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Listen to the song and fill in the gaps.

Shouda Woulda Coulda by Beverly Knight

People say that together we were both sides of the same ___________
That we would shine like Venus in a ___________ night sky
We thought our love could ___________ the circumstances
But my ambition wouldn't ___________ for compromise

I ___________see in the distance all the dreams that were clear to me

Every choice that I had to make left you on your ___________
Somehow the road we started down had___________ asunder
Too late to realize how far___________ we'd grown.
How I wish I, wish I'd ___________ a little bit more

Now " Shoulda woulda coulda, " means I'm ___________ of time
'Cause "Shoulda woulda coulda", can't change your mind
And I wonder, wonder, wonder what I'm gonna do
"Shoulda woulda coulda" are the last words of a ___________

People ask how it feels to live the kind of life ___________ dream about
I tell them everybody gotta ___________ their highs and their lows
And in my life there's a love I put___________, cause I was busy loving something else
So for every little thing you ___________ on to, you've got to let something else go


Fool if I would now forsake the opportunities are fate

I know I'm right where I ___________
But sometimes when I'm not so strong I..

"Shoulda, woulda, coulda" is an idiomatic expression in English that conveys regret or
disappointment over circumstances that could have been different if different decisions
or actions had been taken in the past. Here's an explanation of each of these words:

Should means "should have done something" and indicates that someone had the
opportunity to do something in the past but didn't do it.

Woulda means "would have done something " suggests the possibility of taking action
or making a change in the past that was not pursued.

Coulda means "could have done something" which emphasizes that a person had the
ability or opportunity to do something in the past but didn't take advantage of it.

The expression "shoulda, woulda, coulda" is often used in the context of regret or
reflection on decisions or circumstances from the past that could have turned out
differently if different actions or choices had been made. For example, if someone says,
"I shoulda studied harder for the exam," it means that the person is disappointed with
their level of exam preparation and believes they could have achieved better results if
they had put in more effort.

How do you understand this quote?

Fill in: would have, must have, could have, should have, can’t have

1. She ________________________ double-checked her flight time; now, she's at the airport,
and her flight already departed.
2. They ________________________ arrived early because they secured the best seats in the
3. They________________________ hired her for the job if she had more relevant
4. I ________________________ attended the conference, but I chose not to because of a
scheduling conflict.
5. She ________________________ applied for that scholarship, but she didn't think she had
a chance of getting it.
6. We ________________________ traveled to Europe this summer, but we decided to save
money instead.
7. I ________________________ left my phone at the café; I can't seem to find it in my car.
8. He ________________________ listened to the advice of his friends, but he went ahead
with his risky investment and lost a significant amount of money.
9.He ________________________ forgotten his own birthday; something must be wrong.
10. He________________________ improved his skills if he had enrolled in the advanced
photography workshop.
11. If she had won the lottery, she ________________________ donated a portion of the
money to charity.
12. I ________________________ helped you move if you had asked me earlier;
unfortunately, I have plans now.
13. She ________________________ visited that exotic island before; it's her first time
traveling abroad.
14. We ________________________ gone to the concert if the tickets hadn't sold out so
15. They ________________________ hired a professional plumber instead of attempting to
fix the leak themselves; now, the damage is even worse.
16. They ________________________ finished the project already; it's only been a day since
we assigned it.
17. She ________________________ forgotten her wallet at home because she can't find it
anywhere in her bag.
18. Sarah ________________________ studied more diligently for her Spanish exam; she
barely passed and regrets not putting in more effort.
19. If he had listened carefully, he ________________________ heard the faint music playing
from the nearby café.
20. They ________________________ misunderstood the instructions because their project is
completely different from what was requested.
21. She ________________________ known about the surprise party because she acted
genuinely surprised when we yelled, "Surprise!"
22. I ________________________ brought an umbrella; the weather forecast mentioned rain,
and now I'm getting soaked.
23. He________________________ taken the wrong bus because he ended up in a
completely different part of town.
24. He ________________________ read the entire book in one night; it's a 500-page novel!
25. He ________________________ passed the driving test if he hadn't made that critical
mistake during the parallel parking section.
Rephrase the sentences using up to 5 words.

1. I don't like when pupils use their smartphones during classes. (WOULD)

I _______________________________ use their smartphones during classes.

2. I regret not listening to my teacher's advice. (HAD)

I _______________________________ to my teacher's advice.

3. My parents say that I'm not patient enough. (WISH)

I _______________________________ patient.

4. It's a pity I didn't buy that car. (ONLY)

If _______________________________ that car.

5. My friend Kate doesn't have a pet. (WISHES)

She _______________________________ a pet.

6. I'm really sorry I was late. (BEEN)

If _______________________________ late.

7. She's too short to play basketball. (WERE)

She _______________________________ taller.

8. It's been raining all day. I want to go out. (STOPPED)

I _______________________________ raining.

9. I regret not inviting him to the party. (ONLY)

If _______________________________ him to the party.

10. It's a pity you are so busy these days. (HAD)

I _______________________________ more time.

11. He doesn't have enough money for the trip to Italy. (HAD)

He _______________________________ more money.

12. I don't know how to solve this exercise. (KNEW)

I _______________________________ how to solve this exercise.

13. My team lost the match last Saturday. (LOST)

I _______________________________ the match last Saturday.

14. He can be really irresponsble. (ONLY)

If _______________________________ more responsible.

15. I failed my exam because I didn't study enough. (STUDIED)

If _______________________________ more.

16. I missed the concert because I was ill. (BEEN)

I _______________________________ ill.

17. He regrets not accepting your job offer. (HAD)

He _______________________________your job offer.

18. I don't like when my parents enter the room without asking. (WOULD)

I _______________________________ before entering my room.

Beverley Knight hails growing diversity of
theatre audiences
Chris Wiegand

Theatre audiences are becoming more_____________, said the actor and singer Beverley
Knight, who credited the Olivier award-winning musical Sylvia for attracting “people of all
kinds of everywhere”.

a) identical b) diverse c) common d) similar

Knight picked up the prize for best supporting actress in a musical at the Olivier awards
ceremony on Sunday night for her performance as Emmeline Pankhurst in Sylvia, which is
running at the Old Vic in London. “A show like Sylvia makes theatre_____________ ,” she
said. “We are diverse on stage and I love that I look out and see diversity in age, in race and
most likely in [theatregoers’] financial situations, too. I give absolute respect to the Old Vic
for that.

a) practical b) relevant c) accessible d) indifferent

” Theatre, she said, has often been seen as the preserve “of the middle classes and upwards,
dominated by people who are mainly white – and who are older because they’re the ones who
can _____________ it”. Hamilton, whose groundbreaking blending of musical genres and
colour-conscious casting is mirrored by Sylvia, has helped to change that she said.

a) afford b) have time for it c) admire d) despise

Knight applauded the previous work of Sylvia’s director-choreographer, Kate Prince, who
also wrote the book and lyrics. Prince’s company ZooNation “has been making this kind of
theatre for two decades – it’s the culmination of a lot of her hard work”. Knight said that
shows such as the Bob Marley musical Get Up, Stand Up! had also diversified
_____________ and that Six, the musical about Henry VIII’s wives, was “absolutely crushing
it” and bringing in younger audiences. “You cannot stop the march of where theatre is going
and I’m telling you I am so here for it,” she said.

a) audiences b) attendees c) witnesses d) producers

Knight performed twice at the ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall in London and used her
acceptance speech to pay _____________ to Emmeline Pankhurst who had spoken from the
same building more than 100 years ago – and then been banned from returning.

a) attention b) tribute c) compliment d) the price

Like several other winners, including Arthur Darvill (Oklahoma!) and Paul Mescal (A
Streetcar Named Desire), Knight acknowledged those who had nurtured her career. “I got this
award because of good, diligent people who gave up their time, and their money, to get 11-
year-old Beverley on a stage at Wolverhampton Grand theatre to live out her absolute dream
… If it _____________ for Wolverhampton Youth Theatre I wouldn’t be stood here. They
gave me the tools.”

a) due b) thanks c) support d) wasn’t

_____________ participants in youth theatre pursue an arts career or not, the experience
shapes “powerful and confident minds for the next generation”, said Knight. The government
must not think of theatre as “something frivolous”, she added: “You don’t know what the arts
does for kids.”

a) whether b) while c) within d) whereas

The saying "There's no such thing as coulda, shoulda, or woulda. If you shoulda and coulda, you woulda done it" conveys the
idea that actions are the result of choices and opportunities. It dismisses the use of "coulda, shoulda, woulda" as excuses for
not taking action or making different choices in the past.

In other words, it suggests that if you truly had the ability (coulda), the inclination (shoulda), or the desire (woulda) to do
something in the past, you would have actually done it. The saying implies that dwelling on what one "could have," "should
have," or "would have" done is not productive because it doesn't change the fact that the opportunity has passed.

It encourages a forward-looking perspective, emphasizing personal responsibility and the importance of seizing opportunities
when they arise, rather than lamenting missed chances or regrets about past decisions.
Take our quiz to find out whether you’re a Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda or the one who just

goes out and makes things happen.

1. When you get a great idea, you:

A. Immediately think back on all the other great ideas that you’ve had
B. Don’t act
C. Ask yourself why you didn’t think of it a month or two earlier
D. Make it happen

2. Discussing your career with co-workers, the conversation is usually about:

A. All the mistakes you have made that derailed your professional growth
B. How unhappy you are in your current job and how desperate you are for a change
C. Giving up on your dream career for a financially stable career
D. Encouraging them to take action and see possibilities that they may not be able to see
by themselves

3. How much importance do you see in doing versus talking?

A. None at all
B. A little bit
C. Enough to feel sorry you didn’t take action sooner
D. You place a lot of importance in doing what you say you are going to do

4. You hear of a job opening in a company you’ve dreamt of working for. You:
A. Think about how it’s never worked out for you before
B. Feel you don’t deserve it, so you put off applying for the job
C. Conjure up all of the “what ifs” that your mind will allow as you watch the opportunity
slip by
D. Don’t put it off or wait another second. Get it done!

5. When you make a commitment, do you always keep it?

A. No, because in your experience, people don’t really keep promises
B. You start with good intentions, but then, things happen, you know?
C. You realise you shouldn’t have done it, and are experiencing a mix of guilt, inadequacy,
panic and fear.
D. 100% always

6. How much of your to-do list do you accomplish?

A. Nothing, since making lists has never been your jam
B. Very little, because it appears enormous and overwhelming
C. You’ve ploughed through half but are filled with self-reproach that you haven’t done it
D. Almost all the boxes are ticked off

7. You’re mid-way through a project when things start to fail. Your first reaction is:
A. To blame situations and people.
B. ‘I’ll deal with it later’.
C. ‘I never should have signed up for this task’.
D. To focus on action you can take that will move the project forward.

8. When you find out that you’ve been passed over for a promotion, you:
A. Wonder why these things always happen to you
B. Feel disheartened, but make no attempt to understand what went wrong.
C. Think you should have worked harder to achieve it.
D. Try and understand where you went wrong and work on changing it.

9. When you talk about the last great idea you had, your friends react by:
A. Mimicking your words, since this isn’t the first time you’ve walked them down
memory lane
B. Roll their eyes, because they know you’re just rambling
C. They listen half-heartedly because they know the story ends with disappointment.
D. You believe talking about your plans is a waste of time. You just action them.

10. Which of these slogans best describes you:

A. ‘One of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present is to recall happy times
from the past.’
B. ‘If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.’
C. ‘Regrets are idle; yet history is one long regret. Everything might have turned out so
D. ‘Just #GoOutAndBe’

So how did you score? If you’re:

Mostly A’s – You’re a WOULDA

You seem to be a person who likes to dwell on the past. And although our experiences do
help us grow and become stronger, focusing your energies on memories of the past instead
of living in the present could actually be keeping you from success. It’s time you learn
how to let go and focus on the here and now—you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve
when you pursue your goals without the distraction of nostalgia.

Mostly B’s – You’re a COULDA

Whether you’re overwhelmed or striving for perfection, you’re someone with a tendency
to procrastinate. And while there is a school of thought that believes procrastination might
actually be good for you, the fact remains that it has more bad influences on a person’s life
than good. So what’s the best way to break the habit? Identify the specific areas where you
are procrastinating and map out the steps required to achieve your goal.

Mostly C’s – You’re a SHOULDA

Regret is probably a looming presence your life—either because something did or did not
go your way. Today, you’re replaying the scenarios over and over in your head—and want
to be able to rewind time and get a do-over.
But consistently looking behind and wishing for the impossible could be keeping you from
noticing what is right in front of you and making the most of impending opportunities. So
ask yourself what you need to do to support yourself in moving forward.

Mostly D’s – You’re an ACTION person!

We should all aspire to be this type of person who will #GoOutAndBe. You live
completely in the here and now and make informed decisions from one moment to the
next. You don’t brood over consequences for long; you quickly grasp all the relevant facts,
make a pragmatic decision and enforce that decision vigorously. You keep a clear head
even in difficult situations.

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