PNGS 1001 - 1982 Part 3 Wind Loads

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GHANEANNE. R PNGS 1601-1982: Pari 3 , Papua New Guinea Standard iT 4001—1982: Part 3 GENERAL STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND DESIGN LOADINGS FOR BUILDINGS Part 3—WIND LOADS ee aX \ . National Standards Council S of Papua New Guinea PNGS 10011982! Per 3 PAPUA NEW GUINES CODE OF PRACTICE for GENERAL STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND DESIGN LOADINGS FOR BUILDINGS PART 3—WIND LOADS 1 SCOPE. This Part of PNGS 1001 sets out rules for the determination of wind forces to be used in structural design in general. 2 APPLICATION. 2.1 Methods of Determination of Wind Forces. ‘The wind forces on a structure or part of @ siructure shall be determined by one or more of the following: (a) the applicable Clauses of this standard; (®) reliable references used consistently with the Clauses of this standard; (© wind-tunnel or similar tests, together with 2pplicable Clauses of this standard; (a) wind-tunnel or similar tests alone; () reliable data on wind speed and directionality. 2.2 Wind-tunnel or Simiter Determinations. ‘Where— {a) properly conducted wind-tunnel tests, orsimilar fests employing a fluid other than air, have been done on a specific structure; or (b) references to such tests on a similar structure are used; the forces accordingly determined shall be used instead Of those determined through the provisions of this standard otherwise applicable. 2.3. Conduct of Wind-tunnel Tests. Wind-tunnel tests for the purposes of determining mean loads and pressures, and similar tests employing fluids other than air, shall be considered properly conducted only if— (@ the natural wind has been modelled to take accollnt of variation of wind speed with height; and (b) fests on curved shapes are conducted with due regerd to the effects of Reynolds numbers. 24 Conduct of Tests for Fluctuating Loads and Pressures. Tests for the purpose of determining fluctuating loads and pressures shall be considered properly conducted only if Clauses 2.3(a) and 2.3(b) fre met and in addition the natural wind has been modelled to account for the scale and intensity of the Tongitudinal component of turbulence, 2.5 Conduet of Tests for Dynamic Response. ‘Tests for the purpose of determining the dynamic response of a sirusture shall be considered properly conducted only if Clauses 2,3(a), 2.3(b) and 2.4 are mnet and in addition the model is scaled with due regard to mass, length, stiffness and damping. 3 NOTATION, Unless a contrary intention appears, the notation used in this standard shall have the following meanings with respect to the structure, or member, or condition to which a Clause is applied A =an area of a structure or part of a structure, being— (a) when used in conjunction with a lift or drag coefficient, CL or Cp, the pro jected area normal to the wind stream; and (6) when wed in conjunction with a pressure coefficient, Cp, the surface area on which the pressure can act A, = an area at height z b = the breadth of a structure or structural mem- normal to the wind stream Cp = the drag coefficient for a structure or shape Fo ae. Gx = the lift coefficient for a structure or shape 4a a pressure coefficient ‘an internal-pressure coefficient Cx = force coefficient for ‘x" direction A ae Cy = force coefficient for ‘y' direction -# the depth or distance to which the plan or ‘cross-section of a structure or shape extends parallel to the wind stream, ora diameter a = asspacing ratio ‘the total wind force exerted on a structure Fo = the drag fore acting in the direction of the win Fi =the lift force acting at 90 degrecs to the direction of the wind F, = force on & building element Fx = force in‘x’ direction F, = force in‘y' direction the height of a structure the height of development of e velocity profilo at a distance x downwind from a change in terrain category Aervan expovent giving the variation of, gust velocity with loight Ky =the local pressure factor J the longth of a member of a frame m =a shielding factor giving the reduced value of wind force on a leeward frame resulting from the shielding effects of a windward frame =a frequency (2) ‘pe =the wind pressure at height 2 ‘Nore: The ler ‘posite’ and ‘negntive! as apoied fo prewure denclo peneures “tbove and Felow Einapherie posure repectney g, =the free-stroam dynamie pressure resulting from the basic design wind velocity at any Iheight z above the ground ‘Ry = an espect-ratio correction factor Ra = an area reduction factor 1 othe radins at the comers of a structure of shape Sethe Stroohal number (a non-dimensional coefficient) Vc the regional basic design wind velocity YV,= the mean hourly velocity at gradient height ¥, = the design wind velocity ot height 2 Fz =the mean hourly velocity at height x =the distance downwind from a change in tocrain catogory 2 =a height or distance above the ground iq — height of gradient wind ean exponent giving the mean, vation of the mean wind velocity with height or the angle of slope of a roo! NOTE: Where the expression 6V, oceurs, B is in seizes and ¥, is in mecres per second 4 DESIGN WIND YELOCITY, 4.1 Application, ‘The design wind velocity Vs at theight z shall be used to determine the wind forces on a structure, or on part ofa structore, according to this standard. 42, Derivation, The design wind velocity V, shell bbe obtained from. the appropriate regional “basic design wind velocity V adjusted for each— NGS 1091~1962: Port 3 @ mean return period Gi) geographical location; Gil) terrain category; Gv) shielding; and (W) height above ground, 43. Minimum Velocity, For buildings designed for'a S0-year return period, the design wind velocity shall be taken a8 not Jess tan 24 m/s. For builcings designed fora 25-yoar rotura period, the design wind velocity shall be taken as not less thant 2mjs, 5 MEAN RETURN PERIOD. A regional basic design wind velocity having a mean retarn period of 25 years shall be used for stress, strength or stability calculations for all structures, except as set out in Table 1, or as selected for particular serviseability criteria, 6 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: DETERMIN- ATION OF REGIONAL BASIC DESIGN WIND VELOCITY, 7 6. Wind Veloeliy Determination. ‘The regional basic design wind velocity V shall be determined for ‘8 structure according to its geographical location, 62 Particular Locations. The regional basic design wind velocities for Provincial Capitals and for locations within a radius of 10 km of thetr eantre shall be determined from Table 2, For locations outside finose areas, the 50-year return period velocity shall be determined from Fig, | and the 25 end 5-year return period valuos obtained by multiplying thet value by 0,923 and 0.735 respectively. NOTE: The regional Sesic design wind velocities have ben tain Si the extreme por offers 4193s duration sccuring withthe ‘pelo nan Stun print aleve big wis ‘Tisai of the type described as Catagory 2 in Cause 63. Cyclonic Areas. (2) The besio wind velocity in eyelonic areas shall bbe 40 ms. (b) Por the purpose of this Part, the area where tropical cyclones are likely to occur shall be taken as the whole of Milne Bay Province and that part of Northern Province east of longitude 149° Bast. (©) ‘The designer’s attention is brought to the need to provide adoquste construction details in cyclonic areas, NOTE: Examples of suitable eeerenées for the above ate the Norther ‘Torntores Deemed to Comply Standards an the Qosenslené Conseroten Marca PNGS 1661-1982: Part 3 ‘ TABLE 4 MINIMUM MEAN RETURN PERIOD FOR VARIOUS CLASSES OF SUILDINGS ‘Mean return Crass Beseription ‘erlod (i) ssl TP riers ea sparal pavtdieaster Tuscon SSmimaneaian Felten et) uctte for ite s37p0rt oF coatsigmest of eos cus or paee peseiing «Ligh doyle of rie fey or heath nthe cus f Faure s Public Bulldings snd Asvembly Biilaing (eeste, cinemas, 2) Buildings capable of escammodeting rs than 1000 people st any HP ai Suitinge or aeceutee thar es Hove stim Po B UT | Teepory nice or buldingy SUSHI cre Tow depo tar oe a bets in ce 5 TABLE 2 REGIONAL BASIC DESIGN WIND VELOCITIES AT BASE STATIONS FOR VARIOUS RETURN PERIODS “Sion ‘ately n/a) scum pena Gr) | Comment z (S20 Yate) oan 2 Sra g Short ood Soa a Ketek Bo Reco a Eainaiad ke a Eid Tibbs ' ‘cin ae 1 Masia & a 2 Jeweedine record MERte senses) | 3 \ une 2 Intersects resend Poort FA Eline Pol beoresty a Bate xr Intrmedine record Sinuri- a Sohavo cata 1) 3 Sher evant hana Ie i Tie ; a Eximated 2 Ean z Short end NOTES TO TABLE >: 1. Calculated values have been determined from a sata! fbeorde for each Paton. 2 Tabulated luz haye bora adjusted to rele to standard helt of 10m shove ground evel in Tecan Cetgasy 2TH ikcatent ede to value lem than the aston sesorded ae wtione Tala {Git} and eter tan shone actualy recorder Teraln Categoria 3 er 4, The evan wind telocty fora pastoular lesion ihe tabulated Regional Habe Valve, estore in aooordans vith Clause 4 4 Le of avaiable records 1979) range from $ years at Schano to 23 years at Hoste, ‘Short veo hasbeen aoted here lena than (0 yeart of records are available t sation “ptermediate rec has boon noted where betweon ID snd S years of rear are avalable ation ‘Syma hs bean noted where ng racone sp avast «Provincial Cepia the abulsed vals feng etunntd fom the sopied har G's. D oulyis of yoory msconum gust velociey yet ee ee eel PNGS 1001—1982: Part 3 PNGS 1001 1902: Part 3 7 TERRAIN CATEGORIES. 7.1 General. A terrain category shall be deemed to define the charecteristies of the surface irregularities of an area which arise from natural or constructed Features, the caiegories being assigned numbers in ‘nereasing orde: of roughness, Seiection of categories shall be made with due regard to the permancace of the obstructions which ‘constitute the surface roughness NOTE: Figs 2 to 5 ace used solely to dlusrate the tzzain iegares were of tora rougnases Sregn wend selocts he setae shown ma) be. controled by external erat fxtsgories ander the etch/ieight relalonships deRed In Cake 7 i 7.2 Categories. Terrain in which a specific structure stands shall be assessed as being of one of the following categories: Expesed_apen. terrain with few -or no ‘obstructions and in which the average height of objects surrounding the structure is less than 1-5 my, Nar ‘This category, includes open soucossts and fat ss pluin. See Fig? Category 2 terrain with well scattered obstruce tions having helghts generally 15 to 10m, WOT: Ths i the svterlon for meesuement of regional tase Wed elect aud tneldes sede each a Jacksons (Pop Moreh and Nadzab, openpactlandeand undovloped sare) ‘ulleap obtains of tube ad suburbs, Seo gt Sf) ant SR, sgory 3-Tezrein with numerous closely spaced structions having the size of doshestic houses, NOTES: gory includes well wooded areas, and suburbs towne util area fully or paraly develspea. See Figs e), 4 2 Mivexpeated ost design stations wil within this ya tha lesion amare etre algary il be von mst be ley othe pemapenens athe ip acess afeced ty fully ceveoped plead Claes 3, Wate Sig Tabied ana Nate lo Fe ene wai rey tobe lon down 6 deflated cannot be falsd upen 10 mainiain Category 5 condone Woo sich a sutton pay ent, cies intermediate aeons ie iy Slur i le fer Cagoree 2 ana ghen in Table ot Caogary 2 thou be seleced ving duc rgatd 10 the fsa condisas, Category 4—Terrain with numerous large high closely spaced Obstructions, NOTE This category Includes cange clyy centres and. well Aevelopedtadustrialcomplenes. Se Figs 58,50). Terrain Categories in Relation to Direction of Wind. (a) The terrain category used in the design of a structure may vary depending on the dix tios of the wind under considecation, TRE () Where, sufcient meteorological information is available the basic design wind velocity may he veried for specific wind directions. 74 Changes In Terrain Categories, Norg: The velocity pote for a pen terrain catgory does ol devsiop fo full heigit mnmeditaty wit the eames hen of tht tern catego, bet develops Loe liser be ht, ‘hy which incteates With the fetsh or lgange upwind, oe TAA Fetch Height relationship. ‘Tha, relation- ship betneen the developed helght A, and the fetch x for windeflow over each of the four ferrain categories shall be taken as giver by Table 3, 74.2 Siractures not covered by Table 3, For structures of heights greater than the developed height , in Table 3, ‘the velocity profile may be : determined in accordance with— { {@) the less of least rough terratn; o (0) th 75, Bes Teraretin Aes, Wher the eal] sation is sueh hut there is doubt arto tne key Wind condlifons,meteorologeel aavice ‘eel by | sought and the design wind velocity shall be adjusted i in accordance with the advice received, { jethod described in Appendis A. oie: The wind velocity a any given ale it lofuenced by Toca! topography teresa iy Soioly any aun, for zampn, in saleja narrowing cows te (ap. In son Ueto’ an insti nthe den nd locate iat fcbpted forthe tegion, ey be noua. The epprope sale inay"be obiined ono longterm recerdb ot winds Cane tt 8 SHIELDING AND EXPOSURE, " 8.1. Shielding, No additions) allowance shall f be made for shielding irom adjacent objects other than that implied through application of Clauses 9 and : 10.3.2. &2 Exposure, The effect of exposure created by ' a fetch of open terrain shall be taken into account in accordance with Clause 7.4, beet Increase in exposure due (o local topographic esfects shall be considered ne set ou in Clause 15. Increase in exposure due to situations on the edge. ofr steep sve, sf, shu or escarpinet shall be eaten feto seeouni' in accordance wth Clause 82 and Appendix D. b 9 VARIATION OF DESIGN VELOCITY WITH f HBIGHT AND TERRAIN. [ , L 9d Velocity for Terrain Categories, The design wind velocity at any height, z, above sits mean ground-level for the assessed terrain category shall be Obtained by multiplying the regional basic design | velocity ¥, by the applicable multiplier givea In Table 4, 9.2 Measurement of Helght, Thc height 2, shat! be measured from site ground-level in the immediate vicinity of the structure, or, for sites on top of steoply sloping hills or cliffs, in accordance with Appendix D, , TABLE 3 FEICH/HEIGHT RELATIONSHIP: a | ‘a clea aw, | ames | as / OS 2 wo 35 } 9S 1 2 4s 0 19 : : @ 10 i sw » be 1 Sete eta 0 180 300 400 500 | sii 1 [ TABLE 4 | VARIATION OF DESIGN WIND VELOCITY WATH TERRAIN AND HEIGHT ‘Veocliy maps Holght = “Toxaie ‘Terrain Terala x aiogor cotegory 2 category 3 "| Tae a9 ae 7 163. 0:53 Hee 0:70 BE 878 ra oss tai 100 12 rit ! 1-39 ! 18 133 ' ey 1s ea hs 1-30 133 os | 138 133 | 135 | 135 i as 133 Above sea Pe 135 Notes: 1. Tntermediate values, if required, may be ebtained by linear interpolation. 2. The velocity multipliers for heights well eboye the Heights of the obstrusticne producing the surface roughness but less than the gradient height are based on the variation of gust velocities with height determined by the formula : Yom va(Z) = 15 ZY ‘above the gradient helghl, Ve = 1-380; here is the exponent fora short period gusty isthe gradient height; ane ‘and ze have the following values: Category iat | 7 oom | 2: | 2 0-090 300 4 | 0-200 . 00 | PNGS 1401—1982: Pet 3 10 WIND PRESSURE AND FORCES. 10.2 Wind Pressures, 1.i.4 Dynamic pressure, The free-stream dynamic’ pressure shall’be obtsined from the design ‘wind velocity by the use of formula (1)— ge = O.6¥=? X 10-214 tee D J nome (bas been Sondfons in PNG 10.4.2 Design pressure, The design pressure at a point on the surface of a building element shall be ‘Obtained ‘tom the free-stream dynamic pressure by the use of formula (2}— P= Cygne Ha -@ where C, is a pressure coefficient obtained as ' deseribed in Appendices B end C, for the appropriate height 2, 162 Wind Forees. 10.24. Pressure force on. building elements, ‘The pressure force acting on a building element, suck asa wall or a roof, shall be taken as the resultant of the pressure forces acting on the extemal and internal surfaces of the clement as determined by the use of formula (3)— Fy SSpsAs vseseeeeceeteererretees Q) : whete Pp acts normal to thesurface of the element ' and As is tho area at height z over which psacts. NOTB:IP, varies bsause of bight, the arc may beatndlided ‘ So tua ie epoaedprosurceeretaken ove tke approprite aes, 103.2 Friction forces on building elements, For buildings where either d/h, or d/b exceeds 3, the friction force acting on the external surface of a builc~ ing element, such as a wall or roof, shall be determines] dy the use of formula (4)— r= BCrgaAe eevee . 1 @ t where Fy acts tangentially to the surface in the : direction of the wind, gs is determined for the height, 2, of the centroid of the area 4, and Cis the average surfacesfriction coefficient determined by one of the formulae (4a) to (44) as appropriate, i (2) For roof surfaces: + @ where 3 dy <4 K(d = 3hP OO thd He Gi) where dfh> 4 = ae wees Gb) (b) For wall surfaces: (where 3 Jb <4 veces 6) 6) wher do > 4 G kd 3 5b) . . (ad) (0) = 0.08 for smooth surfaces, or 0,45 for surfaces wilh corrugations across the wind, of = 0.30 for surfaces with ribs across the wind (rib height = 296 of A or 5), 10.2.3 Resultant forces on complete butldings. (a) The resultant force and overturning moment on complete building shall be taken asthe vector- ailsurimation of the forces acting simukancously ‘on all surfaces of the building For building where d/h or d/6 is greater than 3, the friction forces shall be included in the resuit- ant forees, otherwise friction forces shall be neglected (©) The resultant forces end overturning moments determined in accordance with this Part shall be combined with other forces by multiplying them by the appropriate factors gen in Clase 3 of Part | of this standard. © ~~ 40,34 Resultant forces on isolated solid bodies. — ‘The resultant force on an isolated solid body subjected toa constant design wird velocity shall be determined by ase of formula (Se) or (Sb}— Fo= Ca Aage cies (a) Fis CuAwges (5b) ‘where Fo is the force in the direction of tae wind, Fis the force at 90 degrees to the direction of the wind, Cis thedrag coefficient forthe body as givenin ‘Appendix B, and Cis the lift coefficient for the body 2s given in Appendix B ‘NOTE: If the Ylocty vale over the hee ofthe sold Body, {be trea fay Ds sundaes ao thatthe apesieg presres a takey over aprropeate at, 19.3 Allowable Reductions of Wind Foress. 10.3.1 Reduction of wind forces with area. Reduction of wind forees with area shall apply es follows, but only to buildings in which all the struc- tural elements sre forced t0 act together as ® unit (a) Structures under 25 m in height. Por a struc~ fare uader 25 m ip height the resultant of the vind forces on the faces normal to the wind and the resultant overturning moment celeclated in accordance with Clause 10.23, shall be multiplied by the applicable seduction factor (Re ) given in Table SE TABLE 8.1 REDUCTION FACTORS FOR BUILDINGS UNDER 25 m IN HEIGHT ACCORDING TO BREADI read (across) Reduction fstor (Rs) 20 098 30 09s 100 snd over oz NNorer Intermediate Values, if required, may be obisined by Ener ilrplaion, Sew ska Notes and 2 under ane (b) Structures between 25 and 150 m in height, (For a struchire over 25 m but iess than 150 min height and hving a frontal aspect ratio h/b <5 the sesultant wind forees ant the resultant overturning moment cal- culated in accordance with Clause 10.2 hall bo. mvultipliod by the applicable re- Guction factor (Ra) given in Table 5.2 TABLE 52 REDUCTION FACTORS FOR BUHDINGS BETWEEN 25 AND 150 m IN BRIGHT ACCORDING YO PRONTAL AREA Froptal wen Reduction factor (R,) To yo bo owe an 038 30 oa 15.0 and over 0-80 be chiaingd by Nore: Intermediate values, If required, onder Table Tigear ntezpolation. “See iso Notes 7 a 53. Gi) Alternatively, a method of allowing for the effect of size such as the gust energy method cescribed in Clause 11.3 may be apphed. (© Roofs, For a root, the resultant wind forces, calculated ia _accorcance with Clause, 10.2.3 and Tables B2, B4 and Appendix C, shall be multiplied by the applicable reduction factor (Re) given in Table 5:3. TABLE 5.3 REDUCTION FACTORS FOR ROOFS ACCORDING TO BREADTH AND DEPTH Reduction factor Ri Breadth Depth Galong>ning) ‘acressmind) NOTES TO TABLES 5.1, 52 and 5.3 1. The reguctions in Tables 5.1, $2 and $3 are permited because ths ces wind velocities inthis standard are based ona gust of 4353 geoends’ duralion, snd such a gust cannot completly fnvelop a large structat. 2. In sing the reductions alowed in Table 5.3 it should be noted that no reduoton may bo made over areas where Josa effets {Paragraph B15) can eccur, pres 1001—1960 Pert 3 103.2 Environmental reduction factor in Terrain Category 4. (a) Por these portions of @ building below the average level of the roof line of surrounding Dulidings within terrain of Terrain Category 4, fhe wind force on the windward face, calculated in accordance. with this standard, shall be multiplied by 0-75 if— (@ the surrounding buildings are generally in close proximity to the windward of the building under consideration and are not separated from the proposed building by more than twice the average height of the surrounding buildings; and (i) terzain of Terrain Category 4 extends for at Jeast O-4 km in the windward direction; and (ii) the wind cannot blow in a horizontal siraight line between the surrounding buildings for more than 0-4 km before impinging upon the face of the building under consideration (b) The average level of the roof line of the surrounding buildings shall not be taken a greaicr than 50 m end the reduction shall not be applied to— () roofs of buildings or elements of the roo! of a building; ot (8) elements on the face of a building having a frontal area of less than 100 m*; or (til) any portion of the building at 2 level above tho average level of the roof line of the surrounding buildings. UL DYNAMIC EFFECTS, LLL General, Flexible slender structures and structural elements shall be investigated to ascertain the signifleance of wind-induoed oscillations or excitations, investigations being so made as to indiude the effects of — (@) cross-wind motions; and (b) motions in the direction of the wind, ‘Nones: 1, Slender stuoturae bavlng an aapest rab Ab oe fd of the oreer af S or mere are katy sur alge east Expamie response, 2, I proliminary studies indiote thet windindved cecil. tobe ar ely te egesune, the dntetgations should be" pursued Wika the aid of avaliable ethos 2, It ‘evesay, y Baus of Wiaunuel leis 4. Coasevind motions may be due to the lateral guiness of the wind, unsteady Wake flow (eg. vorien shedding), Teaaive terodyaam damping er to a combination ot {Eile effec, Thoxe crowing. ceotfons can becerne evtiesl inthe design of tll buildings 4, Matlons ia the destiog of the Wind (kuowa also as Ducting) ercacaed by fuctatng win ein aurated Sith gusta, The oncllaons depend’ on the gue ener aleBle ai the eesonantfequaoay. 7 S'S SEP 5. The wake shed from an upstream, body ay intensify selon tection of he wind ad yao ect 6, Ses aleo Notes 00 Other Phenomenal ead of Caste I 11.2 Vortex Shedding, UL2A Slender structures. For a slender structure, the shedding frequency m shalt be deter- ined by formula (6)— SY, ne ere PNes 1001-1 3 1124 Circular structures, For Structures cir- cular in-cressscction— S = 0:20 for BY, not greater than 7 +25 for BY, greater than 7, 2.3 Rectangular structures, For structures of rectangular erose-ection— (v3 for all values of bY, rossaind motions may be pcaduced by vortex shedding the nallral equerey of the siructure oF siruclual sfement is equal to the fequency of the vortex shedding ‘wihin the range of expected wind vetoctes, Ualined welded stee! chimney stacks and sipilar structures fre very prone to excitation by vortee shedding. Methods fer reducing thie forms of excitation are desctibed: In BS gio, Stes) Chisseys. 2, Intensication of the effets of periodic vorter shedding tas been reported. ca8ea where wo or mors simlar fe located in close proximity (2, a less than where f is the dimension of the suse 0b ap nota tothe Wind) 53 Gust 13.1 General, If the gusteneray or guste factor method is used for the determination of the structural response then the method shall be used to determine overall wind forces only. Nove: References to the guatonergy stethod are to be found in (@ Davenport, A. G, ‘Gust Leadiog Factors Pros, ASCE, Journal Struct, Div, ne 593, vok 93, ane 1957, 4) Vickery, B,_J. ‘Op the, Relabilty of Gust Factors! Chit Bg, Tidng, LE, Aust, vel. CEI, a0 4 Apa 193 313.2 Application. The gust-energy method may be used for determining wind forecs on structures covered by thisstandand with thefollowingexceptions! (4) Local or cladding loads. () Loads on buildings tess than 75 m high in ‘Terrain-Category 4 (© Loads on Buildings tess than 30 m high in Tesrain Catzgory 3, [Novts: The methods outinad in the references () were, destzped for structures, standing cleat of the roughness elements of the terrain; and lize a design wind velocity averaged over J hour. c 11.3.3 Mean hourly velocity. ‘The mean hourly velocity, V, at height 2 may be determined using formula (7}— soar(2)*. eet) where mean hourly velocity at height =, Vm ragional basic design wind velocity for the required return period, and wand 2, have the following values: Category a 2, (m) t Ott 250 2 os ves 300 3 0-25. «400 4 0:36 500 Nores 1, The mean wind velcties étined by formula 2) bave te deved rom go! dala‘ the bast of the folowing ssurptins 49) Therattoot the pak gust yl n Terrain Categor Tal eight of 10 ryt che mean hourly velo i {hat eutapory and e that highs 1. (0) The gust vlociy, Ve, at fal and the meer nowy verity a ihe ame Relaht dre relied Sy an gual ofthe forme Fem Febery oss in whieh sy, = 20%. value of the fuecuating oF gusting ‘component of wind spas 00% 1 ratio ofthe peak value tothe rng, value OF tie gusting component wind elon 35. (©) The lus of « for enc tarain category vid values oF Des deed by Fort fs geet grein fo those dette by Table «ard the reglonal be Galan wind elocky. Coie agresment fo. wiih Sd paeanrmesteist) 2 Hs expected tha formula (7) wh evenly Ye replaced Sysco peels dekeed deadly Hen bend Baar ped 1134 Turbulence levels. The wind velocity for determining the turbulence level at the roof level ef structures less than 6 m high sball be taken as being that corresponding to struetuces 6 m igh. (Nore: The turbulence level, required in gust-facor eset ‘long may’ be dolermined fren the relat Saship— ove (2) ees 6 =o (2) twee 6 ste opis he ams. of he untng somone of id a 1138 Reduction of led with area, When wing a gust-energy method, the reduction factors set out in Table 5 shall not apply. NOTE: Gustnerey methods refered to i this Clause incor Dorare provision for reduction of foree wih ace, NOTES ON Oruse PxevOMENA ‘The following notes ace Included to. Sring to the attention of Oke designer (v0 forms of Wind Induced motion to which special structures may bo subjected’ 1. Galloping, Galloping, produsos 9 crosssvind forse thiphaoe with the mootfon. Tie due to forces deter mined by the monn of the Sriitnge and i Bere namie Shape Crotescetions pastioularly Ssctation intude (a) croarscctions af tnlangular or eqyaro form, and, 5° loser extent of polygonal forms (8) angle and orosse (6) polygons with eusped corners; and () twsled cables and cables with Soe encrusittons prone {0 this type of 2, Fluter, Floter is sinllar'to galloping exsept that the motion har more than one moce af vibration Sroseections particularly prone to. this wpe of roi on are Tong, tightly Sifened boidge dee Wind-tuonel testog i¢ regulred «0 determine critic fulter epoede andthe Hisly sieatuee! response. Fig, 2 SEAWARD ASPE TERRAIN CATEGORY 1 TERRAIN CATEGORY 3 BEHIND PNGS 109-1982: Past 3 PNGS 1OL—198H: Pot 3 4 Fig. 3(a). TERRAIN CATEGORY 2 Fig. 3{b) TERRAIN CATEGORY 2 PNGS 1901 ~1962 Part 3 PNGS 1001-1982: Part 3 ie Fig. 4{e). TERRAIN CATEGORY 3 Fig. 4(b). TERRAIN CATEGORY 3 AND ESCARPMENT ‘See Appendix D Fig. 4(c). ESCARPMENT See Appendix D PNGS 1081-1982 Pest 3 PNOS 1001-1982: Par 3 8 Fig. 8(8). TERRAIN CATEGORY 4 8 PINGS 100t—1982: Part 3 APPENDIX A CHANGES JN TERRAIN CATEGORIES (Refer to Clause 7.4) AL LOW TO HIGH NUMBER. In cases of transi- tions from a [ow category aumber (corresponding to a low terrain roughness) (o a higher entegory number {corresponding 10 a rougher terrain), che velocity profile over the rougher terrain shall be determined as Fallows: (a) Below height /, the velocities shall be deter- ‘mined in relation to the rougher terrain. (b) Above height 4, the velocities shall be deter mined in relation to the less rough {more distant) terrain A2 HIGH, TO LOW NUMBER, In. cases of itansitions from a mare rough to 8 less rough terrain, the velocity profile shall be determined as Follove {a) Above height A, the velocities stall be deter. mined in accordance with the rougher (more Gistany tertain, soeees Profile for Cotegory 4 Profile for Cotegery 2 Design profile ot A ——> Wind direction een Category 2 y= fateh, by © height for Category £ {Teble 3) {b) Below height 1, the velocity shail be taken as the lesser of — (i) that determined in sceordance with the Jess rough terrain; ard i) the velocity st height h, as determined in relation to the rougher terrain. Nore; Examples ofthe desermination of welosky pro Ihe viiony Sf change in terrain calegory are shows: in Figs Al and A2, A3 MORE THAN ONE CATEGORY. Terrain changes involving more than one category shall be treated In similar fashion 0 that described in Rules Al and A2, Nong: Exaripjes involving thees (grain ealegories ave show In Fig. AS, ue je “tS Awww Cotegary o% Fig. Al DETERMINATION OF VELOCITY PROFLE NEAR A CHANGE IN TERRAIN CATEGORY {LESS ROUGH TO MORE ROUGH) PNGS 1001—198%: Part 3 TABLE BLA AVERAGE EXTERNAL WALL-PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS FOR BUILDINGS NOT OVER 15 m HIGH HAVING ib NOT GREATER THAN §, AND OF RECTANGULAR PLAN @ Average presute coficlent, Cp surace | arn i BE see co z [ & inden etna al sarlce ailyalis tow ' | _| inavara exer all sce vet =25 2 8:3 inept tenes - soriere 203) Sie ater wil sorte € all vale oe |All value of Cp shalt be used ih the valve of ¢y applying forthe {op of the bulging (2 = 4) TABLE BE2 : AVERAGH EXTERNAL WALL-PRESSURE COEFKICIENTS FOR BUILDINGS OVER 15 m HIGH /é NOY GREATER THAN §, AND OF RECTANGULAR PLAN HAVING 8 Average pressure coefilent, Cp Surface ark a ig, Bt |_-—__ pee i a o ‘Windward entornal wal sarface a all values Foes to balused with ihe local value of ge : as a funetion of bebe ; Teeward external wall surfuce = Diet ars 2 0:3 binerpolateloesnly for more “02 \ to be used with the value of ge forthe fop of the Sullding ———" Sige exteeed wal surtace o ali valoee 07 ; to be used wil ihe vali ge FoF THE a fop of the Gulding (@ = 4) NOTES: i The presse caliente given in Tables Bt and BI Dare average values for use in exebising overall cre Pree came value qusted are applicable for thacpredged rctangular buildings when the wind Thon! yeas of npgntivepreseare may Slowing novmal i axe fase. Ao detaled in Fig, 3] und Table. bem higher than these average values, 2, The values give a Tabie B12 take inte aazount the offer ofthe variation of vlaity with helght onthe ! ‘pressures procuced on a fail building which is relatively isolated and exposed within the particular Su gory. i vould te noted that tome combinations of islased tail buildings placed together Ae ldkal and overil increase inte velues of average pressure coffeients quoted in kis the appropriate edeftson can be detained only (rin coset ae En {be Onder these cond ‘pins! teste : 44 Force on cladding cleans of buildings. The side wall negative pressures developed on bailing are eaten olde eet of il a oll ececsly scien Sr intneabsere=of earn se em aperopeate Ward tunel tnt, tt ig recommended that & pegtive exteratl pressire et Lon Ape geet ith te approprste oe! pressure facor Ki ven in Tbe B3, shoud EE sdoptad for detorminingenternal forts On sma Sndivcval cladding elements, \ 4 = | : | » PRS 1061-3090 Pat 7 TABLE B22 EXTERNAL PRESSURE COESFICIENTS (C,) FOR ROOFS OF BUILDINGS - ‘WITH oe < 10° Gindwee | Beareetimmscs | Exeel pronae coindint ee | utnisleais | Mtr lope na 8 jek i worst} that -os \ Dio ~o8 Dak -03 ‘Al valucs shal be wd with she value of geapplyirg a heeht fr NOTE The stance om te edge to which thecal pesore factor in Table 33 are to erly (non NODS ADGGRRCe Bae fac, wher pele 7 TABLE B22 EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS (C;) FOR ROOFS OF BUILDINGS WITH a > 10° ij Slope D Slope E “Angle «, degrees | 38 pan 25} 40-3 | 40:35 0-1 5. 307, Abit} 205°) “0-2 | +0-05 Povoua| for al vase Tos | To's | 20" roe [Atl yalucs shal be wd with the val of g, applying at eighth i ‘Che root shall be devigond for both values, Eo: Popes refer to Table BZ! Zor vanationa nC, aeoording te the distonoe ftom the windward NOTES: Mateo Table BS fr oe) pressure Sectors snd 10 Table Be for internal pressures 1 Ret dice nay be subjeted lg iter poniive or nepucl aes depending on wind dications fet se my te ated en Sal yeratt be snsuee 0 {Sitis She most severe conditlons for desig, Tes cf ta ce nearflatrofs,D and Ete the windward end lead bales respectively i Height is taken tothe eaves, 5 Liner ntpolation may be used to 0 bit ratios other thun show tein intermediate vals for roof slopes otis then shows. or for PIGS 10e)—1902 Pact 3 BLS Local Prossuve Factors, Where external pressures are negative, all wall and roof claddings, together with their immediate supporting members and iixings in the vicinity of any significant external surface discontinuity such as a roof edge, ridge involving a roof pitch of more than i0 degrees, or walt edge, shall be designed to take account of the higher focal pressures specified in this paragraph. The design shall tse an externel negative pressure equal to the maximum negative coefficient G, given by Paragranb BI.3 for walls or Paragraph BL 4 for roofs, multipliee by’ the relevant toca!” pressure factors Ki given in Table B3. Where an element of cledding or an immediately supporting member extends beyond the area des- ignated in Table B3, the local pressure factor Ki shall be taken as 1.0 on the cemainder of that element or member. Where interaction is possible, these external ‘pressures shall be assumed fo act simultaneously with internal pressures given in Paragraph B1.6 and sundsr-oaves pressure according to-Note-2-in-Big- Bly TABLE B3 LOCAL PRESSURE FACTORS FOR THE CORNERS OF BUILDINGS AND THE EDGES OF ROOFS WHERE EXTERNAL PRESSURES ARE NEGATIVE Mark a Fig, BE Prossure factor (i) F Pence ete af he igus deed in Tabs e 20) BES BES Ba and wh Nore: Local pressure fatoce must not be used inthe deterring flog of the cota forces on a stich or a sufece such ab a vvall 9 00% BLG Internal Pressure, (a) Internal prossures shall be determined by formaula (2) (See Clause 10.21) withthe internal pressure coefficient given in Table B4 and the lies of g cottesponding to these adopted in Table Bi! or BEA forthe extona! surfaces. ‘The internal pressures so detettnined shall be assumed to act simultaneously with the extemal ressure as determined in Paragraphs BI.3 and Bred and the most severe condiions thus detor- mined shall be selected for purposes of design, The internal pressures determined by paragraph (@) may be reduced in accordance with Clause Joa In determining the most critical loading condition, the designer may use his discretion as to which ‘openings can be relied upon to be closed, with closures capable of withstanding peak wind forces, at the critical loading condi- ton, Possible debris effects may also require attention, >) oO @ dance, some 2 to 4 hours’ warning may be anticipated Before the advent ofextreme tropical cyclone winds, whereas for peak thunderstorm winds, the warning may be limited to less than a few minutes, B2 FORCE COEEFICIENIS, B21 Drag Coeficients for Solld Shapes. Drag coefficienis for sclid shapes with aspect ratio fib > 40 are givon in Table BS. B2.2_Aspectratio Correction Factor (Re). Aspects ratio correction factors Ry whlch may be applied to the drag cosfiicients for solid shapes (given in Table BS} are given in Table BS. B23 Drag Cocfivients for Chismeys and Towertike Structores. (@) Average drag cosificients for chimneys and towertike structures are given in Table B7, (b) The dreg coefficient Cp 80 determined shall tbe need with the local value g, appropriate for the height =, B24 Drag Coefficients for Circular Shapes, The drag coeficlents for circular shapes shall be determined fom Table BB. ~~ BRS--Deag--Copfelents- for~ Low-~Walls -and Hoardings. (2) For low walls and hoardings less than 15 m high the pressure determined in accordance with Clause 10.1 shal be multipied by the applicable coefficients given in Table B9. (©) The pressures s0 obtained shall be taken as applying to the free edges and no increases shalf be made for local effects, Nore 1. The width-to-heightcatfe wed in Table BY isthe reelpro- gal cf the aspect ratio af used in Appendix B anim ‘Tables Bit aed B12, 2. The drag conficlents given are to be used with the value cof geat the lop ofthe Wall ot hoarding 3. For values of fjh tes than the mintmuin values siven int ‘Table 09, Une foros cue to wind are to be Galeries bY ibe use of Teblee BS end BE, B26 Force Coefficients for Structural Shapes, (a) The force coefficients for, structural shapes shall be determined from Teble B10. (b) The coeficients fer both lift and drag shall be reduced by use of the appropriate factor Jor members of finite length and slenderness, on the basis that the tebulated coefficients apply for shapes of infinite length BS FORCES ON FRAMES. B31 Single Frames, The wind force on a structure of openeframe type, comprising members ‘one surface of which lies in a single plane normal to the witd direction, shall, where the solidity” ratio R= ca aa does not exceed 0-5, be taken to ‘otal area bbe the sum of the wind forces on the individual members, calculated from the drag coefficients for their respective shapes. B32 Multiple Frames, For structures com= prising series of similar open frames in paale and approximately normal to the wind, the force on the second end sebsequent fremes shall be taken as the Toad on the windward frame calculated from Para- graph B3.1, multiplied by a shielding factor (m) obtained from— maton na(a— fs) ® where Re = solidity ratio of windward frame; frame spacing contre to centre “ume depth normal to wind * "4 m when e > 12; tebe eH otherwise 15 << NGS 1001-1987: Pert 3 NoTss: 5, Deplh is taken og tho lotr of the two dimension detining gross frontal ares normal to the wind direion, ©. the {itaoe between chords of a rats or the distance between the ‘eral Ig embers of WS. 2, Further guidance on dosan of etl strciygs le elven in Bush Standart CP3 Code of Basic Data for the Design of Buildings: Chapter, Loading: Pat 2, Wind Loads. PNGS 1001—1982: Part 3 6 Li TABLE B4 5 AVERAGE INTERNAL-PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS FOR BUILDINGS OF 7 RECTANGULAR PLAN AND OPEN INTERIOR PLAN i Chnalton nternal pressure coefielent Cp ‘ 1. Two apposite walls equally permesbie, other walls bpermeaSia r {e) Wind normal to permecble wa 402 f (6) Wied normal fo impormenble wall “05 L 2. our walis eqcslly permeable 0:3 or -L0-D whichever is the more severe for combiiad loadings r 3. Domisart apening on one wal, other walls of equal permecbily (@) Dornan opecing on wirdvend wal hiving A aloof permeability of * windvard wall 19 total permeabilly of other walls end roots subject fo extemal gueticn, equal (om ' Por less po 13 0:3 2 40:5 7 5 tog 6 or more t08 . () Dominant opening on leeward wall ue of Cy for Iewacd excernal wall surfece a - - inTas BiterBia = er (} Dominant opening o: side watt value Of Cy for sido axternal wall surface In ee Table BLT oc BI2 (d) Dominant opening ina roof segment value of Gp for exlernal surface of eof segment fn Table BD : 4A balling effectively sealed and faving nor-opeaing windows =0-2 of + 9°0, whichever is the more severe for combined losds -al pressures developed within an enclosed stucture may be pasilve or negative depending (on the pasion sh sie ef the epenins. 2, Inthe content of Table B4 she permeability ofa surface is measured by the total are of openings in the surface onder consideraton, a aan 5. As a guide, the typical permesbiity of an offee block or house with all windows nominally e ‘lose ie betveen OvOL ana 0-05 per cect of the wall ate, depending on Ihe degree of draught prosting. 4, Ths value of C1 can 68 imited or contalled to adventage by deliberate diccibution of perme= ablity in the Wall snd root, or by tha deigerae provicion af a venting devise which car sr 52 dopinen opecag es peson fave qlee external prea comficient. An exam ‘ ‘of such Iga ridge ventilator on a low-ptch roa, and this under al directions of wind, can Teduce ‘pli foree-oa the rook ‘S. For buildings where internal peessurizaion is ulized this adltional pressure must also be considered, ¢ 2 TABLE BS DRAG COEFFICIENTS FOR SOLID SHAPES OF HIGH ASPECT RATIO //s NOT LESS THAN 40 lec, a Heo wd [on | [co | om [me | o [me | i r=0 [ero 20 was | 1s Ot red [Pos fa <7; 0:35 20 1 ors | 1s | a7 | 0-25 ro 13 os 07 os | or 20 oF ro oF os 12 bm oy aye os (rai )+s Ce bid Lo os 2 NOTES. - |, The drug coniiiets tabulated should be used with Claus 10.2.4for deter 22d bets having high aspen alos of /6 not les than #0, ce when tae and conditions of a member tte sua that fre Aw cannot seaur around the ends Crom Uie Madar tothe award 32e, THis may foc hen a member ate another sola bods, at Ina frame ot truss 2, Far more detailed information 02 drag coelicfents fos a range of Reycolds numbers eefer to Delany Niko and Serenees, "Law Speed Drag of Cylinders of Various Shapes. NACA Tech, Nove 3038 3, [Slength of a member of 2 frame, ning the frets on notsted TABLE BS ASPECT-RATIO CORRECTIONS FOR TABLE BS Aspect ratio Corcestign factor tb Serle 5 rt » Wor more ‘Nore: Intermediate values may be obtsined by linear interpolation, NGS 1001 1962 Pact 3 TABLE 87 AVERAGE DRAG COEKFICIENTS Cy FOR CHIMNEYS AND TOWER-LIKE STRUCTURES dv, GREATER THAN 7 T (Crosssetion or pan spe Description Md=1 | hems | Hd =20 t Circular croas-setion, roaghness < J pereentd] 0-5 oF os I 7 “Ribbed epider BS ST per cet 2 “1% ve sed with value gs the projected area normal to the flow. See Clause 10.24 ‘ » NGS 10011982: Part 3 ‘TABLE BR DKAG COEFFICIENTS FOR CIRCULAR SHAPES: Side elevation oscrpton of shape, Deng evafcfont G = | — E D eat i; aft ei So Uh - D senate Se a aay ut — ‘Spherical Solid e< ne ‘TABLE Bo DRAG COEEFICIENTS FOR LOW WALLS OR HOARDINGS (ess than 15 m high) moo l| Z 1 rn 4 i reer \ eaeat al ‘Wall above ground on ground t = ‘ 10 20 13, l | 20 0 1s | © ® 15 | l| “ ‘® 7 : i 80 oF more teoormie | + 20 NGS 1001-1962 Part 3 » TABLE BLO 9S FOR STRUCTURAL SHAPES OF INFINITE LENGTH FORCE COBEFIC fy 5 30 40s a the E185 405 he ° fo ah 36 Hod a1 cha ° c ft 2 0 +r4 8 4s 405 #1 Hig oo $09 ° $22 | ASPECTRATIO CORRECTION FACTORS TO BE APPLIED TO G, AND Cy FOR MEMBERS OF FINITE LENGTH AND UENDERNESS 1 5 10 2» 30 0 100 © os | oes | ots | oss | 0-90 | 098 | 10 Nore: Por wind normal (oe axis ofa member Fee RaCagets; and Fy = RCygede Int x} qa= design wind pressare at beight'23 and by ~ projected widely normal fo wind dreetion, a NGS 1001-1992: Park 3 APPENDIX C PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS C1 GENERAL, The figures given herein indicate the pressure cociticients i0 be used in the design of some srructures {requently encountered but to which the coefficients given in Appendix B may not apply. (2. MONOSLOPE FREE ROOFS. Cad Assumed Pressures, Monesloze free roofs fos which te miaironm sear height under the roo! 's Healer shan ons-tal! ofthe Gepto in the direction cf et wad shal be asgumed 10" be acted upon by a Combination of resukant presses normal to the root C22. Coefficient Multiplier. The presure deter fist in gosordance with Clatse 10.4. shal be mit Hod bythe raloyant coefficient asset out in Fig. C3, Jor the front and reat edges with a linear variation fetort the with, and’a0 morsaae skall be msde for iogat eta kos: spe ison of to rant pretie is Hage in Pas lesion ot a 0 Ei eal denote ERC att windnerd Cees emer 2. Taman of th oo (3) the ng pepe fos the Fume SEIN ay eco ied tobe sibs 3. PITCHED AND TROUGHED FREE ROOFS. (a) For pitched or troughod free roofs, the pressure Getetmined in accordance with Clause 10.1 shall es FOR SOME SPECIAL SHAPES be multiplied by the relevant coefficients as set ut in Figs C2 to C7 inclusive (b) The pressures so obteined shall be taken as ageing ovr the whole ate, and 29 increases shall be made for local effects except as indicated, 4 CURVED ROOFS, For curyed roofs, the pressure determined in accordance with Clause 19.1 Ehall be multiplied by the relevant coefficients as set Out in Pig, C8, end the pregsure so obtained shall be increased in acorcance With ‘Appendix B, Paragraph 1. C$ MULTIPLE-SHED ROOFS. For zaultiple- shed roof’, the pressure determined in accordance with Clause 10.1'shail be multiplied by the relevant Cosificients as set out in Fig. C9, and the pressare 50 obiained shail be increased in accordance with ‘Appendix B, Paragraph BLS. (6 MANSARD (FLAT-TOPPED) ROOFS. For mancard (liatstopped) roofs, the pressure determined Jn accordance with Clause 10.1 shall be multiplied by tbe relevant coefficients asset out ip Fig. C10, and the pressure so obtained shall be increased in accordance Jnith Appendix B, Paragraph BLS. ned ig iieet tt Co ow Cw ‘Mina cet wep pF High edge to windward Low adge to windward Renn rss coset apne oof th Gan 3) Die af runt cee _ pt ecnnne entra Hiei vais | ane aoa wwe (ah 3 | Ta 2h iad TeTHEEE 0-2 2 e | é © = a a : } & ei | Bs | BF * : <3 | 81 | wos os e3 ov oF | For fi Cp top 1-0; Cy bottom 4 - or = oo | -Tangentiay wong Crietion See Clause 102.2 Fig. C4. PITCHED FREE ROOFS « = 10° 35 PNGS 1001-1982: Part 3 (2084) n — is = Pp in ps Y nm f a Hi ok i b a (besa ¥] ase ul Effects of trains or stored materials: } te rfeoia) trae or 13S 1M, D, Dy BP nga i " 50°, D, DE, E’ part length thereafter Cp =@ i ty t il , od ates ub D De EB gE € © @ t Pe OR 0-7 | oe o3 ‘ $ 8 04 os 03 06 -o3 -ba For Gy iop = —1-6 Cy bag 09 Jains sting ston? Soe Chaves 102.2 CS, PITCHED FREE ROOFS | 7 i i li | \ I | | PNGS 2001-1962: Pat 3 T=02¢1 “it T Roof stops o peo as B,D, SB pas YB, ful length th BY chereater Cy aay = 7 Eternal pressure colflents Cy = | D E e o oo <7 on ry ase ° 02 | ot 03 bo I or | o. Ort od ° For f: Gy top = 0-43 Cy bottom = —1-5 oe ooo Tangentially aciog Metio! See Cass 10.2.2 C6, TROUGHED FREE ROOFS 3 NGS 1001—19%2: Pant 3 DB Rg o @ t HY (o/n0-6A} ces Rost slope a= WP Bets of teins or stored materia Yet = 0 ~ 45>, of 135° = 189, D, Dy BB sul Ina = 50, D, DY #,B part ongth by theresser C, =O 0 pn ——— = & oe ase Be 50° 7 0 03 7 oh G oF 150° ‘Tangential sting Fig, C7, TROUGHED FREE ROOFS | | ie External pressure coefiicients Cp Exposur (em ti) | nd 5 ae r | [i ae ar 0 aS . Fig. C8, CURVED ROOFS 7 Windward 7 c stati v > eee - 4 ue : ou as cane Cn pone nse i seer sbe > seme te a ‘ dab eee e i . = ceed dove z Es sonnets Be i ‘nace sp ae ‘Nort: For wind at 180" to that shown, the angle «is (0 be taken forthe windward slope forthe reversed rection, Fig. C9, MULTIPLE-HEIGHT SHED ROOF » PNGS 1001—1902; Pact 3 AP SWipe Reference Ceetteeat Cy “Local prossre factors, Windward le DB [Tabi RD apps “Applicable areas on all slopes a ia ‘atesponsing wits Tablet Flat top and Leewacdsiops Bard Table B2 for Jeeward section of pitched roo! having wieevard dope of « apalies Fig. C10. MANSARD ROOF (FLAT TOPPED) PRGS 1901 4982: Part 3 40 Tae! APPENDIX D. CALCULATION OF MODIFIED WIND VELOCITY FOR : STRUCTURES ON OR NEAR THE EDGE OF A STEEP RISE, CLIFE, BLUFF OR ESCARPMENT : i D1 PURPOSE, The wind loading on structures on or near the edge ofan escarp- ' ment ara relatively sudden change in ground level with a slope of H/D220.2 shall be Eeiermined by applying the procedures given in this stendard using a modified regional basie design wind velocity Vis. | ‘ue Shall be determined using the besic regional design velocity from Fig, ! mod ! ified for tercain and height zhove ground by the relevant factor from Table 4 and Farther modified by the multiplier Jf determined from Figs D! and D2, ' ‘A new boundary layer and ground referencs are deerned to start at a distance y= 4H from the top of the escarpment. ‘The valuo of the yelocity multiplier Mf and the height of the wake rogion may be tincerly interpolated between the value at y= 0 (Fig. Dza) and the value at y = H/2 (Hig D2). The velocity for H- for “ultimate load? conditions,, From Fig. 1A, for T= 25 years, these velocities would have retutn periods of (8 years and 100’years respectively, From the probability definitions of return periods (sce Ref 2), the probability of the ‘working load’ velocity being exceeded just once in any year is 5.6%, Similarly, the probability of the ‘ultimate load” velocity Being exceeded just once in a 50 year exposure period (Le. 50-year expected life) is 4086, In view of the foregoing and teking into account local traditions of building permanency and expectations of possible wind damage, its considered that the adop- tion of the 25 yaar return period, as the basis of wind load design for the majority of buildings in P-N.G., is adequate in the present circumstances, In Keeping with the practice of similar Codes, the ‘risk of damage’ is varied by requiring different retura periods in accordance with the proposed normal or special fonction and/or cocupancy of the building under consideration, as set out in Table 1. It should be noted that for buildings required to be designed for a $0-year return poriod velocity, the return periods of the working and ultimate velocities (T= 50 on, Fig. IA) are 35 years and 225 years respectively and the corresponding probabilities of being exceeded just once are 2.9% and 20% reapectively. 1_ Wind Velocity Determination (Table 2 and Fig. 1). Base data for Table 2 were obtained from the records of the Australian Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology forge years ap and including 1973 supplemented by records af he P.N.G, Bursa of Meteorology for the years 1974 to I Using the Gumbel theory of extreme values and the methods of Reference 1, the expected velocities for the 5.25 and 50-year return periods were determined for cach station, These vahies were then adjusted forstatistical factors to given 90% confidenc> level and then ‘standardized’ to 10 m height in Terrain Category 2 by the use of the appropriate factors, ‘The full ‘velocity contours’ of Fig. { were obtained by interpolation between the Slotted S0-year values of Table 2, taking account of major topological features, The Froken contours, mest af @ line drawn Between Dara and Wewak, duc to @ lack of stations in that cegion, were obtained by extrapolation of the plotted values, and hence can only be considered as tentative, liable anemometer records are limited €6.2 Particular Locations. At present, to those stations noted in Table 2. Although this situations currently being rectified, it will stil be a number of years before sufficient data will be available from any new stations for analysie or to significantly effect the figures from existing stations. However, the situation will be reviewed at regular intervals and where necessary Table 2 amended accordingly, In view of this situation it is considered that the data in Table 2 should be used wherever possible and that Fig, 1 be utilized only if no othr local data are avaitable. Although thc 25-year return period has been adopted as the ‘norm’ for design vurposes, Fig. I has been constructed on the basis ofthe $0-year return period velocities in order to facilitate comparison avith similar figures in the corresponding Australian, Now Zealand and United Kingdom Codes. 4 NGS 1001—t9¥2; Part 3 (years) RECURRENCE INTERVAL, T 0 ! | 50 t « 109 200 250 0-6 O7 08 0.9 vive ; Fig. 1A, WIND VELOGITY RATIOS FOR PAPUA NEW GUINEA—AVERAGE VALUES 3ASED ON 18 STATIONS 10 hl re ir PNGS 10011982: Pact 3 44 €6.3_ Cyclonic Areas, There art no records of s cyclonic centre passing over the r oust of « major land massin the P.N.G. region (see Ref 3). However, the pats of three tropical eyclones (Feb, 1923, Nov. 1968 and undated) have been recorded as passing between the Louisade Archipelago and the south-eastera tip of the mainland, one (May 1972) as entering Ward Hunt Strait and one (Dec. 1954) as passing to the east of r ‘Woodlari Island, Considering these occurrences and the regular passage of cyclones in ‘oral Sea south of Latitude [2°S, the whole of Milne Bay Province has been L the designated as 2 Cyclone Area, r C10 Wind Pressures and Forces, The arrangement of this section is somewhat { different to the corresponding section of AS 1170 due to the introduction of ‘Friction’ L Forses. C1011 Dynamic Pressure, ‘NOTE: Albough higher average ambient tepavatues in PNG, would neat somewhat ower value i pie oun asians fees tun the AS io nae te anced ose deme Oy ce ieabrelly Haber umidiy of PNG. aves, Furthermore while tre range of average anual temperere ‘hls als gnraly slants Anna, Hgiaodaraetied ocormpend mrecoly wis i tela gers €10.2.2 Friction Forces on Building Elements. | Except as noted on the figures in Appendix C of AS 1170, the Australian standard does not include any provision for irletional forsos due to wind, although they are included in both the United Kingdom ' -- ++ = -and-New Zealand -Wind-Codes——--——-— a As pointed out in NZS 4203, ‘friction forces can bo significant where the frontal area of bulding is small slation to its other enter] surface In particule buildings of approximately 5m in height or less and with /b greater than 4, are fairly common and frequently consist of lightly clad, parallel frames, for which seismic forces are also ngually small In such cate longitudinal braving designed withow consideration of frictional forces would be unsafe, Formula (4) is of the same fort as fortaula (45) of NZS 4203; 1976, Equations (4a) to (4d) assume a linear increase in friction costficient from zero, when dis loss than or ; qual to 3h or 26, to a constant maximum when dis equal to of greater than 4i or 46, In equations 4{a) to 4(d), if d is taken equal to 4h or 45, the values of the friction coefficient obtained arc almost identical with the values given in both the United Kingdom and New Zealand Codes for the corresponding types of surfaces. Asin, ifd L is taken equal to 10h and a corrugated surface is assumed, the vafue of the friction co- efficient is almost identical with the value given in Figs C4 to C7 of the Australian ; Code. It should be noted that, depenciaig on the proportions of the building, efths: wall- i frietion or roof friction or Both wall and roof friction have to be taken into account in 1 particular design, 10.23 Resultant Forces on Complete Buildings. \ (a) &(b) It should be recognized that the pressure coefficients for sirfaces as given in this Code are generally higher than the average coeificients for the surface concerned. Hence the yectorial summation of pressure and friction 7 forces required by this Rule is somewhat conservative, A more accurate i ~~ estimate of the resultant force can be obtained for particular shapes by using drag force coefficients (such as those given in the U.K. or N.Z. Codes) ‘or more accurately still by model testing in a wind tunnel, { CLL Dynamic Effects, Although it is moro likely that seismic loadings will govern the design of flexible structures in P.N.G., this scotion has been included for complete- : ness of wind load considerations. l Appendix C—Figs C2 to C8 inclusive. ra Coefficients given in the figures are indicative only for the specific proportions of the building shown, Note that in all these shapes the roof friction forces as determined by 10.2.2 apply and are virtually independent of the cross-sectional shape of tne z0of, References, 1. ‘Extreme Wind Gusts in Australia’—H.E, Whittingham, Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, Bulletin 46, 2. BS CP3: Chapter V: Part 2: 1970, British Standards Institution, 3. ‘Australian Participation in the Development of Hydrologic Services in Papua Siw Gubea PNG: Dura af Wess Resourses, De 1 PAPUA NEW GUINEA STANDARDS To keep abreast of progress in indlistry, Papua New Guinea Standards are subject to perlocic review and ara kept up-to-date by the Issue of amendments and new editlons as necessaty. tt is important therofore that standards users ensure that thelr standards are up-to-date, Detalls of availabilty and status of individual standards may be obtained from the Sales Office of the National Standards Council. Suggestions for improve- ments fo published standards are always welcome. NATIONAL STANDARDS COUNCIL PUBLICATIONS Full details of all NSC publlcstions will bo found in the Annual index of PNG Standards; these details are supplemented by listings In the regular NSC Journal "Standards News". All NSC publications may be purchased or inspected at the Sales office of the National Standards Counell OVERSEAS STANDARDS: The reference library of the National Standards Councll holds complete sets of standards from several overseas countries, Most overseas standards can be purchased through the Sales Office of the National Standards Couneii. OFFICES OF THE NATIONAL STANDARDS COUNCIL The offices of the National Standards Council are_on the first floor of the Gentral Government Offices, Waiganl, Papua New Guinea, Ths postal address is: Executive Director Natlonal Standards Council PO Box 5286 BOROKO. PAPUA NEW GUINEA

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