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Development //

to Develop
Strategic Here’s how mentoring
can support leaders in
Leaders developing a strategic

By Michael Miloff and Lois J. Zachary

Self-awareness and ability
As the world becomes ever more complex and interconnect- to manage emotions
ed, strategic change that is multiorganizational and multi- In Thinking Fast and Slow, Nobel Prize
disciplinary becomes increasingly important. And yet, many winner Daniel Kahneman reminds
leaders miss the mark because they lack the strategic mindset us that humans are constantly at risk
and collaborative process skills and tools necessary to drive of making irrational decisions, espe-
strategic change. cially under stress, time pressures, and
information uncertainty. At the same
Strategic leadership requires many experiences and relationships, set time, the ability to quickly grasp the
soft skills that cannot be fully learned stretch goals, try new behaviors, and right action to take is crucial. Being able
from a textbook or classroom. And gain and integrate feedback. to check, harness, and manage one’s
mentors have an instrumental role to In our work with clients, we’ve knowledge, intuition, and emotions
play in building the capacity of leaders discovered seven strategic leadership also is critical to good judgment and
to hone strategic leadership skills and components that enable leaders leadership.
harness the multiorganizational and to bring fresh thinking and perspec- Mentors can hold up a mirror and
disciplinary synergies that drive strate- tives into their organizations and help mentees analyze their decision-
gic change. successfully advance priority strategic making patterns and understand their
By working with leaders one-on-one, initiatives. Below are the components strengths, weaknesses, and the factors
mentors can help them become more and steps mentors can take to help the that influence them by
strategic by encouraging and support- evolving strategic leader develop in • facilitating their reflection about
ing them to reflect on their business each area. mistakes and successes in judgment

102 | T+D | April 2012 Illustration by Emily Morrow

Development //
• encouraging identification of their solutions. Effective leaders focus indi- key leaders, and exercise substantive
own (and others’) decision-making vidual and organizational attention on and process leadership by
and behavioral patterns the central opportunities, threats, and • crystallizing great maps of prob-
• asking deep questions that open solutions to build a compelling vision lems and potential solutions
up honest assessment of what they and strategy. By learning to say “no” to • leading processes that generate
could have done differently. seductive distractions, strategic lead- strategic insight and focus
ers position themselves to say a louder • engaging key players by creat-
Knowledge “yes” to the right actions. ing excitement and building
It is difficult for leaders to capital- Mentors can help leaders overcome ownership.
ize on opportunities and respond to the common tendency to pursue inter-
threats unless they possess a firm grasp esting, secondary, or easy issues, and Presence and entrepreneurialism
of the technical and social domains help them focus on the central, linchpin Presence and credibility are prerequi-
immediately relevant to their business issues. They also can sites if a leader is to be taken seriously.
and an understanding of the broader • create an environment of safety so Entrepreneurialism enables one to
societal trends that shape their envi- as to better challenge the leader to see and seize opportunity, develop
ronment. In our knowledge-intensive, think deeper and broader and apply creative solutions, take risk,
but often siloed world, many of the • encourage leaders to keep peeling tenaciously pursue one’s goals, and
breakthroughs will come from apply- the onion to identify root causes resiliently bounce back from defeat—all
ing insights and solutions from other (asking many “why” questions). valuable attributes in a highly competi-
spheres of work and life. • help leaders to prioritize the best tive world that values innovation.
Mentors can help mentees gain solution Although personal attributes, such
exposure to a broad range of perspec- • identify obstacles that need to be as presence and entrepreneurialism,
tives, whether through reading, talking overcome and how. are somewhat hard-wired, mentors can
to experts and clients within and out- help leaders
side their organization, exploring the Empowerment and process • insert themselves earlier into dis-
power of metaphor, brainstorming, or management skills cussions and the decision-making
extracting lessons from their own cus- Successful leaders create synergy. They process with well-thought-out
tomer experiences and lives. energize, mobilize, and focus partici- strategic insights and process next
pant intelligence, talent, creativity, and steps
Vision and focus accountabilities. • develop or sponsor innovative
Organizations face countless poten- Mentors can help leaders better thinking while recognizing the
tial problems with myriad potential understand and build relationships with importance of risk management

More Ways to Support Strategic Leadership Development

In addition to mentoring, there are other gaps and formulating personal develop- healthy tension and motivation for the
ways learning professionals can support ment plans. development process.
leaders in developing strategic leadership
skills. Consider the following approaches, Concurrently address organizational Deploy tools and templates. Work with
which must be adapted to the organization strategy and personal capacity. Ensure organizational leaders to ensure they
and individual leader’s context, budget, that any development process attends to develop strategic management tools and
and culture. both external organizational situations templates that are customized to the orga-
and internal personal capacities. Turn real nizational context. This will help each new
Use a competency model. Using this world strategic initiatives into opportuni- generation of developing leaders learn,
or another leadership framework, ties for reflection, feedback, and personal apply the best techniques, and contribute
define the knowledge, skill, attitude, growth and turn professional growth to further enhancing the tools.
and personal and network competen- into direct opportunities to benefit the
cies for being an effective leader in organization. Support communities of practice.
your organization, especially one that Facilitate the operation of communi-
can harness collaborative processes Demand structure. Build a demand struc- ties of practice that promote personal
to create strategic change. Having a ture for showcasing what mentees have development and network-building, along
competency model is the basis for learned and the practical implications for with cross-organizational learning, peer
mentees’ own and others’ assessment the organization. This can add excitement, support, rapid diffusion of innovative prac-
of leadership performance, identifying engage senior leadership, and create a tices, and a culture of collaboration.

104 | T+D | April 2012

• maintain high personal energy challenges, opportunities, and • champion for their development.
levels. solutions Leaders must be learners and build
• profiles the leader’s achievements their strategic leadership capabilities so
Building and maintaining and plans they can inspire, mobilize, and create
personal networks • gains feedback on the leader’s views ownership for the future. Mentors can
What people think about a leader and performance play a key role in helping to make this
shapes if and how they approach that • explores the potential for synergy. happen.
leader and what they offer—whether
it’s with information, opportunities, or Personal development Michael Miloff is president of Michael Miloff
a willingness to collaborate. To attract Succeeding in a world of acceler- & Associates. His focus is on strategic plan-
ning and organizational change; michael@
and capitalize on the talents of other ated change, intertwined systems, Lois J. Zachary is president
individuals and organizations, strategic and rough-and-tumble competition of Leadership Development Services and
leaders need to have good networks or requires continuous adaptation. For author of The Mentor’s Guide, Creating
a reputation as someone worth working any leader, this means a commitment to a Mentoring Culture, and The Mentee’s
with those who are trustworthy. ongoing personal development. Guide;
Mentors can help leaders build their Mentors collaborate with leaders they
network, profile, and brand with other mentor in the design and implementa-
leaders in the field, current and poten- tion of their personalized learning and
tial clients and partners, and experts development plan. It begins by focus-
and influencers through engaging these ing on the future and where that leader INTERESTED IN ORDERING E-PRINTS?
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