Gr8 March Cycle Test 2021 MEMO

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1 Solar energy / Radiant energy 

2.1.2 O2 / oxygen 
2.1.3 CO2 / carbon dioxide 
2.1.4 Photosynthesis 
2.1.5 CO2 + H2O  C6H12O6 + O2 
2.1.6 Food 
Oxygen 
2.1.7 Starch 
2.1.8 Autotrophs 

2.2.1 Abiotic – Non-living factors  eg. Atmosphere, soil, rocks, water 

Biotic – Living-factors  eg. Trees, grass, zebras, insects, etc. 
2.2.2 Commensalism 
2.2.3 The leopard benefits by having shelter 
The tree is not advantaged/disadvantaged. Unaffected. 
2.2.4 Zebra’s eat grass that grows on the ground 
Giraffes eat from tall trees 
2.2.5 Vulture / Hyena 
2.3.1 a) Grass / shrubs 
b) shrew 
c) cheetah / jackal / owl 
2.3.2 Decomposers 
2.3.3 a) Increase 
b) Increase 
c) Increase 
2.3.4 Insectivores are carnivores that eat INSECTS 
Predators are carnivores that HUNT for food. 
2.3.5 Habitat destruction  - Destroying the habitat of animals, less space, animals
die 
Pollution  - Destroys the water sources/soil in the habitats of animals 
Climate change  - The changing environmental conditions  causes animals
and ecosystems to die as they cannot adapt to this change
ANY TWO with explanations

2.4.1 Illegal hunting and killing of animals 

2.4.2 166 
2.4.3 Over 1000 
2.4.4 Medicinal properties 
Status symbols 
2.4.5 Deployment of troops to protect them 
Air and foot patrols by rangers 
Moving the rhinos to neighbouring countries for safekeeping 
3.1.1 Bacteria 
3.1.2 Tse-tse flies 
Mosquitos 
Ticks 
3.1.3 Organism that requires a host to survive, the host will provide food and
reproductive space 
3.1.4 Virus
3.1.5 Wash hands regularly 
Disinfect toothbrushes and cooking utensils 
Boil drinking water 
Sterilisation 
Vaccinations 

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