Vehicle Registration Form

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ARLINGTON COUNTY VEHICLE INFORMATION FORM. Please check the appropriate box below. Return the form and all requested documentation to th Office of the Commissioner of Revenue. A return envelope has been enclosed for your convenience. 1. © 1do not own or garage (regularly park) a vehicle in Avtington County. 2. © Ido not own a vehicle, but | am using someone else's. (Please provide a copy of the current state vehicle registration [whether from Virginia or another state] and a check or money order payable to Treasurer, Arlington County for the $33.00 decal fee. Also, please complete #8 below.) 3. © Ido not own a vehicle, but my parking space is being used by: (Name and Address of Person using your Parking Space) (State of Registration) (State License Piato No.) 4. Ino longer lve in Artington, but I did have a vehicle when | was living there. Date vehicle eft Arlington (Please provide a copy of the current state vehicle registration [whether from Virginia or another state] and complete #8 below. ) 5. 1 My-vehicle has an Arlington County decal. (Owner and Co-owner Names) (Wehicie Personal Property Tax Account No.) 6. 9 1am an active-duty U.S. military personnel, C fulltime student, Cl diplomat of 2 NATO staff member and may be exempt from Vehicle Personal Property tax. To determine whether or not you are exempt, please visit our website at htlpst//taxes or call our office at 703-228-4017 to speak to a Customer Service Representative. (Also, please complete #8 below.) 7. GI wantto register a vehicle by mail and obtain an Arlington County decal. Please provide the following information, as well as a copy of your current state vehicle registration [whether from Virginia or another state] and a check or money order payable to Treasurer, Arlington County for your $33.00 decal fee. (Please complete #8 below.) 8. * Vehicle owner's Social Security Number or Federal ID Number: * Co-owner's Social Security Number or Federal ID Number. + This vehicle is used for: O Personal Use Business Use * Date vehicle entered Arlington: Month____Day__Year_ * Vehicle owner's Phone No (Office): (__)___- Home: (__) * Vehicle owner's E-mail Address: * Arlington County Vehicle Location: (Complete Sweet Address) PSU GENen By suming this form, I declare that he statements and gues herein are tue, complete and correct othe. best of my knowledge and bell | understand that t's a misdemeanor i the Commorwesth of Virginia for any person to submit a etun that he o she does not believe {be tue and corect a to every materia mater. | understand that my tax Haiy wil be dete based upon he dates and infemation ‘Provided, This information is requested bythe Commissioner of Revenue who i performing het dy io find lcrs subject to taxation in ‘Aington,_ Folate frnah information requested may result legal panates (VEgiria Code, Sectons 58 1.5109, 58.4341), Please Print Name Here: Taxpayer's Signature:

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