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ვარიანტი 4

Task 1. Choose the correct answer. 0,5 point for each correct answer.

1. She denied …………………….cheating at the exam.

a. cheat b. to cheat c. cheating d. cheated

2. The employees objected to ………………………………overtime.

a. working b. work c. to work d. worked
3. Janice misses ………………………walks with her father in the evening now that she has
moved away from home.
a. taking b. to take c. taken d. take
4. The little girl was excited about ……………………a new doll for her birthday.
a. get b. getting c. to get d. got
5. I apologized for…………………………on my friend’s toe.
a. step b. stepped c. to step d. stepping
6. It is unsafe to travel in that country…………………….…….the ongoing civil war.
a. since b. because c. because of d. despite
7. …………………..……you paid for the theatre tickets , please let me pay for dinner.
a. besides b. due to c. so that d. since

8. Many people move to the cities in search of employment …………..there are few jobs available in
rural areas. a. in spite b. despite c. so that d. since

9. The teacher didn’t collect the papers………………….…….the exercise is not going to be graded.

a. because b. due to c. although d. only if

10. …………………………….………the civil war is ended, a new government is being formed.

a. although b. so that c. now that d. only if

11. Max can go to school ……………………….………he doesn’t get a scholarship.

a. even if b. for c. since d. as

12.……………………………………..…….she apologizes to her supervisor, Maria may lose her job.

a. so that b. even if c. besides d. despite

13.. need to see me, I’ll be in my office from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m.

a. unless b. because of c. in case d. in spite

14. I can’t pay my bills …………………………..…..I get a job.

a. if b. only if c. however d. unless

15. ……………….he had little money he insisted on paying the meal.

a. even though b. despite c. because d. as

16. All of the children participated in ……………………decoration for their classroom.

a. making b. make c. made d. to make
17. Most people enjoy………………………to different parts of the world.
a. travel b. travelling c. to travel d. travelled
18. Annie denied……………………..the brick though the window.
a. to throw b. thrown c. threw d. throwing
19. My roommate says I have a terrible voice, so I stopped ………………………….in the
a. singing b. sing c. to sing d. sung
20. My lawyer advised me not ………………..…….anything further about the accident.

A . say b. to say c. saying d. said

21. …………….the need to finish this project soon, I want you to work on this overtime
for the next few days.
a. because b. despite c. because of d. even though

22.. ………….the secret of how to make silk remained inside Asia, Europeans were forced to pay
incredibly high sums of money for this mysterious material to be brought overland to Europe.

a. although b. only if c. since d. in case

23. The workers have gone on strike. ………….., all production has ceased.

a. because b. so that c. now that d. therefore

24. During extremely hot weather elephants require both mud and water to keep their skin cool
…………they have no sweat glands.

a. and b. because of c. so d. due to the fact that

25. I don’t understand why, but my neighbor Mr. Morrow doesn’t seem to like me. He never smiles at
me or speaks to me …………… the many efforts I have made to be friendly and neighborly.

a. because of b. in spite of c. for d. so

26. …………. the salary meets my expectations, I will not accept the job offer.

a. due to b. even if c. if d. unless

27.. ……………you are all present let’s analyze the point.

a. nevertheless b. since c. therefore d. otherwise

28. Hundreds of species of Hawaiian flowers have become extinct or rare …………extensive land
development and the grazing of wild goats.

a. now that b. due to c. because d. if

29. What a lovely day! …………we go for a walk?

a. need b. shall c. must d. might

30. It is likely that he…………….win the race.

a. had to b. must c. need d. will

31. To stay alive people …………….breathe oxygen.

a. must/have to b. don’t have to c. has to d. had to

32. Soldiers ……………………disobey a superior officer.

a. must b. have to c. must not c. don’t have to

33. My room is in a mess but I ……………clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning.

a. must b. don’t have to c. mustn’t d. have to

34. Thank goodness we ……………… fish again tonight. Dad didn’t catch any today.

a. must b. have to c. mustn’t d. don’t have to

35. Peter ……………..rather sleep on a mattress than on the floor.

a. shall b. could c. would d. must

36. “It……….rain this evening. Why don’t you take an umbrella?”

“That’s a good idea. May I borrow yours?”

a. had better b. could c. must d. might

37.” …………… hand me that pair of scissors, please?” “Certainly.”

a. may b. shall c. will d. should

38.” Do you like to play tennis?” “Yes. When I worked at the embassy, I ………… a friend at 5
every afternoon for a game”

a. would b. should c. had better d. would rather

39. “………………….letting me use your bicycle for a little while?” “ Not at all.”

a. please to b. would you mind c. will you d. could you please

40. I tried to call you last night but I couldn’t get……………….you.

a. through to b. on c. across d. over

Task 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the
word given to complete the sentence. ( 1 point for each correct answer)

1. Let’s go shopping in town. (about)

What …………………………………………………………… town?
2. I’m sure he lied to you. (have)
He…………………………………………………………… you.
3. The match was cancelled because it was raining. (due)
The match……………………………………………………………....
4. Take some more money. You will need it. ( case)
Take ……………………………………………………………
5. The car was expensive. He couldn’t afford it. (such)
It was……………………………………………………………
6. He asked for a loan. He wanted to expand his company. ( view)
He asked ……………………………………………………………....his company.
7. They locked the car. They were afraid someone might steal it. (fear)
They locked the car……………………………………………………………
8. There was thick fog. So the plane couldn’t take off. (because)
The plane ………………………………………………………thick fog.
9. She inherited some money. She gave most of it to charity. (which)
She gave most of money she ……………….…………………………………to
10. Let’s sit on the terrace; the food isn’t ready yet. ( until)
Let’s sit………………………………………………………………………. ready.
11. Mary hates vampire films and so does Paul.(nor)
Neither…………………………………………..………………….vampire films.
12. Would you like to come to the cinema with me? (coming)
How…………………………………………………………………………with me?
13. If there is a fire you mustn’t use the lift. (event)
In…………………………………………..………………………………… the lift.
14. Since it was very cold we stayed at home. (due)
We stayed at home……………………………………………………………….
15. She won’t buy him any chocolate if he doesn’t stop crying.(unless)
16. I am sure Janny didn’t crash your car. (have)
Janny …………………………………………………………………………your
17. Joe came first, not Sally. (who)
It…………………………………………….…………………………., not Sally.
18. He is too tired to go on working. (so)
He is ……………………………………………………….working.
19. The reason we are having this meeting is to appoint a new chairman. (view)
We’re having this ……………………………………..
20. It’s possible they’ll be hungry. So I’ll cook something (case)
I’ll cook………………………………………………………………..

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