Court Role and Structure: Henry Ross Federal Government September 9, 2023

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Court Role and Structure

Henry Ross | Federal Government | September 9, 2023

 INTRODUCTION  The first quarter of the twentieth centuary saw the birth of the trade union movement in India.
S. S Bangalee , M. Lokhande and others successed in forming trade unions,organising strikes and in general
bettering the conditions of the working class. However it was not untill the close of First World War that the modern
trade union movement really took permanent roots in Indian soil.
 5. MEANING OF TRADE UNION  Trade unions are voluntary organisations formed to promote and protect the
interest of the workers through collective action.
 6.  The credit of the first association of Indian workers is generally given to Bombay Mill Hands Association
founded by N M Lokhande in 1890.  The first clearly registered trade union is considered to be The Madras Labour
Union founded by B P Wadia in 1918.  The first trade union Federation was set up in 1920 as the All India trade
Union Congress(AITUC) History of Trade Union Movement in India
 7. History of Trade Union Movement in India  In 1926 The Trade unions act was passed which was a land mark in
the history of the trade union movement in the country.  The Second World War gave a fillip to trade union
movement and there was a marked increase in the number of unions and of organised workers.
 8. History of Trade Union Movement in India  After Independence the country was plunged into growing
unemployment.  The Indian trade union congress (INTUC) was started and it was controlled by the congress party.
 The Hind Mazoodor Sabha(HMS) was started in 1948 by praja socialist party.
 9. History of Trade Union Movement in India  In 1949 THe United trade union congress(UTUC) was formed.  The
liberalisation policies led to the stagnation in the number of Unionised formal sector workers.  A gradual shift in
focus about the importance of informal sector and informal employment in the formal sector from the late 1990s.
 10. History of Trade Union Movement in India  The central trade union organisations enrolled these workers and
subsequently led to increase in union membership.  Almost all the CTUOs now have atleast 20% of their official
members coming from informal sector.
 12. MEMBERSHIP OF TRADE UNIONS  The trade unions are registered under Trade union Act of 1926.  Statistics
on trade unions are collected once in a decade by the Labour Bureau of the Ministry of labour govt of India.   As
per latest data released for 2012,there were 16712 trade unions.
 13. 6 Major Central Trade Union of India (1) The Indian Nationa TradeUnionCongress(INTUC) (2) The Bharatiya
Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) (3)The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC): (4) The Hind Mazdoor Sangh (H.M.S.): (5) The
United Trade Union Congress (UTUC): (6) The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU):
 15. DEFECTS OF TRADE UNION MOVEMENT (a) Predominance of small sized unions. (b) Poor finance of the unions
on account of small size and small subscription. (c) Absence of whole time paid officers. (d) Lack of loyalty of
workers. (e) Nature of the working class. (f) Political affiliations (g) Outside leadership (h) Inefficiency
 16. MEASURES TO STRENGTHEN THE MOVEMENT (a) Need for unity. (b) Eliminating unhealthy political
interference. (c) One union ,one industry (d) Working class leadership (e) Responsible trade union leadership (f)
Responsibilities of workers (g) Greater usefulness of unions
 17. conclusion  Trade union movement has a bright future, provided some of the suggestions mentioned above
are followed.  It is highly satisfying that the government is attaching grear importance to the development of
trade unionism on healthy lines.
 18. References  Planning commission,second five year plan,p,572  V V Giri,op,cit,p.44  Indian Economy-KPM
Sundaram & Rudradutt  Indian Economy-Mishra & Puri

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