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we eERCROMNTANAT aari04 sy | wns ze a eas = Sat peeren vam (4 SEES a WH pa FEF oH 5 St wets ase asm san ee ee azom | ames [racer SOLER SEE nae fe [or [oe [ow |x oe | | oe | oe) ae fw | fv | Sw | 057) FE eee Ad SNI # ft 2 ® B ALVOMILAIO NOLO AA AA AA AAA AAA AAR AAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS Fannie i TESAC rrr: 94% 0 — 7 iil WA CERTIFICATE FOR STEEL WIRE ROPE mt 2004.08.08 oF TESAC 09, LTD. NISHIKINAUAMANLIFACTORY A FALLS FRAC BE LAE AR Rec euMML ET. We hereby certify that this steel wire rope is examined and tested strictly accer nding to the under-mentioned specification at our works and we guarantee the qu lity of the article @ MM We (SPECIFICATION Wo& m # PRODUCT NO.) 7 Wik (CONSTRUCTION 12 7 © FE (NOMINAL DIA. OF THE ROPE). o> ome (enor) « 94 (GRADE) (We WE (SPECIFIED BREAKING LOAD) 4 EM ME CACTUAL BREAKING LOAD) ” 1 (APPEARANCE ®t we CWRE TES a 5 (wore) Part number 2 6259 ‘TESAC SPEC. (OF IWR 6XFIGH) C/O ao Specified breaking load of end termination a Zz (Act. 26.00 am 290m» 4 Avwointed ei aN 1070 uw 000 000 A008 ea ww TRSPECTING SECTION 3 2 & 2 ci AA AANA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAANAT CERTIFICATE OF HOOKS: mi (£2500 Crawler Crane, Machina Serial No 1002-00108 Kind of Hooks fRemNo [Mia No [Sate root Material ot [Description Working Load Load __|Hooke ro10n 4otn fats Goss 2.35:0n Hook | FT6675 faston roto fats tos sasc 3.19.5ton Ball Hook T5846 3.5t00 lerton Jats Gist sasc POF Complete Test Cerificate No, Form CHG-4 (CERTIFICATE OF TEST AND EXAMINATION OF CHAINS, RINGS, HOOKS, SHACKLES, SWIVELS "AND PULLEY BLOCKS, ‘Thi cerifcate when properly executed by a competent perton i aceped by the Governonent ofthe United Snes of Ameria as being in aecardance withthe requirements of 46CFR Prt) and 29 CFR 18 12). o @ @ @ @ © Disingihng name or Desciptin | umber Dateefiat | Proflond | Sale working ‘sak a) tested “| spnted tons) | “iad tend Fre799 70 1 | rau, | 1400] 700 HOOK BLOCK -2004 The Gms ol pr pect mal a vik Wi made Gag arn inte ee par mace ce ne vere apie he eat enent ected in manus sont te des Form CHC-8 Swed re Pape). © Nameand address of maker or supplier __E. 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(@at)__18=_AUG.=2004 Insubsnta aprement with. LO. Form Nod POF |= Complete INSTRUCTIONS (Chains, rings, shackles and oter loose gear (whether accessory toa mtchine or not shill be tested With proof Toad equ to that shown against the article inthe folowing ble: ‘Atco gar Prootlond ‘chain, rng, nook, shackle orswivel_ 100 percent in excess of he sate working los. Pulley blocks Singleshenve Block 300 percent in exces ofthese working load. ‘Multiple sheave black with af working ad wp 0 ‘and including 20 tone 100 percent in excess ofthe safe working load _Muitiple-sheave block with safe working lad over 20 tors up toand including 40 tons Multiple sheave block with fe working load over "0 tone 50 percent in exces of he safe working load, Pichod ins used with Rand operated pulley Boks 20 tons in excess ofthe safe working load 50 percent in exces of he safe working lad 0 percent in exces of the safe working load. Afr ing ee, al he ger shall be examined, the sheaves and te pe ofthe pully oc ning removed fot ‘he purpue, to se wheter ay pt has ben damaged er Permanently deformed by the st. [NOTE The exprsin ten” means tn of 249 aaah snted other, he 5 ache SAU A AE WR TE [a5] =] cea a POF Complete Form CHG 4 (CERTIFCATEOFTST AND EXAMINATION OF CHAINS, RINGS, HOOKS, SHACKLES, swiVEts ‘AND PULLEY BLOCKS ‘This cetifente when propery executed by competent perton accepted by the Government ofthe Unite States ‘Test Certificate No,__ of America string im acordance withthe reuirmentso CFR Prt and 29 CPR 18 2). o @. 3. ©. @ @ Dining mentor Descpton | Number] Datettat | Profload | Safewerking nak fgar | ta sapped on | oad tos) Presse 13.6% 1 | ees, | 270 138 BALL HOOK -2004 "Ti dines a he pa nr oT whch ir cating te abn cnet oe ur mae cl ans] here app the bet eaten ected anata sold be snd (nls Form CHC ed fr he pre) (©) Position of signatory in publi service, asacation, company oir Section Manaser Quality Contral Group of E. erly thatonthe___27 dayol__ 1.2004 ‘esamine by a comps peso im he manner set fron the fers tienen ‘owed that he sid gen withstood the poo! oe without injury or deformation and tat he safe working loud evn 2 Freie. 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Muliplesheave block with safe working load up to fan including 0 tong 100 percent in excess ofthe safe working loa Multiplesheave black with safe working loud over 20 er up Wand ining a0 tone 20 tons in exces ofthe safe working load Multiple sheave lack with safe working land over {fone ‘50 percent in ence of the safe working Pichod chins used wit art operated pulley Boks fd inks, fools, sacle erswives permanenty sacked thereto ea mae Hand operated pally Woks used with pitched ‘hing and ings. Books, shackles or revels pr 50 percent in exces ofthe safe working lon. ‘After ingested. ll the gear shal Be examined, the shaves and the pin ofthe pulley Bock being rove fr ‘he pupae. tose wath any pat Has bon damage or permanent deformed By the et "Ye A7 8 BRM ORE A — 2 - RL RR LR RL SILER AE BU TST eee =] = ei EL HAD laa) = FC | BEA na) a Sinrainta wana ee) Se = S| ao

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