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Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Research Paper 2020

Algorithmic Trading, Effects of COVID-19 First Wave and Second Wave,

2000 Customers' Trading Patterns, and New Technologies in the Market

Research By
Marten Saar, Computer Science (University of Pärnu, Pärnu)

Siim Laane, Information Systems (Estonian IT College, Tartu)

Andres Nurk, Business Administration (Estonian Business School, Tallinn) 1
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

This research paper explores the intricate New Technologies: We investigate the
interplay between algorithmic trading introduction of innovative technologies
(algo trading) and the unprecedented and advancements in algo trading since
challenges posed by the COVID-19 November 2020. From artificial
pandemic during the period extending intelligence to blockchain, we examine
from November 2020 onwards. In this how these innovations are reshaping
dynamic financial landscape, we market efficiency and trader strategies,
investigate the effects of the pandemic's alongside the regulatory considerations
first and second waves on algo trading, they entail.
scrutinize the trading patterns exhibited by
a diverse cohort of 2000 customers, and This research provides a comprehensive
delve into the emergence of new insight into the evolving landscape of algo
technologies revolutionizing the market. trading, reflecting its resilience in the face
of unforeseen global challenges. It
Our objectives encompass a multifaceted underscores the transformative impact of
examination of these interconnected the COVID-19 pandemic on financial
domains: markets and the adaptability of traders and
technologies. As we navigate this dynamic
COVID-19's Impact: We evaluate the landscape, the findings of this research
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on offer valuable perspectives on the future of
financial markets, focusing on how the algo trading and its integration with
initial wave, followed by the second wave, cutting-edge technologies in the financial
reshaped market dynamics, volatility, and market.
the role of algo trading in adapting to
unprecedented uncertainties.

Customer Trading Patterns: We analyze

the trading patterns of 2000 customers,
segmenting and profiling their responses to
market volatility, risk aversion, and
strategic adaptations during the pandemic.
This exploration aims to uncover
commonalities, anomalies, and shifts in
customer behavior. 2
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
in the way financial markets operate,
making them more efficient, liquid, and
Introduction interconnected.

The financial world has undergone a COVID-19 Pandemic

profound transformation in recent decades,
and at the heart of this transformation is The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the
the emergence of algorithmic trading, or novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has been
algo trading. This technological revolution a global health crisis of unprecedented
has fundamentally altered the landscape of proportions. It has left a trail of human
financial markets, introducing efficiency, suffering, economic upheaval, and
speed, and complexity that were profound uncertainty in its wake. While
previously unimaginable. Simultaneously, the primary focus has been on public
the world has witnessed an unprecedented health and the race to develop vaccines,
global event—the COVID-19 pandemic— the pandemic's repercussions have rippled
that has sent shockwaves throughout every through the global economy, including the
aspect of society, including the financial intricate web of financial markets.
The pandemic's impact on financial
Algorithmic Trading markets has been swift and profound. As it
spread across the globe, financial markets
Algorithmic trading, often referred to as experienced massive volatility and
algo trading, represents the pinnacle of unpredictability. Equity markets
technological advancement in financial plummeted, oil prices turned negative for
markets. It is the application of the first time in history, and currencies
sophisticated algorithms and computer gyrated wildly. The pandemic acted as a
programs to execute high-frequency, high- catalyst for a broad spectrum of economic
volume trades at speeds impossible for behaviors, from panic selling to flight to
human traders to match. The significance safety assets like gold and government
of algo trading lies in its ability to harness bonds.
vast amounts of data, analyze it in real-
time, and execute trades with split-second The effects of the pandemic on financial
precision. This technological marvel has markets were not limited to traditional
democratized trading, making it accessible assets like stocks and bonds.
not only to institutional players but also to Cryptocurrency markets, too, witnessed
individual investors. unprecedented volatility, with Bitcoin and
other digital currencies experiencing
The evolution of algo trading can be traced dramatic price swings. These dynamics
back to the late 20th century, but its true underscored the interconnection of various
ascent has occurred in recent years. Rapid financial markets and the importance of
advancements in computational power, technology-driven trading strategies in
coupled with the availability of big data, responding to rapidly changing conditions.
have created an ecosystem where
algorithms are not just tools but the driving
force behind financial transactions. These
algorithms can perform various functions,
from executing simple buy/sell orders to
executing complex arbitrage strategies, all
without human intervention. The rise of
algo trading has led to a fundamental shift 3
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
trading behaviors of a substantial customer
base, and exploring the frontiers of
financial technology, we hope to
Research Objectives
contribute to a deeper understanding of the
modern financial landscape and its
In light of the seismic shifts brought about
evolving nature.
by algo trading and the COVID-19
pandemic, this research embarks on a
multifaceted exploration. Our objectives Literature Review
are threefold:
Historical Context: Evolution of Algo
Impact of the Pandemic on Algo Trading: Trading Since November 2020
We aim to dissect and analyze how the
COVID-19 pandemic, characterized by its Since November 2020, algorithmic trading
first and second waves, has impacted algo (algo trading) has continued to evolve at a
trading. This entails understanding how remarkable pace, further solidifying its
algorithmic trading systems responded to role as a driving force in modern financial
heightened volatility and uncertainty, markets. Algo trading has come a long
potentially reshaping market dynamics. way since its inception, with notable trends
and developments reshaping its landscape.
Trading Patterns of 2000 Customers: Our
research seeks to delve into the trading One of the prominent trends has been the
patterns exhibited by a diverse cohort of growing democratization of algo trading.
2000 customers during this period. By Historically dominated by institutional
segmenting and profiling their trading players, algo trading has become
behaviors, we aim to uncover patterns, increasingly accessible to individual
commonalities, and deviations. investors. Platforms and brokerage firms
Understanding how different traders have recognized the demand for
adapted to the evolving landscape is algorithmic trading tools and have strived
essential for comprehending the market's to make them user-friendly. This shift has
resilience. opened doors for a wider range of
participants, leveling the playing field and
Exploration of New Technologies: Finally, contributing to higher market liquidity.
we explore the emergence of new
technologies and innovations in the Furthermore, algo trading strategies have
financial market. From artificial become more sophisticated and adaptable.
intelligence and machine learning to Traders now employ a diverse array of
blockchain and high-frequency trading algorithms, ranging from traditional
infrastructure, we scrutinize how these execution algorithms to more complex
advancements have impacted the strategies like market making, statistical
landscape of algorithmic trading and arbitrage, and machine learning-based
trading strategies. Additionally, we models. These algorithms are capable of
consider the regulatory implications and processing vast datasets in real-time and
challenges posed by these innovations. making split-second decisions, allowing
traders to seize opportunities and mitigate
In this era of unprecedented change, this risks with unprecedented precision.
research seeks to illuminate the intricate
interplay between technology, global Additionally, the integration of artificial
events, and market dynamics. By intelligence (AI) and machine learning
examining the impact of the COVID-19 (ML) into algo trading systems has gained
pandemic on algo trading, analyzing the prominence. These technologies have the 4
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
potential to optimize trading strategies by strategies.
identifying patterns, anomalies, and market
trends that might elude human traders. AI- Individual traders exhibited varying
driven predictive analytics enable traders responses. Some maintained their trading
to make data-informed decisions, while strategies, adhering to predefined
ML models can adapt and improve trading algorithms, while others adjusted their
strategies over time. strategies on the fly in response to market
events. The diversity of trading patterns
COVID-19 Impact on Financial highlighted the adaptability and creativity
Markets: First and Second Waves of traders when faced with unprecedented
The COVID-19 pandemic, with its first
and second waves, triggered New Technologies: Innovations in
unprecedented turmoil in global financial Algo Trading
markets. Research on the pandemic's
impact has been extensive, shedding light The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the
on the multifaceted consequences. adoption of new technologies in algo
trading. Blockchain technology, for
During the first wave, financial markets example, gained traction for its potential to
faced a sudden shock characterized by enhance transparency and security in
extreme volatility, plunging stock prices, financial transactions. Decentralized
and liquidity crises. Algo trading played a finance (DeFi) platforms emerged,
crucial role during this period, with some offering innovative algorithmic trading and
algorithms struggling to adapt to rapidly lending solutions.
changing market conditions. Market
participants witnessed "flash crashes," Moreover, machine learning models
where prices plummeted within minutes, became increasingly sophisticated,
only to rebound just as rapidly. enabling traders to predict market
movements and optimize trading strategies
As the pandemic persisted into the second in real-time. High-frequency trading
wave, markets exhibited greater resilience. (HFT) firms continued to invest in cutting-
Algo trading systems had adapted, edge hardware and software to gain
leveraging machine learning algorithms microseconds of advantage in executing
and real-time data analysis to navigate trades.
market turbulence more effectively. These
systems played a pivotal role in stabilizing In conclusion, the period since November
markets by providing liquidity during 2020 has witnessed the continued
volatile periods. evolution of algo trading, marked by
greater accessibility, advanced strategies,
Trading Patterns: Customer Behavior in and the integration of new technologies.
Response to Market Volatility The COVID-19 pandemic, with its dual
waves, served as a crucible, testing the
Research on trading patterns during the adaptability of algo trading systems and
pandemic has revealed a spectrum of revealing the dynamic nature of financial
behaviors among market participants. markets. Understanding these
Some investors adopted risk-averse developments and their implications is
strategies, moving toward safe-haven paramount as we navigate an ever-
assets like government bonds and gold. changing financial landscape.
Others seized opportunities in the
heightened volatility, embracing risk-on 5
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

First Wave Impact

The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

had a significant impact on financial
markets, with global stock markets
experiencing sharp declines in early 2020.
This was due to a number of factors,
including concerns about the economic
impact of the pandemic, disruptions to
supply chains, and uncertainty about the
outlook for corporate earnings. chart showing the volatility of the S&P
Algo trading played a significant role in 500 index during the first and second
responding to the increased volatility and waves of the COVID-19 pandemic
uncertainty during the first wave of the
pandemic. Algo traders were able to Formula:
quickly execute large orders in a volatile
market, and they also helped to provide The following formula can be used to
liquidity to the market. However, some calculate the volatility of a financial asset:
algo trading strategies were also blamed Volatility = Standard
for exacerbating the volatility during this deviation of returns /
period. Average return
The standard deviation of returns is a
Second Wave Impact measure of how much the returns of the
The second wave of the COVID-19 asset deviate from the average return. The
pandemic had a less severe impact on higher the standard deviation, the more
financial markets than the first wave. This volatile the asset is.
was due to a number of factors, including
the fact that markets had already priced in Conclusion
some of the negative economic impact of
the pandemic, and that there was more The COVID-19 pandemic has had a
certainty about the outlook for corporate significant impact on financial markets and
earnings. algo trading. Algo traders played a
Algo trading continued to play a significant role in responding to the
significant role in financial markets during increased volatility and uncertainty during
the second wave of the pandemic. the first wave of the pandemic. However,
However, the impact of algo trading was the impact of algo trading was less
less pronounced than during the first wave. pronounced during the second wave.
This was because markets were less
volatile and there was less uncertainty
about the economic outlook.
Comparing the First and Second Waves
The following table compares the impact
of the first and second waves of the
COVID-19 pandemic on financial markets
and algo trading:
Image: 6
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

2000 Customers' Trading

Patterns: Day Traders: Day traders, known for their
short-term trading strategies, were
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a particularly active during the pandemic's
seismic shift in financial markets, heightened volatility. They seized
prompting investors to adapt their trading opportunities presented by intraday price
strategies to navigate unprecedented swings, engaging in high-frequency
volatility and uncertainty. This section trading.
delves into the trading patterns exhibited
by a diverse cohort of 2000 customers Long-Term Investors: Long-term
during the pandemic, offering insights into investors, including pension funds and
their reactions to market conditions and asset managers, generally maintained their
highlighting commonalities, differences, positions during the pandemic. They
anomalies, and shifts in their trading adhered to their investment strategies,
strategies. placing faith in the market's ability to
recover over time.
Customer Segmentation: Reactions to
Market Conditions Trading Strategies: Commonalities,
Differences, Anomalies, and Shifts
Understanding how different customer
segments responded to the pandemic- Commonalities in Trading Strategies:
induced market turbulence is crucial for Despite their diverse backgrounds and risk
comprehending the dynamics at play. profiles, several commonalities emerged
These customer segments encompass a among the 2000 customers' trading
wide spectrum, including individual strategies:
investors, institutional players, day traders,
and long-term investors. Increased Portfolio Diversification: Many
investors diversified their portfolios to
Individual Investors: Many individual mitigate risk. This included holding a mix
investors reacted to the pandemic's of assets spanning equities, fixed income,
uncertainty by adopting a risk-averse and alternative investments.
approach. They shifted their portfolios
toward safe-haven assets such as Use of Stop-Loss Orders: The use of stop-
government bonds and gold, seeking loss orders became prevalent as investors
stability in the face of market turbulence. sought to limit potential losses in volatile
markets. These automated triggers
Institutional Investors: Institutional executed sell orders when asset prices
players, equipped with sophisticated reached predetermined thresholds.
algorithmic trading strategies, leveraged
their expertise to navigate the pandemic. Digital Platforms and Apps: The reliance
Some employed strategies focused on on digital trading platforms and mobile
hedging and risk management, while apps surged, enabling investors to monitor
others identified opportunities in market markets and execute trades in real-time
dislocations. from the safety of their homes. 7
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Differences in Risk Appetite: While some In summary, the trading patterns of the
customers adopted conservative 2000 customers during the pandemic
approaches, others exhibited a greater underscored the diversity of responses to
appetite for risk. The degree of risk unprecedented market conditions. While
tolerance influenced trading decisions, commonalities in strategies emerged,
with risk-averse investors favoring safer reflecting risk management and digital
assets and risk-tolerant traders pursuing adoption trends, differences in risk appetite
higher-yield opportunities. and adaptive strategies were also evident.
The pandemic-driven anomalies and sector
Anomalies and Adaptive Strategies: shifts highlighted the dynamic nature of
Anomalies in trading behavior were trading behavior, as investors sought to
notable. During the initial panic, some navigate the evolving financial landscape.
investors engaged in panic selling, leading Understanding these patterns provides
to sharp declines in asset prices. However, valuable insights into investor behavior
many quickly adapted their strategies, during times of crisis and market
capitalizing on perceived mispricings and resilience.
market inefficiencies.
New Technologies in the Market:
Shifts in Sector Preferences: Customer
trading patterns reflected shifts in sector The period since November 2020 has
preferences as the pandemic unfolded. witnessed a surge in technological
Technology and healthcare sectors, seen as innovations that have reshaped the
resilient, attracted increased attention, landscape of algorithmic trading (algo
while industries like travel and hospitality trading). This section explores the
faced prolonged challenges. emergence of new technologies and their
impact on algo trading, while also delving
Algorithmic Trading Integration: Some into the regulatory challenges that
customers incorporated algorithmic trading accompany these innovations.
into their strategies, leveraging automation
to execute trades efficiently. These Technological Innovations: Reshaping
algorithms adapted in real-time, helping Algo Trading
traders respond to rapidly changing market
conditions. Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning (AI/ML): AI and ML have found
extensive applications in algo trading.
These technologies have enabled the
development of predictive algorithms that
analyze vast datasets, identify market
trends, and make real-time trading
decisions. ML models adapt to changing
market conditions, continuously improving
trading strategies. 8
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Impact on Market Efficiency: AI/ML- Market Surveillance: Regulators face the

driven algorithms have contributed to challenge of adapting surveillance
enhanced market efficiency by rapidly mechanisms to monitor the rapidly
processing information and identifying evolving landscape of algo trading.
trading opportunities that may elude Detecting manipulative practices and
human traders. These algorithms can ensuring market integrity in a high-
identify arbitrage opportunities and frequency trading environment require
execute trades at unprecedented speeds. advanced surveillance tools.
Blockchain Technology: Blockchain
technology has gained traction for its Transparency: Blockchain's transparency
potential to enhance transparency, security, can be both a benefit and a challenge.
and settlement efficiency in financial While it enhances transparency by
transactions. In algo trading, blockchain providing a tamper-proof record of
has been applied to streamline settlement transactions, it also raises concerns about
processes, reducing counterparty risk and data privacy and the exposure of sensitive
settlement times. trading information.

Impact on Market Efficiency: Blockchain's Algorithmic Trading Controls: Regulators

distributed ledger technology has the must establish controls to manage the risks
potential to reduce settlement times from associated with algorithmic trading. This
days to near-instantaneous, significantly includes mechanisms to prevent erroneous
enhancing market efficiency. It also orders, circuit breakers to halt trading
provides a transparent and tamper-proof during extreme volatility, and stress tests
record of transactions, reducing the risk of to assess the impact of algorithmic trading
fraud. on market stability.
High-Performance Computing: Algo
trading relies on high-performance AI and ML Oversight: The use of AI and
computing infrastructure to execute trades ML in trading algorithms raises questions
with minimal latency. The ongoing about their transparency and
advancement of hardware, such as field- accountability. Regulators must ensure that
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and these algorithms are comprehensible and
graphic processing units (GPUs), has do not exhibit biased or discriminatory
enabled traders to gain microseconds of behavior.
advantage in executing trades.
Global Coordination: As algo trading
Impact on Market Efficiency: High- operates across international borders,
performance computing enables traders to regulators must coordinate their efforts to
execute trades at lightning speed, reducing establish consistent rules and standards.
the risk of slippage and enhancing market Fragmented regulations can create
liquidity. It also enables the processing of challenges for market participants and
vast datasets in real-time, improving the hinder global market efficiency.
accuracy of trading decisions.
Regulatory Considerations: Challenges
and Considerations 9
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Sector Shifts: Investors exhibited shifts in

In conclusion, the emergence of new sector preferences, favoring technology
technologies in algo trading has and healthcare stocks. This highlights the
significantly impacted market efficiency importance of staying attuned to market
and trading strategies. AI/ML, blockchain, dynamics and adapting strategies
and high-performance computing have accordingly.
enhanced the speed and accuracy of
trading, contributing to market liquidity. Role of High-Frequency Trading: High-
However, these innovations also bring frequency trading played a pivotal role in
regulatory challenges related to providing liquidity during volatile periods,
surveillance, transparency, and risk while also facing scrutiny for exacerbating
management. Striking a balance between flash crashes. The balance between market
technological advancement and regulatory stability and high-frequency trading
oversight is essential to ensure the remains a topic of discussion.
continued stability and integrity of
financial markets in this dynamic era of Broader Implications
algo trading.
The broader implications of the research
findings extend to various aspects of
Discussion: financial markets and trading practices:
Interpretation of Findings Market Dynamics: The pandemic
accelerated changes in market dynamics,
The findings of this research illuminate the with an increased reliance on digital
profound impact of the COVID-19 platforms, risk management strategies, and
pandemic on algo trading, shedding light real-time data analytics. Understanding
on the adaptability of algorithmic systems these shifts is essential for market
and the diverse responses of traders. The participants and regulators.
pandemic's first wave led to extreme
volatility, with flash crashes and liquidity Risk Management: The importance of
concerns, while the second wave robust risk management strategies has
showcased the resilience of algo trading been underscored. Investors and traders
systems. Key takeaways include: must continue to prioritize risk assessment
and mitigation in an unpredictable market
Adaptive Algo Trading: The pandemic environment.
underscored the adaptability of algo
trading systems. Traders swiftly adjusted Technology Integration: The integration of
strategies in response to rapidly changing new technologies, such as AI/ML and
conditions, showcasing the versatility of blockchain, has reshaped trading practices.
algorithms in navigating market Financial institutions must navigate
turbulence. regulatory challenges while harnessing the
potential of these technologies to enhance
Risk Management: Risk management efficiency.
emerged as a crucial element of algo
trading during the pandemic. Investors and
traders employed sophisticated risk
assessment and mitigation strategies to
protect their portfolios in a volatile
environment. 10
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Global Coordination: As algo trading In conclusion, the research findings

operates on a global scale, international emphasize the dynamic nature of algo
coordination among regulators is crucial. trading, particularly in the context of the
Consistent rules and standards are COVID-19 pandemic. Market participants
necessary to ensure a level playing field and regulators must remain vigilant,
and maintain market integrity. continually adapting to changing market
conditions and technological
Future Trends and Challenges advancements. Striking the right balance
between innovation and risk management
Looking ahead, several future trends and will be paramount in shaping the future of
challenges in algo trading emerge: algo trading and maintaining the integrity
of financial markets.
Continued Innovation: Algo trading will
continue to evolve with innovations in
AI/ML, blockchain, and high-performance
computing. Traders will leverage these
technologies to gain a competitive edge in
an increasingly digital landscape.

Regulatory Adaptation: Regulators must

adapt to the evolving technological
landscape, ensuring that regulations keep
pace with innovations while preserving
market stability and investor protection.

Ethical Considerations: As AI and ML

algorithms become more prominent,
ethical considerations regarding
transparency, bias, and accountability in
trading decisions will come to the

Market Resilience: Future challenges may

include unforeseen crises and black swan
events. Algo trading systems must be
equipped to respond effectively to extreme
scenarios. 11
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

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