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GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro, 10-14 March 2020

Jug Drobac1, Ivana Štimac Grandić2



Researchers have known of the problem of the evaluation of the dynamic response of
footbridges due to pedestrian loading more than a century ago, but it has been intensively
explored over the past 20 years. Footbridges made of modern lightweight materials as well as
extreme slender footbridges made of traditional materials often experience excessive vibrations
unpleasant for pedestrians.
Although an incredibly large amount of research has emerged on the topic, the problem of
vibrations is very poorly represented in European standards for structural design (Eurocodes).
The requirement for verification of pedestrian comfort criteria may be found in EN 1990 and
EN 1991-2. The recommended maximum acceleration of any part of the bridge deck is defined
in EN 1990.
Unfortunately, the dynamic load models of pedestrian loads are not given in any part of
Eurocode. Only the Annex B to Eurocode EN 1995-2:2013: Design of timber structures gives
expressions to determine the vertical and horizontal acceleration of the timber bridges with
simply supported beams or truss systems. Also, the UK National Annex to Eurocode EN 1991-
2:2003: Actions on structures gives models of pedestrian loads, using which is possible to
calculate the vertical acceleration of the bridge.
In this paper, the calculations of maximum vertical acceleration on two fictional pedestrian
bridges are made according to Annex B to Eurocode EN 1995-2:2013 and UK National Annex
to Eurocode EN 1991-2:2003 (two different Annexes to European standards). The results of the
calculations are presented and compared.
Key words
bridge vibration, acceleration, UK NA 1992-1, Annex B to EN 1995-2

Mr, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia, e-mail:
Ms, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rijeka, Croatia, e-mail:

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice


The problem of vibrations on pedestrian bridges is a topic that has been intensively
explored over the past 20 years. Although an incredibly large amount of research has emerged on
the topic [1], the problem of vibrations is very poorly represented in European standards for
structural design (Eurocodes).
Eurocode „EN 1990:2011: Basis of structural design“ [2] requires verification of pedestrian
comfort criteria if the natural frequency of the bridge deck was less than 5 Hz for vertical
vibrations and 2.5 Hz for horizontal and torsional vibrations. Also, the recommended maximum
acceleration of any part of the deck is given: 0.7 m/s2 for vertical direction, and 0.2 m/s2 for
horizontal direction due to normal use and 0.4 m/s2 for exceptional crowd conditions.
Eurocode „EN 1991-2:2012: Actions on structures“ [3] defines that the forces induced by
pedestrians, with frequencies identical to one of the natural frequencies of the bridge, can result
into resonance and need to be taken into account for limit state verifications and defines the
pedestrian frequency range in the vertical direction between 1 Hz and 3 Hz. Also, it is submitted
that the appropriate dynamic load models of pedestrian loads and comfort criteria should be
defined in the national Annex or for the individual project.
According to authors´ knowledge, only the UK National Annex to Eurocode EN 1991-
2:2003: Actions on structures [4] gives models of pedestrian loads, using which is possible to
calculate the vertical acceleration of the bridge, depending on its natural frequency, the number of
pedestrians and the way they move across the bridge (walking or running).
Also, Annex B to Eurocode EN 1995-2:2013: Design of timber structures [5] gives
expressions to determine the vertical and horizontal acceleration of the timber bridges with simply
supported beams or truss systems, depending on the natural frequency of the bridge, the number of
pedestrians crossing the bridge and the way they move across the bridge (walking or running).
Although Eurocode 5 concerns timber bridges, the response model could be used for any material
The calculations of maximum vertical acceleration on two fictional pedestrian mounted
beam bridges are made according to these two different Annexes to European standards. First
bridge is longer and has a span of 30 meters. Second, shorter bridge, has a span of 20 meters. Both
bridges have the same dimensions in cross section, width of 4 meters and height of 0.4 meters.
Also, both bridges are made of the same material, reinforced concrete (Class 30/37).



First, the calculation according to Annex B to Eurocode EN 1995-2:2013: Design of timber

structures is made. After that, the calculation according to UK National Annex to Eurocode EN
1991-2:2003: Actions on structures is presented.

GNP 2 0 2 0

2.1. ANNEX B TO EN 1995-2

The calculation of vertical acceleration according to Annex B to Eurocode EN 1995-
2:2013: Design of timber structures due to walking can be determined by expression:

 200
  0.0Hz  f vert  2.5Hz
 Mζ
a vert,1   (1)
  2.5Hz  f vert  5.0Hz

 Mζ

Where: M is the total mass of the bridge in kg, given by M=m∙L,

L is the span of the bridge,
m is the mass per unit length (self-weight) of the bridge in kg/m’,
ζ is the damping ratio (ζ=0.01 for structures without mechanical joints),
fvert is the fundamental natural frequency for vertical deformation of the bridge.

For the footbridges with vertical vibrations between 2.5 Hz and 5.0 Hz the effect of 2nd
harmonic is taken into account by half the value of the impact of 1st harmonic. For group of
pedestrians crossing the bridge, the vertical acceleration avert,n in m/s2 of the bridge should be
calculated as:
a vert,n  0.23  a vert,1  n  k vert (2)

Where: n is the number of pedestrians (n=13 for distinct group of pedestrians),

kvert is a coefficient according to literature,
avert,1 is the vertical acceleration for one person crossing the bridge determined
according to expression (1).
Natural frequency of the bridge can be determined as:

n EI
f (3)
2 mL4

Where: αn empirical coefficient for determining of natural frequency from literature,

EI cross-sectional and material characteristics,
m is the mass per unit length (self-weight) of the bridge in kg/m’,
L is the span of the bridge.
The calculation of natural frequency follows:

b  h   G 4  0.4  25  10 3
m   4077 .47 kg / m' (4)
g 9.81

4.73 2 3.2  1010  2.13  10 2

f vert   1.62 Hz  2.5Hz (5)
2 4077 .47  30 4

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice

The coefficient kvert, which also takes into account the effect of 2nd harmonic, can be
obtained from the literature [5]:
k vert  1 (6)

Figure 1. Relationships between fundamental natural frequency fvert and coefficient kvert

The calculation of vertical acceleration due to walking for single pedestrian and for group
of pedestrians follows:
200 200
a vert,1    0.1635 m/s 2 (7)
Mζ 4077.47  30  0.01

a vert,n  0.23  0.1635 13 1  0.4889 m/s 2 (8)

The calculation of vertical acceleration according to Annex B to Eurocode EN 1995-

2:2013: Design of timber structures due to single pedestrian running can be determined by
a vert,1   2.5Hz  f vert  3.5Hz (9)

Where: M is the total mass of the bridge in kg, given by M=m∙L,

L is the span of the bridge,
m is the mass per unit length (self-weight) of the bridge in kg/m’,
ζ is the damping ratio (ζ=0.01 for structures without mechanical joints),
fvert is the fundamental natural frequency for vertical deformation of the bridge.

The calculation of vertical acceleration due to single pedestrian running according to Annex
B to Eurocode EN 1995-2:2013 is not performed because the fundamental natural frequency of
Bridge I is less than 2.5 Hz and no calculation is required according to Expression (9). For that
reason, neither the calculation of vertical acceleration due to running according to UK National
Annex to Eurocode EN 1991-2:2003 will be performed.

GNP 2 0 2 0


The calculation according to UK National Annex to Eurocode EN 1991-2:2003: Actions on
structures provides dynamic load model by which the acceleration is determined. The design
maximum vertical accelerations that result from single pedestrian or pedestrian groups should be
calculated by assuming that these are represented by the application of the vertical pulsating force
F(N), moving across the span of the bridge at a constant speed vt, as follows:

F  F0  k f v   1   N  1  sin2  f v  t  (10)

Where: N is the number of pedestrians in the group,

F0 is the reference amplitude of the applied fluctuating force (N) given in Table
(and represents the maximum amplitude of the applied pedestrian force at the
most likely pace frequency, 280N for walking, 910N for jogging),
fv is the natural frequency (Hz) of the vertical mode under consideration,
k(fv) given in literature, is a combined factor to deal with (a) the effects of a more
realistic pedestrian population, (b) harmonic responses and (c) relative weighting
of pedestrian of pedestrian sensitivity to response,
t elapsed time (seconds),
γ is a reduction factor to allow for the unsynchronized combination of actions in a
pedestrian group, is a function of damping and effective span, and is obtained
from literature,
Seff is an effective span length (m) equal to the area enclosed by the vertical
component of the mode shape of interest divided by 0.634 times the maximum of
the vertical component of the same mode shape (In all cases it is conservative to
use Seff=S),
S is the span of the bridge (m).

The calculation due to walking can be made considering the single pedestrian load model or
the load model of the group of pedestrians. The effect of 2nd harmonic is taken into account by the
coefficient k(fv) which is obtained from the literature [4]:
k f v   0.93 (11)

Figure 2. Relationships between coefficient k(fv) and mode frequencies fv

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice

The calculation for the single pedestrian load model (N=1) due to walking follows:

F  280  0.93  1  0.321  1  sin2  1.62  t   260 .4  sin3.24    t  (12)

Modelling of vertical pulsating force F, moving across the span of the bridge at a constant
speed vt=1.7 m/s is performed in software DARK. Maximum vertical acceleration for a single
pedestrian is given:

a vert,1,max  0.1417 m / s 2 (13)

Now, the calculation for the load model of the group of pedestrians (N=13) due to walking

F  280  0.93  1  0.3213  1  sin2  1.62  t   572 .88  sin3.24    t  (14)

Modelling of vertical pulsating force F, moving across the span of the bridge at a constant
speed vt=1.7 m/s is performed in software DARK. Maximum vertical acceleration for group of
pedestrians is given:

a vert,n ,max  0.3122 m / s 2 (15)



3.1. ANNEX B TO EN 1995-2

The calculation of vertical acceleration due to walking according to Annex B to Eurocode
EN 1995-2:2013 is made first. The calculation of natural frequency follows:

b  h   G 4  0.4  25  10 3
m   4077 .47 kg / m' (16)
g 9.81

4.73 2 3.2 1010  2.13 10 2

2.5Hz  f vert   3.64 Hz  5Hz (17)
2 4077 .47  20 4

Vertical frequency of the Bridge II is between 2.5 Hz and 5.0 Hz, so the effect of 2nd
harmonic will be taken into account. The coefficient kvert, which also takes into account the effect
of 2nd harmonic, can be obtained from the literature [5]:
k vert  0.5 (18)

The calculation of vertical acceleration due to walking for single pedestrian and for group
of pedestrians follows:

GNP 2 0 2 0

100 100
a vert,1    0.1226 m / s 2 (19)
M 4077 .47  20  0.01

a vert,n  0.23  0.1226 13  0.5  0.1833 m / s 2 (20)

The calculation of vertical acceleration due to single pedestrian running according to Annex
B to Eurocode EN 1995-2:2013 is not performed because the fundamental natural frequency of
Bridge II is more than 3.5 Hz and no calculation is required according to Expression (9). For that
reason, neither the calculation of vertical acceleration due to running according to UK National
Annex to Eurocode EN 1991-2:2003 will be performed.


Now, the calculation of acceleration due to walking according to UK National Annex to
Eurocode EN 1991-2:2003: Actions on structures will be presented. The effect of 2nd harmonic is
taken into account by the coefficient k(fv) which is obtained from the literature [4]:
k f v   0.35 (21)

The calculation for the single pedestrian load model (N=1) due to walking follows:

F  280  0.35  1  0.351  1  sin2  3.64  t   98  sin7.28    t  (22)

Modelling of vertical pulsating force F, moving across the span of the bridge at a constant
speed vt = 1.7 m/s is performed in software DARK. Maximum vertical acceleration for a single
pedestrian is given:

a vert,1,max  0.0964 m / s 2 (23)

Now, the calculation for the load model of the group of pedestrians (N=13) due to walking

F  280  0.35  1  0.3513  1  sin2  3.64  t   223 .47  sin7.28    t  (24)

Modelling of vertical pulsating force F, moving across the span of the bridge at a constant
speed vt=1.7 m/s is performed in software DARK. Maximum vertical acceleration for group of
pedestrians is given:

a vert,n ,max  0.2198 m / s 2 (25)

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice


Table 1. Comparison of results according to two different European standards

Annex B TO EN UK National Annex Annex B /
Bridge span Load model
1995-2 to EN 1991-2 UK NA
Single pedestrian 0.1635 0.1417 15.38 %
30 m
Pedestrian group 0.4889 0.3122 56.60 %
Single pedestrian 0.1226 0.0964 27.18 %
20 m
Pedestrian group 0.1833 0.2198 -16.61 %

In the results of the calculation of vertical acceleration due to walking for single pedestrian
load model the correlation between results can be found. In general, the results according to Annex
B to Eurocode EN 1995-2:2013: Design of timber structures are up to 27% higher than the results
according to UK National Annex to Eurocode EN 1991-2:2003: Actions on structures. In contrast,
the correlation in the results of the calculation of vertical acceleration due to walking for the
pedestrian group load model can’t be found because the results differ by more than 56%. The
reason is different approach to take into account the effect of 2nd harmonic between the two
standards. Annex B to Eurocode EN 1995-2:2013: Design of timber structures takes into account
the effect of 2nd harmonic in Expression (1) and also later in Expression (2) for pedestrian group
load model by the coefficient kvert. UK National Annex to Eurocode EN 1991-2:2003: Actions on
structures takes into account the effect of 2nd harmonic only in Expression (10) by the coefficient
k(fv). Also, according to [1], the Expression (2) for determination of acceleration of a group of
pedestrians is accurate for very small footbridges.
From the results, it can be concluded that there are no harmonized European standards for
vertical vibration control on footbridges. The development of a unified European standard for both
vertical and horizontal vibration control on footbridges must be priority.


This paper is a part of research supported by University of Rijeka through Grant No. uniri-
tehnic-18-127. The authors are grateful for this support.


[1] F. Ricciardelli, C. Demartino: "Design of Footbridges against Pedestrian-Induced Vibrations",

Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21 (8), 2016
[2] Eurocode 0, Basis of structural design, EN 1990: 2011
[3] Eurocode 1, Actions on structures - Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges, EN 1991-2: 2012
[4] UK National Annex to Eurocode 1, Actions on structures - Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges, NA to BS
EN 1991-2: 2003
[5] Eurocode 5, Design of timber structures - Part 2: Bridges - Annex B, EN 1995-2: 2013
[6] C. Maraveas, Z.C. Fasoulakis, K.D. Tsavdaridis: “A Review of Human Induced Vibrations on
Footbridges”, American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 8 (4), 2015

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