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‫برائےمهتھلیاسسنهٹ‬ ‫جناعت‬


‫جنوری‬ ‫دسمبر‬ ‫نومبر‬ ‫اکتوبر‬ ‫ستمبر‬ ‫اگست‬ ‫ننبرشنار مضنون‬

Concept of Addition Counting in number Counting in number Counting in Counting in Counting in
and subtraction “51 to 100” with “1 to 50” with numbers “1 to 100” numbers: “51 to numbers: “1 to 50”
number name, number name,
concept of biggest
with number name. 100” with number with number name. ‫راییض‬ .1
Concept of shapes name.
and smallest number.
Revision A to Z Revision N to Z Revision A to M Revision A to Z N to Z: (Recognition A to M (Recognition
(Recognition of capital (Recognition of (Recognition of (Recognition of of capital & small of Capital & Small
and small letters and capital and small capital and small capital and small letters & spellings) letters & spellings)
spellings) letters and spellings) letters and spellings) letters and spellings) Oral: Look and say Oral: Look and say
OR OR Oral: Names of
Oral: Names of .2
Oral: Name of fruits, Colours, Names of
Colours, Names of Names of birds & vegetables
vegetables , Name of animals
fruits, Names of birds
& animals

‫ دو یمشچ "ھ" اک لمکم اامعتسل (ا وجڑ ےک وتڑ ونباںیئ اور وتڑ ےک‬، )‫لمکم رحوف یجہت (آ ات ے‬ )‫رحوفیجہت(آاتے‬ )‫رحوفیجہت(ضاتے‬ )‫رحوفیجہت(آاتص‬
‫ ااعدہ اک اامعتسل‬،‫ نیت اور اچر رحیف وجڑ ونباںیئ‬،‫ دو‬،)‫ "و" ات ے‬، "‫وصتریوں یک اچہپن اور ےنھکل اک وجڑ وتڑ دو رحیف اافلظ "ا‬ ‫وصتریوںیکاچہپن‬ ‫وصتریوںیکاچہپن‬
‫ںیمظنڑپاھںیئ۔‬،‫شیپاک اھکسںیئ‬،‫زری‬،‫رطہقی دو یمشچ "ھ" یک اچہپن اور"ی"ےکاسھت"ے"کت اافلظےکاسھت زرب‬ ‫ےنھکلاکرطہقی‬ ‫ےنھکلاکرطہقی‬
‫ دشتدی( ّ ) اک‬، "‫ زمہہ "ء‬،‫اامعتسل‬ ‫اور آواز اکنانل اور ےنھکل اک رطہقی‬
‫اُردو‬ .3

‫ ونن ہنغ "ں" اک‬،‫اامعتسل‬ ‫اھکسںیئ‬

‫وجتدییاقدعہ‬ ‫وجتدییاقدعہ‬ ‫وجتدییاقدعہ‬ ‫وجتدییاقدعہ‬ ‫وجتدییاقدعہ‬ ‫وجتدییاقدعہ‬ .4
Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic
General General General General General General ‫رنجلانجل‬ .5
Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge

0301-7791033 / 0302-7717971
‫اٹسرسلپپبلیکیشهز‬ ‫۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬:‫سکولنام‬

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