Science p2 2020 Marking Key

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Examination for Gonornl Cortlflcote of Education Ordlnnry Lovol

Science (Chem istry) 5124 /2

Paper 2



f' ECZ/2020
Page 2 of 6

SECTION A [M aximum: 20 Marks]

1 B 11 A
4 B 14 C
5 B 15 C
6 A 16 A
7 D 17 D
8 B 18 A
9 B 19 D
10 C 20 D

Section B [ 45 marks]
·, a CD r.c\ ~"' :/4. \-t<..Q.. c\ cl.s \--o --. )
1 (a} To condense the.(water\ apour to water
V0 cJer . J \ (Cicts 1-z> l-c fll,l LJ
( l,..iQ\A'- ) [1]
(b) Water R~J~ \. f'c , ,-Yl,1.1.,\.~ . j [1]
-u -rb ,d for <Y\...., v0 \r:\,,¾ ? fl ·
(c) Turns milky I Clou.c\ / 1 [1]
(d) (i) Carbon [1]
(ii) Hydrogen
(e) Add the colourless liquid to wh
ite anhydrous copper (II ) sulph
powder if it turns blue, then the ate
liquid is water .
If the liqu id is added to a blu
e cobalt chloride paper and
it turns pink,
then the liquid is water .
[Total: 7 marks]
2 (a)
(b) The horizontal line, above the
most soluble sugar N and clo
edge of the chromatogram se to the top
(c) Chromato gra m is spr ayed wit [1 )
h a_locatin g age nt such as&ilve
which is changed by the sugar r .nttratd. solution
to~ n spots of finely divided silver.
(d) Ink from the bank notes [2]
and the pure ink are run on one
distan ce tra velled by the ink fro chromatogram . If the
m the false ba nk notes is no
of the genuine in~, then the no t the same as that
tes are false.
- - te.\c, re \~ ~" ' ✓ c\_,l \..-LQ...S .-f\,,<..Q., y'\ -tl(Q. [2]
0v K?. v\. Ct -E' -Q' -'L cJ
(\t:;-4 ~ C\fi ' ~ ~ ence [Total : 6 marks]
5124 /2/2020 mar1<ing scheme
Page 3 of 6

3 (a) V is in Period 2 and Group fl- 5 [1]

(b) As the nuclear charge incre ases, the electrons
are strongly attracted

to the nucleus.

(e) B2E [1]
[Total : 5 marks]

4 (a) ( i) Concentration is the amount of solute in a know

n volume of a solution or
in ldm 3 of solution. [1]
(ii) mol/dm 3 [1]
(iii) mol = concentration x volume/dm 3
= Q.2 5m -
3 X ( soo ) dm3
dm 103

= 0.125mol [1]
mass = mol x RFM

= [0.125 x:(49 +16 +1)]

= 7g [1]
(b) (i) 2KOHcaq) + H25O4(aq) ➔ K2SO 4(aq) + 2H2Oc1) 1-. (Y\.__ ~ \c__ d
t::A.,la- -,..-:i__
(ii) H\aq) + OWcaq) ➔ H2Ocl)
1- \Y\d k. cme c+
S~W '\~7 s
~~ (Jv✓ ~ ~ Y\/LOl.f"(C..
[Total : 7 mar ks]
l{ S.\-c ,~ C-Slv---vlcS-s
?v'K C'G-1.\.Q C '

Science 512412/2020 marking scheme


Pogo 4 of 6

S {a ) [1] \
[ 1]
{b) A thermometer ..
(c) ( I) blue copper (II) sulphate become pal e blue and finally colourless.
(ii) Brown/ pink copper metal is seen
( iii) Magnesium powder reduces In amount [2]

(any two)
(d) To mlnimise heat loss\ to the atmosphere ) [1]
(e) mol = Concentration x volume/dm 3

= 0.5mol/dm 3 x
dm 3

= 0.0Smol [2]
[Total: 7 marks]
6 (a) (i) Carbon dioxide; 'f..JA~ E: rz... yA f:OtAA-
Methane NL·\,1olAS ox1&s:! N -a.D7
Ozone [2]
(any two) . · - ·
(",h--\-, Ov\.S Ox, c\Sl.... voW\.. Q~'(I C \,\_,\.,S.,. ~ CL(~ V\/ ,+-,~ S (~ Ce~~ C)-T
(ii) Carbon dioxide - from combustion of gas-+: carbon containing fuels fO~ct. f\,L.Q.,l
D-f O ('\cvrCC
-and s, 1bstanc~. Methane - from decaying matter or from natural
gas. OZor'\.Q 't(OW\ '<,~ V1Qin n~ -cJ r,1,~Llu_{-cv.J:s ienc~, e,tj~ 0[w 1f-'V\ 1

~cy\-e { ✓ l\.,~Lt( -f<crtV\.. p..Jc, f>c,,ev ~ D+ vJ~r Vc\~l r.

(b) Ozone. pr.otects-us-frn ar-mf-1:11-r-adiatkm-like ultra viole t~. EFEs that leak ~
into the..--atmosphere-react..witb...GmAe, brea-king--it-dOWft- to-oxy{jeR~::t vh
~ ~
does not.p.r.oteci:- t:Js against- harmful- radiation · [2]
CA.,\\ o 1.,u.:, Ml-(,!'€. L,L\\-r-1"-\. viold- r~s ·\-n peV\-,Q.-\f'c.::k.• [Total: 8 marks]

7 (a) (i} Circl~ to be around the bond between carbon and oxygen
-\--v() O ~ ,, 3 0--f ~ G Y \ ~ ,
(ii} CH3COOH/C2H402
(iii} [(2 X 12)+(4 X 1)+ (2 X 16)]
= 60g IR ',j -1' ~ c-wvo'-'.) <: , W L~ ho~\- u,, '. '-\,
(b) (i} Organic acids/Carboxylic acids / Al Cc\ YtO LC, C\.. ~-L& [1]
(ii} It reacts with group one metals to form a salt and hydrogen gas;
It reacts with a base to form a salt ~nd water only;
It reacts with carbonates or hydrogen carbonates to form a salt, carbon
dioxide and water [ 1]
rt ('(.Jn_c.,\- w\~ (A_lcb\A.0\,-5 tv ·-fb--ym t~J~;t ~ marks]

Science 5124/2/2020 marking scheme

Page 5 of 6

Section C [20 marks]

1 (a) Oxygen
Inert gases [2 ]
(b) (i) Nitrogen dioxide - combustion of petrol or diesel in car engine or
thermal power station furnances that use diesel. [ 1]
S l\ \f,.> \-\ ,, r 6 IA- / p wi,y,
:(;afoon dioxide - Com plete combustion of fuels containing car~on...- [1] ,, _,. nJ
e:.x::_w cLc, hcn,, 0 f- C D (" re-, c~ \ c....~ ..--. c lt).eck f V ~
(ii) -Bueole-ti:l~fl-Wat~G-t-herrd1 p-a--b-ltle-l itml:&f}af)er-trt~e .
srnuti0n:-:-ihe-litmttS-i) l?.iu l.,1h lL ~ <5c1s. IV\ Ct.C(c~ 'h?}[~]
{c) {i) ~ plr~tio'~, "" ~ 'I ''Y\_C\,"\<\ " "'" ~ ~ .

C\-e_c.t \~u.r L\).S::, i_ E31.,1
<"l~ l 1-11,...,,, -p£,(f'YL0\9\,~Je._ 1~
V<- ~ \A.St. Cl$ - \ w ~ ct C uJ/r.f, a:-l
- 0
/jh rc.,~'). Ct.C lrl 1 f,e u \1 C.l-,1t,lYl<ifc tto(ll\ c.('C~ fr':(1] crE'l?"'1.
6 12O6 + 60 2 ➔ 6C02 + 0 H20 + Energy. L1

Rusting J11-mtiles fa -t 3 MOlP o.p D + '2.Jvl61e. of rle,O ~ ~~~}'.xw

4Fe + 302+ 2H20 ➔ 2Fe203.H20 [1]
{ii) A bar of ~~~sium is attached to the oil pipeline it corrodes instead of
the steel oil pipe line because magnesium is more reactive than steel.
[Total: 10 marks]

2 (a) An acid is a substance which has hydrogen ions as the only

positive ions in solution.
- An acid is a substance which is a proton donor [1]
(b) l 1) Name Formula
K Sodium Sulphate, Na2S04 Corr-i= c:-\- fu·n -v\,L,(_,b ~~l~
L Calcium nitrate, Ca(N03)2 Nev~
M Water, H20
N Calcium Sulphate, CaS04
0 Sodium nitrate, -NazNBJ NqN0-2. [5]
cU)tr J Ca(0H)i + 2HN03 ➔ Ca{N03)2 + 2H20 ::'.LM , .<t" c a<v-f'c 4 -Fo r l'V\,\.vl l
.i Wlc\,{l(.., bl\,,LC\,,~~ [2]
M{ ,\I) Ca \aq) + so;=-,(aq) ➔ CaS04 (-s) j ·& \:)n,,lc:--~ J \()v \..1 c [2]
..1 r~\c... [Total: 10 marks]

Science 5124/2/2020 marking scheme

Pag e 6 of 6'

3 (a) (i) Alu min ium and Tun gst en.

Rea son: Because they have...h~gh [2]
( ii) w~ J\. \J' ,\. ''-' ,_;{" \\., \ me lting points (.{,\ t\ c \ 1.,1t ~ P tof ~ ( 'r {;J
(_. \ l'-..\ \2
Rea son : It has a range of meltin
g points/H as no fixed melting
poi nt.
( b) NaCl
( c) Movement: They vibrate more to
a point where the forc es of attr act
weak and particles are free to mo ion become
ve. 1 r--v\.t\," le..
Arrangement: Changes from reg
ular pattern to random and spaces

( d) Tungsten
widen • 1 ~V\..'~ .,.. \c::..

Reason: It has the highest meltin

g poi nt/i t requires more heat to
melt .,
tit. ~
[To tal : 10 ma rks ]

Science 5124/2/20 20 mark ing sche


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