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Monthly Payslip For The Year 2019 - 2020 For 20124787 - RAJIB BISWAS

Month Feb Mar Apr Total Cum Adj


Basic 3745.00 3382.58 4107.42 11235.00 0.00

Flexi Balance 4273.00 4130.00 5016.00 13419.00 0.00

House Rent 1498.00 1353.03 1642.97 4494.00 0.00

Incentive 2500.00 2500.00 2540.00 7540.00 0.00

Statutory_Bonus 1800.00 1355.00 1645.00 4800.00 0.00

Total Earnings 13816.00 12720.61 14951.39 41488.00


Esi Recovery 242.00 223.00 262.00 727.00 0.00

Pf 449.00 406.00 493.00 1348.00 0.00

Professional Tax 110.00 110.00 110.00 330.00 0.00

Total Deductions 801.00 739.00 865.00 2405.00

Net Pay(Total 13015.00 11982.00 14086.00 14086 0.00

JV Batch No 195043 197216 199738

Executed On 14-May-2019 at 12:36:03


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