed as early in the contract period as possible.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

Each finish segment prepared for the sub-grade will be well drained and protected
against damage from public as well as construction traffic.
This embankment work will be finished at the specified time or sooner to carried out the
next work.

5.4 Equipment Planning and Deployment for Embankment

- Assumed volume of each section : Compacted volume

Section 3 : 143,940m3
Section 2 : 275,645m3
Section 1 : 300,115m3
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 156 days
Section 2 : 198 days
Section 1 : 330 days
- Motor Grader(4.3m) : 1 unit
Vibratory Roller(10ton) : 2 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
- In case of Section 2, peak time
275,645m3  850m3/day  198days = 2 teams are required

5.5. Equipment Planning and Deployment for Sub-grade

- Assumed volume of each section : Compacted volume

Section 3 : 75,900m3
Section 2 : 145,349m3
Section 1 : 158,251m3
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 156 days
Section 2 : 198 days
Section 1 : 202 days
- Motor Grader(4.3m) : 1 unit
Vibratory Roller(10ton) : 2 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
- In case of Section 2, peak time
145,349m3  800m3/day  198days = 1 team is required

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

5.6 Quality Assurance

Supplying all adequate survey beacons, batter-boards, profiles and road pins for
accurate control lane and level of embankment construction.

Providing batter-boards, forms of control of line, level and slopes at each side of the
road and at intervals of not more than 20 meters along straight and gentle horizontal
curves. On curves of less than 350m the interval will be decreased to 10 meters or less
than due to the requirements.

Section 6 : Routine Maintenance

Maintenance of the works consists of maintenance during the construction phase and
maintenance during the operation phase. The Contractor will provide maintenance in
order to ensure the quality of the finished work over a certain period of time.

For the construction phase this means maintaining the quality of the finished work until
the following phase in construction. This guarantees high quality boundary conditions
for these following phases, providing valuable tools for time and cost control.

For the operation phase this means ensuring the quality of the finished work for its
designed operating period.

Maintenance during the construction phase will be provided for:

6.1 Excavation
- Roadway excavation
- Excavation and backfill for structures

6.2 Roadbed

After the roadbed is prepared the Contractor will maintain the quality of the roadbed
until the Engineer approve the work before the Contractor commences the following
phase of construction.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

6.3 Subgrade

The surface of the finished subgrade will be kept neat and workmanlike and will have
the required form, super-elevation, levels, grades and cross sections until the Engineer
approve the work before the Contractor commences the following phase of construction

6.4 Subbase

The surface of the finished subbase will be kept neat and workmanlike and will have the
required form, super-elevation, levels, grades and cross sections until the Engineer
approve the work before the Contractor commences the following phase of construction.

6.5 Base Course

The surface of the finished base course will be kept neat and workmanlike and will have
the required form, super-elevation, levels, grades and cross sections until the Engineer
approve the work before the Contractor commences the following phase of construction.

Section 7 : Granular Sub-base and WMM

7.1. Abstract

This work comprises granular subbase and crushed aggregate base course.
Granular subbase work will comprise furnishing, placing and compacting subbase
material on prepare and accepted subgrade or roadbed in accordance with the
Specification, to the line, levels, grades, dimensions and cross section indicated on the
Drawings and as required by the Engineer.

Subject to the geotechnical ground condition, to the reference in level between the
existing and designed surfaces, and to the type of pavement structure for sections of the
project, if the subgrade will be respectively designed as a detailed design coming.
According to the Specification, subgrade will refer to the top layer of the earthworks
immediately underlying the pavement structure, its thickness will be as specified in
detailed design for construction. The provisions of the Specification applicable to

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

embankment will generally apply to subgrade.

WMM is layer composed of crushed aggregate material and asphalt placed on a

prepared and accepted subbase in accordance with the Specification to the lines, levels,
grades, dimensions and cross section shown in the Drawing by the Engineer. WMM
course aggregate will consist of a mixture of hard durable crushed rock particles and
mineral filler which satisfies the grading limits as determined by given standard in the

A work for subbase or WMM course relating to the existing pavement will be done as
reconstructed base. The work will comprise scarifying, reshaping and recompacting the
existing pavement and shoulders and reconditioning the whole by the addition of
approved materials to form a reconstructed layer in accordance with the Specification to
the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross sections shown in the Drawings by the
Engineer. Reconstructed base will be designated to places where the difference in level
between the designed and the existing surface is less than the thickness of top layer for
designed surface.

7.2 General Method of Work

Subbase will be spread in even lifts not exceeding 150mm after compaction. Care will
be taken to prevent segregation, and oversized particles will be hand picked from the lift
prior to compaction. Patches or pockets of fine material will be removed and made

Immediately after each layer has been spread and shaped satisfactorily, each layer will
be thoroughly compacted with suitable and adequate compaction equipment. Rolling
operation will begin from the outer edge of roadbed toward the center, gradually in a
longitudinal direction, except on super-elevated curves where rolling will begin at the
low side progress toward the high side. Subbase of sandy material will be compacted
using of vibrating equipment. Each layer will be compacted by 10-tonne roller to at
least 98% of the maximum dry density, as determined by AASHTO T180.

Sample of subbase material will be tested by the Contractor and approved by the
Engineer before commencing the construction and additional samples will be furnished
during the construction as required on request.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

For reconstructed base, the existing road pavement and shoulder will be scarified by
cold milling machine to the depth shown on the Drawing and specification. Care will
be exercised to prevent the existing subgrade soil or other material from the below the
layer being scarified from being brought up and mixed with the loosened material.
Unbroken particles too large to be properly compacted into the reconstructed layer
thickness will be either broken further or removed from the site.

The reconstructed layer will be rolled and compacted by roller to a uniform surface
corresponding to line and grade and conforming to the cross section shown on the
Drawings by the Engineer.

7.3 Equipment Planning and Deployment

7.3.1 Granular Subbase

- Assumed volume of each section

Section 3 : 95,010m3
Section 2 : 181,944m3
Section 1 : 198,096m3
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 91 days
Section 2 : 135 days
Section 1 : 209 days
- Motor Grader(4.3m) : 1 unit
Vibratory Roller(10ton) : 1 unit
Tandem Roller(10ton) : 1 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
- In case of Section 2, peak time
181,944m3  800m3/day  135days = 2 teams are required

7.3.2 Wet Mix Macadam

- Assumed volume of each section

Section 3 : 25,000m3
Section 2 : 47,875m3

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

Section 1 : 52,125m3
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 91 days
Section 2 : 135 days
Section 1 : 209 days
- WMM Mixing Plant : 1 unit
WMM Paver(11m) : 1 unit
Vibratory Roller(10ton) : 1 unit
Tandem Roller(10ton) : 1 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
- In case of Section 2, peak time
47,875m3  450m3/day  135days = 1 team is required

Section 8 : Bituminous Concrete Pavement

8.1 General

This method statement covers the provision, transportation, spreading and compacting
of bituminous mixture to construct asphalt pavement in accordance with the technical
The bituminous mixture will be produced by the asphalt mixing plant in accordance the
mix design which will be determined by the Engineer during the construction stage.

8.2 Equipment Planning and Deployment

8.2.1 Production of asphalt concrete

- Volume of Asphalt concrete

Dense Bituminous Macadam : 86,200m3 + 12,800m3 = 99,000m3
Bituminous Wearing Course : 24,200m3 + 2,800m3 = 27,000m3
 99,000m3 x 2.35ton/m3 + 27,000m3 x 2.4ton/m3 = 297,450ton
- Assumed volume of each section
Section 3 : 59,490 ton
Section 2 : 113,920 ton
Section 1 : 124,040 ton

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

- Actual duration to be expected

Section 3 : 91 days
Section 2 : 135 days
Section 1 : 209 days
- Asphalt Mixing Plant (100ton/hr) : 1 unit
Generator(450kW) : 1 unit 800ton/day
Wheel Loader (3.3m3) : 1 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
Refer to the catalogue of asphalt mixing plant enclosed
- In case of Section 2, peak time
113,920ton  800ton/day  135days = 1 team is required

8.2.2 Spreading and Compaction of DBM

- Volume of Asphalt concrete : 99,000m3 x 2.35ton/m3 = 232,650ton

- Assumed volume of each section
Section 3 : 46,530 ton
Section 2 : 89,100 ton
Section 1 : 97,020 ton
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 91 days
Section 2 : 135 days
Section 1 : 209 days
- Average hauling distance from plant to site : 19km

- Asphalt Finisher (9m) : 1 unit

Dump Truck (15ton) : 10 unit 700ton/day
Tandem Roller (10ton) : 1 unit
Pneumatic Roller(10ton) : 1 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
Refer to the catalogue of asphalt finisher enclosed
- In case of Section 2, peak time
89,100ton  700ton/day  135days = 1 team is required

8.2.3 Spreading and Compaction of Bituminous Wearing Course

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

- Volume of Asphalt concrete : 27,000m3 x 2.4ton/m3 = 64,800ton

- Assumed volume of each section
Section 3 : 12,960 ton
Section 2 : 24,800 ton
Section 1 : 27,040 ton
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 91 days
Section 2 : 135 days
Section 1 : 209 days
- Average hauling distance from plant to site : 19km
- Asphalt Finisher (9m) : 1 unit
Dump Truck (15ton) : 8 unit 600ton/day
Tandem Roller (10ton) : 1 unit
Pneumatic Roller(10ton) : 1 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
- In case of Section 2, peak time
24,800ton  600ton/day  135days = 1 team is required

8.3 Work Procedure

8.3.1 Preparation of primed surfaces

The primed surface will be cleaned of all loose materials with power bloom or power
blower before placing the bituminous mixtures on the primed pavement layer according
to the Engineer’s approval.

8.3.2 Temperature control

The temperature of the asphalt mixture with 60/70 or 80/100 grade bitumen will be
controlled as below.

8.3.3 Transportation of Asphalt Mixture

Hot bituminous mixture will be transported to the site from the asphalt mixing plant by
the dump truck. During the transportation the bituminous mixture will be kept from
contamination and segregation.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

Each loaded dump truck will be covered with canvas to protect the loaded bitumen from
the effects of weather and dust.

8.3.4 Laying of Bituminous Mixture

Dump truck will discharge the asphalt mixture into the hopper at the front of the asphalt
The asphalt finisher will spray, vibrate and compact the bituminous mixture to get a
uniform thickness and surface regularity tolerance limit specified in the technical
specification during the asphalt works.

8.3.5 Compaction of Bituminous Mixture

Immediately after the bituminous mixture has been spread, it will be thoroughly and
uniformly compacted by rolling as below.

Initial Compaction Tandem Roller 10ton

Intermediate Compaction Pneumatic Tire Roller 10~15 ton
Final Compaction Tandem Roller 10ton

- The speed of each roller will not exceed 5 km/hr

- To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the rollers during the initial compaction,
the wheels of roller will be kept lightly moistened with water.
- The water will be carried in a tank equipped on the roller
- Rolling will commence from the outer edge and proceed longitudinally parallel
to the centerline of the road.

8.4. Asphalt Concrete Mixture

8.4.1 General

The bituminous plant will be of such capacity to produce the quantities of bituminous
mixture required. Hauling equipment, paving machine, rollers, miscellaneous
equipment and tools will be provided in sufficient numbers and capacity and in proper

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

working condition. The bituminous mixture will be produced by the asphalt mixing
plant in accordance the mix design which will be determined by the Engineer during the
construction stage.

8.4.2 Mixing Plant

The mixing plant will be an automatic controlled and commercially manufactured unit.
It also will be designed and operated to consistently produce a mixture at normal speed
and required thickness within the job-mix formula.
Mixing plant for the preparation of asphalt mixtures will conform to the requirements in
accordance with technical specification.
When the contractor has completed the installation of the mixing plant, the contractor
will inform the Engineer who will check the completeness and calibrate the plant before
permitting the asphalt concrete work to commence.

8.4.3 Aggregate and Asphalt Materials

Samples of aggregates will be furnished by the contractor for approval by the Engineer
prior to start of production and at times during production of the bituminous mixtures.
Samples will be the basis of approval of specific sources or stockpiles of aggregate for
aggregate production equipment.
Samples of asphalt materials will be obtained by the contractor and delivered to the
Engineer for approval and will be heated to the specified temperature in tanks so
designed as to avoid local overheating and provide a continuous supply of asphalt
material at a uniform temperatures at all times.

8.4.4 Delivery, Storage and Handling of Materials

Bituminous materials will be delivered to the site of the bituminous mixing plant and
stockpiled in such manner as to preclude fracturing of aggregate particles, segregation,
contamination, or intermingling of different materials in the stockpiles.
Bituminous materials will be maintained as appropriate temperature during storage but
will not be heated by application of direct flame to walls of storage tanks or transfer

8.4.5 Formula for Job Mix

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

Before starting work, the contractor will submit to the Engineer a proposed job-mix
formula, in writing for the mixture to be supplied for the project.
The formula submitted will stipulate for the mixture a single definite temperature at
which the mixture is to be emptied from the mixer. And for mixtures to be laid hot, a
single definite temperature at which the mixture to be delivered on the road, all of which
will fall within the ranges of the general composition and temperature limits.

The job-mixed formula comprises:

- The percentage of each stockpile and mineral filler
- The percentage of bitumen
- The temperature of the completed mixture when discharged from the mixer.
- The job-mixed formula may be adjusted during construction to improve asphalt
paving work by the Engineer’s approval.

8.4.6 Preparation of Mixture

The dried mineral aggregates prepared as prescribed above, will be combined in the
plant in the amount of each fraction of aggregate required to meet the job-mix formula
for the particular mixture.
The asphalt material will be measured or gauged and introduced into the mixer in the
amount determined by the Engineer. The total mixing time will be set by the Engineer
and regulated by a suitable locking means.

8.4.7 Transportation of Asphalt Mixture

Hot bituminous mixture will be transported to the site from the asphalt mixing plant by
the dump truck conforming the requirements in accordance with the specification.
During the transportation the bituminous mixture will be kept from contamination and
segregation. Each loaded dump truck will be covered with canvas to protect the loaded
bitumen from the

Section 9 : Concrete Pavement

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

9.1 Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub-base

9.1.1 Batching and mixing

The mix design will be prepared and trial mixes will be carried out to obtain the
necessary approvals from the Engineer.
The capacity of batching and mixing plant will be 25% higher than the proposed
capacity for the laying arrangements.

9.1.2 Equipment Planning and Deployment

- Volume of Dry Lean Concrete : 152,000 m3

- Assumed volume of each section
Section 3 : 30,400 m3
Section 2 : 58,216 m3
Section 1 : 63,384 m3
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 130 days
Section 2 : 132 days
Section 1 : 187 days
- Average hauling distance from plant to site : 19km
- Batching Plant : 1 unit
Paver : 1 unit 450 m3/day
Dump Truck (15ton) : 8 unit
Tandem Roller (10ton) : 1 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
- In case of Section 2, peak time
58,216m3  450m3/day  132days = 0.98, 1 team is required

9.2. Concrete Pavement

9.2.1 Batching and mixing

The mix design will be prepared and trial mixes will be carried out to obtain the
necessary approvals from the Engineer.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

The capacity of batching and mixing plant will be 25% higher than the proposed
capacity for the laying arrangements.

- Volume of Paving Concrete : 330,000 m3

- Assumed volume of each section
Section 3 : 66,000 m3
Section 2 : 126,390 m3
Section 1 : 137,610 m3
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 130 days
Section 2 : 132 days
Section 1 : 187 days
- In case of Section 2, peak time
126,390m3  132days = 958m3 average (over 120m3/hr capacity of batcing
plant is needed)

9.2.2 Paving, Texturing and Curing

Concrete paving work will be done by slip form paver equipped electronic sensor
device, dowel bar inserter & tie-bar inserter arrangement. For the details of this
machine catalogues and technical data are enclosed.
Texturing and curing work will be followed paving work by texturing & curing machine
equipped proper arrangements. For the details of this machine technical data and
catalogues are enclosed.

- Volume of Paving Concrete : 330,000 m3

- Assumed volume of each section
Section 3 : 66,000 m3
Section 2 : 126,390 m3
Section 1 : 137,610 m3
- Actual duration to be expected
Section 3 : 130 days
Section 2 : 132 days
Section 1 : 187 days

- Concrete Paver : 1 unit


Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

Texture & Curing M/C : 1 unit

Dump Truck (15ton) : 8 unit
Water Truck(15,000L) : 1 unit
- In case of Section 2, peak time
126,390m3  576m3/day  132days = 1.66, 2 teams are required

9.2.3 Expansion Joint

Every 30meter Expansion joint will be installed. Preformed expansion joint filler and
dowel bar will be installed by supporting steel form at designated place prior to concrete
paving by slip form paver. Concrete filling, vibrating and surface treating work for the
area of expansion joint can not be performed by slip form paver and will be done by
manpower and small equipment.
After paving work joint cutting and filling the sealant will be followed after the initial
curing time has passed.
2 working teams will be required same as concrete paving work.

9.2.4 Transverse Contraction Joint

Spacing of transverse contraction joint is 4.5m. Between the expansion joint 6 nos. of
contraction joint will be installed.
Dowel bars will be laid and placed at the designated position by the dowel bar inserter
equipped in slip form paver. Dowel bar will be placed at the exact position by pushing
and vibrating by dowel bar inserter.

9.2.5 Longitudinal Construction Joint

Tie-bars will be laid and placed at the designated position by the tie-bar inserter
equipped in slip form paver. Tie-bar will be placed at the exact position by pushing
and vibrating by tie-bar inserter.

10. Bridges

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

10.1 Foundation Excavation

Refer to “4.3 Excavation for Structure”

10.2 Piling
Bored piles of 750mm diameter and 1,000mm diameter will be installed according to
the drawing and specifications. Prior to commencement of piling work dewatering
facilities such as coffer dam, proper size of water pump and access road for equipment
will be installed and maintained during the period of construction. Pile head will be
treated and prepared for the pile cap concrete.

10.3 Structure Concrete

After completion of pile cap concrete, substructure such as pier, abutment will be
installed according to the drawings and specifications.
Considering the height of structure proper shuttering and scaffolding system will be
installed temporarily for the support of concrete.
The concrete placing schedule will be prepared for each proposed structure according to
the volume and location of structure.

10.4 Superstructure

In case prestressing is required, according to the drawings, specifications and technical

data from the supplier.

Section 11 : Drainage, Protection and Strengthening Work

This work consist of the construction of box culverts and pipe culverts including head
walls, wing walls and aprons, and also the construction of extensions to the existing
pipe and scour protection, all in accordance with the drawings given by the Engineer.

Material and construction requirements will be in accordance with the descriptions for
each work item and fully comply with the specifications and drawings.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

Section 12 : Road Appurtenances

Road appurtenances for the project consist of guardrails, delineators, kilometer posts
and right of way monuments, road markings and road signs.

All the items of road furniture will be manufactured and installed in full compliance
with the specification requirements to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The contractor
will submit the necessary manufacturer’s certifications, test results etc., where required,
to ensure that the materials are supplied in accordance with the required standards.

Details of the proposed methods of construction will be submitted to the Engineer for
his approval in advance of the works and sufficient time will be allowed for all the
specified trials to be carried out with due notification prior commencement.

Where pre-cast concrete elements are required adequate time will be allowed for
production prior to installation on site.

The road appurtenances will be installed towards the end of the works during the last
few months.

Section 13 : Completion and Finishing Work

During the last few months of the contract final cleaning, slope trimming and tiding up
will be carried out.
Taking over will occur on completion of the whole length of road, but if necessary to
allow normal traffic on partially completed road, that means the Preliminary Taking
Over for partial completed road and commence the maintenance of the project.

Section 14 : As-built Drawings

Full records of construction will be kept throughout the construction period and as
various parts of the works are substantially completed drawings will be prepared
showing levels, lines, positions and dimensions as finally constructed and approved.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

The drawings and tables will include plans, profiles, cross sections, and details of all
road structural work, together with masonry, drainage, protection and strengthening
details. Road appurtenances will be shown on separate drawings.

The as-built drawings will be completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and
following his approval one transparent full size copy thereof will be submitted to the

Section 15 : Bill of Quantities, Statements and Certificates

The measurement of quantities will be carried out in accordance with the requirements
of the specification.

Interim Statements and Payment Certificates will be prepared on a monthly basis with
the quantities being computed by the Contractor. These will be submitted for the
Engineer to check each month.

On completion of the works the Contractor will prepare and submit the Final Statement
and Final Certificate in accordance with the Condition of Contract.

Section 16 : Remedies of Defaults

In the event that defaults of defects occur these will be fully investigated and promptly
rectified in accordance with the directions of the Engineer.

During the Defect Liability period a work crew will remain on site with the capability to
effect any repairs as they arise.

On receipt of the Defect Liability Certificate the remaining temporary facilities will be
removed and the site cleared to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Section 17 : Management Plan

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

17.1 Introduction

Daewoo has an established and proven system of managing the execution of major
contracts and assurance is given that the management Plan will be specifically tailored
to suit all the requirements of the project.

The management Plan will be applied to the planning and construction of the project
from inception to completion for the purpose of controlling time, scope, cost, quality,
safety and environmental issues. It will comprise the application of integrated system
and procedures by a team of professionals to achieve the Employer’s project goals.
These systems and procedures will bring each team member’s expertise to the project
in a effective and meaningful manner.

Daewoo believes that a successful project stems from an efficient Project Management
System, the basis of which can be defined as follows:

- Establish the project control philosophy

A precise definition of all project participants and works will permit the
establishment of the proper project strategy and plan.

- Organize the total project management team

Project management team will develop and establish a realistic project plan and
target schedule.

- Implementation
Being furnished with the proper strategy, plan and capable participants, project
management will execute the construction under the direction of the project The

17.2 Program

For the program and progress management Daewoo has developed a totally integrated
project scheduling system utilizing critical path network techniques and multiple levels
of schedule showing definitive plans for the execution of the works.
This provides an effective means of control on large scale projects with a large number
of activities.

Proposed Methodology and Program of Construction

17.3 Progress Monitoring

Project schedule will be a network form where information can also be reported in
graphical format to show clearly how current performance compares with the baseline
plan. The critical path will be analyzed and critical activities highlighted for
appropriate action.


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