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Grammar Test 1

1. In the sentence: “People earning 50000 USD should pay taxes” the word ‘earning” is:
a. Infinitive b. Present Participle
c. Past Participle d. Gerund

2. The category of aspect shows:

a. if the action is in progress or completed b. the person of the verb
b. the number of the verb c. the time the action is done

3. According to the grammatical meaning of terminativeness / interminativeness, verbs can

a. transitive and intransitive b. notional and functional
c. link and auxiliary d. terminative and durative

4. What can function as adjectives in the sentence?

a. participles b. infinitives c. gerunds d. none of them

5. In the sentence: “My brother was packing instead of cleaning his room” CLEANING HIS
ROOM” is:
a. present participle b. infinitive c. gerund d. past participle

6. In the sentence: “TO ASK FOR A RAISE sometimes pays off” to ask for a raise is:
a. present participle b. infinitive c. gerunds d. past participle

7. In the sentence " I have never seen a better place" the attribute is expressed by:
a. noun b. verb c. adjective d. adverb

8. In the sentence " I was completely happy" completely is……… “completely” is:
a. adjective b. adverb of manner c. adverb of degree d. pronoun

9. In the sentence " I am just finishing my homework" Just is:

a. adverb of place b. adjective c. adverb of time d. adverb of manner

10. …….. express such properties of a substance as are determined by the direct relation of the
substance to some other substance
a. relative adjectives b. qualitative adjectives c. adverbs of manner d. verbs

11. Not all the verbs capable of taking an object are actually used in the passive.
a. true b. false
12. The …………. simply states a fact of some sort, or describes what happens, or gives details
about reality.
a. imperative mood b. indicative mood c. subjunctive mood
13. A verb is in the …………….. mood when it expresses a condition which is doubtful or not
a. imperative b. indicative c. subjunctive

14. In the sentence the adjective performs the functions of an attribute and ……….
a. predicative b. predicate c. object d. adverbial modifier

15. “satisfactory” is …
a. relative adjective b. adverb of manner c. qualitative adjective

16. The gerund is the non-finite form of the verb which, like the infinitive, combines the
properties of the verb with those of the noun.
a. True b. false

17. verbals have grammatical categories of:

a. tense, aspect, voice, mood, person, number
b. tense, aspect, voice, mood, person
c. tense, aspect, voice, mood,
d. tense, voice.

18. in the sentence “His hobby was collecting stamps” collecting is:
a. present participle as an attribute b. gerund as an attribute
c. gerund as an object d. gerund as a predicative

19. After apologizing he entered the room. “apologizing” is:

a. a. present participle as an object b. gerund as an attribute
c. gerund as an object d. gerund as an adverbial modifier

20. “The torn paper was left on the desk” “torn” is:

a. a. present participle as an object b. past participle as an attribute

c. an adjective d. an adverbial modifier

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