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Тематична контрольна робота № 3 з предмету англійська мова

Для учня/учениці 6 курсу_ групи який/яка навчається за сімейною формою



1. Read the definitions and write the words. The first letter is given.
1. a wireless device which can work by voice command
s__________ s__________
2. using a system of radio, radiomagnetic, etc. signals to connect
mobile phones, etc. to each other
3. a gadget that enables you to charge an electronic device while on the
p__________ c__________
4. a device you wear on your wrist which is linked to your phone to keep
you updated
with emails and calls

2. Complete the sentences with the words below. There are some extra
words which you do not need to use.
bad-tempered | easy-going | generous | impatient | insensitive | mean |
optimistic | patient | pessimistic | reliable | thoughtful | unreliable
1. My best friend’s ___________________. She always thinks that everything
will be fine.
2. My sister often shouts at me for no reason. She’s quite
3. I don’t think we’ll win the final. I’m feeling quite ___________________ about
4. Thank you for phoning me when I was ill. That was very
___________________ of you.

3. Complete the sentences with correct reporting verbs in the past simple.
The first letter is given.
1. Our best player r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that he wanted to leave the team.
2. My sister a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that she had borrowed my laptop without asking.
3. Mum r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me to water the plants while she was away.
4. Our teacher e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that we had to study hard if we wanted to
pass the exam.

4. Complete the sentences with have, make or give and one of these
a call | a hand | a hug | a talk | a word | another quarrel | fun of | the
1. I’m feeling upset. Can you __________________ me __________________?
2. Could you __________________ this student __________________ with these
boxes please?
3. I don’t think he meant to __________________ you, it was a
misunderstanding, that’s all.
4. I left my mobile at home. Can I __________________ from yours?


5. Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or present

perfect continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1. You can’t have a new mobile. You ________________________________
(already / break) three phones.
2. I’m exhausted. I ________________________________ (study) all day.
3. My sister gets on really well with our neighbour but they
________________________________ (only know) each other for six months.
4. What a wonderful smell! What ________________________________ you
________________________________ (cook)?
5. How many matches ________________________________ your team
________________________________ (win) this year?
6. You can’t be tired. We ________________________________ (not run) for very
7. I saw your brother with your dad’s car. How long
________________________________ he ________________________________ (drive)?
8. Don’t finish the cake! Mum ________________________________ (not have) a
piece yet.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

break | go | listen | not be | not have | spill | sweep | watch
1. If you’re bored, ____________________ a film.
2. You should wipe the table when you ____________________ milk on it.
3. If you load the dishwasher, I ____________________ the floor.
4. ____________________ the chocolate cake, if you don’t like sweet things.
5. If it rains, we usually ____________________ to the cinema.
6. If you ____________________, you might understand more.
7. If he isn’t careful, ____________________ he the screen on his mobile again.
8. We’ll phone you if the plane ____________________ on time.

7. Finish the reported statements. Use between two and five words.
Contractions (didn’t, hadn’t, etc.) are two words.
1. ‘I’m too tired to play another game.’
She said _______________ to play another game.
2. ‘A volcano erupted at the weekend.’
The newsman confirmed that a volcano _______________ at the
3. ‘It often rains here in August.’
He admitted that it often _______________ in August.
4. ‘You won’t get in if you don’t have a ticket.’
They told me that _______________ if I didn’t have a ticket.
5. ‘I’m going to chill out on the beach all day.’
My sister declared that she _______________ on the beach all day.
6. ‘My brother can’t do his exams with a broken hand.’
She said that her brother _______________ his exams with a broken

8. Choose the correct sentence ending.

1. Our teacher asked us

a) have you ever phoned the emergency

b) if we had ever phoned the emergency
c) whether had we ever phoned the
emergency services.

2. The tourist wanted to know

a) where was the nearest hospital.

b) whether the nearest hospital was.
c) where the nearest hospital was.

3. My mum asked me

a) was I feeling OK.

b) if was I feeling OK.
c) if I was feeling OK.

4. The teacher asked her

a) what the matter was.

b) what was the matter.
c) if the matter was.

5. The guide asked us

a) don’t go near that snake because it’s

b) not to go near that snake because it’s
c) didn’t go near that snake because it’s

6. My friends wanted to know

a) if was I going out later.

b) was I going out later.
c) whether I was going out later.

9. Finish the reported questions and requests. Use between two and five
words. Contractions (didn’t, hadn’t, etc.) are two words.
1. ‘What did you do at the weekend?’
My best friend asked me ____________________ at the weekend.
2. ‘Can we swim in the lake?’
They wanted to know ____________________ in the lake.
3. ‘Please be careful!’
My dad asked us ____________________ careful.
4. ‘Have you ever tried a dangerous sport?’
My brother asked dad ____________________ a dangerous sport.
5. ‘Can you carry the box for me?’
My dad asked me ____________________ for him.
6. ‘Where are you going after school?’
I asked my friend ____________________ after school.

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