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The 9 worst pieces of

career advice

(and what to do

christopher rocas
"Hire for culture fit."

Why it fails
Fit often means "people like us"
Discourages diversity of thought
Entrenches bias and inequality.

Define culture inclusively
Interview for values alignment
Seek diversity of experiences and skills.

christopher rocas
"Do what you love."

Why it fails

Passions fade, purpose lasts

Loving ≠ being great at something

Interests change over time.


Find purposeful work

Build rare and valuable skills

Let passion follow competence.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
"Avoid office politics."

Why it fails

Politics are inevitable

Lack of allies hurts you
Change requires persuasion.


Build relationships widely

Listen first, then find common
Right wrongs diplomatically.

christopher rocas
"Money isn't everything."

Why it fails

Money enables freedom

Poverty encourages stress

Wealth allows generosity.


See money as a tool

Use wealth to lift others up

Balance passion and practicality.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
"Just get a degree."

Why it fails

All degrees aren’t equal

You need applicable skills too

Student debt limits options.


Research salaries and job prospects

Develop in-demand skills

Minimize debt from college.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
"Get on the management

Why it fails
Managing ≠ Leading
Individual skills get rusty
Meetings limit ability for change.

Lead from wherever you are
Develop leadership skills
Influence through expertise.

christopher rocas
"Keep your head down and


Why it fails

Visibility and image matter

Putting yourself out there feels risky

Opportunities come from visibility.


Build your brand authentically

Seek sponsorship from advocates

Make smart risks.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
"Job hopping looks bad on

a resume."

Why it fails

Change brings fresh skills

Variety builds resilience

Loyalty is rarely rewarded.


Make strategic moves

Keep growing your skills

Maintain great references.

c h r i s t o p h e r r o c a s
"Don't rock the boat."

Why it fails
Conformity prevents innovation
Status quo keeps unfair systems
Speaking up seems risky.

Question assumptions
Speak truth to power
Support those without a voice.

christopher rocas
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christopher rocas

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