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Jeremy Jm M.

BSCE 1-1
Art Appreciation

"Harvest Scene by Fernando Amorsolo"

Meaning: Amorsolo was known for these romantic depictions of pastoral life. At a time
when urbanization was under way, the artist was drawn to the places he called home, the
hills and rice fields. With war impending, Amorsolo painted La Cosecha (The Harvest) as a
snapshot of the fleeting beauty of the Philippine landscape. The painting also highlights
Amorsolo’s appreciation for the activities of communal unity, and engrained in Filipino life
and culture, such as planting and harvesting rice. La Cosecha (The Harvest) captures a
universal love among people. The mother and son’s embrace may be an ordinary and simple
gesture, but these were the human interactions that Amorsolo found to hold the most
beauty. He rejoiced in the lives of the rural people— the farmers, the vendors, and the
women performing their daily chores.

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