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“The School that Prepares Students for the Higher Course…”

P-4, Mt. Olive, Bayugan City, Agusan Del Sur

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Module 12

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
 Discuss different community-based practices for managing disaster risk to specific hazards.
 Develop a community preparedness plan.

Pre Test
Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices
Directions: Read each item very well and encircle the best answer.
1. What factor allows the force of gravity to overcome the resistance of earth material to landslide?
A) Saturation by water C) steepening of slopes by erosion
B) Loosened stones D) Both A and B

2. Landslides are often associated with ____ ?

A) El Niño C) Periods of Humidity
B) El Niña D) Periods of Intense Rainfall

3. Typhoon “Sendong” was known internationally as ____ ?

A) Typhoon ‘Washi’ C) Typhoon ‘Haiyan’
B) Typhoon ‘Bopha’ D) Typhoon ‘Yolanda’

4. Minimization of risks – is a term which means?

A) Geological Processes C) Creation of TWG
B) Hazard control D) Create a small group

5. It is important to know the following when reading the map.

A) Symbols and Scale C) Direction
B) Distance D) All of the above

6. Geologic hazards includes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and __?

A. Sinkholes C) Rain-induced landslides
B. Wildfires D) Both A and C

7. A geological hazard that is characterized by caving in of the ground is called?

A) Sinkholes C) Mudslides
B) Earthquakes D) Landslides

8. Which item below is not included in preparing for an emergency?

A) Spare Batteries C) Whistle
B) Medicine Kit D) Ball

9. How many typhoons in a year passes through the PAR?

A) 20 C) 30
B) 28 D) 38

10. When you are caught in a landslide, you should?

A) Lay flat on the ground C) rescue someone
B) Move slowly away D) Move out quickly from the debris path

Lesson 1 Different Community-Based Practices for Managing Disaster Risk

Discuss different community-based practices for managing disaster risk to specific hazards,

Integration of Faith and Learning


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.
1. A result from the sudden shifting of the earth’s crust below or at the surface, causing ground
vibrations and shocks.
A. Earthquake
C. Fire
B. Tropical Cyclone
D. Storm Surge

2. The following are the steps you should do during the earthquake EXCEPT,
A. During the earthquake execute duck, cover and hold.
B. Take cover under sturdy table or piece of furniture for protection from falling object
C. Hold that position and stay wherever you are until the shaking stops and you cannot anymore feel
the ground movement.
D. In an orderly manner, exit the building, staying low to avoid smoke inhalation.

3. Which of the following is NOT a community-based practice for DRR?

A. Fire Drill
B. Earthquake Drill
C. Sports Feast
D. Clean-up drive

4. What is the benefit of community-based practices of DRR?

A. The community-based practices for managing disaster risk is necessary to become prepared,
responsive and resilient.
B. The community-based practices on drills are necessary for information and advocacy.
C. It makes people prepared in times of disaster.
D. It improves collaboration among community members.

5. Among the different occurrence of disaster, what you should do that’s common to all situations?
A. Prepare your survival kit
C. Listen to the warnings or forecasts
B. Attend symposia and seminars
D. Know the evacuation plan

What’s New
A community is a group of people living in the same place having a particular characteristic
in common. Communities, government institutions and community based organizations are
strengthened to contribute to local agenda for building resilient communities. Community
preparedness refers to community-wide efforts to give citizens the training, education and resources
they need to prepare in advance against threat of a possible local disaster at an individual level and
collective level. Hence, a community-based practice for managing disaster risk is necessary to
become prepared, responsive and resilient.

Activity 1
Direction: List the different disaster risk reduction community-based practices in your own
barangay that you have participated in the past years and write the corresponding purpose of each.

DRR Community-Based Practices Purpose

The following suggested steps have known to be the best practices in the household and in
the community.
Basic steps to make sure you remain safe:
1. Meet with your family or household members. What is It
2. Discuss how to prepare and respond to emergencies that are most likely to happen.
3. Identify responsibilities for each member and plan to work together as a team.

Plan what to do in case you are separated during emergency.

1. Choose two places to meet.
2. Right outside your house in case sudden emergency, such as fire.
3. Outside your neighborhood in case you cannot return home or asked to evacuate.
4. Choose an out emergency contact person and the best thing is to let the household members
memorized phone numbers of contact persons during emergency.

What’s More
Different Community-Based Practices
A. Earthquake Drill
Earthquakes result from the sudden shifting of the earth’s crust below or at the surface,
causing ground vibrations and shocks.

Schools in CDO conducting Earthquake Drills every quarter

Situation Practices
Before - Know the emergency evacuation plan and prepare survival kit.
- Be familiar with the dangerous spot inside offices, buildings, houses, or
- Be careful with things which may harm people during earthquake. It is
better to fix as early as possible like faulty electrical wiring, leaky gas
connection, movable glass tables, cabinets and shelves.
- Identify safe places indoors and outdoors.
- Educate everyone about emergency contacts.
- Prepare stocks of emergency supplies like foods, water, medicines,
flashlights and more. Survival kit is a must.
- Make an evacuation and reunion plan. Ensure that everyone will see each
other after the earthquake, agree a meeting place after the disaster.
During - During the earthquake execute duck, cover and hold. - Take cover under
sturdy table or piece of furniture for protection from falling objects.
- Hold that position and stay wherever you are until the shaking stops and
you cannot anymore feel the ground movement.
- Do not immediately proceed to the door, some doors will swings which can
even cause injury.
- Then go out of the building as you feel safe to do so.
After - Once the earthquake is over, listen to the battery operated radio or
television for updates of aftershock.
- Stay away from damaged area.
- Stay away from the beach if living in a coastal area
- Be aware of possible tsunamis
- Landslide re also possible for mountainous areas as well as the ground
rapture for areas along active fault lines which causes the ground break
If Outside During - If outsiders, move away from building and strengths.
Earthquake - Immediately proceed to open area.
- Once in the open, stay there and do not go near building and tall
infrastructure to avoid falling debris
- If in a moving vehicle, stop as quickly as safety permits.
- Avid stopping near buildings, overpasses, bridges, or ramps which might
have been damaged during earthquake.
- If you are on a sidewalk near building, duck into a doorway to protect
yourself from falling breaks, glass, plaster, and other debris.
If Inside/ Trapped In - I you are in a crowded store or other public place, do not rush to exits.
An Establishment Move away from display shelves containing objects that might fall.
During Earthquake - If trapped under debris, cover your mouth with handkerchief.

B. Fire Drill
Fire becomes disaster when it goes out of control and spreads fast, threatening human life,
homes, and other structures.

Fire Drill of FS Catanico High School

C. Tropical Cyclones, Flash flood and Storm surge

Tropical cyclones are giant whirlwinds, which are locally known as bagyo. Rainfall
associated with a tropical cyclone can be intense over a long period of time.
Floods occur when bodies of water such as streams and rivers overflow their natural borders
and inundate the surrounding areas such as plains or low-lying areas.
Storm surge is the rise in sea level or the piling up of seawater that sweeps inland due to
increase in wind velocity and decrease in atmospheric pressure during a tropical cyclone. Storm
surge happens when a tropical cyclone nears the coastal area where the shallow slope off the coast
will allow a greater surge to inundate coastal communities. A flood that rises and falls quite rapidly
with little or no advanced warning, usually as a result of intense rainfall over a relatively small area
are called flash floods. Often, there is a short interval between rainfall and the occurrence of the
flood, which makes a flash flood particularly dangerous.

Situation Practices
Before - Know the emergency evacuation plan and prepare the survival kit.
- Listen to the early warnings like PAG-ASA forecast and warnings and
local community warnings.
- Get the household members ready anytime in case of flash flood.
- Listen to the evacuation and preventive measures of the local or
barangay DRRM like early evacuation.
- Evacuate while roads and bridges are passable en route to the
evacuation area
- Bring pets and farm animals to higher and safe ground.
During - Coordinate with the DRRM for instruction.
- Turn off the main electricity switch and the LPG tank, and lock the
- Always find secure elevated place.
- Keep away from flooded areas especially if you are not sure how deep
the floodwater is.
- Keep children away from playing in floodwater.
After - Make sure that the area is safe before leaving the evacuation center.
- Repair the damaged parts of the house.
- Make sure that electrical lines and outlets are safe before using them
- Help out in the repair of damaged facilities in the community such us
school, water pipes, etc.
- Make sure your food is properly cooked and water is boiled for

D. Epidemic / Pandemic
An epidemic is a rapid and significant increase in normal number of cases of an infectious
disease and spreading form person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently
prevalent. The most common epidemics in the Philippines are measles, malaria, dengue, cholera and
lately the COVID-19. On the other hand, pandemic is an epidemic disease that has spread over a
large area that is prevalent in the whole country, continent or the whole world.

E. Clean-Up Drive

A clean-up drive is to raise environmental awareness and strengthen collaboration among

members of the community. The main purpose is to help each part of the community stay in a clean
surrounding that is beneficial to the residents. Usually the clean-up drive is initiated by the barangay
officials, school personnel, or an organization. Clean-up drive have many benefits like prevention of

climate change, promote waste reduction, unclogging of drainage as prevention for flash floods, and
other related geological hazards and meteorological hazards.

School initiated community clean-up drive and coastal/river clean-up drive

School initiated community clean-up drive and coastal/river clean-up drive

F. Seminar Workshops on DRRM, First Aid seminar and Awareness Campaign Syposium
Awareness campaigns and seminars on DRRM is widespread in all government and non-
government agencies as mandated in the law, RA 10121. Local communities h F. Seminar-
Workshop on DRRM, First Aid Seminar and Awareness Campaign Symposia have different
awareness campaigns to battle disasters and crisis. More so, all schools are integrating DRRM in the
lesson, symposia, and drills are all part of advocacy to make the people informed and involved thus,
minimizing the impacts of disasters to the lives and properties.

School initiated awareness campaigns and symposia on DRRM

Activity 2
Direction: Answer the following questions in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Have you participated any drill in your school or in your community? What have you learn from
that drill? What is your suggestion/s to improve the drill?

2. What symposium or awareness campaign on disaster risk reduction related topic have you
participated in your school or in your community? What have you learn from that symposium? What
is your suggestion/s to improve the symposium?

What I Can Do
Activity 3
Direction: Visit / call your community DRRM office and interview an official about the best
community practices of DRRM in your community.
Make a narrative report about your interview and report in your class.

Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. What is the benefit of community-based practices of DRR?

A. The community-based practices for managing disaster risk are necessary to become prepared,
responsive and resilient.
B. The community-based practices on drills are necessary for information and advocacy.
C. It makes people prepared in times of disaster.
D. It improves collaboration among community members.

2. The following are the steps you should do during the earthquake EXCEPT,
A. During the earthquake execute duck, cover and hold.
B. Take cover under sturdy table or piece of furniture for protection from falling objects.
C. Hold that position and stay wherever you are until the shaking stops and you cannot anymore feel
the ground movement.
D. In an orderly manner, exit the building, staying low to avoid smoke inhalation.

3. Among the different occurrence of disasters, what you should do that is common to all situations?
A. Prepare your survival kit C. Listen to the warnings or forecasts
B. Attend symposia and seminars D. Know the evacuation plan

4. Which of the following is NOT a community-based practice for DRR?

A. Fire Drill C. Sports Feast
B. Earthquake Drill D. Clean-up drive

5. A result from the sudden shifting of the earth’s crust below or at the surface, causing ground
vibrations and shocks.
A. Earthquake
B. Tropical Cyclone
C. Fire
D. Storm Surge

Lesson 2 Community Preparedness Plan

At the end of this module:
Develop a community preparedness plan

Pre Test.
Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. The measures taken in advance of a hazard impact to reduce or eliminate risk to society and
environment. System and policies are being implemented to deter, detect, deny and defuse hazards
or threats.
A. Preparedness
C. Response
B. Mitigation
D. Rehabilitation

2. A course of action of each kind of emergency outlined, and conduct drills / dry-run to enhance
emergency response during and after the disaster.
A. Preparedness
C. Response
B. Mitigation
D. Rehabilitation

3. A plan of steps to take during crisis are put into effect and directed towards saving life, protecting
property, and dealing with the immediate damage caused by the disaster.

A. Preparedness
C. Response
B. Mitigation
D. Rehabilitation

4. It deals on restoration of affected communities / areas to proper or normal level of functioning and
development with reduced vulnerability and increased sustainability.
A. Preparedness
C. Response
B. Mitigation
D. Rehabilitation
Are activities designed to avoid or minimized loss of life and damage of property as well as
activities to organize and facilitate timely and effective rescue, relief and rehabilitation operation in
the aftermath of disastrous event.
A. Preparedness Plan
C. Response Plan
B. Mitigation Plan
D. Rehabilitation Plan

What’s New
Community-based preparedness and planning allows the people to manage potential hazards
following a disaster event. Communities can plan to work together to reduce injury, death and
property damage. Community preparedness will have improved the ability of individuals and groups
to reduce the effects of the hazard impact and manage resources until assistance is available.
The community preparedness plan is governing by four (4) key phases:
1. Mitigation – measures taken in advance of a hazard impact to reduce or eliminate risk to society
and environment. System and policies are being implemented to deter, detect, deny and defuse
hazards or threats.
2. Preparedness – course of action of each kind of emergency outlined, and conduct drills /dry-run to
enhance emergency response during and after the disaster.
3. Response – plan of steps to take during crisis are put into effect and directed towards saving life,
protecting property, and dealing with the immediate damage caused by the disaster.
4. Rehabilitation – deals on restoration of affected communities / areas to proper or normal level of
functioning and development with reduced vulnerability and increased sustainability.

What is It
Community preparedness plan are activities designed to avoid or minimized loss of life and
damage of property as well as activities to organize and facilitate timely and effective rescue, relief
and rehabilitation operation in the aftermath of disastrous event.
The following are the basic parts of the Community Preparedness Plan:
1. Organization of Barangay DRRMC or Barangay Development Council (BDC) and with
participation of local stakeholders
2. Establishment of alerting and communication system
3. Detailed courses of action for each kind of crisis or disaster
4. Detailed community evacuation map
5. Information dissemination and advocacy

What’s More
Activity 1
Direction: Visit or ask the list of members of your Barangay Development Council (BDC) including
the list of volunteers and stakeholders.
The Barangay Development Council (BDC) with the help of the stakeholders and volunteers
create an incident management structure that provides a comprehensive organizational framework
designed for foreseeable types of crisis or disaster. The BDC will organize each team to handle
specific emergency situation. Each team will formulate preparedness plan for each emergency
situation, specifying course of action to be taken in case of emergencies like the following:
1. Emergency alerting system,
2. Fire,
3. Earthquake,
4. Typhoon, storm, and flood,
5. Bomb Threat, Robbery and
6. Strike
In common situation, a barangay has only one team to handle disaster and emergency events.
In this case, the teams are already trained to handle wide array of emergency situations.

Activity 2
Direction: The table below shows the emergency early warning devices. Fill up the third column by
writing the purpose of each device for the given specific hazard.

Your knowledge about your community evacuation plan is very important during disaster.
The following steps are helpful;
1. Decide what route you would like to take to be in the evacuation center the soonest and the safest
way. You may also choose to stay in a safe hotel/motel, in tour relatives or in your safe
2. Practice evacuating from your home twice a year. Drive your plan evacuation route and plot
alternate routes on your map in case roads are impassable.
3. Quarterly practice/drill for family.

Activity 3
Direction: Draw a map of your community and make an evacuation plan. Compare your plan to the
one made by you’re the Barangay DRRMC. Cite the differences and similarities between the two
1. Draw your community evacuation map.

Community Evacuation Map

2. What are the similarities of your evacuation map and that of the Barangay or community
evacuation map?

3. What are the differences of your evacuation map and that of the Barangay or community
evacuation map?

What I Can Do
Fire is one of the disasters that might occur in your community. Although a fire disaster need
not necessarily reach catastrophic proportions, it will present some of the characteristic aspects of a
disaster because of the highly destructive action or fire and of considerable number of victims. One
factor that makes fire disasters dramatic is panic. This is due to the realization that fire can kill
within few moments, cause of injuries, permanent disfigurement, and inexorably destroy everything
in the vicinity. Below is an example of a plan of procedures during the fire incident.
What to do when a fire breaks out:
1. Immediately hit the fire alarm. Execute basic steps to stop fire if you are capable.
2. Exit the building by staying low to avoid smoke inhalation. It takes just two (2) minutes for your
house to be filled with toxic fumes from a fire. These fumes are deadly when inhaled, and may have
long-term effects in your body. Majority of deaths from fire are caused by suffocation rather than the
fire itself.
3. Don’t panic. A well-rehearsed emergency exit plan will greatly alleviate the panic you may feel
during the fire.
3 Try to close the door of the burning room and close all doors behind you as you leave. This will
help delay the fire and smoke.
4. Before you open a door, feel it with the back of your hand to determine if the room behind it is
5. Fumes and hot air usually settle at the ceiling. When the smoke is dense, the best air that you can
breathe is usually one to two feet from the floor. Crawl to the exit with a wet piece of cloth to cover
your mouth.
6. Fire spreads at a very fast rate, doubling its volume every thirty seconds. Get everyone out first.
Have a bug-out pack with all your essentials. Saving your possessions may weigh you down and get
you trapped.
7. Never go back to your house unless a fire fighter declares it is safe to do so. You could run into a
potential roof collapse, stumble on live wires, or could trigger a dreaded backdraft
8. Proceed to the evacuation center or to the safe place of your choice.

Activity 5
Direction: Develop a plan consisting of procedures before, during and after an earthquake.
Other learner’s may also choose to develop a plan on flood, typhoon, storm, bomb threat, or strike.
Coincide your procedures to your community evacuation plan. Present your output to the class.

Direction. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice..
1. It deals on restoration of affected communities / areas to proper or normal level of functioning and
development with reduced vulnerability and increased sustainability.
A. Preparedness C. Response
B. Mitigation D. Rehabilitation

2. The measures taken in advance of a hazard impact to reduce or eliminate risk to society and
environment. System and policies are being implemented to deter, detect, deny and defuse hazards
or threats.
A. Preparedness C. Response
B. Mitigation D. Rehabilitation

3. Are activities designed to avoid or minimized loss of life and damage of property as well as
activities to organize and facilitate timely and effective rescue, relief and rehabilitation operation in
the aftermath of disastrous event.
A. Preparedness Plan C. Response Plan
B. Mitigation Plan D. Rehabilitation Plan

4. A course of action of each kind of emergency outlined, and conducts drills / dry-run to enhance
emergency response during and after the disaster.
A. Preparedness C. Response
B. Mitigation D. Rehabilitation

5. A plan of steps to take during crisis are put into effect and directed towards saving life, protecting
property, and dealing with the immediate damage caused by the disaster.
A. Preparedness C. Response
B. Mitigation D. Rehabilitation

Learning Module: Department of Education –Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro


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