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ROSARB/COMPmAIPUR/2023/ D>te 28.06.2023

l. M/s Maa Sharada Enterprises and Stores,
Prop: Mr Chandra Mani Pandey.
MIG Duplex 101,Phase 4,
Kabir Nagar,Raipur.
2. Sri Balmikl Prasad Dubey (guarantor),
Sarkanda, Bllaspur,
3. Sri Sarvesh Kumar Pandey (guarantor),
Kabir Nagar, Raipur

Subject - Your One Time Compromise offerIn your loan account - 45750500000033,
45750600000458 ,ANO 45750600000325 .

Dear Sir

We refer to your letter No. NII received on 27·06-2023 on tne captioned subject. Your
request to settle the accounts through compromise has beP.n favourably cons dered by
competent authorlties and sanctioned the compromise With the followrng terms and

Total compromise amount of Rs. 1,50,00,000/-(Rupees One Crore Fifty Lakhs only )
against the book dues and unapplied Interest and interest reversal a11d other charges in
the loan account of M/s Maa Sharada Enterprises and stores.

(i) Rs. 50,00,000/ {Rupees Fifty Lakhs ) upfront amount paid on 28 06-2022 and
remaining amount ofl,00,00,000/-(Rupees One Crore) Within-90 days frow the date of
sanction/ acceptance but on or before 30.09.2023
(ii) The borrower/Guarantor to give unconditional undertaking while accepting the
sanction of compromise that they will withdraw all the legal/other cases at
various forum (known/Not Known to the bank/ against the Bank or Its any officials
and they willnot file
any claim against Bank.

(iii) The bank shall withdraw any suits pendmg before the ORT and any other court or
forum against the Promoters or Guarantors of the company after receipt of
compromise amount In full and shall withdraw such pending suits/cases against
company only after receipt of compromise amount strictly as per payment of
sched ule mentloned above.

(iv) In case of any default In repayment of compromise dues as per agreed payment terms
& In the event of non-compliance of other sti;>ulated terms and conditions, bank
reserves the right to frustrate the compromise and continue recovery actrons and
reserves the right to claim the contractual dues along with legal and other expenses,
Incurred and to beincurred in future by the bank.

ROSARS Branch,First Floor Maha>tr Goushala Com pie• Moudha Para, K k Roao, Raipur (C.G) <92004 Phone.077142'1931;:-
07714010499; E-mail- Satrap@ba 1kofbarocts1 t;Q In
<iR M.!llf.1.3![!. , • !!'t!,11• pu B lft•fl3!lf!MitR. m,TU'.!'! 'U••92004 .- '11Tl
0n1A()J0499 ! t ipr,. Sarrao@bar ofbAcoda . O. I


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