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Dear Sir/Madam, REF: REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL PRACTICAL TRAINING FOR... ‘The above mentioned is a student of Mbeya University of Science and Technology nia Bachelor course in Business Administration (Finunce and Accounting), University Qualification: Framework UQF 8 (2% year), He is now applying for being considered for a practical training in your ‘organization Our University has the prime objective of producing better and well qualified technicians and business Professionals. To achieve this goal, the training programmes put a great emphasis on industrial/field Practical taining. This year Bachelor students are required to attend industrial/field practical training for ten (10) weeks as from 09” August 2021 to 15" October 2021, The University will appreciate very much any assistance extended to our students, Thank you for your continued cooperation to our students and the nation as a whole, ‘Yours faithfully, eo Dr. Arthur Mngoma Omari “Head Industrial Linkages an ve “ets

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