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Malaysian Institute of Accountants

(Disciplinary) Rules 2002

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 Malaysian
Institute of
The Rules particularly spell out the applicable processes and powers
of the Statutory Committees i.e. Investigation Committee,
(Membership And
Disciplinary Committee and Disciplinary Appeal Board of the
Council) Rules
Institute as established in the Accountants Act 1967, in executing its
roles and functions towards upholding and strengthening the

 Malaysian enforcement regimes of the Institute in relation to the disciplinary

Institute Of actions against the members who are found to have committed

Accountants unprofessional conduct in practicing as a Chartered Accountant in

(Disciplinary) Malaysia.

Rules 2002

 Malaysian
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Institute Of  Part I - Preliminary
Citation and commencement
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1. (1) These rules may be cited as the Malaysian Institute of
Communications Accountants (Disciplinary) Rules 2002.
2002 
(2) These Rules come into operation on 1 June 2002.
2. For the purpose of these Rules –
“unprofessional conduct” means conduct which is discreditable to
the accountancy profession and includes gross carelessness, neglect
and incapacity in the performance of professional duties, impropriety
in professional conduct and conduct unbecoming of an accountant;
“person” includes any body of persons, corporate or unincorporated.

 Part II - Investigation Committee

3. (1) Every complaint against any member shall be addressed in the
first instance to the Registrar.
(2) The Registrar shall then refer such complaint to the Investigation
Committee once it satisfies the requirements of rule 4.
(3) Where facts are brought to the knowledge of the Council which
indicate that any member has done anything which renders an
investigation necessary, the Council may instruct the Chairman of the
Council or any other member nominated in writing by the Council for
this purpose to make a formal complaint to the Registrar who shall
refer such complaint to the Investigation Committee.
(4) The member nominated in writing by the Council under subrule
(3) shall not be a member of the Investigation Committee,
Disciplinary Committee or the Disciplinary Appeal Board.

Complaint in writing
4. (1) Every complaint, other than a complaint made by a Court, made
pursuant to subrule 3(1) shall be in writing and shall contain—
(a) the full name, identity card number, passport number or
About Usnumber of the complainant;
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(b) the facts of the complaint;

(c) the allegations against the member; and
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(d) the name or firm of the member.
(2) Every written complaint under subrule (1) shall be supported by—
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(a) copies of documents, if any, that are relied upon in support of the
complaint; and
(b) a statutory declaration of the facts alleged by the complainant as
may be required by the Investigation Committee from time to time.

5. The Investigation Committee shall investigate any complaint
referred to it under subrules 3(2) and 3(3) and determine whether or
not the matter is to be referred to the Disciplinary Committee.

Notice to member
6. (1) Before any complaint is to be investigated, the Registrar shall
cause to be posted or delivered to the member against whom the
complaint is made—
(a) copies of the written complaint, if any, and all statutory
declarations of the facts made in support of the complaint; and
(b) a notice—
(i) setting out any other particulars that may be necessary to disclose
the reason for the investigation;
(ii) inviting the member concerned to give a written explanation
within a period of fourteen days from the date the notice is served
on him to answer the complaint alleged against him; and
(iii) stating whether or not the member concerned wants to be heard
by the Investigation Committee.
(2) he investigation shall only commence after the time specified in
the notice has elapsed and the Investigation Committee shall give
the member against whom the complaint was made reasonable
opportunity to be heard if he so desires and shall give due
consideration to any explanation he may make.

Powers of Investigation Committee

7. For the purposes of an investigation, the Investigation Committee
(a) callAbout
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inquiry it deems necessary;

(b) require the member against whom the complaint was made or
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any other member who can help with the investigation to produce
for inspection any books, documents or papers which may be
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reasonably required by the Investigation Committee or by the person
so employed; and
(c) apply to the High Court for an order to enforce paragraph (a) or

Refusal by member is an offence

8. Any member of the Institute who refuses to comply with paragraph
7(b) commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine
not exceeding five thousand ringgit and shall in any event be
referred to the Disciplinary Committee by the Investigation

Proceedings before the Investigation Committee

9. (1) Where the Investigation Committee finds that there are
sufficient grounds for disciplinary proceedings to be taken in respect
of the member against whom the complaint was made, it shall be
the duty of the Chairman of the Investigation Committee to—
(a) refer the complaint to the Disciplinary Committee; and
(b) make a report of the investigation and state the findings of fact
to the Disciplinary Committee.
(2) If the Investigation Committee finds that there is insufficient
evidence or grounds for disciplinary proceedings to be taken against
the member, it shall be the duty of the Investigation Committee to
dismiss the complaint and the parties shall be informed accordingly.
(3) The Investigation Committee may dismiss the complaint under
subrule (2) without giving any reason for the dismissal.

Procedures of Investigation Committee

10. Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Rules of the Institute,
the Investigation Committee shall regulate its own procedures as it
deems fit and necessary or desirable for the performance of its

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 Part
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III - Disciplinary Committee
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Report made by Investigation Committee

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11. If the Disciplinary Committee is of the opinion that the report
made by the Investigation Committee is not clear in any particular
respect or that further investigation is required, the matter may be
referred back to the Investigation Committee to carry out further
investigation and to make further report.

Notice to member
12. Upon receiving the report made by the Investigation Committee,
the Disciplinary Committee shall cause to be posted or delivered to
the member against whom the complaint was made—
(a) a copy of the report made by the Investigation Committee and
other documents deemed relevant by the Disciplinary Committee;
(b) a notice of the disciplinary hearing informing the member of the
date, time and place where the disciplinary hearing against him shall
be conducted;
(c) a notice informing the member that he will be given an
opportunity to be heard and to examine or cross examine witnesses;
(d) a notice to the member that he may, subject to rule 14, be
permitted to be represented by an advocate and solicitor or by a
member of the Institute.

Absence of parties before Disciplinary Committee

13. If the member against whom the complaint was made fails to
appear before the Disciplinary Committee on the date, time and
place appointed for the disciplinary hearing without any lawful
excuse and the Disciplinary Committee is satisfied that notice of the
disciplinary hearing has been given in accordance with paragraph
12(b), the Disciplinary Committee may proceed to hear the complaint
in his absence.

Right to representation
14. (1) The member against whom the complaint was made shall
inform the Disciplinary Committee in writing at least seven days
the disciplinary
Us hearing one-Library
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not he intends
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represented by an advocate and solicitor at such hearing.

(2) If the member fails to inform the Disciplinary Committee in
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accordance with subrule (1) and is represented by an advocate and

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solicitor at the disciplinary hearing, the Disciplinary Committee shall
exercise its discretion as to whether or not to adjourn the hearing to
enable the Disciplinary Committee to engage an advocate and
solicitor pursuant to rule 15.
(3) The Investigation Committee has the right to appoint a
representative or an advocate and solicitor to appear on its behalf at
the disciplinary hearing.

Appointment of advocate and solicitor

15. The Disciplinary Committee may appoint an advocate and
solicitor who may be present at any disciplinary hearing to advise
the Disciplinary Committee.

Oral evidence
16. Evidence before the Disciplinary Committee shall be given orally
or, if the Disciplinary Committee considers it necessary for the better
consideration of the matter, by sworn affidavits.

Procedures of Disciplinary Committee

17. Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Rules of the Institute,
the Disciplinary Committee shall regulate its own procedures as it
deems fit and necessary or desirable for the performance of its

Powers of Disciplinary Committee

18. (1) Upon reference of a complaint to the Disciplinary Committee
pursuant to subrule 9(1) and after due inquiry has been made in
accordance with the provisions of these Rules, it is found that any
member of the Institute is guilty of unprofessional conduct, the
Disciplinary Committee shall impose any one or any combination of
the disciplinary punishments specified in subrule (3).
(2) Where a fact is brought directly to the knowledge of the
Disciplinary Committee and after due inquiry has been made in
accordance with the provisions of these Rules, the Disciplinary
Committee is satisfied that any member of the Institute has—
(a) About Us Sustainability e-Library e-Accountants Today Members/

(i) unprofessional conduct; or

(ii) an offence involving fraud or dishonesty;
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(b) become a bankrupt; or

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(c) within three years preceding the date on which the Disciplinary
Committee seeks to exercise its disciplinary powers under this rule,
individually or as a partner, assigned substantially the whole of his
estate for the benefit of his creditors or has under any deed or
instrument placed substantially the whole of his estate in the hands
of an assignee or trustee for the benefit of his creditors or made any
arrangements for payment of a composition to his creditors,
the Disciplinary Committee shall impose any one or any combination
of the disciplinary punishments specified in subrule (3).
(3) For the purpose of subrules (1) and (2), the Disciplinary
Committee shall have the power to impose any one or any
combination of the following disciplinary punishments:
(a) subject to the provisions of subrule (4), order the name of the
member to be removed from the register and he shall cease to be a
member of the Institute;
(b) subject to the provisions of subrule (4), suspend the member for a
period not exceeding three years;
(c) order the practising certificate of the member to be cancelled;
(d) impose upon the member a fine not exceeding five thousand
(e) order the member to be admonished, censured or reprimanded;
(f) order the member to pay the Institute such sum it deems fit and
reasonable in respect of costs and expenses of and incidental to any
disciplinary hearing before the Disciplinary Committee and any
investigation conducted by the Investigation Committee; or
(g) order the member to attend a course of instruction approved by
the Disciplinary Committee for a period of time to be determined by
the Disciplinary Committee.
(4) The provisions of paragraph (3)(a) and (3)(b) shall not apply to the
member if an offence has been committed before the date of his
registration as a member of the Institute and that the Council is
aware of his conviction in respect of that offence before the date of
the registration.
(5) No punishment under paragraph (3)(d) shall be imposed if the
member hasUsbeenSustainability
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an offence punishable by imprisonment or fine.

(6) The Disciplinary Committee shall, if requested in writing by the
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member, review the costs and expenses imposed under paragraph (3)

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(f) within twenty- one days from the date of such request and the
review shall be final.
(7) Any decision made by the Disciplinary Committee under this rule
shall be in writing.

Commencement of decision
19. (1) Any decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall commence
upon the expiry of twenty-one days from the date the decision is
communicated to the member.
(2) If an appeal has been made by any member aggrieved against the
decision of the Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the
provisions of section 21 of the Act and Part IV of these Rules, the
appeal shall operate as a stay of the decision of the Disciplinary
Committee unless the Disciplinary Appeal Board orders otherwise.

Suspension period
20. (1) A member of the Institute who is suspended under paragraph
18(3)(b) shall cease to be a member of the Institute and upon expiry
of his period of suspension, his rights and privileges as a member of
the Institute shall immediately be restored.
(2) The member shall cease to enjoy any benefits conferred by the
Institute to its member during the suspension period.

Payment of fees during period of suspension

21. A member, whose membership has been suspended or his
practising certificate cancelled, shall continue to pay all fees that are
due and payable during the period of suspension or cancellation and
be subjected to all the provisions of the Act, rules, by-laws of the
Institute and other statutory obligations that are applicable during
the period.

Surrender of certificate
22. A member whose name has been removed from the register
under rule 6 or 7 of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants
(Membership and Council) Rules 2001 [P.U. (A) 343/01] or whose
About Ushas been suspendede-Library
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cancelled under these Rules, shall surrender to the Registrar his

certificate of membership or practising certificate, as the case may
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be, within fourteen days from the date of the notification of such

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removal, suspension or cancellation.

23. (1) Any person whose name has been removed from the registrar
under rule 18 may apply to the Council after the expiration of not
less than five years of the removal of his name from the register for
readmission as a member.
(2) Upon receiving an application for readmission under subrule (1),
the Council shall exercise its discretion in considering the
application and the decision of the Council shall be final.
Court order
24. The Council may apply to the Court for an order to be imposed on
any member who fails to surrender the certificate of membership or
the practising certificate in accordance with rule 22.

Debt to Institute
25. Every monetary penalty imposed and all costs and expenses
payable under these Rules shall be recoverable as a debt due to the

 Part IV - Disciplinary Appeal Board

Right of appeal to Disciplinary Appeal Board

26. (1) A notice of appeal to the Disciplinary Appeal Board shall be in
writing and stating the grounds of appeal.
(2) The grounds of appeal shall not be amended except with leave of
the Disciplinary Appeal Board.
(3) No appeal shall lie solely on the question of costs imposed
pursuant to any decision or order of the Disciplinary Committee.
(4) Before or upon giving the notice of appeal pursuant to subsection
21(1) of the Act, the member who appealed against the decision of
the Disciplinary Committee shall pay any and all costs ordered by the
About UsCommittee under these
Sustainability Rules and
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invalidate the notice.

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27. (1) The Disciplinary Appeal Board shall, as soon as practicable

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after the receipt of the notice of appeal, give the member who
appealed against the decision of the Disciplinary Committee an
opportunity to make a written representation within such time as
may be prescribed by the Disciplinary Appeal Board.
(2) The Investigation Committee shall then make its written
representation to the Disciplinary Appeal Board within such time as
may be prescribed by the Disciplinary Appeal Board.
(3) After receiving the written representations or in the event that
the member who appealed against the decision of the Disciplinary
Committee has failed to submit a written representation, the
Disciplinary Appeal Board may, upon being satisfied that subrule (I)
has been complied with, proceed to consider the appeal.
(4) The Disciplinary Appeal Board may appoint an advocate and
solicitor to assist in any matter relating to the appeal.

Powers of the Disciplinary Appeal Board

28. (1) In considering an appeal, the Disciplinary Appeal Board shall
take into consideration the record of the evidence given before and
the documents produced to the Disciplinary Committee at the
disciplinary hearing.
(2) The Disciplinary Appeal Board may, if it thinks just and necessary,
exercise its discretion to request for fresh evidence to be produced.
(3) Upon reaching a decision regarding an appeal the Disciplinary
Appeal Board has the discretion to order the decision to commence
from the date the decision is made or at a later date to be specified
in the order.
(4) A notification of an order made under subrule (3) shall be given
to the member who appealed against the decision of the Disciplinary
Committee as soon as practicable.
(5) The Disciplinary Appeal Board may order the member concerned
to pay the costs and expenses of and incidental to the appeal.
(6) The Disciplinary Appeal Board shall, if requested in writing by the
member, review the costs and expenses ordered under subrule (5)
Us one days from thee-Library
Sustainability date of such request and
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review shall be final.

(7) Any costs and expenses ordered by the Disciplinary Appeal Board
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under subrule (5) shall be paid within twenty-one days of the date of

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the order and is recoverable as a debt to the Institute in accordance
with rule 25.

Procedures of Disciplinary Appeal Board

29. Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Rule of the Institute,
the Disciplinary Appeal Board shall regulate its own procedures as it
thinks fit and necessary or desirable for the performance of its

 Part V - Publication Of Decision Or Order

Decision of Disciplinary Committee

30. (1) Where the Disciplinary Committee exercises its powers under
these Rules against a member which results in a punishment being
imposed upon the member under rule 18, and the decision of the
Disciplinary Committee has taken effect, the Council shall cause the
name of the member who committed the offence and the decision of
the Disciplinary Committee to be published in—
(a) the Gazette;
(b) an official publication of the Institute;
(c) the daily newspapers to be determined by the Council; and
(d) any other publications to be determined by the Council.
(2) In addition to subrule (1), the Council shall inform—
(a) all relevant government licensing authorities;
(b) any other association of accountants to which such member is
associated with; and
(c) any other body, corporate or unincorporated,
of the decision of the Disciplinary Committee and the disciplinary
punishment imposed upon the member.
Order of Diciplinary Appeal Board
31. (1)About
WhereUs the Sustainability
Disciplinary Appeal Board makes
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to rule 28 that—
(a) confirms or varies the decision of the Disciplinary Committee, the
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Council shall, as the case may be, cause the order to be published as

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soon as practicable and inform the relevant parties; or
(b) reverses the decision of the Disciplinary Committee, no
publication or dissemination of information in respect of such order
is necessary unless requested for in writing by the member who
appealed against the decision of the Disciplinary Committee upon
which the Council shall, as soon as practicable, cause such order to
be published and inform the relevant parties.
(2) The publication or dissemination of information under subrule (1)
shall be in accordance with the provisions of rule 30.


32. The Malaysian Institute of Accountants (Disciplinary) Rules 2002
[ P.U.(A) 16/2002] are revoked.

Made 5 May 2002[P.P(S)0.381/Sj.1/J1d. 1(34); PN(PU²)229/III] Malaysian Institute of



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The use of the word ‘Accountant’

In Malaysia, the word ‘Accountant’ is protected as provided for under the provisions of the Accountants Act 1967
which states that no one can hold himself out or practise as an Accountant unless he is registered as a member
of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants.

‘The Malaysian Institute of Accountants is committed to the observance and practice of the highest ethical
standards of the accountancy profession. All PC holders are reminded that under the MIA By-Laws (On
Professional Ethics, Conduct And Practice), no person shall practice or hold out anything on audit/tax services
without a license approved by the Ministry of Finance. Every PC holder is therefore expected to comply fully with
Section B200.1 to B200.6 of the MIA By-Laws (On Professional Ethics, Conduct And Practice) failing which, you
may be held liable for unprofessional conduct and disciplinary action may be taken against you.’

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